I am planning to use an LSU26 slope bracket for a 2x6 joist at a 1/12 pitch porch roof and would like to know if I can install two Big Timber 9-3" screws at an angle on two of the holes just like the LUS 26 brackets? I was told that it would work. I have seen your shows and I would really like to hear your input since you know your stuff.
What brackets if any do you use to attach the posts to the deck itself? Or do you go past the deck boards and attach to the joists? If so what would you use for that?
How come the beams aren't pressure treated Hemlock? Is it due to load capacity? Also, since they're not pressure treated, how do you protect the wood? I know it's underneath a waterproof deck, but it's still outside, right?
Those Simpson structural screws suck!!! Just finished a deck build using them, GRK and fasten master. The Simpsons snapped, pulled out and even stripped. The other brands performed amazing!
Thanks for the explanation!
I am planning to use an LSU26 slope bracket for a 2x6 joist at a 1/12 pitch porch roof and would like to know if I can install two Big Timber 9-3" screws at an angle on two of the holes just like the LUS 26 brackets? I was told that it would work. I have seen your shows and I would really like to hear your input since you know your stuff.
Are you allowed to use GRK screws with those hangers also? I’m only asking because I was told that you can. Thanks
How are you attaching ledgers to Full brick Homes? Lots of miss information on this specifically
ikr all these guys skip brick homes probably because they work on new construction and higher end homes. my area has tons of brick homes
What brackets if any do you use to attach the posts to the deck itself? Or do you go past the deck boards and attach to the joists? If so what would you use for that?
What type of bracket did you use to hold the gluelam to the house?
How come the beams aren't pressure treated Hemlock? Is it due to load capacity? Also, since they're not pressure treated, how do you protect the wood? I know it's underneath a waterproof deck, but it's still outside, right?
With out the durag it doesn't feel like dr deck... lol thanks for the content!!!
Those Simpson structural screws suck!!! Just finished a deck build using them, GRK and fasten master. The Simpsons snapped, pulled out and even stripped. The other brands performed amazing!
GRK is my go-to for any construction. Never had one strip, bend, warp or snap, plus they eat really well.