To quote an amazing quote I saw, “It’s like playing chess against a pigeon. Doesn’t matter how good at chess you are, the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces over, shit on the board, declare itself the winner, and fly away.”
Right could you have explained any of these points coherently without the video. If you believe is round earth and didn’t understand these points before you are the same as flat earthers. You are just believing information you seem worthy. Anyways
@@boagski Well I am not a physicist but I do have a basic understanding of physics... so yes.... yes I could have. I am here for the burns not the high school level physics lessons.
I was a substitute school teacher for a number of years. I was substituting a 5th grade class, and while discussing the story the class had read, I made mention that the Earth was round. Lesson done, recess bell rings, I let the students out. A boy carrying a basketball stops at the door and says to me, _"The Earth is round?"_ *"Just like your basketball,"* I replied. He had this look of concentration. I do not think he ever considered what the earth's shape actually was until then. I told him I wanted to show him something and went outside to the yard. Pointed to the sun "There's the sun," and then had him stand so he was looking 90 degrees away from it. Took the ball and placed it literally on the side of his head. *"See the ball?"* _"Yes."_ *"It's all in shade?"* _"Yes."_ *"That is night."* I then turned him towards the sun with the ball still on the side of his head. *"You just had a sunrise and it is now daytime."* Just seeing understanding click in his head has been one of my proudest moments.
People in the 1920's: "Man, imagine where we'll be in 100 years - flying cars, robot butlers, cities on the moon..." People in the 2020's: "Guys, seriously how many times do i have to tell you - OCEANS DON'T HAVE WINGS!"
@@juliannasreddin5226 one slight nitpick: the op said "people in the 1920s", and you implied planes would have been a big surprise to them. Arguably after the Wright Brothers successful flights December 17, 1903, it's a bit silly to imply 1920s people predicted planes and simply miscategorized them as flying cars.
Karnigan Ketzer Sorry My fault I forgot. But my point is that we maybe didn't achieve what our ancestors predicted but we still managed to do something. We have the internet, we use neclear energy we have amazing medicine, and so on. People in the past would still marvel at our inventions even if it is not what they predicted.
@@larissamatingane4513 obviously about you, like bruh how do you expect to play basketball without a frisbee, like omg u must be stupid to try play basketball with a basketball 😔🙄
Apparently bees work the Earth's curvature into their calculations when they're communicating new places for hives and stuff, sooooo... bees are smarter than Flat Earthers
It is not accurate to say that bees specifically work the Earth’s curvature into their calculations when communicating about new hive locations. Honeybees primarily navigate using a combination of visual landmarks, the sun’s position, and polarized light. They also utilize a form of magnetoreception to detect the Earth’s magnetic field, which aids in their orientation. While they create mental maps based on linear landscape features, there is no evidence that they account for the Earth’s curvature in their navigation.
@@isabellam1936 Please explain without using buzz words. It really doesn't make you look smart or prove the Flat Earth theory. It also is a conspiracy theory, which means Flat-Earthers think that the Earth is flat, because they don't trust the ones in charge. They believe that they are manipulating people into thinking like them. But we are not governments. We are just humans who love astronomy. And yet even me, a young student can understand that this is real.
Don't they call the edges of their flat earth the ice walls? Like what lies beyond the ice walls? I may be wrong but I thought I ran across that somewhere. Watching them argue, especially in pairs is actually quite entertaining. They hurl insult after insult & then cite something absurd like the completion backwards principle & then chuckle as if they just proved their point. Comical.
I’m sitting here like… you’re missing the whole point. Can you do something about it? Do you think you can uncover anything o shady happening on a national or international level? Then ya I’d believe it. Till then I’d rather stick with the facts.
@@Mariwend I mean the only flat earthers who are taken seriously would be adults right?. Like a kid could say the tooth fairy took their tooth for 10 bucks and we wouldn't explain them any science behind that right?
He's probably just showing that anger which exists within us all. That we live on a planet with other humans who tend to be assholes, idiots, or both. People are just the worst.
@@victorfinberg8595flat earthers and conspiracy theorists are two sides of a coin, although they’ll probably argue that the coin is actually a sphere for no reason other that attention
Honestly, trying to explain simple facts to a flat earther is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. No matter how good your moves are the pigeon will still knock all your pieces down, poop on the board, fly away and think without a doubt that they won whatever just happened despite not being able to comprehend anything that the player was doing.
@@Its_yo_boiDamian No. It's just that now, dumb people have a voice with the Internet. They existed before, but they were deemed as fools, had to spend too much time working in order to have those discussions, or were dead due to poor choices.
I once argued with a guy who insisted that the earth was flat. He said he was going to travel to the edge to prove that it, but eventually he came around.
I don't even argue anymore. I just act like I'm interested. I ask to see the ice wall picture. Of course they can't provide one so I say What??? Lets go be famous and take a trip to the wall to prove everyone wrong once and for all" Of course they never want to go. I think they're just trolling people and don't believe the nonsense they're spouting
"Oceans cannot do this because oceans don't have wings." Is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. The sheer sarcasm in his voice is beautiful.
crazy how scientist in the 17th century discovered all sorts of theories (such as newton) and now scientist have to disclose that oceans don’t have wings
There is a guy, Scifun, he said: Soon there will be only one thing we can do to make flat earthers back into normal people. Send them into space. And then let them out in a spacesuit. And when they say "the round helmet makes things look round!" just tell them how to take it off.
Hahaha, as a kid going to school I would never, ever imagined that there later had to be a video made 30 years later where someone educated *grown people* that birds have wings and oceans do not ... It's a truly amazing world we live in!
I as a 14 yr old, non native english speaker understood every single one of those examples and I am still shocked how grown people will deny something just because they don't have enough brain power to breathe and count at the same time while watching a video made for toddlers. It's just ridiculous, sad but fun at the same time. Loved the video!
oh, you reminded me of a line in a book, "callahan's key". half the story is about a large group of people moving from New York to Key West Florida. "a few years later i found myself missing New York. i had another drink, and the feeling passed."
The internet's a dangerous place, and it's easy to fall into rabbit holes. I'm glad you had the intellectual honesty to challenge your beliefs with contrarian ideas.
Stand user: *[Dumb Guy]* Stand name: *[The World: Flat]* Stand ability: dragging people with some form of intellect down to their level at the cost of being an absolute retard Stats: Power: None Speed: None Range: None Durability: A Precision: None Potential: None
BitchChill Yeah I have people like that for other reasons that flat earth lol. It’s like you give them a legitimate reason as to why you’re wrong and they repeat what they say and treat it like a valid argument point.
@@rafaelkaruna7262 Apparently the flat earth society (where that post came from) doesn't actually represent many actual flat earthers. SciManDan explained that this is the reason that he doesn't talk about them.
When I first heard about flat earthers being a real thing I really thought they were going to have some elaborate beliefs about how the Earth must be flat when viewed from higher dimensions or something like that. Imagine my disappointment.
Oh, dear. Imagine mine when I grew to know that educational levels not only don't reach this level on many countries, but some even provide misinformation... At least on my teens in Mexico this is part of basic knowledge, basic education. Then I started working on call centers and found out that common sense... It's not so common...
A flat earther once told me that the moon was inside of earth’s atmosphere, therefore no human had ever been to space. He then linked an article about the geocorona. That same article used the round earth model.
As usual, they misinterpret everything. A few years ago, it was discovered that very, very, very thin wisps of the earth's atmosphere reach all the way out to the moon and beyond. So, technically, the flat earthers are correct to say that the moon is within the earth's atmosphere. However, that does not mean that the moon is closer than 250,000 miles, and certainly not the 3,000 to 5,000 miles away that flat earthers claim. It just means that the atmosphere extends much farther than we thought.
@@gmain1977 "it is not as far as what be been told by NASA" Who the hell cares what NASA says or does? The earth was proven to be a spinning sphere orbiting the sun long before the US existed, never mind NASA. Even if everything that NASA has ever done was shown to be fake (and that will never happen), it still wouldn't prove that the earth was flat. The fact that flat earthers continuously harp on irrelevancies like NASA just shows how weak their arguments are. There are dozens of different observations and experiments that anyone can do to figure out for themselves the shape of the world and the organization of the solar system. The Flat Earth Math channel has a list of videos describing easy, inexpensive experiments you can do to figure out if the earth is flat or spherical. Here is the easiest one, and it completely debunks the idea that the moon is as close as flat earthers say it is. Then there is this one. How do lunar eclipses work on a flat earth? Astronomers using the heliocentric model can predict decades in advance when they will happen. They can predict when they will start, when they will end, where they will be visible from, how they will look for anywhere on earth, and they will be precisely right about all of it every time. A lunar eclipse makes perfect sense in the heliocentric model. Meanwhile, flat earthers can't even agree on a possible flat earth explanation for lunar eclipses, never mind predict them. A lunar eclipse makes no sense at all in the flat earth model, and they know it too. Asking questions about lunar eclipses is a quick and easy way to get banned from flat earth social media. There was a lunar eclipse a couple of weeks ago, and tens of millions of people witnessed it. All you have to do is look up at the right time. There will be another one on November 8. If a lunar eclipse is visible in your area and the sky is clear, go ahead and have a look, then try to explain how what you saw with your own eyes works on a flat earth. Debunking the flat earth is so easy that anyone can do it, even you.
perhaps this is the beginning on why a terminator was built because only idiots (flat earthers) would not hide literaly from a fully armed robot with a first for blood (sorry if I misspelled anything)
scientists in 1000 BC noticing that the bottom of an obelisk in the distance cant be seen while on top of another obelisk: "oh cool, because I know the hight and distance of these two obelisks, I can use this to measure the curvature of the earth to a startling accuracy even by what would be standards to 3000 years in the future!" scientists today: "no, the moon does not make things cold"
@@Gobackto4chan The more support they get, the more funding the government the people vote in will give them. Therefore it is in their best interest to teach the public.
