Ok so I've been listening for this for a week and I feel more confident sassy and bichy (not in a bad way) and I'm less scared to express myself to other people (like bullies) I'll update if I get more results.
my goals and what im gonna accomplish- i pull boys in easily i’m sassy i’m sly i’m slick i’m gorgeous i’m hard to get i have confidence over the roof i only care about me
I have been listening to this subliminal for 13 days. Here are some results: -I'm sassy. -I'm sly. I'm sneaky. -I only care about me - I'm selfish. - I told my mom that i'm pansexual,but I didn't have the courage to tell her before to listen to this subliminal.And she doesn't have problem with that,she even supports me.
I’ve started listening to this one after listening to a few other ones and getting full results which I look full on identical to her and I act like her and my voice is if not just almost like hers but raspier anyway I’ve been using yours and I am seeing results I’m meaner stronger smarter and my friend told me if she wasn’t friends with me she’d think I’m very fake and manipulative I hope she didn’t mean that in a rude way but I’ll make sure to update when I can ♥️
- This is very underrated and deserve more! I really love this subliminal and i really want to thank you about that, the benefits and the music and the whole editing is literally fire and i love it. I wish i was earlier there to comment more about it but this subliminal works! ;; here is some things i really got from the results and that really worked: - 1. I got really braver than before - 2. I can pull her smirk and smile sometimes - 3. Got better at fight and don't give up easily - 4. Got really iconic ngl - 5. I got smarter idk just this - 6. Definitely got classier - 7. I'm really respected by everyone in my opinion yet - 8. Psychically stronger - 9. God my flirting skills even got better Some Thing's also about my face that has changed: - 10. Smaller forehead finally - 11. Smoother skin - 12. Got more stylish :: i really want to say this subliminal is the best one i've ever seen and the one who worked for me mostly and i'm glad i found it. ^^ - Thanks for this subliminal it's really works i love it. !! ꨄ︎ update: 2022, 2 August: - don't ask about updates I'm completely done with the subliminal and i got everything i needed 100% sure but i used to listen a lot and i want to say this really works and it's good asf and 100% safe! This subliminal is good asf Apologies if my English is kinda bad bad now lmao Anyways that's it and don't forget to drink water 🤍
Gonna start using this again results for people using this D1: ok this works I have a smaller forehead my eyes are getting to her size and kinds already had the shape my nose got extremely small my lip shape changed and the way I act has to I feel more confident! D2: ok not much changes today but my lips are almost identical to Katherine’s my eyes are gaining shape and my eyebrows to! D3: some better changes today my eyes are almost the same size and shape of Katherine’s my nose is almost identical to hers my lips are perfect like hers and my eyebrows have gained more shape D4: omg this works miracles I have her exact eye shape and lip shape! My nose is smaller and so is my forehead
I almost never leave results in comments, but yesterday I listened to this audio for about 10/15 minutes?, because it appeared to me and I love that song and Katherine, I SWEAR It did give me results, not so drastic but notable, I had an attitude more similar to her, I had more confidence in myself during the day, I also tried to make a little Expressions like her and they came out very naturally, I also have wavy hair but many times it is difficult for me to keep it "arranged" and it literally takes shape like Katherine's hairstyle, I didn't even try to make it look alike, it settled on its own.
This contains affirmations to get the desired features of her face and body, so if you want to look like her you can with this sub, but if you don't want her persona and so on I'd might consider making a subliminal to look like her 🤍
Btw hi I’m back! Do u still think to post any subliminals because u haven’t posted in a while it’s been years lmao lmao. Your subliminals are amazing really 🫶🏻 I lowkey hope you didn’t quiet doing them but still
Thank you for this sub I'll update yall So I'm going to sleep now while listening to this so tomorrow is gonna be day one Day 1- so today was kinda good day I felt confident in school I wore some clothes which reminded me of Katherine, jewelry, some make up I was hot tho And best thing is the guy I like, he asked me for my insta so this is effective Day 3 - I'll stop here cuz I gain my confidence back and I slay, finally I'm not shy anymore my mindset is so good now and about the guy... he's kind of pu$$y I didn't saw him at all these 2 days but I think he doesn't know what he wants ik he likes me but there IS something wrong with him Anyways I'm not gonna break my head thinking about him I'm moving on I just don't care anymore, stay strong everyone and belive in yourself that's gonna make you more confident and be smart😘❤️
You can listen as many times as you want to, but one time is actually enough because I repeated the affirmations many times so one listen is actually many listens of the affirmations 🤍
@@moonlightsquadrobloxplaya1040 hi i actually stopped using this after 10 days because i got my full results but then i used a flush bc i changed my df but it worked great i used it for like 20 mins everyday after school (in the day) and my facial structure , eyebrows and nose changed to hers i ddint want her lips because i liked mine i hope this heped
@@godislove7410 i got her confidence and my comebacks r amazing idc about what other ppl think of me anymore and im not scared of being alone anymore it worked amazing
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can’t really comprehend the benefits, does this have any specific affs to look like Katherine or have her features?
