Каналымдын "Жамаат" бөлүмүндөгү биринчи постто түрк тарых китептерин бөлүштүм. Каналымдын "жөнүндө" бөлүмүндө да китептер бар. Каналымда автоматтык түрдө башталган "Pdf books by Zekeriya Kitapçı" аттуу видео бар. Бул видео тиркелген комментарий жана сүрөттөмө бөлүмүндө китептерди камтыйт.
Kanalymda türk taryhy kitaplaryny paýlaşdym. Kanalymyň Jemgyýet bölümindäki ilkinji habarda ähli kitaplar bar. Kanalymyň "hakda" bölüminde kitap az. Awto-başlaýan wideonyň aşagyndaky pin habaryndaky kitaplaryň hemmesi bar. Şol wideonyň ady "Zekeriýa Kitapçiniň pdf kitaplary"
Thanks for your compliments, my friend. This is just the beginning for Turkey. The time of manned aircraft in war is running out. In time, artificial intelligence and electronic warfare will come to the fore. Greetings from Mauritius
@@sarsaclmavigozludevatam22 exactly, this is why many countries like France are thinking about producing a cheap and efficient drone because they only have expensive advanced drone and in a war like in ukraine you need something cheaper and efficient that you can produce quickly. So yes Turkey has a good product.
Turkey is awesome. They perfect the art of making the Russians feel like they are friends, while having Ukraine rain death on the Russians with Turkey's drones and weapons at the same time. I wonder how they can do that?
It all has to do with Syria. Russia needs Turkey's assistence to maintain air superiority in Syria to fight against a common enemy (YPG), meanwhile NATO needs Turkey for the access to the sea.
Q What would the Turks do, will they start a war against the Russians, you ask the Greeks why Greek tankers carry Russian oil while there is an embargo?
@@cemo3292 The military isn't interested in "tragedies" The way any military sees it is very pragmatic. Pilots take forever to train and losing one hurts. Where as training drone operators are less expensive and train faster.
There are still Turkish communities living in Pakistan. We can still see the traces of the Turkish States that ruled in India and Pakistan centuries ago.
Congratulations! I hope some countries who insistly shout slogan about "Turkey should be out of NATO" will going to shut up! NATO needs Turkiye and her innovative, creative modern military proficiency, not 10 million population countries with 40 over age old.
I dont understand people who compare this to f35, f22 or chinas j-20. Those manned jets cost at least 150m $. This thing will cost somewhere between 15-25 m$. Even if you lose it, you dont lose a pilot. It will have an aesa radar and all other mambo jambo to perform aa,ag,sead and dead missions. Hell, even if you send it kamikaze to an air defense system, its still gonna be cost efficent kill.
You are right. As i have heard there will be 4 kind. Air-to-air defence, air-to-ground, air-to-air combat, and if im not mistaken the last one is digital combat.
With this kind of UCAV you also don't need to train pilot if you lose the plane. You just have to build another one. Think about it you have one pilot and 4-6 different UCAV in the air at the same time. Pilot is attacking his/her target with the first one and after bingo he is giving the control of this plane to AI and first plane is returning to base. Then he is taking control of second and doing the same. With just one pilot sitting in a climated room can continue 8-12 hours of continuously attack.
In addition, with more powerfull engineed trench crafts, there"ll no limit for G-forces to perform incredible maneuvers, higher altitudes, more advanced AI's and so on. The future lies for unmanned air systems.
@@halitakn88 No Brother Kizilelma wont the first Types will use Ukrainian Engines After that Turkey will add their TF-6000 Engines in it but the TB2 will be produced in Ukraine not Kizilelma
@Jerry Your country only got technological advantage because of natzy scientists and stolen geman Technology.Aside from that both russia and your side didn't actualy built much.
The Turkish arms industry has been doing amazingly well even in the USA we buy there guns here the tb2 in recent wars there entire sector is doing very well with some amazing stuff
@Dank Waifu They bragging too much our government(Iran) was also bragging that they built all those drones themselves, but when some of them shot down in Ukraine, Ukrainians revealed that the engine is from Austria and some technologies are imported
Turkey earned it’s respect, those used to ridicule Turkey now give respect due to its extraordinary achievements in military technology specially combat fighter drone
This jet is just shy in size to the F16. It’s amazing what one can do when you’re so called friends like the US and EU put secret arms embargoes against their NATO ally Turkiye. Alas they have underestimated the Turks and it will cost them big one day.
@@Bobtubeau Turkiye's economy grew by 11% in 2021 and Turkiye's debt to GDP is only 38%. Unflation is high, but it will come down a lot faster than US and EU debt will. Thats for sure!
@@nedkelly9688 imagine out there many allies Turkiye and Turkiye provide them unlimited sources? So he makes his allies stronger it's mean Turkiye gets more strong.
Australia Ghost Bat is just as good or even better actually. as swappable nose cone so can change avionics quick and easy. it's already been flying for over a year too. and has out performed humans in combat by 5 times.
@@nedkelly9688 they are not even in the same category. The purpose of Kizilelma is with artificial intelligence air to air combat. It has a AESA radar on it. Loyal wingman is more of a drone supporting the manned fighter jets while Kizilelma can do everything a manned fighter jet can do but with artificial intelligence. its main goal is to carry out aerial missions using its own artificial intelligence abilities without taking any orders. If this project succeeds, the Turks will be the first to actually develop an unmanned fighter jet with artificial intelligence abilities.
Turkish Technology is quite strong in the world for Defence System . It is normal that Turkiye is strongest country in Europe and second country after USA in NATO also.
Well , its a first basic model of subsonic kızılelma, Turkey is building 'unmanned' army of ground ,naval, and air force also making their own equepment bonbs rockets etc. soon or later next generation fighter jets will be only unmanned so turkey now on one step further.
@@jinnilovely5573 can be independent and you have no clue on it.. is fully Autnomous but Australia will and can fly them with F35.. Has flown by itself in tests for over a year now.
