I'm the writer of the first letter, and want to say thanks for taking the time to respond. Shocked on the quick turnaround time on it honestly. Your analysis of my mindset is spot on. Since writing I have messed around in normals a bit, and the matchmaking for my normal MMR is INSANE. One game it's an Emerald K'Sante, the next it's a Silver Morde, and the game after it's a Diamond Irelia. I think the idea of creating a new account is a good one, and I'll get on that when I log on later. Thanks for the feedback guys, you twonare awesome :)
Before you switch role for no reason, let me tell you that Renekton/Bruisers with ghost DO work botlane, just duo the support. Source? I'd link it but I'd get that acc banned. Basically just make sure they play enablers for you, such as leona/nautilus and always ban vayne.
I did the same thing. I switched from jungle to top. I played my placements and went like 1-6 every game and got placed in plat1. Getting pooped on in most matchups which feels awful. So I made a new account and only played on that account for about 30 games and realized top isn’t exactly what I thought it was or what I wanted. I switched to mid and I’ve been playing it for longer now, nothing but vlad and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’ve almost got this account into plat and feel much better about my games as I wasn’t leaning against people I had no business leaning against off the rip
Decided to follow my heart and play Mid lane. After 3 years of playing Top lane. I've decided that I'm going to play league for a few more years, and I don't find myself too happy playing top lane right now. I always liked the control mage play style for mid, and I realized after today that life is too short, and I wanna make my league journey fulfilling.
there're are a lot of emerald players who play with their silver friends in normals, so if u play vs this, the chances are you're with one ore the other.
Hey there, I was stuck in low Gold when I started listening to you guys at the start of this season (around 51% winrate). I listened to you guys and some of the commenters who responded to me and I'm currently sitting in Platinum 2 with a 55% winrate and an 58% winrate on my main champ. I know some games may be rough and I know I will hit a ceiling, but I'm not worried, those ceilings are learning oppertunities. I just really wanted to thank you for letting me hit Platinum for the first time!
I think the reason why you guys come off as positive is that its constructive, and genuine. You guys actually are trying to lead people to what you believe will help then improve.
10:55 I don't want to be the best Garen, I also don't obsess over the champion, that's not why I OTP/main them, I am maining them to be the best top lane bruiser player I can be, learn top lane fundemetals through the lens of Garen's champion identity.
the third writer (MLA champ pool) sounds like the beginners in my taekwondo class who wanted to learn to do a 360 roundhouse kick instead of improving their roundhouse, but then everytime they threw the kick in sparring they missed, because they didn't understand timing, how their opponent would react to them spinning etc. Easy on a pad hard in a fight
regarding the second writer, who recently started 4 months ago and I started as a mid main(2 years ago) for 6 months, then did the other roles for 2-3 months ish. I still enjoy mid most but now ive played those other roles i know what a lot of the other players in the game wants to do and how that translates into us winning as a 5v5 more. Playing jungle helped my mid to avoid ganks for example. However, it's very important that you play 80%+ games in that role you are learning if your goal is to improve, not switching roles every game, you will learn a lot slower as you won't be taking the lessons from one game into the next game and solidifying that lesson. You dont have to do it for 2-3 months, but i think like a week in each or something
Can we have an episode about ADC, like you did with a top laner. Talk about the role, break some narrative (« my supports are so bad this why I can’t climb ») what is the jobs of an adc ? How different is the role between ranks ? Can we play more champion since the play style is more similar ?
I’d really like this as well. I’ve recently returned to the game after several years and have been maining ADC. I’m enjoying the game a lot and really looking to improve but I struggle to impact the game as it goes to mid and late game. I know I have plenty to work on in lane phase as well but I am often coming out of lane ahead.
