I like how he inverted Super easy, barely an inconvenience. I didn't catch it at first, but when I traveled backward in time it became much more obvious. Inverting catch phrases is tight!
This is exactly what Nolan didn't intend to do. The protagonist's past is irrelevant just like in 'James Bond' movies. I agree a bit more fleshed out narrative could have helped us audiences to grasp it better but the repeat viewing has really helped me understand the director's vision.
I watched it because my son wouldn’t stop talking about it. Afterwards I started to tell him the parts I found confusing and he told me he hadn’t watched it yet. I just looked at him for a second before asking how he knew so much about it. He said he had read reviews. About 6 months later he asked if I wanted to watch it with him, so I said yes. He was so lost. He kept asking me what was going on. I didn’t say a word. He was so confused when it was over. He looked at me and said, “Pulp Fiction was easier to follow than this was!”
When I saw the Pitch Meeting video earlier all I thought was, "Is this a collaboration with Jaby?? Has Jaby written the script for Ryan?" Their thoughts are in sync
It *is* possible to have a high-concept movie that chooses not to delve into the characters - when the concept is developed and presented in a way that gives the viewer the emotional investment the characters usually would. As much as I appreciate the enormous attempt made here, Tenet’s concept is presented in a way that does not ask (clearly) for that emotional investment. Inception is an example of it done well, where only Cobb really had any character depth, yet the emotional connection people have with the concept of dreams was able to pull us in and make for a more well-received film. Speaking as a firm Nolan fan who thoroughly enjoyed Tenet, but yes did watch with subtitles**
Ryan George and the entire Pitch Meeting Cinematic Universe is LIFE!!! I understood more from the Tenet Pitch Meeting than I ever did watching the actual movie (which I still don't understand). #DoInvertedPeoplePoop? 🤣😂🤣
Thats why Ghost In the shell(anime) is my all time fav sci-fi movie,it has character development,world development,science and philosophy everything coexisting beautifully
Can't stop thinking what would happen if he'd try to drop an inverted object. Wouldn't he have to pick it down? Plus it was nice to see 3 wizards from Harry Potter fighting over horcruxes again
Character arcs aren’t always needed... I think it depends on what movie you’re making. 2001: a Space Odyssey has super cold characters, yet it’s considered to be one of the best sci-fi films ever made.
Nolan tried so hard for people to dumb down it with expositions, but that makes it more slow and boring so he tried to hide dialogues with louder music which try to make curious and anxious and only watch the screen that what will happen, but people who mainly focused on dialogue lost their interest in watching what is happening (this also happen when you turn on the subtitles). in theater sound comes from different direction but when people watched it only on tv or laptops the sound mixing changed the intended feeling. but the thing is, he tried to convey the concept in non-conventional method which people don't want.
Too bad that's HIS interpretation of the "theatre experience". He forgets that investment in the story is another theatre experience that's arguably more important for the majority of movie goers.
@@runninginsept I understood most of the dialogue, even with english not being my first language. No, I dont read subtitles. I really didn't understand where people felt there was too much sound. Freeport scene?
@@runninginsept That’s true, but that’s why he wants you to rewatch because you only have 1 chance in your entire life to watch a movie for the first time, but you have you have the rest of life to rewatch and breakdown the movie... so if you only watch the movie 1 time, then the only thing that you can complain about is the pace, because every other possible issue (other than the plot and characters) would be resolved after rewatching... unfortunately i’ve watched this movie over 10 times and even with subtitles, there is no issue imo, if the sound mixing is bad, then turn on subtitles, is the concept hard to grasp? Then just rewatch it or watch some explanation videos on youtube... but unfortunately the characters haven’t been fully fleshed out. So unfortunately this is a movie that REQUIRES more viewings, and if you don’t have the time for it, then I suggest Nolan movies aren’t he correct picks unfortunately
1 hour in; my mind was still at the reverse bullet explanation 😅. So to enjoy the rest of the movie I just throw it all out and just enjoy the spectacle without understanding the movie. I think maybe if there's a few seasons of TENET TV show to condition our brain to the concept, then maybe the movie will be easier to digest. The score was louder than the dialogue so same thing happened, I already decide not to try to understand the movie, so I opt to enjoy the score rather than trying to understand what they're saying without subtitles. 😊
so wait, ive never seen this but how does fighting someone in reverse pose literally any kind of threat? when the punch starts already extended, or the bullet was already shot and just moves backwards in time, the one shooting wouldnt be able to see the guy moving forward, god this hurts to think about, i hate it, i hate it so much... HOW WOULD SOMEONE MOVING IN REVERSE SEE SOMEONE MOVING FORWARD, AHHHHHHHH. my brain hurts, its not fried, its not dead it just hurts
I am watching movie-reviewers who are now watching the Pitch-meeting of the movie they saw, being recorded after the movie was filmed and even after the movie was released. The time-lines of Tenet just starts to make a whole lot more sense.