People are weird. if you think it will not work or effective then you should not worry about it right ? stop crying. Bayraktar working on this kind of tecnologies and they re really serious on it . proved themself many times.
Countries have the US is an example with wingman program and Valkry/Kratos its smart turkey is following in it too. The drones the US would use could carry ordinance like a fighter and have a farther range as well but only cost like 1-2 million depending what u need but the trade off is insane you can swarm these drones and destroy a billion dollar air defense network or a multi million dollar jet by arming these with EWS, Air to air missiles,etc.
@@Pitabrot You could remote controle the plain and all its functions. Situational awareness could be achived with 360 degree cameras and FPV...But I think many functions could be automated.. Cars with no need for driver has existed for years. Sory my english
@@Pitabrot it has three layer(not only firmware also haedware) to protect it's programs. It also uses turkish stalites and special ... if it is possible to hack russian hackers hack tb2
The most effective utilization, nobody talking about, is that this UAV will used on the flagship TCG ANADOLU with the new Bayraktar TB3. That will be a game changer at all.
Greece buys second-hand Rafale fighter jets from France Turkiye produces unmanned warplanes America kicks Turkiye out of the F-35 project for unfair reasons Turkiye is about to complete its own TAI TF-X project (latest generation fighter aircraft)
hocam düne kadar israilin Heronlarını aldık..(2008/2011=3 düştü..5 motorlar curuk cıktı..şimdi tb2 ihraç ediyoruz..ukraynalı pilot vurulan kontrol kurulamayan tb2 nin döndiğini söyliyor..yani bu işte yeniyiz ama roket hızındayız.mütevazide olmayalım lütfen..abd f25 lerinin arızaları her seferinde günlük kodla çalıştırılması,sürekli kaza haberleri..hani devlet aklı vs derlerdi komplocular.yuzde 1000 inanıyorum..s400 ler boşuna alınmadı.gurur duyalım..övünelim..elbette yeri geldiğinde mütevazi olalım... ama inan yetişemiyoruz..her gün yeni bir ürün.. 10 yil önce heron kirala satın al..kandilde kamera kararsın..10 yıl sonra tb2 tb3 akıncı kızılelma üret..ve ihrac et!!
bu şişirme pohpohlama sevdası ne arkadaş bizim milletteki yabancı kanallara gidip özelliklerini felan bahsediyor yok şöyle böyle :D pazarlama yapar gibi baykarın kendi satış temsilcileri böyle anlatmıyodur
@@MrVenturadog yeah you know attacks and counterattacks, that's the way it is. As some people develop anti drone systems, these uavs won't stay the same way they are now.
A stealthy unmanned fighter jet that can penetrate deep into the enemy side . Turkey is also building a strategic stealthy unmanned bomber and a manned 5th generation jet that is affordable
@UCmOAqAuRJDKC_fSPLEgAYJA Still, doesnt mean Ukraine or England will get if for free. Airbus parts are made by dozen of countries but no one gets it for free right? And no you dont OWN the tech when its put into place, you are part of the result but you definitely dont OWN it! China practically makes the whole Iphone but dont own nothing of Apple right?
it dont even need a pilot, it can fly without pilot, firing his missiles and turning back home, landing and driving to the garage totaly by its own but due to international laws we have to take it under pilots controll and firing the missiles will be also done by human. But i think in a war we would let them fly totaly by their own, finding their own targets, firing all of his missiles and comming back. This is maybe the worlds first 5.5 th gen fighter Jet.
Kızılelma has a feature that can do much more than the g-force that the pilot on a manned war front can withstand, and it has the ability to make a decision faster than a human during a battle, so the advantage is very high. In addition, as advanced models come, its effect will increase much more.
If you talk about dogfight, G -force is real issue but it is not possible to do with unmanned aircraft at least todays technology. Unmanned aircraft mainly designs for air to ground targets for now...
@@mehmetaltunkaya6514 otonom özelliğe sahip yani insan devre dışı kalıyor ve algıladığı tehlikeyi kodlamaya göre düşünmeden hızlıca yapması gerekeni yapacağı bir özellik bu yazılımla herşey mümkün. Aksi halde insansız savaş uçağı bir çöp olur çünkü uzak mesafeden bu uçağa siz komut gönderene kadar çoktan vurulmuş olur.
@@avrocat80 It doesn't have to do more Gs. It takes an immense amount of training for a pilot to even handle 8 Gs. It also depends on health of pilot. If pilot is not fit or sick he might have trouble handling more Gs. It just saves the cost.
@Darius Bendasiuk I think he means that AI has yet to mature to Ironman levels that it can perform dogfight manoeuvres only a human mind can achieve. So the most we'll see out of these drones would be BVR combat where they'll snipe enemy planes from miles away without being seen.
@@gurkankaraali9608 What you claim is ridiculous. We dont make anything best in Nato. We just create price performance products which we can infependently manufacture. You dont know defence industry well enough so you claim nato countries cant produce more advanced weapons than Turkey.
Defense industry head İsmail Demir: KIZILELMA said that the plane was not flying with Joistik, but with a simulator. When the plane turns upside down, the pilot will turn over, but the pilot will be in a special cabin, feeling every movement of the plane.
it dont even need a pilot, it can fly without pilot, firing his missiles and turning back home, landing and driving to the garage totaly by its own but due to international laws we have to take it under pilots controll and firing the missiles will be also done by human. But i think in a war we would let them fly totaly by their own, finding their own targets, firing all of his missiles and comming back. This is maybe the worlds first 5.5 th gen fighter Jet.
@@Levo_D_Angelo No Australia's Boeing Ghost Bat has been flying for over a year now. fully AI combat drone all Australian F35'S are fitted with pilot drone control capability. so this is the second.
@@jinnilovely5573 is not.. is a fully autonomous AI drone that can be used fully autonomous in packs as the name is named after a Australian animal that flys in packs hunting. It can be used flying on own or used as a loyal wingman.. why name was changed from loyal wingman to just Ghost Bat.
