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Inside The Most Barbaric Texas Jail | Dallas County Jail, Texas, USA | Free Doc Bites
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.พ. 2025
- Inside The Most Barbaric Texas Jail | Dallas County Jail, Texas, USA | Shorts Documentary
The Dallas County Jail in Texas - a supersized facility with beds for 7,100 inmates. There, inmates brought in for anything from minor crimes to serial killing await their court dates. Up to 300 new arrivals come in per day. The biggest threat in the prison? Turf wars. With the surplus of inmates, there is less space to divide up between them, leading to relentless gang warfare.
The series accompanies guards on their daily routines: those who struggle to maintain law and order and those who abuse their powers mercilessly. But above all, each episode allows the viewer to see the world from the prisoner’s point of view: the newcomer spending his first terrifying night locked up. Felons who live for the day when their fate will be decided: will it be life behind bars? A worse fate? Foreigners, far away from home, languishing away under the most horrendous conditions. And mothers who have to raise their children in the shadow of prison bars.
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When your life is not the best, you watch these prison documentaries and you realize it could be 10 times worse and you should be very blessed to have the little things you have in your life and being free to do what you want
These videos are great reminders for me to not commit crimes... and the food inside sucks as well, or so I've heard.
thank you
I watch these videos when I think my life is hard or stressful and it all goes away after watching these documentaries. The freedom we have is truly a blessing. Didn’t expect to get this many likes and comments hope everyone is well stay blessed. peace and love 🫶
Dude right!!!!
We’re doin something right at least.
Amen! 🙏🏼🤍
Exactly bro bro … I thought my life is bad here lol
I watch these videos 'cause I did a couple bids in Canadian prisons and like to remember how much better it is up here when a guy is inside
Freedom is Everything
Imagine not having a lawyer for a murder case but having a public defender and in top of that his name is mr. broccoli
I like broccoli 🥦 😋
We not supposed to be laughing rn 😂
@@123321kelly yes we are 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Calmly speaking to a judge and accepting a 20 year sentence is absolutely mind blowing. I’m 40 life hasn’t been what I expected but as long as I have my freedom I’ll always have hope.
While having Public Defender Broccoli handle your case
@@underclashe’s no Saul Goodman that’s for sure
There's guys who have deals on the table for 200yrs. I was in TDC with a guy who got 45 for manslaughter and it was his first ever offense. He was 42yrs old at the time.
Murder carries a 5-99yr sentence in Texas. That kid took the 20 knowing he will come up for parole in about 8-10
Sometimes, I think I have big problems in my life. Then I go to my bathroom to take a dump and get a shower without another dude 3 feet away from me. To top it all off, I lay down on a real mattress, turn the light off, and go to sleep without any interruptions. Don't take these things for granted
Funny how I dream about that only the man of my dreams doesn't seem to exist.
Staying out of prison is the first step toward being a successful person.
Don't forget the refrigerator.
On your own schedule too
I don't and it keeps me from k*lling people. 😂😂😂
"One of the toughest prisons in the world.." The most used line for EVERY damn prison documentary on TH-cam. 😅
None compare to the chain gang of the past.
Harris County Jail where Houston is at is worst than Dallas County Jail.
Harris and Dallas County jails are in the top 10 in terms of population.
LA County is the largest county jail in America and by far the worst. Then Rikers, then Harris then Cook where Chicago is.
Not even a prison Dallas has like 4 or 5 jails
@@lionelplummer Sooo, we're supposed to be ashamed of that? Tf?
@@lionelplummerI’ve done a night..am I cool?
It's crazy how you can look someone in the eyes and have a pretty friendly conversation and then you remember the horrific things they've done.
Lies again? Phone Stalker Jail Prison
The more you learn about human nature, the less crazy it seems.
Right and that's exactly what people see when looking at Joe Biden and Crooked Hillary those shark dark eyes.
@@Avogadros_number I think it's the opposite.
Most humans are chacteristically layered.
They have the ability to charm or con, depending on the frequency they've aligned with you.
I hope the guy who lost the 8th month old is doing ok.
You hear that, and seeing him in jail... dude clearly needed help, not prison. I just don't think it's unreasonable to say those losing a child would drive someone to a dark enough place to do heroin, and I doubt that it would ever get better from incarceration.
