Poland need to spend that much on a military, because we remember the past. A lot of times we have had an agreement with other countries which in practice meant nothing, and we were left behind all by ourselves. It is better to hope for the best, that NATO will indeed help us in need, but to be prepared for the worst as it used to be in the past.
@@Pprokop87 3 of those times are most well known. 1. Battle of Vienna 2. WW2 Forefront Nazi Defense 3. Sowietów defense 4. (Mah not be saved Europe but still famous) - Defeated the Christian Joly Knights
Poland was used as a patsy by Churchill to start the second world war. England signed a guarantee of protection which they never intended to honor. Because of that treaty, the Poles were rather arrogant in negotiation with Hitler for Danzig and other German territories given to Poland after the first world war and were therefore implacable in negotiations, resulting in an invasion not only by Germany, but what US hates to mention, by the Soviets in the east, then allies of the US. Poland wanted an empire and their earlier motto was "z Morza do Morza" meaning from to sea to sea, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, meaning they would own most of Ukraine, which they did for quite a while. Now the US is going to use Poland, in its mission of regime change in Russia. When that fails, the US will simply pack up and leave, leaving the Pole's faith to their enemy as they had done in Afghanistan and as England had done in the second world war. General Syskosky was the Polish leader in exile, in England during the second world war. However, he was a thorn in Churchill' side as he absolutely refused to deal with the Soviets (rightfully so). Churchill arranged several attempts to kill Sikorsky in an aircraft accidents which finally succeeded. Poland's fate will be the same as that of Ukrainians who are now loosing their lives for the benefit of globalist financial vultures Black Rock and JP Morgan to whom Zelensky has sold out. People are naive, believing in hollywood type of war scenarios, heroes and villains when in fact, it is all global financiers, over money and global resources. England had a secret slush fund to bribe eastern leaders not to join Hitler's axis. When the Germans prevailed, these corrupt leaders all fled to London with the their loot. To this day the process is the same, mass bribery and those corrupt leaders who are sent packing or face execution by their own people, take their stolen loot, usually the wealth of entire country and all head for London, the heaven of the world's most crooked and evil ex leaders. Why? Because it is not Ukraine that is the most corrupt country in the world, it is England and the US.
I have been living in the UK since 2009. For about 2-3 years, almost every week I have heard about Polish families, with children born in the UK, returning to Poland. GB has regressed in every aspect by leaving the EU and moving away from the continent
I used to live and work in UK for almost 3 years. Then I decided to move back to Poland. The first years (circa 2010) were difficult. But then it was getting better. The things I was jealous about in the west started to appear in my home country. Roads, IT, new technology, level of living were getting better. I admit it has cost me a lot of effort to get to the point I'm right now, but I don't regret comming back. I'm working 2 jobs almost all the time, trying to earn some more by fixing electronics. Sometimes is hard but I don't regret my choices. As long as you are working and developing you can achieve your goals. Maybe in few years more Poles will notice how much has changed in our coutry and we will appreciate what we've got and at what cost.
@@TheRezro but I don't really see this. PiSers are usually like " Poland is so great, that bad West won't spit in our face anymore!". Other people don't care about "the West" but also say how great Poland looks now, compared to how it was 20 years ago. Everytime I see a comment like the one above, it seems that it's written by someone who doesn't really talk to people, just lives in their own complexes and Internet reality.
We can say that since 1945 it was a soviet occupation. PRL was not a independent state, but a satelite of USSR. With millitary bases, labor camps, commisars and all other shit. Too bsd most of the collaboratoras got unpunished
There are about 10,000 US soldiers in Poland. Kaliningrad... The original name for this region is Królewiec. "In 1525, Królewiec became the capital of Ducal Prussia, which was a vassal of the Polish crown. Until 1657, the city of Królewiec was part of Poland, Polish printing flourished there, along with Krakow and Wrocław, and a Protestant academy was built." Initially, after World War II, Królewiec was awarded to Poland, but eventually it was incorporated into the USSR.
@@pawegoawski1718 no miał. 2 Wś pokazała dobitnie, że zostawianie kawałków państwa oddzielonych innymi państwami nie jest najlepszym pomysłem. Ale Stalin chciał mieć dostęp do Bałtyku. I tak Królewiec przemianowano na cześć zbrodniarza Kalinina.
Actually the original name was Regiomontium, in latin (King's Mountain). It was chosen by the Teutonic Knights in honor of the King of Chechia. So I advocate giving Královec to the Czechs and building this Polish-Czech beer pipe. This way, we will ensure world peace.