@@s00pahfr0g4 hey glad you comment. maybe I have some answers for you because I had the same problem. 1) Do you play for prio mid after Laning phase or do you run around until you catch the wave under your tower ? 2) Do you have a threat list ? Basically « what can kill me ? » (malph R, twitch, Evelyn, vex R etc.) This two things do correctly should help you mid/late game.
adc is hard to really specifically discuss. Low-mid elo, adc is prettty weak. Self reliant and high damage adcs generally just work best. Like champs like kaisa and xayah are absolute monsters; but if your support/jung are troglodytes and you get rinsed, you are catching farm and not having agency. HOPEFULLY you can scale late enough to make that difference. Then you have stuff like draven, samira, and cait who can bully out laning phase regardless if your support has a pulse... but these champs grossly fall off in efficacy the higher you climb. The dynamics of the gameplay are not the same from one echelon to the other; so its almost impossible to just "discuss ADC" in that manner. You can be gumayusi or viper, but if youre playing a low agency adc with a bad support; youre *always* going to have a bad time. That doesnt mean cry about your support for roaming and you overextend and die.. thats a separate issue. Passive engage supports with something like jinx or vayne early game? youre gonna get rolled and smoked every time. Good luck beating a xayah rakan when youre rockin an alistar that wont press his buttons lol. Have fun playing jhin into a good braum when your leona is too afraid to die. The playstyle is NOT "more similar". You have hyperscaling, low mobility adcs that ARE grossly dependent on positioning and a support with a pulse (jinx, aphelios, vayne, smolder) compared to playmaking agency based adcs; either through range, raw damage, and/or mobility (sivir, caitlyn, draven, kalista) or playmaking ability and outplay potential (nilah, samira, ezreal, zeri). Obviously, you can still position and play properly to win on those low agency champs, but your life is much much easier with a quality support on them. Some champs are just fundamentally improved with the right support (caitlyn is a big one for this, lucian and kogmaw also really like being with a quality support lol). The most fundamental and basic concept that most adc's suck at is simply not dying and farming effectively. 10cs/m is a bit of a pipe dream in low elo, but aiming for 8 is entirely reasonable.
Did the person at 12:30 actually said, UNIRONICALLY, that Malzahar has no way to punish blatant mistakes the enemies make? My friend, THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON TO PICK MALZAHAR. YOU PRESS R KEY ON THE FIRST ENEMY THAT MISPOSITIONS
I notice at the start of discovering this channel I was super motivated to review and start with the process and take it serious. I quickly discover how bad I am at working to reach my goals. I feel like this is an issue for me in general for my real life. I just resort back to bad habits and get anxious afterwards for trying to focus again and to feel motivated as I feel like I will drift off again into these bad habits and then my brain tricks itself into telling myself:”why even try”. So I kind of give up and just stay stuck in these bad habits. I will keep trying to rewatch the content and soak it all in, but right now I feel like why even try if I’m gonna fail anyway.
Honestly, I get that. But I think if you feel that way, you just need to be realistic about the situation you're in. I personally go through a cycle of wanting to "take league seriously" but at some point I had to accept that I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate to it. Playing 3 game chunks and then reviewing the games means 1.5-2 hours per session dedicated to STUDYING a game. That's a lot of energy and time just to get better at something you enjoy but that you get no other benefit from. To me, there's nothing wrong with listening in and getting bits of insight without trying to grind up ranks. I personally still play league when I have time, but I'm less concerned with rank and I just enjoy playing. I try to win properly when I do play but in the end, if I forget a step or make a mistake, its not a devastating problem, its just a mistake. Someday when I have the time and mental for it, maybe I can try to take it seriously but you can't give 100% to every single thing in life at once, so you have to just prioritize and accept that's how life is. Being bad or average at league doesn't mean you're bad at life, it just means you probably are putting your focus somewhere else and probably for good reason
@@legendunbound5845 honestly Im master 300lp without having reviewed a single game this whole season. you can just skip reviewing games if you are able to just think about the games you lose hard and be like, okey should not have done this and this. also memorizing champs combos will make your games 120% easier
Well, fuck ranks. Who cares. You should really only care about having fun with the game and not really look at results. Be aware of yourself, of your decisions, and their outcomes. I find that fun to do, after watching the podcast, and I couldnt really care less about my rank as long as I know im playing well, close to the best of my ability. I say close, because i still make mistakes and recognize them as such. Its just fun. Improving is fun. Its not meant to be”useful” or “worth your time”, fun is always worth your time (as long as it isnt detrimental to your health and finances like drugs ig).
