I think that the bar for what is called elderly should be lowered to age 20 not 70. If a person wants to check out on life, then it is their business. No one else's.
I am glad to see so many thumbs up votes for early suicides. I often think this. God, give me deliverance from the forceful do gooders of this world. A person should have the right to refuse help from the government, doctors and other people.
Bravo! I totally agree. We are all about freedom. We say how important it is that we are all free. That is until you try to use it. My life is nobody's business but my own. If you don't want to help me die when I need it I'll find a way to do it myself and you get to clean up the mess.
Jack I agree! I’m honestly ready to leave this earth and have been for a while (I’m 23), I feel like I should have to right end it with dignity and privacy
likely because people in a position of power may start targeting selected individuals in order to make them suicidal. If buying such a pill is very easy and public is not well educated about how to protect themselves against gaslighting, it may end up not very well.
First reason) A country's economic strength increases as its population grows. Its not beneficial for the government to make it easier for citizens to end their lives. Some people even argue that this is the reason why abortion is illegal in many countries. Second reason) A pill resembling common medication, which is lethal when ingested, could potentially be misused for causing harm to others. Unlike poison added to a drink, a pill may offer a more persuasive means of getting the victim to consume it.
Nobody makes the choice to be born into this awful society and cruel human existence yet we deny people the choice to leave it by anything other than cruel means. It's inhumane and ethically unsound. I do not believe that the desire to not be here anymore is the result of a mental illness, I would argue that it's a rational and understandable response to a difficult life.
Thank you so much for your insight. I could not agree with you more. I've been ready for this for quite a while, but need access and a peaceful means to end my suffering here.
It would be a huge weight off my mind if I knew that I could choose when and how I check out. I don't want to be forced to linger on unable to take care of myself and be a huge burden on others.
I loved life before an incompetent physician misdiagnosed me. Then I was forced to have a spinal tap, which was botched; and now I'm disabled. I've lost everything. Now it's over. It's heartbreaking.
I'm sorry. I suffered a bad irreversible transition 5 years ago and am having trouble with the loss of everything that made life worth living. It's like every moment of my life takes monumental effort in mental/spiritual maintenance to continue this life.
This is so sad. A physician done a spinal tap and what did he hit a nerve or disc etc. I can relate i am in serious spinal and nerve back pain. done 12 years rehab and was doing well. A guy with mental health issues asked me for a disguised hug and grabbed my lower back at my fracture and jolted me so hard . Left me with permanent nerve damage...life is over for me too now. I wish my friends would all chip in and help me raise the full funds to travel to sweden rather than watch me waste away physically month by month. I was a really successful car mechanic car restorer and wish i had the savings to go myself now I would love to start a go fund me page ..to raise the cash needed as i am genuinely done now and want to go .but here in the UK it would raise so much issues and problems. Im doing the lotto weekly and 1 draw a week for 10k prize ...if i get that ill be away before i waste away i wont be able to go myself
I'm also disabled. I'm seeing what was supposed to be the golden years of my life passing by while I root in my bedroom. My youth is going away. And I've have not lived yet.
Philip is a rational man of wisdom, someone I'd love to have as a friend who offers us hope, comfort and sanity on this difficult subject. I've followed him for years, belong to Exit, Compassion & Choice and Death with Dignity Oregon. After my M&D passed with extreme difficulty in 2022, I am an even stronger advocate of being able to choose the time of our death. May his wisdom permeate the halls of justice and the seats of government across the globe.
I really respect Dr. Nitschke, since I believe none of us can truely understand the wars we all go through... sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, every aspects of your life is a dead end. I believe the desire of dying should be respected as much as desire for living and the choice of having certain 100% painless death is a priceless knowledge that he is giving us... I really want to die, but don't want to suffer people around me and hurt them. I like his method and I consider to do it. and I really like my family know that I die without pain and actually my pains and suffers ended in that moment... Thank you Dr. Philip Nitschke ! ❤
Bringing age into it is ridiculous. Anyone of any age can suffer greatly. Euthanasia should be available to all 18+ for rational adults. For anybody else, there would need to be a more in-depth decision making process; however, I don't think that would be impossible to setup.
What if depression has a person at there rock bottom.and theres no treatment for them . A person has tried every depression treatment.and are still unable to find happiness. A person that wants to live but are unable .to find a happy life ..they should be assisted to exit this life .
jim Jim I agree a depressed person should be allowed to suicide and assistance shouldn’t be necessary but need to be defined carefully so as to not cross a line of encouraging to die
Agree with you 100%. I am just existing but no longer living a life with any meaning! Some of us have brains that are wired up all wrong and there is nothing out there that can help. It’s the worst thing ever but only those that also suffer understand it’s impossible for anyone else to even begin to. I wish l was gone!
Depression is treatable and in many cases curable. Many people who are suicidal are trapped in a belief that they are not curable and cut themselves off from help because they feel that it is hopeless. Life is about continuing to fight. So many people have recovered from attempted suicide because our society cares enough to say their life is still worth something.
I agree with you as i am of sound mind and clarity , but suffering horrendous secondary depression now from years of chronic spinal fracture pain and now nerve pain and miss my independence and mobility. I have now so much respect for people suffering depression and other mental health conditions and illnesses and it is hidden inside the brain and cannot see a bandage on your head like. People can suffer mental health illness and be of sound mind and clarity.