I recommend you to watch a movie: ,,THE COLDEST GAME". This film shows our position between Russia and the USA in 60-years and why we wanted to be free.
Zaproś Niemców do Polski ,miejsc zakłady stworzonych przez ich dziadków Sztutowo ( Stutthof ) Treblinka ( Treblinka || ) Oświęcim ( Auschwitz- Birkenau) Płaszów ( Plaszow) Sobibór I wiele innych.
Dont feel bad, you are naval country so spending on ships. And ships are most costly military stuff so far. Maybe in future space ships will be more expensive, but it not gonna happen in our lifetime for sure
@@jannowak1074 nigdy nie widziałem takiego twierdzenia, a zarabiam na twitterze. Co najwyżej czasem się trafi jakiś obcokrajowiec, który memuje ruskich Husarią wkraczającą do Moskwy. Co natomiast widziałem to twierdzenie, że Ruskie aktualnie nie mają i w przewidywalnej przyszłości nie będą mieli zasobów żeby zaatakować Polskę czy Finlandię (inna sprawa jeśli chodzi o państwa Bałtyckie i to przy założeniu, że NATO nie pomoże).
@@leno_o17 W tej grze nie ma dobrych, jest grupa interesów na górze. Jak maja taką potrzebę to wyślą cię na przemiał. Będziesz robił za nawóz na Ukrainie, jak będą mieli takie widzimisię.
Why UK should have artillery? Who will attack it on the ground? Compare aircraft carriers. Poland has ZERO, UK - 2. Compare submarines - Poland has ZERO (one is to be retired), UK has 10. Countries have different military depending on their location. The movie is absolutely worthless.
I’m Polish, what powerhouse? Poland has sent so much ammunition to Ukraine that some soldiers and police are unable to practice their target shooting, might be growing up in strength,but also facing a real threat to be forced to war against “Russian invaders” Poland is getting forced to war by English,Germans,US. This so called “powerhouse “ will be obliterated in days ,while “polish government “ will run overseas as it was done during WWII.
To nie zachód złamał traktaty i granice w 2014 roku a w 2022 zaatakował po raz kolejny. Puknij się w łeb kacapski trolu a jesi jest ś polakiem to przypomnij sobie powiedzenie -jeśli nie chcesz utrzymywać wlasnej armii będziesz utrzymywał cudzą.
Jako ciekawoskę powiem tak. Tam gdzie kończy się alfabet łaciński a zaczyna cyrylica tam kończy się panowanie homo sapiens. Zaczyna się terror. My Poacy znamy to od stuleci. Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mojego wolnego od ruskiej swołoczy kraju.
@@paweszawowski9337 i Grecję i Cypr. Kultura bizantyjska jest tak odmienna od łacińskiej ze zawsze będą w opozycji. To smutna rzeczywistość.Nie posunął bym się do stwierdzenia ze to kultura nieludzka lecz po prostu niezwykle odległa.
@@leno_o17 Niemcy po 2 wojnie zostały zniszczone i podzielone na strefy wpływu. Jak miały kogokolwiek atakować? dopiero teraz się powoli odbudowują militarnie i wracają u nich imperialistyczne nastroje.
Dokładnie, próbują nam wmówić XD Każdy kto otarł się wojo, lub ma znajomych, którzy się otarli wie jaki tam jest bałagan. Tam prawie sami urzędnicy czekający na wcześniejszą emeryturę i babeczki które liczyły na ciepłą posadkę. W razie 'W' nasze wojo samo zacznie się poddawać, a cywile wciągnięci do armii będą uciekać. Polacy nie są tacy głupi aby ginąć za zachodnie interesy.
@@jannowak1074może by tak nie było, gdyby PiS nie pozbył się wojskowych z doświadczeniem operacyjnym, wpychając na ich miejsce swoich przydupasów. W jednym miejscu krytykujesz "nową" władzę, a w innym narzekasz na kadry w wojsku? Ah, jeszcze w innym twierdzisz, że cię ktoś chce na wojnę wysłać. Spadaj trollu. Widać, że na kilometr nie byłeś przy wojsku, chyba, że przy ruskim.
@@jannowak1074 czyli tu krytykujesz wojsko, ale w innym miejscu twierdzisz, że nowy rząd mu szkodzi? A ciekawe, czemu wojsko jest w takim stanie, hm? Taka rada: ruska trollownia powinna bardziej przyłożyć się do researchu, bo teksty zbyt oderwane od rzeczywistości nie mają posłuchu
I am polish and for me knowing our history its very ok about bases and prepering for the worst...