@@tysquirt111 I genuinely felt sorry for the guy. Here's a guy that wants to turn his life around, went through a tough time, coped with it the wrong way, and now he's being punished for it. It's a good thing he has such a good spirit, because most people in that position would become bitter and cynical. Guys like that don't belong in prison, they need rehab. Really sad
@@ForeverintheQThat we know of. But yes, I hope both are doing ok.
that man should not be in prison. no matter how you cut it.
@gdkp1380 depending on his crimes. Don't be so quick to assume hos charges are that simple
I love ending my nights watch these stories with my cat and a reminder to never take what you have for granted.
Jesus Is Lord
Amen and never to do nothing that's going to put you in prison
I definitely appreciate and enjoy my freedom and will never take it for granted.
" w my cat " 😂💙
I went to school with that kid Jesse. It’s wild to see someone that you interacted with a such a young age && then to see them in jail is MIND BLOWING . May God have mercy on his soul…
Yea it’s crazy I just seen a dude I went to high school with rode the same bus and had some classes with come out on the news got sentenced to 60 years in prison for killing an old couple in a drive by
he packin down there? ;)
@@PJ-sv4iwwhat you mean lol
I was in this jail briefly in 2006. Even back then it was a terrifying place to be. You better believe I straightened myself up after that
Good for you my man. Im a parole officer. One thing that makes me endures this job is the times when i see my parolee went on and changed for good.
@@mulder801 most of the time we get it. Once was more than enough. Hopefully by Xmas I will be celebrating filing the paperwork to expunge the arrest
I know you! You're Michael Dumpwater. You were there for lighting a state trooper on fire? Crazy case.
@@noway9880 what??? Lol no. And who is actually named dumpwater lol
Then why does the USA have so high recidivism?
Dude is a coward. Killing an innocent female because he was drunk. Straight P.O.S
@damiencass8156a woman is vulnerable like a child they should be kept home
@damiencass8156 smh, what a cringe comment.
“I blacked out” complete lie
@damiencass8156prefer it be nobody you goof.
I was a guest of the Dallas County Jail back in 2004 for 4 days. Those were the worst 4 days of my life. I cannot imagine doing 20 years like that dude got. I was out of place and felt it. It was really loud all the time and all I heard all day from the inmates was bragging about all the meth they cooked and all the dope they moved. This one dude was able to sneak his cell phone in or they missed it when he was searched and he thought he was cool. He was setting up drug deals right there in jail. Nothing but clowns!
I was there for three months in 1979. I made friends with the tank boss so I had no trouble. On the way to my cell block the guards were dragging a guy down the hall and he wouldn't stop screaming. He got whacked with a billy club and I'll never forget the three or four teeth on the floor and him bleeding out of his mouth like crazy. We had fifteen in our block. 5 am wake up so we could do nothing all day. Scary place but the guards where generally okay as long as you didn't get in their face and you were polite.
I worked for10 years with the Texas prison system. As a paramedic. I've seen it all. The day I retired, I think was the most relieved of them all.
Would you prefer the inmates to be IN or OUT of prison. Set free. Would your feel that your family will be safe? Your daughter? Your son?
@@ladybug591The last sentence explicitly answered everyone of your questions.
@@ladybug591what kind of idiotic questions are those?
bless you! I was offered a job as a prison nurse but declined. didn't think it was for me. enjoy retirement!
No matter how frustrated or unhappy I may become in life, I watch videos like this and count my blessings. At least I can say that I’m not locked up and I didn’t do something that may have irreversibly altered the course of my life from a legal standpoint due to a poor decision (or string of poor decisions) that I made. At least I can say I’m free. Some of the guys in these videos may never taste freedom ever again. All the more reason to make the most out of each day.
Dude is regretful that he disappointed his family, but not so much for the woman he murdered. I’m not surprised.
Throw away the key, he’s trash.
At least he has some regrets....
Bro, the only thing that “man” is disappointed in is the fact he got caught.
His face shows he’s had a long, harsh life.
@@tm13tubecan't say I knew their family in person, they were my neighbor
Mr. Broccoli was his public defender 🥦😂
' ! 🤔 ? John Worthman ' Comes to Mind ' ! " Worth Less ' Worth Man ' High Flying ' Con Man ' at Your ' Public ' Service ' ! ???
