Hello sir I am from India. I am experienced in blade analysis work. I know how to find and to take annotation demage which photo is captured by drone . Can you provide me a work. It's my pleasure to work with you.
Hello sir I am from India . I am experienced in blade analysis work . I know how to find and to take annotation on demage . Can you provide me a work . It's my pleasure to work with you .
After my family got our last electricity invoice we all ended up being screwed. My wife and I discovered our youngsters are going to go hungry. The answer is the Papziati Energy training course online. It is the number one method to make your own electric power.
impressive. now, how to achieve economic of scale?
excellent work , good vid , some UAV that is
Looks like a MATTRICE 300 HE'S USING TO 🎥 FILM
Which UAV Drone you had used ...???
Ciao Ajay! We use custom made UAVs that we design and build.
Hello sir I am from India. I am experienced in blade analysis work. I know how to find and to take annotation demage which photo is captured by drone . Can you provide me a work. It's my pleasure to work with you.
just got part 107 looking for job anyone hiring know how/ where to get foot in door
Did you get hired/ a job? I'm looking to get a 107 license and start flying for a company to do work like this.
I did it with the help of Avasva solutions.
Hello sir I am from India . I am experienced in blade analysis work . I know how to find and to take annotation on demage . Can you provide me a work .
It's my pleasure to work with you .
After my family got our last electricity invoice we all ended up being screwed. My wife and I discovered our youngsters are going to go hungry. The answer is the Papziati Energy training course online. It is the number one method to make your own electric power.
Why not just install a camera on wind turbine itself 🤷
To monitor it 24 hours