We have a telling of what happened at the council that disbanded the SLDF and stripped Kerensky of his rank: upon hearing the decision, he said nothing, stood up, took off his medals, tossing them away like if they were garbage, took of his uniform, carefully folded it, kissing it before putting it down on the table, and left. One of the members of the council later stated that this moment was when the inner sphere killed any chance at peace. And really shows what man he was: he didnt care about the titles and honors, but truely cherished his duty.
The part at 1:19:00 always makes me so emotional and puts a tear to my eye. House soldiers, Solaris fighters, and ordinary citizens who had nothing to gain in this war volunteered their lives to the SLDF to right the wrongs of Amaris.
1:51:17 About that message: Kerensky's surrender demand was 500 words. Amaris's reponse? 150,000, *not one* of which actually addressed the issue of surrender. Interestingly, among the dicator's many insults was the accusation that Kerensky was "aided by an army of chimaera with scorpion tails, the bodies of snakes, wolves’ faces and the wings of eagles." Clan foreshadowing?
Fun fact about the Rampage that Tex mentioned in the hands of one of them Greenhaven boys: It's an 85 ton assault 'mech, which makes it one of the rarest in terms of mass. Out of the hundreds of battlemechs currently in the setting, only 24 of them are 85-tonners. Arguably, 23, since the Katana is literally just a slightly modified Crockett.
Apt Irl comparison is the Israeli genocide force in Gaza: oh god we keep "taking" ground and killing their children but they keep coming back and kicking our asses Meanwhile in Lebanon: oh god why are we fighting like its WW1, that its i'm shooting myself in the foot so they send me back Another one is ukranians attempting to do a summer offensive one year suffering 10:1 casualties but take 1500 meters of land on average , next summer they attack and suffer 6:1 and lose more ground then they take and have their best units functionally destroyed or left in artificially formed meat grinders intended to ultra attrition them to the point that provoking a nuclear war is the only thing that can "save" them
The fun part about 'Pirate' warp points is that, where a normal warp point is a stable gravitational eddy above or below the star, in the zenith or nadir positions, and is kept that way by the star itself... Pirate points are TEMPORARY but semi-predictable gravitiational eddies caused by planets, moons, and their interactions with each other and their star. You have to not only do crazy amounts of astrographic math to figure out where a pirate point SHOULD appear, but know that the window of that particular point could be anything as short as a few MINUTES, up to a few days. Jumping to a Pirate point that has, well, passed outside the thresholds to keep being a pirate point is a good way to get warped into the heart of a moon or planet, or have your engine critically damaged by the gravitational effects that it's not supposed to be exposed to. So every recon ship that used a pirate point had a good chance of not coming back. And even if they arrived successfully, if that pirate point 'closed' shortly thereafter, they'd either have to move to another point in the system where another point MIGHT form... or wait for the planetary alignments to shift enough that it opens up the point again. Which could be death, if you're being hunted.
@EpicGamer681 Is there really confirmation in the lore that he was responsible for Simon Cameron's death? Just because he benefited the most from it doesn't he was responsible for the incident though he was the most suspected.
I think Tex up the Amaris issue in the Mackie issue. Prior to the Star League another Cameron was assassinated. The head of Hegemony security was an Amaris who ran off to the Rim Worlds league, and eventually took it over, founding House Amaris. And the whole coup was a long term plan by the Amaris family.
@@ssjjshawn Let me rephrase: There were SLDF intellegence reports (which had been recovered and made public by Clan Ghost Bear centuries later) that the mining mech that killed Simon had been sabotaged. While it's never been confirmed that Amaris was responsible, it's widely assumed that he had a hand in it in some way.
Not even that. Richard's Wife took a look at his and went "I can Fix him", and it was working. He was calming down and starting private talks with the House Lord's to try to revive relations.
Fun fact: Legos' Lancers were a mercenary unit hired to help "police" a city named Greenhaven, on the planet Novara. They were so heavy-handed, the mayor called them "the Greenhaven Gestapo". Antilos Legos, founder of the unit, being "that guy", decided he liked the name and made it official. Yeah, these guys suck, and they f'in OWN IT.
Kerensky's speach is so sad and gutwrenching to listen to. In the end, after his death, his dream and legacy would fall apart, and then be twisted and poisened by hi son. And in the end in May 3052 on a small agricultural world the heirs of Krerensky and the Star League would fight each other to the death. The Northwind Highlanders and with the the BlackWatch were awesome. When the partook in the fight against Smoked Jaguar they marched into Battle against the Clan blaring Bagpipe music at maximum volume over every com-channel available disrupting enemy communication while inspiring their own forces at the same time. Turly glorious.
1:13:57 Not really, Lyrans were economy focused and rich since the beginning (even before Star League). Also, in the later eras the ex-Rim Worlds planets don't really amount to anything of importance in the Commonwealth.
