It has owners, who *legally* bought it, in 1913 and they also own the 340 million slaves, residing on their business property, which is titled _United States._
Everyone I know who is willing to work for a living lives a nice life in America. Others like to sit around and whine about "the man" and do drugs and stuff. These are the ones who are into Chomsky's victimhood narrative.
America absolutely doesn't have A government, it has the federal government, 50 state governments, and thousands of county and municipal governments. Strangely it is conservatives who want to see more power ceded to state and local governments, and leftists who have a hard time wrapping their heads around "federalism".
Most people in the "developed" world are far too comfortable to care. Keep the serfs entertained and marginally comfortable and you can rule without opposition.
Add the fact that you have a populist that genuinely believes the only way to oppose these people is to vote in a system the rulers created, it's perfect.
The vote is for PUBLIC officials, but power is with PRIVATE officials. As Mark Twain famously quipped, “If the vote actually mattered, they wouldn’t let us have it.”
And George Carlin became a multi-millionaire because he lived in a Democracy, where he was free to say what he wanted, and make money from it, via Capitalism! Just like Chomsky! 😀😀😀
@@christinaboothe3171 The vast majority of people don't care about that "we" part unless it applies to their family and friends. Politics isn't hugely important to the most of people in the USA anyway. Turnout for anything but Presidential elections is a joke, and over 1/3 of eligible voters can't even be bothered with that, as is their right.
As a European relocated, I think that the Americans are not stupid. They are just not informed. In other words, they don’t know better. How many people have been traveled to other countries? Many don’t know the next town. How can you expect people without knowledge to interpret life? How can they want something that they never thought it existed? The majority of the Americans just don’t know better.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” NC
That's it. As well as in supermarkets you can choose among some varieties of fruits, accurately selected, but not among the real majority of fruits existing, which are no more available...
This war criminal who justifies the brutal brutal killings of 20% of the entire Cambodian people by Communist Khmer rouge. Then to prove it wasnt a mistake in youth just 2 years ago supported the ending of the lives of those who refused Mandates coerced Shots by calling for a 1930s German style ghetto isolation idea in banning them from getting food from market and smirking devilishly "let them figure out how to get food". In any decent he would be charged for pushing and collaborating in Nuremberg code abuse of billions globally.
Chomsky is a criminal for riding that infamous airplane and when being questioned about it saying it’s no one’s business . He literally deserves to be rotting in prison.
Actually it is a synopsis of his magnum opus......"Manufacturing Consent". By the way what are your reflections between Cornel West and Chomsky ideologically......both of course are intellectual provocateurs for starters..
I am an old boomer. In the 1970ies Chomsky taught me how language influences your thinking. Back then there was a lot of turmoil in South America and while some news outlets would talk about rebels, others would talk about freedom fighters. Language shaped your view on things. I don't always agree 100% with his analyses, but quite often he is spot on and he is always worth listening to.
French thinker-surgeon Henri Laborit maintained that: ‘Modern man finds himself alone, isolated, lost in a monstrous socio-economic machine whose mechanisms he doesn’t understand. But what is the most incomprehensible is how, locked in the rigid, impersonal yoke of his daily grind, of his measured automatisms, having no time to think or even to rave in delirium, he can still believe that he is free. His concept of liberty is itself the consequence of a cultural automatism inculcated in him early by society to avoid his suicide, or revolt, to make him think that the choice was his.’ That’s the real Hell for intelligent adults, not the one spread about by the fear-mongering Christian churches.
Big tech and cable news media is the worst and I swear they work side-by-side with the political, coastal elite and mostly the Democrats. In America you are nothing unless you are a Democrat and I’m libertarian. I think a lot of Democrats these days are downright Godless.
Except every high school in the world is part of the system. They aren’t going to teach you what they’re doing to you as much as sell it to you in the movies and on television.
@@philosopheasy As a 58 y/o male spoon fed the mainstream narrative for years Mr. Chomsky and professor Richard Wolff have enlighten me. Thank you for a wonderful summary, in my opinion sums up everything precisely. I will be reviewing more of your interesting videos.
Hello Ricky, I thought you might like to know that this video was AI generated, I think by a tool called NotebookLM. It can create podcasts based on sources you put into it. It wasn't made by a human. You can make the podcasts yourself if you want. I bet this channel's creator put barely any effort into making this and all their other videos.
Thank you for that easy and simply understandable explanation of his deep works! Most explainer vids on Chomsky are more difficult that his works themselves.
My awakening began in 1991 as I watched Bush give a speech to Congress about a "New World Order" and "a Thousand Points of Light." That was crazy talk for 1991 ! Then in walks Billy Boob, the "centrist thinking" New Democrat in 93. When he signed NAFTA into law and eliminated tariffs for Mexico and Canada thus causing the US to lose Revenue which hurt Americans. Then he sent all of our manufacturing jobs to Mexico and other foreign entities which hurt America. I began to see a pattern against America.
I'm still in my late twenties but 99.8% of all people past the age of 50 that I've known don't even know who Chomsky is (or just outright call me a "Commie" for even suggesting him) and are glued to the MSM every day of their lives.
Oh, yes. The problem is that this system is able to make people's memory erased. So we must tell the obvious again and again.... Actually, it's not only this awful system, but the whole history of humankind which has been working this way... Historia magistra vitae. When we don't treasure what happend before us we are doomed.
Nice essay of Chomsky's work on the media and its effects on democracy. Thanks
10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2
Democracy leads to rule by ignorance/emotion sadly. Chomsky's ideas fall apart when the assumptions are examined. It's no wonder he set back nlp 40 years with his ideas.
When you write "Chomsky's ideas" what are you saying? When Chomsky talks "politically theory", he nearly always cites his sources. In this area, he's not so much creative and inventive - as in other areas - as he's well read. Best of all, because Chomsky cites his sources, we can always check what he says. When Chomsky has referred to "democracy" he not infrequently cited Aristotle work "Politics", the granddaddy in the western world on democracy (versus, say, Plato's totalitarian regime of "philosopher kings"). And, the US founding fathers were educated in the Greek classics, nearly the only thing read in formal schools at the time. Thus, they were also acquainted with Aristotle. The US founding fathers, as did Aristotle, realised you can't have a democracy with a lot of poverty and few wealthy. The solution, according to Aristotle is, what we call today, the "welfare state". That was Aristotle. The US founding fathers took the opposite approach, as US first Supreme Court Justice John Jay said, "the people who own the country ought to govern it", or James Madison who said, the primary goal of government is "to protect the opulent minority against the majority". In real way, what we call democracy isn't so much a thing but a process, an ongoing struggle from the bottom up, from the people ever since the constitutional convention. Recall, immediately after the constitutional convention only land-owning rich white males were allowed to votes in most states, although in other states you could pay to vote without owning land.
@@JuanCarlosbarquero-f3e absolute rubbish . Chomsky is a fool who lives in bubble of ideological nonsense . . People like yourself think its so trendy to like Noam . Please write for me a descriptive paragraph of what Noam has ever achieved that has mattered to a functional society . Not what others have done , what he has done . Not others writings . His very own thoughts and ideas that have actually benefitted again a functional non idealistic society . I wait to see if you can find anything . You will respond with an excuse . Reality is the mans a 21st century charlatan .
Chomsky is the equivalent of a mystical healer . Plenty of hubris , no actual science or data . Why do Americans laud this absolute nobody . They should read Thomas Sowell if they really want to understand the USA modern society .
The only thing I disagree is the notion that the system is rigged to favor interests of the few. It's not rigged, it's designed to work that way. In the past when humans lived in smaller groups power of the sword was enough to keep very few in power and secure their wealth. As our groups we lived in grew to size of today's nations more sofisticated control had to be developed so today we have "democracy" and all Chomsky is talking about. Interests of majority were never priority in human societies all the way from life in caves to date. Progress we talk about came when ruling elites couldn't avoid allowing changes. Sad but true, I'd say. The good part of our times is the internet and connectedness that increases awareness of what's really going on. That is why ruling elites keep trying to censor it. Better times are not so for away. All we must do is persist and keep talking.
So true. George carlin the comedian/philosopher said this years ago. "You have no choice you have owners". "They own you they own everything". Such a smart man i learned so much about life from listening to him alone. 😢
Chomsky really knows what he is talking about and it would behoove everyone to listen to what he has to say because he won't be around much longer. He has a gem of knowledge.