Hi coaches! Love your content. Just wanted to say that I don't agree with your take about this podcast not being positive and just showing reality. IMO both things are true. If you manage to change people's mental to the better by showing them what the reality looks like then you ARE having a positive influence on them and bringing them those positive vibes. You guys are great, keep it up!
To the mailer at 55:00 - If you're being driven crazy by how long it takes to get into a game AND you're also queue dodging every time you get autofilled, you need to understand you're part of the problem. You're contributing to the long queue times for 9 other people, and you're creating a culture where those 9 other people have no problem dodging and making your queues take longer when they get filled as well.
I've played on Singapore server back when it was under Garena. My experience is biased by the fact that I would only play with my friend to duo on there, but we always played during the day and the queue times once we got to E4+ are ATROCIOUSLY bad lol. It's literally not worth the listener's time playing on that server. Either they drop the game or accept a higher ping on a foreign server instead.
The restricted champion list is part of the reason why i left the MLS program, i got alot of value out of it but i just couldn't bring myself to play the champions on offer. I went from vex to syndra and went from silver to plat in short order. The fundamentals taught in the program was a massive help and it was definitely worth my money. Im plat 2 right now and might consider trying his program again if i hit e4
Yep, that's super accurate. I have 1 friend who waffles back and forth between ADC and support, but when it comes down to it, his heart belongs to Tahm Kench. Everyone else I play with won't touch a Marksman with a ten-foot pole.
@@wowRichtoad Of my 4 IRL friends that play league, 3 are toplaners, and so am I :)). We usually "play together" by each playing solo and then doing collective vod reviews/flame sessions. It's kinda fun once you get used to it. We even overlap on *champions*, most of us are kayle enjoyers.
i just got back into league this year after 3 years of quitting and role swapped from support to jungle and went from gold 4 to d3 in 150 games one tricking brand jg i wanna thank yall for inspiring me to even try to climb. i just happened to come across agurins gameplay and copied his playstyle and it just worked out lol
before watching i wanna mention how i climbed from bronze 3 to platinum 4 in less than 2 weeks after switching away from adc to toplane. not saying you can't climb on that role or anything, but i was quite shocked.
You can climb on every single role. When that role clicks for you and you enjoy the champ. The most important thing I feel is that the role you pick is, in a way, an extension of your personality. I, for one, can't play ADC for the life of me even though playing Ashe/ Senna as supp is a breeze I still can't ADC with them. It just doesn't feel natural.
People talk about MMR being bad but before emerald was introduced LP gains were +16 -19 kinda thing now its pretty stable +20 -20. New system i swear if you play enough games you climb with 50% winrate.
Starting a new account is almost useless if the intent is playing against lower skilled players. Riots smurf detection is very good. You might play against bad players for the first few games, then you’ll get matched up with Lee Sins pulling off insecs, Gp’s ghost barreling, Rivens doing fast combo’s. Enemy teams tracking your jungler, warding everywhere, invading, grouping, team fighting for objectives and rotating and roaming. It becomes apparent real quick you’re facing other “smurfs”.
To the third letter, saying “you know you’re much better than those you play with.” Then following that sentence with “I promise I’m never toxic” is so contradicting haha. Blatant lie that he’s never toxic. It’s VERY rare to find anyone who is NEVER toxic and the lower in rank the talk about the lower the chance of finding someone who can honestly say they are never toxic. Also even if you don’t type it you can still be toxic verbally to yourself about your teammates which affects your gameplay just the same. At the end of the day all I’m saying is improvement takes being 100% honest with yourself.
