Robots, Artificial Intelligence & The Economy in 2050 - Andrew McAfee & Rodney Brooks

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • Rod Brooks, Founder, Chairman and CTO, Rethink Robotics
    Tom Kochan, Co-Director and Professor, Work and Employment Research, MIT Sloan School of Management
    Andrew McAfee, Co-Director, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and Principal Research Scientist, MIT Sloan School of Management
    November 2nd, 2017

ความคิดเห็น • 33

    @XOPOIIIO 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lol 30:16

  • @rtonce
    @rtonce 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    People are softened, weakened, so that we no longer need to live much, walk so far, think so hard or experience life, but robots do, and we no longer communicate in person much, but our cells are our go betweens. Tech evolves, and as we outsource our own physical and mental capacities, we a dumb, useless and extinct state.
    The Answer is: All governments MUST tax all robots. A single robot to be defined as something that replaces a single person's job. If one robot replaces 10 people, then it is taxed 10 times, and this tax should equal the amount it would otherwise cost to keep a human worker, and this tax revenue needs to go ENTIRELY and DIRECTLY into providing a basic income to ALL countries people. It should never be manipulated or invested or in any way intercepted before equal division and each individual benefits. This is the only path of equalization, because boycotting, protests or discussion is already lost. What you can do? Don't LIKE this comment, but paste it, discuss it, in person, at lunch with anyone, instead of discussing the weather. Suggest it repeatedly and relentlessly to each and every political representative whenever they are present...I mean unless in the near future you plan to leave land and live on a boat with your children, and simply watch from a distance as the world is further dumbed down and devours each other further. ELON THIS IS THE BALANCING REGULATION NEEDED!

  • @pardoharsimanjuntak1483
    @pardoharsimanjuntak1483 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    cheaper to prevent than to cure

  • @KingDavidz08
    @KingDavidz08 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It's both disappointing and infuriating how out of touch these powerful people are with the common people.

  • @ephphatha230
    @ephphatha230 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    30:28 TRIGGERED!

    • @matrixist
      @matrixist 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      WWIII will be started over what gender robots will be called....

  • @venkatbabu186
    @venkatbabu186 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Unless you publish nothing gets done. Including prominent personality.

  • @brotherswinningbecauselove7857
    @brotherswinningbecauselove7857 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    There will be many jobs in EV conversions (converting a Winnebago to an EV for example) and custom work on cars, homes, etc... Also the service industry where you have something repaired. A machine can't do it until there are sophisticated super-bots with better imagination and dexterity than humans but that's a ways off yet.

  • @guguspurnomo7172
    @guguspurnomo7172 ปีที่แล้ว

    X R e a l i t y

  • @kooshikoo6442
    @kooshikoo6442 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This debate has a much higher level than most on this topic. I think the introduction was very interesting and thoughtful,(especially about listening to and empowering workers) although I disagree very strongly about driverless cars. Many people in urban environments don't have cars or driver's licences. Driverless cars will allow decentralised self-driving car pools.

  • @cyntheawellings1312
    @cyntheawellings1312 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I do believe there is a need for ethical regulation of machine learning when nudge technology is involved.

  • @omegapointil5741
    @omegapointil5741 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Driverless cars and finding shoes for the Kardashians. So the goal for AI is to find ever more ways to pamper ourselves while there are real problems out there mostly on the other side of the planet. Doesn't do any good to gold plate the bathroom fixtures when the foundation is on the verge of collapse.

    • @Hddizzle4shizzle
      @Hddizzle4shizzle 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      omegapointil well one things for sure ide rather do less at work than i have to...

  • @kex0
    @kex0 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    who wants driverless cars? really? bye

    • @gsutton57
      @gsutton57 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yeah totally clueless and typical of why some people just don't get it. Really sad that they have someone so clueless on this panel!

    • @disruptivetimes8738
      @disruptivetimes8738 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I first thought it was a joke, but as he moved on with his talk, it was like WTF? Such a clueless old man, almost sad.

