+Drew Fuller not believing in unicorns does nothing to address unicorn belief either. Non belief is just that, non belief. Looking for answers? I recommend science.
I swear. You atheists are all broken records reading from the same sheet music. Science isn't going to tell you shit about intangible values such as love and justice. It won't explain morality or logic either. Science examines how things work-no more. Plus, science can't get beyond the universe. So, it's useless in trying to destroy the God you hate so much. Non belief is non belief, huh? So, I guess rocks are atheists since they don't believe in God either. You all are horrible philosophers, wonderful doubters. Atheism is more than just a non belief. You live your life as though there is a God or as though there's not. There's no 3rd option.
Joe Green why 5 years? We're you reading it in old Latin doesn't take much time if you look at just the way it was put together never mind the cruelty of the book it's self to consider it came from an all seeing kind god 5years my arse
Joe Green I am easy to sway when presented with newer and better information than I previously had. If my beliefs don't stand up to scrutiny and examination or if there if no good reason to continue having them, then I let them go. As a result of this lifestyle I have very few beliefs and instead have a collection of good ideas that are always subject to improvement.
The Guam Guy was it the old or new testament that took 5 years to understand I'm not saying you cant be convinced in some woo woo and it take 5 years to come to a conclusion but to say it was the books that were hard to understand is just not true . peace man
nigony there have also been thousands of predictions of the world ending, eventually one will be right. That doesn't imply anything more than coincidence. Besides, science has end times, the sun will eventually engulf the earth. Not soon though, and its likely we will have moved off of earth or died out by then
Who are you saying this too? Also, why would you get a Nobel prize for that? I would say threatening Hell would be more wrong from the religious standpoint. Atheists usually just find the humor in someone claiming to be loving telling someone they will be tortured for eternity. That sounds pretty wrong to me. I don't believe in Hell though so when someone says it too me it doesn't bother me a bit.
eric lee What? It's a collection of fairy tales written by man added to and changed over centuries by many different people. So yes man changed it. You were not trying to imply it was written by the sky fairy were you? Please tell me you weren't.
I was an atheist long before I read the Bible or knew what an atheist was, which for me was around 6 years old realising Santa Claus and God both made no sense.
What made me atheist was my parent's bed-time reading of the Bible when I was a kid; I always thought it was a glorified story-book (and I was correct all along).
Good for you Pastor. I know how it feels to be free. When you get to the point that you don't want to live your life by fairy tales but rather to live your life by reason. it is a great feeling!
@@michalblasko8740 Yet you still seem bitter towards what you no longer believe in 🖕and 🖕can't seem to get on with your life without talking about it. What's the saying; you can take the boy out of fundamentalism but you can't take fundamentalism out of the boy
I'm surprised, but it doesn't seem illogical. Becoming a pastor requires a lot of studying. People who study are often smart. Smart people often come to the conclusion that religions are based on myths. Especially if you have your nose in the books that are so full of controversy. Now that I think of it, maybe it's remarkable that not more pastors or imams turn to atheism.
Most higher education in religion (except at some religious universities) teaches not the belief system itself, but the foundation and beginnings of the belief system. People learn what nonsense the bible is in those classes. The fact is that many religious people get doctorate degrees from universities that teach the true roots of their religion, but then they go on to completely discard that education and preach what they know is false. Many of the highly educated preachers, pastors, etc. know that what they preach is nonsense, yet they still do it for a living.
TheBushdoctor68 I think you answered your own question. The reason we don't see more like this is because many loose their faith while studying to become religious leaders. Also the other reason we don't hear more people coming out as atheist is because of the negative social consequences of doing so. Especially from people that have surrounded themselves by believers. That's exactly why the clergy project exist.
All thinking men are atheists. - Ernest Hemingway "If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." --- Albert Einstein Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. --- Benjamin Franklin "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." --- Stephen Roberts Professor Stephen Hawking sets out to answer the question: "Did the Universe need a creator?" The answer he gives is a resounding "no". "Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense." --- Chapman Cohen "Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions" - Blaise Pascal "No man has ever been brainwashed by science" -- Unknown "Which is it, is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s?" ---- Friedrich Nietzsche "A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows." --- Mark Twain "Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires." ---- Sigmund Freud "Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." -- Isaac Asimov
I’ve been an atheist since I was one second or age. I never had any indoctrination culture around, parents were atheist but many friends and classmates were religious. Having said that, I have so much admiration for people who can extricate themselves out of a indoctrination cult situation, especially when you hear of these young teens or preteens who have enormous family pressure and shunning forces at school as well. I stand and salute you all.
Awesome! I can't even imagine how much character it must take, as clergy, to reject and abandon one's life long beliefs and dedications - welcome to humanity!
That is indeed admirable - after all, not many people would be capable of admitting a truth, if their paycheck depended on them believing a false thing. It's a hard thing to recognize the falsity of religion if all your social circles are religious, and your job requires you to be religious. Much respect for the clergy project, for affording people in this position support, an a community to fall back on.
I personally knew a Catholic Bishop in Spain who admitted to close friends that he no longer believed in god. He wouldn’t come out because he didn’t want to destroy the belief of others, which was a central plank in many of their existences.
I can't believe we live in a reality of people rejecting their fellow humans simply because they don't share the same beliefs of the people who aspouse that there is an invisible force that will condemn you to his TORTURE FURNACE if you don't believe in this invisible force....key word: invisible.
Congratulations Pastor Mike! I am so proud of you and I support you! This is great, I'm so glad I found this today, I really needed a boost in hope. Welcome to the family Pastor Mike. :D ❤💋😈 I'll definitely be donating to this group on the first of the month. We need aaaalll the clergy people. Take the wind out of the religion sails and into the sails of human advancement.
I wish there was a "read your Bible" project for Christians who are not church leaders, pastors, nuns, etc... It seems to be the largest book club where its members actually haven't read the book.
Wow, I'm blown away by Pastor Mike. The honesty to be open to change of belief, the courage to then voice that change and the integrity to acknowledge this change of belief are astounding, and naturally I have nothing but great respect. I found Mike's perception of all of us, whether atheist or theist, as being on a spectrum where we may all somewhat struggle with our beliefs, to be a useful insight.