@@Muhammedsfgh olabilir sanirim suan TF 6000 motorunun ilk prototipi yapiliyor. TF10000 de dizayn edilmis, tam olarak bir jet ucagi motoru. Ama yol uzun tabiki. Bakalim 🙂
These are literally a wet dream for Video game players. A whole new generation of pilots who have never flown in real life but are the aces of the sky. And adding an Aircraft carrier for a whole Squadron of peeps sitting in their comfy comp chairs taken names and kicking ass. Cool thing is we become so good takening crazy chances when using flight simulators that'll you'll be able to do things no real pilot would want to try in fear of losing their life. War will be fought from home in the next generation or two
@@EternallyUnhappy Lol AI is even better as no need for people sitting there flying them. Australia MQ 28 Ghost Bat where this thing looks similar in a lot of places needs no one sitting on a seat. Outperformed humans by 5 times in combat in tests so far. tracks and locks on to 6 targets at once also. AI is the new thing.
As Turkey is NATO and supports Ukraine's Crimean native Tatar People, those Turkish drones are expected to be seen soon flying at Ukraine's skys towards ruSSinvaders. I _(and everyone decent)_ expect no less!
This is the second time i see this comment of yours. Türkiye waited for decades to be their "allies/friend" decent, but until today they are still not decent! Look how many embargoes our "decent allies" have sett to Türkiye! Of course Türkiye will send drones to Ukraine, they are partners after all, but not with the reason to be decent or the crap you say! Those "decent" people full of expectations about Türkiye have a lot of ground to cover up before they will be called "decent" by Turks!
Thank God turkey succeeded and they can see what turkey can do no matter how much embargo they put for their pleasure. If there is justice, it should be the same for everyone. Thanks Amerika
All fighter jets in the future will be AI drones. They will be able to perform maneuvers and g-forces that a human would not be able to handle not to mention it would eliminate any human error. In the Ukraine, drones have become central in the conflict. Russia is even using Iranian kamikaze drones as very cheap cruise missiles.
Against modern armys drones could never work as efficient as a real person because signal jammers could destroy them and they'll never have the same range so yeah its a good piece of equipment to have but they wont replace actual jets anytime soon
@@lukas6610 You are wrong. They don't work with simple radio frequency like your toys. It also communicates via satellite and at the same time, this communication network is encrypted. So you can't prevent them from flying by putting a frequency jammer. Also, it will not fight alone. At the same time, it will act in swarms with other UAV squadrons and warplanes in coordination with artificial intelligence and automation. Even if a tiger is very strong, it cannot fight against hundreds of wasps and eagles.
The current engine of Bayraktar TB2 is a domestic engine called BM-100. This engine was developed by Baykar and its mass production has started1. The BM-100 engine was designed to eliminate the disadvantages of the previously used Canadian Rotax 912 engine. /was determined as approximately 10 thousand dollars. The total sales price of the aircraft is approximately 50 million dollar.
I think the Turks are returning to their essence, that is, they are going down to the field. because Turks are one of the most impressive nations in the field of war throughout history.
Russia announced that it would completely occupy Kiev within 72 hours. Thanks to the ''BAYRAKTAR TB2'' bearer who shattered the russian armored convoys in the first 3 days of the war
Respect Turkish brothers from Kyrgyz Republic
Кыргыз боордошторубузга сүйүү, урматтоо жана салам
Каналымдын "Жамаат" бөлүмүндөгү биринчи постто түрк тарых китептерин бөлүштүм. Каналымдын "жөнүндө" бөлүмүндө да китептер бар. Каналымда автоматтык түрдө башталган "Pdf books by Zekeriya Kitapçı" аттуу видео бар. Бул видео тиркелген комментарий жана сүрөттөмө бөлүмүндө китептерди камтыйт.
Kırgızlara selamlar
Our weapons are yours too bro
We are Turkic brothers 🇹🇷❤️🇰🇬
Amazing👏. Long Live the Turkey from Türkmenistan. 🇹🇷✌️🇹🇲
Kanalymda türk taryhy kitaplaryny paýlaşdym. Kanalymyň Jemgyýet bölümindäki ilkinji habarda ähli kitaplar bar. Kanalymyň "hakda" bölüminde kitap az. Awto-başlaýan wideonyň aşagyndaky pin habaryndaky kitaplaryň hemmesi bar. Şol wideonyň ady "Zekeriýa Kitapçiniň pdf kitaplary"
Thanks 🙏🏻
Turan inşa Allah.🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇺🇿🇰🇬🇰🇿
Well done Turkey, from Bangladesh. Its incredible how fast Turkey is progressing.
Türkiye has the best drones. Thank you for TB2
from Ukraine
Slava UKRAINE 💙💛🙏🇹🇷🇺🇦
@@1907FENERBAHCESK thank you fenerbahche
Thank you for the engines.
So your goverment support Greece every change really you Are so tahkful
@@fahrettinpasa4638 laa fahrettin paşa ne diyon la... mius un motolar vs bile ukraynadan yaptığın yoruma ve kafana bak... hmnmhmn
The Bayraktar itself is a real beast. Go Turkey 🇹🇷 Sharon McCluskey from Mauritius Island ♥️
long live Türkiye
Thanks for your compliments, my friend. This is just the beginning for Turkey. The time of manned aircraft in war is running out. In time, artificial intelligence and electronic warfare will come to the fore. Greetings from Mauritius
it's not, it's just a cheap drone more interesting for your wallet than an expensive drone that you don't want to see destroyed
@@johndoe-cd9vt Yeah. Our drones are like ak-47..Cheap but lethal.😜😜.😜😜
@@sarsaclmavigozludevatam22 exactly, this is why many countries like France are thinking about producing a cheap and efficient drone because they only have expensive advanced drone and in a war like in ukraine you need something cheaper and efficient that you can produce quickly. So yes Turkey has a good product.
تمنياتي لتركيا بالتطور والرقي لتصبح من الدول المتقدمة صناعيا وعسكريا.
Çünkü müslümanlar ancak kardeştir.
Türkiye zaten öyleydi.
