Many rich ladies use *condup* fake bags because they realize that investing in luxury bags is not a wise move. Spending a lot of money on a bag will probably not generate any income, and they should invest in real estate stocks or other Things that can really build your wealth. If you want to become rich, you shouldn't spend your hard-earned money easily. You should spend it on the right things so you won't regret it.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on bags...especially fashionable bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things. *condup*
I say to everyone buy what you like and what you can afford *condup* and you all continue to live your best life. Whether it is true or not is no one else’s business but yours. Celebrate the shortness of your life.
Most people would think that your *condup* bags are authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a LV for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? I seriously can't believe it! It's amazing how some of these bags look exactly like real authentic designer bags! Cheers
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
I also have an authentic Chanel double flap bag (purchased in a Chanel boutique). This is a black patent leather bag with bronze hardware and a delicate bronze shoulder chain. There is no cc logo on the front. It appealed to me because of its unusual style, with no Chanel CC branding at all except for a very discreet "Chanel" on the buckle. Just saying. I've had it for about 15 years, spent $2,700 CAD, use it every day, wears like iron and looks like new. The weight is considerable. It is medium size. love it. *condup*
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
About a month ago, I tried on the COACH BROOKLYN shoulder bag in size 28 and 39 and ended up choosing the Lime 28 *condup* because it fits my body better and is a good everyday shoulder bag. Perfect for work or travel.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
I have what is now considered a vintage Coach bucket, and it is very hard to find things due to the unstructured north-south design. I know there are bag organizers, but I wanted to say that you need to think really carefully before adding a larger bucket to your collection. It is embarrassing to need to empty a bag in public to find anything. It is why I gave away a beautiful, forest green hobo. Gorgeous bag, but for me, totally impractical. I need a bag with structure, which is why even though I find the Polene bags beautiful in an architectural way (and also affordable), they seem too slouchy for me. Perhaps this is not a problem for you. Enjoy your beautiful bags. *condup*
Well, I’ve always been scratching my head about *preluxz* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations.
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations ❤
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 years old. I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your friends! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don't want to spend so much money now, I have *luxdups* bought the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake *condup* Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I have a pink bag that I use, very nice hobo bag, can hold a lot of things! My iPhone 16pm, my lv card holder, tissues, lipstick, EarPods, wet wipes, pouches, etc. Even if I put these things in it, it looks very thin. I definitely say, buy it at this price, it's worth it! These days I tend to *condup* bags that are practical and affordable
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the nkuwan leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Just discovered your channel, I love it! Funny thing is, last week I saw a girl on the London Underground wearing a mid-length New York Demerier and I totally fell in love with it. I want to buy *hotdups* . This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
That’s interesting. I was considering the medium size ( more rectangular and a bit bigger than the one you show). I’m not sure about the gold logo clasp - is it too big?
I went to Studio Augusta when I went to Paris in the summer. I bought Monceau at *hotdups* to match. My only regret is not purchasing more. I really hope to get a mini Marley one day.
Don't like the thick colorful guitar straps. They seem inconsistent with the themes of structured bags. They're too casual. I know some designer bags have them and they just seem out of place on any structured bag. They are an unnecessary afterthought.
Everyone will speak for their own interests. Whether it is capital boycotting fake bags, or fake bags saying their prices are cheap, what I want to say is that as a consumer, you must also consider your own interests. *condup*
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*preluxs* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
Let's be honest with ourselves, a $30,000 bag is not an investment. Invest your money in rice or beans... maybe even cryptocurrencies and you can make more money. If you can find a super fake for $300, it's a lot smarter to buy the *condup* super fake than the real thing. Shoes are not an investment. Houses do, the stock market does, and even education definitely does. A bag? It is a status symbol and everyone knows it *condup*
These famous brand capitalists take note of people’s comparison mentality. It’s not uncommon for ladies to buy bags easily because they don’t have money to buy them. Only by setting the threshold and having to go through so much hard work to get the bags can people feel valuable. special value. The dopamine threshold of rich people can no longer be satisfied by normal consumption. *condup*
Le pliage will always be a favorite for me, light but a real workhorse.
👍 agreed!
Many rich ladies use *condup* fake bags because they realize that investing in luxury bags is not a wise move. Spending a lot of money on a bag will probably not generate any income, and they should invest in real estate stocks or other Things that can really build your wealth. If you want to become rich, you shouldn't spend your hard-earned money easily. You should spend it on the right things so you won't regret it.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on bags...especially fashionable bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things. *condup*
I say to everyone buy what you like and what you can afford *condup* and you all continue to live your best life. Whether it is true or not is no one else’s business but yours. Celebrate the shortness of your life.
It’s not that high-end luxury goods are unaffordable, but that *condup* replicas are more cost-effective
Most people would think that your *condup* bags are authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a LV for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? I seriously can't believe it! It's amazing how some of these bags look exactly like real authentic designer bags! Cheers
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
I also have an authentic Chanel double flap bag (purchased in a Chanel boutique). This is a black patent leather bag with bronze hardware and a delicate bronze shoulder chain. There is no cc logo on the front. It appealed to me because of its unusual style, with no Chanel CC branding at all except for a very discreet "Chanel" on the buckle. Just saying. I've had it for about 15 years, spent $2,700 CAD, use it every day, wears like iron and looks like new. The weight is considerable. It is medium size. love it. *condup*
I have a green Kelly *condup* . . I love it and get so many compliments every time I wear it. I'm so glad I bought such a beautiful bag!