هذا اللاشعور هو أن تكون مثل كاثرين بيرس ولن يمنحك وجهها وجسدها إلا إذا كنت تريد ذلك. وهذا أيضًا هو أول شعور لا شعوري أقوم بنشره، لقد اختبرته وأحسست بالوخز. سيكون من دواعي سروري حقًا إذا كنت ترغب في ذلك والاشتراك. 〚𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬〛 ❥ الشخصية ﹥موقفها، وحيويتها، وهالة ﹥الشخصية المرغوبة (الجميع يحب شخصيتك) ﹥لديك أي سمة شخصية مرغوبة لها ﹥شخصية ممتعة ومثيرة ﹥ واثق من نفسه ﹥مبدع ﹥المهيمنة ﹥ مغر ﹥ذكي، ماكر، متستر ﹥كل شيء يسير دائمًا وفقًا لخطتك ﹥وقح ﹥سريع البديهة ﹥كل ما تقوله مبدع تمامًا ﹥أنيق ﹥make أفضل النكات ﹥ابق هادئًا دائمًا في المواقف الصعبة ﹥صعبة وقوية عقليا ﹥يحترمه الجميع ❥ السلوك ﹥ تكون قادرة على سحب التحديق لها مغر ﹥ابتسم، ابتسم مثلها ﹥تحدث مثلها ﹥لديها تعابير وجهها ﹥لديها لفتاتها ﹥المشي مثلها (تكون قادرًا على المشي بالكعب العالي طوال اليوم، وتبدو مذهلة أثناء المشي بالكعب العالي) ❥ المهارات ﹥كن موهبة طبيعية في كل ما تفعله ﹥قوي جسديًا، وذو قدرة عالية على تحمل الألم ﹥القتال (الضربات والركلات القوية) ﹥السيطرة الجيدة على الجسم ﹥الرقص ﹥احصل دائمًا على كل ما تريد ﹥العودة الأيقونية ﹥ تكون قادرة على تخويف أي شخص مرغوب فيه ﹥الفوز دائمًا في كل مباراة ﹥ تكون قادرة على التعامل مع أي شخص مرغوب فيه ﹥ اجعل الجميع يلتفون حول إصبعك بسهولة ﹥ تكون قادرًا على جعل الجميع يحبونك/يعشقونك/يعجبون بك ﹥ تكون قادرة على إغواء وجذب أي شخص مرغوب فيه ﹥ يمزح ❥ المظهر والمظهر ﹥ تبدو مثل العمر المطلوب ﹥تبدو جميلة مثلها ﹥تبدو دائمًا مثالية تمامًا ﹥أنت مثالي في نظر الجميع ﹥كن أنيقًا (لديك الملابس والأحذية والمجوهرات المرغوبة من كاثرين) وتبدو مذهلة في كل ما ترتديه ﹥الوجه والجسم المرغوب فيه (الملامح المرغوبة لوجه وجسم كاثرين) ﹥كلاهما (الوجه والجسم) جميل ومثالي تمامًا ﹥صحة الجسم والأعضاء ﹥بشرة صحية وناعمة ومثالية ﹥شعري كامل وسميك ومطلوب ﹥شعر فروة الرأس صحي، كثيف، حريري، مرغوب فيه (الطول المطلوب، نوع شعر كاثرين) ﹥يبدو شعر فروة الرأس دائمًا مصففًا بشكل مثالي ﹥ تكون قادرًا على عمل أي تسريحة شعر، كل تسريحة شعر كاثرين تناسبك جيدًا 〚𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬〛 ❥ كل شعور لا شعوري سأصنعه سيكون مرتبطًا بـ TVD ❥ تحتوي على تأكيدات مع "أنت/لك" و"أنا/لي" ❥ يحتوي على تأكيدات إيجابية فقط ❥ سريع مسرع وتكرر مرات عديدة ❥ لا تحتوي على تردد ❥ يمكن تنزيله بأي تنسيق ❥ يمكنكم تحميل النسخ الصامتة لمشتركاتي من خلال جوجل درايف، الرابط موجود في الأسفل
〚𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬〛 ❥ personalidad ﹥su actitud, vibra, aura ﹥personalidad deseada (todos aman tu personalidad) ﹥tiene algún rasgo de personalidad deseado de ella ﹥ personalidad divertida y emocionante ﹥confiado en sí mismo ﹥icónico ﹥dominante ﹥seductor ﹥inteligente, astuto, astuto ﹥todo siempre sale según tu plan ﹥ atrevido ﹥ ingenioso ﹥todo lo que dices es absolutamente icónico ﹥con clase ﹥haz los mejores chistes ﹥ mantente siempre tranquilo en situaciones difíciles ﹥duro y mentalmente fuerte ﹥respetado por todos ❥ comportamiento ﹥ser capaz de lograr su mirada seductora ﹥sonríe, sonríe como ella ﹥ habla como ella ﹥tener sus expresiones faciales ﹥tener sus gestos ﹥ caminar como ella (poder caminar con tacones altos todo el día, lucir impresionante mientras camina con tacones altos) ❥ habilidades ﹥ser un talento natural en todo lo que hagas ﹥físicamente fuerte, alta tolerancia al dolor ﹥pelear (golpes fuertes y patadas) ﹥buen control corporal ﹥bailando ﹥siempre consigue todo lo que deseas ﹥regresos icónicos ﹥ser capaz de intimidar a cualquier persona deseada ﹥ siempre gana todos los juegos ﹥ser capaz de manipular a cualquier persona deseada ﹥tenga a todos envueltos alrededor de su dedo con facilidad ﹥ser capaz de lograr que todos te amen/adoren/admiren ﹥ser capaz de seducir y atraer a cualquier persona deseada ﹥coquetear ❥ apariencia y apariencia ﹥ lucir como tu edad deseada ﹥luce tan hermosa como ella ﹥luce siempre absolutamente perfecta ﹥eres perfecto a los ojos de todos ﹥ sea