Evaporation is needed in the process to make rain...so someone please explain how dumping PLASTIC balls can also not harm the environment? I'm not trying to pick a fight here but I need to know how this entire project specifically works out.. Thanks
Just an alternative idea: Why not pull a large tarp, like a giant pool cover over the reservoir? Since it doesn't rain anyways, there is no need to worry about rainwater collecting on top and weighing it down. Just a humble idea : )
MrDemon3434 Not very smart to polute your drinking water with cheap plastic crap from China! That's the reason this balls are chemical inert and carbon coated.
MrDemon3434 SHOULD HAVE PRAYED FOR RAIN.....But Oh wait, there's no God right????!!!! LOL Here in Texas and Indiana we believe in God, and we prayed. AND WE HAVE SO MUCH WATER WE HAVE TO SELL IT ALL !!!!! LOL
I just heard about At&t giving all it's user data to the NSA about 2 weeks ago.... does that count? LOL Funny, cuz that's about the same time I ditched my Iphone 6 from At&t. Baahhhh baaahhh! With a name like Demon, I'm GLAD you can't stand Indiana and Texas. Steer clear you techie god you! Only Hillbilly God-lovin' gun-totin red-blooded men here! LOL
Those Floating Solar PV were used on an Abandoned Open Pit Coal Mine where Rain Water Collected over time, Water was not Fit for Consumption or Agriculture, so Chinese used it that way.
IKR? When the best that the government can do to prevent water loss, is to create a giant ball pit like the ones at Chuck E Cheese, you know they have run out of good ideas. California is doomed.
If the agriculture industry cut its water use by only 5 percent, that would save like a 1000 times more.But,instead of large cuts,instead of dealing with the root of the problem...We have shade balls.
+Marko Petrov Quit Bitchin! Stop buying food and produce everything you need to consume without using the agricultural industry then come back and start Bitchin. Your about as bright as the people who bought into this.
In case you idiots didn't know it, there's a thing called a water cycle. If no water evaporates, there is not going to be any rain, which just adds to the problem. It's only a shot term solution but makes it worse in a long run.
+Roberts Ozolins Water is constantly evaporating from all the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world, and from other sources as well. The amount of evaporation this would stop is not even a drop in the bucket, and could not have any noticeable impact on rainfall. But it would have a big impact on how much stays in THAT reservoir, for THOSE people.
+Roberts Ozolins I was thinking almost the exact same thing as your post, but I did not post it because I was thinking that cloud cover and precipitation should still happen near the coast line as long as water is still evaporating from the oceans, right?
The purpose of shade balls is to provide shade, not to prevent evaporation. They block sunlight, so the ultraviolet light doesn’t catalyze nasty chemical reactions.
The thing they dont tell you in this video is that blocking the evaporation is not the main purpose. These balls have been in these specific reservoirs since 2008 before the drought. They are there to prevent chlorine in the water from interacting with sunlight and producing something called bromate. The epa forced the water district do this to prevent production of bromate which is (probably) a carcinogen and that is why they are there to shade the water. This is why the city spent $35 mil to save $20 mil worth of water. Dont worry about the balls being black because that was to mitigate costs and they were not specifically intended to prevent evaporation in the first place. The mayor did this for a photo op to look like he was fighting the drought. www.laweekly.com/news/shade-balls-are-a-really-stupid-way-to-conserve-water-5917061
Not a brand new thought though... James Cameron did a similar thing when filming 'The Abyss' in 1988/89. To make the huge underwater set appear to be several kilometers down he covered the surface of the water in black beads, thus darkening the whole set without adding a solid cover (which would have been dangerous for the actors and crew under water).
TechiezGaming Well I did think about it before posting, maybe you should stop being a smartass and think about your comment before posting instead. being offensive doesn't make you smarter.
SDU-Tango actually i was giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying you didn't think clearly about your stupid comment but i guess as this pointless argument continues i can see that i was in wrong to that
SDU-Tango Lol then you don't know how many people have used the coca cola bottles before you even tough them. Coca cola inc should just throw away those bottle that have been used.
$35 million dollars to save 300 million gallons of water, so around $9 per gallon... Don't get me wrong I understand the desperate situation, but it seems like this idea is getting a little more credit than it deserves
uhhh did they take into account the water cycle? ya know, evaporation into precipitation and all that? blocking the surface of the water from evaporation may affect that, however i suppose it it just one reservoir, so may not affect it at all, i dont know, im just a guy.
If you put a sheet of lets say fabric on top of it, the fabric will ball up in a spot and not cover the whole area. This way everything is always covered.