I am also broken from a traumatic assault on my already damaged spine which i spent 12 years recoverying from. I am now left with horrendous nerve pain and CPTSD and just wish to have my one wish to arrange a VAD in Sweden Not that easy as i need 10k Unreal
Perhaps he refuses to say that only because it would get so much more backlash. People aren't comfortable with the euthanasia of the terminally ill elderly people, let alone healthy young ones. But I absolutely agree with you, I think that everyone should have the right to die peacefully whatever their reasons might be.
Others didn't think of their consequences to making me stay here. So literally that isn't a valid comment. I'd rather have not been born frankly .. would be preferred to never had existed. .. so yes at any point I should be able to withdraw one life if I choose. It wouldn't condemn anyone else's or harm a single soul if that happened. I assure you no one would be affected in the least.
If mental health issues are recognized as disease, same for addiction my question is "why are people not allowed to put an end to their sufferences". I live in Switzerland, and not even here I can exercise my right, my willing to not to continue that way. I'm single, no children no family no job... Why they force me to "get well"? I'm not interested anymore in "to feel a little bit better" taking medication every single day. Doctors agree it's a disease, hospital are full of people in the exactly same situation as myself, insurances spend trillions on this but nobody listen my our opinion. THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOULD BE LISSENT. it makes me feel even worse. Please help me doctor. Hope you read my comment. ❤
I do not belong to anyone other than myself. Age or health are not the factors driving my freedom or decision as to when I choose to die; That unquestionable right is mine alone.
Dear sir, I use translation software to communicate with you. There may be many misinterpretations, but please know that I have respect and thanks. This is a savior-like power for those who wish to die with dignity. Please help us.
I also envy a country that has such a right. Where you can go to your GP and say hey im done of suffering. Rather than go through the motions of chronic spinal pain and nerve pain wasting away Wish i had the money to go to Pegasos i really do. That is my ultimate goal
This is my favorite video. I am tired of all these people who are talking talking about their bereavements like the people who have just committed suicide. They are not the ones who are processing their experiences. If someone dies at their own hands then I am going to say they are in a better post mortem reality.
I wonder if you have ever listened to Philip's speech or are you one of these folks that is totally against euthanasia. Why don't you really hear him. "What good is the gift of life if you can't give it back." Please listen to the tape again without an anti-suicide, anti-euthanasia belief.
Jack I watched the video and I have thought through debates on euthanasia, without ever coming to a firm conclusion. I do think that people should be given options to make life bearable so they don't feel the need to kill themselves. If we don't give people ways to deal with pain, suicide becomes less of a choice and more of a thing they're forced into. Your point was good and helped me think from a perspective I hadn't before. I was simply asking if you were okay. I know that people with depression have more thoughts of death and mat experience a sense of meaninglessness. If this isn't the case, don't worry bro.
@@SageGarlandSingerSongwriter agree totally! Life is a GIFT - not something to be thrown away lightly. If people are in severe, constant physical pain, every day and it can't be alleviated, then those people should have some choice. If people are suffering from depression, they can be reached through counsellors.
My mother was denied anxiety and pain medication by her doctors because 'these drugs might become addictive and/or kill her. Instead, doctors would give her these meds IF she agreed to suicide after she turned 93. My non-terminal mother was executed by her doctors this past January.
He said 15 grams? How about by liquid? Does it matter what weight and size a person is? I would not want to take the drug and have any chest pain or such. I have OD a bit on morphine and the brain buzzes and shuts down but the heart still pumps...then the drug wears off. What should be expected during the process of drinking the medication, quietly falling asleep very quickly afterwards? I wish there was much more explanation and there is no place for this to be found on the website!
15 grams of relatively pure Nembutal mixed with 60ml water is a massively lethal dose regardless of weight or size. Drink it (very bitter) Deep sleep in 5 minutes death typically 30-60 mins
cipro destroy my whole nervous system and body, mitochobdria and the most, complete inability to sleep, sleeping pill not work and now body tortured. drawsy everyday but connection wa gone but paonfull looping head tention, deep spine constricting electric curren and ends with twitches and seizures. there is no life but uts very hard to stop my heartbeats. my bladder spincher obstructed (uti) pain killers dont help.
I'm very conflicted about assisted suicide. On one hand, alleviating suffering and allowing a person to choose their time of passing is a merciful thing. However, having worked in social care, I also know how mercenary and cold families can be when they see their inheritance slipping away to pay for the care of their relatives. I'm not at all sure that there wouldn't be coercion to 'end your suffering' or for the person to be made to feel like a burden, or for them to want their heirs to have as much of their estate as possible and either do the job early, or perhaps have it done for them.
Yes from that angle it would be akin to a legalised murder as you say coercion could be involved especially if mental illness is involved I don’t think this guys opinion that ending own life is a human right That would mean if you found someone for example unconscious in an overdose suicide attempt then you shouldn’t try help them as it would interfere in a right But think most in society would say to help them as many have survived attempts and gone on to rebuild life
I’m going to buy his SARCO machine In a few years to & end it all in a beautiful Greek island. I’m 58 & my beloved darling son took his own life 6 months ago & after living abroad for just a few years I am going to join him in the afterlife which we all go to & continue our life without the interruption of decay, death & suffering. This afterlife surrounds our planet and can be scientifically explained & is our real home. We only incarnate to become evolved but coming here is not for the faint hearted. I certainly do not want to reincarnate for sure! This life has been too much for me. Who wants to return to perhaps be in worse conditions?’!
As an advocate for rational suicide, I feel obligated to say that there is no scientific evidence of an afterlife. In order to rationally suicide, you need to determine if you wish to die based on your circumstances in THIS life, not whatever life might come after. If you’ve not yet died with dignity, then best of luck to you in that endeavor.