Tex and his planet Van Zandt are actually canon to the official Battletech universe. Someone added one of his other characters to an official Battletech novel. Said character is a historian that lives on Van Zandt. So in a round about way Tex is canon. Edit:damn chat got me again.
Yes, GM still exists and makes Fusion Engines. They also made the Blackjack and Marauder Mechs. Nissan also exists, making other rated Fusion Engines. There are a lot of such references if you look closely into the lore. Enjoy. Duncan Fisher's character is an announcer on Solaris, the Mech Arenas. He's best known for his 'flow of consciousness' rants. After the battle of Tukyyid, the Grey Death Legion were able to retrieve a copy of an entire Star League Memory Core, which accelerated the rebuilding of Tech to nearly match that of the Clans. Also, might I suggest you play Hare Brained Scheme's 'Battletech', which is like a computer version of playing on the tabletops with figures and dice, but without the actual dice rolling. Battletech Commanders Edition 3062, and Rogue Tech are both 'fan made' expansions upon the HBS Battletech game. I highly recommend them as well. Joined your channel, and I have enjoyed your reactions to Tex's videos. Keep doing them!
Uhm. About the Legion. The Helm Memory Core was discovered by the GDL BEFORE the Clans ever invaded. The Inner Sphere got on the road to technological recovery some time before the Clans came, which helped a little bit during the invasion
1:47:42 Amaris also attempted to commission the first Superheavy (100 ton plus) Battlemech, but the Matar failed to even move, and it wouldn't be until much later (3076) with the WOB that that someone finally cracked Superheavies, with the first working Superheavy ironically being named the Omega. An absolute monster at 150 tons with 3 gauss rifles and 2 LB10XAC, 27 tons of armor, and an improved C3, but it only run at 32kph, like an Urbanmech. Last ditch super weapons: usually quite laughable. Though sometimes, there are good ideas, albeit too few and too late to change the outcome. Unsurprisingly, one of the SLDF favored mechs to get the IIC treatment by the clans was the Orion. And the Orion IIC is quite nasty. It's also robust and versatile, though sadly artificially limited in production on account of the mythos it evokes, with Alexander Kerensky being very well associated with the Orion, despite starting these long hard years in an Atlas that got taken out of commission or reassigned to front line units, so the Orion was very much Kerensky making due. 2:09:49 I feel this act here is what truly sealed the Lords' decisions. Up until this point, Kerensky had shown Extraordinary restraint, compassion, and fairness. But finally, the General's better nature had found a limit. He lashed out, forgoing due process. And further more, it wasn't just one noble he erased. Kerensky attempted to unilaterally erase the Amaris dynasty. And Amaris started things after taking over by doing his best to wipe out the Cameron dynasty. I firmly believe the Great House Lords could no longer trust Kerensky as they once had, and they had to consider that if he went to war with them and they lost, it wouldn't just be their heads. But their children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and more. That everything their families had built and the entirety of their legacy yet to come could be taken away by the General or destroyed. In this failing, the last breath of the Star League recovering passed. After seemingly impossible strategic feats, Alexander Kerensky proved all too human. Letting him retain power was now potentially a serious risk to the Houses. Given how many followed him into the unknown, and what some of his comrades suggested, I don't feel those fears were entirely unreasonable I have been told that there was a contingency to appoint a Davion as a new First Lord as a contingency by the final reining Cameron, but that the only other house that knew of this plan was Kurita, and you would be right to assume that Kurita said nothing about this. One of their most hated rivals taking THE throne? Of course not. And EVERY house had two bitter rivals on that Council. At BEST you might theoretically get a 3-2 vote for a Lord, but without a central power to balance the houses out, that's not nearly enough to hold fast, let alone start cleaning up the mess and putting pieces back together. And aside from my presumptions that they had fear, they'd also learned a dangerous lesson. That a noble house could, with careful preparation and a bold plan, win it all. And now, there was a vacuum of power. The SLDF was still formidable, but it was demoralized and much reduced. The Camerons were gone. The impenetrable* defenses were broken open by Alexander. Assuming my guesswork about fear holds true, there was the chance to both lose and gain everything. 2:14:25 Yeah, no. Chevalier was wrong. We know what happens if Kerensky stays to make war upon the houses. Kerensky is assassinated. Chevalier takes command. And it's called "Worlds Aflame." Worse even than the first Succession War. In theory there should be a potential outcome that doesn't lead to the Succession Wars and the Clans, but as I've seen it joked, "then this would be peacetech." "impartial reputation and integrity" Things Alexander had been known for, too. It had been those same traits which had gotten Kerensky appointed as Protector in the first place. And it should be noted that the SLcomnet Alexander left behind was in the hands of a sane and rational man. But life can radically change a person. 80%. One of the highest concentrations of military power in the sphere and almost all of it hardened veterans. And when Kerensky asked if they'd follow him off the map, 80% said yes. It is one of the major reasons I feel the House Lords were right to worry about Alexander and the power he wielded. Heck, with that kind of influence, he didn't even have to order to trigger things. People could just act on gentle requests, off the cuff remarks, or even their own assumptions about what the General needed or wanted. This Exodus is indeed the seed that grew into the clans, but it could have been something better. And much as Jerome Blake didn't set out with a full plan to create what Comstar became when he became the head of SLcomnet, Alexander could not have forseen what would become of the Star League in exile when he left to preserve Star League and reduce the destruction that he could see coming. There are LAYERS to the tragedy. And you haven't even seen all the layers yet. But the sad truth is that Tukayyid was a Star League reunion in the ugliest sense. Until things got worse in the Kerfuffle era. Because that era was VERY ugly. 2:28:41 Indeed Bruins did, Marik Marauder, and a fine animatic at that. With another one for the aftermath of the battle. Really wish I could have been here for the live stream, butt it was already well into things by the time I got back from finishing Arcane with my family. And I don't spend enough time with them.