With this film it's hard to fully explain but I think because of the way we(as humans) perceive time it doesn't make as much sense seeing everything happen and how there are duplicates of different characters doing things simultaneously. We see time as being linear where in this movie similar to Interstellar everything happens all at once in a way instead it going from point A to point B then to point C. I find myself coming back to this movie a lot, it's definitely not for everyone but yeah watch it again Jaby! Watching it the first time it's like you're seeing it through the eyes of The Protagonist, the second time and onward you're watching it through the lenses of Neil.
I was confused the minute he said reverse entropy. I'm a chemistry major so half the classes I take involve the concept of entropy. So, I was literally mind-fucked watching this because entropy in reverse would be reducing disorder. How does time and inverse movement even come into this?
I watched it in IMAX with subtitles. I had zero problems the sound mixing but, I still don't understand it I understand it lesser everytime I watched it
I actually agree with one comments about not all films need to have Character development when other aspects are the main drive... but a movie like this, where there is a clear mission and event to save things or people... we need to be emotionally invested in order to care. So a movie like this definitely needs character development. At the end of the car chase scene where Kat was in the back seat and the protagonist barely saved her... I felt nothing and honestly didn't really care whether she was even saved or not cause I had nothing invested in that character at that point. (hopefully that doesn't make me sound like a sociopath!)
Nah, it's like being asked to empathize with a kicked soda can. A good writer can make it heart-rending to see an empty soda can get kicked and I guess if you write poorly (not always, but in this case for sure) you can make people indifferent to a near fatal car crash.
Where do inverted bullets originally come from? Shouldn't inverted Eatch crush into normal earth? Who people in the final battle shoot at? Why do Drakov's people help him, if he is going to end the world? What was the point of operation in Ukraine? Why do they randomly change locations in the middle of every dialogue?
I really couldn't make out what they were saying so I downloaded subtitles 20 mins into the movie. I was relieved to know others had that problem as I was unable to understand 50% of what they were saying and felt that I really couldn't understand English by native speakers. Ironically I was able to understand everything the Russian guy was saying lol.
I've started this movie twice and turn it off when I get to a point that I can't hear the dialog. I've given up. If I can't hear it, I don't want to see it. Inception was the same way but I did go ahead and watch it with subtitles because it was easier to predict what was going on. I didn't have to hear it because I had it figured out ahead of the story.
i think nolan was just doing this concept to surpass his inception movie. this movie doesn't need to be complicated and convoluted. there are movies with simplest concept that has been done multiple times but they are good because of the execution
the poop goes normally for both inverted and regular time folks in their frame of reference (which imo is the primary physics concept nolan must have introed). but for a person in an inverted time frame of ref. looking at the person travelling time the other way will see the other pwrsons poop go in like the bullet going back in to a gun.
In this flim the viewer is the protogonist no need of character development because the viewer is protogonist just wants to be loyal and want to save the world. I would accept your opinion on music with dialogues it's so hard
I'm not sure how true this is but they say the 4k version fixes the sound issues. I cant speak for the blu ray version either. I'm waiting on my copy ordered day 1 of release. Friggin usps lol
I think tenet should have given more time to explore the characters....i believe if it was made as a trilogy...it might have worked cuz the concept is totally new and on the top of that I didn't even knew these characters through the course of movie....so if it was planned in a sequel format...it just might have worked...
And that's why you aren't a producer... a trilogy would have made this less exciting and pulls all the gravitas from the film. The whole point of the movie is to introduce the phenomenon of inversion, and if you carry that over into further films, it won't have the same effect as the original film. The better way to do it is to extend the film's length, however in that case, it would mess up the pacing of the film entirely. I think Nolan's one-and-done type of movies like Inception-interstellar-prestige-memento really work well because it leaves the viewer with unanswered questions
I see People are having problem with BGM being too loud in the Freeport scene where Max is taking information from the employee. What i can understand from it that Nolan deliberately did that coz Max was not paying attention to the employee at that moment.
Yes, Because Neil (or Max for anyone who believes the Neil/Max theory) was supposedly taking information from the employee, but in reality he was scanning the whole place to see it's strengths and weaknesses, memorizing the passcodes of the doors, checking the fire precautions, etc. So he "tuned out" the employee, he wasn't really paying full attention to him, until the moment Neil asked him 2 important questions and by that moment we were able to listen to the employee, because Neil was paying attention to his answers.