I can’t believe the irony it’s ok and at times even praised to bully and coerce someone into sewerslide but giving them a means to do it at their own volition is somehow a big issue in comparison
6 years of painful illness cant work I will be homeless soon I have no family. Doctors cant help for me. Where van I get nembutal please smone help me!
If you still need suggestions, actor Matthew Mindler (supposedly) used sodium nitrate to end his suffering. There's several plus articles about what happened to him online.
I hear you there....stay away from 99pc of online scam near real looking websites claiming to sell pure genuine Nembutal liquid and powder. Have caught so many people. My opinon. Governments should change the law like Canada MAID route. where GP writes script for Nembutal from a chemist. Least you know its the real thing then, Should be allowed to decide when one has had enough of daily suffering and access Nembutal safely through the safe channels and regulated by our governments and GPs. Not much too ask. Only stipulation on people with mental health suffering looking a MAID should be assessed first to determine sound mind and clarity. Which most have and suffer terribly daily
I had Nembutal at one point but my wife made me get rid of it. It was comforting to have had the choice. I saw my dad die a vegetable from Alzheimer's, swore I'd never go through that. Now I'm SOL. Gotta hope for the best --
I have unrelenting tinnitus, vision loss, and hearing loss plus maybe some brain damage due to careless doctors not informing of Neomycin or benzo. I want to end it but scared too, trying to build up courage I have a wife and daughter and things haven't been to well between us. Jus don't wanna hurt them but I don't wanna keep suffering being tortured!!! It is also negatively impacting my finances will be homeless soon.
Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician facilitates a patient’s death by providing the necessary means and/or information to enable the patient to perform the life-ending act. To one end, physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as a healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks. Physicians are expected to uphold the ethical norms of their profession, including loyalty to patients and respect for patient self-autonomy. On the other hand, physicians are moral agents, too, and, like their patients, are informed by and committed to diverse cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions and beliefs. For some, their professional calling is interwoven with their foundational beliefs as persons, and at times the expectation that physicians will put patients’ needs and preferences first may be in tension with the need to sustain moral integrity and continuity across both personal and professional life.
The title sounds wrong the way it’s worded. This isn’t the first time I’ve come across this problem on titles of ted videos. It shouldn’t be why “they should be” but that “they can be issued”
I would sincerely like to try and get something together here in the UK concerning this most important of issues! If anyone can help and or join me in endeavouring to get 'the ball rolling' as it were, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks to all.
Peter Turley - I know this is a late comment and you might not be here, but if you are & still need suggesstions, child actor Matthew Mindler supposedly used sodium nitrate to end his suffering. Not to say it will work but supposedly that's what happened.
Hi Peter I am from the UK i think their is a few different agencies there, but havent had much luck even with a poll done where 85pc of UK residents agree with VAD. Comes down to ethics and pharma companies making money mate
The age bar is important for a nation. We have life so that we continue life- by reproducing, contributing to the economy society learning technology traditions etc. by senior ages we would have had an oppportunity to do that. When a young person dies for any reason we lament “ oh they were just beginning their life had so much potential could have done this, wanted to be this and that”. So we have to protect those lives that is why doctors hurry to save young lives in hard decisions sometimes. When you are older, usually by that time you would have lived your life. And if u die people look back and are thankful for your time on earth. There are always exceptions where death is uneven no matter what, but medicine and families always try to keep young ones living.
I am in Favor of the allowing of suicide solutions ! These Societal -- Political limitations are Outrageous !!, I Agree that this should be a Fundamental Human Right. You should indeed have a personal choice and good options should be readily available. Considering how difficult it is to get all you need, if you are someone who is ready or considering to go through the process, one suggestion I leave to you is that in your meditations that you send a sincere request to the Universe so that these current restrictions may change from the current Disallow and Restrict to, All in one capsule solutions and Easily acquirable. Ending Quotes : " We the people are the ones that together in great numbers may shape the Fate of a Society " " Power to the People " " We make our own Fate "
I would say wait until you're over the age of 55 to end your existence. That way, you have all those years before you're age 55 to be successful and have good relationships and good health. If you have poor quality of life and you are over the age of 55, end your misery and go home to the Light. Nothing is more important than that your Spirit feels good. Peace.
Advocating for the right to die, in my opinion, isn’t productive. Hear me out. I’ve struggled with suicidal tendencies for years, but I’ve pushed through. I had a great day today. I’m happy. If a peaceful, easy way out becomes available, it’ll give at risk individuals a permanent solution to a temporary problem and hurt so many families in the end, no matter the measures we take to prevent this. The goal here isn’t to let everyone die peacefully, while that is important as we reach the end of our lives. No, it should be about giving everyone a good, happy life, and a reason and will to live. Instead of giving (for example) hospital patients with terminal illnesses or those in great physical pain a way out, we should focus more on better treatments, therapy, etc. We are given this life and there’s so much joy to be had here-if peaceful death becomes an easy way to opt out, many will mistakenly give up their life, the very most precious thing, before they are fully done living and experiencing, learning and growing, reaching their full potential, being happy. Even one life lost in vain would make it all not worth it.
Except the government's and healthcare DONT make anything better or easier or even accessible! They don't care about poverty for the disabled or mental healthcare, there are only so many pills and so many people in severe pain with not enough pills now! All the government and healthcare care about is $$$ and that's just the truth...also me tal illness is somehow always stigmatized and misunderstood horribly. The only organ they can't fix and people wonder why it doesn't get better. Think about the brain as the most important organ we have. It's broken and pills change it but don't fix it, therapy costs money or isn't available gets worse hospitals are brutally awful and it's just horrible because family is usually gone and society...it's very sad but they've known about it for decades.