IT should be stressed that Tex is in these videos is often talking AS AN IN UNIVERSE PERSON/HISTORIAN with limited information about many things. For example the Kuritan part here is much more complicated by stuff he would have no idea of knowing. Suffice to say its not as one sided as he makes it out to be an Kurita gave massive amount of resources to Kerensky to include many warships and an entire super carrier, in particular the Kuritan navy was heavily sympathetic of Kerensky and was willing to look the other was and pretend the SLDF raided their supply depos sending token fire their way and giving them their ships by "surrendering". Again Kurita as a whole during this time was much more complex then the one note villain they would be turned into by later writers (i mean read the grey death legion stories for examples of bad writing ). Its very worth reading into a lot of the interesting details for example how Richard Cameron was actually turning it a legitimately good ruler near the end and was actually starting to suspect Amaris and given time and guidance could have redeemed himself, another one is that Stephan greatly respected Aleksandr Kerensky and wanted him on his side and that Kerensky rejection in 40K terms would be the like the utter middle finger Rylanor gave the f**khead Fulgrim
Weren't the Gray Death books, specifically the trilogy, among the first novels of Battletech though? Sarna was showing them as, like, the 1st, 2nd and 4th novels *of Battletech in its entirety,* so....
I missed the latter half of the stream, but for MW5 I recommend the dlc, but also the YAML series mods, they make the game so much more fun and playable. They also add a metric frak ton of weapons, equipment and mechs, with even some stuff that directly references this series with a Discount Dan line of cheat equipment.
From the commander of the "Darkstar Legion" mercenary company, i salute the SLDF and Alexander Kerensky o7, its a shame that none of you found true peace, may you at least find peace in death
For people trying to say that kerensky was impotent, I mean what exactly did you want him to do in this war? He was ordered to the periphery to put down the rebellion, and the sldf was not used to policing actions like tex said, at the same time, you can't really blame him for not doing, anything about amaris, because I'm sure even in his time you can't prosecute a man for something he looks like he is going to do.. he was also 80 or so years old by the end of the civil war, so it's not as though he could give the house Lords the middle finger and tell them to do what he said without installing himself as a dictator, if he installed himself as a dictator well, we just would have had to deal with Nicholas kerenskys issues a little bit sooner wouldn't we? Also as a sort of addendum, I saw someone on the live stream say that kerensky was all talk over duty, but I would say he followed the letter of his duty to the best of his knowledge, commstar may have been the driving force in most of the succession wars, but kerensky didn't know he was putting someone in a position of power that would start a cult around himself and perpetuate years of war (especially because Jerome didn't put his plan into motion till after the first succession war, so kerensky was doing the best he could with the information he had.) also to me it doesn't seem very impotent to execute amaris along with his entire household, this was in no way a positive action, but it also shows the kerensky had some teeth, and he only needed the Vaguest legal pretext to drop the hammer of God on Amaris
@bthsr7113 it's good to see that I'm not completely alone, with how many people were saying kerensky was actually a bad general on the live stream, I thought it was a fringe opinion to believe that he was actually good at his job and a good person.
@@dragansnyder2786 Even if the lore says that he really was an uncaring simpleton, I feel it lessens the story. Him being a smart and skilled military leader who genuinely believed in what the Star League SAID it stood for just makes the tragedies all the more impactful. And he still has his failings as a father and a civilian leader, so it's not like him being a great general who cared about doing the right thing makes him flawless and perfect. Also that one moment he snapped.