Poland need to spend that much on a military, because we remember the past. A lot of times we have had an agreement with other countries which in practice meant nothing, and we were left behind all by ourselves. It is better to hope for the best, that NATO will indeed help us in need, but to be prepared for the worst as it used to be in the past.
Also Poland many times was on the forefront of protecting Europe against invasions. Si vis pacem, para bellum.
3 of those times are most well known.
1. Battle of Vienna
2. WW2 Forefront Nazi Defense
3. Sowietów defense
4. (Mah not be saved Europe but still famous) - Defeated the Christian Joly Knights
@@phantomviper8297 is that some kind of code? Or a language?
@@Pprokop87 Google it
Poland was used as a patsy by Churchill to start the second world war. England signed a guarantee of protection which they never intended to honor. Because of that treaty, the Poles were rather arrogant in negotiation with Hitler for Danzig and other German territories given to Poland after the first world war and were therefore implacable in negotiations, resulting in an invasion not only by Germany, but what US hates to mention, by the Soviets in the east, then allies of the US. Poland wanted an empire and their earlier motto was "z Morza do Morza" meaning from to sea to sea, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, meaning they would own most of Ukraine, which they did for quite a while. Now the US is going to use Poland, in its mission of regime change in Russia. When that fails, the US will simply pack up and leave, leaving the Pole's faith to their enemy as they had done in Afghanistan and as England had done in the second world war. General Syskosky was the Polish leader in exile, in England during the second world war. However, he was a thorn in Churchill' side as he absolutely refused to deal with the Soviets (rightfully so). Churchill arranged several attempts to kill Sikorsky in an aircraft accidents which finally succeeded. Poland's fate will be the same as that of Ukrainians who are now loosing their lives for the benefit of globalist financial vultures Black Rock and JP Morgan to whom Zelensky has sold out. People are naive, believing in hollywood type of war scenarios, heroes and villains when in fact, it is all global financiers, over money and global resources. England had a secret slush fund to bribe eastern leaders not to join Hitler's axis. When the Germans prevailed, these corrupt leaders all fled to London with the their loot. To this day the process is the same, mass bribery and those corrupt leaders who are sent packing or face execution by their own people, take their stolen loot, usually the wealth of entire country and all head for London, the heaven of the world's most crooked and evil ex leaders. Why? Because it is not Ukraine that is the most corrupt country in the world, it is England and the US.
🫡 Cześć i chwała Bohaterom.
I have been living in the UK since 2009. For about 2-3 years, almost every week I have heard about Polish families, with children born in the UK, returning to Poland. GB has regressed in every aspect by leaving the EU and moving away from the continent
I used to live and work in UK for almost 3 years. Then I decided to move back to Poland. The first years (circa 2010) were difficult. But then it was getting better. The things I was jealous about in the west started to appear in my home country. Roads, IT, new technology, level of living were getting better. I admit it has cost me a lot of effort to get to the point I'm right now, but I don't regret comming back. I'm working 2 jobs almost all the time, trying to earn some more by fixing electronics. Sometimes is hard but I don't regret my choices. As long as you are working and developing you can achieve your goals. Maybe in few years more Poles will notice how much has changed in our coutry and we will appreciate what we've got and at what cost.
You think people in Poland don't notice the changes?
@@leno_o17 chcemy szybciej,więcej, by nadrobić stracony czas
@@leno_o17 PiS voters have short memory TBH
@@TheRezro but I don't really see this. PiSers are usually like " Poland is so great, that bad West won't spit in our face anymore!". Other people don't care about "the West" but also say how great Poland looks now, compared to how it was 20 years ago. Everytime I see a comment like the one above, it seems that it's written by someone who doesn't really talk to people, just lives in their own complexes and Internet reality.
We remember and do not forgive.
Since 3:44 there's repeatedly mistake, we weren't newly independent country, Poland regained intependent then, sort of...
He was talking about NATO. So what the hell are you talking about? And yes. Russian occupation ended in 1989.
We can say that since 1945 it was a soviet occupation. PRL was not a independent state, but a satelite of USSR. With millitary bases, labor camps, commisars and all other shit. Too bsd most of the collaboratoras got unpunished
I spent 4 years in Scotland before moving back to Poland in 2012
So... How does Poland compares now to Scotland?
Take note that some of new models are ORDERED, so we do not have them yet. Especialy those 1000 korean tanks.