Listen to what he has to say and questioni it. Chomsky is a treasure, except he did a 180 surrounding covid and vaccines. Which, proves we can't blindly trust anyone. Listen to what he has to say and questioni it. Chomsky is a treasure, except he did a far right wing 180° turn surrounding covid and vaccines. Which, proves we can't blindly trust anyone.
I also want to Thank you for your narration and synopsis of Noam Chomsky’s book- ‘Manufactured Consent’-(read it awhile ago and cannot exactly remember the title?) Anyways, Well done! I appreciate the thoughtful review.
Very well put together. Noam is a beacon of hope, he spells it out. I dread the day that is coming in the future, when he will no longer be, that will be a horrible day. He has a beautiful and honest mind and in most things I'm in agreement with his ideas, fascinating how his mind is still so sharp at over 90. He is a true, good human being.
Dr. Robert Reich shares many of Chomsky's insights. Both strive to inform & enlighten us about how the plutocratic oligarchs control the economy, society & govt. Also, both encourage us to take action to fight back against the few that have hijacked our Republic.
*Albeit he shares some of Chomsky's insights, he's still a twisted partisan who overlooks the major flaws, failures, and despotism of today's democrat party whilst throwing rocks at mainly republicans. If he were consistent and if he truly cared, he would abandon the Democrat party and criticize them heavily as well. Both parties have ruined this country.*
Regardless of how rich & powerful a person might be, human life is maximum 100 years. If I was a rich person, I would not waste my time about how to corrupt the government, I would rather enjoy life, instead of making the life miserable for the others. Fortunately most of the people who are rich & powerful are already old, they do not have sufficient amount of time to exploit the others. That is power without purpose.
Chomsky also constantly encourages everyone to fight for rights, that the people are strong and capable of instituting change through many forms seen in history. If horrific dictatorships where able to force change why can't we in a country that can't use that level of direct force but instead relies on manipulation of the publics beliefs.
@4363HASHMI :: "selfrighteous" ? "Weaponized helpless victimhood" ? Do you have any independent knowledge of history ? Did the Suffragettes retreat into self-righteousness ? Did they weaponize helpless victimhood ? or did they gain excess to higher education to become :: judges, doctors, scientists, lawyers, astronauts, CEOs & CFOs, bank presidents, military leaders, political advisors, establish political campaigns for high offices and even become sociopathic foreign-policy-makers ? The Suffragettes are just one historical example. Any Progressive movement can also be the result of active, organized involvement (as in the above) :: the C.R.M. the Labor Movement the Law Enforcement Agencies ... Look ! Look at the above list. Take your time❕️No matter how much time you spend, you will not find the words :: _Weaponized, helpless, victimhood, the selfrighteous._ Gotta learn history before making unfounded, unsupported, unhistorical and unhinged comments.
@@4363HASHMI:: "selfrighteous" ? "Weaponized helpless victimhood" ? Did the Suffragettes retreat into self-righteousness, weaponized, helpless victimhood❔️ or did they gain excess to higher education to become doctors, lawyers, politicians, astronauts, judges, CEOs, CFOs, presidents of financial institutions, truck drivers, police officers, firefighters, medics, bus drivers, specialists and even sociopathic foreign-policy-makers. Any progressive movement has had the same outcome. You can use the same list to apply to the :: C.R.M. Labor Organizating Political Expansion ... Look ! Look at the above list and see if you can find selfrighteous, weaponized helpless victimhood. Take your time. No matter how much time you spend, you won't find self-righteous helpless weaponization of victimhood.
“A democracy that serves everyone” must serve the ecosystems, insects and animals as well. This is particularly hard for our species to comprehend. We are inflicting insane levels of damage which all know is creating cascading effects. I don’t hear many optimistic ecologists…
exactly, I live in central texas, we are building so much and tearing up the land. No more deer, hawks, foxes, armadillos, horned frogs, snakes etc. This past winter I have seen 3 foxes run over near my house. Too many people that aren't paying attention.
I will always listen to what Noam Chomsky has to say. He's a master of the reality check. ❤ Live long, sir.
10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4
He's the one who set natural language processing back 40 years. I'd definitely consider his assumptions careful before believing him. He assumes Democracy is a desired goal, but that itself results in the same systems due to uninformed weighing the same as informed voting.
He said those not wanting to take an experimental toxic injection without informed consent should be separated from the rest of society. Chomsky Manufactures Contempt. Once a strong voice against the establishment, now a tool for the establishment.
Oh god thank you . Not even American and it bewilders me that Americans see this fool as some sort of messiah . Thomas Sowell who I absolutely admire and who has written so much amazing literature . His factual opinion on Noam is as close to the mark as you can get . Personally Noam is a deluded old man who should ride off into the sunset and leave the real world issues to proper critical thinkers .
Hes the master of nothing but rubbish . His ramblings are that of someone who has no real concept of society today . He has never done anything , but ridicule the freedoms that he hides behind .
A very thoughtful video, thank you Philosopheasy! I think most philosophy is abstruse, theoretical, bunk that is barely relateable to even a clever person. But... I'm delighted to have bumbled into this channel. And, as a Briton, I must say the narrator has the most lovely narrating voice; sonorous, measured. Perfect cadence. Oh yeah, and old Gnome Chompy seems to be talking sense here.
I'm a marxist leninist, Chomsky is some sort of anarchist. Study revolutionary theory if you really are interested and you will find people who think like you, and then we have to act together to build movements that can destroy this awful system.
Europe here. The same problems. Everything become WOKE. I'm sorry, my English isn't very well. In Spain, in Italy some citizens foundet a new Community. There are Farmer, Doctor, Teacher and so on. They would be indenpendent. I saw in a Video about America Ghost City. Why nobody does something without the gov? I know, we can find everything by Supermarket, but it comes from the Food Factory. We must learn to take our life in our ✋️. I hope, that you understand, what I mean.
It's not the corporatism that's the issue, it's the Shareholders. Shareholder rights and Corporate Governance... One of the key rights of shareholders is the ability to vote on important corporate matters. This includes electing the board of directors, who are responsible for overseeing the company's management and making significant business decisions Shareholders can influence the company's trajectory and hold the board accountable for their actions, ensuring that the company is managed in the best interests of its owners.
corporatism is the issue. Corporations aren’t people yet have more rights than actual people that’s a problem. The biggest shareholders are always the top people on the board and corporations board members are on each other’s corporate boards. They’re all friends, and they’re all in it together. This is how someone like Charles Prince, who used to be the CEO of Citibank manages to get $68 million and a job as a financial advisor after nearly bankrupting the company .
The Capitalist system is based on greed and power. Therefore the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. There is no place for 'Humanity' in this system.
Demonizing Money equates to no one gave you any. You are angry and envious about the stuff. Utilizing Money equates to you have learned how to earn and keep the stuff. It's a marker of Energy, Persistence and/or Skills. You're pointing out your Deficiencies.
Love Chomsky. Consent is manufactured in so many ways, but not for those who seize their own consciousness and claim their energy as theirs, therefore having no need to feed off others as the wealthy do.
To understand the US Supreme Court's decision one needs to read the US Constitution first. The US is not a Democratic Republic, but a Republic with some elements of Democracy. Originalism means that the only rights and policies that are protected are ones that are explicitly laid out in the constitution, conforming with the “original”intentions of the founders. Although slavery has been abolished, the property that is central to the Constitution-private property, the right to exploit the majority for the benefit of the tiny minority remains. It is preposterous for the majority to decide who will be on the ballot and who will not. “Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.” ― Rosa Luxemburg Recall Citizens United. Update US Constitution to shift power balance between Majority and Minority.
Freedom of speech is allowed only when half truths, lies, exaggerations and ignorance are part of that concept. As soon as you speak truths and facts with proof and you name names, then no more Freedom of speech. “ I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE”. Think about that statement. It covers everything that is in the center of goodness, holiness, justice, and eternity.
you should still vote, you need to be able to distinguish between different things. Hitler was voted into power, and we do not hold harmless those that refused to vote, for by that simple action they could have prevented great tragedy and they failed to do so. I understand why you would like to be removed from a system that forces you to choose between two evils, but that is the work. To choose. And perhaps to change. Or maybe simply to buy time to allow for change.