Allah ac razı olsun.
Eyvallah kardeş
"This is the future of warfare" ...Salam from Malaysia Brothers
İts time to save ourselves with brother countries Monopoly of some countries we are waiting and hoping working with brother country malasia together
sizleri biliyoruz...zamanı gelince hep birlikte olacağız
Who's Salam?
@@AA-db9cb its greetings
This isnt the future of warefare, it's taken turkey DECADES to produce this, most 1st world countries had these aircraft in the 80's lol
Turkey is awesome. They perfect the art of making the Russians feel like they are friends, while having Ukraine rain death on the Russians with Turkey's drones and weapons at the same time. I wonder how they can do that?
It all has to do with Syria.
Russia needs Turkey's assistence to maintain air superiority in Syria to fight against a common enemy (YPG), meanwhile NATO needs Turkey for the access to the sea.
Q What would the Turks do, will they start a war against the Russians, you ask the Greeks why Greek tankers carry Russian oil while there is an embargo?
win win relationship
@@ThizzyMan YPG isn't the common enemy of Russia and Turkey. Russia actually supports YPG. It's just against the US presence in the region.
When was the last time you heard about Turkish drones?
It seems like Turks got bored of computer games and put them into real life. It looks very cool and scary ad the same time.
Zoru başırırız imkansız biraz zaman alır😉
@@walk5860 Havalara bak sanki Baykar'da mühendis 😂
Hayirdir? Bu gurur Türk olan herkes icin degilmi? Havalanmayanda kusur ararim ben, senin gibi gotdaslarda misal!
@@8thtwtgd bordo berelilerin sloganı
Bravo Turkey from Albania 🇦🇱🇹🇷🇺🇲🇪🇺
Amerika bayrağı neden koydun ??
No america 🇹🇷=🇹🇷
Usa is gay
Not america and not EU! They are our enemies!
This is much better than sending a pilot into the air, pilots take a long time to train, and the farther they can be kept from danger the better
ileride ürettiğimiz insanlı uçaklarda kol görevide yapacak👍
Exactly losing a unmanned Fighter jet isn’t worse just a training for making it better but losing a pilot is a tragedy
@@cemo3292 The military isn't interested in "tragedies"
The way any military sees it is very pragmatic. Pilots take forever to train and losing one hurts.
Where as training drone operators are less expensive and train faster.
Salute to all my turkic brothers
Selam brother, what about Cyprus?
@@MSTAOZ sadly there is no trnc falg bro
@@turan2815 What about Pakistan? 😃
@@theancientsancients1769 they are not Turkic
There are still Turkish communities living in Pakistan. We can still see the traces of the Turkish States that ruled in India and Pakistan centuries ago.
Congratulations! I hope some countries who insistly shout slogan about "Turkey should be out of NATO" will going to shut up! NATO needs Turkiye and her innovative, creative modern military proficiency, not 10 million population countries with 40 over age old.
Well said! We are NATO!
I dont understand people who compare this to f35, f22 or chinas j-20. Those manned jets cost at least 150m $. This thing will cost somewhere between 15-25 m$. Even if you lose it, you dont lose a pilot. It will have an aesa radar and all other mambo jambo to perform aa,ag,sead and dead missions. Hell, even if you send it kamikaze to an air defense system, its still gonna be cost efficent kill.
You are right. As i have heard there will be 4 kind. Air-to-air defence, air-to-ground, air-to-air combat, and if im not mistaken the last one is digital combat.
With this kind of UCAV you also don't need to train pilot if you lose the plane. You just have to build another one. Think about it you have one pilot and 4-6 different UCAV in the air at the same time. Pilot is attacking his/her target with the first one and after bingo he is giving the control of this plane to AI and first plane is returning to base. Then he is taking control of second and doing the same. With just one pilot sitting in a climated room can continue 8-12 hours of continuously attack.
In addition, with more powerfull engineed trench crafts, there"ll no limit for G-forces to perform incredible maneuvers, higher altitudes, more advanced AI's and so on. The future lies for unmanned air systems.
bro, you understood it very well, this is part of the strategy, losing some of them is absolut no problem, exactly !
It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean.
Congrats from Ukraine!
Thank you ❤🇹🇷🫡 🇺🇦
this will be produced in ukraine
@@halitakn88 yes mate, i know. It will have ukrainian engine
@@halitakn88 No Brother Kizilelma wont the first Types will use Ukrainian Engines After that Turkey will add their TF-6000 Engines in it but the TB2 will be produced in Ukraine not Kizilelma
This is very smart to have an unmaned air to air combat drone. It will be able to pull g's and maneuvers that a human could not.
Aynen. 4 farklı versyon yapacakmış. Havadan karaya tamam. Gerisi?
Richtig,ganz genau!!!!
@@zorbey433amma boş yaptın şikeci
USA: “no fifth gen jet for you”
Turkey: *makes a sixth gen one instead
Keep dreaming
@@tayotheridgeback2167 HAHAHAH STUPID
Welp 2 Americans bit here
@Jerry buddy 35 is a joke
@Jerry Your country only got technological advantage because of natzy scientists and stolen geman Technology.Aside from that both russia and your side didn't actualy built much.
The Turkish arms industry has been doing amazingly well even in the USA we buy there guns here the tb2 in recent wars there entire sector is doing very well with some amazing stuff
They spend the money well in the west we waste billions through bad decisions
We would like to thank all NATO countries, especially the USA.. For revealing the power within us by imposing an arms embargo on us.. 😁😁
Turkish shotgun like UTS 15 is absolutely the best thing I ever saw.
All the body parts, engine and technologies like military grade gps comes from the west, it's just a montage company
@Dank Waifu They bragging too much our government(Iran) was also bragging that they built all those drones themselves, but when some of them shot down in Ukraine, Ukrainians revealed that the engine is from Austria and some technologies are imported
Congrats Turkey. Love from Peshawar Pakistan
Turkey earned it’s respect, those used to ridicule Turkey now give respect due to its extraordinary achievements in military technology specially combat fighter drone
All the combat fighter drones anyone could want, but no economy.