Worse, scientists have largely abandoned discussing science with the public. I can't even blame them as the anti science crowd got bigger and far more aggressive.
I have to agree since one idiot I know said that there are no toys aloud bring to school only sport. Then I asked him about a jump rope (sport he said) then I asked a soccer ball. (Said was sport). I don't know why this argument started after someone said they bring easy to clean kinetic sand
eh kinda copied coment but heres a like edit: wow people are stupider than ever they don't even know what the word "kinda" means also heres some proof:
It's because they always think they're correct even when they're not, and they will not except under any circumstances that they are wrong. Long story short arguing with an absolute idiot is like arguing with a wall, don't do it, you'll drive yourself crazy bu how stupid they are.
I had a college professor start his first day of class in Physics by dropping the textbook loudly to the floor. He explained that gravity doesn't exist, THE EARTH SUCKS. A loud round of laughter broke out from all the students and he proceeded on with the class.
Respect to this man for sacrificing his braincells to explain why the earth is not flat Edit: I'll let the comment section decide this Edit 2: The war still rages? Bruh, the argument must be going well
"Never live within a first floor on a one-way street, climb the stairs to the rooftop and experience the multitude of perspectives and infinite possibilities."
It is yall science worshippers who need to catch up to the times.. Yall are 1000s of years behind.. SCIENCE IS THE NEWWEST OF ALL RELIGIONS, BUT ACTUALLY ITS ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE. IN A NEW PACKAGE.. AND THE TECH THEY GOT NOW, AINT NOTHIN LIKE WHAT THEY HAD CAUSED THE FLOOD AND BABEL... I GUESS CUZ BAK THEN, MORE FOLKS KNEW HOW THE EARTH ACTUALLY WORKS BACK THEN.. REGULAR "CITIZEN" / ENSLAVED FOLKS , "MIDDLE AND LOWER CLASSES", ARE TAUGHT A FALSE SCIENCE KABBALAH.. TO HIDE THE SUPER HARMFUL NATURE OF THE STUFF THE ACTUAL KABBALISTS/ SCIENTISTS HAVE BEEN UP TO.. Theyve been able to destroy the earth, because the citizens/ enslaved folks are taught lies about what they and the earth are.. Thats how the rich folks stay rich (actual)"knowledge is power".. The science kabbalah regular evry day slaves are taught is to make us stupid.. THE SLAVES ARE TAUGHT FICTIONAL LIES ABOUT HOW THE EARTH AND OUR OWN BODIES WORK... AND NONE OF THIS IS NEW, ITS A COMMON PRACTICE OF EVERY KINGDOM EVER AROSE.. THE RICH STAY RICH BY KEEPING YOU DOWN.. Not that you wanna be rich.. Heres how creation works.. OUR CREATORS RADIATE THE MAGNETISM THAT ANIMATES AND GIVES LIFE TO ALL OF CREATION.. And the earth is the center of a huge, super complex, magnetic system.. ELECTRO MAGNETIC FREQUENCIES ARE EVERYTHING AND THEY GOVERN EVERYTHING.. Including GRAVITY.. BIOLOGICAL LIFE CAN ONLY EXIST ON THE MAGNETIC PLAIN OF INERTIA.. AND THATS WHAT WE CALL EARTH.. And the earths centrifugal and centripedal forces control the heavens.. And the "heavenlies" are also magnetic and so effect one another and the earth .. AND IT ALL WORKS LIKE CLOCKWORK.. IN FACT ITS HOW CLOCKS AND CALANDERS WORK! AND HOW THE NAVIGATORS HAVE ALWAYS USED THE SAME STARS TO NAVAGATE WITH (until recently, since theyve been filling the world with tech that caused polar shifts twice before "the flood and babel" .. AND ITS HOW THE NORTH STAR ALWAYS SITS ABOVE MAGNETIC NORTH.. AND ITS HOW ELECTRONICS, SONAR, RADAR, ELECTRICITY, LIGHT, SOUND SMELL TASTE EVERYTHING WORKS.. WHICH IS WHY SCREWIN WITH DNA AND ELECTRO MAGNETIC FREQUENCIESS IS SO TERRIBLY BAD.. IT THROWS OFF CREATIONS MAGNETIC BALANCE, AND CAUSES magnetic SHIFT.. WHICH SHUTS DOWN WHATS KILLING THE EARTH, AND RESETS ITS MAGNETISM.. This coming magnetic shift, will be the 3rd one the devils and minions have caused the same way.. And its coming very soon now "the heavens will be shaken and islands moved from their place ".. Cuz "unless these days are cut short no flesh (life) will survive"... AND THATS WHAT THE GOVS ARE PREPPING THE WORLD FOR TOO!!! THEY KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT, THEY ARE INTENTIONALLY FORCING GODS HAND..
@@billstrash6646 Argue away.. Its what Im here for.. To be hated and falsly acused.. I havnt met a false accuser yet, who didn go away having learned something.. We dont take this job personal, "we took up pur cross which is rejection from family friends and the world when we were chosen for and accepted this job.. ITS ALL RIGHT THERE IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION.. YOUR REACTION IS AS OLD AS THE 1ST EVER PROPHET, SHOOT, THEY EVEN FALSLY ACCUSED, HATED, AND OR THOUGHT CRAZY, AND MURDERED OUR FATHERS YODHAVOVHA'S ONLY SON, OUR ONLY SAVIOUR! Its the tradition to falsly accuse, hate, and or think gods messengers batt crap crazy.. We dont mind. It doesnt affect us any kind of way.. If you had read a bible before.. Youd know that all Ive said is true.. But argue away if you feel like it, its what Im here for.. Its how goodhearted false accusers get seeds of truth planted in their hearts☺
@@potatoman6556 Im no christian.. I well know that the popes embodie the spirit of lucifer, that they are in fact "the vicors of jesus the foretold false christs".. Formerly roman emporers... I represent Yahoshua the real christ ,, who is 1000 percent antireligious... He taught the world about their built right in hearts through his disciples, after his ascension back to heaven.. And in so doing caused jeruselum to fall 30 years after his ascension back to heaven,, and rome to fall shortly after.. And so the roman emporers sent out the "christian crusaders" who murdered all of Yahoshuas disciples on account of HIS NAME, as foretold.. "they made war with the saints and overcame them" as foretold ... And as foretold they hid Yahoshuas name from the world, and hid the worlds hearts from them... And roughly 300 years after Yahoshuas death and ressurection the roman emporers switcbed to being called popes, the "vicors of jesus" the foretold false christs... And they and the hebrew religious leaders started the foretold apostacy christianity, and the final kingdom "christendom"... And as foretold they have decieved the whole entire world... Indoctrinated and enslaved the world by deception using the foretold false gospel that is christianity.. And as foretold "the devils perform signs and wonders in the name of the false christs" and there have been many popes, so as foretold "many fakse christs".. THEY RULE THE WORLD "ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME".. THEY ALSO INDOCTRINATED THE WORLD WITH SCIENCE WHICH IS KABBALAH.. THE VATICAN IS BEHIND ALL OF THE SCHOOLS, SCIENTISTS, ANDFALSE HISTORIANS IN THE WORLD.. EVERY KINGDOM REWRITES HISTORY AND HIDES THE REAL HISTORY. "Christendom" is no different.. The jesus the false christs run all religion, politics/governments, entertainment/ sports, science/ kabbalah, news, everything.. They are the head perpetuators of the foretold "a great deception that could decieve if it were POSSIBLE even the elect ".. Lucifer the head devils top dog minion.. Thats why the bible is relevent..Cuz its perfectly accurate when we read the books like books and accept what they say,, AND CUZ ITS A ACCURATE HISTORY OF THE KINGDOMS AND WHAT HAPPENED TO EM.. And CUZ YAHOSHUA THE REAL CHRIST DIDN COME TEACHIN NO NEW STINKIN RELIGION!! HE CAME TEACHING US THE REALITY OF THINGS AND ABOUT OUR OWN BODIES.. Our HEARTS built right in to every man woman and child.. Its a 2 way transponder trannciever for connecting us with god via spirit frequency.. With gods laws written on it.. Our hearts are for sensing spirit frequencies, good or bad.. Bad spirits are free to influence the world doesnt know about their actual hearts.. And our minds translate spirit frequency into thought and thought into spirit frequency.. The bible teaches us how to be whole/ holy creations.. THATS WHY ITS SO VERY VERY IMPORTANT! And the bible is also relevent
@@wintermute740 Imma be the nerd. Vacuums don't suck, it's just the matter rushing in to fill the empty space. Take a vacuum chamber for example, you smash it and the wave of air makes it feel like something imploded. That's the way-too-excessive amount of air being forced into the emptiness by atmospheric pressure rebounding back out. And yes, I explained it as simply as I could. I'm stupid, I know.
@Joe Smith Yeah, it's not like Flat Earthers don't have any scientific knowledge or anything... This is Sarcasm. I have to point this out, because so many people mistake sarcasm as something else on the internet.
@Joe Smith I don't see any drop. You can see his fingers fumbling and his hand pushes it down. You know, how any person would move? If my hands slipped, I'd move my hands down instinctively too. Additionally, it's impossible to truly fake zero gravity.
I think their numbers are actually even higher now than 3 years ago. You can't go on any earth or space -related post on Facebook without droves of these muppets shouting "CGI" or "NASA bad!" every other post.
I think it's mostly due to the internet, flat earth as a 'memetic' was dying before the internet. It gave the few flat earthers that remained a way to share that idea and, eventually, it stuck with more and more vulnerable people
I'll never forget when that Flat Earth group spent like 40 grand on a precision laser gyroscope to "prove the Earth doesn't rotate". They themselves calculated what the rotation should be, measured with the gyroscope, and literally proved that the Earth rotates. Their response then was the 40 thousand dollar precision laser gyroscope was wrong...