It doesn't have much meaning/ consequence but you can actually vote for none (or all if you prefer; it's actually safer). It's supposed to be a protest vote, that you actually don't believe in any of the options.
@@raymartin1687but what is the point of voting if the system of government we have in place is completely corrupted from the bottom to the top? What/Who exactly are you voting for? Do you even really know for sure?? Or are you just assuming that voting is the ONLY way we have to affect real change? I don't think so...
I don’t vote…not sure who is running for office….I don’t watch the news…I don’t watch movies or care about Hollywood stars….I work very little and pay very little taxes….I have everything I need or want and live a healthy and happy life….
After waking up for who rules the world, the lies that makes us working hard and blindly hoping for better life, all this seems obvious. But looking to others still lost is this ideology hurts and makes me feel we already lost as working class and as humans.
Dear Mr Chomsky, I have written a persuasive essay that I would be honored to have you read. Please feel free to incorporate any or all of it's talking points into your presentations. Here it is: The Twin Parallel Rails Organizing Society There are two continuums that run side by side like train tracks that don’t cross over each other but together carry a society either to a destination of positive collaborative fulfillment or to the opposite destination of negative self-centered separation. Rail 1. Governance. Democratic Socialism vs Corporate Socialism: a primer. We are all socialists. Humans require society for survival. Socialism is all governance. Governance is the type of gov. tax appropriations, gov. regulations and the direction of gov. agencies. It is a continuum. It goes from Democratic Socialism which is spending tax monies and having policies for the benefit of all those who actually contribute to the tax pool and represent the vast majority of the population, to Corporate Socialism which is spending tax monies and making gov. policies for the benefit of the corporate interests of the 2%, many of which pay little or no taxes and brag about gaming a system they have bought and influence with their ever exponentially increasing wealth. This is a nasty feedback loop that leads us to a state of economic serfdom and ultimately to gated communities for these same people who caused this situation, with their insatiable greed machine of lobbyists and swinging door appointments leading from corporate boardrooms to government agencies and administrations and back again. Rail 2. Economics The second parallel rail/continuum of societal organization is the agreed upon Mode of Economic Exchange which ranges from Capitalism that encourages the individual profit motive, to Communism which says we must share the profits of our labors. Communism has never existed except as an idea. It has historically been implemented as a rallying cry to disaffected people in rebellions against minority rule, but once the new batch of rulers took power they quickly and logically reverted to their own individual capital interests, which in a society governed by Democratic Socialism would be just fine, but instead though, they quickly diverted themselves to the greed interests of the top 2% by adopting extreme Corporate Socialism to become Oligarchs and Fascists. Just look at the brutal suppression where these rebellions took place in the societies of Russia, China and North Korea for example. Actual Communism has only existed in some local communes of people dedicated to the concept, but they only last a short time because they are inefficient at meeting the individual needs and aspirations of its members beyond those who are totally committed to that group. The idea of Communism persists because it is used as a Canard by the top 2% in most all societies. A 'Canard' is a spurious idea presented by someone to provide an excuse for motives that would otherwise be revealed as being for their own selfish ends. It’s a diversionary tactic and smoke screen rolled into one. Communism is held up and used as a 'Canard' by both those who promote the interests of the Corporate Socialists in countries with democracies like the United States, where it is presented as being a bogeyman that will lead them all down the path of 'socialism' and 'communism', to its use by the so called ‘Communist States’, where it is held up by their 'Communist Party' leaders who want to hide their actual oligarchical, fascist intentions from their masses by presenting it as a Utopian ideal to which they must all sacrifice their individual desires. Either way, the end result is the same, with the canard idea of Communism being used to cajole and control the majority into serving the interests of the few. Capitalism’s ability to motivate people into a commerce of ideas, services and products with profits that address individual needs is the only mode of monetary exchange that makes efficient sense. Only you know what you desire and aspire too. Even ‘Communist’ countries use Capitalism but only to the extent the ruling party members permit, in so far as it promotes the wealthfare of the top 2%. There the Corporate Socialist extremists dominate those societies with an iron fist; as seen in China, Russia and North Korea. Rail #1 ‘Governance’ final thoughts Democratic Socialism as governance plus Capitalism for economic exchange equals a society that builds itself up for the betterment of all its members by spending their tax dollars and government policy on national health care, a clean environment, education, timely infrastructure spending, retirement insurance, etc. for all its citizens. The Scandinavian countries and most of Europe and the Commonwealth countries come to mind. Whereas Corporate Socialism as governance, plus Capitalism for economic exchange = a society like ours - The United States; that has government policies, tax money appropriations, regulations, laws, and judicial and agency appointments increasingly designed to shunt money to the top 2% of its citizens; leaving us with no National Health Care, a shrinking middle class, a growing class of unhealthy uninsured working poor, and also with a disproportionate tax burden favoring the wealthy, a deteriorating environment for the short term gain of investors in some industries, and a crumbling infrastructure to avoid any legislation requiring additional taxation of the 2%. Also, it has led us to bogus foreign wars for corporate profit with the resulting deaths of American youths to benefit the shareholders in the Military Industrial Complex, as with Halliburton’s corporate investors and their ilk. The logical conclusion of Corporate Socialism at its extreme endpoint is to shift rule from Democracy to rule by Oligarchy (rule by a few) and Fascism (combining a central dictator), with them foremost always representing the financial interests of the top 2%. In these so called ‘Communist States’, this is combined with threats of military and police force to the citizenry, so they fear their governments readiness to deploy against them for any serious internal challenges they may pose to their rule, as is found in Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Belarus, Cuba and a number of other countries. The interests of the Corporate Socialists are routinely promoted by the top 2% under the guise of patriotic duty and endless flag waving. This perversely manipulates the community’s natural tribal instinct to rally together, while both hiding the greedy intentions of the 2% and steering the rest of the population to serve those interests. This dominance of the short-sighted greed lust of Corporate Socialism in both the Democracies and in the so called 'Communist States' is leading us to a diminishing quality of life, and an inability to make positive adaptive change. This is causing ever increasing societal chaos with uncontrolled desperate migration, a burgeoning global population and environmental degradation. The Societies of our planet need to work towards establishing truly representative Democratic Socialism in order for us to avert disaster and to coordinate our place on Earth in a manner that will sustain a good life for all our species and ecosystems. Everyone, we have got to get it together using Democratic Socialism combined with Capitalism. War, disease and misery are not necessary management tools.
People like what they like. Wishing they were different is foolish. I have highly educated, productive friends who are getting ready to watch 8 hours of college basketball a day for the next 3 weeks. Some will even fly to tournament sites. Any system that needs people to be fundamentally different than they are to work shouldn't even be considered.
So happy I was born in Polish Republic of People, schools & universities were free and still are free, wouldn’t like to be a one year younger. Migrated from Poland , working class were building villas & going to church being dressed like elite from a palace. Never forget my Mum and grandma putting their cashmere coats and hats before heading to church. Luxury food beyond imagination, Persian rugs, crystal chandeliers etc etc
That corporations are allowed to limit their responsibilities is at the core of the problem. The consequences ofRisk can not and should not ever be limited, or limitless rewarded.
One of my smart friends said I should check into chompy because he thought I would like him. I saw a few vids and didn't really agree with those. Now I see what he was talking about! I quit voting 8 years ago. People want me to vote, but what they mean is they want me to choose a side of the two party dictatorship. Not doing it.
The Electoral College was created because the Founders could not have created the country without it. The states with smaller populations would have refused to join without assurance of full representation, to protect their citizens from being bulldozed by "tyranny of the majority". It persists to this day for the same reason, the smaller states will not ratify an amendment to abolish it.
Paraphrase, but the line of keeping us in a simple state of wondering what will happen next instead of feeling complex emotions on what we should do hits HARD...
Your vote doesn't matter because it is an appeasement to make you feel good, while the politicians and president are selected not voted into office by the people. Your wasting your time and energy going to vote. Stay home.
Capitalism, in fact, is always crony capitalism. Capitalism without a nefarious nexus with governments simply does not exist. Rather, from a Marxist point of view, State and all its organs, are just the instruments of capitalism. Therefore, Chomsky is not confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Capitalism is destined to be crony capitalism where State can never function independently. It is bound to protect the interests of capitalists.