This jet is just shy in size to the F16. It’s amazing what one can do when you’re so called friends like the US and EU put secret arms embargoes against their NATO ally Turkiye. Alas they have underestimated the Turks and it will cost them big one day.
@@Bobtubeau Turkiye's economy grew by 11% in 2021 and Turkiye's debt to GDP is only 38%. Unflation is high, but it will come down a lot faster than US and EU debt will. Thats for sure!
@@mustafahakim1298 How did they underestimate them . few other countries have similar or even better drones.
@@nedkelly9688 imagine out there many allies Turkiye and Turkiye provide them unlimited sources? So he makes his allies stronger it's mean Turkiye gets more strong.
Another new member to Turkey's pride list 🇹🇷
you need that pride list after lookin at your economy🤣🤣🤣🤣 embarrasing muslim economics
@@qefewfwdcwdc That's a good point, but that's irrespective of the Kızılelma prestige that's at issue right now.
@@Turkogluu how do you feel about erdogan???
@@qefewfwdcwdc What is it you want to learn? I don't know. But erdogan did his job and he should retire.
@@Turkogluu I don't think so I want him to rule Türkiye for 5 more years
Most badass drone iv ever seen congrats Turkey 🔥💪
it's an upscaled rc plane
Australia Ghost Bat is just as good or even better actually. as swappable nose cone so can change avionics quick and easy. it's already been flying for over a year too. and has out performed humans in combat by 5 times.
@@nedkelly9688 thats boing ghost bat for australia
@@BACA01 lol it is stealth and it can carry tons of bombs and rockets
@@nedkelly9688 they are not even in the same category. The purpose of Kizilelma is with artificial intelligence air to air combat. It has a AESA radar on it. Loyal wingman is more of a drone supporting the manned fighter jets while Kizilelma can do everything a manned fighter jet can do but with artificial intelligence.
its main goal is to carry out aerial missions using its own artificial intelligence abilities without taking any orders.
If this project succeeds, the Turks will be the first to actually develop an unmanned fighter jet with artificial intelligence abilities.
Congratulations to turkiye aviation engineers 🇹🇷🇧🇩
We should of took their offer to build 5th gen jet with them
Turkey's new J20 stealth done.
Turkish Technology is quite strong in the world for Defence System . It is normal that Turkiye is strongest country in Europe and second country after USA in NATO also.
Largest by number not technology
@@abdultumu8675 if you can influence external wars, you are pretty big in my opinion
You are delusional. Turkey would fold like a cheep suit in a real war.
@@Bander471 jealousy time…I understand Your sling mud that its normal…kiss you
@@abdultumu8675 we know you are bakht 🍵🖕😀✌️
Well , its a first basic model of subsonic kızılelma, Turkey is building 'unmanned' army of ground ,naval, and air force also making their own equepment bonbs rockets etc. soon or later next generation fighter jets will be only unmanned so turkey now on one step further.
This is the beginning of a new era in electronic warfare. Proud of my country 🇹🇷
not the beginning Australia's MQ28 Ghost Bat was about the 1st combat fighting AI drone and been flying longer now.
MQ28 just wigman for f35, not independent fighter jet drone like Kizelelma
@@jinnilovely5573 can be independent and you have no clue on it.. is fully Autnomous but Australia will and can fly them with F35..
Has flown by itself in tests for over a year now.
@Russell Starling thanks alot for your support my ukraians ❤️
🎶 Cedin Dedin 🎶
People are weird. if you think it will not work or effective then you should not worry about it right ? stop crying. Bayraktar working on this kind of tecnologies and they re really serious on it . proved themself many times.
Turkey is doing a marvellous job.
Great to see positive progression from the Turks. Wonderful country 😎✌️🇬🇧🎸
thanks man hello from İstanbul
@SINFIKI KANFAK New Khalifah Ottoman
Geliyor gelmekte olan 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷❤️❤️❤️
Salam from an Indian muslim. Congratulations 🎉 Turkey.
Aleyküm Selam Kardeşim..
The Turkish brothers are coming 🇧🇦❤️🇹🇷
Muslims Bosnia love from Türkiye
@@krissoez9268why are you crying ?
❤🇹🇷❤🇧🇦❤ 🇧🇦❤🇹🇷
@@yahudi_KESMECE 🦃🦃🦃
A Golden Apple a day keeps the enemy away 🇹🇷
ingilizceyi yanlış öğrenmişsin
Hayır bence doğru öğrenmiş, eski dilde altına kızıl derler hatta Türk haklarında örneklerini görebilirsin.
@@alifurkansag5342 ingilizce yazmış Türkçe değil
Always remember the red apple
Rose Apple is the right word in English for KızılElma
Rose Apple veya Rose gold Rose burda Kızıl oluyor Gül deği
MashaAllah MashaAllah congratulations 🎊 to all Turkish brothers
Kağıt üstünde teorilerilerimiz ve bilgilerimiz her zaman vardı. Her teknolojide bilgimiz vardı ama üretmiyorduk şimdi üretmeye başladık.
love it. For years I have wondered why nobody made an unmaned fighter jet. No dead pilots. No pilot G-limits..
It's very expensive, the coding is probably huge since a jet with a pilot has long code of 1000ends.
Countries have the US is an example with wingman program and Valkry/Kratos its smart turkey is following in it too.
The drones the US would use could carry ordinance like a fighter and have a farther range as well but only cost like 1-2 million depending what u need but the trade off is insane you can swarm these drones and destroy a billion dollar air defense network or a multi million dollar jet by arming these with EWS, Air to air missiles,etc.
@@Pitabrot You could remote controle the plain and all its functions. Situational awareness could be achived with 360 degree cameras and FPV...But I think many functions could be automated.. Cars with no need for driver has existed for years. Sory my english
@@sel7245 u could definitely automate and they should. A UAV connected to a wireless network can always get hacked.