elegante (tenga la ropa, los zapatos y las joyas que desea de Katherine) y luzca deslumbrante con todo lo que use ﹥cara y cuerpo deseados (rasgos deseados de la cara y el cuerpo de Katherine) ﹥ambos (cara y cuerpo) son absolutamente hermosos y perfectos ﹥cuerpo y órganos sanos ﹥piel sana, suave y perfecta ﹥ línea del cabello completa, gruesa y deseada ﹥cabello del cuero cabelludo sano, voluminoso, sedoso y deseado (longitud deseada, tipo de cabello de Katherine) ﹥el cabello del cuero cabelludo luce siempre perfectamente peinado ﹥Podrás hacer cualquier peinado, cada peinado de Katherine te queda muy bien.
I didn't put affirmations exactly for that in the subliminal, only what is scripted in the description: healthy, smooth, perfect skin. In addition, you will only receive desired results, so if you want to get rid of cellulite, you will get rid of it, and if you don't want to get rid of it, you won't 🤍
@@tvdsubs hey pls check your tvd subs account I messaged you it’s urgent pls tell me your tvd vampire subliminal will be out soon I need to escape this place pls respond 😔❤️
Okay soo i listen to this on my drive to school "about 30 minutes" and like a couple nights ago i was sitting on my bed and i heard a group of teenagers outside and it sounded like they were right next to me and i could make out what they were saying and they weren't yelling either (my rooms on the second floor)
@@littlemermaid2370 No, not yet bc I am still working on some other subs and I have school and have to learn for tests, so I'm kinda busy rn. I hope you understand 🤍
@@lindasharghi3810 I do not believe in a deadline for results, I think that everyone decides for themselves when they get results. So if you think you will receive results after one listen you will receive them after one listen. If you think that it will take 1 month to see results, it will be like that. And this is the same thing for every subliminal, I hope I could help you 😊💓
@@tvdsubs hey pls respond, when will the tvd subliminal you said you would make be out, I really need to escape this place and please check your dms I messaged you on your tvd subs account pls
This is to get her personality but you can also get her body but ONLY if you desire, you can just get your desired body or desired body features of Katherine Pierce so for example it can just be her weight or only her legs. The subliminal is unisex 🤍
〚𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬〛 ❥ personalidad ﹥su actitud, vibra, aura ﹥personalidad deseada (todos aman tu personalidad) ﹥tiene algún rasgo de personalidad deseado de ella ﹥ personalidad divertida y emocionante ﹥confiado en sí mismo ﹥icónico ﹥dominante ﹥seductor ﹥inteligente, astuto, astuto ﹥todo siempre sale según tu plan ﹥ atrevido ﹥ ingenioso ﹥todo lo que dices es absolutamente icónico ﹥con clase ﹥haz los mejores chistes ﹥ mantente siempre tranquilo en situaciones difíciles ﹥duro y mentalmente fuerte ﹥respetado por todos ❥ comportamiento ﹥ser capaz de lograr su mirada seductora ﹥sonríe, sonríe como ella ﹥ habla como ella ﹥tener sus expresiones faciales ﹥tener sus gestos ﹥ caminar como ella (poder caminar con tacones altos todo el día, lucir impresionante mientras camina con tacones altos) ❥ habilidades ﹥ser un talento natural en todo lo que hagas ﹥físicamente fuerte, alta tolerancia al dolor ﹥pelear (golpes fuertes y patadas) ﹥buen control corporal ﹥bailando ﹥siempre consigue todo lo que deseas ﹥regresos icónicos ﹥ser capaz de intimidar a cualquier persona deseada ﹥ siempre gana todos los juegos ﹥ser capaz de manipular a cualquier persona deseada ﹥tenga a todos envueltos alrededor de su dedo con facilidad ﹥ser capaz de lograr que todos te amen/adoren/admiren ﹥ser capaz de seducir y atraer a cualquier