What people don't seem to notice is that half of these problems are due to the atrociuos editing. Science fiction movies unlike fantasy have to give the audience time to digest the principles being shown on screen. This movie gave no one anytime to mull on what happened. And I say this as a Nolan fan
As a mechanical engineer when they said they are reversing entropy, that then ended the movie for me Entropy can be zero or positive. It can never be negative. (At least in our unvierse)
@Arjun T S I know, I was talking about Marvel movies, they are not sci fi Most of the sci fi movies follow basic physics laws and builds upon them. Tenet although being a sci fi movie is not following basic sci fi laws
What he was trying to achieve didn't work, and I understand why. But it isn't a bad film whatsoever. It's just something Nolan was trying out and lone behold it didn't work. I'm okay with it. I liked it personally. Again; personally. I'm not hating on anyone's choice.
Hi Jaby, i know iam a little bit late, but i disagree with that character and plot stuff ryan goerge and you mentioned,. I have read a original screenplay of tenet, and character motivations are much better shown there, but i guess, there wasnt much room for it, because the movie would be much longer as it is. Even now many poeple are bitching about tenets final cut lenght. (that didnt bottered me much, bc i like long movies). But anyways, i would say the biggest problem was bad acting of David Washington and Kenneth Brannah, thats why people feel the protagonist doesnt have character. He has, but its just not shown. In another hand Robert Pattinson was nuts. Nice video as always tho.
Hmmm, when Matrix can't out people were like omg I don't understand this movie...then inception...now tenet...it isn't that difficult...loved all these movies🙄
Tenet, the most over-hyped, pretentious movie that has so many plot-holes disguised as high concept piece - that I was so blown away by how unnecessarily convuluted it is. To me, a story teller should be able to tell a very complex story such that the listener can understand it, and Tenet is an an example of bad story telling. I love Inception, but Tenet - no.
You have a horrible misunderstanding of "hard" science fiction. It's still literature! Stories have plots and characters are developed and have arcs. It IS true that some of the most famous SF authors fall startlingly short in the basics of characterization (like Niven's squad of extremely weird, hard-to-relate-to folks in "Oath of Fealty"), but they DO develop their characters.
This movie is going to have a polarising effect. But if you're humble enough to watch it the second time, you'll appreciate it more. This is true for Tenet more than any other nolan film.
@@ThirstyFish3918 oh right! I apologize. It may have been correctly used grammatically, but the sense in it is too immature. There is no valid context for the usage of that word here.
Why do we need emotional connect in each movie ... love story etc etc ??? Nolan breaks the traditional cinema every-time. Protagonist doesn't need sad backstory ... he is just ready to save the world that's it. He is a soldier. Not all soldiers have backstory & love interests. This is a brilliant movie ... and its okay if not everyone liked it or understood it. Me & my friend group spent a week discussing the movie .. it was fun.
I haven't watched this movie yet, but looking your comments and the Pitch Meeting, I'm not gonna, even tho I love Nolan's movies. Like, it sounds like Interstellar after the protagonists enters to to the blackhole. Like, I love that movie and the sciences concept of it, but until that part, because then it just became too much conceptual gibberish for me, and I'm sorry, but I watch movies to be entertained and have fun, not to sit there trying to make sense of a movie just for the sake of it! You can have complex concepts on your movies, but not to the point it becomes inconvenient or annoying. Also, I refuse to fall in that game of re-watching a movie again and again just to be like "I understand it now", which, like Ryan pointed out, seems to be the main reason why they do movies like that.
You said you liked Dunkirk, yet you say movies need to have character development...Dunkirk had NO character development because it was just a movie based on an event, much like Tenet is based on the exposition of several phenomena
I thought Dunkirk did have character development - there's the guy with the boat, and his son, and the guy they rescue, and the naval officer, and others. My issue with Dunkirk was that I didn't recognise that the story presented enough information what happened during Dunkirk. There's a sub-plot about a boy falling down some steps, and some guys commandeer a grounded boat, and then mysteriously being shot at. It was odd. For example, if you watch the film, the Battle of Britain, you get an overall idea of that battle. I didn't think I knew much about Dunkirk following its movie.
Inverted people poop normally in their own time direction, but don't watch another person from a different time direction poop. 😁 But they have to bring inverted food too. 😊
Dude they pee normally, but it will look inverted to you. I think if people didn't understand the basic concept of inversion, they're gonna have a hard time grasping this movie.