It’s my job I can’t help it
@@BroccoliHead7 late response Russian bot 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@leetraviusmckay314 I’m not Russian. And I’m not a bot either. Sorry
When Mr. Broccoli is defending you it's game over!
He'll never went to see or eat broccoli ever again then again he probably won't.. Its not part of prison food vegetables 🥦
@@NjoyTheeJourneyjust yor pusy
Name sounds straight up out of rick and morty
Handing out 20 year sentences like it’s an ice cream
20 years is light for that in Texas
Guy was smart - Get got 5 years off his sentence!
@@sumralltt yah real smart, hes going to prison.
Our government does not value civilians. If these guys were military police or fbi they’d be excused.
3:35 I have NEVER heard that before. Dude's got an Indian accent AND a Texas accent at the same time. That's actually amazing. I never thought you could have two accents but it makes sense.
Yeah mixed accents are a thing, just hard to pick up on. Its usually from all immediate family having one accent but the society you grow up in having a different one. That or parents with two different accents the person will lean towards whichever the one the culture around them has.
Im Texan but live in Ireland because my wife is Irish. We are expecting our first child now and I cant wait to see what they sound like lol
I have met a Chilean who spent a LONG time in Australia. Have never heard an accent like his before. If someone asked me to describe it, I would have NO idea how to. It was unlike any I have ever heard and he quickly ran through words like a Brit does, ending each word with surgical precision. Fascinating to hear.
PS: if I ran into him again, I'd thank him for introducing me to Australian and Chilean wines. They are VERY good for the price. I have a slight preference for those from the Barossa Valley, which is in Australia. Great wines from that region. And Chilean wines are also fruity without letting the alcohol overpower them.
My husband was a DPD officer in SE division and went to Lew Sterrett on nearly a daily and he said it had a wickedness to it that you could feel in your bones.
Scary isnt it? I had an Uncle for StLouis PD in the 90s. my dad and other uncle are retired PD and my cousin is current PD. scary what they have to protect us all from
I did time in Harris County jail it's tuff in there
All proud of himself because he was on the news. Unbelievable how some people don't think. Make no mistake there is a very dangerous inmate next to you in that prison that will one day will come to see you because he wants to be on the news too you have nowhere to hide.
Yeah, that is a large part of why high profile prisoners are segregated…as inmates with little to lose see attacking that person as a ticket to their 15 minutes of fame. Also, crimes that make the news tend tend to be particularly outrageous ones, such as those against groups even other criminals think it’s wrong to victimize (kids, an elderly woman).
Go study human psychology
Make no mistake it's a different world prison life. You I can see have no understanding of a harden criminal that has nothing to live for that's waiting for his target.
so why tf you think that killer wont fight back or kill another inmate? are you dumb for real lmao@@dontcare9689
He just confessed to killing that innocent woman on video. He’s where he belongs.
Hes already been charged bruh
@@neddieskull6715Charged not convicted
He got 33 years.
Disagree. He belongs six feet under.
That man went through the drive thru court for the quick 20 geesh lol
He is so proud of being on the news . What a train wreck of a world this is..
He will be forgotten in a week
I think he’s just happy he gets separated from the other prisoners for his protection.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem so bad
Ya know for real
Why are these crooks being fed regularly? Some of their meals seem better than the average Joe can afford. They should be working their butts off, not fattening them up.
Dallas county jail is horrible.i have an experience as a teenage girl.i had run away from my abusive step father when i was 15 and they found me in Dallas.The police took me to this jail.Not jdc .it was horrifying the male guards watched me shower and change .i slept on a cot on the floor with 20 grown women who obviously had committed way more serious crimes then me a 15 yr old run away.The food was mush and mold .the toilet had huge roaches crawling out of the toilets.They kept me there for 3 days while Ga.sent a detective to come get me to fly me back to Atlanta.I will never forget this experience ever and im almost 54 now.
You’re an amazing woman!😍
count ur blessings ur alive
lol don’t even try comparing the women’s to the men’s jails lol
Damn that was 39 years ago.That has jailed has changed since then.The city of Dallas shut 3 jail buildings down and built 1 big 4 story jail.The women's jail is on the 4th story.That jail sucks even more now.