persona deseada ﹥coquetear ❥ apariencia y apariencia ﹥ lucir como tu edad deseada ﹥luce tan hermosa como ella ﹥luce siempre absolutamente perfecta ﹥eres perfecto a los ojos de todos ﹥ sea elegante (tenga la ropa, los zapatos y las joyas que desea de Katherine) y luzca deslumbrante con todo lo que use ﹥cara y cuerpo deseados (rasgos deseados de la cara y el cuerpo de Katherine) ﹥ambos (cara y cuerpo) son absolutamente hermosos y perfectos ﹥cuerpo y órganos sanos ﹥piel sana, suave y perfecta ﹥ línea del cabello completa, gruesa y deseada ﹥cabello del cuero cabelludo sano, voluminoso, sedoso y deseado (longitud deseada, tipo de cabello de Katherine) ﹥el cabello del cuero cabelludo luce siempre perfectamente peinado ﹥Podrás hacer cualquier peinado, cada peinado de Katherine te queda muy bien.
Which TVD-character should be next? ;D
caroline plss
@@wksnz__342 yasss I'll make it 😊
@@tvdsubs Can you please make vampire subliminal like from tvd or the originals? (Without ring and invinted in if is possible)?
@@ivanasedic1930 sure 😊
@@tvdsubs Thank you
Ok so I've been listening for this for a week and I feel more confident sassy and bichy (not in a bad way) and I'm less scared to express myself to other people (like bullies) I'll update if I get more results.
my goals and what im gonna accomplish-
i pull boys in easily
i’m sassy
i’m sly
i’m slick
i’m gorgeous
i’m hard to get
i have confidence over the roof
i only care about me
I have been listening to this subliminal for 13 days.
Here are some results:
-I'm sassy.
-I'm sly.
I'm sneaky.
-I only care about me
- I'm selfish.
- I told my mom that i'm pansexual,but I didn't have the courage to tell her before to listen to this subliminal.And she doesn't have problem with that,she even supports me.
My eyes are similar to her eyes,sometimes I can pull her smile and her smirk.
day 1~listend twice i can feel the energy of this working very soon just waiting to be activated!
I’ve started listening to this one after listening to a few other ones and getting full results which I look full on identical to her and I act like her and my voice is if not just almost like hers but raspier anyway I’ve been using yours and I am seeing results I’m meaner stronger smarter and my friend told me if she wasn’t friends with me she’d think I’m very fake and manipulative I hope she didn’t mean that in a rude way but I’ll make sure to update when I can ♥️
Wow that are great results 🤍 happy to hear about them 🥰
How long did you listen
@@godislove7410 I listened for 16 minutes
@@katherinapetrova9195 what do you mean with subs I used? 🤍 And yes, I have an Instagram acc: tvd.subs
@@tvdsubs sorry sorry my bad...I asked the wrong person..I mean Katherine p
- This is very underrated and deserve more! I really love this subliminal and i really want to thank you about that, the benefits and the music and the whole editing is literally fire and i love it. I wish i was earlier there to comment more about it but this subliminal works!
;; here is some things i really got from the results and that really worked:
- 1. I got really braver than before
- 2. I can pull her smirk and smile sometimes
- 3. Got better at fight and don't give up easily
- 4. Got really iconic ngl
- 5. I got smarter idk just this
- 6. Definitely got classier
- 7. I'm really respected by everyone in my opinion yet
- 8. Psychically stronger
- 9. God my flirting skills even got better
Some Thing's also about my face that has changed:
- 10. Smaller forehead finally
- 11. Smoother skin
- 12. Got more stylish
:: i really want to say this subliminal is the best one i've ever seen and the one who worked for me mostly and i'm glad i found it. ^^
- Thanks for this subliminal it's really works i love it. !!