Shamen Shamen OMG who said its gonna be just one of them, the things can be tied to each other or to the banks and stretched out over the water because they float!
Should of pressed him on how it wont pollute the water with millions of plastic balls in the water and sunlight for years. Plus this solves nothing water demand will only increase that place will run dry one day soon, just hurry up with the desalination plants.
Wasn't this done because of bromine naturally occurring in water and mixing with chlorine made some toxic compounds. This reaction happens when sunlight hit the water, so they had to cover the reservoir.. That's the story I heard..
Idol Cruisefix most rain water evaporates from the sea and is carried onto mainland where it rises above the land, cools, condenses and precipitates. Plus a reserve is a natural made barrier which is often syphoned off a river anyway so the rain supplying the rivers is still going to hit the reserve. Also reserves arent rain stores, that is just an added benefit of being open.
Crazycow280 Oops, I think I was telling Kasbian what the question was about, not referring to the water bodies in particular, but you are motly right I think, but ocean formed rainclouds are drained and replenished by a lot of "land locked" evaporation after getting to the middle of a continent, right? also, I don't understand how reservoirs are not rain stores? doesn't all fresh, inland water come from rain?
Its purely based on the last place the waters from, reserves are fed off of rivers and are therefore just water stores. A rain store is an isolated reserve that isnt connected to anything. Man made lakes are rain reserves with slight help with the intersection of the water table. At least thats how ive always been told to define them but thats in the Uk
wouldn't stopping the evaporation of the water will also result as no production of clouds and no rain?? thats just me. if theres a different way to make it rain without evaporation of the water in tye planet please shine some light my way and explain it to me.
is it just me to be perplex about this solution? why not using plants? cheaper , and they can be a food source saving from agricolture i know plants use up water, but that's a good thing! no evaporation means no rain , and maybe winds could bring rainy clouds from far away, but in the long run it will move the draugh and make it worse .can anybody correct me if i'm wrong ?
Yea lets not let animals and insects use the water, that will work out well. Almost as well as using black instead of white and almost many times more expensive than using an intelligent way of water storage and transport. Good ol US of A
The city is required to do human health studies and they did not!!!!! black plastic is never for hot water as it has carcinogens. also, production chemicals leach from plastics when heated. Oxymoron alert: black color absorbs heat which could heat up the water and make it evaporate quicker.
+Custer Yes, really. "Pure black carbon gives the balls their color after being added to the plastic to absorb UV rays. That prevents sunlight from penetrating the plastic and getting to either the water inside the balls or beneath them. A lighter-colored ball may allow sunlight to pass through into the water, rendering it ineffective, said Sydney Chase, who owns shade ball manufacturer XavierC, one of the suppliers involved in the project."
Roden Enriquez Hows that relative to the fact that the color black still conducts heat? i mean yeah, "Blocking UV rays" but when the fuck did UV rays play part in vaporizing water? Basic Chemistry guys..
surely the planet needs the evaporation? isnt that what makes clouds -rain for animals, trees, plants , grass ? not sure, im no scientist or botanist but thats how my crazy mind works 😕
+Nikola Novkovic if the balls are black they absorb more heat unlike white balls that would just reflect the heat elsewhere potentially leading to more evaporation
I have two questions. Won't it kill the fish? the oxygen can't get to the water. Wouldn't white balls work better? the reflect the heat way better than black.
Spend 35 million tax dollars on balls to save water for 2,700 homes.
That is $12,962.96 per home.
California, pure genius!
Wow im too lazy to make this count x)
Right on Todd! The greatest danger to America is the MSM. The second greatest danger is Liberal Logic.
Is it just me ,or is this the dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas?
This video made me smile when that guys said that it would save 300 million gallons of water each year.
i think they should put solar panels above the water for shade and make electricity also from the sunlight.
solar panels are way too expensive though...
Evaporation is needed in the process to make rain...so someone please explain how dumping PLASTIC balls can also not harm the environment? I'm not trying to pick a fight here but I need to know how this entire project specifically works out.. Thanks
Just an alternative idea: Why not pull a large tarp, like a giant pool cover over the reservoir? Since it doesn't rain anyways, there is no need to worry about rainwater collecting on top and weighing it down. Just a humble idea : )
By reducing evaporation you also reduce rainfall, no?
Rainfall being the one thing California needs
Yes, but if some water evaporates, not all of it falls back as rain. Some is blown away. So, reducing evaporation conserves water in lakes.
