Heroes of Might and Magic V Tier 6 Creatures Tier List (Updated)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @crossmodulation9730
    @crossmodulation9730 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Probably the only one of your tier list videos that I can agree on pretty much everything... so far.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@crossmodulation9730 lol glad we are in agreement;). One tier list left to go…

  • @simounobrien9096
    @simounobrien9096 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Multiple stacks of pit lords literally end the battle outright. Especially the meteor showers. Combine them with succubus, your unstoppable

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@simounobrien9096 that’s why they are S tier, super strong and versatile tier 6. Succubus is pretty bad though.

    • @simounobrien9096
      @simounobrien9096 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MutantBray Not really, I actually destroyed 7 Armies in a row with the Pit Fiends and Succubus alone.
      I did add The Cerberus and Horned Demons and the Occasional Arch Devils for Back up but other than that, the Fiend and Succubus combo literally is broken.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@simounobrien9096 ya if you were using the seduce succubus then they can def be a difference maker

    • @simounobrien9096
      @simounobrien9096 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MutantBray Aye.
      But despite all I said, I say Sylvan has the All Round Strongest Forces outright. (The Pixies are kinda questionable but Numerous and their Area of Effect Blast is good) but Those Emerald Dragons and The Treants are Borderline busted together.
      And your very right on the Hunters and Druids being the Backbone for Sylvan, I say they are S+

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@simounobrien9096 yep that’s why they are up there in my other tier list videos, insanely strong units

  • @Xertaron.
    @Xertaron. 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wraiths are only S tier in small battles, during larger ones killing one creature, even t7, isn't that impactful.
    Upgraded Thanes and upgraded Rakshasas are potentially one of the most broken units in the game, depending on your access to runes/artifacts - Thanes with rune of berserking/battle rage can potentially wipe out huge chunk of enemy army, while Rakshasas with initiative bonuses can sit at over 20+ initiative and run circles around the enemy. It's hard to tier them "in general".
    Base Rakshasa and Wight are definitely the worst t6 though. Witches can still shoot and cast spells, Wights and Rakshasas are mostly a canon fodder.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Xertaron. hey when there is only a very small number of wraiths left and they are able to kill a t7 guaranteed with each hit it can be pretty impactful.
      Yes both of those upgrades are great, rakshasas are a little on the weaker side but can sometimes hit pretty hard.
      Nah witches suck. Low damage and ya they can cast but not much and not many times

    • @Xertaron.
      @Xertaron. 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@MutantBray Yeah, but Wraiths are good specifically in small scale battles - further the game goes, the worse they get and the window where they're S tier is relatively small. Pit Lords have the same effect, while also dealing regular attack damage and can trigger it on counter attack and can cast spells on top of it. Wraith can only kill one unit and only when being the one attacking, while forgoing their regular attack, which situationally is very good thanks to no retaliation, but it's not something you're going to throw left and right, unless again - it's a very early battle with few t7 units.
      Witches are a bit underwhelming, but doing moderate ranged damage is better than being a liability in most combat situations, like Wights and base Raskhasas are.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Xertaron. ya that’s all very true

  • @SajSen02
    @SajSen02 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What's your main castle? My is Sylvan

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@SajSen02 necropolis has always been my favorite, probably because that’s the first one I ever played with. But sylvan is def my second favorite. Love some, ok with others, and hate the rest lol