@bthsr7113 I I think if I heard it right the Lore actually says that kerensky was a good general, but the authors didn't actually pay attention to each other's work when they were writing the backstory for the clans and the sldf, so a lot of his feats are inconsistently described and sometimes logistically impossible, so apparently it's a very popular fan theory that everything written about kerensky was just in universe propaganda, and that he actually just nuked every enemy he faced, according to this theory The Exodus was his way of fleeing prosecution for all his war crimes, but regardless of all that, I agree with you, the current lower caste system as a good general but a bad father, and in my personal opinion, this theory is a bit too grimdark and too simple, also, the person who mentioned it was kind of ironic in the way they did it, because they said that BattleTech was a setting of Hope and tragedy, but then they brought up this theory like it was one they stood behind , I would think that for a setting of Hope and tragedy it would make more sense for a flawed figure to actually be good at his job but bad at raising kids, where is this fan theory just says that he was bad all around.
I’ll be DM of a dnd game based of battle tech and the necromo night mare story line, I should send that on the requests. I’ll get arround to it some day.
Yeah, Amaris did a lot less stuff that was freaky or for shiggles. Nah, Amaris was about paranoia, cruelty, and ambition. Not... whatever in the waves of the warp Goge was on about.
The Crusader and Warden Clans both had the same ideals, just different ways of going about it. I'd say the Warden Clans were right, wanting to go home still but only when the Inner Sphere had a existential threat to it. Kinda like how Kerensky probably would have done.
Battletech is a wonderful setting of hope and heartbreak afflicted with lazy bad writing that starts when the Clan backstory is written. As a result of three writers penning the Ameris Civil War, and none of them checking the other's work, there are massive logic issues and contradictions. Especially because the lead writer "doesn't do math" so his numbers are just there to shock the reader not to make sense. Yet the contradictions can be resolved by calling the canon history propaganda and saying that in fact Kerensky was busy nuking the periphery uprising into submission when the coup took place, then he went to the Rim World's Republic and nuked it into submission, before finally returning to the Terran Hegemony and nuking it into submission. All with minimal losses to the SLDF. Kerensky is not a great general and fled the Inner Sphere to avoid war crimes prosecution. Some of us hard core fans have embraced this theory since it's the only thing that makes the setting work due to the ENTIRE SLDF Navy being accounted for in the exodus, seriously they left with the same number of ships they had prior to the war because the writer doesn't do math. Also Kerensky abducted thousands of scientists and tens of thousands of civilian families in order to get to the number of people he took with him on his road trip because the writer never bothered to explain why the Inner Sphere's top scientists went with him and he DOESN'T DO MATH! Yes, this guy said Kerensky left with a little over a million people (70% male) and in just two hundred years (and through multiple catastrophic world ending wars) that number had grown to a few billion. That's some dedicated breeding, no wait, that's a bad writer not doing math. I also like to point out that the writers have Kerensky strip the Star League storehouses bare for the war material he needed on five consecutive occasions, and yet there are still numerous stories about people stumbling onto "lost Star League storehouses" taking place after this for hundreds of years. I can go on to rant at length, but I'll end this here.
I agree on the numbers point, although I'd say it's vastly more prominent in the weapon ranges of ballistics and the numbers of jumpships the IS has over the clans' population and number of ships. They do have iron wombs which effectively lets them create whole generations of people in a very short amount of time, regardless of the sex of the genetic donors. This allowed them to heavily mitigate their small and lopsided seed population.
@@gallendugall8913 I'm just going to say that the theory you propose is a bit ironic considering what you started this comment with, because the theory that Alexander kerensky was just a war criminal actually sounds a bit more grimdark (obviously this theory would explain things a bit better, but it also doesn't explain how the rimworld Republic worlds and the worlds of the hegemony remained intact, because if korinsky just used nukes to make them cry uncle, then at the very least Terra wouldn't be viable anymore, because I feel like nuking something into submission would require said planet to be nuked beyond repair.)
We have a telling of what happened at the council that disbanded the SLDF and stripped Kerensky of his rank: upon hearing the decision, he said nothing, stood up, took off his medals, tossing them away like if they were garbage, took of his uniform, carefully folded it, kissing it before putting it down on the table, and left.
One of the members of the council later stated that this moment was when the inner sphere killed any chance at peace. And really shows what man he was: he didnt care about the titles and honors, but truely cherished his duty.
I quite enjoyed Old Man's face when he made the connection at the end with Kerensky's exodus.
The next video he did was on the Blackjack. After that...
Exodus to Elementals; explaining *how* the SLDF became the Clans.
The part at 1:19:00 always makes me so emotional and puts a tear to my eye. House soldiers, Solaris fighters, and ordinary citizens who had nothing to gain in this war volunteered their lives to the SLDF to right the wrongs of Amaris.
About that message: Kerensky's surrender demand was 500 words. Amaris's reponse? 150,000, *not one* of which actually addressed the issue of surrender. Interestingly, among the dicator's many insults was the accusation that Kerensky was "aided by an army of chimaera with scorpion tails, the bodies of snakes, wolves’ faces and the wings of eagles." Clan foreshadowing?