ꨄ︎ update: 2022, 2 August:
- don't ask about updates I'm completely done with the subliminal and i got everything i needed 100% sure but i used
to listen a lot and i want to say this really works and it's good asf and 100% safe! This subliminal is good asf
Apologies if my English is kinda bad bad now lmao
Anyways that's it and don't forget to drink water 🤍
I am so happy that it worked so well for you, thank you for sharing your results 🤍😊
Hi does it really needed to watch or just listen like I want to listen but just through headsets
@@nyrehtak5537 - Listen is mostly! You don't need to watch it or something
But yeah you can also listen from headsets
@@bojidara Thank you hope I will have the same result you get,xoxo
@@nyrehtak5537 you just need to listen 🤍
I really love this subliminal! It's amazing and super effective! With just a couple of listens in 1 DAY I already feel how my vibe changed
I can feel the power exuding 💋
Omg my left foot is tingling
it's so sad you don't make subs anymore because this is so awesome
Gonna start using this again results for people using this
D1: ok this works I have a smaller forehead my eyes are getting to her size and kinds already had the shape my nose got extremely small my lip shape changed and the way I act has to I feel more confident!
D2: ok not much changes today but my lips are almost identical to Katherine’s my eyes are gaining shape and my eyebrows to!
D3: some better changes today my eyes are almost the same size and shape of Katherine’s my nose is almost identical to hers my lips are perfect like hers and my eyebrows have gained more shape
D4: omg this works miracles I have her exact eye shape and lip shape! My nose is smaller and so is my forehead
Great to hear about your results 🤍
@@tvdsubs do you still make subs? Or will you start making them again?
( just a random question )
Day one and I already feel so much more confident! I'll try to update!
I almost never leave results in comments, but yesterday I listened to this audio for about 10/15 minutes?, because it appeared to me and I love that song and Katherine, I SWEAR It did give me results, not so drastic but notable, I had an attitude more similar to her, I had more confidence in myself during the day, I also tried to make a little Expressions like her and they came out very naturally, I also have wavy hair but many times it is difficult for me to keep it "arranged" and it literally takes shape like Katherine's hairstyle, I didn't even try to make it look alike, it settled on its own.
I apologize if there are some flaws in what I wrote, I used the translator ajhdhaha
Love this
wait where did u find this version of the song? i really love ittt it’s more quieter
Thank you so much, I'm happy you like it because I made it myself 🥺💕
@@tvdsubs wow!!
Updating in a month 🙈~November 10th
Good luck 🤍
Honey! where are you? You are not making any new subs. I hope you are doing great. Your subs are amazing ❤️ Thank you for helping others☺️🙏
Ty that's appreciated 🥰 I am currently busy with school but I am working on two new subliminals 🤍
@@tvdsubs take your time❤️❤️
@@GlowWhiz ty sweetheart :)
Ready to became mean.
Can you do a look like Katherine Pierce sub!💗💗
This contains affirmations to get the desired features of her face and body, so if you want to look like her you can with this sub, but if you don't want her persona and so on I'd might consider making a subliminal to look like her 🤍
@@tvdsubs please make a Katherine look like one... just same duration as this one
Day 2 listening to this subliminal
It’s funny cuz my name is Katie short for Katherine lmao
Btw hi I’m back! Do u still think to post any subliminals because u haven’t posted in a while it’s been years lmao lmao. Your subliminals are amazing really 🫶🏻 I lowkey hope you didn’t quiet doing them but still
Thank you for this sub I'll update yall
So I'm going to sleep now while listening to this so tomorrow is gonna be day one
Day 1- so today was kinda good day I felt confident in school I wore some clothes which reminded me of Katherine, jewelry, some make up I was hot tho
And best thing is the guy I like, he asked me for my insta so this is effective
Day 3 - I'll stop here cuz I gain my confidence back and I slay, finally I'm not shy anymore my mindset is so good now and about the guy... he's kind of pu$$y I didn't saw him at all these 2 days but I think he doesn't know what he wants ik he likes me but there IS something wrong with him
Anyways I'm not gonna break my head thinking about him I'm moving on I just don't care anymore, stay strong everyone and belive in yourself that's gonna make you more confident and be smart😘❤️
Great to hear about your results 🤍
@@tvdsubs tysm ❤️
Hi, i was wondering if you could make a subliminal for lizzie saltzmans face and blonde hair, and voice? If so ty
Ik this video was awhile ago but I hope you get the chance to reply how long should we listen? Or how many times we should listen a day
You can listen as many times as you want to, but one time is actually enough because I repeated the affirmations many times so one listen is actually many listens of the affirmations 🤍
@@tvdsubs ok ty! :D
i'll update in 25 days
@@moonlightsquadrobloxplaya1040 hi i actually stopped using this after 10 days because i got my full results but then i used a flush bc i changed my df but it worked great i used it for like 20 mins everyday after school (in the day) and my facial structure , eyebrows and nose changed to hers i ddint want her lips because i liked mine i hope this heped
@@918hz what about behaviour
@@godislove7410 i got her confidence and my comebacks r amazing idc about what other ppl think of me anymore and im not scared of being alone anymore it worked amazing
@@918hz how long did you listen
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can’t really comprehend the benefits, does this have any specific affs to look like Katherine or have her features?