I was waiting expecting puns here. I guess no one has the balls...
get out
I didn't know newscasters knew how to make jokes until he said "no one wants to drop the ball" and then caught it
Wait... but if you're reducing evaporation, aren't you reducing precipitation as well?
My First grade teacher would be disappointed in you Mr. Mayor
Takes 35 million dollars to place 95 million plastic balls in a reservoir. Seems expensive. Should of asked China for help.
MrDemon3434 Not very smart to polute your drinking water with cheap plastic crap from China! That's the reason this balls are chemical inert and carbon coated.
MrDemon3434 SHOULD HAVE PRAYED FOR RAIN.....But Oh wait, there's no God right????!!!! LOL Here in Texas and Indiana we believe in God, and we prayed. AND WE HAVE SO MUCH WATER WE HAVE TO SELL IT ALL !!!!! LOL
Jon Mathews it's still texas ad Indiana? I rather die and meet God then to live there. You guy just heard about wifi 2 weeks ago.
I just heard about At&t giving all it's user data to the NSA about 2 weeks ago.... does that count? LOL Funny, cuz that's about the same time I ditched my Iphone 6 from At&t. Baahhhh baaahhh! With a name like Demon, I'm GLAD you can't stand Indiana and Texas. Steer clear you techie god you! Only Hillbilly God-lovin' gun-totin red-blooded men here! LOL
MrDemon3434 Should of? Really?
Black color will absorb heat, increase temperature like a solar heating system, and cause more water to evaporate by conversion to water vapour.
Black balls? That's a dumb idea. China covers their water reservoirs with solar panels.
+oldMarlyn Solar panels cost a lot of money.
Those Floating Solar PV were used on an Abandoned Open Pit Coal Mine where Rain Water Collected over time, Water was not Fit for Consumption or Agriculture, so Chinese used it that way.
America: "When we see a problem we just throw a blanket over the problem. It's out of sight that way."
So do these balls dissolve over time somehow? How do they get them out?
They are bigger than I thought.
IKR? When the best that the government can do to prevent water loss, is to create a giant ball pit like the ones at Chuck E Cheese, you know they have run out of good ideas. California is doomed.
If the agriculture industry cut its water use by only 5 percent, that would save like a 1000 times more.But,instead of large cuts,instead of dealing with the root of the problem...We have shade balls.
+Marko Petrov Quit Bitchin! Stop buying food and produce everything you need to consume without using the agricultural industry then come back and start Bitchin. Your about as bright as the people who bought into this.
"No, nothing leeches out of it and nothing gets in to the water"
The balls are inert.
here we are in april 2017 out of the drought. we have 35 million dollars worth of stupid shade balls and a collapsed spillway at oroville dam
what about the fishes
Hot black balls would cause more evaporation than cooler white balls because white reflects while black absorbs.
In case you idiots didn't know it, there's a thing called a water cycle. If no water evaporates, there is not going to be any rain, which just adds to the problem. It's only a shot term solution but makes it worse in a long run.
+Roberts Ozolins Water is constantly evaporating from all the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world, and from other sources as well. The amount of evaporation this would stop is not even a drop in the bucket, and could not have any noticeable impact on rainfall. But it would have a big impact on how much stays in THAT reservoir, for THOSE people.
+Roberts Ozolins I was thinking almost the exact same thing as your post, but I did not post it because I was thinking that cloud cover and precipitation should still happen near the coast line as long as water is still evaporating from the oceans, right?
Did I ever say that? I'm just saying that's not a good practise to start with.
96 million plastic balls in the reservoir and they are not expecting it to affect the quality of the water supply?
Wont the plastic poison the water supply after a while?
Waiting to hear that down the road something in the plastic balls gets into the water and causes cancer.
The purpose of shade balls is to provide shade, not to prevent evaporation. They block sunlight, so the ultraviolet light doesn’t catalyze nasty chemical reactions.
yeah that pun came outta nowhere lol
seems like los angeles has too much balls
Shouldn't they be white so that they would reflect the light/heat instead of absorbing it? Possibly heating the water still making it evaporate?
Well now years later how did that work.
Sounds like they are fixing one problem but creating another....
ball is life
The thing they dont tell you in this video is that blocking the evaporation is not the main purpose. These balls have been in these specific reservoirs since 2008 before the drought. They are there to prevent chlorine in the water from interacting with sunlight and producing something called bromate. The epa forced the water district do this to prevent production of bromate which is (probably) a carcinogen and that is why they are there to shade the water. This is why the city spent $35 mil to save $20 mil worth of water. Dont worry about the balls being black because that was to mitigate costs and they were not specifically intended to prevent evaporation in the first place. The mayor did this for a photo op to look like he was fighting the drought. www.laweekly.com/news/shade-balls-are-a-really-stupid-way-to-conserve-water-5917061
why didn't he used white balls, to reflect the light ?