Fun fact about the Rampage that Tex mentioned in the hands of one of them Greenhaven boys: It's an 85 ton assault 'mech, which makes it one of the rarest in terms of mass. Out of the hundreds of battlemechs currently in the setting, only 24 of them are 85-tonners. Arguably, 23, since the Katana is literally just a slightly modified Crockett.
Star League during the War with the Periphery: This hurts this is a deep pain.
During the Amaris Civil War: Oh cool it gets worse!
I see what you did there...
Apt Irl comparison is the Israeli genocide force in Gaza:
oh god we keep "taking" ground and killing their children but they keep coming back and kicking our asses
Meanwhile in Lebanon: oh god why are we fighting like its WW1, that its i'm shooting myself in the foot so they send me back
Another one is ukranians attempting to do a summer offensive one year suffering 10:1 casualties but take 1500 meters of land on average , next summer they attack and suffer 6:1 and lose more ground then they take and have their best units functionally destroyed or left in artificially formed meat grinders intended to ultra attrition them to the point that provoking a nuclear war is the only thing that can "save" them
The fun part about 'Pirate' warp points is that, where a normal warp point is a stable gravitational eddy above or below the star, in the zenith or nadir positions, and is kept that way by the star itself... Pirate points are TEMPORARY but semi-predictable gravitiational eddies caused by planets, moons, and their interactions with each other and their star. You have to not only do crazy amounts of astrographic math to figure out where a pirate point SHOULD appear, but know that the window of that particular point could be anything as short as a few MINUTES, up to a few days.
Jumping to a Pirate point that has, well, passed outside the thresholds to keep being a pirate point is a good way to get warped into the heart of a moon or planet, or have your engine critically damaged by the gravitational effects that it's not supposed to be exposed to. So every recon ship that used a pirate point had a good chance of not coming back. And even if they arrived successfully, if that pirate point 'closed' shortly thereafter, they'd either have to move to another point in the system where another point MIGHT form... or wait for the planetary alignments to shift enough that it opens up the point again. Which could be death, if you're being hunted.
Truth be told, Richard would not have been an idiot had Amaris not have his father killed and put bad thoughts in his head from 8 years old.
@EpicGamer681 Is there really confirmation in the lore that he was responsible for Simon Cameron's death? Just because he benefited the most from it doesn't he was responsible for the incident though he was the most suspected.
@@muyiwa20There is no official confirmation in any listed source
I think Tex up the Amaris issue in the Mackie issue. Prior to the Star League another Cameron was assassinated. The head of Hegemony security was an Amaris who ran off to the Rim Worlds league, and eventually took it over, founding House Amaris.
And the whole coup was a long term plan by the Amaris family.
@@ssjjshawn Let me rephrase: There were SLDF intellegence reports (which had been recovered and made public by Clan Ghost Bear centuries later) that the mining mech that killed Simon had been sabotaged. While it's never been confirmed that Amaris was responsible, it's widely assumed that he had a hand in it in some way.
Not even that. Richard's Wife took a look at his and went "I can Fix him", and it was working. He was calming down and starting private talks with the House Lord's to try to revive relations.
So happy that you are now doing battletech on a regular basis it's a lot of fun :)
Fun fact: Legos' Lancers were a mercenary unit hired to help "police" a city named Greenhaven, on the planet Novara. They were so heavy-handed, the mayor called them "the Greenhaven Gestapo". Antilos Legos, founder of the unit, being "that guy", decided he liked the name and made it official.
Yeah, these guys suck, and they f'in OWN IT.
2:08:17 Given what Kerensky found in the grave of house Cameron, i bet he wished he'd booted Ameris Team Rocket style into the sun.
Tex’s character is also hiding from is Ghost Bear Ex-Wife.
That is hilarious
And an Elemental at that.
Who also took his arm in the divorce, if I remember right, hence the prosthetic
@ That she did. She hunting him down for another bedroom round.
Keresnsky was one of those rarest of things, a compatant Russian general.
Kerensky's speach is so sad and gutwrenching to listen to. In the end, after his death, his dream and legacy would fall apart, and then be twisted and poisened by hi son.
And in the end in May 3052 on a small agricultural world the heirs of Krerensky and the Star League would fight each other to the death.
The Northwind Highlanders and with the the BlackWatch were awesome. When the partook in the fight against Smoked Jaguar they marched into Battle against the Clan blaring Bagpipe music at maximum volume over every com-channel available disrupting enemy communication while inspiring their own forces at the same time. Turly glorious.
Sorry you’re kinda jumping around with events here, you went from 3052 to 3060 - I’m guessing you’re talking about Task Force Serpent at the end?
1:13:57 Not really, Lyrans were economy focused and rich since the beginning (even before Star League). Also, in the later eras the ex-Rim Worlds planets don't really amount to anything of importance in the Commonwealth.
Tex and his planet Van Zandt are actually canon to the official Battletech universe.