I couldn't agree more with starting a new account. I've always been an ADC player and wanted to swap to mid. My main is Plat 4, and was so attached to it. My new account of playing only mid made it to emerald within a few weeks. Very much worth it
people just underestimate how helpful it is in the learning process to play simple champions and how far you can still climb with simple champions I think many just want to play a new champion is cause the think it somehow magically makes them climb while in most cases the problem why you aren't climbing is cause you don't fully understand the game yet and figuring out the game is just way easier if you focus on a few simple champions playing meta also has it's place but I think if you are gold and think u only stuck in gold cause of your champion choice thats most likely not true
I think what people mean when they say positive vibes they are referring to the approach rather than the actual learning content. I could be wrong but that's my opinion because there are plenty of people trying to help others climb but have a negative approach or sometimes even toxic. I suppose technically speaking positive could also mean that the content is just that: "positive" and is therefore beneficial. You podcasts usually leave me feeling more curious and motivated to learn and get better so I would call them positive too! Being constructive is a positive thing.
Speaking on MMR... I won 9 games in a row and then lost 7 in a row and my LP gains were worse than when I started(from +21-24 and -16-18 to +18 and -20). I don't understand how such a huge difference happens with so little games and it feels weird and bad to have won more, to be at the same rank(because of that new -50 from demotion) and to be in a worse position overall. Completely arbitrary slow down and counterintuitive. Worst part is that I was top 2 OPGG score on the team in every single one of these games... showing some consistency.
The -50 from demotion recent change was intended to counteract unintended LP inflation at the beginning of the season. So you're supposed to be lower ranked after a similarish number of wins and losses if you went through a demotion. As for opgg score... keep in mind that LP gains and losses are not performance based. They are only based on the difference in MMR between you and the enemy team average.
Love this pod man, I wanted to know if you guys can talk about Win Rates (I feel people give them too much importance and i've seen coaches that say stuff like "no wonder why you have 52% wr" and stuff like that would also like to know what do you think of Soloq vs Flexq like merit, improving and personal growing as a person and player
This video is talking to me. Been a Camille main usually onetricking her. And I'm good on 6 ADC that I comfortably play in masters, the Elo I got from Camille and I can adc there aswell. But after 6 months with this podcast I have wanted to play syndra sooooo badly. I have for the last 3 months committed to play her everyday, and it feels as natural as onetricking. I don't get tired of syndra no matter how much I suck. I play on my girls Smurf in silver. Been loosing there for 2 months and starting to see results. I hope a year from now I can que midlane on my main and play syndra and another mage at that master level. is there a champion that could compliment a syndra champion pool, Midlane for me has been untouched territory for any champion that isn't Camille, since Camille can play all 5 roles and I have the capabilities for it, but I wanna expand and create a propper midpool.
Video idea: 2player team competition, jungle + mid only in arena. Get some of your students working together. Maybe have rules or something idk your the pros
Same experience i was forced to play adc but in instead i fell in love with the role instead love jinx kaisa samira ezreal smolder now aswell love my champs
I had an account that i had made years ago that i never got to level 30 but i wanted to learn jungle so i ised that account to learn and i made it way beyond my previos best rank of silver 1 all the way to plat 2. Since then, i decided if im going to learn another role, im going to create a new account for that
In my case I'm thinking of switching from top to mid. The thing is I enjoy playing toplane and im good, if I play only 3-4 champs which is nothing wrong. But, I also wanted to try mid lane for the last few years because there are some champs in mid that I really enjoy to play and in top there are some champions I really hate to play against. The thing is, I don't know what to do. I would like to play mid lane but I am bad at it. But I also like to play top lane and im good at it. There are champions in top lane that can go mid as well, that is my plan too. But I would also like to climb higher than my peak on top lane (diamond 4). Im afraid if I swap to mid, I will need to learn top again and all the matchups... and that will take a lot of time. I have an account made for my mid lane games but I still get anxiety when I think of playing ranked (the account placed emerald 3 previous season when I was playing top lane so I will probably need to lose and int some games to start winning as mid laner). I know its worth learning two roles of course good in the long term, but is it worth it? My goal is to reach diamond 4 while playing mid too, I don't know how much time it will take and how much will I lose of not playing my main role.