@@Pitabrot it has three layer(not only firmware also haedware) to protect it's programs. It also uses turkish stalites and special ... if it is possible to hack russian hackers hack tb2
Turkey came out of nowhere with this superb technology
Turkey have been working on domestic defence projects for almost 50 years…It didnt just happen today
Beş bin yıllık devlet aklı!
They working with aliens
Have you seen our new SUV aircraft carrier "TCG Anadolu"?
Bir millet iki dővlet 🇦🇿🇹🇷😎😎
The most effective utilization, nobody talking about, is that this UAV will used on the flagship TCG ANADOLU with the new Bayraktar TB3. That will be a game changer at all.
An excellent power multiplier. The balance of power is completely shifted. Turkey is a different country and interesting.
There are many more defence projects in Türkiye to come, stay tuned
Exactly that’s just 5%
you mean attack projects 😁
@@lepa7570 it depends on the perspective
Greece buys second-hand Rafale fighter jets from France
Turkiye produces unmanned warplanes
America kicks Turkiye out of the F-35 project for unfair reasons
Turkiye is about to complete its own TAI TF-X project (latest generation fighter aircraft)
Latest generation??
@@antiochianius 5th gen
I heard Qatar want sell Turkiye around 20 Rafales too
@@cemo3292 Not true. They are just stationed in Turkiye. Turkiye is not interested in buying Rafales...
Gayreece is smaller than Somali
That's impressive! Very few countries have been able to achieve this.
Its only russia and amirica and now turkeye ho hase stealth drones
And china i forget
@@alaaoubahloul6806 russia does not have jet powered drones.
@@alaaoubahloul6806 Very thankful that Turkey is part of Nato!
Büyük olasılıkla onları Ukrayna'ya satacak
Bir Turk olarak gurur verici ama ne yaparsaniz yapin daha iyisi her zaman olacaktir. Mutevazi olalim , ovunmeyelim ,boburlenmeyelim, isimize bakalim
hocam düne kadar israilin Heronlarını aldık..(2008/2011=3 düştü..5 motorlar curuk cıktı..şimdi tb2 ihraç ediyoruz..ukraynalı pilot vurulan kontrol kurulamayan tb2 nin döndiğini söyliyor..yani bu işte yeniyiz ama roket hızındayız.mütevazide olmayalım lütfen..abd f25 lerinin arızaları her seferinde günlük kodla çalıştırılması,sürekli kaza haberleri..hani devlet aklı vs derlerdi komplocular.yuzde 1000 inanıyorum..s400 ler boşuna alınmadı.gurur duyalım..övünelim..elbette yeri geldiğinde mütevazi olalım...
ama inan yetişemiyoruz..her gün yeni bir ürün..
10 yil önce heron kirala satın al..kandilde kamera kararsın..10 yıl sonra tb2 tb3 akıncı kızılelma üret..ve ihrac et!!
Allahu Akbar Lailahaillallah Muhammadar Rasullullah Alhamdulillah 🥰
Reisle yola devam
@@velicyatan5545terörist kapa çeneni
Turkish military industrial complex is surprisingly amazing.
Turkey is world best UAV manufacturer country
Second Turkish unmanned jet is coming soon 2023 February it will looks like triangle form jet made by Tusas other Turkish company!! Cant wait for it
Congratulations Türkiye.
Within the next 10/20 years Türkiye will have hundreds of these drones and can use them in droves. This is insane.
bu şişirme pohpohlama sevdası ne arkadaş bizim milletteki yabancı kanallara gidip özelliklerini felan bahsediyor yok şöyle böyle :D pazarlama yapar gibi baykarın kendi satış temsilcileri böyle anlatmıyodur
In 10 years I bet there be new anti drone tech that will take them out.
@@MrVenturadog yeah you know attacks and counterattacks, that's the way it is. As some people develop anti drone systems, these uavs won't stay the same way they are now.
@@MrVenturadog these drones have jam system
What about the money for them?
Türk'ün gücünü göreceksiniz 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
If the Ukrainians acquire this one they’ll have a song for it.
Assuming they buy it themselves without the US buying everything for them
its a prototype many years to go for full scale production
@@zakjuly6721 Wouldn't consider 1-2 years to be "many"
They aren’t selling Ukraine anything with the new Russian gas deal 👍
@@amacca2085 if its true, this is Sad !
Really cool to see that Turkey is doing good. It will certainly be welcomed in NATO. I’m sure it will be great - from Stu in 🇬🇧
A stealthy unmanned fighter jet that can penetrate deep into the enemy side . Turkey is also building a strategic stealthy unmanned bomber and a manned 5th generation jet that is affordable
Turkish defence industry produces technologies of the future.
Love from Bangladesh brothers 🇧🇩❤️💪
Turkey doing some amazing stuff in warfare technology and technology in general 👍🏁
Very impressive, the UK should aquire a fleet of these too.
Am not so sure about that. Maybe if we could first sit at a table as "real friends" and not as a backstabber.
@@oguzhan9424 dont forget that UK's BAE helps us build MMU fighter jet
Well they get paid for it right? Its a financial relation, not save my ass relation!
Still, doesnt mean Ukraine or England will get if for free. Airbus parts are made by dozen of countries but no one gets it for free right? And no you dont OWN the tech when its put into place, you are part of the result but you definitely dont OWN it! China practically makes the whole Iphone but dont own nothing of Apple right?
@@quaresma7besiktas13 they dont help us anymore
This aggressive stealth drone was born to fight, good job! 👍
Ahmet abi nasılsın?
Not Stealth
@@marTn3 It is stealth trust me 😉
@@marTn3 The more the f 35 is hidden, the more it is hidden in the kizilelma.
it dont even need a pilot, it can fly without pilot, firing his missiles and turning back home, landing and driving to the garage totaly by its own but due to international laws we have to take it under pilots controll and firing the missiles will be also done by human.
But i think in a war we would let them fly totaly by their own, finding their own targets, firing all of his missiles and comming back.
This is maybe the worlds first 5.5 th gen fighter Jet.