Someone added one of his other characters to an official Battletech novel. Said character is a historian that lives on Van Zandt. So in a round about way Tex is canon.
Edit:damn chat got me again.
2:10:30 This is no victory, it is merely the end of the conflict.
The biggest tragedy is that no matter how bad this was in terms of destruction and losses, what comes next makes the Amaris Civil War look like a joke
Honestly I recommend watching Svens series as well
Yes, GM still exists and makes Fusion Engines. They also made the Blackjack and Marauder Mechs. Nissan also exists, making other rated Fusion Engines. There are a lot of such references if you look closely into the lore. Enjoy.
Duncan Fisher's character is an announcer on Solaris, the Mech Arenas. He's best known for his 'flow of consciousness' rants.
After the battle of Tukyyid, the Grey Death Legion were able to retrieve a copy of an entire Star League Memory Core, which accelerated the rebuilding of Tech to nearly match that of the Clans.
Also, might I suggest you play Hare Brained Scheme's 'Battletech', which is like a computer version of playing on the tabletops with figures and dice, but without the actual dice rolling. Battletech Commanders Edition 3062, and Rogue Tech are both 'fan made' expansions upon the HBS Battletech game. I highly recommend them as well.
Joined your channel, and I have enjoyed your reactions to Tex's videos. Keep doing them!
About the Legion.
The Helm Memory Core was discovered by the GDL BEFORE the Clans ever invaded. The Inner Sphere got on the road to technological recovery some time before the Clans came, which helped a little bit during the invasion
@@dj11o9er Ah good catch... I'd forgotten the exact timing of that, but I DID know that the GDL had discovered and copied the Helm Memory Core.
1:47:42 Amaris also attempted to commission the first Superheavy (100 ton plus) Battlemech, but the Matar failed to even move, and it wouldn't be until much later (3076) with the WOB that that someone finally cracked Superheavies, with the first working Superheavy ironically being named the Omega. An absolute monster at 150 tons with 3 gauss rifles and 2 LB10XAC, 27 tons of armor, and an improved C3, but it only run at 32kph, like an Urbanmech.
Last ditch super weapons: usually quite laughable. Though sometimes, there are good ideas, albeit too few and too late to change the outcome.
Unsurprisingly, one of the SLDF favored mechs to get the IIC treatment by the clans was the Orion. And the Orion IIC is quite nasty. It's also robust and versatile, though sadly artificially limited in production on account of the mythos it evokes, with Alexander Kerensky being very well associated with the Orion, despite starting these long hard years in an Atlas that got taken out of commission or reassigned to front line units, so the Orion was very much Kerensky making due.
2:09:49 I feel this act here is what truly sealed the Lords' decisions. Up until this point, Kerensky had shown Extraordinary restraint, compassion, and fairness. But finally, the General's better nature had found a limit. He lashed out, forgoing due process. And further more, it wasn't just one noble he erased. Kerensky attempted to unilaterally erase the Amaris dynasty. And Amaris started things after taking over by doing his best to wipe out the Cameron dynasty. I firmly believe the Great House Lords could no longer trust Kerensky as they once had, and they had to consider that if he went to war with them and they lost, it wouldn't just be their heads. But their children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and more. That everything their families had built and the entirety of their legacy yet to come could be taken away by the General or destroyed.
In this failing, the last breath of the Star League recovering passed. After seemingly impossible strategic feats, Alexander Kerensky proved all too human.
Letting him retain power was now potentially a serious risk to the Houses. Given how many followed him into the unknown, and what some of his comrades suggested, I don't feel those fears were entirely unreasonable
I have been told that there was a contingency to appoint a Davion as a new First Lord as a contingency by the final reining Cameron, but that the only other house that knew of this plan was Kurita, and you would be right to assume that Kurita said nothing about this. One of their most hated rivals taking THE throne? Of course not. And EVERY house had two bitter rivals on that Council. At BEST you might theoretically get a 3-2 vote for a Lord, but without a central power to balance the houses out, that's not nearly enough to hold fast, let alone start cleaning up the mess and putting pieces back together.
And aside from my presumptions that they had fear, they'd also learned a dangerous lesson. That a noble house could, with careful preparation and a bold plan, win it all. And now, there was a vacuum of power. The SLDF was still formidable, but it was demoralized and much reduced. The Camerons were gone. The impenetrable* defenses were broken open by Alexander. Assuming my guesswork about fear holds true, there was the chance to both lose and gain everything.
2:14:25 Yeah, no. Chevalier was wrong. We know what happens if Kerensky stays to make war upon the houses. Kerensky is assassinated. Chevalier takes command. And it's called "Worlds Aflame." Worse even than the first Succession War.
In theory there should be a potential outcome that doesn't lead to the Succession Wars and the Clans, but as I've seen it joked, "then this would be peacetech."
"impartial reputation and integrity" Things Alexander had been known for, too. It had been those same traits which had gotten Kerensky appointed as Protector in the first place.
