Never could figure out how this gives a base coat color WITHOUT a clear / gloss finish! What I am saying, is your color match is for a ''base coat'' and not a single stage paint! So, this is silly and explains why this system never nails the color match! You should have everyone remove the clear coat to match the base coat -- unless of course, you are using a single stage... $2,000.00 for a so so match - what a joke - right?
How many angles
Never could figure out how this gives a base coat color WITHOUT a clear / gloss finish!
What I am saying, is your color match is for a ''base coat'' and not a single stage paint! So, this is silly and explains why this system never nails the color match! You should have everyone remove the clear coat to match the base coat -- unless of course, you are using a single stage...
$2,000.00 for a so so match - what a joke - right?