Sir some rour decades ago renowned philosopher statesman Bertrand Russell said " America has dual policy ie one is to preach to the world another one to practice themselves, even today that is what the world has to face 'whether it is Democratib party or Republican party in Power -White House- policies have been the same._ we are witnessing for last 50 more years. Thank you.Professor Emeritus Dr.A.Subbian. Thanjavur.
we are the fish on the table, not able to decide we will be skewed, fried, steamed, boiled, barbeque... but we have the illusion that we have the power to decide how other fish on the table should be cooked -- or even, we are the dinner not the fish !!!
COMPETITIVE SPORTS "When I was in high school... I asked myself at one point: "Why do i care if my high school's team wins the football game? I don't know anybody on the team, they have nothing to do with me... why am I here and applaud? It does not make any sense." But the point is, it does make sense: It's a way of building up irrational attitudes of submission to authority and group cohesion behind leadership elements. In fact it's training in irrational jingoism. That's also a feature of competitive sports."
@@louismcglasson7913 Nope. I can't remember this guy's name, but I'm fairly sure he's one of those lightweight middle-of-the-roaders who does unchallenging "think pieces" for like Vanity Fair and the NYT. It's definitely not Chomsky.
Noam said that unvaccinated (c19) people needed to be separated from society, and how they obtained food, was THEIR problem. That is an irrefutable, statement he did make. The interview when he said it, is available in it's entirety, lest anyone thinks I'm stating something 'out of context'. If my bringing this up, hurts your feelings, ha! Too bad. Facts hurt sometimes.
I agree with him. The GOP during Covid helped get a bunch of other people killed. They should’ve been separated from society. They’re not smart enough and they’re too to do what’s decent and good. Put politicians views over actual healthcare workers. These people are stupid.
I too was upset by Chomsky's fear-based stupidity about COVID -- but he was an old man at that time -- and thus he was at an elevated risk for death from COVID -- what he could NOT see was that people under age 55 were not at substantial risk -- and that children and young adults had virtually zero risk of death
I'll Vote In November, as I always have. It may be the last time... I'm a Baby Boomer and a Vietnam Veteran. This is Not The America that I was raised in. But, we did see it coming. "If Voting really mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to Vote". "We" and the World may be in 1938 Again... Thank You & Best Regards
I believe it was Edward Bernal’s who first came up with the term “Engineering consent” in his 1955 book. Pretty much the same concept on how to manipulate the masses.
John Lennon told us over 50 years ago - As soon as you're born, they make you feel small By giving you no time instead of it all 'Til the pain is so big you feel nothing at all A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be They hurt you at home and they hit you at school They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool 'Til you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be When they've tortured and scared you for 20 odd years Then they expect you to pick a career When you can't really function, you're so full of fear A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be There's room at the top they are telling you still But first you must learn how to smile as you kill If you want to be like the folks on the hill A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me Working Class Hero - John Lennon (1970)
America doesn't have a govt. It has Rich investors who pay our leaders to do as they say.
Spot on. Political puppets manipulated by Oligarchs. If we know this , why do we bother to vote ? Even worse why are we paying these politicians ?
It has owners, who *legally* bought it, in 1913 and they also own the 340 million slaves, residing on their business property, which is titled _United States._
@billyandrew I read up on that and it's true ‼️
Everyone I know who is willing to work for a living lives a nice life in America. Others like to sit around and whine about "the man" and do drugs and stuff. These are the ones who are into Chomsky's victimhood narrative.
America absolutely doesn't have A government, it has the federal government, 50 state governments, and thousands of county and municipal governments. Strangely it is conservatives who want to see more power ceded to state and local governments, and leftists who have a hard time wrapping their heads around "federalism".
Freedom of speech " You can say whatever you want, as long as I like it."
Chomsky is a cheap rabble rouser.
You can say whatever you want more less but it doesn't matter
What is it giving you? Speak as much as you want, but what you get in return?
Personal sovereignty, which is all that really matters. @@Basilica19
I’ll say it again, America is not a democracy, it’s a business.
The business is U.S., INC(CORP) not America.
We have never been a democracy.
Not an honourable one
You mean an oligarchy, but a corporation is close enough
Most people in the "developed" world are far too comfortable to care. Keep the serfs entertained and marginally comfortable and you can rule without opposition.
Covid nailed it on
Add the fact that you have a populist that genuinely believes the only way to oppose these people is to vote in a system the rulers created, it's perfect.
Slave for 5 days and king for 2 days .. repeat ..
The inhabitance love cheap technology
5days slave for sure, but 2 days not exactly king though, plenty house work to do lanudry lawn mowing kids etc,@@TranNguyen-mg9qq
The vote is for PUBLIC officials, but power is with PRIVATE officials.
As Mark Twain famously quipped, “If the vote actually mattered, they wouldn’t let us have it.”
And he should know being a 33rd degree Freemason!
Emma Goldmin said that not Mark Twain
George carlin did a show on this subject
They call it an American Dream because you gotta be asleep to believe it - George Carlin
Yep! That’s why they got rid of him!
@@grandwonder5858 yep
And George Carlin became a multi-millionaire because he lived in a Democracy, where he was free to say what he wanted, and make money from it, via Capitalism!
Just like Chomsky! 😀😀😀
.....and many others as well!
Sadly most people either don't know or don't care.!
Most don’t care which is what blows my mind. How do you not care that we are being screwed???
@@christinaboothe3171 The vast majority of people don't care about that "we" part unless it applies to their family and friends. Politics isn't hugely important to the most of people in the USA anyway. Turnout for anything but Presidential elections is a joke, and over 1/3 of eligible voters can't even be bothered with that, as is their right.
As bad as it is, people are just too comfortable to care.
As a European relocated, I think that the Americans are not stupid. They are just not informed. In other words, they don’t know better. How many people have been traveled to other countries? Many don’t know the next town. How can you expect people without knowledge to interpret life? How can they want something that they never thought it existed? The majority of the Americans just don’t know better.
@@Kuzey457I wouldn’t say comfortable. They are limited because they don’t know better.
The point of all democracies is to give the illusion of fairness.
A true democracy could be fair if lobbies and money wasn't considered to have power
So communism has fairness?
Sure. Same as comunism. Just in comunism the reality is much worse.😢
Oh really?
....and your poly-sci degree was earned where?
@@birchsongsltd.6831 goober is woke trash and supports socialism.
Listening this on Nov. 6th 2024. It hits harder.
Absolutely true...
Yup. I found myself this week watching the latest Richard Wolff’s on the Boston Community Church channel. It really hit hard. But helpful.
December 2024... :((
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” NC
That's it. As well as in supermarkets you can choose among some varieties of fruits, accurately selected, but not among the real majority of fruits existing, which are no more available...
A beautifully narrated presentation and synopsis of Chomsky's oeuvre. Thank you :)
This war criminal who justifies the brutal brutal killings of 20% of the entire Cambodian people by Communist Khmer rouge. Then to prove it wasnt a mistake in youth just 2 years ago supported the ending of the lives of those who refused Mandates coerced Shots by calling for a 1930s German style ghetto isolation idea in banning them from getting food from market and smirking devilishly "let them figure out how to get food". In any decent he would be charged for pushing and collaborating in Nuremberg code abuse of billions globally.
Chomsky has lived a nice comfortable life in America, while selling hate and victimhood to Americans.
Chomsky is a criminal for riding that infamous airplane and when being questioned about it saying it’s no one’s business . He literally deserves to be rotting in prison.
No. It's a complete waste of time. Chumpsky is an idiot.
Actually it is a synopsis of his magnum opus......"Manufacturing Consent". By the way what are your reflections between Cornel West and Chomsky ideologically......both of course are intellectual provocateurs for starters..
I've always felt like that but couldn't formulate it so clearly. 100% Agree. This is probably one of the most underrated video on TH-cam.
I am an old boomer. In the 1970ies Chomsky taught me how language influences your thinking. Back then there was a lot of turmoil in South America and while some news outlets would talk about rebels, others would talk about freedom fighters. Language shaped your view on things.
I don't always agree 100% with his analyses, but quite often he is spot on and he is always worth listening to.
Except when it comes to Covid vaccination mandates & his suggestions to treat people who choose medical freedom as lepers…
@@Ur2ez4me81 the perfect human doesn’t exist. Polio victims may disagree are they wrong?
@@dermotmeuchner2416covid injection is NOT a vaccine like the treatment for poliovirus.