And it should be noted that the SLcomnet Alexander left behind was in the hands of a sane and rational man. But life can radically change a person.
80%. One of the highest concentrations of military power in the sphere and almost all of it hardened veterans. And when Kerensky asked if they'd follow him off the map, 80% said yes. It is one of the major reasons I feel the House Lords were right to worry about Alexander and the power he wielded. Heck, with that kind of influence, he didn't even have to order to trigger things. People could just act on gentle requests, off the cuff remarks, or even their own assumptions about what the General needed or wanted.
This Exodus is indeed the seed that grew into the clans, but it could have been something better. And much as Jerome Blake didn't set out with a full plan to create what Comstar became when he became the head of SLcomnet, Alexander could not have forseen what would become of the Star League in exile when he left to preserve Star League and reduce the destruction that he could see coming. There are LAYERS to the tragedy. And you haven't even seen all the layers yet. But the sad truth is that Tukayyid was a Star League reunion in the ugliest sense. Until things got worse in the Kerfuffle era. Because that era was VERY ugly.
2:28:41 Indeed Bruins did, Marik Marauder, and a fine animatic at that. With another one for the aftermath of the battle.
Really wish I could have been here for the live stream, butt it was already well into things by the time I got back from finishing Arcane with my family. And I don't spend enough time with them.
IT should be stressed that Tex is in these videos is often talking AS AN IN UNIVERSE PERSON/HISTORIAN with limited information about many things. For example the Kuritan part here is much more complicated by stuff he would have no idea of knowing.
Suffice to say its not as one sided as he makes it out to be an Kurita gave massive amount of resources to Kerensky to include many warships and an entire super carrier, in particular the Kuritan navy was heavily sympathetic of Kerensky and was willing to look the other was and pretend the SLDF raided their supply depos sending token fire their way and giving them their ships by "surrendering". Again Kurita as a whole during this time was much more complex then the one note villain they would be turned into by later writers (i mean read the grey death legion stories for examples of bad writing ).
Its very worth reading into a lot of the interesting details for example how Richard Cameron was actually turning it a legitimately good ruler near the end and was actually starting to suspect Amaris and given time and guidance could have redeemed himself, another one is that Stephan greatly respected Aleksandr Kerensky and wanted him on his side and that Kerensky rejection in 40K terms would be the like the utter middle finger Rylanor gave the f**khead Fulgrim
Weren't the Gray Death books, specifically the trilogy, among the first novels of Battletech though?
Sarna was showing them as, like, the 1st, 2nd and 4th novels *of Battletech in its entirety,* so....
I missed the latter half of the stream, but for MW5 I recommend the dlc, but also the YAML series mods, they make the game so much more fun and playable. They also add a metric frak ton of weapons, equipment and mechs, with even some stuff that directly references this series with a Discount Dan line of cheat equipment.
YAML if you want to make the game crap and turn it into easy mode
@@cropathfinder I disagree.
God I love old Battletech art.
From the commander of the "Darkstar Legion" mercenary company, i salute the SLDF and Alexander Kerensky o7, its a shame that none of you found true peace, may you at least find peace in death
For people trying to say that kerensky was impotent, I mean what exactly did you want him to do in this war? He was ordered to the periphery to put down the rebellion, and the sldf was not used to policing actions like tex said, at the same time, you can't really blame him for not doing, anything about amaris, because I'm sure even in his time you can't prosecute a man for something he looks like he is going to do.. he was also 80 or so years old by the end of the civil war, so it's not as though he could give the house Lords the middle finger and tell them to do what he said without installing himself as a dictator, if he installed himself as a dictator well, we just would have had to deal with Nicholas kerenskys issues a little bit sooner wouldn't we? Also as a sort of addendum, I saw someone on the live stream say that kerensky was all talk over duty, but I would say he followed the letter of his duty to the best of his knowledge, commstar may have been the driving force in most of the succession wars, but kerensky didn't know he was putting someone in a position of power that would start a cult around himself and perpetuate years of war (especially because Jerome didn't put his plan into motion till after the first succession war, so kerensky was doing the best he could with the information he had.) also to me it doesn't seem very impotent to execute amaris along with his entire household, this was in no way a positive action, but it also shows the kerensky had some teeth, and he only needed the Vaguest legal pretext to drop the hammer of God on Amaris
Agreed and thank you.
@bthsr7113 it's good to see that I'm not completely alone, with how many people were saying kerensky was actually a bad general on the live stream, I thought it was a fringe opinion to believe that he was actually good at his job and a good person.
@@dragansnyder2786 Even if the lore says that he really was an uncaring simpleton, I feel it lessens the story. Him being a smart and skilled military leader who genuinely believed in what the Star League SAID it stood for just makes the tragedies all the more impactful. And he still has his failings as a father and a civilian leader, so it's not like him being a great general who cared about doing the right thing makes him flawless and perfect. Also that one moment he snapped.