It contains affirmations for achieving your desired face and only if you want desired facial and body features of Katherine
@@tvdsubs ok thank you!
هذا اللاشعور هو أن تكون مثل كاثرين بيرس ولن يمنحك وجهها وجسدها إلا إذا كنت تريد ذلك. وهذا أيضًا هو أول شعور لا شعوري أقوم بنشره، لقد اختبرته وأحسست بالوخز. سيكون من دواعي سروري حقًا إذا كنت ترغب في ذلك والاشتراك.
❥ الشخصية
﹥موقفها، وحيويتها، وهالة
﹥الشخصية المرغوبة (الجميع يحب شخصيتك)
﹥لديك أي سمة شخصية مرغوبة لها
﹥شخصية ممتعة ومثيرة
﹥ واثق من نفسه
﹥ مغر
﹥ذكي، ماكر، متستر
﹥كل شيء يسير دائمًا وفقًا لخطتك
﹥سريع البديهة
﹥كل ما تقوله مبدع تمامًا
﹥make أفضل النكات
﹥ابق هادئًا دائمًا في المواقف الصعبة
﹥صعبة وقوية عقليا
﹥يحترمه الجميع
❥ السلوك
﹥ تكون قادرة على سحب التحديق لها مغر
﹥ابتسم، ابتسم مثلها
﹥تحدث مثلها
﹥لديها تعابير وجهها
﹥لديها لفتاتها
﹥المشي مثلها (تكون قادرًا على المشي بالكعب العالي طوال اليوم، وتبدو مذهلة أثناء المشي بالكعب العالي)
❥ المهارات
﹥كن موهبة طبيعية في كل ما تفعله
﹥قوي جسديًا، وذو قدرة عالية على تحمل الألم
﹥القتال (الضربات والركلات القوية)
﹥السيطرة الجيدة على الجسم
﹥احصل دائمًا على كل ما تريد
﹥العودة الأيقونية
﹥ تكون قادرة على تخويف أي شخص مرغوب فيه
﹥الفوز دائمًا في كل مباراة
﹥ تكون قادرة على التعامل مع أي شخص مرغوب فيه
﹥ اجعل الجميع يلتفون حول إصبعك بسهولة
﹥ تكون قادرًا على جعل الجميع يحبونك/يعشقونك/يعجبون بك
﹥ تكون قادرة على إغواء وجذب أي شخص مرغوب فيه
﹥ يمزح
❥ المظهر والمظهر
﹥ تبدو مثل العمر المطلوب
﹥تبدو جميلة مثلها
﹥تبدو دائمًا مثالية تمامًا
﹥أنت مثالي في نظر الجميع
﹥كن أنيقًا (لديك الملابس والأحذية والمجوهرات المرغوبة من كاثرين) وتبدو مذهلة في كل ما ترتديه
﹥الوجه والجسم المرغوب فيه (الملامح المرغوبة لوجه وجسم كاثرين)
﹥كلاهما (الوجه والجسم) جميل ومثالي تمامًا
﹥صحة الجسم والأعضاء
﹥بشرة صحية وناعمة ومثالية
﹥شعري كامل وسميك ومطلوب
﹥شعر فروة الرأس صحي، كثيف، حريري، مرغوب فيه (الطول المطلوب، نوع شعر كاثرين)
﹥يبدو شعر فروة الرأس دائمًا مصففًا بشكل مثالي
﹥ تكون قادرًا على عمل أي تسريحة شعر، كل تسريحة شعر كاثرين تناسبك جيدًا
〚𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬〛
❥ كل شعور لا شعوري سأصنعه سيكون مرتبطًا بـ TVD
❥ تحتوي على تأكيدات مع "أنت/لك" و"أنا/لي"
❥ يحتوي على تأكيدات إيجابية فقط
❥ سريع مسرع وتكرر مرات عديدة
❥ لا تحتوي على تردد
❥ يمكن تنزيله بأي تنسيق
❥ يمكنكم تحميل النسخ الصامتة لمشتركاتي من خلال جوجل درايف، الرابط موجود في الأسفل
Can you make a fully activated tribrid one if you minded
Day 3
does anyone here have almond subs Katherine Pierce package saved..if so please reply...they deleted the channel
I want that too🥺 I don't understand why great sub makers delete their channels.