French thinker-surgeon Henri Laborit maintained that: ‘Modern man finds himself alone, isolated, lost in a monstrous socio-economic machine whose mechanisms he doesn’t understand. But what is the most incomprehensible is how, locked in the rigid, impersonal yoke of his daily grind, of his measured automatisms, having no time to think or even to rave in delirium, he can still believe that he is free. His concept of liberty is itself the consequence of a cultural automatism inculcated in him early by society to avoid his suicide, or revolt, to make him think that the choice was his.’
That’s the real Hell for intelligent adults, not the one spread about by the fear-mongering Christian churches.
Hahaha this was upon a time. Now Muslim brotherhood taking place and believe me, you will regret it. Christian bashing is what they need you to do.
There are always men who can think for himself, but there is always so few of him in society ..
How stupid can you get? How was life 200 years ago ? Easy? Life is unfair. Romantic prattle on your part
Amazing quote.... Do you have the source?
I was just talking to my brother about this exact topic. So, lo and behold this came up in my feed. Big brother is definitely listening.
Be sure to eat up the feed.
We live in a corporate political religious FASCISM!
Big tech and cable news media is the worst and I swear they work side-by-side with the political, coastal elite and mostly the Democrats. In America you are nothing unless you are a Democrat and I’m libertarian. I think a lot of Democrats these days are downright Godless.
The Beast a Gentile Empire without rule of God a form of lawlessness.
Frank Zappa warned us about it in the 80's....
More like coorperatist,leftist, Marxist socialist fascism...
Well said! Manufacturing Consent should be taught in every high school in the world.
Except every high school in the world is part of the system. They aren’t going to teach you what they’re doing to you as much as sell it to you in the movies and on television.
Underestimated comment…
That would be labeled as CRT or DEI or communism or woke or some other new buzzword...
@@necrux should we worry about how they label things, or rather get on with the job for the sake of a fairer society?
Elementary school, rather.
The corporate matrix.
Truman's world
Best short summary of Chomsky I've heard. Hoping this video gets shared with everyone with a ear to hear.
Thank you for the compliment :)
@@philosopheasy As a 58 y/o male spoon fed the mainstream narrative for years Mr. Chomsky and professor Richard Wolff have enlighten me. Thank you for a wonderful summary, in my opinion sums up everything precisely. I will be reviewing more of your interesting videos.
Hello Ricky, I thought you might like to know that this video was AI generated, I think by a tool called NotebookLM. It can create podcasts based on sources you put into it. It wasn't made by a human. You can make the podcasts yourself if you want. I bet this channel's creator put barely any effort into making this and all their other videos.
Thank you for that easy and simply understandable explanation of his deep works!
Most explainer vids on Chomsky are more difficult that his works themselves.
Thank you :)
Not only in America it's happening all over the world
Capitalism is America’s biggest export.
True. Writing from Europe.
Yes. And why? - when it does not work for the US why should it work for New Zealanders?
@@elinannestad5320 It shouldn't, not for the US not for ANYONE/ANYWHERE else.
If you’re over fifty you’ve known this for 25 years. But thanks for publishing this.
My awakening began in 1991 as I watched Bush give a speech to Congress about a "New World Order" and "a Thousand Points of Light." That was crazy talk for 1991 ! Then in walks Billy Boob, the "centrist thinking" New Democrat in 93. When he signed NAFTA into law and eliminated tariffs for Mexico and Canada thus causing the US to lose Revenue which hurt Americans. Then he sent all of our manufacturing jobs to Mexico and other foreign entities which hurt America. I began to see a pattern against America.
HOOWA 64 and right there with ya
I'm still in my late twenties but 99.8% of all people past the age of 50 that I've known don't even know who Chomsky is (or just outright call me a "Commie" for even suggesting him) and are glued to the MSM every day of their lives.
72 and now more than ever. The empire is in full decline.
Oh, yes. The problem is that this system is able to make people's memory erased. So we must tell the obvious again and again.... Actually, it's not only this awful system, but the whole history of humankind which has been working this way... Historia magistra vitae. When we don't treasure what happend before us we are doomed.
Nice essay of Chomsky's work on the media and its effects on democracy. Thanks
Democracy leads to rule by ignorance/emotion sadly. Chomsky's ideas fall apart when the assumptions are examined. It's no wonder he set back nlp 40 years with his ideas.
When you write "Chomsky's ideas" what are you saying? When Chomsky talks "politically theory", he nearly always cites his sources. In this area, he's not so much creative and inventive - as in other areas - as he's well read. Best of all, because Chomsky cites his sources, we can always check what he says.
When Chomsky has referred to "democracy" he not infrequently cited Aristotle work "Politics", the granddaddy in the western world on democracy (versus, say, Plato's totalitarian regime of "philosopher kings"). And, the US founding fathers were educated in the Greek classics, nearly the only thing read in formal schools at the time. Thus, they were also acquainted with Aristotle.
The US founding fathers, as did Aristotle, realised you can't have a democracy with a lot of poverty and few wealthy. The solution, according to Aristotle is, what we call today, the "welfare state". That was Aristotle. The US founding fathers took the opposite approach, as US first Supreme Court Justice John Jay said, "the people who own the country ought to govern it", or James Madison who said, the primary goal of government is "to protect the opulent minority against the majority".
In real way, what we call democracy isn't so much a thing but a process, an ongoing struggle from the bottom up, from the people ever since the constitutional convention. Recall, immediately after the constitutional convention only land-owning rich white males were allowed to votes in most states, although in other states you could pay to vote without owning land.
@@JuanCarlosbarquero-f3e absolute rubbish . Chomsky is a fool who lives in bubble of ideological nonsense . . People like yourself think its so trendy to like Noam . Please write for me a descriptive paragraph of what Noam has ever achieved that has mattered to a functional society . Not what others have done , what he has done . Not others writings . His very own thoughts and ideas that have actually benefitted again a functional non idealistic society . I wait to see if you can find anything . You will respond with an excuse . Reality is the mans a 21st century charlatan .
Chomsky is the equivalent of a mystical healer . Plenty of hubris , no actual science or data . Why do Americans laud this absolute nobody . They should read Thomas Sowell if they really want to understand the USA modern society .
Chomsky = Clown.
The only thing I disagree is the notion that the system is rigged to favor interests of the few. It's not rigged, it's designed to work that way. In the past when humans lived in smaller groups power of the sword was enough to keep very few in power and secure their wealth. As our groups we lived in grew to size of today's nations more sofisticated control had to be developed so today we have "democracy" and all Chomsky is talking about. Interests of majority were never priority in human societies all the way from life in caves to date. Progress we talk about came when ruling elites couldn't avoid allowing changes. Sad but true, I'd say. The good part of our times is the internet and connectedness that increases awareness of what's really going on. That is why ruling elites keep trying to censor it. Better times are not so for away. All we must do is persist and keep talking.
So true. George carlin the comedian/philosopher said this years ago. "You have no choice you have owners". "They own you they own everything". Such a smart man i learned so much about life from listening to him alone. 😢
Nonsense by George.
Yup. Indentured labour .
Chomsky really knows what he is talking about and it would behoove everyone to listen to what he has to say because he won't be around much longer. He has a gem of knowledge.
Right. Of course.
YOU are an eedeee-ott. Gnome Chumpsky is an idiot. NO ONE should listen to either of you two fools.
Listen to what he has to say and questioni it. Chomsky is a treasure, except he did a 180 surrounding covid and vaccines. Which, proves we can't blindly trust anyone. Listen to what he has to say and questioni it. Chomsky is a treasure, except he did a far right wing 180° turn surrounding covid and vaccines. Which, proves we can't blindly trust anyone.
No. He is disgusting. Telling unvaccinated people should be banned from society. He makes me puke.
I also want to Thank you for your narration and synopsis of Noam Chomsky’s book- ‘Manufactured Consent’-(read it awhile ago and cannot exactly remember the title?) Anyways, Well done! I appreciate the thoughtful review.
The greatest illusion Is people thinking they are free, even when being confronted with every day life showing and telling them they are not free
Very well put together. Noam is a beacon of hope, he spells it out. I dread the day that is coming in the future, when he will no longer be, that will be a horrible day.
He has a beautiful and honest mind and in most things I'm in agreement with his ideas, fascinating how his mind is still so sharp at over 90.
He is a true, good human being.
My grade 10th grade history book stated,"politics is theater",that was in '85,the book was a few year older.
