Why is NGS Vital to the Clearing of Chronic UTI's? | MicroGenDX Minute Ep. 5

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ต.ค. 2019
  • To learn how MicroGenDX can help your physician identify the microbes causing your chronic infection, visit microgendx.com
    Studies have shown that 80% of Chronic UTIs are caused by biofilm infections- communities of microbes living together- and not planktonic bacteria as previously believed. Research since the 70s has increasingly shown us that the tendency of bacteria is to develop into a biofilm state. Bacteria create biofilm formations on the surfaces inside the body, and biofilms become collaborative communities of different species of bacteria and fungi. It is possible for anaerobes, aerobes, and fungi to exist in the same biofilm. Its because of these special behaviors that a biofilm cannot be accurately identified with cultures. Its because of these special behaviors that a biofilm cannot be accurately identified with cultures. First, because the biofilm will not form in a culture dish the way it has inside the host body. Once the biofilm is broken up the species which make it up revert to their planktonic forms of behavior and those species which flourish in the environment of the dish grow even if they are only minor players in the biofilm community, and others may be unable to grow even if they were the majority of the biofilm in the host’s infection.
    Moreover, because the biofilm can be made of different kinds of bacteria and fungi, it would take multiple kinds of cultures to identify them all even if they could all be grown in the lab, which many species cannot.
    This explains why patients with UTI symptoms so often have culture tests come back negative-
    because biofilms simply cannot be grown in cultures. Molecular testing does not face these difficulties because it does not attempt to grow any of the microbes, but rather extracts the DNA from the sample.
    The two most commonly used tests for infectious disease are Polymerase Chain reaction- also known as PCR and a more advanced DNA test- Next generation DNA sequencing, known as, NGS.
    PCR compares the DNA in a sample against a panel of microbial species which are believed to be common pathogens in that area of infection. These panels are limited to a predetermined list of species which represent 1% or fewer of all known microbes. If you’re only using PCR, you may be missing out on important diagnostic information. MGDX two part DNA test, PCR and NGS, compares the DNA in a sample against our curated database of more than 50,000 microbial species to accurately identify all of the species in a sample.
    MicroGenDX’s two part DNA test can discover aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi in a sample- all microbes identified in one test at one price, so that you can target all of the causative microbes at once.
    Also, our report provides information cultures simply can’t, to accurately identify all of the species in a sample.
    Furthermore, MicroGenDX’s report lists each species by their relative percentage of the total. This provides a complete microbial picture to assist doctors in determining which species need to be targeted in order to clear the infection.
    The MicroGen DX report identifies ten common antibiotic resistance genes- which would change the efficacy of arounds 40 kinds of antibiotics.
    A sensitivity report takes those species which can grow in the lab and tests their response to the presence of antibiotics. But all this test can tell you is if the bacteria in the dish are sensitive to a select antibiotic. This test can’t tell you if the bacteria has the genes for antibiotic resistance- after all, genes can be switched on or off.
    The gene maybe present and active in the host when its inactive in the dish. Or
    the gene for resistance may exist in a species which couldn’t grow in the dish. We know that bacteria can share genes for antibiotic resistance with other species in a biofilm infection.
    What you need to know is ALL of the microbial species in the sample, which species are dominant, and what antibiotic resistance genes are present.
    Having the complete picture allows you to provide targeted treatment, and the complete picture is only available through MicroGenDX
    To learn more, visit microgendx.com

ความคิดเห็น • 37

  • @hisdawter3440
    @hisdawter3440 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I have had this done and it was the only testing that ever presented us with the problem and the solution. This needs to become the new normal. Cultures are not good enough!!

    • @julesandy27
      @julesandy27 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi could I ask was this helpful, I am thinking of using it

    • @hisdawter3440
      @hisdawter3440 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Julie Kelly it was very helpful because it showed things in my body that could only be found by this DNA test. I highly recommend it.

    • @julesandy27
      @julesandy27 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hisdawter3440 thankyou for your reply, where you able to get the right treatment from the results, was the turn around time long? thanks

    • @julesandy27
      @julesandy27 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      i sent you a message on your youtube, I would really appreciate it , if you could let me know your experience , thank you

    • @hisdawter3440
      @hisdawter3440 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Julie Kelly I was able to get on the right antibiotic and have only had one UTI since then.

  • @keepthefaith9594
    @keepthefaith9594 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I have had a chronic uti for 14 years and doctors don't even care they just leave you to suffer i have no qaity of life i cant do sex. i can't work. I cant go abroad cos the heat makes the pain unbearable. I dont think there is any antibiotic out there strong enough to kill it i need a miracle. be the only way is just remove every thing. pain is terrible lord help me

    • @michellemichelle5202
      @michellemichelle5202 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Jeez I’m sorry to hear that :(
      I’ve been getting a lot of UTIs and I don’t know what to do about

    • @jisabel8599
      @jisabel8599 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m currently trying dmannose and biofilm disruptor by kirkman I hope it works if not I will try this dna test

    • @shrutikhanna8798
      @shrutikhanna8798 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jisabel8599 did it work?