@@erod235you are too! lol
My therapist who’s worked with inmates say inmates r highly manipulative. I’ve also noticed so many of them from other documentaries say they r innocent/wrong place wrong time (no accountability) also the cell phones get in there by the guards (sold at a significant profit) a lot of these inmates get hooked on drugs I’m assuming to pass the time and or already use drugs to begin with. Most of these men are all the same.
now they have ways of making a home made liquor and even synthetic marijuana and YES most if not all contraband comes from the guards...
@@russmanZ34absolutely! Everything is from the guards.
@@Gfysimpletons There are a few prisons in my area that have had a lot of contraband brought in with drones, and I think its fairly widespread in other places too.
They usually smoke k2(spice) . It’s much cheaper than weed and it can completely reck you just off one hit . I remember my friend said he tried it when he was 16 and never again . And if I was locked up I’d definitely be getting hig
Wow - one female guard to 60 plus male inmates… that’s completely insane ☠️
True true
That's how it is bruh
@@Mr.leek84 damn I figured fer at most maybe five peeps there would be a gaurd.
@@bsanchez3563That's a tough job. Not a lot of people beating down the door to work at a prison. I worked at one for 5 years...best day ever getting hired elsewhere.
In California, I’d have about 120 per unit. Treat them with some respect and don’t back down, ever, and they’ll respect ya.
I live here in Dallas and I remember the first time I ever stepped foot in that place at 19…last trip there was at 25 after serving 14 months in state I made my decision at 25 to go on the straight and narrow. Jail, prison, or state is no place for anybody. My brothers choose wisely and separate yourselves from the bs
Been in and out of that place 17 times.. I'm so glad I ain't living like that anymore
So you refused to learn the first few times.
sooner or later it sinks in right?
I used to work intake at Lew Sterrett (Dallas County Jail). I never worked in the actual jail part, since i was book-in, but we saw our fair share of madness and mayhem. When I was working there, the Texas 7 were in the North Tower. I personally searched and booked in a really famous rapper from the early to mid nineties. dude had $27k in his pockets
Who was the rapper? Give some hints.
Curtis Blow or Vanilla Ice? Lol 😆
I'm gonna go with CB. RVW was stealing car radios and getting knocked out for it at parties in or near his hometown.. so I've heard.. CB was beyond stealing "car radios"
$27k ? 😄
If he was of note you would have said who it was.
For instance, I was having a drunk breakfast at the Hard Rock Casino in Vegas at like 6am after a night of partying and heard a distinguished voice behind me, and it happened to be M.C. Hammer and his crew. I turned around and said hi on my way out and he just briefly acknowledged me. It was pretty cool since I was literally the seat behind him the whole time, probably 1-2 feet away for almost an hour.
Then, just a month later, I saw Floyd Mayweather Jr walking through the Mirage. I was also just a foot away from him, could have accidentally bumped into him.
And when I was a table busser back in college, I bussed the table of Sigfried, of Sigfried & Roy. I actually had a chat with him for a minute about what hes up to these days and showed my appreciation for him as he was a regular in our restaurant, and he gave a pretty fine tip that day which I remember telling my friends about as I bought a bag of weed with it, telling them this is money from Sigfried LOL.
See how telling a story works? You dont leave out the most important detail.
The Texas 7 changed the system throughout Texss.
The entire state became terrified.
20 in 2 minutes...lost generation. Glad I longer work in this field. Pray for those who still do!
If he actually behaves he will still likely spend over half his life free
Is that mandatory 20 years? The 20 years should be if he has good behavior, infractions should extend his sentence.
Should have asked 12 at 25 offer. Settle at 17 years plus 150 of canteen credit
They need to start showing these docs in school again. Need to let these youngsters know that life is way to valuable to end up in jail.
Some people are missing the part of their brain that understands consequences. you can show them this stuff all day long and they won't get it.
Cell phones, just install signal jammers. My cousin is a CO in our county prison and they have jammers in that prison. Even the officers can't have cell phones, he said his favorite thing is when the have fights break out, the CO's just open door flaps and start shooting in pepper balls and they even have pepper ball shotguns.
Love how the first genius was " on the news" Damn ! Props
Yea and that was his local news. Wait til he finds out he’s featured in free doc bites or whatever this channel is called. It’s more than the 115 senior citizens who watched him in their recliners lol.
Wen through that unit when was teenager back in 90's, before going to Huntsville and onto permanent unit. Saw horrible things was very shocking traumatic experience. Almost 50 now still haunts me to this day changed me forever.
