Favorite Robot Masters

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @superharpuia
    @superharpuia ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Here's a list of my favorite Robot Masters:
    Mega Man 1: Elec Man.
    Mega Man 2: Quick Man.
    Mega Man 3: Gemini Man.
    Mega Man 4: Skull Man.
    Mega Man 5: Napalm Man.
    Mega Man 6: Flame Man.
    Mega Man 7: Turbo Man.
    Mega Man 8: Sword Man... I guess.
    Mega Man And Bass: Pirate Man.
    Mega Man 9: Tornado Man (Harpuia is my favorite guardian and his design is clearly based off Harpuia, so of course he's my favorite from 9).
    Mega Man 10: Solar Man.
    Mega Man 11: Tundra Man.
    Mega Man Killer: Ballad.
    Mega Man V: Jupiter.
    Note: I haven't played Mega Man: The Wily Wars yet, so that's why it's not on here.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also you left out Mega Man GB I - IV.

    • @superharpuia
      @superharpuia ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mohdadeeb1829 Mega Man I-IV Gameboy was only reusing the same robot masters from 1-5. Sure they had new stages and all, but I don't think that's enough to add their gameboy version's on there. Also, the reason why I haven't played the Wily Wars yet is because I'm currently spending my spare cash on things like NES and Genesis games because I'm a retro video game collector as well as horror films because I like to have the original exercise when watching or playing something. That and because I still need to get that ZX manga to read to make a video on it as well as get my 250 bucks of stolen GBA crap back.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@superharpuia You can look at my list and see I ranked NES and GB bosses seperately.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@superharpuia I disagree with Turbo Man. Turbo Man's fight requires Audio Cues and that's a bad thing.

  • @Cephas
    @Cephas ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lately when playing MM4, I go for Pharaoh Man first. Without his weakness, he's challenging, but the best way I'd describe him is "Quick Man but fair."
    I like having a just-right difficulty bump in the beginning as it sets the tone for the rest of the game. For this reason, I've been fond of doing Heat Man first in MM2.