I love it. If Christian's read the Bible they'd be in a whole lot of trouble. I guarantee if you read the Bible cover to cover you won't get four books in before you decide it's BS.
Now you are a real beliver you are a Survivor no more lies and real knowledge will help you to see the truth and to prove with evidence our destiny I admire you you did the right move now you need to help others to seek the truth welcome to life brother I admire your courage because the world is becoming very infected
Welcome, Mike! I live in Ontario, Canada. We have, I think, a fellow grad of yours in my home town. Also there was a big feature on national radio about a woman pastor in Westhill, near Toronto, who is an out atheist...and still in the pulpit! They broadcast her service...pointing out that it was deliberately missing the god component, but still a service. Will that last? Time will tell. I met Jerry D at a convention a few years ago. Love the idea and execution of the Clergy Project. Hope all goes well for you.
"We lack a sort of vocabulary of secular inspiration." Perhaps the time is right for another person like the late great Robert Green Ingersoll. " Every man should be the intellectual proprietor of himself, honest with himself, and intellectually hospitable; and upon every brain, reason should be enthroned as king." RGI
Kristina Winter Ugh, yeah there is actually. A huge difference. That's like comparing unethical studies of atheism verses ethical atheism, they are not the same especially regarding eugenics. Science has been used to create guns, bombs, GMO's, pesticides (etc), but you don't see people shouting bloody murder over it either.
jlotiffh There's a few video of of Americans being quoted violent passages from scripture, only to be stunned to discover they weren't from the Qu'ran, but the Bible.
It is so cool listening to a pastor talk as a real athiest. It's so out of the ordinary and, for lack of a better term, taboo that it becomes just so fun to analyze.
1959 I discarded religion as being pure poppycock. It was a game called Do as I say not as I do. When I announced this to my friends they told their mothers who then attacked my mother for lacking oversight of me. I was asked to avoid discussing the matter with the local kids.
"I think all of us in Church, to some extent struggle at our faith; we are on a continuum. I don't think that the line is that sharp.".... I have been researching Bible criticism along with Bible apologetics for years and this statement is the most insightful and pertinent statement I have ever heard put fourth on this subject. The notion that one is either a "believer" or a "nonbeliever" with no in-between or vacillation is ludicrous.
"Faith is what we hope for, the proof of what we don't see." - Hebrews 11:1 (New Testament). Faith = hoping in things which have no proof. Aka wishful thinking
If you need religion to make you do good things, then you are a horrible person to begin with. The rest of us do good thing just because they are good things.
As a new atheist, I'll admit I have had trouble coming to terms with existence, how it will end, and how what we do is pointless. These kinds of thoughts make the idea that the end isn't the end and that there is a reason to do things quite attractive, but there are facts that can't be ignored which remove any kind of legitimacy of any religion that I've looked at. I've even been jealous of the people who are able to take those kinds of beliefs on faith alone, they aren't plagued by those kinds of questions and always seem a bit more content in life. I guess it's due to my catholic upbringing and having only recently came to this conclusion and this sort of thing will pass as I come to terms of it and I'll feel more free because of it, but it reminds me of withdrawal symptoms for drugs. You live in lala land while enslaved to immature and detrimental ideals for a long time, then go through a short period where everything is terrible, then come through it a better person or slip back into the darkness.
? Pastor Mike now knows was the truth to a big lie and I'm glad you come to your sensors and believe the truth this is what we are really fighting for thank you for your program
I respect the Mike's honesty for declaring his position. Yes, he is unfit to pastor and needs to step down. The sad part was how he dealt with his doubts. No doubt the atheist sources he turned to helped erode his faith, but the decision that sank the battleship is always the same; he gave up on seeking God. The bible says anyone who seeks with a full heart will have God revealed to them. That personal experience is the bedrock of true conversion, and is also important for those who grew up Christian, so they know it's not just a mind game. The reason he gave (problem with evil in the world) is not difficult to reconcile. The fact is MSNBC has found a former believer to use as a pawn to reinforce their (and their viewers') worldview. Do you think they'll ever feature a former atheist who became a born again Christian? These guys wouldn't stand a chance debating a learned and seasoned believer. 4:26 - "The truth of atheism..." Yeah buddy, only among your circle of yes men.
I seem to sense that the other people are giggling at him; why is that? I don't really think it's malicious. This is truly a beautiful thing to see; I cant say I've seen it before.
"scripture" (small s on purpose) is fine, as long as it's taken up on the same par as Aristotle or Plato..,..in other words, STRIPPED of its theological suppositions...
In response to 4:17 ...Do Christians feel any urgency to leave the non-religious, who are doing great work every day.... charity... looking out for others etc... to their own devices?
I still consider myself a Christian, but I've got some serious doubts about a lot of things...I've had a lot of problems with things in the Bible...I've never believed in creationism, at least not the way most believe...I always believed science & evolution, just that God set it all in motion, nothing just instantaneously popped into being...that's just the beginning of it...talking animals (snake & donkey) no, not buying that either...also, if everything in the Bible is supposed to be true, then why does it mention the existence of a cockatrice, not just once, but three times? Really? The mythical lizard chicken that's supposed to be hatched from an egg layed by a rooster? Yeah, right...I was raised with chickens & I can tell you for certain that roosters definitely do not lay eggs...anyhow, there's quite a few other issues, but I'm not typing out all of them, even if I do wind up finally chucking it all, I could never tell my Dad, it would just crush him...the old man's been through enough...religion has really, in many ways, done me more harm than good...but I won't get too deep, limited space & I'm not writing a book about it...Lol! Long story short though, I'm really starting to struggle with it...
"I always believed science & evolution, just that God set it all in motion" That is your first problem, that is what this guy lost his faith over and the number one reason Kids drop out. The problems you listed "talking animals", supposed mythical animals, all of this is answered. Hell I even have a single video on my channel that answer these things. Go watch = Don’t bother telling me Biblical Creation isn’t true till you watch this. Convert Anyone!
Don't listen to anything YEC says he's just trying to deceive you into his cult all of the stuff on his channel is long debunked nonsense and is nothing new don't fall for it. I know it's several months to late but I felt morally obligated to warn you anyway stay away from this lunatic.