It was meant to change people. Good luck.
Where in Huntsville? What unit?
What happened? What you see? My friend was in the hole and said he hear screaming and crying all night (string grown men breaking down)
@@crystalgee88 Ive been in the hole here and yeah some of my neighbors in solitary that I couldnt see were on drugs or insane. Screams, yelling, talking to themselves, etc.
That second trustee is my best friend and since then hes been in and out of prison several times since this taping. He says its just not worth it, but he kept on doing it (selling drugs) despite him having a real good job-he didnt need the income. Some of these criminals just get addicted to the thrill and power of being a drug dealer. Hes currently in Federal Prison awaiting trial on yet another drug selling charge. Hes now 50 and may not be out of jail till hes in his 70's....what a wasted life. Its really sad to see this documentary.
BRO ACCEPTED 20 YEARS he finna be 39 when he get out bruh 😭🤦🏾♂️
What a wasted of time,but remember he killed somebody son that’s painful too
Sometimes it's hard to understand why jail is not a deterrent against crime.
Yes is true...
I wryte from Italy , your name is from origin Italian correct ?
@@giansala7409 yes it is 😉
@@donniecatalano Hi , so if you were born in America you certainly know which part of Italy your parents or grandparents came from ?
Greetings from Milano !
@@giansala7409 I have a bit of a weird family history... Mostly from Veneto in recent history
@@donniecatalano i understand , by any chance did they speak to you in Italian at home , so you speak a little or not at all ?
Like how the first dude is all chill with it like he’s getting out anytime soon😢 what a shame to waste a life 21 dam man
Because think about it……..what tf else can you do or say? Nothing m. So make the best out of it and I guess he’s accepted his reality. No sense in crying everyday it’s done.
@@MiaMya396 you say that but the reality of being in a cell every day really starts doing something to a man it changes you .sitting there looking at the wall all day you try to read but you can’t do that all day you’ll be lucky to have a tv but if not your out of luck if you don’t have a cell mate that’s even worse for some people , humans are naturally social creatures if we are isolated for long periods of time it has negative effects on our mental health after you get out , if you get out most of the time you lose all social skills
He wasted 2 lives: his own and the woman he murdered.
@@karenbloomfield3751 Well he chose his own fate . He’s lucky he’s in the USA other countries they would have the trial the same day as the execution if he’s found guilty
Has anyone ever noticed that the guys with the dollar sign tattoo don't have any money.
Hes as broke as a 3000 year old mummy from Eqypt
Must be a life goal
Of course he has $. Its on his body!
it's cool to go to jail in the hood, Jail is glorified in rap music which a lot of inmates seem to love and are molded by it.
What a great system.
Ahh yes, who could forget NWA's classic single "Jail Is Really Fun Guys, Just Trust Me"?
@LAVATORR Have you ever Heard sitting in the Harris County Jail?
Good ol days
Ive been to Dallas county jail. It was the scariest jail ive ever been to. Everything that was said is true. True evil lurks inside that place man.
' ! 🤔 ? Scary
@@tinavifquain6958you aint never been there lol
@tinavifquain6958 I can say la county jail was the mosr violent I've been in the gangs are crazy
You have no idea what prison life is like till you see it. I see it everyday and it is heartbreaking. One mistake can land you a lifetime behind bars.
I love to click on TH-cam and find a channel I haven’t heard of or subscribed to like this!!! Thank you ❤️
"One of the toughest prisons in the world!" Shows guys laying around watching a flat screen tv.
I find it funny the guards searching couldn't find anything. Man lots of hiding spots that they don't know about lol
And correction officers seem to be involved and help the inmates side step the rule’s sometimes.
The phone was probably up one of the inmates' butt hole 😂
Oh I know and It seem u may know or have been a tourist as I was or you just watch stuff it's one of them
I spent 37 years in prison and i'm 28. It was so difficult. The food in prison was gruel sandwiches, gruel omelets, and nothing but gruel. The worst thing about prison was the Dementors.
i did solitary for 6 days once. felt like 6hrs. time froze.. didn’t think of nothing & no one.. time just froze. reading a book was like stepping into the book, like some time warp shyt. no mattress, just a blanket for the cold, i forgot what food was.. that was the last time i was arrested for anything.