I saw this experiment! They’re now raising funding for a BISMUTH CHAMBER to lock the gyroscope in because “obviously it said it was rotating because it could see the sky moving.” So they’re planning to shell out another dozen thousand or so to build this useless chamber.
flat earthers call us sheep for listening to trained professionals at school, when they watch one TH-cam video with no evidence at all they immediately believe it
Correct. Thats what happens when the gullible binge-watch too many anonymous armchair conspiracy crackpot and flat earth nutjob youtube videos made by OTHER anonymous armchair conspiracy crackpot and flat earth nutjobs. Once that happens they suddenly become one of the chosen few that know DA TROOF!!! Lol!!
Side note: you can use YayText (free) or something alike for more elaborate text. I always have it open in a small window to the right of my screen. ℐ𝓉'𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓎
The world lies in are hands, and what too we do as humans. we kill one another. For what it's not about flat or not but the lies told to us by are Parents and their parents parents life is a joy full wonder . If u fight by a sword then u die by the sword live life want it to be.holy or unholy Amen on your soul
Honestly these videos are a great way to refresh my memory on basic science and math, especially since I've been out of school for a year and my job doesn't require me to use any of this info. Thank you for keeping my brain from turning to mush and keeping me entertained while at work. You're doing god's work out here, keep it up dude.
@@redspotaudio "The Bible teaches us that space doesn't exist That the earth is pressed out like clay under a seal. That it's fixed, immovable and sits on pillars. That it is covered by a dome (firmament) that the sun, moon and stars rotate above in the firmament and that there is water above the firmament. That there are 3 heavens. 1. Our atmosphere 2. The firmament 3. The heavens of heavens where Gods throne is. Oh, and hell is a bottomless pit." That's nice, but it doesn't fit on merch as neatly as "Oceans do not have wings"
Oh, Alan Warrick deleted his comments. Just as well I saved one! In the meantime, please like my comment above and let's see if we can convince Professor Dave to do some new merch for us!
It happens surprisingly often, like one flat earther showing a picture of buildings below the horizon, and then saying "but they are father than expected (his math was wrong) so the earth is flat!"
But this is a _very_ common misconception. Did you never read that if the skin of a spacecraft (or even aircraft) were punctured the air (or crew) would be 'sucked' out--rather than 'blown' out by the higher interior pressure? Did you never hear that "Nature abhors a vacuum"--despite the vast majority of the universe being, more or less, a vacuum? Incidentally, vacuums are terribly hard to attain and maintain for we earthbound mortals simply because of the ever present atmosphere in which we live. Despite the decades that have since passed, I still remember all too clearly the tedium at university of plotting pressures as an oil diffusion pump ever-so-slowly did it's best to produce a hard vacuum before my lab time ended!
@Paul Morris I was just quoting him, also when there’s a hole in the spacecraft they are “sucked” out because when the air rushes out of the ship, it carries the passengers with it.
Vacuum doesn't suck, pressure expells. Imagine 20 people stuffed in the car. As soon as you open the doors, a bunch of them are gonna spill out. Does that mean outside "lack-of-people vacuum" sucked the inside "more-people air"? No, they were so tightly packed that upon release they all just expelled outside. Like air pressure, where molecules keep bumping into each other and fly away in the opposite direction after a collision (sometimes). If the opposite side is open (vacuum) and not occupied by same air molecules bumping into each other, they get expelled out. Back to the analogy, what if the van people were tied around with a thick-ass rope? Even after opening the door they won't fall out. People that had learnt that outside "lack of people vacuum" sucks, would get really confused by this phenomenon and say this is a hoax. But you my friend now know that the people were expelling out by their own means, and now they are tied by a rope so they can't.
Do any of us remember the kid in school who always said "Why do I need to study math, science, biology, social studies and history? I'll never use them in real life!" Well, that's how we got flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, science deniers, history deniers and sovereign citizens...
"The nation that does not know history is doomed to repeat it." My favorite quote. It also kept me engaged in those boring ass history classes. Then again, I had a history teacher for a mom, so I already knew most of the important bits. History was doomed to be boring for me. 😅
And right wing people who think Jews and Muslims are sons of devils talking about evil and trying to take over the world. Yes people are very ignorant and stupid. Arguing with an intelligent person is hard arguing with an idiot is impossible. That's what these people are. They are part of a cult filled with ignorance and stupidity.
Felt like that too -- hated it all, but I stuck with it. Actually I love numbers so I loved math, but the rest I learned by reading excellent literature over the years. I'm always stunned when flat-earthers deny numbers, while sitting at a PC.
@Joe Smith he said birds use wings to generate force against the gravity to fly....without wings generating force they accelerates to the ground of course..
"Oceans don't have wings" omfg, i can't believe full grown adults need this explained to them! I'm glad you're explaining this to them because i don't have the energy lol.
Also, statistically speaking, only about 22-23% of the world's population genuinely understands math. Perhaps it is why the flat-earthers are so easily manipulated by it.
ohms law is responsible for electronic devices. without math they wouldn't know about anything because they don't read books they watch youtube videos.
What evidence can you put forth to show someone they should value evidence. What logical argument can you make to show someone they should value logic. What reasons can you give for valuing reason. If someone does not value the underlying principles of intellectual integrity, "conversation" is over before it even begins. These people top out at "able to make wordy sounds." The discrepancy of intelligence among the human species is really staggering for someone nestled comfortably in the valley of Dunning-Kruger. I can't imagine how the most intelligent among us must feel about the least... I really expect people that dense to be like, learning disabled or something... but some of them sound like they have at least a drop of wit to them and that's the scariest part methinks. Actual smart people being so diluted of reason.
I recall seeing a seminar on gravity and space travel once and someone asked how difficult it is to overcome gravity. The professor just looked confused, jumped and said it's super insanely easy because of how weak gravity is in relation to the other forces that exist. However, the reason it's so hard is because of two reasons: - Distance - Mass We have a very, very, very far distance to go to leave Earth, and to do this we need fuel. But the fuel has mass we must overcome. But adding more fuel adds more mass. So you essentially need to add so much fuel that the downward force is so great that you lift yourself off the surface. Then, it gets easier and easier as you burn more and more fuel. But the actual concept of overcoming gravity? Stand up. You just beat gravity.
The example I like to use regarding the strength of gravity is that a tree can hold onto an apple with a stalk a couple of millimetres wide, against the gravitational pull of the rest of the Earth.
This is what so many seem to not be able to understand. Gravity is an incredibly weak force compared to other forces. It's just *constantly* being applied to/from anything with mass. The other forces we apply are not constant and/or require energy to maintain. So while they can overcome gravity temporarily gravity typically wins in the long term. My favorite is when you explain that gravity is weak and they ask "well then how is it keeping the oceans down?" Uh, because it's a force? And there's not a stronger force trying to pull the water away?
Right. But I don't know which one is worse: the flat earthers with their ignorant belief system, or the so called "scientifically minded" folks berating the former from up high their ivory towers or high horses. At the end of the day, these "scientifically minded" people are usually getting ahead of themselves too.
people in the 1900s : i wonder what technology people in 2024 will have! people in 2024 : *having to prove multiple times to flat earthers that earth isnt flat*
@@SamuelAdams0, common sense based on simple observation. When people are brainwashed, they are blind to what is right in front of them, as their leaders gaslight away.
I don't see how that works it's gravity there are about thirty thousand reasons I can bring up but that's for another I could bring up how things orbit the planet the sun can't be that close because the earth would etcetera
TH-cam Rewind In like air locks opening? Yes, because of pressure. Since there is nothing in space, it has very low pressure. In spaceships, there’s a lot of air squeezed into a big metal can. When there is an opening, that air rushes from high pressure to low pressure which is why people/things fly out into space.
@@Reignx9 Yea, Dubay tried after more than 1 and a half year to "debunk" this video, by parroting the same argument Dave said all flerfs use. Such a smart guy Eric is. Flerf fails are the best.
You'll realize it slowly, but here's a few nuggets of information I wish I had in high school: When you can demonstrate in a real way that you're smarter than the people around you, it's very likely that you're smarter than them. Stupid people often speak very confidently and they can gaslight you into questioning yourself. Stupid liars make it far in the corporate world. If you speak confidently and lack a moral compass, you can lie and blame your way into upper management.
@GRAPHENE IS IN THE MASKS, SWABS and PCR TESTS!!! Yes. It is a downward force created by large objects. Get a rock. Drop it. Measure the amount of time. Do it 2 more times from higher points. You can plot the change in time fallen with the derivative of the distance vs time graph. Doing this will get you around 9.8m/s^2. And yes I had to do that for a high school lab in 10th grade.
To quote an amazing quote I saw, “It’s like playing chess against a pigeon. Doesn’t matter how good at chess you are, the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces over, shit on the board, declare itself the winner, and fly away.”
I've heard that too, it literally sums up flat earthers so well
I think dave said that in one of his videos.
It was a monkey the way I heard it.
@Egon Give proof. Oh wait, you can’t because it’s not fucking flat.
@Egon Want to actually refute any of that or are you just going to state your opinion?
Flat earthers use big, scientific words they don't understand just because they think it makes them sound more photosynthesis
Do you even know what Pythagorean’s theorem is?!?! It’s like 3.14!
the photosynthesis of the bisector and the pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
@@coin4898 your skills are
@@coin4898 Dam.. you defracted the luminosity outta their angular density.
Who went to the comments to try and find a flat-earther?
Me. Still reading, whered they all go?
@@Will300tv does that mean you're a flat earther? Cuz we couldn't find any
Sigh, me too, getting disappointed
You and me both,@@skeeterburke. I assume they're too shocked to comment.