+Alex Radu Because they already got the name shade balls so it had to be black... duh
+Alex Radu because its does not matter
if white. that must be racist
the black heat up faster than white, that means the water will get hotter faster, that means the microbes and germs will develop even faster in ...
black people are hot
Not a brand new thought though...
James Cameron did a similar thing when filming 'The Abyss' in 1988/89. To make the huge underwater set appear to be several kilometers down he covered the surface of the water in black beads, thus darkening the whole set without adding a solid cover (which would have been dangerous for the actors and crew under water).
Wouldn't the plastic ball melt?
1:30 A roof would cost 250 million dollars? Made out of what... gold? Omfg...
by the way, anybody ever wonder why not use that 35 million dollars to buy water from other country instead? lol
SDU-Tango im guessing you didn't think about your comment before you posted it.
TechiezGaming Well I did think about it before posting, maybe you should stop being a smartass and think about your comment before posting instead. being offensive doesn't make you smarter.
SDU-Tango actually i was giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying you didn't think clearly about your stupid comment but i guess as this pointless argument continues i can see that i was in wrong to that
TechiezGaming I'm happy that you see you're on the wrong side. I forgive you.
SDU-Tango Lol then you don't know how many people have used the coca cola bottles before you even tough them. Coca cola inc should just throw away those bottle that have been used.
mostly seems like a good idea but won't the shiny black surface create higher air temperatures like all the paved surfaces in Tokyo?
But, doesn't evaporation create rain? My mind does not understand.
$35 million dollars to save 300 million gallons of water, so around $9 per gallon... Don't get me wrong I understand the desperate situation, but it seems like this idea is getting a little more credit than it deserves
+Kevin Aud That's about 9 CENTS per gallon, not 9 dollars. That's a lot better, if it works.
y aca en chile sobra y mal gastamos el agua...una pena
I can't believe it
Thats $2.75 per ball. A ball that is made with petroleum base plastics. Seems legit....NOT.
so thats warm water for everybody in this drought ?
uhhh did they take into account the water cycle? ya know, evaporation into precipitation and all that? blocking the surface of the water from evaporation may affect that, however i suppose it it just one reservoir, so may not affect it at all, i dont know, im just a guy.
why not put a bunch of tarps on it rather than wasting a fortune on plastic balls
If you put a sheet of lets say fabric on top of it, the fabric will ball up in a spot and not cover the whole area. This way everything is always covered.
ElBartoNR1 well lets say the use plastic tarps...like most tarps are. Tie the corners with chains to the banks of the reservoir. Problem solved
yeah, lets make a massive god damn tarp. fucking dumb, tarps are less durable than the balls would be and the balls are reusable im assuming.
Shamen Shamen OMG who said its gonna be just one of them, the things can be tied to each other or to the banks and stretched out over the water because they float!
you must be joking please be joking
everyone in the comment section is an expert
Nice pun at the end
where does the water come from.... from the American balls my son.
Why didn't they throw floating tarps over it..
is it just me. or does anyone else want to like jump into this...cause it looks like a giant ball pit.
will these black balls work in backyard swimming pools?
Just like most of the comments here this does not seam well thought out,but it is California .
they could of just used a insulated blanket
Your water may taste a little plasticy though. No cause for concern :/
It will work like everything else in California.
Should of pressed him on how it wont pollute the water with millions of plastic balls in the water and sunlight for years. Plus this solves nothing water demand will only increase that place will run dry one day soon, just hurry up with the desalination plants.
This is fun to watch
Wasn't this done because of bromine naturally occurring in water and mixing with chlorine made some toxic compounds. This reaction happens when sunlight hit the water, so they had to cover the reservoir.. That's the story I heard..
but then where do they get rains from? if they cover the rivers?
Kapil Sriram Water can still get in.
Kasbian Vaulks rain is made from evaporated water. lol
Idol Cruisefix most rain water evaporates from the sea and is carried onto mainland where it rises above the land, cools, condenses and precipitates. Plus a reserve is a natural made barrier which is often syphoned off a river anyway so the rain supplying the rivers is still going to hit the reserve. Also reserves arent rain stores, that is just an added benefit of being open.