  • @fumb3335
    @fumb3335 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm pretty sure I already made 1 of these but Ill just do it again cuz I'm bored.
    shadow chicks are all straight garbage, ill give the upgrades both C simply because they are upgraded but they both suck. Lack of damage and low hp. Only saving graze is the casting. Build path is fine however.
    Paladins and champions are Easily the best tier 6, S+ and unupgraded are A tier. Way too quick, jousting ability and good damage is bound to make a good unit. Besides you can even get more by haven special castle ability. The unique ability from both are also quite nice. Build path is a little annoying since is cost lots of crystal, but you dont use crystal pretty much anywhere else for haven so it quite doable.
    Pit fiends are kinda overrated. Incredible annoying creeping because you will lose units garanteed by that dumb ass fireball, but if they throw out the fireball they become useless after. They have good hp and damage but lack speed, iniative and defense. Pit lords are great early on but the later the game becomes the worse they become. Pit spawns are the opposite of pit lords, they become better as the game progresses more.
    Upgraded both A tier, gating also makes them quite good because you can abuse the ability's and casting. Build path is eh, not great but not the worst.
    Wights are terrible. Slow, low def and hp, high damage tho but that doesn't mean shit when your dead already before you can hit. C/D tier.
    upgraded are pretty much the same unit with the same problems. Low speed and low hp. The ability harm touch is only usefull for the very early game and becomes useless after. C tier unit tbh. They have incredible damage tho so gotta take em out. They can be raised but.......why would you ever do that when vampires exist. build path is fine.
    treants are great. Upgraded and upgraded are quite the same however imo, just a slightly better version. The tangle ability is so good for keeping units in place, forcing them to fight against a tier 6 with the defense and hp of a tier 7...... all while having extra growth too. They are also always never targeted so in big teamfights these mfs stand tall. Obviously they lack speed and iniative and damage but they are incredible good for their faction that it doesn't matter too much. They are great blockage for shooters. The build path is easy but the price is annoying, costing lots of wood which is needed for the shooters.
    I have said it before and ill say it again, rakshasa are amazing units. S tier imo. Unupgraded however can go into the bin lol, c tier at best. the unupgraded unit looks good for its stats, high damage, no enemy retal and high hp, but they are too slow too do anything. Besides, the build path is TERRIBLE so you will most likely unlock colossus before you unlock these cats. The upgrade first, the blue 1 is A tier and the yellow 1 is easily S tier. Fully buffed up might be S+. The artifacts with extra iniative and movement speed makes them literal unstoppable. They will have 0 weaknesses. High hp, high attack, high damage, MULTIPLE units it can attack and you can even buff its iniative even more with it's ability. I really suggest playing academy 1 time and getting to late game with these yellow cats and buffing them up with academy artificats. It's really just unfair lol. I do get your reasioning of not placing them in s tier without artificats. However they always impress me with how hard they hit and having a mini hydra attack, except it actually hurts lol.
    thanes are interesting. unupgraded are High A. they feel like a tier 7 unit lmao. Chain attack, teleport, high speed. literally unfair lol. The upgraded ones are S tier, s+ with runes. These mfs do NOT shine in 1v1, you always want them to go into their side and just start swing everybody. The chain attack just causes so much chaos and damage, combining that with couple of those broken runes such as the 1 that it attacks every adjusted enemy and it feels like a literal cheatcode (kinda like the yellow cats but on even more steroids) I also think it fits dwarven very well. Dwarves lack speed (not that it matters since runes exist anyway) and thanes provide that good speed to go in a cause trauble. The build is annoying with the crystal but doable.
    (forgot to mention the flame thane version is terrible in late game when you have ruines)
    Wyvers are...... bad. Yea not much to say tbh. unupgraded are b tier only because of the regen. without it it would have sit comfortable at the bottom of D tier, even below the shadow bitches. that regen saves it from being useless, since it can help with creeping. upgraded are like c tier imo. while yes they are better they will have lots their purpose in the orcs army anyway. What I forgot to mention is that wyvers don't even benefit from blood. the poison attack is fine and chain attack is a much worst version of thanes chain attack version. build path is garbage too, good chance you unlocked cyclops before these boys. I rarely even buy them after the early game, hence why I put the upgraded version lower. (yes they are better but are less USEFULL which makes them lower tier then unupgrade version)
    I really recommend you try out the yellow cats sometime and just give them 1 movement speedbuff by tactics, speedboots or artifacts from wizards and you have a tier 7 unit in your hands, he's that good

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@fumb3335 lol shadow witches are the worst tier 6 to me, no question. Wights are good with some good utility as well. Everyone just loves the rakasha for no reason, ur talk about wights not having any hp and defense neither do they lol.

    • @fumb3335
      @fumb3335 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MutantBray they literaly have 140hp which is the second highest for a tier 6 behind treants. Their defense is low tho, but I just like em running infront kinda like paladins killing of a stack right at the start, which gives your other academy units such as mages and titans time to shoot down the rest

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@fumb3335 ya but see that’s the problem I have with that unit or hell hounds. They get one good turn to go up there and fuck somebody. And that’s great, then they just get fucked and die soon after

    • @fumb3335
      @fumb3335 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MutantBray I agree with hell hounds not being that great for doing 1 hit and dying, but rakshasa are usually left alive for atleast another round or 2 simply because academy has other prio units the ai likes to target. Even if rakshasa end up being focused on, it gives titans mages and gremlins lots of time to shoot down the rest. Besides, if you think that rakshasa dying after 1 round is bad, it kinda makes paladins garbage too since they end up doing 1 hit and dying right after. Only reason I think paladins are better is that the haven town ability is busted and you get up to 24 of those horses a week (realistically your not getting that many but the fact it's possible is crazy)

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@fumb3335 the paladins take a bit longer to kill and can also hit multiple targets, same as rakshasa. They aren’t bad units, but to me they have always been a bit overrated

  • @crossmodulation9730
    @crossmodulation9730 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's RASKSHASAS, not Rakashas.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@crossmodulation9730 my bad, close enough

  • @mladenus
    @mladenus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really can't agree to Pit fiends and their upgrades decision. How can you even compare them to the champions or treants? For the rest, I agree with you totally.

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Because fireball is good, and either one of the upgrades abilities are good as well. Now if I had like split of the tier even further and had A+ and A- sections added for each tier then yes I would agree with what u said and that there are other creatures that are stronger

    • @mladenus
      @mladenus 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MutantBray The low initiative is what makes them weak, in my opinion. Yes, great kit definitely, but 8 initiative means they don't have a chance to shine so often. Also, if they're interpreted as a high threat, that means they would be targeted sooner than later.

    • @simounobrien9096
      @simounobrien9096 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Pit Fiends outright end battles when you have multiple stacks of them spamming meteor showers across half the map.
      That's actually stupidly broken

    • @MutantBray
      @MutantBray  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@simounobrien9096 ya they are def really strong units. Def the main carry for inferno