The skit with the SRT was interesting. Why would they wear body armor but no helmet or facemask? Not even eye protection. I call BS.
A female working inside a men's state prison is absolutely insane. Not a matter of if, but when she will be assaulted.
S/B restricted to administrative duties. Their ego's and stubbornness will get them hurt. Many have children, how crazy is that?
A good majority of those kids will grow up and repeat the cycle. Wholesome to say they can break it; but we become what we are exposed to in childhood.
When you're having a bad day just be glad you're not a trustee
U just know that phone went upa butt😂
You wild yo!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
More likely up a sleeve of a CO
Thats why I stay on the straight and narrow. And stay away from people in general as they can cause problems that can lead you straight here.
I can't imagine eating that slop, being confined 24/7 with psychotics murderers, con artists, rapists etc.
Can't get a decent coffee, go to show or go for a walk on the beach.
The judicial system is far from perfect. Whomever can’t afford a defense attorney, will get someone like Mr. broccoli.
Don’t skip on the vegetables kids. It can save you 5 years on your sentence. But not 8 lol 😂
Freedom is a wonderful thing
I was a trustee at that exact same jail on the laundry squad. Everything they're saying is true.
Have fun in their boys! I hope you have a wonderfull time inside.
As a former state CO and Sergeant, inmates are not brought to PC (admin seg) if they get on the news. He PC’d up and he’s putting on a show for anyone watching.
Craziest part of this whole video is dude named Mr. Broccoli
He looks mad about it too 😂
I've been in jail, prison all over texas. It's more civilized in there than it is out here most of the time. Been to Dallas to, not barbaric. I'm off parole in 18 months, for 'robbing' $135. 14 years. Justice. Yall keep ya head up, it'll get better.
I feel awful for the man that lost his unborn child and turned to heroin. i pray he’s doing better now 💯
My greatest fear in life has always been ending up in prison. Luckily for me I CHOOSE not to commit crime so the chances of that are pretty slim. But watching these type of docos makes me extremely grateful for my ordinary free life in suburbia with my dogs.
LOL.. DFW ..wild Wild West guys.. stay well and vigilant.💯🇺🇸😎🌪🌎
Mans went from aspirin straight to heroin. Thats gnarly
Quite a leap indeed.
He's lying
he is lying
Just because you guys think "he's lying" doesn't make it so.
Thought the same thing. Don’t tend to work like that.
0:01 that little grin...psycho. They put me here so nobody can hurt me...
imagine ur fighting for not having to stay 20 years in prison and your laywers name is mr broccoli
That first dude needs proactive big time…😂😂😂
Lord, I’m so thankful for my life. I promise I won’t do what I’m not supposed to do 🙏🏻
I worked for a contractor that put furniture in the guards offices . Dallas towers was one of the places . I never forgot the smell
What it smell like?
Dayyyum. Sure feels great to be a law-abiding citizen!! Especially after seeing that jail food. That's a lot of slices of bread 😂😂. When i hussled out in them streets, they called my cheese, and i had stacks of bread. Now I'm in jail with piles of bread and no cheese 😂.
The Sheriff of Dallas from 2005 to 2017 was Lupy Valdez. The Dept of Justice sued her for having an awfull human rights track record. Basicly because she had so many ppl die in police custody on her watch. She provoked the Dallas sniper Micah Johnson too on her watch. She was the first openly gay elected sheriff in Texas. When she resigned it was because she threw her wig in the ring and ran for governor, and got the democrat nomination. Because apparently the democrats care more about their gay agenda than human rights or public safety. Shes announced shes running for sheriff again in 2024. The media refuses to expose her.
I hope karma gets her. She belongs in California.
I hope karma gets her. She belongs in California
A good many of those in power are just as criminal as those in jail. Or more so
@andrewtanczyk4009 there's a video on youtube of her deputies crushing a guy's throat on video. The media ignored it. There's a few 1 or 2 minute local news clips about cuz his family held a press conference, and the media still ignored him. Look up Joseph Hutcheson. They swept it under the rug cuz I think they were already looking at her for governor nomination.
It's crazy because I was in Dallas County and I met some youngsters proud to be in jail on murder charges.
That's insane mind boggling
@@nellsl982 it's true, they were bragging about being on first48
@XAVIERGrav and then they were all forgotten, never to be remembered again.
Unless, you know, re-runs and the such.