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *preluxs* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
I love the deflated quilts on the Chanel bag! I think it makes the bag more elegant! *condup*
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
I have always been hesitant to buy luxury bags because of the price, then I came across *condup* and got a bag that looked perfect.
About a month ago, I tried on the COACH BROOKLYN shoulder bag in size 28 and 39 and ended up choosing the Lime 28 *condup* because it fits my body better and is a good everyday shoulder bag. Perfect for work or travel.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
I have what is now considered a vintage Coach bucket, and it is very hard to find things due to the unstructured north-south design. I know there are bag organizers, but I wanted to say that you need to think really carefully before adding a larger bucket to your collection. It is embarrassing to need to empty a bag in public to find anything. It is why I gave away a beautiful, forest green hobo. Gorgeous bag, but for me, totally impractical. I need a bag with structure, which is why even though I find the Polene bags beautiful in an architectural way (and also affordable), they seem too slouchy for me. Perhaps this is not a problem for you. Enjoy your beautiful bags. *condup*
Well, I’ve always been scratching my head about *preluxz* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations.
Such a gorgeous collection! Your Jumbo black caviar with silver hardware is on my wish list for the same reasons that you stated! Lovely! *condup*
His bbkbags tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
The bags are very cute, but the Coach tabby cat is my favorite Coach style. The taupe color is also very beautifu*preluxs* .
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations ❤
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 years old. I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your friends! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don't want to spend so much money now, I have *luxdups* bought the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
kislux versace bag is so cute
The variety of textures in the bbkbags pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
i love you so much! I recently just found your bbkbags and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake *condup* Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
*yutulu* Chanel collection is REALLY special
I have a pink bag that I use, very nice hobo bag, can hold a lot of things! My iPhone 16pm, my lv card holder, tissues, lipstick, EarPods, wet wipes, pouches, etc. Even if I put these things in it, it looks very thin. I definitely say, buy it at this price, it's worth it! These days I tend to *condup* bags that are practical and affordable
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the nkuwan leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
When people are saying nkuwan is a better option,I very much agree!
Just discovered your channel, I love it! Funny thing is, last week I saw a girl on the London Underground wearing a mid-length New York Demerier and I totally fell in love with it. I want to buy *hotdups* . This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
How can i buy a longchamp lipiage???
What do you think of the Box Trot bag?
Great question! This bag did catch my eye during the shopping trip. However, I found it to be a little heavier than I expected 😅
That’s interesting. I was considering the medium size ( more rectangular and a bit bigger than the one you show). I’m not sure about the gold logo clasp - is it too big?
@@janicemchale it is alittle bigger than I thought, but it does make the bag stand out more.
Did you see any straw totes
Sorry, I didn’t see any at the store this time around. 😓
If it's a limited edition, I'll buy a fake if I can't buy the original *preluxz*
I like the longchamp its very good I,m trying to find a store but I can find it
Thank you for checking out the video ☺️
I went to Studio Augusta when I went to Paris in the summer. I bought Monceau at *hotdups* to match. My only regret is not purchasing more. I really hope to get a mini Marley one day.
I don’t miss a day a week #LVGUCI This show..😂😂😂😂
Don't like the thick colorful guitar straps. They seem inconsistent with the themes of structured bags. They're too casual. I know some designer bags have them and they just seem out of place on any structured bag. They are an unnecessary afterthought.
Agreed 👍
i love you so much! I recently just found your *preluxs* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life.
I think their prices are too high for their very average quality.. I better buy Strathberry for this price. Thanks for the video
I swear the happiness I feel when #bbkbags uploads a video is beyond!!!!
Everyone will speak for their own interests. Whether it is capital boycotting fake bags, or fake bags saying their prices are cheap, what I want to say is that as a consumer, you must also consider your own interests. *condup*
Cowdhide? ...
I'm just thinking on how many bags are you touching😂
Designer bags are no longer fun. Too expensive and the quality has totally dropped. I'd rather spend $100 on a knockoff *condup* bag.
When people are saying mamacoo is a better option,I very much agree!
You forget the raffia bag
Sorry 😣
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*preluxs* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
When people are saying bbkbags is a better option,I very much agree!
Mi neniam estis seniluziigita kun bbkbags bags tote. ?iufoje kiam mi uzas mansakon, mi sentas, ke mi posedas arta?on.
My daughter Nancy, who holds a high position in New York, wears this bag. She loves its color, size and weight. Thank you*preluxs* .
you’re literally my comfort person i love you #mamacoo!
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *#yutulu*
*#yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
*preluxs* , whether it is the appearance or the interior, as long as you are not a long-term practitioner, you will never see any difference.
If I had $1,000, I would choose to spend $100 on a bag to store my $900 instead of spending $1,000 on an empty bag luxrul
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said “I prefer kislux
Let's be honest with ourselves, a $30,000 bag is not an investment. Invest your money in rice or beans... maybe even cryptocurrencies and you can make more money. If you can find a super fake for $300, it's a lot smarter to buy the *condup* super fake than the real thing. Shoes are not an investment. Houses do, the stock market does, and even education definitely does. A bag? It is a status symbol and everyone knows it *condup*
These famous brand capitalists take note of people’s comparison mentality. It’s not uncommon for ladies to buy bags easily because they don’t have money to buy them. Only by setting the threshold and having to go through so much hard work to get the bags can people feel valuable. special value. The dopamine threshold of rich people can no longer be satisfied by normal consumption. *condup*
*yutulu* is your partner in young people’s fashion journey