The concept of a God is such a ridiculous concept. But Religion in one form or another will always be with us. We fear death. Personally, I just don’t give a shit.
Or just read this is you don't want to investigate too much. It’s to not believe in the bible. I don't believe in myths and in a Bible where parents are to stone and kill children for misbehaving; males can stone and kill faux virgins on their wedding night; people are stoned and killed for working on the Sabbath. And this is just a small amount of the nonsense and illogic of the babbling bibles. Ah the wonderful peaceful New Testament? It shows Jesus indicating morality doesn't count for much. "Those who believe in the Son will find everlasting life and those who do not accept Jesus as god will find and gnashing of teeth at the gates of heaven". What a bastard. And Jesus believed in slavery: "servants obey your master." Jesus knew less about science than pre schoolers of today. Germ Theory? Knowledge of any medical facts in the Bible? It amazes me that religious people aren't a hell of a lot more moral than Atheists. All of those regularly suppressed studies show no difference in morality except that religious people give more to charities as they stupidly think they are buying a stairway to heaven. "Religion is based . . . mainly on fear . . . fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. . . . My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race." [Bertrand Russell] Atheists are way way underrepresented in prison populations ? Only .002% of the prison population in the US. I am not saying they commit less crimes only that Atheists are smartest and commit over 90 percent of the crimes but they fix it so the dumb religious nuts do the time. Clever. Studies show Agnostics morality is as high as believers. Believe me the results of these studies are suppressed by "our Christian nation". Atheists do good and bad as most everyone else but live lives without heaven as the carrot on the stick. I think decent biology and not being dropped on your head as an infant and good upbringing far outweighs a thousand visits to holy places and millions of prayers. I just don't get it: When a hundred people are killed in a plane crash and 1 survives the 1 and their friends and families say "thank god .. he was looking after me (or my loved one)". What a Slap in the face this is to the other 99 and their families who were killed. Oh, I guess it was just their time to die in a cruel way. What if the one survivor of the crash turned out to be Kim Jong-um? Oh I guess god works in mysterious ways. As for the power of prayer - doesn't anyone know about the Placebo effect? Studies from a big Relgious Hospital tried to find if prayer for others worked and it didn’t. Yes religion gives comfort but at what cost? For the past 600 years so many advances in science or logic are attempted to be subdued by the religion. With heaven and Jesus or whoever religious people think they will be meeting after death it is amazing that religious people aren't a hell of a lot more moral than Atheists. Somehow Atheist do good without salivating over heaven. Five of US presidents were Agnostics. You should read what John Adams wrote about the Good Book - he wrote that it was Trash filled with bad morality and a terrible god. And the holy books are filled with over 1,000 contradictions and a very vindictive god. Christians have toned down god as a killing machine of the old testament and in the new testament they stress heaven (but only for those who believe in god). The lion and the lamb will lie down together but the lamb will not get much sleep. I guess the lion is god and man is definitely sheep to follow the craziness of religion. Word on Evolution: those who think the theory of evolution is a "theory" are wrong .. it is science but it's just that evolution doesn't occur in just one way so the term "theory" has stuck. Evolution is more of a science then Psychology but less exact then Chemistry. Evolution is incompatible with a strict interpretation of the Bible. Think about it: I guess god spent a lot of time planting fossils all over the world just to make Paleontologist’s appear foolish? The earth was created from Supernovas 4.5 billion yrs ago. I guess god waited 4 billion years before one-celled creatures finally started to develop into more intelligent creatures. Such patience this god has. "Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke] "If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." [Voltaire] "Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche] "Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke] "Religions are all alike founded upon fables and mythologies." [Thomas Jefferson] "Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile." [Kurt Vonnegut] I hate to say it but Jesus was an evil creep. A creep who promoted slavery, knew nothing of germ theory & was so diseased in his thought process that that he thought those who don't believe in the Son should burn for an eternity. And Augustine backed that up by saying people in heaven would be entertained by those suffering in hell. Most religious people who take the babbling Bible froth with bad dogma and violence from god throughout. Take the Bible blindly, literally or even figuratively and you are not thinking correctly and have not read the book. I often quote the bible to someone and the most religious people say "that can't be in there" and then come up with some kind of wretched rationalization for some Biblical dogma that has no justification. Why should the more educated and intelligent thinking agnostics and atheist have to be quiet about such an immoral book? Read the 10 Commandments and see where "gods priorities were: You shall not make for yourself a graven image. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. The first four commandments have nothing whatsoever to do with morality "Do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or kill any creature or living being." might be a good substitution. Imagine how different our world might be if the Bible contained this as its central precept. Christians have abused, oppressed, enslaved, insulted, tormented, tortured, and killed people in the name of God for centuries, on the basis of a theologically defensible reading of the Bible. How, then, can you argue that the Bible provides the clearest statement of morality the world has ever seen? God is a iffy belief for thinkers, readers, paleontologist and 94% of the esteemed (elite) American Academy of Sciences. Evolution is real (it's a joke they they talk about the "Theory" of Evolution as "theory" is fact and the best possible explanation to scientists for over a hundred years. Plus Evolutionists don't have a book where kids are stoned to death for talking back to their parents.
I am Ex-Christian, truth has set me free from this liar God christ ... in my experience truth doesn't exist in the God of the bible, he is the most discriminatory, partial, liar, unjust, racist , has pleasure in human suffering , I think even he won't be in a position to abide by the laws he imposed, I am happy I left christianity
We need a cable channel. We have 10,000 reality shows and they cover all ranges of the human experience EXCEPT being non religious and our point of view or lack there of.
I believe in god, a god that is not understandable with our earth minds. This god does not condemn nor praise humans for their acts. This god is you and it is me, it is the complexity of life, it is the neurons that collectively fire in your brain creating your reality and storing your memories, it is instictive behavior like the cry of a baby. It is spontaneous and Its everything.
Ok then smartass, god is biochemistry. You see thats the problem with you guys, you are always putting things you have no idea about into categories like we actually know what they are. "Biochemistry" Has yet to understand how consciousness is created and sustained. It cant explain how memories are stored, it cant explain none of which i originally stated. we dont even know how to interpret quantum mechanics and never will yet there is where the mystery probably lies. Do you know what god is to be able to say what it isn't? All im saying is god is everything and you will never have an argument to disprove it.