"Oceans can't do this, because oceans don't have wings"
He really knows the intelligence of who he's speaking to
I was zoned out and heard him say this and I was like: "wait, what the hell did I miss!?"
i came here looking for this exact comment.🤣🤣
Right could you have explained any of these points coherently without the video. If you believe is round earth and didn’t understand these points before you are the same as flat earthers. You are just believing information you seem worthy. Anyways
@@boagski Well I am not a physicist but I do have a basic understanding of physics... so yes.... yes I could have. I am here for the burns not the high school level physics lessons.
It may sound silly, but it's the right answer. Wings are the relevant difference here between a pigeon and an ocean. 😀
I was a flat earther for 3 years. Then I turned 4.
Edit: wow this was so long ago
Everyone take a shot!
I was a substitute school teacher for a number of years. I was substituting a 5th grade class, and while discussing the story the class had read, I made mention that the Earth was round. Lesson done, recess bell rings, I let the students out. A boy carrying a basketball stops at the door and says to me, _"The Earth is round?"_
*"Just like your basketball,"* I replied.
He had this look of concentration. I do not think he ever considered what the earth's shape actually was until then.
I told him I wanted to show him something and went outside to the yard. Pointed to the sun "There's the sun," and then had him stand so he was looking 90 degrees away from it. Took the ball and placed it literally on the side of his head.
*"See the ball?"*
*"It's all in shade?"*
*"That is night."*
I then turned him towards the sun with the ball still on the side of his head.
*"You just had a sunrise and it is now daytime."*
Just seeing understanding click in his head has been one of my proudest moments.
You're the coolest teacher for that.
@@vince_c Thanks.
That's a great way to show how it works!
You are awesome for doing this :)
After he asked about the Earth being round, I took notice of the ball and the idea popped into my head. Glad it did.
People in the 1920's: "Man, imagine where we'll be in 100 years - flying cars, robot butlers, cities on the moon..."
People in the 2020's: "Guys, seriously how many times do i have to tell you - OCEANS DON'T HAVE WINGS!"
Well we still don't have those things. But we have the internet, and nukes and we do use planes. So we aren't idiots.
@@juliannasreddin5226 some definitely are
Myname'sbigMyname'sbigMynameisbigMyname'sbigI'mBIG Yeah but we definitely aren't idiots as a society.
@@juliannasreddin5226 one slight nitpick: the op said "people in the 1920s", and you implied planes would have been a big surprise to them. Arguably after the Wright Brothers successful flights December 17, 1903, it's a bit silly to imply 1920s people predicted planes and simply miscategorized them as flying cars.
Karnigan Ketzer Sorry My fault I forgot. But my point is that we maybe didn't achieve what our ancestors predicted but we still managed to do something. We have the internet, we use neclear energy we have amazing medicine, and so on. People in the past would still marvel at our inventions even if it is not what they predicted.
Because I've never met a flat-earther, I thought they had all gone over the edge.
NO! There is a big ice wall with armed guards stopping anyone falling off apparently.😂
Pls tell me u are jokking 😂@@jamesrobert4106
@@jamesrobert4106as if the world governments could work together
@@Mr.PerfectCell-M Can you imagine that? We might become civilised. 😄
[Laugh track]
The dislikes are actually thumbs-up from people on the opposite side of the globe.
Mind blown.
I think you mean the bottom of the disc
1st Degree Legacy love that! 😂
Yes you are correct because north is up (apparently) lol
Never EVER in my 30 years have I heard somebody go "Oceans do not have wings" in a serious and educational context.
Lol same-
Yes because flat earthers are a special breed, they require special education.
@@matt261102 oh so they're more disabled than disabled people?
@@BOFRDASLEEPER calling them disabled is a grave insult to disabled people
atleast they can think coherently a lot of the time
I asked a flat earther to play basketball, he brought a frisbee.
This is epic tier comedy.
@@Attaxalotl No, It actually happened.
@@larissamatingane4513 *THIS IS THE NEWEST HEIGHT IN STUPIDITY!*
@@lmao1660 Excuse me, talking about me or the flat earther??
@@larissamatingane4513 obviously about you, like bruh how do you expect to play basketball without a frisbee, like omg u must be stupid to try play basketball with a basketball 😔🙄
Apparently bees work the Earth's curvature into their calculations when they're communicating new places for hives and stuff, sooooo... bees are smarter than Flat Earthers
Flat Earthers, UFO Abuctees and Deists...all living in least they keep the rest of us amused or mystified...dgp/uk
Welcome to "Are You Smarter Than a Bee?"!
It is not accurate to say that bees specifically work the Earth’s curvature into their calculations when communicating about new hive locations. Honeybees primarily navigate using a combination of visual landmarks, the sun’s position, and polarized light. They also utilize a form of magnetoreception to detect the Earth’s magnetic field, which aids in their orientation. While they create mental maps based on linear landscape features, there is no evidence that they account for the Earth’s curvature in their navigation.
Was there any doubt?
@@isabellam1936 Please explain without using buzz words. It really doesn't make you look smart or prove the Flat Earth theory. It also is a conspiracy theory, which means Flat-Earthers think that the Earth is flat, because they don't trust the ones in charge. They believe that they are manipulating people into thinking like them. But we are not governments. We are just humans who love astronomy. And yet even me, a young student can understand that this is real.
The best response to flat earthers I ever saw: "If the Earth were flat, the edge would be a tourist attraction."
Yet you’re not allowed to go there 🤣 this is genius. Y’all scary. Flat or round yk what, do some digging cause this whole comment section gross.
Don't they call the edges of their flat earth the ice walls? Like what lies beyond the ice walls? I may be wrong but I thought I ran across that somewhere. Watching them argue, especially in pairs is actually quite entertaining. They hurl insult after insult & then cite something absurd like the completion backwards principle & then chuckle as if they just proved their point. Comical.
I’m sitting here like… you’re missing the whole point. Can you do something about it? Do you think you can uncover anything o shady happening on a national or international level? Then ya I’d believe it. Till then I’d rather stick with the facts.
One to which you could get to by simply going in any direction until you reach it.
I feel like we're just going around in circles...along the Edge. 🤭
Imagine studying high level science for years and then having to teach a bunch of grown ups that "Oceans don't have wings"
Now that's a legend!
And probably getting paid fairly well for doing so
That will suck, lol
and birds fly because they have wings
@@Mariwend I mean the only flat earthers who are taken seriously would be adults right?. Like a kid could say the tooth fairy took their tooth for 10 bucks and we wouldn't explain them any science behind that right?
He sounds so angry but so calm at the same time.
It's the intellectual kind of angry
Science deniers of any stripe are obnoxious to talk to.
This is called "passive aggressive" :)
That's beyond passive aggressive.
But still not the super mad state.
He's probably just showing that anger which exists within us all. That we live on a planet with other humans who tend to be assholes, idiots, or both. People are just the worst.
They WANT to believe that it's flat. Nothing you can ever say or do will change their minds.
flat earthers don't HAVE "minds" to change
@@victorfinberg8595flat earthers and conspiracy theorists are two sides of a coin, although they’ll probably argue that the coin is actually a sphere for no reason other that attention
@@Pengin-yg1qx They're not two sides of the same coin, flat earthers ARE conspiracy theorists, the entire flat earth theory is a conspiracy theory.
They want to believe that the earth is flat because they thought they will be in the cool kid zone
Never thought I would see the day that the saying "oceans don't have wings" would actually have to be used in a valid argument.
Ya gotta start somewhere with some people!
Honestly, trying to explain simple facts to a flat earther is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. No matter how good your moves are the pigeon will still knock all your pieces down, poop on the board, fly away and think without a doubt that they won whatever just happened despite not being able to comprehend anything that the player was doing.
That ought to become a classic!
@@neptune_782 you make me laugh
“Oceans don’t have wings.”
Pfffft. *pours RedBull into ocean*
@@boterlettersukkel You didn't use enough RedBull
Red bull gives it WIINGS, not wings
Very good 👏
Just turn on Airplane mode lol
checkmate science
1950: In 2021 people will have flying cars!
2021: "oceans don't have wings" is groundbreaking knowledge to some people.
Also People in 2021:Vacuums do NOT suck
This generation is screwed.
@@Spargeltarzan49 Yes Vacuums Don't suck. They are a very cool thing
@@Its_yo_boiDamian No.
It's just that now, dumb people have a voice with the Internet.
They existed before, but they were deemed as fools, had to spend too much time working in order to have those discussions, or were dead due to poor choices.
@@Ned_Haurwem That makes things better I guess.
I love watching fellow globe enthusiasts insult flat earthers
Hey, me too!
Avrege flat earth fan boy: 🤓
Avrege round earth enjoyer: 🗿
That’s why I love them they give the intellectuals of the internet a punching bag
It's not "insulting flat earthers". It's DIAGNOSING flatearthers ... :)
Fuck yeah
I once argued with a guy who insisted that the earth was flat. He said he was going to travel to the edge to prove that it, but eventually he came around.
I lol'd 😂
I don't even argue anymore. I just act like I'm interested. I ask to see the ice wall picture. Of course they can't provide one so I say What??? Lets go be famous and take a trip to the wall to prove everyone wrong once and for all" Of course they never want to go. I think they're just trolling people and don't believe the nonsense they're spouting
It's simple, none of them have shown the four edges, should be simple if it's flat, no?
Some how the least and most funny joke I have heard all day. Good job bro
Professor Dave: Vacuums. Don’t. Suck.
Vacuums: thanks man I really needed that today
I Frankly was trying to find such comment
You make me want to suicide myself
@@granthoover9045 Sounds like something a Hoover would say.
Poor vaccums
"Oceans cannot do this because oceans don't have wings." Is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. The sheer sarcasm in his voice is beautiful.
Agreed.Also nice name
Edit: Awww man the name changed
Lazy pink more like extremely lazy purple
Team fortress two
crazy how scientist in the 17th century discovered all sorts of theories (such as newton) and now scientist have to disclose that oceans don’t have wings
Beautiful is an understatement, gorgeous is close. (Although still quite similar)
The worst argument i ever got from a flat earther is "Edge of the Earth is protected by small penguins, holding AK-47".
i have also seen the "guardian penguins" theory
ngl that sounds cool
@@niktube6621 ikr, wish it was true.