@bthsr7113 I I think if I heard it right the Lore actually says that kerensky was a good general, but the authors didn't actually pay attention to each other's work when they were writing the backstory for the clans and the sldf, so a lot of his feats are inconsistently described and sometimes logistically impossible, so apparently it's a very popular fan theory that everything written about kerensky was just in universe propaganda, and that he actually just nuked every enemy he faced, according to this theory The Exodus was his way of fleeing prosecution for all his war crimes, but regardless of all that, I agree with you, the current lower caste system as a good general but a bad father, and in my personal opinion, this theory is a bit too grimdark and too simple, also, the person who mentioned it was kind of ironic in the way they did it, because they said that BattleTech was a setting of Hope and tragedy, but then they brought up this theory like it was one they stood behind , I would think that for a setting of Hope and tragedy it would make more sense for a flawed figure to actually be good at his job but bad at raising kids, where is this fan theory just says that he was bad all around.
Or rather, would have a cult started AROUND him, not to his full knowledge.
Feista Pail IS REAL, you CAN buy it, and IT WILL HURT YOU...
Mix in taco bell
You know PancreaseNoWork has a video on the Black Watch, might be worth a watch now
Anyone got the name of the rock song Old Man was listening to at the beginning?
I’ll be DM of a dnd game based of battle tech and the necromo night mare story line, I should send that on the requests. I’ll get arround to it some day.
Old man
Amerus vs George Van Dire
how wild would it get?
Dude... Amaris was a bad dude to be sure, but he wasn't even half as bad as Doge Van Dire.
Yeah, Amaris did a lot less stuff that was freaky or for shiggles. Nah, Amaris was about paranoia, cruelty, and ambition. Not... whatever in the waves of the warp Goge was on about.
... Great stream 😎🤔
...Have a Happy Thanksgiving Chief! 🦃
If such a thing is victory, how ever does one even reconcile ones mind after such? Talk about bitterness.
battletech is great
2:32:00 The Crusader Clans were right.
Dumbest take then an average american mentioning any Russia meme and talking about it like its a fact i.e. "russia casualties level"
The Crusader and Warden Clans both had the same ideals, just different ways of going about it.
I'd say the Warden Clans were right, wanting to go home still but only when the Inner Sphere had a existential threat to it.
Kinda like how Kerensky probably would have done.
Battletech is a wonderful setting of hope and heartbreak afflicted with lazy bad writing that starts when the Clan backstory is written.
As a result of three writers penning the Ameris Civil War, and none of them checking the other's work, there are massive logic issues and contradictions. Especially because the lead writer "doesn't do math" so his numbers are just there to shock the reader not to make sense. Yet the contradictions can be resolved by calling the canon history propaganda and saying that in fact Kerensky was busy nuking the periphery uprising into submission when the coup took place, then he went to the Rim World's Republic and nuked it into submission, before finally returning to the Terran Hegemony and nuking it into submission. All with minimal losses to the SLDF. Kerensky is not a great general and fled the Inner Sphere to avoid war crimes prosecution.
Some of us hard core fans have embraced this theory since it's the only thing that makes the setting work due to the ENTIRE SLDF Navy being accounted for in the exodus, seriously they left with the same number of ships they had prior to the war because the writer doesn't do math. Also Kerensky abducted thousands of scientists and tens of thousands of civilian families in order to get to the number of people he took with him on his road trip because the writer never bothered to explain why the Inner Sphere's top scientists went with him and he DOESN'T DO MATH!
Yes, this guy said Kerensky left with a little over a million people (70% male) and in just two hundred years (and through multiple catastrophic world ending wars) that number had grown to a few billion. That's some dedicated breeding, no wait, that's a bad writer not doing math.
I also like to point out that the writers have Kerensky strip the Star League storehouses bare for the war material he needed on five consecutive occasions, and yet there are still numerous stories about people stumbling onto "lost Star League storehouses" taking place after this for hundreds of years.
I can go on to rant at length, but I'll end this here.
I agree on the numbers point, although I'd say it's vastly more prominent in the weapon ranges of ballistics and the numbers of jumpships the IS has over the clans' population and number of ships. They do have iron wombs which effectively lets them create whole generations of people in a very short amount of time, regardless of the sex of the genetic donors. This allowed them to heavily mitigate their small and lopsided seed population.
@@gallendugall8913 I'm just going to say that the theory you propose is a bit ironic considering what you started this comment with, because the theory that Alexander kerensky was just a war criminal actually sounds a bit more grimdark (obviously this theory would explain things a bit better, but it also doesn't explain how the rimworld Republic worlds and the worlds of the hegemony remained intact, because if korinsky just used nukes to make them cry uncle, then at the very least Terra wouldn't be viable anymore, because I feel like nuking something into submission would require said planet to be nuked beyond repair.)