Dr. Robert Reich shares many of Chomsky's insights. Both strive to inform & enlighten us about how the plutocratic oligarchs control the economy, society & govt. Also, both encourage us to take action to fight back against the few that have hijacked our Republic.
*Albeit he shares some of Chomsky's insights, he's still a twisted partisan who overlooks the major flaws, failures, and despotism of today's democrat party whilst throwing rocks at mainly republicans. If he were consistent and if he truly cared, he would abandon the Democrat party and criticize them heavily as well. Both parties have ruined this country.*
Chomsky doesn't believe in a Republic, he believes in a Democracy by it's truest definition, Majority Rule.
I like Dr. Reich.
Noam has explained it so well! How true it all is! 😊
only few have the courage to understand. the rest must give their vote to democracy. then miserably humans are left empty handed for humanity.
Regardless of how rich & powerful a person might be, human life is maximum 100 years. If I was a rich person, I would not waste my time about how to corrupt the government, I would rather enjoy life, instead of making the life miserable for the others. Fortunately most of the people who are rich & powerful are already old, they do not have sufficient amount of time to exploit the others. That is power without purpose.
I am Greek and i am telling you Democracy have nothing to do with Voting and Political parties! Democracy is the public assemblies and Peoples Power
Chomsky also constantly encourages everyone to fight for rights, that the people are strong and capable of instituting change through many forms seen in history. If horrific dictatorships where able to force change why can't we in a country that can't use that level of direct force but instead relies on manipulation of the publics beliefs.
Weaponized helpless victimhood is the new age mantra of the selfrighteous
Ummm.. Chompsky advocated forceably vaccinating people against their will. He's a hypocritical POS.
And at the first sign of authoritarianism he went along with it, very disappointing
@4363HASHMI :: "selfrighteous" ?
"Weaponized helpless victimhood" ?
Do you have any independent knowledge of history ?
Did the Suffragettes retreat into self-righteousness ?
Did they weaponize helpless victimhood ?
did they gain excess to higher education to become ::
judges, doctors, scientists, lawyers, astronauts, CEOs & CFOs, bank presidents, military leaders, political advisors, establish political campaigns for high offices and even become sociopathic foreign-policy-makers ?
The Suffragettes are just one historical example. Any Progressive movement can also be the result of active, organized involvement (as in the above) ::
the C.R.M.
the Labor Movement
the Law Enforcement Agencies ...
Look ! Look at the above list. Take your time❕️No matter how much time you spend, you will not find the words ::
_Weaponized, helpless, victimhood, the selfrighteous._
Gotta learn history before making unfounded, unsupported, unhistorical and unhinged comments.
"selfrighteous" ?
"Weaponized helpless victimhood" ?
Did the Suffragettes retreat into self-righteousness, weaponized, helpless victimhood❔️
did they gain excess to higher education to become doctors, lawyers, politicians, astronauts, judges, CEOs, CFOs, presidents of financial institutions, truck drivers, police officers, firefighters, medics, bus drivers, specialists and even sociopathic foreign-policy-makers.
Any progressive movement has had the same outcome. You can use the same list to apply to the ::
Labor Organizating
Political Expansion ...
Look ! Look at the above list and see if you can find selfrighteous, weaponized helpless victimhood. Take your time. No matter how much time you spend, you won't find self-righteous helpless weaponization of victimhood.
“A democracy that serves everyone” must serve the ecosystems, insects and animals as well. This is particularly hard for our species to comprehend. We are inflicting insane levels of damage which all know is creating cascading effects. I don’t hear many optimistic ecologists…
We live in a republic
@@djnelsonchild7467 That’s understood.
exactly, I live in central texas, we are building so much and tearing up the land. No more deer, hawks, foxes, armadillos, horned frogs, snakes etc. This past winter I have seen 3 foxes run over near my house. Too many people that aren't paying attention.
@@eladverde4674 😥
I will always listen to what Noam Chomsky has to say. He's a master of the reality check. ❤ Live long, sir.
He's the one who set natural language processing back 40 years. I'd definitely consider his assumptions careful before believing him. He assumes Democracy is a desired goal, but that itself results in the same systems due to uninformed weighing the same as informed voting.
He said those not wanting to take an experimental toxic injection without informed consent should be separated from the rest of society. Chomsky Manufactures Contempt. Once a strong voice against the establishment, now a tool for the establishment.
horrific psychopathic man, its not capitalism its communism, that's the evil, that's the agenda and he was part of it, noam the evil
Oh god thank you . Not even American and it bewilders me that Americans see this fool as some sort of messiah . Thomas Sowell who I absolutely admire and who has written so much amazing literature . His factual opinion on Noam is as close to the mark as you can get . Personally Noam is a deluded old man who should ride off into the sunset and leave the real world issues to proper critical thinkers .
Hes the master of nothing but rubbish . His ramblings are that of someone who has no real concept of society today . He has never done anything , but ridicule the freedoms that he hides behind .
A very thoughtful video, thank you Philosopheasy! I think most philosophy is abstruse, theoretical, bunk that is barely relateable to even a clever person. But... I'm delighted to have bumbled into this channel. And, as a Briton, I must say the narrator has the most lovely narrating voice; sonorous, measured. Perfect cadence. Oh yeah, and old Gnome Chompy seems to be talking sense here.
"You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!" - Bill Hicks
A French comedian used to say "if voting mattered, it would be illegal"
Yes , I have known about Chomsky for 45 years!!!
thank you for posting and reminding
Had him in class at MIT circa 1958.
What is the alternative? I often hear the problem, but not solutions. I may not be looking in the right places. Any suggestions where to look?
Same question here
Forming parallel structures that manifest into a parallel society .
I'm a marxist leninist, Chomsky is some sort of anarchist. Study revolutionary theory if you really are interested and you will find people who think like you, and then we have to act together to build movements that can destroy this awful system.
Europe here. The same problems.
Everything become WOKE.
I'm sorry, my English isn't very well.
In Spain, in Italy some citizens foundet a new Community.
There are Farmer, Doctor, Teacher and so on.
They would be indenpendent.
I saw in a Video about America Ghost City.
Why nobody does something without the gov?
I know, we can find everything by Supermarket, but it comes from the Food Factory.
We must learn to take our life in our ✋️.
I hope, that you understand, what I mean.
And now the cost of shelter and food has skyrocketed. This is capitalism. Capitalizing on the necessities of life. FOOD AND SHELTER!
Yes, Russia is so much better! ..and their stores have so many selections!--ingrate
@@johnd7435 Russia is an oligarchy you total moron. 😂
So true Thank you !
It's not the corporatism that's the issue, it's the Shareholders.
Shareholder rights and Corporate Governance...
One of the key rights of shareholders is the ability to vote on important corporate matters. This includes electing the board of directors, who are responsible for overseeing the company's management and making significant business decisions
Shareholders can influence the company's trajectory and hold the board accountable for their actions, ensuring that the company is managed in the best interests of its owners.
corporatism is the issue.
Corporations aren’t people yet have more rights than actual people that’s a problem.
The biggest shareholders are always the top people on the board and corporations board members are on each other’s corporate boards. They’re all friends, and they’re all in it together.
This is how someone like Charles Prince, who used to be the CEO of Citibank manages to get $68 million and a job as a financial advisor after nearly bankrupting the company .
You’ll never have peace,freedom or equality in a monetary system!
The Capitalist system is based on greed and power. Therefore the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. There is no place for 'Humanity' in this system.
So move to a country that doesn't have a monetary system so you can have peace, freedom and equality.
@@laryjohnson5736yes, that's the fair and reasonable solution. 🙄
@@ChillyIllieIt is if goober wants to be happy. 15 million or so ILLEGAL ALIENS have come to the US for this reason.
Demonizing Money equates to no one gave you any. You are angry and envious about the stuff.
Utilizing Money equates to you have learned how to earn and keep the stuff.
It's a marker of Energy, Persistence and/or Skills. You're pointing out your Deficiencies.
Chomsky is 100% right. This man and his words will go down in history. Thanks for your great summary. It's brilliantly articulated!
Love Chomsky. Consent is manufactured in so many ways, but not for those who seize their own consciousness and claim their energy as theirs, therefore having no need to feed off others as the wealthy do.
Excellent presentation 🎯
To understand the US Supreme Court's decision one needs to read the US Constitution first.