@cat plzz do that thanks alot
@cat thanks girl
Hey! Why did you delete that. Kindly reupload that so I can download it.
@cat heyyy! Plz reupload 🥲
Can this subliminal also help me to remove the scars on my face ?
Yes because it contains affs for desired and perfect skin 🤍
Make a Bennett witch subliminal
Does this give you her height and face and body so I can look like her from her hair to her feet?
Yes, but only if you want to 🤍
Thanks so much 💜💜💜💜💜🌸🌸🌸
did you change the music ?
❥ personalidad
﹥su actitud, vibra, aura
﹥personalidad deseada (todos aman tu personalidad)
﹥tiene algún rasgo de personalidad deseado de ella
﹥ personalidad divertida y emocionante
﹥confiado en sí mismo
﹥inteligente, astuto, astuto
﹥todo siempre sale según tu plan
﹥ atrevido
﹥ ingenioso
﹥todo lo que dices es absolutamente icónico
﹥con clase
﹥haz los mejores chistes
﹥ mantente siempre tranquilo en situaciones difíciles
﹥duro y mentalmente fuerte
﹥respetado por todos
❥ comportamiento
﹥ser capaz de lograr su mirada seductora
﹥sonríe, sonríe como ella
﹥ habla como ella
﹥tener sus expresiones faciales
﹥tener sus gestos
﹥ caminar como ella (poder caminar con tacones altos todo el día, lucir impresionante mientras camina con tacones altos)
❥ habilidades
﹥ser un talento natural en todo lo que hagas
﹥físicamente fuerte, alta tolerancia al dolor
﹥pelear (golpes fuertes y patadas)
﹥buen control corporal
﹥siempre consigue todo lo que deseas
﹥regresos icónicos
﹥ser capaz de intimidar a cualquier persona deseada
﹥ siempre gana todos los juegos
﹥ser capaz de manipular a cualquier persona deseada
﹥tenga a todos envueltos alrededor de su dedo con facilidad
﹥ser capaz de lograr que todos te amen/adoren/admiren
﹥ser capaz de seducir y atraer a cualquier persona deseada
❥ apariencia y apariencia
﹥ lucir como tu edad deseada
﹥luce tan hermosa como ella
﹥luce siempre absolutamente perfecta
﹥eres perfecto a los ojos de todos
﹥ sea elegante (tenga la ropa, los zapatos y las joyas que desea de Katherine) y luzca deslumbrante con todo lo que use
﹥cara y cuerpo deseados (rasgos deseados de la cara y el cuerpo de Katherine)
﹥ambos (cara y cuerpo) son absolutamente hermosos y perfectos
﹥cuerpo y órganos sanos
﹥piel sana, suave y perfecta
﹥ línea del cabello completa, gruesa y deseada
﹥cabello del cuero cabelludo sano, voluminoso, sedoso y deseado (longitud deseada, tipo de cabello de Katherine)
﹥el cabello del cuero cabelludo luce siempre perfectamente peinado
﹥Podrás hacer cualquier peinado, cada peinado de Katherine te queda muy bien.
Gracias por las afirmaciones en español 🫶🏻
How many times should I listen to this per day?
One listen per day is enough in my opinion because I repeated the affirmations many times but of course you can listen as much as you want to 😊
@@tvdsubs Is that unisex ?
@@akagnatyk96 yes it is, it just gives you what is written in the description, so anyone can use it 😊
@@tvdsubs thank you so much ❤️
@@akagnatyk96 no problem 🤍
If i don't want my eyes, my hair look like hers?
Only desired results
I have a doubt, this sub has benefits such as: being free of stretch marks on the butt, cellulite etc.? I would appreciate if someone answered 💗
I didn't put affirmations exactly for that in the subliminal, only what is scripted in the description: healthy, smooth, perfect skin. In addition, you will only receive desired results, so if you want to get rid of cellulite, you will get rid of it, and if you don't want to get rid of it, you won't 🤍
@@tvdsubs Heyy can I use this with a male to female subliminal actually ima use it with it regardless, Anti clash ain’t real
@@abdelssekanjako9541 yes, anyone can use this 🤍
@@tvdsubs hey pls check your tvd subs account I messaged you it’s urgent pls tell me your tvd vampire subliminal will be out soon I need to escape this place pls respond 😔❤️
Can I do water technology?
Can you do this but with Elena Gilbert in season 2? I mean cc of Elena Gilbert in season 2
I'll add that to my list 🤍
@@tvdsubs thank you
Okay soo i listen to this on my drive to school "about 30 minutes" and like a couple nights ago i was sitting on my bed and i heard a group of teenagers outside and it sounded like they were right next to me and i could make out what they were saying and they weren't yelling either (my rooms on the second floor)
Do you take requests
I take suggestions 🤍
if I use this with a jinx arcane subliminal will it clash
No because my subliminal contains only "desired" affirmations so you will only receive what you desire.
