I lived next to an HOA in Florida, and they TRIED stuff like this with me. I ended up getting a property ex parte but didn't stop there, their rock wall which makes the boundary of the HOA was right on the property line, State law and city ordinance says that a fence /wall has to be 18 inches from the property line so guess what happened..... Yep they had to spend 100k plus to tear that wall down replant the grass and move it back 18 inches. When I moved I turned the property Ex Parte over to the new owner, it didn't even take them a week before the HOA President and Board members were all arrested for violating the Ex-Parte for marching their a$$es up the driveway to try to harass the new owner.
Montana has strict laws regarding fence cutting he got them on tape and regardless of their parents accusations they are headed to the juvenile authority the ones driving the Golf carts are headed to jail for criminal trespass, and felony cruelty to animals and they too are headed to prison on top of paying the vet bills and the value of the cow that died the damage to his irrigation system and contributing to the delinquency of minors.
I lived next to an HOA in Florida, and they TRIED stuff like this with me. I ended up getting a property ex parte but didn't stop there, their rock wall which makes the boundary of the HOA was right on the property line, State law and city ordinance says that a fence /wall has to be 18 inches from the property line so guess what happened..... Yep they had to spend 100k plus to tear that wall down replant the grass and move it back 18 inches. When I moved I turned the property Ex Parte over to the new owner, it didn't even take them a week before the HOA President and Board members were all arrested for violating the Ex-Parte for marching their a$$es up the driveway to try to harass the new owner.
The property was in his families hands since 1908, the HOA has no authority whatsoever nuff said!
Montana has strict laws regarding fence cutting he got them on tape and regardless of their parents accusations they are headed to the juvenile authority the ones driving the Golf carts are headed to jail for criminal trespass, and felony cruelty to animals and they too are headed to prison on top of paying the vet bills and the value of the cow that died the damage to his irrigation system and contributing to the delinquency of minors.
This is boring