I know exactly what I am talking about fucktard. Which college handed you a PhD in biochem? I do know how memories are made. I do know how thoughts are formed and how to measure consciousness from an electrochemical perspective. Just because you throw shit in the air and wonder if you will get a face full doesn't mean the rest of us are there with you. I don't know shit about quantum mechanics. Guess what I don't write about it either. I would look like a fucktard. HINT HINT. I know exactly what you are saying. You are saying you don't know shit about biochemistry or quantum mechanics but choose to call these fields of science god. And when someone corrects you, you get all bent out of shape. If you have a question about BIOCHEMISTRY feel free to ask. That was ask not advise. You have no business advising anyone about biochemistry or quantum mechanics. We covered this.
You dont have a clue what your talking about do you? Throwing at me electrochemical crap that you think explains consciousness and memories, dont make me laugh you little liar. Id love for you to give me a link to some scientific evidence that gives an explanation and a complete understanding of what you claim You are rude at best all on your high horse just because someone disagreed with you. And guess what, my opinion is that the science field is god, but hey im not aloud to say "god" am i because squares like you jump to assumptions that im trying to replace your ideas with it. . Let me tell you, all your ideas are god.
So no college? Surprise Surprise. No one gives a shit about your opinion and just because I reminded you of that fact don't throw a tantrum. Hey try this. Go out and ask the first person you see if they care about your opinion. Now tell them you have zero educational background and you have zero evidence for a god and you think biochemistry is god. If they don't start laughing and I mean loud in your face spit aspirating laughing, not even attempting to hide it laughing, I will give you 100 dollars. If you try this experiment on a college (a state accredited c'mon now) campus I will give you a thousand dollars. You can go now.
Faith-The process of non thinking. It is not up to me to prove there is no god. It is up to you to prove there is and you cannot do that. All the religious stories in the world are nothing more than fairy tales for grown up and the people who believe in that rubbish are not that grown up.!!!!!
Mike took the red pill and has been unplugged from the Matrix. Congratulations and welcome to reality.
said the guy still stuck in the matrix
+Drew Fuller ??!?
Atheism explains nothing.
+Drew Fuller not believing in unicorns does nothing to address unicorn belief either. Non belief is just that, non belief. Looking for answers? I recommend science.
I swear. You atheists are all broken records reading from the same sheet music. Science isn't going to tell you shit about intangible values such as love and justice. It won't explain morality or logic either. Science examines how things work-no more. Plus, science can't get beyond the universe. So, it's useless in trying to destroy the God you hate so much.
Non belief is non belief, huh? So, I guess rocks are atheists since they don't believe in God either. You all are horrible philosophers, wonderful doubters. Atheism is more than just a non belief. You live your life as though there is a God or as though there's not. There's no 3rd option.
I was a devout Catholic. Then I started reading the bible and transitioned to atheist within a couple weeks.
You're easy to sway if it only took a few weeks. I wasnt devout but took me 5 years of study to see the false narrative in the bible stories.
Joe Green why 5 years? We're you reading it in old Latin doesn't take much time if you look at just the way it was put together never mind the cruelty of the book it's self to consider it came from an all seeing kind god 5years my arse
Joe Green I am easy to sway when presented with newer and better information than I previously had. If my beliefs don't stand up to scrutiny and examination or if there if no good reason to continue having them, then I let them go. As a result of this lifestyle I have very few beliefs and instead have a collection of good ideas that are always subject to improvement.
The Guam Guy was it the old or new testament that took 5 years to understand I'm not saying you cant be convinced in some woo woo and it take 5 years to come to a conclusion but to say it was the books that were hard to understand is just not true . peace man
The Guam Guy btw I appreciate your philosophy good ideas are much more useful than religion
a pair of hands at work accomplishes more than a million hands clasped in prayer
Wooooooo, that phrase is so true ......well done !
That would be great on tshirts and bumper stickers.
Lighthouses are more useful than churches.
Great statement...
religion is failing
it gives me so much joy
I feel the same way.
Well it says in the end times that will happen. "Great falling away"
It says 'Coca-Cola' on the side of buses but they don't sell them. What's your point?
nigony there have also been thousands of predictions of the world ending, eventually one will be right. That doesn't imply anything more than coincidence.
Besides, science has end times, the sun will eventually engulf the earth. Not soon though, and its likely we will have moved off of earth or died out by then
I wonder how many hell threats he received after his outing. That seems to be the knee jerk response by so many evangelical Christians.
plenty I guess, this loving bunch really likes their human barbecue
sweetsweatyfeet Oh well he's come to his senses now so such silly intimidation tactics will no longer affect him.
Or the classic line "you were never a Christian!"
Prove that threatening hell is objectively wrong from an Atheistic standpoint and you'll win a Nobel prize lmao
Who are you saying this too? Also, why would you get a Nobel prize for that? I would say threatening Hell would be more wrong from the religious standpoint. Atheists usually just find the humor in someone claiming to be loving telling someone they will be tortured for eternity. That sounds pretty wrong to me. I don't believe in Hell though so when someone says it too me it doesn't bother me a bit.
Reading the bible is what turned me into an Atheist
That book is horrible
you obviously never read it you simply probably learnt from anti Christians about the bad things in the bible
i think man changed the bible
eric lee What? It's a collection of fairy tales written by man added to and changed over centuries by many different people. So yes man changed it. You were not trying to imply it was written by the sky fairy were you? Please tell me you weren't.
I was an atheist long before I read the Bible or knew what an atheist was, which for me was around 6 years old realising Santa Claus and God both made no sense.
What made me atheist was my parent's bed-time reading of the Bible when I was a kid; I always thought it was a glorified story-book (and I was correct all along).
Hats off to this guy. Anyone can piss off their enemies, but to piss off all your friends - that is courage.