@@0000Neil You're right. People are not even able to refer to the scenes in the movie where normal people look at inverted people to understand how things work🙄🙄🙄
Ok, where do inverted bullets come in first place? Somebody took a piece of metal, plugged it into a wall, dropped a sleeve on a floor, spread powder gases in the room for somebody to shoot backwards?
Character point of views are there and understandable but the questions they are supposed to ask like normal people are just not there. It’s like ok this exists and I am fine is a frustrating thing.
That sound mixing issue is definitely blown out of proportion. Does it make the conversations hard to hear? A bit, yes. But not impossible. The music complements the dialogue flow so you can still follow the scene, as strange as it seems.
no, the music makes the dialogue super easy, barely an inconvenience to hear but backwards, it's inconvenient and hard to hear, that really is an issue with Nolan's movies, I meant I get where he's coming from and the music is amazing in almost all of Nolan's movies but I really wish he didn't do that
Ryan George is my favorite comedian... like I would buy tickets
My too
@Jett Leo scam right?
Buying tickets is tight
@@rippahhh18 ryan george as a stand-up is not the same a these videos.. his talent is not in standup...
@@BiakaHParte yeah but when he goes scripted, his humour is just SOMETHING. ELSE.
I like how he inverted Super easy, barely an inconvenience. I didn't catch it at first, but when I traveled backward in time it became much more obvious. Inverting catch phrases is tight!
The Pitch Meetings of Christopher Nolan’s movies are the best. I’m eagerly awaiting for the Interstellar Pitch Meeting.
I see what you did there😂
@@ishaansejpal249 what did he do?
don't say he did *tenet* gimick because that wasn't it
I think Tenet would have been better as a mini series to flesh out the story better.
Totally agreed....
This is exactly what Nolan didn't intend to do. The protagonist's past is irrelevant just like in 'James Bond' movies. I agree a bit more fleshed out narrative could have helped us audiences to grasp it better but the repeat viewing has really helped me understand the director's vision.
You have to watch the film again, my guy
@@SmileyySmiley With subtitles
@@Player-kg1ds Yeah
Tenet: the 2 hour movie that takes 4 hours to watch.
It's a pincer maneuver!
Ryan is the man, his energy is great.
Pitch meetings are constantly fresh and hilarious.
I watched it because my son wouldn’t stop talking about it. Afterwards I started to tell him the parts I found confusing and he told me he hadn’t watched it yet. I just looked at him for a second before asking how he knew so much about it. He said he had read reviews. About 6 months later he asked if I wanted to watch it with him, so I said yes. He was so lost. He kept asking me what was going on. I didn’t say a word. He was so confused when it was over. He looked at me and said, “Pulp Fiction was easier to follow than this was!”
Christopher Nolan our time overlord calls this abtract art... Layers of it :)
Pulp Fiction was hard to follow....................? =__=
Your son had trouble following pulp fiction !!
"A medium-handsome French guy smoking a cigarette for 45 minutes is not a plot." -- Carter Pewterschmidt, "Family Guy"
what if the smoke is inverted and is going back to cigarette
When I saw the Pitch Meeting video earlier all I thought was, "Is this a collaboration with Jaby?? Has Jaby written the script for Ryan?" Their thoughts are in sync
Yaay just in time!
Love you guys!
Love Ryan George
It *is* possible to have a high-concept movie that chooses not to delve into the characters - when the concept is developed and presented in a way that gives the viewer the emotional investment the characters usually would. As much as I appreciate the enormous attempt made here, Tenet’s concept is presented in a way that does not ask (clearly) for that emotional investment. Inception is an example of it done well, where only Cobb really had any character depth, yet the emotional connection people have with the concept of dreams was able to pull us in and make for a more well-received film.
Speaking as a firm Nolan fan who thoroughly enjoyed Tenet, but yes did watch with subtitles**
Ryan George and the entire Pitch Meeting Cinematic Universe is LIFE!!!
I understood more from the Tenet Pitch Meeting than I ever did watching the actual movie (which I still don't understand).
#DoInvertedPeoplePoop? 🤣😂🤣
9:12 Did he just invert "Super easy, barely an inconvenience"?
@@Dramoklos Wow wow wow, wow.
@@saveritas731 Inverting a famous catchphrase in a pitch meeting about movie about inverting things is tight!
@@ZigorBilbao Damn yes!
Thats why Ghost In the shell(anime) is my all time fav sci-fi movie,it has character development,world development,science and philosophy everything coexisting beautifully
Can't stop thinking what would happen if he'd try to drop an inverted object. Wouldn't he have to pick it down?