    • @disruptivetimes8738
      @disruptivetimes8738 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh, and what he (and others) totally left out of the equation is how AI will close the gap between the ever growing ocean of knowledge and the ability of the individual person to actually apply it in a productive way.
      Today, if you want to do something that needs some special kind of knowledge, you first need to study for quite some time to figure out how and if its actually possible (talking about "live long learning"). But an AI, capable of interacting with everyone on a true semantic level instead of those tedious keyboard typing google-keyword-search-things, will allow everyone to make use of every bit of knowledge, even cutting edge science that is was just published in a journal yesterday, without to actually know about it or even understand it.
      So, the AI will become THE teacher for even the lowest educated people and will enable them to make use of all the knowledge in the world without the need of schools as we understand them in the traditional way. Falling for "fake news"? AI will tell you. Making wrong assumptions? AI will gently tell you. Making logical mistakes in your arguments? AI will correct you. Got lost in your filter bubble? AI will show you the way out. Someone trying to manipulate you? AI will point it out.
      This and much more will radically change the way we use our creativity to create new ways of living. THIS will create an explosion of true diversity and no one can foresee the outcome, not even those old people talking about stuff from an ancient perspective. And this will happen much sooner than everyone thinks, because true semantic AI`s arent that difficult to build and don't need to be real strong AI's eighter.

    • @kooshikoo6442
      @kooshikoo6442 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      HE's in no way clueless. I also disagreed about driverless cars, but seriously he makes a lot of very good points, and he's not invited to the panel for no reason.

    • @brotherswinningbecauselove7857
      @brotherswinningbecauselove7857 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Driverless cars will give us back our time AND lower our drop the vehicle death rate to almost zero.

  • @TheBushdoctor68
    @TheBushdoctor68 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've noticed that everybody involved in AI and robots and automatization is looking at the future... But how about the Now.. Sure, in the future machines and AI will do everything for us, but how about the transition period, which probably takes several decades, where almost every job is going to disappear and millions of people will lose their income.. There is going to be some really massive hardship before we enter the great times that all these smart people are talking about. In fact, it has been happening for a long time now. Think about it, every machine that you see once represented a job. From the robots on the workfloor to the coffeemachine in the breakroom, to the toilet in the bathroom, they all once represented a person doing that work, and yes, society has been able to deal with that sofar, but it's going faster and faster each year. Ever since robots started appearing in factories, jobs have becoming more scarce and soon we won't be able to think up any new ones, especially since the ones we thought up are so very easy to replace by AI, like almost every job in an office.

    • @ultimatesin3544
      @ultimatesin3544 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Technology is already tearing society apart to the core beyond all recognition. If those fools in silicon valley couldn't foresee the vast extent of negative feedback that something seemingly innocuous like Facebook would wrought onto society, what makes you think we stand a chance now? We are headed forward like a rudderless ship into a storm with no light..

    • @TheBushdoctor68
      @TheBushdoctor68 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I fear that you're right. Capitalism has served us well, but I believe we're now in its last stages of life and those last stages are going to be very ugly.

    • @ultimatesin3544
      @ultimatesin3544 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      This might be the reason we don't see signs of life anywhere else in the universe.. the time-frame for a species to emit signals necessary for detection (from the Industrial era until they develop AI) is roughly 150 years.. even if we avoid nuclear war the AI renders us redundant.. my opinion is the next few decades will be the end of human history, whether the bots supercede us is anyone's guess.. wouldn't it be funny if, after all our collective sacrifice to bring them into existence, the robots themselves ultimately see no logical reason to exist and subsequently unplug.. hope I'm wrong but I'd be lying if I said these presuppositions haven't drastically altered my life goals.. enjoy the time we have..

    • @abhinandannuli9835
      @abhinandannuli9835 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      well, how about looking at the optimistic side of AI?? how about creating a world where there is no boundary n that we can all live wherever we want? n that AI will help us do that.. you know, instead of saying this is my country n that is yours, how about an alternative lifestyle altogether?