Good for you Pastor. I know how it feels to be free. When you get to the point that you don't want to live your life by fairy tales but rather to live your life by reason. it is a great feeling!
afvro75 An ideological anti-theist is no freer than a religious fundamentalist
@@paradisecityX0 iam definitely much more happy and free than i used to be when i was christian🖕
@@michalblasko8740 Yet you still seem bitter towards what you no longer believe in
🖕and 🖕can't seem to get on with your life without talking about it. What's the saying; you can take the boy out of fundamentalism but you can't take fundamentalism out of the boy
@@paradisecityX0 of course iam towards it, because my family was indoctrinated to believe in this shit
For that’s almost the whole reason I left I just wanted to be myself and be free but also the facts helped to
“Faith is believin' what you know ain’t so.” - Mark Twain
Yep, because that's a real place.
Is that threat your best shot?
faith = "pretending to know things that you don't know"
Peter Boghossian
Writer and lectures
hell abd heaven don't exist.
And Any god that has omni-attributes is an impossibility.
justWOWok enjoy living a lie.
I'm surprised, but it doesn't seem illogical. Becoming a pastor requires a lot of studying. People who study are often smart. Smart people often come to the conclusion that religions are based on myths. Especially if you have your nose in the books that are so full of controversy.
Now that I think of it, maybe it's remarkable that not more pastors or imams turn to atheism.
Most higher education in religion (except at some religious universities) teaches not the belief system itself, but the foundation and beginnings of the belief system.
People learn what nonsense the bible is in those classes.
The fact is that many religious people get doctorate degrees from universities that teach the true roots of their religion, but then they go on to completely discard that education and preach what they know is false. Many of the highly educated preachers, pastors, etc. know that what they preach is nonsense, yet they still do it for a living.
TheBushdoctor68 I think you answered your own question. The reason we don't see more like this is because many loose their faith while studying to become religious leaders. Also the other reason we don't hear more people coming out as atheist is because of the negative social consequences of doing so. Especially from people that have surrounded themselves by believers. That's exactly why the clergy project exist.
have u seen an imam turns to atheism
@@lufhopespeacefully2037 what is imam
Talk about bravery! Gee whiz man. Huge kudos to Mr. Aus. I appreciate his candid nature and his rational perspective...
10,000 hands clasped in prayer
Cannot accomplish what 2 hands working can.
All thinking men are atheists. - Ernest Hemingway
"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." --- Albert Einstein
Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. --- Benjamin Franklin
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I
dismiss yours." --- Stephen Roberts
Professor Stephen Hawking sets out to answer the question: "Did the Universe need a creator?" The answer he gives is a resounding "no".
"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense." --- Chapman Cohen
"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions" - Blaise Pascal
"No man has ever been brainwashed by science" -- Unknown
"Which is it, is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s?" ---- Friedrich Nietzsche
"A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows." --- Mark Twain
"Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires." ---- Sigmund Freud
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." -- Isaac Asimov
+Smooth kriminal & my personal favourite "Unsubstantiated belief is the death of intelligence" ---- Robert Anton Wilson.
Were all god, and atheist are just as much sleeping as the religious are - god I am
It's indeed unlucky for humanity that so little of the religious folks reads the bible.
Eintsein believed in god..
Frank Stein Nope.
What I appreciate most about my fellow atheists, is their honesty and integrity toward channeling truth.
I’ve been an atheist since I was one second or age. I never had any indoctrination culture around, parents were atheist but many friends and classmates were religious. Having said that, I have so much admiration for people who can extricate themselves out of a indoctrination cult situation, especially when you hear of these young teens or preteens who have enormous family pressure and shunning forces at school as well. I stand and salute you all.
welcome mike, you are a much better man than the liars that remain lieing to little children, this ilk makes me angry and sad at the same time..
It's amazing what you can see when you open your eyes.
Thanks that's a great statement.
Good on you for coming to your senses. It's a refreshing awakening.
Cool... Welcome to Atheism, and rationality Mike Aus… :O) ★★★★★
Awesome! I can't even imagine how much character it must take, as clergy, to reject and abandon one's life long beliefs and dedications - welcome to humanity!
Michael Devito It obviously wasn't a life long belief just an indoctrination.
That is indeed admirable - after all, not many people would be capable of admitting a truth, if their paycheck depended on them believing a false thing.
It's a hard thing to recognize the falsity of religion if all your social circles are religious, and your job requires you to be religious. Much respect for the clergy project, for affording people in this position support, an a community to fall back on.
Thank "god" I'm Atheist lol
Heathen's Greetings!!!
shane hargis Me too, it's a collective mental illness that shackles people. FREEDOM!
Ha, "Heathen's Greetings". I love that :)
I personally knew a Catholic Bishop in Spain who admitted to close friends that he no longer believed in god. He wouldn’t come out because he didn’t want to destroy the belief of others, which was a central plank in many of their existences.
I would think it had less to do with destroying the beliefs of other than it had to do with destroying a cash cow.
I can't believe we live in a reality of people rejecting their fellow humans simply because they don't share the same beliefs of the people who aspouse that there is an invisible force that will condemn you to his TORTURE FURNACE if you don't believe in this invisible force....key word: invisible.
Congrats! Welcome in reality, Mr. Aus :)
Congratulations Pastor Mike! I am so proud of you and I support you! This is great, I'm so glad I found this today, I really needed a boost in hope. Welcome to the family Pastor Mike. :D ❤💋😈 I'll definitely be donating to this group on the first of the month. We need aaaalll the clergy people. Take the wind out of the religion sails and into the sails of human advancement.
Best thing I've watched all week. Thanks for sharing!
When a religious area does good: "It's becouse God loves us"
When a less religious area does good: "It's becouse they sold their soul to the devil!"
I wish there was a "read your Bible" project for Christians who are not church leaders, pastors, nuns, etc...
It seems to be the largest book club where its members actually haven't read the book.
It wasn’t by accident that the church fought to keep people illiterate for hundreds of years
A man in a rush does not see the cliff before him
Massive respect. Faith in humanity (somewhat) restored.
An intellectually honest person.
Congratulations on your bravery, pastor. It takes courage to tell the world that you're atheist.
This man has a great deal of courage, and I applaud him.
Wow, I'm blown away by Pastor Mike. The honesty to be open to change of belief, the courage to then voice that change and the integrity to acknowledge this change of belief are astounding, and naturally I have nothing but great respect.
I found Mike's perception of all of us, whether atheist or theist, as being on a spectrum where we may all somewhat struggle with our beliefs, to be a useful insight.
Bravo, non-believing pastor Aus!