Plus it was nice to see 3 wizards from Harry Potter fighting over horcruxes again
i wonder how the pitch meeting of "dark" would be
Dark was easy 😎
After watching 15 explanation videos 😂
2nd time watch is way more easy to understand and it's amazing
I just watched the movie now, Jaby you should definitely watch it again. It turned out to be more emotional than i expected it to be.
Tbh, I didn't have that music problem.
I watched with subtitles in theatres. That's why the music problem was negated.
It's a great movie, but not his best
i watched with subtitiles so idk
@Balakrishna same with hindi
same maybe people just have bad hearing
Ya that's overblown
Character arcs aren’t always needed... I think it depends on what movie you’re making. 2001: a Space Odyssey has super cold characters, yet it’s considered to be one of the best sci-fi films ever made.
they can accept if a movie is made differently than those formula writing
But the characters in Odessey are still characters. You can still relate to them on some level.
Unpopular opinion: Space odyssey is boring as heck. I do remember liking the sequel though.
2001 ASO is, just maybe, overrated.
@@Banana_John I concur
I hope there would be a Tenet 2 to explain the unexplained
Tenet 2 will be the sequel. It will be released two years ago.
Yeah like there was an inception 2
Nolan wants you to not think about it, because nothing makes sence.
Yeah I wouldn't watch it
Nolan tried so hard for people to dumb down it with expositions, but that makes it more slow and boring so he tried to hide dialogues with louder music which try to make curious and anxious and only watch the screen that what will happen, but people who mainly focused on dialogue lost their interest in watching what is happening (this also happen when you turn on the subtitles). in theater sound comes from different direction but when people watched it only on tv or laptops the sound mixing changed the intended feeling. but the thing is, he tried to convey the concept in non-conventional method which people don't want.
Nolan is all about theatre experience. Loud music is a part of it. He did it with every movie hes made.
Too bad that's HIS interpretation of the "theatre experience". He forgets that investment in the story is another theatre experience that's arguably more important for the majority of movie goers.
@@runninginsept he got way to extreme this time
@@runninginsept I understood most of the dialogue, even with english not being my first language. No, I dont read subtitles. I really didn't understand where people felt there was too much sound. Freeport scene?
@@runninginsept That’s true, but that’s why he wants you to rewatch because you only have 1 chance in your entire life to watch a movie for the first time, but you have you have the rest of life to rewatch and breakdown the movie... so if you only watch the movie 1 time, then the only thing that you can complain about is the pace, because every other possible issue (other than the plot and characters) would be resolved after rewatching... unfortunately i’ve watched this movie over 10 times and even with subtitles, there is no issue imo, if the sound mixing is bad, then turn on subtitles, is the concept hard to grasp? Then just rewatch it or watch some explanation videos on youtube... but unfortunately the characters haven’t been fully fleshed out. So unfortunately this is a movie that REQUIRES more viewings, and if you don’t have the time for it, then I suggest Nolan movies aren’t he correct picks unfortunately
I mostly got it at the theatre and then 30 minutes after it was done I got it BUT BOY DID MY BRAIN AND EARS HAVE A WORKOUT
You should totally do a Back to the Future pitch meeting reaction. Makes you think of the movie in a whole new light
1 hour in; my mind was still at the reverse bullet explanation 😅. So to enjoy the rest of the movie I just throw it all out and just enjoy the spectacle without understanding the movie. I think maybe if there's a few seasons of TENET TV show to condition our brain to the concept, then maybe the movie will be easier to digest. The score was louder than the dialogue so same thing happened, I already decide not to try to understand the movie, so I opt to enjoy the score rather than trying to understand what they're saying without subtitles. 😊
Freeport theme is currently playing loop on my Spotify I love that theme
I understand why people don't like Tenet but I thought it was confusing but fascinating so everyone has their own perspectives ......
so wait, ive never seen this but how does fighting someone in reverse pose literally any kind of threat? when the punch starts already extended, or the bullet was already shot and just moves backwards in time, the one shooting wouldnt be able to see the guy moving forward, god this hurts to think about, i hate it, i hate it so much... HOW WOULD SOMEONE MOVING IN REVERSE SEE SOMEONE MOVING FORWARD, AHHHHHHHH. my brain hurts, its not fried, its not dead it just hurts
I am watching movie-reviewers who are now watching the Pitch-meeting of the movie they saw, being recorded after the movie was filmed and even after the movie was released. The time-lines of Tenet just starts to make a whole lot more sense.