Hola me servirá si hablo español???
666th like!💖😈✨
If so can you make a hybrid sub and song I want is bad habits by Ed Sheeran and can you add in a booster
Yes I'll add that to my list 🤍 but I already have many things on my list so it could take a while
@@tvdsubs is my sub fished yet
@@littlemermaid2370 No, not yet bc I am still working on some other subs and I have school and have to learn for tests, so I'm kinda busy rn. I hope you understand 🤍
@@tvdsubs I understand
Is this desired
Yes it is, you will only receive what you desire 🤍
Is this for a vampire?
This is powerful enough?
Yes I made it really powerful 🤍
@@tvdsubs thanks
How long to see results?
@@lindasharghi3810 I do not believe in a deadline for results, I think that everyone decides for themselves when they get results. So if you think you will receive results after one listen you will receive them after one listen. If you think that it will take 1 month to see results, it will be like that.
And this is the same thing for every subliminal, I hope I could help you 😊💓
@@tvdsubs hey pls respond, when will the tvd subliminal you said you would make be out, I really need to escape this place and please check your dms I messaged you on your tvd subs account pls
i dont wanna look like her but I’ll get her body and personality right? 😌🖤
Yes, only desired results 🤍
Song pls?
Is teeth
Even her daylight necklace?
yes if you desire, I included it 🤍
@@tvdsubs thanks
@@tvdsubs can i use ur other subs with it?
@@ameliadavid9248 yes you can 🤍
What happend if a boy listen it?
This is to get her personality but you can also get her body but ONLY if you desire, you can just get your desired body or desired body features of Katherine Pierce so for example it can just be her weight or only her legs. The subliminal is unisex 🤍
@@tvdsubs thank you
@@diegoreif9215 no problem 😊
@@tvdsubs ❤
can i hear it if i speak spanish?
sorry i keep practicing my english
Funciona si hablo español?
neme song?
Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
Domon et Stéphane vanpire daireis
Domon et Stéphane vanpire daireis
❥ personalidad
﹥su actitud, vibra, aura
﹥personalidad deseada (todos aman tu personalidad)
﹥tiene algún rasgo de personalidad deseado de ella
﹥ personalidad divertida y emocionante
﹥confiado en sí mismo
﹥inteligente, astuto, astuto
﹥todo siempre sale según tu plan
﹥ atrevido
﹥ ingenioso
﹥todo lo que dices es absolutamente icónico
﹥con clase
﹥haz los mejores chistes
﹥ mantente siempre tranquilo en situaciones difíciles
﹥duro y mentalmente fuerte
﹥respetado por todos
❥ comportamiento
﹥ser capaz de lograr su mirada seductora
﹥sonríe, sonríe como ella
﹥ habla como ella
﹥tener sus expresiones faciales
﹥tener sus gestos
﹥ caminar como ella (poder caminar con tacones altos todo el día, lucir impresionante mientras camina con tacones altos)
❥ habilidades
﹥ser un talento natural en todo lo que hagas
﹥físicamente fuerte, alta tolerancia al dolor
﹥pelear (golpes fuertes y patadas)
﹥buen control corporal
﹥siempre consigue todo lo que deseas
﹥regresos icónicos
﹥ser capaz de intimidar a cualquier persona deseada
﹥ siempre gana todos los juegos
﹥ser capaz de manipular a cualquier persona deseada
﹥tenga a todos envueltos alrededor de su dedo con facilidad
﹥ser capaz de lograr que todos te amen/adoren/admiren
﹥ser capaz de seducir y atraer a cualquier persona deseada
❥ apariencia y apariencia
﹥ lucir como tu edad deseada
﹥luce tan hermosa como ella
﹥luce siempre absolutamente perfecta
﹥eres perfecto a los ojos de todos
﹥ sea elegante (tenga la ropa, los zapatos y las joyas que desea de Katherine) y luzca deslumbrante con todo lo que use
﹥cara y cuerpo deseados (rasgos deseados de la cara y el cuerpo de Katherine)
﹥ambos (cara y cuerpo) son absolutamente hermosos y perfectos
﹥cuerpo y órganos sanos
﹥piel sana, suave y perfecta
﹥ línea del cabello completa, gruesa y deseada
﹥cabello del cuero cabelludo sano, voluminoso, sedoso y deseado (longitud deseada, tipo de cabello de Katherine)
﹥el cabello del cuero cabelludo luce siempre perfectamente peinado
﹥Podrás hacer cualquier peinado, cada peinado de Katherine te queda muy bien.