    • @karlthompson693
      @karlthompson693 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      U need to find out what u have first. I’ve used them and they will tell u what’s wrong with u on the first attempt. Once u know, u can choose the antibiotic, herb or essential oil that best works for your infection.

    • @Christos_Tso
      @Christos_Tso 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have heard that oregano essential oil, two drops in small amount of water for some months, maybe it helps.

  • @2b2unit
    @2b2unit 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    And then they don't have an effective protocol except what they say is "acceptable" or they may not even know how to treat them. I've heard way too often from women who have suffered for decades.
    In the USA there is like 2 who agree with an effective course.
    But, unfortunately the best dr everyone knows in my group is in London.

  • @karlthompson693
    @karlthompson693 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Guys over at microgenDX. Not enough doctors know about this. You guys need to hire a strong team of representatives to go out there and spread the word. It’s just like sales, if your people are convincing enough, those doctors they talk to will tell other doctors cause they will be enthusiastic about it. U just need to hire the right ppl and your business will blow up. You also need a page on your website that says something to the effect of “doctors working with us”.... you say what kind of doctor they are, their location and contact information. If their business is being promoted on your site, they will love the free publicity and will benefit us cause we will know who to call for help. Also if their business grows, then your business grows cause they will send you samples from their patients. Too many people suffering out there not getting any answers so if you guys take the right steps and grow your business, everybody wins.

    • @00_UU
      @00_UU 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Why aren't these qPCR tests used by large labs like Labcorp? Why aren't doctors nationwide ordering these tests? This is literally insane that this technology exists, but no one knows about it.

  • @Angelinathegirlyoudontknow
    @Angelinathegirlyoudontknow 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I read on the instructions, not to take antibiotics two days before doing the test. Is it same for herbal remedies too?

  • @karlthompson693
    @karlthompson693 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    U guys need to make a video like this in Spanish so that more ppl can understand just what they are going through.

  • @Tatacchan
    @Tatacchan 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    A Rife machine could be the answer. It scans the body and the pathogens come up with the scan. Then you run the frequencies and it targets and kills the pathogens specifically. The only problem is that sometimes the pathogens are sneaky and don't come up in the scan, so you have to run the programs individually and attacking each and every pathogen that is connected with your problem. I am using a Spooky2 rife machine, it's a bit complex as a tool but once you get the hang of it, you're good to go.

    • @otiliaioan5348
      @otiliaioan5348 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there viewers.. i have a spinal cord injury. That means paralyzed body, inability to go #1, #2, feel things normally, and shall pain be experienced in an area below my chest, in my case, we get AD, autonomic Dysreflexia, which is emergency response to noxious stimuli...which can lead to death. Smart me, i purchased a Spooky2, ran a biofeedback and my body reacted horribly to the process...I felt like i was near dying. My heart was pumping 130..for a person that does not exercise this is bad...i felt cold sweat..tremors..i sold it to a friend. This stuff may be ok for some, but others..no good.

    • @Tatacchan
      @Tatacchan ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@otiliaioan5348 I'm sorry to hear that Otilia. It must have been really traumatic for you. Did you run a detox before running scans? That's absolutely paramount. Scanning and running scans kills pathogens and you absolutely NEED the body to be relatively free of toxins otherwise you the body will be more stressed with the influx of toxins. Detoxing before scanning is number 1 priority when buying any Rife machine. Can't stress it enough. Maybe that could have been the cause?

  • @flmom7712
    @flmom7712 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I wish I could even remotely get a little relief.

    • @2b2unit
      @2b2unit 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Me, too.
      There are several pages on FB that can help guide you started by women fighting the battle.

  • @00_UU
    @00_UU 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Why aren't doctors ordering these tests instead of regular outdated cultures? This is beyond me. Other countries had implemented advanced PCR testing a long time ago.

  • @jeanboker7867
    @jeanboker7867 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I heard about the phages. Its good science being ignored

  • @azizullah4648
    @azizullah4648 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's OK dear but your convenience and advertisement is so weak that no doctr here in Pakistan know about that modern test technology you people should have direct collection center there to run the test I know these types of patients are numerous here but doctrs and urologist are not able to treat the problem

    • @noshabamalik9018
      @noshabamalik9018 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Never heard of this test in Pakistan. All our Drs do is culture give antibiotics and send u home again and again and again

    • @azizullah4648
      @azizullah4648 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@noshabamalik9018 dear this is the cause that most suffering patients are frustrated with daytoday traditional so called culture and c/s.and the modern technology pcr +ngs system are dignosing those patients with heavy fungal bactrial or viral loaded infection