C Tak Don’t be ridiculous. He is on an important mission. He’s not willing others to kill their self. He is advocating for right of choice because he understands wanting to die, he understands suffering and wanting it to end. He knows he will die (don’t you know you will die? ) but he has something to do first.
What a tragedy, this enthusiasm for death. I hope that those who feel lost reach out to others first. In the end, imho an opiate OD seems the easiest way.
Yikes. The fact that people cannot see the slippery slope to this logic and the flaw in trying to objectively define “rational” thinking is very concerning. There are so many people who were at one point suicidal, were stopped, received treatment, and now are happy to be alive. How many people will choose suicide because of “social reasons” due to how our society treats those with mental illness, the elderly or the poor?? Could that really be a “free choice” when there is such injustice? How would this allowance of suicide incentivize society? Will we make society more just or kind to the disenfranchised? Or will it be easier to allow them to end their lives instead of fundamentally changing anything? The real goal should be to make life more just for all people. I think this doctor thinks he is being compassionate by claiming suicide is a “human right”, but he fails to acknowledge we do not live in a vacuum. There are many flaws to his argument and when it comes to life and death, we should exercise extra prudence. I am not convinced his model would create a more humane society.
@@mrsqueaks1154 only considering “choice” without considering powerful social incentives, norms, and how mental illness impacts the brain is insufficient and irresponsible. Choice and autonomy are very important principles, but they are not the only important principles to consider in order to be just, especially when it comes to as serious of a decision as life or death.
@@BryanSmith-bn3wq I’m talking about how unjust systems and issues in society impact “choice”. There is no real choice in a society that treats people living in poverty, with physical illness and mental illness the way we so often do. It takes almost no real effort to offer individuals (often those living in poverty or with serious illness) to end their lives. It requires no real change in our society to try to make it better and more just for vulnerable individuals. Big pharma and others who stand to gain from this want to make us think this is the “compassionate choice” as they get richer and nothing fundamentally changes for disenfranchised people. But let’s continue to only focus on “choice” and “autonomy” without actually looking at the context of our society and who will disproportionately be making these “choices”, and see where it gets us. I think it’s extremely irresponsible when human lives are on the line, but hey, that’s just me.
Baloney! Hospice isn't ordered till you are already dead! Especially when they can't and don't care to find out what you have. If they can't name it, they can't and won't treat it! There is no healthcare anymore! Just assembly line medicine and greed!
Society is cruel expecting us to live on when it's impossible to do so
The government wants control of every life from cradle to grave.
I don’t think we can quantify exactly how much human suffering this man has alleviated.
I think that the bar for what is called elderly should be lowered to age 20 not 70. If a person wants to check out on life, then it is their business. No one else's.
I am glad to see so many thumbs up votes for early suicides. I often think this. God, give me deliverance from the forceful do gooders of this world. A person should have the right to refuse help from the government, doctors and other people.
Bravo! I totally agree. We are all about freedom. We say how important it is that we are all free. That is until you try to use it. My life is nobody's business but my own. If you don't want to help me die when I need it I'll find a way to do it myself and you get to clean up the mess.
Thank you. I gave you a thumbs up.
Jack I agree! I’m honestly ready to leave this earth and have been for a while (I’m 23), I feel like I should have to right end it with dignity and privacy
Why can’t suicide drugs be offered to anyone 18 and above? Why should it only be offered to the elderly? I just don’t get it…
I’d take it
Because you can’t say for sure you’re sane.
likely because people in a position of power may start targeting selected individuals in order to make them suicidal. If buying such a pill is very easy and public is not well educated about how to protect themselves against gaslighting, it may end up not very well.
There would be no one at the bottom to step on, there would be no one to reject, there would be no one left to sh*t on...
First reason) A country's economic strength increases as its population grows. Its not beneficial for the government to make it easier for citizens to end their lives. Some people even argue that this is the reason why abortion is illegal in many countries.
Second reason) A pill resembling common medication, which is lethal when ingested, could potentially be misused for causing harm to others. Unlike poison added to a drink, a pill may offer a more persuasive means of getting the victim to consume it.
Nobody makes the choice to be born into this awful society and cruel human existence yet we deny people the choice to leave it by anything other than cruel means. It's inhumane and ethically unsound. I do not believe that the desire to not be here anymore is the result of a mental illness, I would argue that it's a rational and understandable response to a difficult life.
Thank you so much for your insight. I could not agree with you more. I've been ready for this for quite a while, but need access and a peaceful means to end my suffering here.
Vicki Lynn Exactly... I can’t agree with you more... This world is a mess...
Well put and 100% agreed 👍
Agreed to all of what you said.
@@_S-O-S_ I can't stand pro life Suicide prevention dictators and Clowns, they are the worst
Anybody who wants to end their life whatever their circumstances are should have access to this it’s their choice
I pray that everyone in here will find peace and joy
It would be a huge weight off my mind if I knew that I could choose when and how I check out. I don't want to be forced to linger on unable to take care of myself and be a huge burden on others.
I loved life before an incompetent physician misdiagnosed me. Then I was forced to have a spinal tap, which was botched; and now I'm disabled. I've lost everything. Now it's over. It's heartbreaking.
I'm in the same boat
we don't ask to be born.
I'm sorry. I suffered a bad irreversible transition 5 years ago and am having trouble with the loss of everything that made life worth living. It's like every moment of my life takes monumental effort in mental/spiritual maintenance to continue this life.