Did someone actually say that?
Penguins don't even have fingers to fire the gun!
Props to the Earth’s core for keeping flat earthers on it and not just letting them float into the void. Now THAT’S some insane self control!
The earths core after another year of this B.S: aight I'm out
Good thing the Earth's core is chill.
Hahaha omfg
but.. what about the atmosphere
There is a guy, Scifun, he said:
Soon there will be only one thing we can do to make flat earthers back into normal people. Send them into space. And then let them out in a spacesuit. And when they say "the round helmet makes things look round!" just tell them how to take it off.
Lol. Beautiful idea.
thats exactly what i was thinking!!!
LMAO this brightened my day so much hahahahaha.
Hahaha, as a kid going to school I would never, ever imagined that there later had to be a video made 30 years later where someone educated *grown people* that birds have wings and oceans do not ... It's a truly amazing world we live in!
I understand your view I am 50.
I'd never have imagined that someone well into their 30s or more would have MLP pfps. But here we all are.
*This comment has made me angry, sad and laugh all at once.*
I know
"Water doesnt curve" explain peeing then
10/10 example ;w;
I as a 14 yr old, non native english speaker understood every single one of those examples and I am still shocked how grown people will deny something just because they don't have enough brain power to breathe and count at the same time while watching a video made for toddlers. It's just ridiculous, sad but fun at the same time. Loved the video!
In a 13 year old non native english speaker and i approve of his message
im 15 and i aggre with everything you wrote
I'm 14 y/o and this is an impressive point from you mate i agree
Thank you
I’m 2 years old and approve of this message
As a former flat earther for about 5 minutes, I’m glad I’ve seen this. That was a weird night, my food might have had some alcohol that night.
5 minutes is actually the time you need to graduate in flat earth theory
How to win a argument with a flat earther: Show them a picture or video if earth if they say it's fake tell them to prove that it's fake
oh, you reminded me of a line in a book, "callahan's key".
half the story is about a large group of people moving from New York to Key West Florida.
"a few years later i found myself missing New York. i had another drink, and the feeling passed."
happy that u regained sanity. but why were u insane in the first place?
The internet's a dangerous place, and it's easy to fall into rabbit holes. I'm glad you had the intellectual honesty to challenge your beliefs with contrarian ideas.
there's a difference between "I didn't know" and "I don't want to know"
That's a good wisdom, Mr Duck
6.2 thousand flat earth believing idiots disliked this video
@Trystan Armer i had a stroke trying to read that, maybe don’t post about people trying to be smart and LEARN GRAMMAR
prob the biggest flaw of flatearthers
I agree mr quackity quack
If the earth was flat, cats would've pushed everything off the edge
Valid point. Can’t argue with that one.
@@stamp_youtube There's a lot of stuff and only so many cats. Give them time.
Fair enough
Even Void termina knows that flat earthers are dumb
man speaks the truth. also nice pfp
Guys don’t call flat earthers idiots.
It’s offensive to idiots.
Its funny how dumb they are
@@yourdaddy01736 Shh its offensive to dumb people
so they should be called fuckheads
Dont call them dumb its offensive to dumb people
@@ccwsalty5662 but thats offensive to frickheads
"Birds have wings."
The fact that he needs to say this to adults is a combination of hilarious and sad.
I completely agree
disappointing to re-tell to an adult
i found it made it better when he had to add water doesn't have wings
" birds have wings. " *THANK YOU MR HELPFUL*
@@MEZw3r yes
Hey, I've just heard that the flat earth theory has gone global.
Thats because there are flat earthers all around the GLOBE.
Hey I just heard that the flat earth theory has gone “GLOBAL” lol
The best "fuck you" to flat earthers.
This is one of the funniest joke i've ever seen.
Yeah as global as anti vaxxers and elfs
“Hopefully you have heard of rain.”
*Me, α resident of the Mojave Desert:* What is this magic sky stuff you are speaking of?
Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
@@georgesmithpatton6382 I just did =)
Why is the first a a greek letter?
“It’s difficult to argue with a genius, but it’s impossible to argue with an idiot”
Stand user: *[Dumb Guy]*
Stand name: *[The World: Flat]*
Stand ability: dragging people with some form of intellect down to their level at the cost of being an absolute retard
Power: None
Speed: None
Range: None
Durability: A
Precision: None
Potential: None
BitchChill Yeah I have people like that for other reasons that flat earth lol.
It’s like you give them a legitimate reason as to why you’re wrong and they repeat what they say and treat it like a valid argument point.
AlsoIts easy to argue with a dumb person but impossible to argue with an idiot who believes 100 percent to what they believe
My classmate is an idiot
You can argue and win with an idiot if you know ... Their reasons are wrong which they know
"Oceans don't have wings"
See how low level you must go intellectually, just to debate with flat earthers
Sea that the oeans have no wings?
I apologise
What you're saying
@@itsgreenpro7064 it was a joke
Birds fly because of wings was an even deeper level
True, you have to get into “basic kindergarten” mode for explaining the basic things about earth to flat earthers
I can't believe flat earthers think vacuums suck >:(
Vacuums are awesome
ok duolingo owl
Hi fellow vacuum enthusiast. :3
they clean things quite well
Everybody gangsta till cube earthers become real
Bruh I'm a dino earther
nahhh... earth isnt round, flat nor cube...
The sad thing is this is still much more plausible than a flat earth
That's a planet made by a Wombat God
formless earther
Man Dave, I dunno if you can take these flat earthers, they have members all around the globe.
LOL that post became a huge meme
@Egon Your brain is smooth
@@rafaelkaruna7262 Apparently the flat earth society (where that post came from) doesn't actually represent many actual flat earthers. SciManDan explained that this is the reason that he doesn't talk about them.
*OOOOOHHHHHH sound effect plays*
When I first heard about flat earthers being a real thing I really thought they were going to have some elaborate beliefs about how the Earth must be flat when viewed from higher dimensions or something like that. Imagine my disappointment.
"Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter."
Oh, dear. Imagine mine when I grew to know that educational levels not only don't reach this level on many countries, but some even provide misinformation... At least on my teens in Mexico this is part of basic knowledge, basic education. Then I started working on call centers and found out that common sense... It's not so common...
@@EdreiiPuuerto oh yeah, when I worked at a call center I realized that the average person has no basic critical thinking skills.
Yea, Tolkien elves they are not.
you put more effort into flat earthers' hypothetical beliefs than their priests did into their actual arguements
"Water doesn't curve" well I guess I can't pour my fucking tea
I like to imagine flat earthers pouring their tee by flipping the teapot and hitting the bottom until it falls out like an ice cube
@@Pengin-yg1qx true lol but how mine is shaped it curves and that wouldn't work
A flat earther once told me that the moon was inside of earth’s atmosphere, therefore no human had ever been to space. He then linked an article about the geocorona. That same article used the round earth model.
As usual, they misinterpret everything. A few years ago, it was discovered that very, very, very thin wisps of the earth's atmosphere reach all the way out to the moon and beyond. So, technically, the flat earthers are correct to say that the moon is within the earth's atmosphere. However, that does not mean that the moon is closer than 250,000 miles, and certainly not the 3,000 to 5,000 miles away that flat earthers claim. It just means that the atmosphere extends much farther than we thought.
What a Galaxy brain move from that FE
@@rayopeongo it is not as far as what be been told by NASA
"it is not as far as what be been told by NASA"
Who the hell cares what NASA says or does? The earth was proven to be a spinning sphere orbiting the sun long before the US existed, never mind NASA. Even if everything that NASA has ever done was shown to be fake (and that will never happen), it still wouldn't prove that the earth was flat. The fact that flat earthers continuously harp on irrelevancies like NASA just shows how weak their arguments are.
There are dozens of different observations and experiments that anyone can do to figure out for themselves the shape of the world and the organization of the solar system. The Flat Earth Math channel has a list of videos describing easy, inexpensive experiments you can do to figure out if the earth is flat or spherical. Here is the easiest one, and it completely debunks the idea that the moon is as close as flat earthers say it is.
Then there is this one. How do lunar eclipses work on a flat earth? Astronomers using the heliocentric model can predict decades in advance when they will happen. They can predict when they will start, when they will end, where they will be visible from, how they will look for anywhere on earth, and they will be precisely right about all of it every time. A lunar eclipse makes perfect sense in the heliocentric model. Meanwhile, flat earthers can't even agree on a possible flat earth explanation for lunar eclipses, never mind predict them. A lunar eclipse makes no sense at all in the flat earth model, and they know it too. Asking questions about lunar eclipses is a quick and easy way to get banned from flat earth social media.
There was a lunar eclipse a couple of weeks ago, and tens of millions of people witnessed it. All you have to do is look up at the right time. There will be another one on November 8. If a lunar eclipse is visible in your area and the sky is clear, go ahead and have a look, then try to explain how what you saw with your own eyes works on a flat earth.
Debunking the flat earth is so easy that anyone can do it, even you.
@@gmain1977 I don't even know at this point if it's a joke or genuine opinion...
People in 1950: In 2020 we will have flying cars!
2020: Dear flat earthers, oceans do not have wings!
It's evolving, just backwards 😂
perhaps this is the beginning on why a terminator was built because only idiots (flat earthers) would not hide literaly from a fully armed robot with a first for blood
(sorry if I misspelled anything)
@@godofcats6187 aye you only got one word wrong it’s cool
@@godofcats6187 Grammar Nazi: He needs a train ride
I'm gonna cry if I think about this too much, its deeply depressing
One thing that Flat Earthers don't say: _"We went to the edge and here are some photos we took of it."_
This is perfect!🤣
Ok? And? Lemme see said photos
Surely you know that the giant, invisible, heavily armed, robot penguin guards confiscated their cameras!