Doesn’t matter how long it will take. If that’s your goal, it will always take even longer the more you put it off. Could you maybe get an account that is already placed in a lower rank so you can guarantee to start climbing mid from the bottom for practice? I’ve never bought an account so idk if that’s possible but it seems like that might help with some of the “save elo” pressure you’re putting on yourself
I otp Malz and the one guy that wrote in is wrong… Malz punishes mistakes very easily, they just aren’t flashy (well Malz flash ult inherently is flashy lol). It seems the guy has a narrow vision of how league has to be played but rather there are multiple ways to win the game.
Could you guys consider having a guest ADC expert on the show give people some guidance and clarity on survivingl/thriving as a solo queue player the way you guys do?
If you really want to have a better understanding as player in lol, you should have a understanding in every role. I started off as a support main then I went to top, Played a little bit of adc&mid. Then played a lot of jungle, right now I am top support that can if needed go to jungle. I play champions that you need to have really good map awareness like Shen/Leona. If you want to get a better feel for jungle, but not play jungle play support it is literally jungle without smite and has a lane phase. I would say, and this is my opinion that top lane gives to you a better understanding of pressuring different sides of the map; as well as understanding where you need to be when certain objectives are up.
i was always bronze 5 since season 3 when i started now that iron is out im solid iron 4 when i play solo when i play with friends i can get to bronze or gold i think im possibly the worst league player top ever exist but im so addicted i cant stop cos i have nothing better to do wit my life ( i also feel bad if i activly try to deny people minions cos i hate when it happenes to me
I am playing Neeko and loving her, from B2 though I'm wondering if I should take up a MLS champ, wondering which would be similar, I was thinking Vex but am not sure, any suggestions?
In other fields it is not that different. Good programmers are usually terrible at teaching it, same for other proffesionals. There is always exeptions, but teaching is just a skill in itself.
My account has been on negative LP gains since the start of this season. I climbed to emerald with a 64% winrate only to get +17 / -28. I have climbed back to emerald about 20 times just this season because of just how bad my LP gains are. Even going 50/50 Im losing rank rapidly. I am sticking with this account despite my 63% winrate diana having lost me LP over the course of the season. I've fixed my main account before and I can do it again
6:00 seems counter-intuitive to the advice you and other pros often give so would love to hear further thoughts on this. If your long term goal is to be a multi-champion challenger player, the advice of "start cracking down now and play multiple champions" seems counter-intuitive to the advice of OTP to high ELO so you understand the game THEN add on other champions now that you truly understand the game. Both could lead to the same long term outcome but drastically different short term approaches
The advice of playing every champ and role is only for very new players, it's good for new players to just mess around and play everything so they can learn what all champions do and how they interact and get a basic idea of how the game works. The advice of a small champion pool or even OTP is very good for people who understand the basics of the game and what all champions do and are really looking to really start their ranked climb. It's very good to have a small champion pool because this allows you to play you champion with mostly intuition / muscle memory which makes it so you can focus on the game a whole.
Haha. Please adc mains... please randomly swap to top lane. Pick a main like fiora or renekton. Maybe a mordekaiser 😂. Pick a tank! Please swap. Your lane sucks because it doesnt matter. No ones denying adc is weak in solo queue lol. But i think the culture shock of going adc to top is hilarious to entertain lol. Top lane is its own universe of suck haha. 1 mistake in lane ruins the entire game in a shocking amount of scenarios lol. One bad half shove by a jungler "taxing" ruins your game. One bad return gank tp? Ruins your game. Didnt get priority and failed to ward at 2:40? Enjoy your gank. Mid roams and you think its a back timer? Your games over lol. The joy of top lane is when you win... its your fault. 😊
The thing about roles and champs when you are low elo, is that it doesn't matter. Literally. "Ohh if I am adc main and if I play top I will be bad" , but you already are bad ? Thats why you are low elo. You already don't know how to play your role/the game. If you did you wouldn't be low elo in the first place. So changing won't do absolutely nothing. You just need 10 games max or so to adapt a little bit and thats it.