This is so sad. A physician done a spinal tap and what did he hit a nerve or disc etc.
I can relate i am in serious spinal and nerve back pain. done 12 years rehab and was doing well.
A guy with mental health issues asked me for a disguised hug and grabbed my lower back at my fracture and jolted me so hard .
Left me with permanent nerve damage...life is over for me too now.
I wish my friends would all chip in and help me raise the full funds to travel to sweden rather than watch me waste away physically month by month.
I was a really successful car mechanic car restorer and wish i had the savings to go myself now
I would love to start a go fund me page ..to raise the cash needed as i am genuinely done now and want to go .but here in the UK it would raise so much issues and problems.
Im doing the lotto weekly and 1 draw a week for 10k prize ...if i get that ill be away before i waste away i wont be able to go myself
I'm also disabled. I'm seeing what was supposed to be the golden years of my life passing by while I root in my bedroom. My youth is going away. And I've have not lived yet.
Philip is a rational man of wisdom, someone I'd love to have as a friend who offers us hope, comfort and sanity on this difficult subject. I've followed him for years, belong to Exit, Compassion & Choice and Death with Dignity Oregon. After my M&D passed with extreme difficulty in 2022, I am an even stronger advocate of being able to choose the time of our death. May his wisdom permeate the halls of justice and the seats of government across the globe.
I really respect Dr. Nitschke, since I believe none of us can truely understand the wars we all go through... sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, every aspects of your life is a dead end. I believe the desire of dying should be respected as much as desire for living and the choice of having certain 100% painless death is a priceless knowledge that he is giving us... I really want to die, but don't want to suffer people around me and hurt them. I like his method and I consider to do it. and I really like my family know that I die without pain and actually my pains and suffers ended in that moment...
Thank you Dr. Philip Nitschke ! ❤
Bringing age into it is ridiculous. Anyone of any age can suffer greatly. Euthanasia should be available to all 18+ for rational adults. For anybody else, there would need to be a more in-depth decision making process; however, I don't think that would be impossible to setup.
at 18 years old you can be called at war to kill other people ......a.nd i can't end my life pecefully??
Belgium has the least restrictions.
I agree with the above speaker. Suicide should be a fundamental human right.
What if depression has a person at there rock bottom.and theres no treatment for them . A person has tried every depression treatment.and are still unable to find happiness. A person that wants to live but are unable .to find a happy life ..they should be assisted to exit this life .
jim Jim I agree a depressed person should be allowed to suicide and assistance shouldn’t be necessary but need to be defined carefully so as to not cross a line of encouraging to die
Agree with you 100%. I am just existing but no longer living a life with any meaning! Some of us have brains that are wired up all wrong and there is nothing out there that can help. It’s the worst thing ever but only those that also suffer understand it’s impossible for anyone else to even begin to. I wish l was gone!
Depression is treatable and in many cases curable. Many people who are suicidal are trapped in a belief that they are not curable and cut themselves off from help because they feel that it is hopeless. Life is about continuing to fight. So many people have recovered from attempted suicide because our society cares enough to say their life is still worth something.
I agree with you as i am of sound mind and clarity , but suffering horrendous secondary depression now from years of chronic spinal fracture pain and now nerve pain and miss my independence and mobility.
I have now so much respect for people suffering depression and other mental health conditions and illnesses and it is hidden inside the brain and cannot see a bandage on your head like.
People can suffer mental health illness and be of sound mind and clarity.
@@carrie-joylloyd5785 I feel you ❤
I don't believe my heart will ever heal here. I am done.
I am also broken from a traumatic assault on my already damaged spine which i spent 12 years recoverying from.
I am now left with horrendous nerve pain and CPTSD and just wish to have my one wish to arrange a VAD in Sweden
Not that easy as i need 10k
Look up dr David burns
forcing us to be in chronic physical/mental pain doesn't make you morally superior !
Satanists want people alive and in pain.
Euthanasia drugs should be issued to younger people too. Please don't discriminate.
Perhaps he refuses to say that only because it would get so much more backlash.
People aren't comfortable with the euthanasia of the terminally ill elderly people, let alone healthy young ones.
But I absolutely agree with you, I think that everyone should have the right to die peacefully whatever their reasons might be.
Maybe you're right. I'm not the one to say. But just remember one thing please - don't throw your life away. It has consequences on others.
Still around?
Others didn't think of their consequences to making me stay here. So literally that isn't a valid comment. I'd rather have not been born frankly .. would be preferred to never had existed. .. so yes at any point I should be able to withdraw one life if I choose. It wouldn't condemn anyone else's or harm a single soul if that happened. I assure you no one would be affected in the least.
Million dollar baby female.boxer manipulated by many too many@@phoenixtoash2396
Suicide drugs should never be restricted to a person over the age of 18.
If mental health issues are recognized as disease, same for addiction my question is "why are people not allowed to put an end to their sufferences". I live in Switzerland, and not even here I can exercise my right, my willing to not to continue that way. I'm single, no children no family no job... Why they force me to "get well"? I'm not interested anymore in "to feel a little bit better" taking medication every single day. Doctors agree it's a disease, hospital are full of people in the exactly same situation as myself, insurances spend trillions on this but nobody listen my our opinion. THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOULD BE LISSENT. it makes me feel even worse. Please help me doctor. Hope you read my comment. ❤
I do not belong to anyone other than myself. Age or health are not the factors driving my freedom or decision as to when I choose to die; That unquestionable right is mine alone.