@@amanofmanyparts9120 Yeah, there are giant power ranger megazords protecting people from taking pictures of the edge of the earth.
@@sandgorgon7431 ???
"Show water sticking to a spinning ball"
People in Zero G planes, the ISS, and surface tension's honest reaction:
Scientists in 1969: We landed on the moon!
Scientists Today: For the last time, the Earth is *round*
scientists in 1000 BC noticing that the bottom of an obelisk in the distance cant be seen while on top of another obelisk: "oh cool, because I know the hight and distance of these two obelisks, I can use this to measure the curvature of the earth to a startling accuracy even by what would be standards to 3000 years in the future!"
scientists today: "no, the moon does not make things cold"
Do y’all think scientists still deal with us out of duty or lack of funding?
@@Gobackto4chan The more support they get, the more funding the government the people vote in will give them. Therefore it is in their best interest to teach the public.
Sad isn't it
Worse, scientists have largely abandoned discussing science with the public. I can't even blame them as the anti science crowd got bigger and far more aggressive.
"oceans don't have wings" not until you chug a can of red bull into it.
How much red bull would one need to pour into the ocean for it to fly?
Red bull should market that to Flat Earthers, WE CAN GIVE ONE PART OF YOUR IDEOLOGY MEANING
Actually, the earth is flat, so you only need HALF a can. For the coke, you only need a pinch. That stuff is stronk
Carson Owens Call me wooshed but I think this comment is a joke
@@r4ryder388 he was joking
“The ocean doesn’t have wings” that fact that we need to explain to another human is insane in my mind
hold up
oceans... don't have wings?
didn't know that one.
Unfortunately there are far more idiots on the planet than we'd like to think.
“oMg ReAlLy?!1!!1!1!”
my new favorite quote XD
No lie, I had my 9 year old debate a flat earther.......and WON!
Alternative title: "The 10 logical fallacies flat earthers somehow think still work in the Internet era"
Arguing with a smart person is hard, arguing with an idiot is impossible. Don’t even try to argue with them.
That’s a 5Head quote
I have to agree since one idiot I know said that there are no toys aloud bring to school only sport. Then I asked him about a jump rope (sport he said) then I asked a soccer ball. (Said was sport). I don't know why this argument started after someone said they bring easy to clean kinetic sand
except for professor dave explains
true my friend.
"Being dumb is like being dead, it's only painful for others."
Oops I mean XD
Cuz you funny nan
Yes I can relate
Gervais quote
Dave: “Oceans don’t have wings”
Me: Never even thought to ask why oceans don’t fly.
Haven't you heard of water wings?
@@jameswest8280 good one
Heard of rain
Agreed. It's water.
@@UltraHeart6560 it's all water under the bridge.
if earth is flat, explain why there are no slimes spawning.
edit: why is this comment getting so many likes
edit2: stop pls
edit3: omg stop
that was actually kind of funny lol
Fire comment
Under rated comment
Seriously underrated comment. 😂
eh kinda copied coment but heres a like
edit: wow people are stupider than ever they don't even know what the word "kinda" means also heres some proof:
I never thought I'd have to hear a grown adult explain to other grown "adults" that "The ocean doesn't have wings."
It doesn't have wings
I was about to comment that the ocean has wings as a joke lol
Can you call these people adults
@@danebales712 is that a question or a request lmao
arguing with a smart person is challenging, but arguing with a stupid person is impossible
-A Wise Person
Its very Sad honestly.
It's because they always think they're correct even when they're not, and they will not except under any circumstances that they are wrong. Long story short arguing with an absolute idiot is like arguing with a wall, don't do it, you'll drive yourself crazy bu how stupid they are.
@@florencedelves7409 🤓🤓🤓
I had a college professor start his first day of class in Physics by dropping the textbook loudly to the floor. He explained that gravity doesn't exist, THE EARTH SUCKS. A loud round of laughter broke out from all the students and he proceeded on with the class.
You know your argument is stupid when someone can debunk it by saying “oceans do not have wings”
Wings wow how did Ocean get wings I must of missed that one that be neat to see!!
Or that southern hemisphere exists.
💯 😂😂😂
Yo when the ocean have wing💀
@@erdwin5613 that patch is coming to your server in a few weeks
Respect to this man for sacrificing his braincells to explain why the earth is not flat
Edit: I'll let the comment section decide this
Edit 2: The war still rages? Bruh, the argument must be going well
Lol yes
"Never live within a first floor on a one-way street, climb the stairs to the rooftop and experience the multitude of perspectives and infinite possibilities."
@@cristianoronaldog.o.a.t4590 flat earthed moment 🗿
"Hopefully you're familiar...with Rain"
"You forgot to look at water"
Dave you are killing them lol
@GRAPHENE IS IN THE MASKS, SWABS and PCR TESTS!!! The entire world can. Get educated.
I love watching Dave throwing them around like they're a volleyball.
@@redspotaudio You lost me at... The Bible
The Bible actually teaches that hell doesn't exist and says nothing about space at all.
My favorite is that Kansas is flat, Kansas being flat doesn’t mean the planet is flat.
Flat Earther: Water can't curve!
*Dave proves him wrong*
*Spherical tear rolls down Flat Earther's cheek.
Distorted by gravity, at that... But still curved
EWARANON is the way to truth
Sphere seems to be a universal, default shape. Balls are really flat squares...Please! 🤣😂🤣😂
“oceans don’t have wings” is something that had to be said to fully grown adults in 2020. Holy shit
Really brings this meme into perspective:
1950s - "There will be flying cars in 2020"
2020 - "Oceans don't have wings"
Juliane Luhs lmao darn A.I. killing us all
I am the 69th like
Was sipping my coffee and accidentally spotted this comment- Now thanks some of it went through my nose! fvck! 😡😂😂
Well I don’t think you or most people could explain in scientific terms the points in the video.
"Stop repeating what you hear on flat earth videos and catch up to the 17th century"
My favorite quote of all time
Lol, even most educated people in the 17th century know more than these flat-earthers.
Theyve been able to destroy the earth, because the citizens/ enslaved folks are taught lies about what they and the earth are.. Thats how the rich folks stay rich (actual)"knowledge is power".. The science kabbalah regular evry day slaves are taught is to make us stupid.. THE SLAVES ARE TAUGHT FICTIONAL LIES ABOUT HOW THE EARTH AND OUR OWN BODIES WORK... AND NONE OF THIS IS NEW, ITS A COMMON PRACTICE OF EVERY KINGDOM EVER AROSE..
THE RICH STAY RICH BY KEEPING YOU DOWN.. Not that you wanna be rich..
Heres how creation works..
BIOLOGICAL LIFE CAN ONLY EXIST ON THE MAGNETIC PLAIN OF INERTIA.. AND THATS WHAT WE CALL EARTH.. And the earths centrifugal and centripedal forces control the heavens.. And the "heavenlies" are also magnetic and so effect one another and the earth .. AND IT ALL WORKS LIKE CLOCKWORK.. IN FACT ITS HOW CLOCKS AND CALANDERS WORK! AND HOW THE NAVIGATORS HAVE ALWAYS USED THE SAME STARS TO NAVAGATE WITH (until recently, since theyve been filling the world with tech that caused polar shifts twice before "the flood and babel" .. AND ITS HOW THE NORTH STAR ALWAYS SITS ABOVE MAGNETIC NORTH..
This coming magnetic shift, will be the 3rd one the devils and minions have caused the same way.. And its coming very soon now "the heavens will be shaken and islands moved from their place ".. Cuz "unless these days are cut short no flesh (life) will survive"... AND THATS WHAT THE GOVS ARE PREPPING THE WORLD FOR TOO!!! THEY KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT, THEY ARE INTENTIONALLY FORCING GODS HAND..
@Aaron Walker I would argue but I do not argue with fucking rocks placed on a paste button.
@@billstrash6646 Argue away.. Its what Im here for.. To be hated and falsly acused.. I havnt met a false accuser yet, who didn go away having learned something.. We dont take this job personal, "we took up pur cross which is rejection from family friends and the world when we were chosen for and accepted this job.. ITS ALL RIGHT THERE IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION.. YOUR REACTION IS AS OLD AS THE 1ST EVER PROPHET, SHOOT, THEY EVEN FALSLY ACCUSED, HATED, AND OR THOUGHT CRAZY, AND MURDERED OUR FATHERS YODHAVOVHA'S ONLY SON, OUR ONLY SAVIOUR!
Its the tradition to falsly accuse, hate, and or think gods messengers batt crap crazy.. We dont mind. It doesnt affect us any kind of way..
If you had read a bible before.. Youd know that all Ive said is true.. But argue away if you feel like it, its what Im here for.. Its how goodhearted false accusers get seeds of truth planted in their hearts☺
@@potatoman6556 Im no christian.. I well know that the popes embodie the spirit of lucifer, that they are in fact "the vicors of jesus the foretold false christs".. Formerly roman emporers...
I represent Yahoshua the real christ ,, who is 1000 percent antireligious... He taught the world about their built right in hearts through his disciples, after his ascension back to heaven.. And in so doing caused jeruselum to fall 30 years after his ascension back to heaven,, and rome to fall shortly after.. And so the roman emporers sent out the "christian crusaders" who murdered all of Yahoshuas disciples on account of HIS NAME, as foretold.. "they made war with the saints and overcame them" as foretold ... And as foretold they hid Yahoshuas name from the world, and hid the worlds hearts from them...
And roughly 300 years after Yahoshuas death and ressurection the roman emporers switcbed to being called popes, the "vicors of jesus" the foretold false christs... And they and the hebrew religious leaders started the foretold apostacy christianity, and the final kingdom "christendom"... And as foretold they have decieved the whole entire world...
Indoctrinated and enslaved the world by deception using the foretold false gospel that is christianity.. And as foretold "the devils perform signs and wonders in the name of the false christs" and there have been many popes, so as foretold "many fakse christs".. THEY RULE THE WORLD "ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME"..