And it also can do higher G movements which a pilot can’t do
yes, of course
@@GINZASAKUSA ステルス効果を考えているかどうかは、尾翼の角度でわかります。
@@GINZASAKUSA Another jet fighter aircraft of Turkey is coming in f 22 setting. tfx
I was surprised to see this video.
I underestimated Turkey's technological prowess.
Die Türkei hat offiziell erklärt, dass sie eines der wenigen Länder der Welt in der Verteidigungsindustrie ist, herzlichen Glückwunsch 👏👏
@@krissoez9268 you mad ? 😂
@@cemo3292 🦃🦃
@@krissoez9268 Ich schätze, du hast deinen ersten Witz gemacht 😂😂
That’s actually really cool
congratulations turkey for this success
Congratulations to Turkish Brothers and sisters
Aleykümselam brother
@@emresertbas1173 وعليکم السلام .
This is just the 'trailer'. The calm before the storm⚡️🇹🇷
daha büyük şeyler olacak
Nice work Turkey
Thanks Shaun
Incredibile Turks. Selam from Bosna !
Let’s go Turkey!!!!! Congratulations!!
Welldone Turkey
Türkiye (Turkiye if you do not have ü)
@@PimsleurTurkishLessons 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃
@@lepa7570 use it🧠 if you have one
@@PimsleurTurkishLessons gluglugluglu
@@lepa7570 so you speak that way :D but i do not understand you
Kızılelma has a feature that can do much more than the g-force that the pilot on a manned war front can withstand, and it has the ability to make a decision faster than a human during a battle, so the advantage is very high. In addition, as advanced models come, its effect will increase much more.
If you talk about dogfight, G -force is real issue but it is not possible to do with unmanned aircraft at least todays technology. Unmanned aircraft mainly designs for air to ground targets for now...
@@mehmetaltunkaya6514 otonom özelliğe sahip yani insan devre dışı kalıyor ve algıladığı tehlikeyi kodlamaya göre düşünmeden hızlıca yapması gerekeni yapacağı bir özellik bu yazılımla herşey mümkün. Aksi halde insansız savaş uçağı bir çöp olur çünkü uzak mesafeden bu uçağa siz komut gönderene kadar çoktan vurulmuş olur.
It’s not maneuverable enough to do more g force than a regular plane anyways. G force also breaks the plane down. That requires some new technology.
@@avrocat80 It doesn't have to do more Gs. It takes an immense amount of training for a pilot to even handle 8 Gs. It also depends on health of pilot. If pilot is not fit or sick he might have trouble handling more Gs. It just saves the cost.
@Darius Bendasiuk I think he means that AI has yet to mature to Ironman levels that it can perform dogfight manoeuvres only a human mind can achieve. So the most we'll see out of these drones would be BVR combat where they'll snipe enemy planes from miles away without being seen.
Turkish technology are so advance more than Russian & Chinese technology.
Exactly but russian nuclear technology really strong.
Because Turkey have to develope weapons in NATO standarts.
@@darkprofile So why can't NATO produce weapons that we can?
@@gurkankaraali9608 Lol what are you talking about. US tech is miles above that of Turkey.
@@gurkankaraali9608 What you claim is ridiculous. We dont make anything best in Nato. We just create price performance products which we can infependently manufacture.
You dont know defence industry well enough so you claim nato countries cant produce more advanced weapons than Turkey.
Geliyor gelmekte olan kızıl elma 🇹🇷🦅🏹
Defense industry head İsmail Demir: KIZILELMA said that the plane was not flying with Joistik, but with a simulator. When the plane turns upside down, the pilot will turn over, but the pilot will be in a special cabin, feeling every movement of the plane.
it dont even need a pilot, it can fly without pilot, firing his missiles and turning back home, landing and driving to the garage totaly by its own but due to international laws we have to take it under pilots controll and firing the missiles will be also done by human.
But i think in a war we would let them fly totaly by their own, finding their own targets, firing all of his missiles and comming back.
This is maybe the worlds first 5.5 th gen fighter Jet.
Love from Indian muslim
@@Levo_D_Angelo No Australia's Boeing Ghost Bat has been flying for over a year now. fully AI combat drone all Australian F35'S are fitted with pilot drone control capability.
so this is the second.
@@nedkelly9688 ghost bat is only wingman of F35
@@jinnilovely5573 is not.. is a fully autonomous AI drone that can be used fully autonomous in packs as the name is named after a Australian animal that flys in packs hunting.
It can be used flying on own or used as a loyal wingman.. why name was changed from loyal wingman to just Ghost Bat.
Great Job Turkiye👍👍 Special Thanks to Ukraine for supplying the Jet engine for this Drone.
We make our own engine.
@@ibrahimturkoglu5492 not yet dude maybe in 5 years. TEI is working on it
@@warsawiconic 7 yıl sonra MİUS'un motoru gelirse demek ki Türkiye her uçak motorunu üretebiliyor demektir. Ben inanıyorum şahsen.
@@Muhammedsfgh olabilir sanirim suan TF 6000 motorunun ilk prototipi yapiliyor. TF10000 de dizayn edilmis, tam olarak bir jet ucagi motoru. Ama yol uzun tabiki. Bakalim 🙂
@@warsawiconic tf10000 hazır dedi İsmail Demir. Belliki büyük oranda tamamlanmış
In a few months you will also see another one with no vertical stabilizers... A flying wing kind of bigger and faster monstrosity. Yeah.. unmanned.
The 2nd uav jet by tusaş? XD, i hope its even better then Kizilelma!
Hayirdir? Turk Turk ile tartisinca komedi’mi oluyor? Asil komedi olan sen ve hazmedememezligin.
These are literally a wet dream for Video game players. A whole new generation of pilots who have never flown in real life but are the aces of the sky. And adding an Aircraft carrier for a whole Squadron of peeps sitting in their comfy comp chairs taken names and kicking ass. Cool thing is we become so good takening crazy chances when using flight simulators that'll you'll be able to do things no real pilot would want to try in fear of losing their life. War will be fought from home in the next generation or two
@@EternallyUnhappy Lol AI is even better as no need for people sitting there flying them.