  • @KamisamanoOtaku
    @KamisamanoOtaku ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Fun vid! I was so glad you mentioned using the Rush Jet to cheese the second phase of Wily Phase 3. I'll list my favorites from each game, and explain why, but I might miss a few from the side games/spinoffs. Oh, and I tend to change my mind a lot, so don't be surprised if I've said or will say something different in other posts. In fact, let's make it the Gold/Silver/Bronze by letting me name my top three from each game. Yeah, that's almost half the cast! XD I'll at least rank them (again, listing them as 1st/2nd/3rd). Lastly, these will be overall impressions; not the boss fight, not the boss's weapon you gain, not the stage, and not _just_ the aesthetic.
    *Mega Man:* Fire Man has a great look, and this comes from someone who really likes FireMan.EXE (a.k.a. TorchMan.EXE, because NT Warrior was weird). Ice Man is cool, pun intended. Guts Man mostly makes it due to the memes how much I like GutsMan.EXE. *If we include Powered UP, which I have _never played,* I... don't think it makes a difference. Maybe if I'd actually played it.
    *Mega Man 2:* Metal Man, even though I have a love/hate relationship with the Metal Blade. Indeed, the fact he gives you such a broken (as in "unbalanced in your favor") weapon is the main reason I didn't want to pick him. For second, Air Man gives us some nice variety by not being another stock humanoids. For third, I'm going to say Bubble Man, because green is my favorite color. A silly reason, but these Robot Masters are all pretty similar in quality; if I weren't breaking it down game by game, odds are none would make my top 10 best list, but neither would any be likely to make my top 10 worst.
    *Mega Man 3:* Shadow Man is a ninja. Not just that, a ninja robot and maybe even an alien ninja robot. Didja notice my screen name? Plus all the reasons from the video. Second place goes to Snake Man; green is my favorite color, and while I don't want them as a pet I find snakes... interesting. It also helps that he was the first Robot Master I could actually beat. I mean ever, as Mega Man 3 for the NES was my first Mega Man game. Gemini Man is just pretty, but I love all these characters, so "pretty" is the tie breaker. XD
    *Mega Man 4:* Another time I agree with ExploDjinn; Pharoah Man is king! ;) After that is Skull Man, a character you'd have thought would have been a Wily-made bot, given Wily's skull-motif. Toad Man is my third-place pick. Yes, he's one of the easiest bosses _ever_ in a Mega Man game, but I still like him. XD
    *Mega Man 5:* ...I'm not just copying ExploDjinn, Charge Man is legit my favorite Robot Master. I too am *not* a train guy, but I can explain why. Do a Google Image search for "Charge Man mooncalfe" and it should be the first result. If it wasn't that exact image, it was something similar, giving Charge Man a kind of "Juggernaut" vibe. After that, Gyro Man because I love green and have a fondness for helicopters (and gyrocopters). His weapon was pretty nice as well. Third place goes to Napalm Man; the design is over-the-top in a good way.
    *Mega Man 6:* This is another hard call, which makes sense since this might be my second favorite core Classic series game. Let's say Knight Man (even if it still bothers me they were unable to animate a chain for him), Tomahawk Man, and Centaur Man. I love the fantasy-ish feel of Knight Man, Tomahawk Man was explained in the video, so what about Centaur Man? Being one of the few non-humanoid Robot Masters helps. So does being green.
    *Mega Man 7:* Shade Man, because of rule of cool, but Turbo Man is a close second because I love me some Transformers. Junk Man gets third because he's got a nice design, well-themed Stage, good weapon, etc. Which should tell you how much I like the first two, if Junk Man is only taking the _bronze._
    *Mega Man 8:* Grenade Man, because I love green and I love explosions. His voice lines worked for me as well. I didn't think I liked Search Man, as his two-heads felt more like a gimmick than new ground for a Robot Master design, but I've grown to like him over the years. Having some green on him and a nice gun helps. Third Place goes to Sword Man; he's got an interesting design and I do love me some melee attacks in Mega Man.
    *Mega Man & Bass:* I won't worry about the other side games/spinoffs, but this game is basically Mega Man 8.5, so I'll include it. Magic Man, for the reasons given in the video. Yeah, even the hips! Also, while I'm no longer an X-Men fanboy... him reminding me of Gambit is still a good thing. :) Burner Man might be a pain in the butt to fight, but his look is on point and the fact at least part of the difficulty stems from needing to realize *how* to really hurt him using his weakness... he almost took first. For third, I'm going with Dynamo Man. He's green. He has a memorable battle. He has a decent weapon (maybe even a good one?) and an okay Stage.
    *Mega Man 9:* Is not a game I've played yet, so this is almost purely due to aesthetic. I've been fond of other "mold breaker" Robot Masters, so it isn't just virtue signaling that I give it to Splash Woman. She's the only canon, female Robot Master I can remember from the core Classic series, but even if she wasn't, she's got a nifty non-standard design, and even I've heard she's got a solid weapon. Concrete Man reminds me of GutsMan.EXE, and since I'm going off of so little, that'll do! As for third place, Tornado Man is green. Green!
    *Mega Man 10:* Yeah, another Mega Man game I need to play. Commando Man is green and heavily armed, Nitro Man gives me a Transformers vibe (I don't even know if he actually transforms! XD) and Sheep Man... well, the video covered that.
    *Mega Man 11:* Yes, I _have_ played this one! Torch Man reminds me of Torch Man.EXE, even though TorchMan.EXE is really FireMan.EXE with a different name. Doesn't matter, still like him! Acid Man is green (and I like his look!). I also like his Stage (okay, I hated it at first but eventually...), and his weapon is okay (I'm not as good with it as others, from what I've seen). Tundra Man is just so elegant.
    Hopefully I'll remember to come back and elaborate on the more miscellaneous bits.

  • @AdamTheGameBoy
    @AdamTheGameBoy ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Your perfect Robot Master: Tomahawk Man cosplaying as Casshern with stretchy arms with scissors on one and shooting shuriken from a buster on the other

  • @playbossthebest936
    @playbossthebest936 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Turbo man fucks. He's my favourite

  • @maciejpatura
    @maciejpatura ปีที่แล้ว

    my favorite robot masters:
    1: Fire Man
    2: Quick Man
    3: Needle Man
    4: Dive Man
    5: Napalm Man
    6: Tomahawk Man
    7: Turbo Man
    8: Search Man
    and bass: Pirate Man
    9: Magma Man
    10: Commando Man
    11: Blast Man
    V: Mars or Terra
    Mega Man Killer: Ballade
    fortress: Mecha Crab
    wily: MM10

  • @mohdadeeb1829
    @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You forgot Mega Man Gameboy games. Sure they have same Bosses but their pattern is different.

