Hi Gugut host! great episode. I am concerned about your views I want you to grow. But as I seen you your background is technology which is very small community which will not sustain you to continue stronger for future. I suggest you be more diverse perspective include hosts of non-technology background as some people call it "street smart" and don't afraid to dig up bit challenge the guest on some topics that might scratch your back of your head. Ps I am tech guy and I hear your references to tech I understand them, but I know from experience it's just confusing for non tech people.
we can also find laws from house of peoples representatives website archive, federal supreme court website and also some laws from ministry of justice websites
Selam, ሰላም | ስለ ህግ አለሙ አሪፍ ነገር አግኝቼበታለው ። Thank You! Gugut
ኧራ እስቲ ሻልሙኝ i'm your loyal follower from the beginning
The topic betam interesting slehone the time doesn't feel like it's long...bertu
Hi Gugut host! great episode. I am concerned about your views I want you to grow. But as I seen you your background is technology which is very small community which will not sustain you to continue stronger for future. I suggest you be more diverse perspective include hosts of non-technology background as some people call it "street smart" and don't afraid to dig up bit challenge the guest on some topics that might scratch your back of your head. Ps I am tech guy and I hear your references to tech I understand them, but I know from experience it's just confusing for non tech people.
Thank you 🙏 Arif engida nebr
ideas are simple and entertaining in ብቱሮስ😃በርታ💪🏼!!.z best podcast.
WOW Naol!
Wow bthame dase yamele koyeta naber
Selam. Love your podcast. Keep It Up!
Thanks for listening
So how many of us downloaded medium because of this?
good episode
My favourite podcast . Bertu
we can also find laws from house of peoples representatives website archive, federal supreme court website and also some laws from ministry of justice websites
Giveaway kalea lenea setoye guys big fun!!!
Missed Biruk
Count me in for the art 🎨
were is brook belhu😮
Naol 🙌
I wand follow him can you guys recommend his channel please ❤
አለም አቀፍ ህግ ሀገራት የሚመሩበት የሚግባቡባት ህግ ነው፡፡ ልክ አንድ ሀገር ምትዳደርበት ህግ እንዳለ ሁሉ የአለም ሀጋራት የሚግባቡበት ህግ ነው፡፡ በሁለት ሀገር ዜጎች መካከል የንግድ አለመግባባት ቢፈጠር ፡ የአለማችንን ባህር አጠቃቀም ፡ሰፔስ አተቃቀም......ወደ ፖለቲካው ብቻ ወሰድከው፡። ለምሳሌ ዲፕሎማት የማይፈተሹት በአለም አቀፍ ህግ Diplomat immunity
wow yabede new
selam 🔥
selam gugut
ለኔ ሰልሙኝ Please 🙏😊
selam gugt
abo lene jebugna beka am big fan
Now a days የኢትዮጲያ ወታደር ሌላ ሃገር ሄዶ ሰላም የሚያስከብረው የሚሞተው for the sake of money ነው ፡በገንዘብ ነው የሚገዙህ 😂 በፊት ክብር ነበረው ያ ክብር ቦታ ያሰጥሃል ።
ተተ.. ተብታባ
አንተ ቀጣፊ እነ ኔታይናሙ በICC ተከሰዉ የሉ?
ዩብልፅግና ቡችላ