With this film it's hard to fully explain but I think because of the way we(as humans) perceive time it doesn't make as much sense seeing everything happen and how there are duplicates of different characters doing things simultaneously. We see time as being linear where in this movie similar to Interstellar everything happens all at once in a way instead it going from point A to point B then to point C. I find myself coming back to this movie a lot, it's definitely not for everyone but yeah watch it again Jaby! Watching it the first time it's like you're seeing it through the eyes of The Protagonist, the second time and onward you're watching it through the lenses of Neil.
I was confused the minute he said reverse entropy. I'm a chemistry major so half the classes I take involve the concept of entropy. So, I was literally mind-fucked watching this because entropy in reverse would be reducing disorder. How does time and inverse movement even come into this?
I downloaded the movie and watched again. 2nd viewing is crazy
I watched it in IMAX with subtitles. I had zero problems the sound mixing but, I still don't understand it
I understand it lesser everytime I watched it
I actually agree with one comments about not all films need to have Character development when other aspects are the main drive... but a movie like this, where there is a clear mission and event to save things or people... we need to be emotionally invested in order to care. So a movie like this definitely needs character development. At the end of the car chase scene where Kat was in the back seat and the protagonist barely saved her... I felt nothing and honestly didn't really care whether she was even saved or not cause I had nothing invested in that character at that point. (hopefully that doesn't make me sound like a sociopath!)
Nah, it's like being asked to empathize with a kicked soda can. A good writer can make it heart-rending to see an empty soda can get kicked and I guess if you write poorly (not always, but in this case for sure) you can make people indifferent to a near fatal car crash.
Where do inverted bullets originally come from? Shouldn't inverted Eatch crush into normal earth? Who people in the final battle shoot at? Why do Drakov's people help him, if he is going to end the world? What was the point of operation in Ukraine? Why do they randomly change locations in the middle of every dialogue?
Will it be termed 'bragging' if I said that I understood this movie the first time I watched it?!!
I am into scifi movies and was searching for a wonderful movie like Interstellar, and this is like a treat to me when it came up. I like it a lot.
Ryan George is the most incredible. Glad SR is giving PM a dedicated channel…
I really couldn't make out what they were saying so I downloaded subtitles 20 mins into the movie.
I was relieved to know others had that problem as I was unable to understand 50% of what they were saying and felt that I really couldn't understand English by native speakers.
Ironically I was able to understand everything the Russian guy was saying lol.
Ive never understood the Tenet hate...my opinions sre normally the same as the majority of people but Tenet was very enjoyable for me and original
I've started this movie twice and turn it off when I get to a point that I can't hear the dialog. I've given up. If I can't hear it, I don't want to see it. Inception was the same way but I did go ahead and watch it with subtitles because it was easier to predict what was going on. I didn't have to hear it because I had it figured out ahead of the story.
i think nolan was just doing this concept to surpass his inception movie. this movie doesn't need to be complicated and convoluted. there are movies with simplest concept that has been done multiple times but they are good because of the execution
the poop goes normally for both inverted and regular time folks in their frame of reference (which imo is the primary physics concept nolan must have introed). but for a person in an inverted time frame of ref. looking at the person travelling time the other way will see the other pwrsons poop go in like the bullet going back in to a gun.
In this flim the viewer is the protogonist no need of character development because the viewer is protogonist just wants to be loyal and want to save the world. I would accept your opinion on music with dialogues it's so hard
I'm not sure how true this is but they say the 4k version fixes the sound issues. I cant speak for the blu ray version either. I'm waiting on my copy ordered day 1 of release. Friggin usps lol
I think tenet should have given more time to explore the characters....i believe if it was made as a trilogy...it might have worked cuz the concept is totally new and on the top of that I didn't even knew these characters through the course of movie....so if it was planned in a sequel format...it just might have worked...
And that's why you aren't a producer... a trilogy would have made this less exciting and pulls all the gravitas from the film. The whole point of the movie is to introduce the phenomenon of inversion, and if you carry that over into further films, it won't have the same effect as the original film. The better way to do it is to extend the film's length, however in that case, it would mess up the pacing of the film entirely. I think Nolan's one-and-done type of movies like Inception-interstellar-prestige-memento really work well because it leaves the viewer with unanswered questions
a good movie can introduce a new concept and still have great characters in the runtime of a film
There were no characters in the movie. At all.
I see People are having problem with BGM being too loud in the Freeport scene where Max is taking information from the employee. What i can understand from it that Nolan deliberately did that coz Max was not paying attention to the employee at that moment.