This speech was really reassuring in fact
Dear sir, I use translation software to communicate with you. There may be many misinterpretations, but please know that I have respect and thanks. This is a savior-like power for those who wish to die with dignity. Please help us.
Google Translate is terrible. It's two different meanings. . .
Not only to elderly people but all people suffering
I also envy a country that has such a right. Where you can go to your GP and say hey im done of suffering.
Rather than go through the motions of chronic spinal pain and nerve pain wasting away
Wish i had the money to go to Pegasos i really do.
That is my ultimate goal
Doctors don't even need to be involved.
This is my favorite video. I am tired of all these people who are talking talking about their bereavements like the people who have just committed suicide. They are not the ones who are processing their experiences. If someone dies at their own hands then I am going to say they are in a better post mortem reality.
Right you are friend.
Are you okay? Hugs! I send my warm energy and love.
I wonder if you have ever listened to Philip's speech or are you one of these folks that is totally against euthanasia. Why don't you really hear him. "What good is the gift of life if you can't give it back." Please listen to the tape again without an anti-suicide, anti-euthanasia belief.
Jack I watched the video and I have thought through debates on euthanasia, without ever coming to a firm conclusion. I do think that people should be given options to make life bearable so they don't feel the need to kill themselves. If we don't give people ways to deal with pain, suicide becomes less of a choice and more of a thing they're forced into.
Your point was good and helped me think from a perspective I hadn't before. I was simply asking if you were okay. I know that people with depression have more thoughts of death and mat experience a sense of meaninglessness. If this isn't the case, don't worry bro.
@@SageGarlandSingerSongwriter agree totally! Life is a GIFT - not something to be thrown away lightly. If people are in severe, constant physical pain, every day and it can't be alleviated, then those people should have some choice. If people are suffering from depression, they can be reached through counsellors.
Society is cruel. All else is consequence.
My mother was denied anxiety and pain medication by her doctors because 'these drugs might become addictive and/or kill her. Instead, doctors would give her these meds IF she agreed to suicide after she turned 93.
My non-terminal mother was executed by her doctors this past January.
He said 15 grams? How about by liquid? Does it matter what weight and size a person is? I would not want to take the drug and have any chest pain or such. I have OD a bit on morphine and the brain buzzes and shuts down but the heart still pumps...then the drug wears off. What should be expected during the process of drinking the medication, quietly falling asleep very quickly afterwards?
I wish there was much more explanation and there is no place for this to be found on the website!
15 grams of relatively pure Nembutal mixed with 60ml water is a massively lethal dose regardless of weight or size. Drink it (very bitter) Deep sleep in 5 minutes death typically 30-60 mins
Sounds good to me. I've been wanting to do myself in for decades, ever since age 17.
BB check his book. the peaceful pill
@@mattgoodman6607 ///// Obtaining this is the trick. Oregon uses Seconol if I am not mistaken.
Matt Goodman what happens in those minutes when asleep and dying? How can we be sure there is no sensation, no pain no nothing?
If people are old enough to give birth, give life same age should also be enough to give their life away.
cipro destroy my whole nervous system and body, mitochobdria and the most, complete inability to sleep, sleeping pill not work and now body tortured. drawsy everyday but connection wa gone but paonfull looping head tention, deep spine constricting electric curren and ends with twitches and seizures. there is no life but uts very hard to stop my heartbeats. my bladder spincher obstructed (uti) pain killers dont help.
I am sincerely sorry for your situation x
Same thing happen to me with an antidepressant
@@r.chavez5513 Pssd? Me too
I'm very conflicted about assisted suicide. On one hand, alleviating suffering and allowing a person to choose their time of passing is a merciful thing. However, having worked in social care, I also know how mercenary and cold families can be when they see their inheritance slipping away to pay for the care of their relatives. I'm not at all sure that there wouldn't be coercion to 'end your suffering' or for the person to be made to feel like a burden, or for them to want their heirs to have as much of their estate as possible and either do the job early, or perhaps have it done for them.
Yes from that angle it would be akin to a legalised murder as you say coercion could be involved especially if mental illness is involved
I don’t think this guys opinion that ending own life is a human right
That would mean if you found someone for example unconscious in an overdose suicide attempt then you shouldn’t try help them as it would interfere in a right
But think most in society would say to help them as many have survived attempts and gone on to rebuild life
I’m going to buy his SARCO machine In a few years to & end it all in a beautiful Greek island. I’m 58 & my beloved darling son took his own life 6 months ago & after living abroad for just a few years I am going to join him in the afterlife which we all go to & continue our life without the interruption of decay, death & suffering. This afterlife surrounds our planet and can be scientifically explained & is our real home. We only incarnate to become evolved but coming here is not for the faint hearted. I certainly do not want to reincarnate for sure! This life has been too much for me. Who wants to return to perhaps be in worse conditions?’!
alison rogerson So much sympathy for your loss
What is this scientific proof of life after ?
As an advocate for rational suicide, I feel obligated to say that there is no scientific evidence of an afterlife. In order to rationally suicide, you need to determine if you wish to die based on your circumstances in THIS life, not whatever life might come after. If you’ve not yet died with dignity, then best of luck to you in that endeavor.
Could you send me the evidences about the afterlife?
Don’t do this.
The sound is very poor.
Brilliant comment. You should be proud.
A little hard to understand ya..but decent Ted Talk..
@@johnmiller7453 lol John
I can’t believe the irony it’s ok and at times even praised to bully and coerce someone into sewerslide but giving them a means to do it at their own volition is somehow a big issue in comparison
6 years of painful illness cant work I will be homeless soon I have no family. Doctors cant help for me. Where van I get nembutal please smone help me!