THEY ALSO INDOCTRINATED THE WORLD WITH SCIENCE WHICH IS KABBALAH.. THE VATICAN IS BEHIND ALL OF THE SCHOOLS, SCIENTISTS, ANDFALSE HISTORIANS IN THE WORLD.. EVERY KINGDOM REWRITES HISTORY AND HIDES THE REAL HISTORY. "Christendom" is no different.. The jesus the false christs run all religion, politics/governments, entertainment/ sports, science/ kabbalah, news, everything.. They are the head perpetuators of the foretold "a great deception that could decieve if it were POSSIBLE even the elect ".. Lucifer the head devils top dog minion..
Thats why the bible is relevent..Cuz its perfectly accurate when we read the books like books and accept what they say,, AND CUZ ITS A ACCURATE HISTORY OF THE KINGDOMS AND WHAT HAPPENED TO EM.. And CUZ YAHOSHUA THE REAL CHRIST DIDN COME TEACHIN NO NEW STINKIN RELIGION!! HE CAME TEACHING US THE REALITY OF THINGS AND ABOUT OUR OWN BODIES.. Our HEARTS built right in to every man woman and child.. Its a 2 way transponder trannciever for connecting us with god via spirit frequency.. With gods laws written on it.. Our hearts are for sensing spirit frequencies, good or bad.. Bad spirits are free to influence the world doesnt know about their actual hearts.. And our minds translate spirit frequency into thought and thought into spirit frequency.. The bible teaches us how to be whole/ holy creations.. THATS WHY ITS SO VERY VERY IMPORTANT!
And the bible is also relevent
If Earth was flat, cats would have already knocked everything off of it.
Again? Omfg...
Everyone... Take a shot 🤦🏻♂️
Adults to kids: Leave it to the adults, you’re just a kid!
Professor Dave to grown adults: Allright people, repeat after me: OCEANS DO NOT HAVE WINGS.
"Vacuums. Don't. Suck."
@@Francisco1234Cruz Well, I have one that does, but that's because of poor workmanship...
Totally underrated comment hahaha!
Its all gravity ,right.
@@wintermute740 Imma be the nerd. Vacuums don't suck, it's just the matter rushing in to fill the empty space. Take a vacuum chamber for example, you smash it and the wave of air makes it feel like something imploded. That's the way-too-excessive amount of air being forced into the emptiness by atmospheric pressure rebounding back out. And yes, I explained it as simply as I could. I'm stupid, I know.
"Oceans can't do this because they don't have wings"
*Taking notes*
It's going to be a hard one for the test tomorrow
@@Zacatk23 Let me catch my professor telling me that oceans dont have wings
thats a funny one
Pedro Guerrero Ribeiro fuck I dont understand i think I’m gonna fail the test
Imagine having to tell someone that oceans don't have wings
Just... stop.
Oh I normally see a man named Gianluca nearly every day when we are not on social restrictions. You made me miss him 😥.
That's how stupid flat earthers are...
@Joe Smith Yeah, it's not like Flat Earthers don't have any scientific knowledge or anything...
This is Sarcasm. I have to point this out, because so many people mistake sarcasm as something else on the internet.
@Joe Smith I don't see any drop. You can see his fingers fumbling and his hand pushes it down. You know, how any person would move? If my hands slipped, I'd move my hands down instinctively too. Additionally, it's impossible to truly fake zero gravity.
How are we in 2024 and flat earthers still exit?
That's the one thing globe-earthers can't explain.
Let's hope in 2025, they start entering
I think their numbers are actually even higher now than 3 years ago. You can't go on any earth or space -related post on Facebook without droves of these muppets shouting "CGI" or "NASA bad!" every other post.
I think it's mostly due to the internet, flat earth as a 'memetic' was dying before the internet. It gave the few flat earthers that remained a way to share that idea and, eventually, it stuck with more and more vulnerable people
I'm not being racist, but you have to agree most of these people are American. (7% of Americans also believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows )
I'll never forget when that Flat Earth group spent like 40 grand on a precision laser gyroscope to "prove the Earth doesn't rotate". They themselves calculated what the rotation should be, measured with the gyroscope, and literally proved that the Earth rotates. Their response then was the 40 thousand dollar precision laser gyroscope was wrong...
"thanks, Bob!"
"sci-man dan" says that every time he shows that clip of Bob saying he DID detect "a 15 degree per hour drift".
"we're obviously not going to accept that" is one of their dumb quotes. it speaks for itself that they only want the _evidence_ that they wanna hear.
I saw this experiment! They’re now raising funding for a BISMUTH CHAMBER to lock the gyroscope in because “obviously it said it was rotating because it could see the sky moving.” So they’re planning to shell out another dozen thousand or so to build this useless chamber.
@@miraqen7801they demand proof, we show them proof, and then suddenly it’s not proof, because they don’t believe it
The unbreakable delusions of some humans is the reason humanity sucks
flat earthers call us sheep for listening to trained professionals at school, when they watch one TH-cam video with no evidence at all they immediately believe it
Correct. Thats what happens when the gullible binge-watch too many anonymous armchair conspiracy crackpot and flat earth nutjob youtube videos made by OTHER anonymous armchair conspiracy crackpot and flat earth nutjobs. Once that happens they suddenly become one of the chosen few that know DA TROOF!!! Lol!!
Being watame is better than stupid >
sometimes i think that flat earthers aren't even real, just trolls on the internet.
@@nathanGC__ what is a watame?
@@boringblaziken8122 a 2d sheep woman :V
"Oceans don't have wings"
"Water is not magic"
-The more you know.
I'm, like, 90% sure that water is magic. It does some _weird_ crap...
Ben Heinz I think your *italization* is magic. I don't know how to do it...
Bold is *
@@iwbmo i believe italics is just **
Matthew Leduc No it's _ as I know
Side note: you can use YayText (free) or something alike for more elaborate text. I always have it open in a small window to the right of my screen. ℐ𝓉'𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓎
Can you imagine a reality show of flat earthers trying to find the edge? Lol
Nah, they just wouldn’t go on the show because “the government won’t let them go”
POV: You're in the comments looking for the flat earthers.
yes where are they at?
@@charlestonianbuilder344 Hiding from the facts, no doubt.
You are goddamn right
@@Blipy Delete that. If flattards can read,they would be very upset.
Sometimes I try to use words I don't understand to make myself sound more photosynthesis
That sounds very pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
But don't we all love our Sciencism ? :-D
That is so antidisiplimartism
Ahhh, seeing the light! Becoming green with envy!
Omg I'm weeezing... xD xD xD
People thought we would have flying cars by 2020, but instead here we are having to remind people that oceans don’t have wings.
William Robb I see
The world lies in are hands, and what too we do as humans. we kill one another. For what it's not about flat or not but the lies told to us by are Parents and their parents parents life is a joy full wonder . If u fight by a sword then u die by the sword live life want it to be.holy or unholy Amen on your soul
Dude, u made my day
Seriously? No wings? U gotta be kidding me!
This is fake in 1999 it has been proofed that it has wings wake up.
Honestly these videos are a great way to refresh my memory on basic science and math, especially since I've been out of school for a year and my job doesn't require me to use any of this info.
Thank you for keeping my brain from turning to mush and keeping me entertained while at work. You're doing god's work out here, keep it up dude.
"Oceans do not have wings"
You totally need that on your merch.
I know I'd buy it.
@@redspotaudio "The Bible teaches us that space doesn't exist
That the earth is pressed out like clay under a seal.
That it's fixed, immovable and sits on pillars.
That it is covered by a dome (firmament) that the sun, moon and stars rotate above in the firmament and that there is water above the firmament.
That there are 3 heavens.
1. Our atmosphere
2. The firmament
3. The heavens of heavens where Gods throne is.
Oh, and hell is a bottomless pit."
That's nice, but it doesn't fit on merch as neatly as "Oceans do not have wings"
@@redspotaudio what's this got to do with their comment?
@@redspotaudio Bible is good only as toilet paper, and I use it accordingly;)
Oh, Alan Warrick deleted his comments.
Just as well I saved one!
In the meantime, please like my comment above and let's see if we can convince Professor Dave to do some new merch for us!
“Oceans can’t fly, because Oceans don’t have wings”
Best quote I’ve heard this week
this year***
That quote is better than THE SUN IS A DEADLY LASER
@@thatfamiiiarnight3665 - The reference on this one is Very Strong.
We can make a religion out of this.
@Brian Fernando #billwurtzfans
True, but......BUT I think they do, otherwise how does water get up there to become rain???? Ha ha, can’t answer me can you??!! haha 😂
"learn the definitions of words before you use them in a sentence" Whoa, now your just asking way too much of these people.
Quite indicative. Exacerbatingly so. 🤔
@Firstname Lastname but not you, amirite?
LobsterPuncher , in all honesty I had to look up the exact def of exacerbating.
Then I laughed 😅
I hate how the flat brains use fancy words to make themselves sound photosynthetic
Honestly when people use big words to sound smart it makes me really photosynthesis
Let’s just remember that flat earthers disproved their own theory, and were left without words.
Tank Senior
@@adammmmmmmm who?
It happens surprisingly often, like one flat earther showing a picture of buildings below the horizon, and then saying "but they are father than expected (his math was wrong) so the earth is flat!"
“Vacuums don’t suck.” Honestly the only thing that sucks here is the flat earth theory lol
But this is a _very_ common misconception. Did you never read that if the skin of a spacecraft (or even aircraft) were punctured the air (or crew) would be 'sucked' out--rather than 'blown' out by the higher interior pressure? Did you never hear that "Nature abhors a vacuum"--despite the vast majority of the universe being, more or less, a vacuum?