The US is not a Democratic Republic, but a Republic with some elements of Democracy.
Originalism means that the only rights and policies that are protected are ones that are explicitly laid out in the constitution, conforming with the “original”intentions of the founders.
Although slavery has been abolished, the property that is central to the Constitution-private property, the right to exploit the majority for the benefit of the tiny minority remains.
It is preposterous for the majority to decide who will be on the ballot and who will not.
“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.” ― Rosa Luxemburg
Recall Citizens United.
Update US Constitution to shift power balance between Majority and Minority.
i say replace this quote with anything Chomsky says post covid
USA isn’t even a republic - it is a capitalistic corporate oligarchy, aka a corporatocracy, aka a kleptocracy, aka a plutocracy.
You’re 100% on point. I stay emphasizing this same stuff to my peers here in the U.S..
They’re all delusional denialists
Thank you for this, the truth is right here about many things.
Noam Chomsky is the much needed voice of reason for our time.
Freedom of speech is allowed only when half truths, lies, exaggerations and ignorance are part of that concept.
As soon as you speak truths and facts with proof and you name names, then no more Freedom of speech.
Think about that statement.
It covers everything that is in the center of goodness, holiness, justice, and eternity.
That’s why I don’t vote anymore, it doesn’t matter which candidates, they all work for their big donors, not small potato like us poor citizens.
you should still vote, you need to be able to distinguish between different things. Hitler was voted into power, and we do not hold harmless those that refused to vote, for by that simple action they could have prevented great tragedy and they failed to do so. I understand why you would like to be removed from a system that forces you to choose between two evils, but that is the work. To choose. And perhaps to change. Or maybe simply to buy time to allow for change.
@@raymartin1687I vote for the physical exercise
It doesn't have much meaning/ consequence but you can actually vote for none (or all if you prefer; it's actually safer). It's supposed to be a protest vote, that you actually don't believe in any of the options.
There is no difference in parties. They all drink together and have a laff at the stupid sapine Brittunculi.
@@raymartin1687but what is the point of voting if the system of government we have in place is completely corrupted from the bottom to the top? What/Who exactly are you voting for? Do you even really know for sure?? Or are you just assuming that voting is the ONLY way we have to affect real change? I don't think so...
Thank you. Noam is the Man.
He wanted the unvaxxed to starve to death...that’s not good, at least in my humble opinion!
"`Why' is the only real source of power, without it you are powerless.”
- The Merovingian
The boys in the hood are always hard, come talkin that trash and we'll pull your card. - Ice Cube.
Isn’t the media merely a trafficker of (false) information ?
"Choice is an illusion, created between those with power and those without..."
-The Merovingian
Fantastic and timely.
I don’t vote…not sure who is running for office….I don’t watch the news…I don’t watch movies or care about Hollywood stars….I work very little and pay very little taxes….I have everything I need or want and live a healthy and happy life….
Ignorantia sit beatitudo...
After waking up for who rules the world, the lies that makes us working hard and blindly hoping for better life, all this seems obvious. But looking to others still lost is this ideology hurts and makes me feel we already lost as working class and as humans.
You are right. We live in darkness as was described by Socrates. The question is how can we escape this.
Should use a picture that’s accurate
Who is it, IDF stooge?
It's accurate - it's just not up to date.
What an excellent piece. Nicely done.
We must accept what we do not have the power to change.
Dear Mr Chomsky, I have written a persuasive essay that I would be honored to have you read. Please feel free to incorporate any or all of it's talking points into your presentations. Here it is:
The Twin Parallel Rails Organizing Society
There are two continuums that run side by side like train tracks that don’t cross over each other but together carry a society either to a destination of positive collaborative fulfillment or to the opposite destination of negative self-centered separation.
Rail 1. Governance.
Democratic Socialism vs Corporate Socialism: a primer.
We are all socialists. Humans require society for survival. Socialism is all governance. Governance is the type of gov. tax appropriations, gov. regulations and the direction of gov. agencies. It is a continuum. It goes from Democratic Socialism which is spending tax monies and having policies for the benefit of all those who actually contribute to the tax pool and represent the vast majority of the population, to Corporate Socialism which is spending tax monies and making gov. policies for the benefit of the corporate interests of the 2%, many of which pay little or no taxes and brag about gaming a system they have bought and influence with their ever exponentially increasing wealth. This is a nasty feedback loop that leads us to a state of economic serfdom and ultimately to gated communities for these same people who caused this situation, with their insatiable greed machine of lobbyists and swinging door appointments leading from corporate boardrooms to government agencies and administrations and back again.
Rail 2. Economics
The second parallel rail/continuum of societal organization is the agreed upon Mode of Economic Exchange which ranges from Capitalism that encourages the individual profit motive, to Communism which says we must share the profits of our labors.
Communism has never existed except as an idea. It has historically been implemented as a rallying cry to disaffected people in rebellions against minority rule, but once the new batch of rulers took power they quickly and logically reverted to their own individual capital interests, which in a society governed by Democratic Socialism would be just fine, but instead though, they quickly diverted themselves to the greed interests of the top 2% by adopting extreme Corporate Socialism to become Oligarchs and Fascists. Just look at the brutal suppression where these rebellions took place in the societies of Russia, China and North Korea for example.
Actual Communism has only existed in some local communes of people dedicated to the concept, but they only last a short time because they are inefficient at meeting the individual needs and aspirations of its members beyond those who are totally committed to that group.
The idea of Communism persists because it is used as a Canard by the top 2% in most all societies. A 'Canard' is a spurious idea presented by someone to provide an excuse for motives that would otherwise be revealed as being for their own selfish ends. It’s a diversionary tactic and smoke screen rolled into one.
Communism is held up and used as a 'Canard' by both those who promote the interests of the Corporate Socialists in countries with democracies like the United States, where it is presented as being a bogeyman that will lead them all down the path of 'socialism' and 'communism', to its use by the so called ‘Communist States’, where it is held up by their 'Communist Party' leaders who want to hide their actual oligarchical, fascist intentions from their masses by presenting it as a Utopian ideal to which they must all sacrifice their individual desires.
Either way, the end result is the same, with the canard idea of Communism being used to cajole and control the majority into serving the interests of the few.
Capitalism’s ability to motivate people into a commerce of ideas, services and products with profits that address individual needs is the only mode of monetary exchange that makes efficient sense. Only you know what you desire and aspire too. Even ‘Communist’ countries use Capitalism but only to the extent the ruling party members permit, in so far as it promotes the wealthfare of the top 2%. There the Corporate Socialist extremists dominate those societies with an iron fist; as seen in China, Russia and North Korea.
Rail #1 ‘Governance’ final thoughts
Democratic Socialism as governance plus Capitalism for economic exchange equals a society that builds itself up for the betterment of all its members by spending their tax dollars and government policy on national health care, a clean environment, education, timely infrastructure spending, retirement insurance, etc. for all its citizens. The Scandinavian countries and most of Europe and the Commonwealth countries come to mind.
Whereas Corporate Socialism as governance, plus Capitalism for economic exchange = a society like ours - The United States; that has government policies, tax money appropriations, regulations, laws, and judicial and agency appointments increasingly designed to shunt money to the top 2% of its citizens; leaving us with no National Health Care, a shrinking middle class, a growing class of unhealthy uninsured working poor, and also with a disproportionate tax burden favoring the wealthy, a deteriorating environment for the short term gain of investors in some industries, and a crumbling infrastructure to avoid any legislation requiring additional taxation of the 2%. Also, it has led us to bogus foreign wars for corporate profit with the resulting deaths of American youths to benefit the shareholders in the Military Industrial Complex, as with Halliburton’s corporate investors and their ilk.
The logical conclusion of Corporate Socialism at its extreme endpoint is to shift rule from Democracy to rule by Oligarchy (rule by a few) and Fascism (combining a central dictator), with them foremost always representing the financial interests of the top 2%. In these so called ‘Communist States’, this is combined with threats of military and police force to the citizenry, so they fear their governments readiness to deploy against them for any serious internal challenges they may pose to their rule, as is found in Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Belarus, Cuba and a number of other countries.
The interests of the Corporate Socialists are routinely promoted by the top 2% under the guise of patriotic duty and endless flag waving. This perversely manipulates the community’s natural tribal instinct to rally together, while both hiding the greedy intentions of the 2% and steering the rest of the population to serve those interests.