Australia MQ 28 Ghost Bat where this thing looks similar in a lot of places needs no one sitting on a seat.
Outperformed humans by 5 times in combat in tests so far. tracks and locks on to 6 targets at once also.
AI is the new thing.
This is the future. This aircraft can turn and maneuver at more than 10 G without having a pilot passing out in the cabin…
It's the technology of the future beyond a fifth-generation airplane, and it does a lot of things that a fifth-generation airplane can't do. 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷❤❤❤
Drone Superpower Turkiye
A tremendous success. May Kızıl elma always fly for peace and justice
Dont show this clip to Greece....they'll be spending much more sleepless night than as it is.
Don’t worry, it can be tested to the incoming Greek laser weapons.
@@specialtech3992 🤣🤣🤣
You do know that the civilized world compares you to the North Korea right?
this is only the tip of the iceberg 😁
🇹🇷 🤘
Var ol.
Geliyor gelmekte olan , Var ol Türk Orduları
As Turkey is NATO and supports Ukraine's Crimean native Tatar People, those Turkish drones are expected to be seen soon flying at Ukraine's skys towards ruSSinvaders. I _(and everyone decent)_ expect no less!
its still in testing phase, this was just first flight. the final cut is still a few years away, i hope Ukraine war wont last that long ❤️🇺🇦
I wish not. I saw a picture they kept a paper saying that Ukrainian soldiers support the pkk.
I don't trust yall either
@@rebellefleur2993 Ukraine officials denied that. Apparently it was russian propagenda
This is the second time i see this comment of yours. Türkiye waited for decades to be their "allies/friend" decent, but until today they are still not decent! Look how many embargoes our "decent allies" have sett to Türkiye! Of course Türkiye will send drones to Ukraine, they are partners after all, but not with the reason to be decent or the crap you say! Those "decent" people full of expectations about Türkiye have a lot of ground to cover up before they will be called "decent" by Turks!
Congratulations turkey
Turkey (?)
@@flynnlizzy5469 Turkıye
Thank God turkey succeeded and they can see what turkey can do no matter how much embargo they put for their pleasure. If there is justice, it should be the same for everyone. Thanks Amerika
These are the trailers, the movie is just getting started.
All fighter jets in the future will be AI drones. They will be able to perform maneuvers and g-forces that a human would not be able to handle not to mention it would eliminate any human error. In the Ukraine, drones have become central in the conflict. Russia is even using Iranian kamikaze drones as very cheap cruise missiles.
Against modern armys drones could never work as efficient as a real person because signal jammers could destroy them and they'll never have the same range so yeah its a good piece of equipment to have but they wont replace actual jets anytime soon
@@lukas6610 You are wrong. They don't work with simple radio frequency like your toys. It also communicates via satellite and at the same time, this communication network is encrypted. So you can't prevent them from flying by putting a frequency jammer.
Also, it will not fight alone. At the same time, it will act in swarms with other UAV squadrons and warplanes in coordination with artificial intelligence and automation. Even if a tiger is very strong, it cannot fight against hundreds of wasps and eagles.
This drone has a Ukrainian engine.😊❤🇺🇦,
@@ufuk4665 I hope they will soon appear in the Turkish army and then in Ukraine.
Good luck turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
It's jet engine is Ukrainian made. Despite being in a brutal war, they managed to deliver their jet engines for Bayraktar!🇹🇷🇺🇦
Sende motorcu turklerdensin motoru bizim degilse milli ve yerli degil demi ama bak dunyada Turk yapimi olark taniniyo siz hala motoru ukraiyna deyin
Adamlar zor durumdayken bile motorları teslim ettiler demiş.saygısını göstermiş.
You guys really think those engineers were left in Ukraine? 😆 turkey swooped them up like a hawk and is now sitting on them, keeping them warm.
@@nuriakpinar5394 adam kotu bisey demediki
@@simpledude5974 normally i criticize the "turkey" jokes but, not gonna lie my drink came out of my nose. Well done dude😂.
The current engine of Bayraktar TB2 is a domestic engine called BM-100. This engine was developed by Baykar and its mass production has started1. The BM-100 engine was designed to eliminate the disadvantages of the previously used Canadian Rotax 912 engine. /was determined as approximately 10 thousand dollars. The total sales price of the aircraft is approximately 50 million dollar.
Turkey is really advancing in the drone field.😉
mashallah alhamdulillah God bless ❤️🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷❤️
I hope the Greeks are smarter now and don't want war against Türkiye anymore.
Because we don't want war!
So stop provoking us, please.
Sound of Turkish freedom.
Greece : I am so sorry
Türkiye : I know...
Greece is Turkish city 🇹🇷☪️🐺🤘🏼
I am consistently surprised by the Turks and their military development.
I think the Turks are returning to their essence, that is, they are going down to the field. because Turks are one of the most impressive nations in the field of war throughout history.
Russia announced that it would completely occupy Kiev within 72 hours. Thanks to the ''BAYRAKTAR TB2'' bearer who shattered the russian armored convoys in the first 3 days of the war
Russia did not say this.
Ukraine soldiers never forget this. Thx Turkish engineers.
*Way to go, Turkey!* Bringing with them a fantastic gift for Ukraine and NATO alike
The flight is a prototype the mass production will start in 1-2 years i think in that time the war in Ukraine will be over
@@muharebe_istasyonu you are sure? If turkey don't give to Ukraine... then Ukraine Support Greece...
@@f-35lightningii6 turkey(my country)is one of the first and biggest heavy arm suppliers for Ukraine. Don't listen blaberings of this troll.
@Ahmet Akgün motor tedarikçimiz Ukrayna. Sadece bunun için değil. Helikopter motoru da alacağız onlardan.
Hayır. Türkiye bunu kendisi için yaptı. Nato ve Ukrayna için değil.
I love the sound of the Machine.
Very nice 👏
'Turkey' değil 'Türkiye' 🇹🇷