Crazycow280 Oops, I think I was telling Kasbian what the question was about, not referring to the water bodies in particular, but you are motly right I think, but ocean formed rainclouds are drained and replenished by a lot of "land locked" evaporation after getting to the middle of a continent, right? also, I don't understand how reservoirs are not rain stores? doesn't all fresh, inland water come from rain?
Its purely based on the last place the waters from, reserves are fed off of rivers and are therefore just water stores. A rain store is an isolated reserve that isnt connected to anything. Man made lakes are rain reserves with slight help with the intersection of the water table. At least thats how ive always been told to define them but thats in the Uk
What about the seaweed? :(
Why the color is black? Black absorb more heat, and it could heat up the water >> more evaporation.
When it starts to melt plastic in the water freely Drink that . Another Serb.
wouldn't stopping the evaporation of the water will also result as no production of clouds and no rain?? thats just me. if theres a different way to make it rain without evaporation of the water in tye planet please shine some light my way and explain it to me.
no evaporation... no rains...
I'm guessing that the geo-engineering wasn't working...
I donțt ge it. If it evaporates then it result clouds and rain. You are not avoiding drought, you are creating it.
is it just me to be perplex about this solution? why not using plants? cheaper , and they can be a food source saving from agricolture i know plants use up water, but that's a good thing! no evaporation means no rain , and maybe winds could bring rainy clouds from far away, but in the long run it will move the draugh and make it worse .can anybody correct me if i'm wrong ?
Yea lets not let animals and insects use the water, that will work out well. Almost as well as using black instead of white and almost many times more expensive than using an intelligent way of water storage and transport.
Good ol US of A
way to kill everything in that lake
I'm offensive and I find the balls black.
this is going to backfire i just know it
The city is required to do human health studies and they did not!!!!! black plastic is never for hot water as it has carcinogens. also, production chemicals leach from plastics when heated. Oxymoron alert: black color absorbs heat which could heat up the water and make it evaporate quicker.
Black balls, really? A Child knows that black conducts heat.
+Custer Yes, really. "Pure black carbon gives the balls their color after being added to the plastic to absorb UV rays. That prevents sunlight from penetrating the plastic and getting to either the water inside the balls or beneath them. A lighter-colored ball may allow sunlight to pass through into the water, rendering it ineffective, said Sydney Chase, who owns shade ball manufacturer XavierC, one of the suppliers involved in the project."
+akhristov Now that's a good BUUURRRRNNNN!!!!
Roden Enriquez Hows that relative to the fact that the color black still conducts heat? i mean yeah, "Blocking UV rays" but when the fuck did UV rays play part in vaporizing water? Basic Chemistry guys..
+Custer then go make your own balls. Aaannnnddd still... BBBUUUURRRRRNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Roden Enriquez Child? submit yourself already
There HAS to be some percentage of evaporation & Wouldn't having the balls white absorb less heat?
Imagine how exciting if would be to go down a slip n slide into this and shoot across the lake.
not quite how it would work but seems fun
Wouldn't white balls make more sense because they reflect more of the light? Don't black balls get warm in the sun?
They are added to stop sunlight causing Bromate from forming, this states something completely different, what gives?? hmm
01:26 ffffuuuu... politicians same everywhere... liars!
fucking LA... I gotta move
that's not... natural. What about water cycle?
surely the planet needs the evaporation? isnt that what makes clouds -rain for animals, trees, plants , grass ? not sure, im no scientist or botanist but thats how my crazy mind works 😕
why aren't they white colored if they should reflect sun?
+Nikola Novkovic if the balls are black they absorb more heat unlike white balls that would just reflect the heat elsewhere potentially leading to more evaporation
surely a plastic sheet with some holes in it would've been cheaper than 35 million
Lol people talking about plastic and water...like theyve never drank from a water bottle...i bet its the same people who think gmo's are bad
Yeah!?! Why black over white?
27 hundred??? what kind of fucking number is this? 1:09 it would mean 270?
+Elli Pszia
2,700 two thousand, seven hundred.
+choplass makes sense
I have two questions. Won't it kill the fish? the oxygen can't get to the water.
Wouldn't white balls work better? the reflect the heat way better than black.
black, wouldn't white be better since it reflects sunlight, the black will heat the water and make it more likely to evaporate! duh.
In gta that's by Franklins house 😱
Really super idea But due to that plastic balls there is no effect of human life means its awesome....
she's right.black attracts "heat" "white"doesn't........your right that is racist ;)
And they are ALL made out of... PLASTIC! made out of... Oil. Oil isn't so bad now, is it.
Either way it's a fossil fuel. *****
wouldnt white color be better? reflecting all that heat?
john blackstone with a black ball in his hand :)