Yep. Also a mistake is that we do not have T50 aircraft, but K50GF, and the maximum order of AH64E can be 96 units.
There are about 10,000 US soldiers in Poland.
Kaliningrad... The original name for this region is Królewiec. "In 1525, Królewiec became the capital of Ducal Prussia, which was a vassal of the Polish crown. Until 1657, the city of Królewiec was part of Poland, Polish printing flourished there, along with Krakow and Wrocław, and a Protestant academy was built." Initially, after World War II, Królewiec was awarded to Poland, but eventually it was incorporated into the USSR.
nawet nie wiedziałem, że królewic miał przypaść Polsce. ciekawa informacja
thx to Churchil, Roosvelt and stalin we where fuck.
W razie 'W' to USA wojo ucieknie pierwsze.
@@pawegoawski1718 no miał. 2 Wś pokazała dobitnie, że zostawianie kawałków państwa oddzielonych innymi państwami nie jest najlepszym pomysłem. Ale Stalin chciał mieć dostęp do Bałtyku. I tak Królewiec przemianowano na cześć zbrodniarza Kalinina.
Actually the original name was Regiomontium, in latin (King's Mountain). It was chosen by the Teutonic Knights in honor of the King of Chechia.
So I advocate giving Královec to the Czechs and building this Polish-Czech beer pipe. This way, we will ensure world peace.
Our Polish armored vehicle "Rosomak".....in English "Rosomak" means Wolverine :D
Suwałki gap is well protected, by.the military and the terrains itself. See movies from the military training there
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Jeśli chcesz pokoju rób wszystko dla pokoju.
Canada never got the message that to protect your sovereignty, you need to spend money on defense.
Dawid Podsiadło nieznajomy live. You will not regret.
I recommend you to watch a movie: ,,THE COLDEST GAME". This film shows our position between Russia and the USA in 60-years and why we wanted to be free.
Zaproś Niemców do Polski ,miejsc zakłady stworzonych przez ich dziadków
Sztutowo ( Stutthof )
Treblinka ( Treblinka || )
Oświęcim ( Auschwitz- Birkenau)
Płaszów ( Plaszow)
I wiele innych.
😘... 💞... 👍
On August 15, 2024, Warsaw will host the Polish Army Parade. There will be tanks, howitzers, rocket launchers, planes, and helicopters. We invite you!
Dont feel bad, you are naval country so spending on ships. And ships are most costly military stuff so far. Maybe in future space ships will be more expensive, but it not gonna happen in our lifetime for sure
lol, the russian bots in the comment section :P
Masz na myśli tych którzy twierdzą, że nasza armia jest na tyle dobra że powinniśmy zaatakować Ruskich? XD
@@jannowak1074 nigdy nie widziałem takiego twierdzenia, a zarabiam na twitterze. Co najwyżej czasem się trafi jakiś obcokrajowiec, który memuje ruskich Husarią wkraczającą do Moskwy.
Co natomiast widziałem to twierdzenie, że Ruskie aktualnie nie mają i w przewidywalnej przyszłości nie będą mieli zasobów żeby zaatakować Polskę czy Finlandię (inna sprawa jeśli chodzi o państwa Bałtyckie i to przy założeniu, że NATO nie pomoże).
@@jannowak1074 oj tak. To niedobre NATO się aż ślini żeby zaatakować biedną Rosję.
@@leno_o17 W tej grze nie ma dobrych, jest grupa interesów na górze. Jak maja taką potrzebę to wyślą cię na przemiał. Będziesz robił za nawóz na Ukrainie, jak będą mieli takie widzimisię.
@@jannowak1074 tak wygląda wojna. Witamy w realnym świecie
Please reackt to ... akurat - do prostego czlowieka
Why UK should have artillery? Who will attack it on the ground? Compare aircraft carriers. Poland has ZERO, UK - 2. Compare submarines - Poland has ZERO (one is to be retired), UK has 10. Countries have different military depending on their location. The movie is absolutely worthless.
BTW, You got lots of onucas in yhe comments i see
I’m Polish, what powerhouse? Poland has sent so much ammunition to Ukraine that some soldiers and police are unable to practice their target shooting, might be growing up in strength,but also facing a real threat to be forced to war against “Russian invaders”
Poland is getting forced to war by English,Germans,US.
This so called “powerhouse “ will be obliterated in days ,while “polish government “ will run overseas as it was done during WWII.
How much dis the Ruzzians pay you?
@@phantomviper8297you stupid or what?