Pastor Mike is very brave to question is believes
I love it. If Christian's read the Bible they'd be in a whole lot of trouble. I guarantee if you read the Bible cover to cover you won't get four books in before you decide it's BS.
Now you are a real beliver you are a
Survivor no more lies and real knowledge will help you to see the truth and to prove with evidence our destiny I admire you you did the right move now you need to help others to seek the truth welcome to life brother
I admire your courage because the world is becoming very infected
Welcome, Mike!
I live in Ontario, Canada. We have, I think, a fellow grad of yours in my home town. Also there was a big feature on national radio about a woman pastor in Westhill, near Toronto, who is an out atheist...and still in the pulpit! They broadcast her service...pointing out that it was deliberately missing the god component, but still a service. Will that last? Time will tell.
I met Jerry D at a convention a few years ago. Love the idea and execution of the Clergy Project. Hope all goes well for you.
We lack a voice of secular inspiration? Have they not heard of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye and Cosmos or Startalk?
"We lack a sort of vocabulary of secular inspiration." Perhaps the time is right for another person like the late great Robert Green Ingersoll. " Every man should be the intellectual proprietor of himself, honest with himself, and intellectually hospitable; and upon every brain, reason should be enthroned as king." RGI
reading the quran made me an athiest!
Salim Salim The bible, the Quran, there's no difference. They are both full of violence and hatred.
Kristina Winter Ugh, yeah there is actually. A huge difference. That's like comparing unethical studies of atheism verses ethical atheism, they are not the same especially regarding eugenics. Science has been used to create guns, bombs, GMO's, pesticides (etc), but you don't see people shouting bloody murder over it either.
Kristina Winter They aren't only violence and hatred. There's also lots of nonsense.
jlotiffh There's a few video of of Americans being quoted violent passages from scripture, only to be stunned to discover they weren't from the Qu'ran, but the Bible.
Salim Salim Great for you buddy.
Welcome to the rest of your life, Mike. Enjoy, I am.
It is so cool listening to a pastor talk as a real athiest. It's so out of the ordinary and, for lack of a better term, taboo that it becomes just so fun to analyze.
Religion was invented when the first conman found the first fool.
1959 I discarded religion as being pure poppycock. It was a game called Do as I say not as I do. When I announced this to my friends they told their mothers who then attacked my mother for lacking oversight of me. I was asked to avoid discussing the matter with the local kids.
congratulations Mike, welcome to reality
This is one brave sob congratulation brother and welcome to the light of reason and facts.
Good for you man 1 down 5 billion to go... 😒
Deep-fried-zombie nothing worth doing is easy
"I think all of us in Church, to some extent struggle at our faith; we are on a continuum. I don't think that the line is that sharp."....
I have been researching Bible criticism along with Bible apologetics for years and this statement is the most insightful and pertinent statement I have ever heard put fourth on this subject. The notion that one is either a "believer" or a "nonbeliever" with no in-between or vacillation is ludicrous.
I guess you can title this video as: "Grown man stopped believing in Santa Claus".
there must be so many more like him
“New Atheist”: A skeptic whom the Catholic Church no longer has license to set on fire.
This man needs to be commended for showing such courage!!! Mike Aus, you are truly a brave man!!!
"Faith is what we hope for, the proof of what we don't see." - Hebrews 11:1 (New Testament). Faith = hoping in things which have no proof. Aka wishful thinking
followtruth The assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of those not seen. No quote-mining, hun
185 is small, although the skeptics have stepped UP! Two thumbs UP!
Buckets are proof that Water created Man to carry It uphill.
Ah, Bucketism, the one true religion!
Good on u mike going public .great to see.
If you need religion to make you do good things, then you are a horrible person to begin with. The rest of us do good thing just because they are good things.
Yes, it's called empathy.
who defines good?
@@choloneressurected GOD!! 🤗
@@cathyide356 no
@@choloneressurected we do
Well good for him for seeing reason. We need more stories like this.
Yeaaaaaaa! I am glad I live to see people rubbishing the lies and evil words!
As a new atheist, I'll admit I have had trouble coming to terms with existence, how it will end, and how what we do is pointless. These kinds of thoughts make the idea that the end isn't the end and that there is a reason to do things quite attractive, but there are facts that can't be ignored which remove any kind of legitimacy of any religion that I've looked at. I've even been jealous of the people who are able to take those kinds of beliefs on faith alone, they aren't plagued by those kinds of questions and always seem a bit more content in life. I guess it's due to my catholic upbringing and having only recently came to this conclusion and this sort of thing will pass as I come to terms of it and I'll feel more free because of it, but it reminds me of withdrawal symptoms for drugs. You live in lala land while enslaved to immature and detrimental ideals for a long time, then go through a short period where everything is terrible, then come through it a better person or slip back into the darkness.
bellsnow grehg Give it time.
the more you know the less you believe, and the less you trust belief.
? Pastor Mike now knows was the truth to a big lie and I'm glad you come to your sensors and believe the truth this is what we are really fighting for thank you for your program
Duh, he had to do it, because you know, "Aus" means "out", in German...
Anyway, good for him and welcome to the real world!
I respect the Mike's honesty for declaring his position. Yes, he is unfit to pastor and needs to step down. The sad part was how he dealt with his doubts. No doubt the atheist sources he turned to helped erode his faith, but the decision that sank the battleship is always the same; he gave up on seeking God. The bible says anyone who seeks with a full heart will have God revealed to them. That personal experience is the bedrock of true conversion, and is also important for those who grew up Christian, so they know it's not just a mind game. The reason he gave (problem with evil in the world) is not difficult to reconcile.
The fact is MSNBC has found a former believer to use as a pawn to reinforce their (and their viewers') worldview. Do you think they'll ever feature a former atheist who became a born again Christian? These guys wouldn't stand a chance debating a learned and seasoned believer. 4:26 - "The truth of atheism..." Yeah buddy, only among your circle of yes men.
That lady must have never heard of Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Secular inspiration is the clearest theme of everything that he does.
Mr Aus welcome back to reality
Read the bible with an open mind and remember this, science fly's you to the moon, religion fly's you into buildings.
I've pasted this comment into a file called "quotes to live by". Thanks
gratz Mike.. welcome to reality
They should all admit they have doubts.