If you still need suggestions, actor Matthew Mindler (supposedly) used sodium nitrate to end his suffering. There's several plus articles about what happened to him online.
I hear you there....stay away from 99pc of online scam near real looking websites claiming to sell pure genuine Nembutal liquid and powder. Have caught so many people.
My opinon.
Governments should change the law like Canada MAID route. where GP writes script for Nembutal from a chemist.
Least you know its the real thing then,
Should be allowed to decide when one has had enough of daily suffering and access Nembutal safely through the safe channels and regulated by our governments and GPs.
Not much too ask.
Only stipulation on people with mental health suffering looking a MAID should be assessed first to determine sound mind and clarity.
Which most have and suffer terribly daily
Nambutal ,please,i wanna leave ! 🙏
Dr Philip Nitschke I’ve tried to get hold of you I can’t hold my bowels for 7 years I can’t live like this a day longer I’m only 54
If you're capable of travelling, you could apply for a voluntary assisted death in Switzerland
Get the peaceful pill handbook. Everything is in there.
I had Nembutal at one point but my wife made me get rid of it. It was comforting to have had the choice. I saw my dad die a vegetable from Alzheimer's, swore I'd never go through that. Now I'm SOL. Gotta hope for the best --
He's right.
I have prostate cancer and I fear assisted dying in the UK will be to late for me if its not passed in the next couple of years.
I have unrelenting tinnitus, vision loss, and hearing loss plus maybe some brain damage due to careless doctors not informing of Neomycin or benzo. I want to end it but scared too, trying to build up courage I have a wife and daughter and things haven't been to well between us. Jus don't wanna hurt them but I don't wanna keep suffering being tortured!!! It is also negatively impacting my finances will be homeless soon.
chas berg thank you for the reply, I am extremely suicidal, need help just to make it thru the day
John Castle tell me about your fear
Same thing hear man
I'm in the same boat
Damaged from benzos/z drugs
I love 16:50 'Bob had to answer a simple question, Do you want to live or do you want to die? Bob pressed Yes......
Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician facilitates a patient’s death by providing the necessary means and/or information to enable the patient to perform the life-ending act. To one end, physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as a healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks. Physicians are expected to uphold the ethical norms of their profession, including loyalty to patients and respect for patient self-autonomy. On the other hand, physicians are moral agents, too, and, like their patients, are informed by and committed to diverse cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions and beliefs. For some, their professional calling is interwoven with their foundational beliefs as persons, and at times the expectation that physicians will put patients’ needs and preferences first may be in tension with the need to sustain moral integrity and continuity across both personal and professional life.
Physicians don't need to have anything to do with suicide.
i'm done.
The title sounds wrong the way it’s worded. This isn’t the first time I’ve come across this problem on titles of ted videos.
It shouldn’t be why “they should be” but that “they can be issued”
I would sincerely like to try and get something together here in the UK concerning this most important of issues! If anyone can help and or join me in endeavouring to get 'the ball rolling' as it were, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks to all.
Peter Turkey : check out ExitInternational-dot-net. I think they have a chapter in London.
You’re so lucky you guys have beachy head
Peter Turley - I know this is a late comment and you might not be here, but if you are & still need suggesstions, child actor Matthew Mindler supposedly used sodium nitrate to end his suffering. Not to say it will work but supposedly that's what happened.
Hi Peter
I am from the UK i think their is a few different agencies there, but havent had much luck even with a poll done where 85pc of UK residents agree with VAD.
Comes down to ethics and pharma companies making money mate
Low income people would be more on risk. We would lose a lot of workforce
I say age 50 for the drugs or earlier for anyone who is deteriorating physically.
What about 20 year olds in severe mental pain
Are we going to have more young people laying on the railways
@@Triadii Our brains aren't fully developed until around age 25, so that might be a good guideline.
I agree. if I decide to I decide to die. everything just drives me the edge!
I am 45. I live in NJ USA. I pray to die every second. I am in so much pain and I am being abused every day.
Try working in macdonald
I love this video I can't get enough of it.
I really wanted to hear this, and I do apologize but the poor quality of the sound really hurts my ears. :(
Dude your a hero is there a group in the U.K. Which seeks to change the law. We all need to fight to change the law.
Let me know please, I want to get involved as well.
Avram Grant : check out the website of Exit International. I think they have a chapter in London.
How can u
reach this Doctor
The age bar is important for a nation. We have life so that we continue life- by reproducing, contributing to the economy society learning technology traditions etc. by senior ages we would have had an oppportunity to do that. When a young person dies for any reason we lament “ oh they were just beginning their life had so much potential could have done this, wanted to be this and that”. So we have to protect those lives that is why doctors hurry to save young lives in hard decisions sometimes.
When you are older, usually by that time you would have lived your life. And if u die people look back and are thankful for your time on earth.
There are always exceptions where death is uneven no matter what, but medicine and families always try to keep young ones living.
I'm 62. I'm ready.
How can one access this ?
i agree with Philip Nitschke
I am in Favor of the allowing of suicide solutions !
These Societal -- Political limitations are Outrageous !!, I Agree that this should be a
Fundamental Human Right. You should indeed have a personal choice and good options
should be readily available. Considering how difficult it is to get all you need, if you are someone
who is ready or considering to go through the process, one suggestion I leave to you is that in
your meditations that you send a sincere request to the Universe so that these current restrictions
may change from the current Disallow and Restrict to, All in one capsule solutions and Easily acquirable.