Śmieszna propaganda aby posłać nas na śmierć w obronie zachodnich interesów.
To nie zachód złamał traktaty i granice w 2014 roku a w 2022 zaatakował po raz kolejny. Puknij się w łeb kacapski trolu a jesi jest ś polakiem to przypomnij sobie powiedzenie -jeśli nie chcesz utrzymywać wlasnej armii będziesz utrzymywał cudzą.
Ciejawe, zalatuje onucami...
niestety nowy rząd robi wszystko by gospodarka zwalniała dla dobra twojej ojczyzny..
Ciekawe, zalatuje onucami...
@@Pprokop87zalatujesz botem.
@@dorotamlodzinska7683 jak już to robotem
@@Pprokop87 biorobotem 😂
don't make me laugh, please, especially when it comes to the present regime running Poland, which was elected by a fluke vote
Funny, it smells like onuca...
yea.. give me back my money !!!
Pro-war propaganda 😂
A jak coś zawsze,e możemy przyjechać i zrobić wpierdal😊
well more spending in GDP % than USA
now take US GDP and PL and you know that diference is nothing
I mamy na jechać ich znowu poco my nemamy powodu
Jako ciekawoskę powiem tak. Tam gdzie kończy się alfabet łaciński a zaczyna cyrylica tam kończy się panowanie homo sapiens. Zaczyna się terror. My Poacy znamy to od stuleci.
Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mojego wolnego od ruskiej swołoczy kraju.
Masz na myśli Bułgarię, Serbię, Bośnię Ukrainę i Białoruś?
A Niemcy to co? Już Świeci dla ciebie? Garda opuszczona bo możesz pojechać jako tania siła robocza?
@@jannowak1074a kiedy Niemcy ostatni raz kogoś zaatakowali, dziubku?
@@paweszawowski9337 i Grecję i Cypr. Kultura bizantyjska jest tak odmienna od łacińskiej ze zawsze będą w opozycji. To smutna rzeczywistość.Nie posunął bym się do stwierdzenia ze to kultura nieludzka lecz po prostu niezwykle odległa.
@@leno_o17 Niemcy po 2 wojnie zostały zniszczone i podzielone na strefy wpływu. Jak miały kogokolwiek atakować? dopiero teraz się powoli odbudowują militarnie i wracają u nich imperialistyczne nastroje.
Ręce precz od polski
Propaganda movie-thats all...
Funny, smells like onuca
Dlaczego niemcy z nożami wysylają imigrantow do polski ?
Ruska odwracologia pierwsza klasa. To było na granicy z Ruskimi podnóżkami.
@@TheRezro ciekawa rzecz, niemiecki radiowóz na granicy z orkami. A skąd się tam wziął? teleportował się?
@@rapper3d1b A co? Białorusini mają lepsze radiowozy niż Rosjanie? W sumie to dość prawdopodobne.
its just propaganda my friend nowhere near reality.
Dokładnie, próbują nam wmówić XD Każdy kto otarł się wojo, lub ma znajomych, którzy się otarli wie jaki tam jest bałagan. Tam prawie sami urzędnicy czekający na wcześniejszą emeryturę i babeczki które liczyły na ciepłą posadkę. W razie 'W' nasze wojo samo zacznie się poddawać, a cywile wciągnięci do armii będą uciekać. Polacy nie są tacy głupi aby ginąć za zachodnie interesy.
@@jannowak1074może by tak nie było, gdyby PiS nie pozbył się wojskowych z doświadczeniem operacyjnym, wpychając na ich miejsce swoich przydupasów. W jednym miejscu krytykujesz "nową" władzę, a w innym narzekasz na kadry w wojsku? Ah, jeszcze w innym twierdzisz, że cię ktoś chce na wojnę wysłać. Spadaj trollu. Widać, że na kilometr nie byłeś przy wojsku, chyba, że przy ruskim.
@@jannowak1074 klamia...zobacz sobie porucznika Powalke dowiesz sie prawdy.
@@jannowak1074 czyli tu krytykujesz wojsko, ale w innym miejscu twierdzisz, że nowy rząd mu szkodzi? A ciekawe, czemu wojsko jest w takim stanie, hm?
Taka rada: ruska trollownia powinna bardziej przyłożyć się do researchu, bo teksty zbyt oderwane od rzeczywistości nie mają posłuchu
@@jannowak1074 Dokładnie to teraz widzimy na Ukrainie Ruska onuco.
NATO i Unia Europejska ONZ itd to wielkie kłamstwo 😂