Very helpful! Maybe some day you can show me how to jam my large, meaty hands down into the engine compartment and replace those darn light bulbs! How about using the epoxy going-in? That is putting a drop of epoxy on the screwdriver tip before inserting into the screw. That way, it will be glued-down for the return trip.
Gracias por el tutorial desde México!
Funcionó al 100%
Your welcome man hope you subscribed
Very helpful! Maybe some day you can show me how to jam my large, meaty hands down into the engine compartment and replace those darn light bulbs! How about using the epoxy going-in? That is putting a drop of epoxy on the screwdriver tip before inserting into the screw. That way, it will be glued-down for the return trip.
I used m3 spray adhesive. A mirror never hurts also.
Awesome video Derick...thanks!
Did you find the water leak? I have a water leak in the same place
That old handle wasnt bad, but the torx wasnt fit inside 100 % had same problem
So what was making slack?