The religious have doubts or Atheists have doubts?
Good luck Pastor Mike!
Pastors and clergymen know their religion very well, hence why they become atheist.
Trinity Force Not all do, that's why they become atheists
I seem to sense that the other people are giggling at him; why is that? I don't really think it's malicious. This is truly a beautiful thing to see; I cant say I've seen it before.
"scripture" (small s on purpose) is fine, as long as it's taken up on the same par as Aristotle or Plato..,..in other words, STRIPPED of its theological suppositions...
What a great show!
Very sad for him. I’ll pray for his eyes to be opened
Your prayers were answered, he woke up to reality
If prayers worked then everyone would be a christian.
In response to 4:17 ...Do Christians feel any urgency to leave the non-religious, who are doing great work every day.... charity... looking out for others etc... to their own devices?
I still consider myself a Christian, but I've got some serious doubts about a lot of things...I've had a lot of problems with things in the Bible...I've never believed in creationism, at least not the way most believe...I always believed science & evolution, just that God set it all in motion, nothing just instantaneously popped into being...that's just the beginning of it...talking animals (snake & donkey) no, not buying that either...also, if everything in the Bible is supposed to be true, then why does it mention the existence of a cockatrice, not just once, but three times? Really? The mythical lizard chicken that's supposed to be hatched from an egg layed by a rooster? Yeah, right...I was raised with chickens & I can tell you for certain that roosters definitely do not lay eggs...anyhow, there's quite a few other issues, but I'm not typing out all of them, even if I do wind up finally chucking it all, I could never tell my Dad, it would just crush him...the old man's been through enough...religion has really, in many ways, done me more harm than good...but I won't get too deep, limited space & I'm not writing a book about it...Lol! Long story short though, I'm really starting to struggle with it...
"I always believed science & evolution, just that God set it all in motion" That is your first problem, that is what this guy lost his faith over and the number one reason Kids drop out.
The problems you listed "talking animals", supposed mythical animals, all of this is answered. Hell I even have a single video on my channel that answer these things. Go watch = Don’t bother telling me Biblical Creation isn’t true till you watch this. Convert Anyone!
Don't listen to anything YEC says he's just trying to deceive you into his cult all of the stuff on his channel is long debunked nonsense and is nothing new don't fall for it.
I know it's several months to late but I felt morally obligated to warn you anyway stay away from this lunatic.
The concept of a God is such a ridiculous concept. But Religion in one form or another will always be with us. We fear death. Personally, I just don’t give a shit.
Welcome to Freedom and Enlightenment. Read Hitchens, Dawkins, and Sam Harris,, they will solidify for you what you already know.
only sam harris is worth it
Baji Scipio Dārayav Aurelius Julian Venizelos Nalwa Sam Harris would disagree with your comment.
Kristina Winter ain't that the damn truth lol
I know this is an old thread but TH-camrs; Theremin Trees, Qualia Soup, AnticitizenX, Mr. Deity and Matt Dillahunty are also excellent.
Or just read this is you don't want to investigate too much. It’s to not believe in the bible. I don't believe in myths and in a Bible where parents are to stone and kill children for misbehaving; males can stone and kill faux virgins on their wedding night; people are stoned and killed for working on the Sabbath. And this is just a small amount of the nonsense and illogic of the babbling bibles. Ah the wonderful peaceful New Testament? It shows Jesus indicating morality doesn't count for much. "Those who believe in the Son will find everlasting life and those who do not accept Jesus as god will find and gnashing of teeth at the gates of heaven". What a bastard.
And Jesus believed in slavery: "servants obey your master." Jesus knew less about science than pre schoolers of today. Germ Theory? Knowledge of any medical facts in the Bible? It amazes me that religious people aren't a hell of a lot more moral than Atheists. All of those regularly suppressed studies show no difference in morality except that religious people give more to charities as they stupidly think they are buying a stairway to heaven.
"Religion is based . . . mainly on fear . . . fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. . . . My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race." [Bertrand Russell]
Atheists are way way underrepresented in prison populations ? Only .002% of the prison population in the US. I am not saying they commit less crimes only that Atheists are smartest and commit over 90 percent of the crimes but they fix it so the dumb religious nuts do the time. Clever. Studies show Agnostics morality is as high as believers. Believe me the results of these studies are suppressed by "our Christian nation". Atheists do good and bad as most everyone else but live lives without heaven as the carrot on the stick.
I think decent biology and not being dropped on your head as an infant and good upbringing far outweighs a thousand visits to holy places and millions of prayers.
I just don't get it: When a hundred people are killed in a plane crash and 1 survives the 1 and their friends and families say "thank god .. he was looking after me (or my loved one)". What a Slap in the face this is to the other 99 and their families who were killed. Oh, I guess it was just their time to die in a cruel way. What if the one survivor of the crash turned out to be Kim Jong-um? Oh I guess god works in mysterious ways.
As for the power of prayer - doesn't anyone know about the Placebo effect? Studies from a big Relgious Hospital tried to find if prayer for others worked and it didn’t.
Yes religion gives comfort but at what cost? For the past 600 years so many advances in science or logic are attempted to be subdued by the religion.
With heaven and Jesus or whoever religious people think they will be meeting after death it is amazing that religious people aren't a hell of a lot more moral than Atheists. Somehow Atheist do good without salivating over heaven.
Five of US presidents were Agnostics. You should read what John Adams wrote about the Good Book - he wrote that it was Trash filled with bad morality and a terrible god.
And the holy books are filled with over 1,000 contradictions and a very vindictive god. Christians have toned down god as a killing machine of the old testament and in the new testament they stress heaven (but only for those who believe in god). The lion and the lamb will lie down together but the lamb will not get much sleep. I guess the lion is god and man is definitely sheep to follow the craziness of religion.
Word on Evolution: those who think the theory of evolution is a "theory" are wrong .. it is science but it's just that evolution doesn't occur in just one way so the term "theory" has stuck. Evolution is more of a science then Psychology but less exact then Chemistry. Evolution is incompatible with a strict interpretation of the Bible. Think about it: I guess god spent a lot of time planting fossils all over the world just to make Paleontologist’s appear foolish?