Ending Quotes :
" We the people are the ones that together in great
numbers may shape the Fate of a Society "
" Power to the People "
" We make our own Fate "
Modern Kavorkian.
i contend with the biased qualifier of “rational”
I agree completely. Grandma has been getting on my damn nerves, and she never knows which pills are which.
You're going to murder your grandmother?
I would say wait until you're over the age of 55 to end your existence. That way, you have all those years before you're age 55 to be successful and have good relationships and good health. If you have poor quality of life and you are over the age of 55, end your misery and go home to the Light. Nothing is more important than that your Spirit feels good. Peace.
Law is not perfect.
Its funny your allowed to have an abortion though The baby has no rights
Now that they’re taking away abortion rights is another reason peaceful suicide is the solution
Wir stecken Sie dann auch mal in so eine Kiste!😂😂😂
Spanish translation please, the video
Can't tell if all the positive comments on here are from suicidal people, compassionate deep thinkers, or depopulationists.....
lets do it
Advocating for the right to die, in my opinion, isn’t productive. Hear me out. I’ve struggled with suicidal tendencies for years, but I’ve pushed through. I had a great day today. I’m happy. If a peaceful, easy way out becomes available, it’ll give at risk individuals a permanent solution to a temporary problem and hurt so many families in the end, no matter the measures we take to prevent this. The goal here isn’t to let everyone die peacefully, while that is important as we reach the end of our lives. No, it should be about giving everyone a good, happy life, and a reason and will to live. Instead of giving (for example) hospital patients with terminal illnesses or those in great physical pain a way out, we should focus more on better treatments, therapy, etc. We are given this life and there’s so much joy to be had here-if peaceful death becomes an easy way to opt out, many will mistakenly give up their life, the very most precious thing, before they are fully done living and experiencing, learning and growing, reaching their full potential, being happy. Even one life lost in vain would make it all not worth it.
Some problems aren't temporary though
I agree with you so much!
Except the government's and healthcare DONT make anything better or easier or even accessible! They don't care about poverty for the disabled or mental healthcare, there are only so many pills and so many people in severe pain with not enough pills now! All the government and healthcare care about is $$$ and that's just the truth...also me tal illness is somehow always stigmatized and misunderstood horribly. The only organ they can't fix and people wonder why it doesn't get better. Think about the brain as the most important organ we have. It's broken and pills change it but don't fix it, therapy costs money or isn't available gets worse hospitals are brutally awful and it's just horrible because family is usually gone and society...it's very sad but they've known about it for decades.
@@JEBBY123IFY 👏👏👏👏👏
Your experiences are not everyone's experiences.
Just sad
i agree with this elder. he should be the first to take this drug.
C Tak Don’t be ridiculous. He is on an important mission. He’s not willing others to kill their self. He is advocating for right of choice because he understands wanting to die, he understands suffering and wanting it to end. He knows he will die (don’t you know you will die? ) but he has something to do first.
Всем привет!
Cf Jean Liberté, Manifeste pour un droit au suicide indolore
You first Phil.
Dr. Can you help me I'm in philippines
He should take some himself.
What a tragedy, this enthusiasm for death. I hope that those who feel lost reach out to others first. In the end, imho an opiate OD seems the easiest way.
Yikes. The fact that people cannot see the slippery slope to this logic and the flaw in trying to objectively define “rational” thinking is very concerning. There are so many people who were at one point suicidal, were stopped, received treatment, and now are happy to be alive. How many people will choose suicide because of “social reasons” due to how our society treats those with mental illness, the elderly or the poor?? Could that really be a “free choice” when there is such injustice? How would this allowance of suicide incentivize society? Will we make society more just or kind to the disenfranchised? Or will it be easier to allow them to end their lives instead of fundamentally changing anything? The real goal should be to make life more just for all people. I think this doctor thinks he is being compassionate by claiming suicide is a “human right”, but he fails to acknowledge we do not live in a vacuum. There are many flaws to his argument and when it comes to life and death, we should exercise extra prudence. I am not convinced his model would create a more humane society.
Your body your choice. Autonomy.
@@mrsqueaks1154 only considering “choice” without considering powerful social incentives, norms, and how mental illness impacts the brain is insufficient and irresponsible. Choice and autonomy are very important principles, but they are not the only important principles to consider in order to be just, especially when it comes to as serious of a decision as life or death.
Other people's lives are not yours to live.
@@BryanSmith-bn3wq I’m talking about how unjust systems and issues in society impact “choice”. There is no real choice in a society that treats people living in poverty, with physical illness and mental illness the way we so often do. It takes almost no real effort to offer individuals (often those living in poverty or with serious illness) to end their lives. It requires no real change in our society to try to make it better and more just for vulnerable individuals. Big pharma and others who stand to gain from this want to make us think this is the “compassionate choice” as they get richer and nothing fundamentally changes for disenfranchised people. But let’s continue to only focus on “choice” and “autonomy” without actually looking at the context of our society and who will disproportionately be making these “choices”, and see where it gets us. I think it’s extremely irresponsible when human lives are on the line, but hey, that’s just me.
Life is a gift given by God 🙏 amen. Also we do not let people suffer at the end of life. That is why hospice exists...
Baloney! Hospice isn't ordered till you are already dead! Especially when they can't and don't care to find out what you have. If they can't name it, they can't and won't treat it! There is no healthcare anymore! Just assembly line medicine and greed!
Hospice really?
Lmao, I've seen at least three loved ones pass through hospice care. None of them were without suffering.
Hospitals and the medical sector is no holy solution.
Cf Jean Liberté, Manifeste pour un droit au suicide indolore