Just watch the whole special button thing, I never got that worked out as well as what I wanted... but still like how it ended up, and was wearing it this weekend until I finally got the GMC-B2100ZE sized properly and on the wrist today.
Have you got a link to the mod kit my friend...I did my ga2110su in digi camo from Ali X but didnt come with the gshock branding ...Still looks nice though...Wouldnt mind modding my GWM5610u The same as youve done on this 5610
Certainly, this is the one I ordered, hope it helps www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005950255541.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.5.a9a4f19cUFVnlv
Cool mate!
Thinking about doing the exact same mod.
Just watch the whole special button thing, I never got that worked out as well as what I wanted... but still like how it ended up, and was wearing it this weekend until I finally got the GMC-B2100ZE sized properly and on the wrist today.
Nice mod mate 👌👌
Cheers buddy!
Have you got a link to the mod kit my friend...I did my ga2110su in digi camo from Ali X but didnt come with the gshock branding ...Still looks nice though...Wouldnt mind modding my GWM5610u The same as youve done on this 5610
Certainly, this is the one I ordered, hope it helps www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005950255541.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.5.a9a4f19cUFVnlv
Whats the website you ordered from?
The watch or the kit mate?
@@TheGShockWatcher The kit?
Ahhh OK, this one would be Aliexpress, did I put the link in the video? If not let me know.
@@TheGShockWatcher I did not see a link.
My bad, let me hunt it down when I get back to Singapore, I'm in India at the moment.