This dominance of the short-sighted greed lust of Corporate Socialism in both the Democracies and in the so called 'Communist States' is leading us to a diminishing quality of life, and an inability to make positive adaptive change. This is causing ever increasing societal chaos with uncontrolled desperate migration, a burgeoning global population and environmental degradation.
The Societies of our planet need to work towards establishing truly representative Democratic Socialism in order for us to avert disaster and to coordinate our place on Earth in a manner that will sustain a good life for all our species and ecosystems.
Everyone, we have got to get it together using Democratic Socialism combined with Capitalism.
War, disease and misery are not necessary management tools.
Well said, if the masses get it,!!!?
People like what they like. Wishing they were different is foolish. I have highly educated, productive friends who are getting ready to watch 8 hours of college basketball a day for the next 3 weeks. Some will even fly to tournament sites. Any system that needs people to be fundamentally different than they are to work shouldn't even be considered.
The news is nothing but lies and brain washing to begin with and if you watch it you will get sucked in.
Chilling truth of human existence in no matter what system we live.
So happy I was born in Polish Republic of People, schools & universities were free and still are free, wouldn’t like to be a one year younger. Migrated from Poland , working class were building villas & going to church being dressed like elite from a palace. Never forget my Mum and grandma putting their cashmere coats and hats before heading to church. Luxury food beyond imagination, Persian rugs, crystal chandeliers etc etc
That corporations are allowed to limit their responsibilities is at the core of the problem.
The consequences ofRisk can not and should not ever be limited, or limitless rewarded.
One of my smart friends said I should check into chompy because he thought I would like him. I saw a few vids and didn't really agree with those. Now I see what he was talking about! I quit voting 8 years ago. People want me to vote, but what they mean is they want me to choose a side of the two party dictatorship. Not doing it.
- PaulTeich-©️10/31/2023.
He’s not on mainstream television
But in his vision, he knows how to envision
How to save the EARTH, and how to change birth
Back into Hope
Teacher, author, activist and scholar
He who has seen
He who remembers
He is truly the worlds most righteous brother
They threaten him because he cares
He exposes the governments and his research shares
That which the bread and circuses keeps our heads underground
Where manufactured consent is the only sound
They confuse subsidy with security
To steal taxes with fear
From the Cold War till today
False evidence appearing real
When politics becomes the shadow cast by big business over the bewildered herd
First amendment is gone and “We the people” will never be heard
When the father of modern linguistics shares his words
It would behoove us to give honor and share our regards
For only if you know the history of the Earth do you know where we are from
For only if you know the philosophy of the Earth do you know where we are going
And only if you can correlate and assimilate these things, do you really know “Who makes the weather”
And what it is that binds and ties humanity together
The questionable Electoral College plays a large part such as making the majority vote getter irrelevant.
The Electoral College was created because the Founders could not have created the country without it. The states with smaller populations would have refused to join without assurance of full representation, to protect their citizens from being bulldozed by "tyranny of the majority". It persists to this day for the same reason, the smaller states will not ratify an amendment to abolish it.
I agree with Noam❤
Paraphrase, but the line of keeping us in a simple state of wondering what will happen next instead of feeling complex emotions on what we should do hits HARD...
"Why your vote doesn't matter" isn't a question.
What!? Noone said it was. If I get your point, it doesn't speak well of your mental competence. I hope that I don't.
@@akimmel6941 Don’t you see the question mark??
Your vote doesn't matter because it is an appeasement to make you feel good, while the politicians and president are selected not voted into office by the people. Your wasting your time and energy going to vote. Stay home.
@@akimmel6941see the thumbnail Einstein.
Finally a subject that makes sense. Money talks bs votes
Chomsky shouldn't confuse capitalism with crony capitalism, the latter being the one we live under and which creates the inequality we see today
Agreed 👍💯
Capitalism is a Ponzi scheme full stop. It could never work because of illegal monopolies mushrooming up over night across all industry
One inevitably leads to the other.
Capitalism, in fact, is always crony capitalism. Capitalism without a nefarious nexus with governments simply does not exist. Rather, from a Marxist point of view, State and all its organs, are just the instruments of capitalism. Therefore, Chomsky is not confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Capitalism is destined to be crony capitalism where State can never function independently. It is bound to protect the interests of capitalists.
The end result of capitalism no matter what is crony capitalism. When your system is profit over people that's the inevitable end point.
Freud talked about Eros and Thanatos. Building and tearing down. So easy to be a critic. So much harder and meaningful to do something positive
Sir some rour decades ago renowned philosopher statesman Bertrand Russell said " America has dual policy ie one is to preach to the world another one to practice themselves, even today that is what the world has to face 'whether it is Democratib party or Republican party in Power -White House- policies have been the same._ we are witnessing for last 50 more years. Thank you.Professor Emeritus Dr.A.Subbian. Thanjavur.
Interesting Informed and Informative!!!
we are the fish on the table, not able to decide we will be skewed, fried, steamed, boiled, barbeque... but we have the illusion that we have the power to decide how other fish on the table should be cooked -- or even, we are the dinner not the fish !!!
This is the guy that said people shouldn't be allowed to live in society if they don't get the jab and wear their masks, right?
If anyone questions the system and people start listening, they're labeled socialist, communist, or Marxist and they're done.
"When I was in high school... I asked myself at one point: "Why do i care if my high school's team wins the football game? I don't know anybody on the team, they have nothing to do with me... why am I here and applaud? It does not make any sense." But the point is, it does make sense: It's a way of building up irrational attitudes of submission to authority and group cohesion behind leadership elements. In fact it's training in irrational jingoism. That's also a feature of competitive sports."
That's not a picture of Noam Chomsky.
Who is it, IDF stooge?
You're damn right
I think it’s him when he was younger.
@@louismcglasson7913 Nope. I can't remember this guy's name, but I'm fairly sure he's one of those lightweight middle-of-the-roaders who does unchallenging "think pieces" for like Vanity Fair and the NYT. It's definitely not Chomsky.
This is noam Chomsky from Wish
This is not a democracy this is a constitutional republic
Who’s here after the 2024 election?
Also stock markets are manipulated, heavily, and dollar is also
I've been saying this for years. The proverbial wool is over American eyes!
Noam said that unvaccinated (c19) people needed to be separated from society, and how they obtained food, was THEIR problem. That is an irrefutable, statement he did make. The interview when he said it, is available in it's entirety, lest anyone thinks I'm stating something 'out of context'. If my bringing this up, hurts your feelings, ha! Too bad. Facts hurt sometimes.
Another big Noam blooper. His answer regarding the events of a certain day in 2001 expose him as a form of controlled opposition, a psyop...
I agree with him. The GOP during Covid helped get a bunch of other people killed. They should’ve been separated from society. They’re not smart enough and they’re too to do what’s decent and good.
Put politicians views over actual healthcare workers. These people are stupid.
@@marcwinfield1541For sure he is part of the same system he speaks out against. He’s part of the NWO
I too was upset by Chomsky's fear-based stupidity about COVID -- but he was an old man at that time -- and thus he was at an elevated risk for death from COVID -- what he could NOT see was that people under age 55 were not at substantial risk -- and that children and young adults had virtually zero risk of death
I'll Vote In November, as I always have. It may be the last time... I'm a Baby Boomer and a Vietnam Veteran. This is Not The America that I was raised in. But, we did see it coming. "If Voting really mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to Vote". "We" and the World may be in 1938 Again...
Thank You & Best Regards
@@Prodrive1 tRump: A man / child that Only a Mother Could Love.
You are not alone in your beliefs!
That is why my family and I have never participated in electoral circus. My family have a deep understanding of what we are dealing with, and so do I.
I believe it was Edward Bernal’s who first came up with the term “Engineering consent” in his 1955 book. Pretty much the same concept on how to manipulate the masses.
Excellent. Thank you.👍
_"Inventing Reality"_ by Micheal Parenti, is supposedly better than _"Manufactured Consent"_
I didn't hear Noam say anything 😳 🤔
Soon the tired and the poor will get tired of being poor. Revolutions coming .
What are you, a comedian?
John Lennon told us over 50 years ago -
As soon as you're born, they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
'Til the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
'Til you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they've tortured and scared you for 20 odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function, you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
Working Class Hero - John Lennon (1970)
It sounds so real in our context in India as well.
The goodness of democracy is not universal... True