Only to be forgotten again
So if you kill someone at 19 your free to live among society at 39? Yet the person they killed could never live again and family members will never see their loved one again.
There's no justice or a swift recompense. That's why these places are overflowing with depraved criminals who glory in their own shame. The state would rather make money off criminality than do what it must to end it.
Not even. They can get out in 10 years
5:39 scenario set up from scratch between prisoners and guards
Its funny because as soon as the guards run in, they all get down to the floor, ive been in those, it happens all the time 😆
Waited 2 years just to get 20 thats insane, probably proud of what he did no remorse at all, im blessed af and I cherish everything i have especially my freedom!
"Today has been a very good day! They've been quiet; they've been behaved" - many a true word spoken by corrections officer and teachers.
I can’t complain about going to work Monday morning after watching this lol
7:38 I'm glad he specified that he meant 3 am in the morning. I would have assumed he meant 3 am in the afternoon
I dont think coping with ur crimes is what drives u crazy in confinement. I think its spending 23-24 hours a day in a 4 foot cell with nothing in it would do that
The guy who lost his child and his woman should not be in prison, he was depressed and got into a life crisis, he should have gotten help instead of being treated as a criminal… of course he did drugs, but treating someone who goes through hard times in life but still contributes to society should be treated differently to someone who murders someone…
I was thinking the same thing
Ain't that America
09:52 MR BROCCOLI 😂😂😂😂😂
What is Mr broccoli?
The woman who killed my brother was sent to Dallas Co LS to serve her sentence. She served 8 months of 8 years and was released. My family was livid. Not going to lie this made me feel a little better.
Growing up in Dallas, you knew you did not want to be in Lew Sterrett. The place itself looks like a brown fortress.
LMAO that old guy's name is Mr. Broccoli
Would these jails even be necessary if we were actually taught practical knowledge from grades 1-12??
Yes, tf..Most of the heinous prisoners have high IQs and diplomas.
I have taught in the public school system. The education is free and available to all. The problem is the family circumstances are often so bad that the kids simply don’t take advantage of it and often the parents or single parent are belligerent towards the teacher and don’t work with the teacher to establish good behavior and discipline in the child. It’s getting worse and worse.
The severe panic and anxiety with strong emphasis on the feels of suffocation, Christ, my claustrophobic would be crippling. I couldn’t do that. Could never do that.
In 9:28 the jury have a photo baby with word "icant hear you" lmao😂
I use to take little thing for granted like looking at the sky, seen different people outside, eating the candy you like, until I was locked up for 1 year 😂
Back in the day, I would never get drunk/high in Dallas especially on the weekend. I had no desire to get thrown into Lew Sterrett.
You have to wonder how this contraband gets into the jail | prison in the first place. With so much Security in place...who could bring it in: Guards? Family Members? Friends?
it's hard to feel sorry for people who do it to themselves. I don't feel sorry for any of them.
Damn right! They do it to themselves!
I mean a lot of serial killers were molested, raped or shamed, bullied and a lot more negative things as a kid so it’s way to feel sorry for them. All they are doing is all they know.
We dont feel sorry for you.theres always a second chance
@@mightjaazuz4348And a lot of murderers, killers had a vey good childhood. So, NO.
I agree except for the guy that was just in there for heroin.
How does bro at 5:54 have a chain on? 😂
Dallas county jail ain’t no joke, I’ve seen some crazy things happening when I was in.
What did you see?
Bro Mr Broccoli!? 😂😂😂
Many lawyers WILL NOT SHOW REAL LAST NAME bc they dont want prisoners to find them when they get out.
Notice every one of them have very distressed skin. Drugs rotting them from the inside out😬😥😥💔
Na that's the recycled water in the prisons
Cold showers, not much soap = distressed skin.
@@scottbradford4130No it’s drugs. Most of the people in the video didn’t have bumpy skin.
@bxi1547 OK then 👍 👌
Considering the level of mental illness and EXTREME deadly danger these murderous inmates pose, The jail looks very clean and well run. There’s 3 hot meals a day. Clean beds. Could murders ask for anything more after being spared death? I think not. They’re multiple victims in the ground likely feel the same
"How dare you have the audacity to be free, and to give up on life like that"
-Diabla, Beyond Scared Straight
That cop at 6:00 is a f*cking tank lmao. Definitely over 6'.