The earth was created from Supernovas 4.5 billion yrs ago. I guess god waited 4 billion years before one-celled creatures finally started to develop into more intelligent creatures. Such patience this god has.
"Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke]
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." [Voltaire]
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
"Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke]
"Religions are all alike founded upon fables and mythologies." [Thomas Jefferson]
"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile." [Kurt Vonnegut]
I hate to say it but Jesus was an evil creep. A creep who promoted slavery, knew nothing of germ theory & was so diseased in his thought process that that he thought those who don't believe in the Son should burn for an eternity. And Augustine backed that up by saying people in heaven would be entertained by those suffering in hell. Most religious people who take the babbling Bible froth with bad dogma and violence from god throughout. Take the Bible blindly, literally or even figuratively and you are not thinking correctly and have not read the book. I often quote the bible to someone and the most religious people say "that can't be in there" and then come up with some kind of wretched rationalization for some Biblical dogma that has no justification. Why should the more educated and intelligent thinking agnostics and atheist have to be quiet about such an immoral book? Read the 10 Commandments and see where "gods priorities were: You shall not make for yourself a graven image. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. The first four commandments have nothing whatsoever to do with morality "Do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or kill any creature or living being." might be a good substitution. Imagine how different our world might be if the Bible contained this as its central precept.
Christians have abused, oppressed, enslaved, insulted, tormented, tortured, and killed people in the name of God for centuries, on the basis of a theologically defensible reading of the Bible.
How, then, can you argue that the Bible provides the clearest statement of morality the world has ever seen? God is a iffy belief for thinkers, readers, paleontologist and 94% of the esteemed (elite) American Academy of Sciences. Evolution is real (it's a joke they they talk about the "Theory" of Evolution as "theory" is fact and the best possible explanation to scientists for over a hundred years. Plus Evolutionists don't have a book where kids are stoned to death for talking back to their parents.
lol at 2:09 with captions on, it says "Richard fuckin"
sivel it sounds like that, the guest said it again, and it sounded like that.
sivel he just said it again, 2x
Free yourself from the burden of man made religion
they didn't believe any more but didnt want to give up all the little boys
I don't understand belief it seems unbelievable all the bad is our fault all the good is God's work
Well done X pastor.
I am Ex-Christian, truth has set me free from this liar God christ ... in my experience truth doesn't exist in the God of the bible, he is the most discriminatory, partial, liar, unjust, racist , has pleasure in human suffering , I think even he won't be in a position to abide by the laws he imposed, I am happy I left christianity
Brave man
People shouldn't have to 'come out' as smart...
Chroma Spark They don't, they come out as atheist instead
Chroma Spark 😂
Excellent statement
We need a cable channel. We have 10,000 reality shows and they cover all ranges of the human experience EXCEPT being non religious and our point of view or lack there of.
I believe in god, a god that is not understandable with our earth minds. This god does not condemn nor praise humans for their acts. This god is you and it is me, it is the complexity of life, it is the neurons that collectively fire in your brain creating your reality and storing your memories, it is instictive behavior like the cry of a baby. It is spontaneous and Its everything.
That's called biochemistry not a god.
Ok then smartass, god is biochemistry. You see thats the problem with you guys, you are always putting things you have no idea about into categories like we actually know what they are. "Biochemistry" Has yet to understand how consciousness is created and sustained. It cant explain how memories are stored, it cant explain none of which i originally stated. we dont even know how to interpret quantum mechanics and never will yet there is where the mystery probably lies. Do you know what god is to be able to say what it isn't? All im saying is god is everything and you will never have an argument to disprove it.
I know exactly what I am talking about fucktard. Which college handed you a PhD in biochem? I do know how memories are made. I do know how thoughts are formed and how to measure consciousness from an electrochemical perspective. Just because you throw shit in the air and wonder if you will get a face full doesn't mean the rest of us are there with you.
I don't know shit about quantum mechanics. Guess what I don't write about it either. I would look like a fucktard. HINT HINT.
I know exactly what you are saying. You are saying you don't know shit about biochemistry or quantum mechanics but choose to call these fields of science god. And when someone corrects you, you get all bent out of shape. If you have a question about BIOCHEMISTRY feel free to ask. That was ask not advise. You have no business advising anyone about biochemistry or quantum mechanics. We covered this.
You dont have a clue what your talking about do you? Throwing at me electrochemical crap that you think explains consciousness and memories, dont make me laugh you little liar. Id love for you to give me a link to some scientific evidence that gives an explanation and a complete understanding of what you claim You are rude at best all on your high horse just because someone disagreed with you. And guess what, my opinion is that the science field is god, but hey im not aloud to say "god" am i because squares like you jump to assumptions that im trying to replace your ideas with it. . Let me tell you, all your ideas are god.
So no college? Surprise Surprise. No one gives a shit about your opinion and just because I reminded you of that fact don't throw a tantrum. Hey try this. Go out and ask the first person you see if they care about your opinion. Now tell them you have zero educational background and you have zero evidence for a god and you think biochemistry is god. If they don't start laughing and I mean loud in your face spit aspirating laughing, not even attempting to hide it laughing, I will give you 100 dollars. If you try this experiment on a college (a state accredited c'mon now) campus I will give you a thousand dollars. You can go now.
Strangely , the pastor did say " WE Christians" in a statement in the present tense.
There is hope for the world, yet.
Luke Ferguson Ironic, since hope doesn't exist in a materialist world
All Religions are about 3 things Money, Power and Control. A man who has finally seen the light. !!
But, wanting money, power and control doesn't prove there are no gods, does it? CHECKMATE!!! :-)
Faith-The process of non thinking. It is not up to me to prove there is no god. It is up to you to prove there is and you cannot do that. All the religious stories in the world are nothing more than fairy tales for grown up and the people who believe in that rubbish are not that grown up.!!!!!
Dawkins tone can probably seem pretty acerbic, I don't recall him ever being degrading to others though.
Hooray! Welcome friend. We are a happy, godless bunch.
We are free from the shackles of faith!
Hello to reason and free thought.
Exactly one of the reason I left was that just to be free and myself
Common sense triumphs again
10:57 "Pep-pep-pep." That made me smile.
Another convert , great!
Be humble and in due time,He will.lift you up.