Yes, Because Neil (or Max for anyone who believes the Neil/Max theory) was supposedly taking information from the employee, but in reality he was scanning the whole place to see it's strengths and weaknesses, memorizing the passcodes of the doors, checking the fire precautions, etc. So he "tuned out" the employee, he wasn't really paying full attention to him, until the moment Neil asked him 2 important questions and by that moment we were able to listen to the employee, because Neil was paying attention to his answers.
Maybe my favorite pitch meeting ever
When i watched that movie. I had one question who's the enemy who are they shooting to
What people don't seem to notice is that half of these problems are due to the atrociuos editing. Science fiction movies unlike fantasy have to give the audience time to digest the principles being shown on screen.
This movie gave no one anytime to mull on what happened. And I say this as a Nolan fan
If achara joined the military and did well she would literally be captain kirk
As a mechanical engineer when they said they are reversing entropy, that then ended the movie for me
Entropy can be zero or positive. It can never be negative. (At least in our unvierse)
Its just a movie exploring high concepts...just like u cant have superheroes like thor,hulk but still there are movies about them.
Why are smart people so dumb!? That's basically walking out of any superman movie cause it's not based in reality....
@@sandeepdas3526 those movies do not brand themselves as science fiction movies...
@@ghostlee6434 those movies do not brand themselves as science fiction movies...
@Arjun T S I know, I was talking about Marvel movies, they are not sci fi
Most of the sci fi movies follow basic physics laws and builds upon them. Tenet although being a sci fi movie is not following basic sci fi laws
What he was trying to achieve didn't work, and I understand why. But it isn't a bad film whatsoever. It's just something Nolan was trying out and lone behold it didn't work. I'm okay with it. I liked it personally. Again; personally. I'm not hating on anyone's choice.
You have to watch it with subtitles....
waiting for this.. . .
I have a feeling screenrant is the only one who understood the whole thing.
And then mocked it.
Thug life.
I set up my phone to like a TH-cam video as soon as Achara is in it.
The people they were fighting at the end of the movie were Sator's mercenaries....
“Do people have flashlight eyes” 😄
Nolan does not want everyone to digest the concept easily
Merry Christmas JABY KOAY and ACHARA KIRK.🌲🎁💐
I have no cell now after watching the movie 😂😂😂😂😂😀
Hi Jaby, i know iam a little bit late, but i disagree with that character and plot stuff ryan goerge and you mentioned,. I have read a original screenplay of tenet, and character motivations are much better shown there, but i guess, there wasnt much room for it, because the movie would be much longer as it is. Even now many poeple are bitching about tenets final cut lenght. (that didnt bottered me much, bc i like long movies). But anyways, i would say the biggest problem was bad acting of David Washington and Kenneth Brannah, thats why people feel the protagonist doesnt have character. He has, but its just not shown. In another hand Robert Pattinson was nuts. Nice video as always tho.
I watched this pitch meeting multiple times and I watched this specific reaction multiple times as well but now I have a headache
There should be a webseries based on this concept.
Me watching two people watching Ryan George screen pitching a movie I've not seen.
When I watched this movie, I thought I was dumb.
It is.
I think subtitles will help you jaby. I loved the movie tbh.
Hmmm, when Matrix can't out people were like omg I don't understand this movie...then inception...now tenet...it isn't that difficult...loved all these movies🙄
What a pitch meeting 😂😂😂😂
Tenet, the most over-hyped, pretentious movie that has so many plot-holes disguised as high concept piece - that I was so blown away by how unnecessarily convuluted it is. To me, a story teller should be able to tell a very complex story such that the listener can understand it, and Tenet is an an example of bad story telling. I love Inception, but Tenet - no.
The Inversion thing was the second easiest thing to understand. The other stuff was all chaos.
Have you watched it again? Excellent movie!! 👍🏽
You have a horrible misunderstanding of "hard" science fiction. It's still literature! Stories have plots and characters are developed and have arcs. It IS true that some of the most famous SF authors fall startlingly short in the basics of characterization (like Niven's squad of extremely weird, hard-to-relate-to folks in "Oath of Fealty"), but they DO develop their characters.
This movie is going to have a polarising effect. But if you're humble enough to watch it the second time, you'll appreciate it more. This is true for Tenet more than any other nolan film.
Think you have "humble" and "masochistic" confused.
@@0000Neil You are thinking of sadistic, Jim had the correct word in context
@@ThirstyFish3918 oh right! I apologize. It may have been correctly used grammatically, but the sense in it is too immature. There is no valid context for the usage of that word here.
