SDR Console is excellent receiver program. I am using it with both: NESDR Smart RTL dongle and RSP Duo. Just messing with reception of ISS SSTV pictures at 437.800 MHz. It was previously on 145.800 MHz, but I am not sure that they send picture over the repeater at that frequency anymore. I think only at 437.800 MHz (also it is second output from the repeater). Uplink is still at 145.990 MHz. Two Downlinks: 145.800 and 437.800 MHz.
That's a great upgrade.
SDR Console is excellent receiver program. I am using it with both: NESDR Smart RTL dongle and RSP Duo. Just messing with reception of ISS SSTV pictures at 437.800 MHz. It was previously on 145.800 MHz, but I am not sure that they send picture over the repeater at that frequency anymore. I think only at 437.800 MHz (also it is second output from the repeater). Uplink is still at 145.990 MHz. Two Downlinks: 145.800 and 437.800 MHz.
Wow, what a difference.... SDR console is a serious piece of software.
Try the MW band. It falls on its face.
it's primarily aimed at SSB voice
for mediumwave, may i suggest NINR by sdrsharp?