  • @IAmAphie
    @IAmAphie หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My favorites:
    MM1- Fire Man
    MM2- Metal Man
    MM3- Shadow Man
    MM4- Pharaoh Man
    MM5- Gyro Man
    MM6- Flame Man
    MM7- Shade Man
    MM8- Search Man
    MM9- Hornet Man
    MM10- Blade Man
    MM11- Blast Man
    Bass- Burner Man
    PU- Time Man
    V- Pluto
    Other notable ones I like:
    Elec Man
    Quick Man
    Crash/ Clash Man
    Gemini Man
    Magnet Man
    Snake Man
    Skull Man
    Star Man
    Gravity Man
    Tomahawk Man
    Knight Man
    Centaur Man
    Burst Man
    Turbo Man
    Slash Man
    Sword Man
    Tengu Man
    Tornado Man
    Nitro Man
    Solar Man
    Tundra Man
    Fuse Man
    Torch Man
    Pirate Man

  • @mohdadeeb1829
    @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Here are mine
    1. Bomb Man (Just like a dance. And I really love the flow of this fight and weakness makes sense. Too bad he only has one attack)
    2. Crash Man (Another Dance. Another manipulation based bossfight that feels very satisfying.)
    I. Cut Man (Pretty Much the only bearable boss in the game)
    3. Needle Man (Just the sheer terror he causes in enough)
    II: Magnet Man (Just like II, the only bearable boss from the game)
    4: Drill Man (Awesomeness of his sprite and his scary Boss fight)
    III: Skull Man (Much better than the original)
    5: Charge Man (Man! I really love his pattern. Only boss in the game that gives me trouble, too bad Power Stome Sucks)
    IV: Ring Man (Just the sheer terror, like Needle Man)
    V: Pluto (Oh Man! This Pattern is very very good)
    6: Knight Man (Another cool Robot Master.)
    WW1: Cut Man
    WW2: Metal Man
    WW3: Needle Man
    GU: Buster Rod G (Basically the only boss who is not boring)
    7: Freeze Man (Best Strict Pattern in any Mega Man Classic game)
    8: Frost Man (Yeah! Sprite is unappealing but the Boss is phenomenal, Hurray for Ice Bosses)
    &B: Ground Man (Said this many times, but he is pretty much the only bearable boss from the game)
    PU: Cut Man (Best Version of Cut Man)
    9: Tornado Man (Concrete Man is better but Tornado Man is more of a personal choice. I really love his sprite and that determined face of his. Also, there's something Magical about this pattern)
    10: Solar Man (If you change anything from this boss, you'd ruin it)
    11: Torch Man (Best Robot Master Ever! He is what people think Magma Dragoon is)
    GB Specials: Punk or if he counts, Sunstar (Punk because of his interesting pattern, and sunstar for his difficulty)
    Edit: Solar Man in Hard Mode.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Never played Arcade games.

    • @superharpuia
      @superharpuia ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mohdadeeb1829 I played every game you mentioned aside from Wily Wars, Powered Up, and The crappy DOS games. I also played the two arcade games as well as battle and chase four years ago. I played the two arcade games recently thanks to the Capcom Arcade stadium 2 collection (It should've been one whole collection). Anyways, you got a nice list with most of these being great choices... aside from Frost Man because he's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in the whole franchise.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@superharpuia Personal Bias towards Ice Bosses. Ice Bosses (At least Ice Robot Masters) are my favourites. Out of all 172 bosses, three Ice Bosses make up my Top 10.

    • @mohdadeeb1829
      @mohdadeeb1829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@superharpuia I would've told you all my 172 Bosses and their scores. But TH-cam Algorithm has become like N@zis.

    • @superharpuia
      @superharpuia ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mohdadeeb1829 Even the comment section isn't safe anymore:(

  • @Ultimateratchetz
    @Ultimateratchetz หลายเดือนก่อน

    I hate clowns because they are scary but I like spiders but not in real life

  • @Robski10
    @Robski10 ปีที่แล้ว

    My personal favourites (Design, Boss, Weapon):
    MM1: Elec Man
    MMPU: Time Man
    MM2: Metal Man
    MM3: Shadow Man
    MM4: Pharaoh Man
    MM5: Gravity Man
    MM6: Knight Man
    MM7: Shade Man
    MM8: Grenade Man
    MM&B: Magic Man
    MM9: Tornado Man (Best Robot Master)
    MM10: Sheep Man
    MM11: Blast Man
    MMK: Ballade
    MMW5: Mercury
    Fortress: Weapons Archive
    Wily Machine: Wily Machine 9
    Tell me what ya think, I'd really appreciate it

    • @ExploDjinn
      @ExploDjinn  ปีที่แล้ว

      Seeing a lot of blade users early on, which, as someone with similar picks, I can respect.

  • @fredyoutayek6363
    @fredyoutayek6363 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who are your least favorite robot masters?

    • @ExploDjinn
      @ExploDjinn  ปีที่แล้ว

      That'll probably be its own video, when I'm either desperate or in a bad mood.