This is the perfect comment
It's a JUST dumb concept which is not completely fleshed out.
Believe it or not...These two guys are funny...They look very similar but-- the one Ryan wears glasses...
Why do we need emotional connect in each movie ... love story etc etc ??? Nolan breaks the traditional cinema every-time. Protagonist doesn't need sad backstory ... he is just ready to save the world that's it. He is a soldier. Not all soldiers have backstory & love interests. This is a brilliant movie ... and its okay if not everyone liked it or understood it. Me & my friend group spent a week discussing the movie .. it was fun.
I completely...disagree
I watched half of the movie got bored and didn't care how it ended
I know Tenet is more complex than inception n interstellar but I didn't expect ppl to be that dumb to understand Tenet. 🙄🙄 May b coz we had subtitles.
Yeah, subtitles kinda make a WORLD OF A DIFFERENCE when all the expositional dialogue is drowned out by music.
Character development...James Bond...what do v really know about him other than him being an agent.
I had the same feelings that the pitch Listener was having except i bled only a little from my nose.
Does Christopher Nolan have hearing damage and the shitty sound mixing in this movie sounds normal to him?
I haven't watched this movie yet, but looking your comments and the Pitch Meeting, I'm not gonna, even tho I love Nolan's movies. Like, it sounds like Interstellar after the protagonists enters to to the blackhole. Like, I love that movie and the sciences concept of it, but until that part, because then it just became too much conceptual gibberish for me, and I'm sorry, but I watch movies to be entertained and have fun, not to sit there trying to make sense of a movie just for the sake of it! You can have complex concepts on your movies, but not to the point it becomes inconvenient or annoying. Also, I refuse to fall in that game of re-watching a movie again and again just to be like "I understand it now", which, like Ryan pointed out, seems to be the main reason why they do movies like that.
I was seriously thinking, am I so stupid that I can't understand any of the plans they made. Thank God it was just movie's issue.
My biggest brag if i understood the movie in one watch
1st comment and 5th like
You said you liked Dunkirk, yet you say movies need to have character development...Dunkirk had NO character development because it was just a movie based on an event, much like Tenet is based on the exposition of several phenomena
I thought Dunkirk did have character development - there's the guy with the boat, and his son, and the guy they rescue, and the naval officer, and others.
My issue with Dunkirk was that I didn't recognise that the story presented enough information what happened during Dunkirk. There's a sub-plot about a boy falling down some steps, and some guys commandeer a grounded boat, and then mysteriously being shot at. It was odd.
For example, if you watch the film, the Battle of Britain, you get an overall idea of that battle. I didn't think I knew much about Dunkirk following its movie.
Dunkirk is a middle-finger to veterans. Everyone in this movie is a coward.
Inverted people poop normally in their own time direction, but don't watch another person from a different time direction poop. 😁
But they have to bring inverted food too. 😊
I had the same thought how does this inverted people pee😂
Dude they pee normally, but it will look inverted to you. I think if people didn't understand the basic concept of inversion, they're gonna have a hard time grasping this movie.
@@0000Neil You're right. People are not even able to refer to the scenes in the movie where normal people look at inverted people to understand how things work🙄🙄🙄
Ok, where do inverted bullets come in first place? Somebody took a piece of metal, plugged it into a wall, dropped a sleeve on a floor, spread powder gases in the room for somebody to shoot backwards?
O God, Achara’s that fake lough!!! 🥱🥱
Jaby you Haven't react to Nobody movie trailer
Character point of views are there and understandable but the questions they are supposed to ask like normal people are just not there. It’s like ok this exists and I am fine is a frustrating thing.
RED DWARF did that reverted poop thing in one of their episodes.
The creators of Red Dwarf are smarter than Chris Nolan. Gotcha.
So what ARE your jobs?
I actually understood Tenet and Inception while watching for the first time.
That sound mixing issue is definitely blown out of proportion. Does it make the conversations hard to hear? A bit, yes. But not impossible. The music complements the dialogue flow so you can still follow the scene, as strange as it seems.
no, the music makes the dialogue super easy, barely an inconvenience to hear but backwards, it's inconvenient and hard to hear, that really is an issue with Nolan's movies, I meant I get where he's coming from and the music is amazing in almost all of Nolan's movies but I really wish he didn't do that
Out of all of Christopher Nolan's movies the easiest to understand is interstellar and the hardest is tenet even inception is easier to understand
My goodness i still dont get what the old lady(main character) wanted!!
When a movie takes effort to understand everyone loses their mind.
This screenplay needed some more fleshing out