Incidentally, vacuums are terribly hard to attain and maintain for we earthbound mortals simply because of the ever present atmosphere in which we live. Despite the decades that have since passed, I still remember all too clearly the tedium at university of plotting pressures as an oil diffusion pump ever-so-slowly did it's best to produce a hard vacuum before my lab time ended!
@Paul Morris I was just quoting him, also when there’s a hole in the spacecraft they are “sucked” out because when the air rushes out of the ship, it carries the passengers with it.
yes they do, fuck empty spaces
Stop spreading propoganda. Vacuums suck. Fuck em, fuck the lot of em. Nobody likes empty spaces anyways, get your shit together vacuums.
Vacuum doesn't suck, pressure expells.
Imagine 20 people stuffed in the car. As soon as you open the doors, a bunch of them are gonna spill out. Does that mean outside "lack-of-people vacuum" sucked the inside "more-people air"? No, they were so tightly packed that upon release they all just expelled outside.
Like air pressure, where molecules keep bumping into each other and fly away in the opposite direction after a collision (sometimes). If the opposite side is open (vacuum) and not occupied by same air molecules bumping into each other, they get expelled out.
Back to the analogy, what if the van people were tied around with a thick-ass rope? Even after opening the door they won't fall out. People that had learnt that outside "lack of people vacuum" sucks, would get really confused by this phenomenon and say this is a hoax. But you my friend now know that the people were expelling out by their own means, and now they are tied by a rope so they can't.
Do any of us remember the kid in school who always said "Why do I need to study math, science, biology, social studies and history? I'll never use them in real life!" Well, that's how we got flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, science deniers, history deniers and sovereign citizens...
I've heard of, "Why do I need math for?" IRL, but not for science and biology yet.
"The nation that does not know history is doomed to repeat it."
My favorite quote. It also kept me engaged in those boring ass history classes. Then again, I had a history teacher for a mom, so I already knew most of the important bits. History was doomed to be boring for me. 😅
And right wing people who think Jews and Muslims are sons of devils talking about evil and trying to take over the world. Yes people are very ignorant and stupid. Arguing with an intelligent person is hard arguing with an idiot is impossible. That's what these people are. They are part of a cult filled with ignorance and stupidity.
I see them all the time
Felt like that too -- hated it all, but I stuck with it. Actually I love numbers so I loved math, but the rest I learned by reading excellent literature over the years. I'm always stunned when flat-earthers deny numbers, while sitting at a PC.
The sentence “Oceans do not have wings” is a sentence I would not imagine hearing and yet here we are.
That is what it takes to teach the Flat Earthers common sense because they are stupid.
It shows you in this year and age we still have to talk dumb with some people to help them realise how dumb they actually are.
@Joe Smith we found ourselves a flat earther my guys...
@Joe Smith he said birds use wings to generate force against the gravity to fly....without wings generating force they accelerates to the ground of course..
Well, it's only true until Redbull starts dumping waste into the oceans.
"Oceans don't have wings" omfg, i can't believe full grown adults need this explained to them! I'm glad you're explaining this to them because i don't have the energy lol.
The problem is you're using math to try and prove things to people who don't believe in math.
Also, statistically speaking, only about 22-23% of the world's population genuinely understands math. Perhaps it is why the flat-earthers are so easily manipulated by it.
ohms law is responsible for electronic devices. without math they wouldn't know about anything because they don't read books they watch youtube videos.
What evidence can you put forth to show someone they should value evidence. What logical argument can you make to show someone they should value logic. What reasons can you give for valuing reason. If someone does not value the underlying principles of intellectual integrity, "conversation" is over before it even begins. These people top out at "able to make wordy sounds." The discrepancy of intelligence among the human species is really staggering for someone nestled comfortably in the valley of Dunning-Kruger. I can't imagine how the most intelligent among us must feel about the least... I really expect people that dense to be like, learning disabled or something... but some of them sound like they have at least a drop of wit to them and that's the scariest part methinks. Actual smart people being so diluted of reason.
@@thestruggleisreal9626 education instills the value of positive empirical evidence.
@@stephiejimmie what do you mean by understanding? like mastered it or just understand the basics?
Dave : say it together, vacuums don't suck.
vacuum : thanks guys 🥺
This is underrated
Wouldn't vacuums be useless if they didn't suck?
@@marijaskocic8754 so pretty much they either suck or are useless😿
@@66sewage66 Yes that's how a vacuum works
@@marijaskocic8754 woooowwww that’s kinda rude ngl
I recall seeing a seminar on gravity and space travel once and someone asked how difficult it is to overcome gravity. The professor just looked confused, jumped and said it's super insanely easy because of how weak gravity is in relation to the other forces that exist. However, the reason it's so hard is because of two reasons:
- Distance
- Mass
We have a very, very, very far distance to go to leave Earth, and to do this we need fuel. But the fuel has mass we must overcome. But adding more fuel adds more mass. So you essentially need to add so much fuel that the downward force is so great that you lift yourself off the surface. Then, it gets easier and easier as you burn more and more fuel.
But the actual concept of overcoming gravity?
Stand up. You just beat gravity.
The example I like to use regarding the strength of gravity is that a tree can hold onto an apple with a stalk a couple of millimetres wide, against the gravitational pull of the rest of the Earth.
This is what so many seem to not be able to understand. Gravity is an incredibly weak force compared to other forces. It's just *constantly* being applied to/from anything with mass. The other forces we apply are not constant and/or require energy to maintain. So while they can overcome gravity temporarily gravity typically wins in the long term.
My favorite is when you explain that gravity is weak and they ask "well then how is it keeping the oceans down?" Uh, because it's a force? And there's not a stronger force trying to pull the water away?
@@xyex shhh, it's because the flat disk is accelerating upward...
@@kaushikkashyap899 no that’s drugs
I remember someone asked Feynman once if an anti-gravity device could ever be invented. He said it already has. It's called the floor.
Dave whats ur favorite food
@@ProfessorDaveExplainsGreat choice! My favorite food is chicken Alfredo. :)
Pizza is flat😮🤔🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🙈🙈👌👈😯😯😯
just like my brain @Wuggers99
Lmao how are you replying to this new comment 5 years later
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has limits -Albert Einstein
Einstein was a tool of the global elite. Also gay
Genius has limits, stupidity is infinite
Right. But I don't know which one is worse:
the flat earthers with their ignorant belief system, or the so called "scientifically minded" folks berating the former from up high their ivory towers or high horses.
At the end of the day, these "scientifically minded" people are usually getting ahead of themselves too.
Ohh your funny.. ainstein said "everything IS relative" stick to your teachings, dAvE
@@zainabe9503 that is sooooo wrong.
My favorite part was “I hope you are familiar with rain”
I also thoroughly enjoyed “earth 2” at 11:20
I got a good laugh out of the "Oceans don't have wings"
With flat earthers you can't be sure.
I live in England, rain land
You know it’s sad when you genuinely need to explain to someone that the ocean doesn’t have wings
@Luke Skyballer FUCK
Guess the earth is flat after all
@@qyasar8046 How the fuck a fucking fish be the ocean? He said "flying fish" not something that says the ocean has wings.
ocean dont have wings is the funniest thing i have ever heard
people in the 1900s : i wonder what technology people in 2024 will have!
people in 2024 : *having to prove multiple times to flat earthers that earth isnt flat*
Dave's Laws:
1. Birds and insects have wings. Oceans do not have wings.
2. Water curves.
3. Vacuums do not suck.
screw relativity, this is revolutionary XD
More like common sense
@@SamuelAdams0, common sense based on simple observation. When people are brainwashed, they are blind to what is right in front of them, as their leaders gaslight away.
@@Johnny.Fedora can't tell if this is a flatearther or not what has the world come to
Yeah vacuums are cool, they do not suck
A flat earther once told me that things drop because of droppity
Edit: For those of you who know him his name is Nathan Thompson
Yes, they opened their minds and their brains fell out due to droppity. :))
Nah, things fall because god pushes them down! Intelligent falling, sheeple! Open your mindddddddd
What you should do is you should find that flat earther and teach it what gravity is
I don't see how that works it's gravity there are about thirty thousand reasons I can bring up but that's for another I could bring up how things orbit the planet the sun can't be that close because the earth would etcetera
"You seem to think space is a vacuum cleaner...' I died
Well if you look at tv shows and movies they work like that
TH-cam Rewind In like air locks opening? Yes, because of pressure. Since there is nothing in space, it has very low pressure. In spaceships, there’s a lot of air squeezed into a big metal can. When there is an opening, that air rushes from high pressure to low pressure which is why people/things fly out into space.
I need space to clean my room lol
Was Spaceballs a documentary?🤔
@@Reignx9 Yea, Dubay tried after more than 1 and a half year to "debunk" this video, by parroting the same argument Dave said all flerfs use. Such a smart guy Eric is. Flerf fails are the best.
" form rain, hopefully you're familiar with rain"
I'm a high schooler who's taken one physics class and I could have explained everything in this video.
It scares me actual adults can't.
I am 32 now and let me tell you, the adult world is barely smarter than the children they pompously strut to educate.
You'll realize it slowly, but here's a few nuggets of information I wish I had in high school:
When you can demonstrate in a real way that you're smarter than the people around you, it's very likely that you're smarter than them.
Stupid people often speak very confidently and they can gaslight you into questioning yourself.
Stupid liars make it far in the corporate world. If you speak confidently and lack a moral compass, you can lie and blame your way into upper management.
@GRAPHENE IS IN THE MASKS, SWABS and PCR TESTS!!! Yes. It is a downward force created by large objects. Get a rock. Drop it. Measure the amount of time. Do it 2 more times from higher points. You can plot the change in time fallen with the derivative of the distance vs time graph. Doing this will get you around 9.8m/s^2. And yes I had to do that for a high school lab in 10th grade.
@@cookieelement3467 not really a force, technically
@GRAPHENE IS IN THE MASKS, SWABS and PCR TESTS!!! Do you have a brain? Prove it.