Please stop telling people to mute pings just because they aren't master+. Nothing worse than losing a game that you were in a good spot in because your teammates just won't listen to retreat pings and stop trying to 1v3.
i was 10/5 kogmaw in 10 minutes last night, this muted ziggs didnt let me have mid, i was forced to split all game and watch him lose teamfights, its a miserable situation
Pings can certainly help, but they can also be very distracting. You are also spending some of your mental stack worrying about that other player and pinging them. Anyway Curtis and Nathan do play with pings on, they aren't telling everyone to mute pings all the time. That's just one strategy you can use to improve your mental state.
might aswell post opgg's here cuz its a small knit community and engagement is good. yorick adc/swain apc journey on euw. main gold1, smurf emerald 3... :D marrymemaryjane#420 and ivernmectin#609 14 year veteran, and i realized the best way to get high elo is to have fun. my first yorick game since rework was played less than one month ago.. :D
I'm the writer of the first letter, and want to say thanks for taking the time to respond. Shocked on the quick turnaround time on it honestly. Your analysis of my mindset is spot on. Since writing I have messed around in normals a bit, and the matchmaking for my normal MMR is INSANE. One game it's an Emerald K'Sante, the next it's a Silver Morde, and the game after it's a Diamond Irelia. I think the idea of creating a new account is a good one, and I'll get on that when I log on later. Thanks for the feedback guys, you twonare awesome :)
Good luck mate
Before you switch role for no reason, let me tell you that Renekton/Bruisers with ghost DO work botlane, just duo the support. Source? I'd link it but I'd get that acc banned. Basically just make sure they play enablers for you, such as leona/nautilus and always ban vayne.
I did the same thing. I switched from jungle to top. I played my placements and went like 1-6 every game and got placed in plat1. Getting pooped on in most matchups which feels awful. So I made a new account and only played on that account for about 30 games and realized top isn’t exactly what I thought it was or what I wanted. I switched to mid and I’ve been playing it for longer now, nothing but vlad and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’ve almost got this account into plat and feel much better about my games as I wasn’t leaning against people I had no business leaning against off the rip
Decided to follow my heart and play Mid lane. After 3 years of playing Top lane. I've decided that I'm going to play league for a few more years, and I don't find myself too happy playing top lane right now. I always liked the control mage play style for mid, and I realized after today that life is too short, and I wanna make my league journey fulfilling.
there're are a lot of emerald players who play with their silver friends in normals, so if u play vs this, the chances are you're with one ore the other.
I felt the motivation today from Nathan’s classic “MOTIVATION” quote
Hey there, I was stuck in low Gold when I started listening to you guys at the start of this season (around 51% winrate).
I listened to you guys and some of the commenters who responded to me and I'm currently sitting in Platinum 2 with a 55% winrate and an 58% winrate on my main champ. I know some games may be rough and I know I will hit a ceiling, but I'm not worried, those ceilings are learning oppertunities.
I just really wanted to thank you for letting me hit Platinum for the first time!
I think the reason why you guys come off as positive is that its constructive, and genuine. You guys actually are trying to lead people to what you believe will help then improve.
10:55 I don't want to be the best Garen, I also don't obsess over the champion, that's not why I OTP/main them, I am maining them to be the best top lane bruiser player I can be, learn top lane fundemetals through the lens of Garen's champion identity.
the third writer (MLA champ pool) sounds like the beginners in my taekwondo class who wanted to learn to do a 360 roundhouse kick instead of improving their roundhouse, but then everytime they threw the kick in sparring they missed, because they didn't understand timing, how their opponent would react to them spinning etc. Easy on a pad hard in a fight
regarding the second writer, who recently started 4 months ago and I started as a mid main(2 years ago) for 6 months, then did the other roles for 2-3 months ish. I still enjoy mid most but now ive played those other roles i know what a lot of the other players in the game wants to do and how that translates into us winning as a 5v5 more. Playing jungle helped my mid to avoid ganks for example.
However, it's very important that you play 80%+ games in that role you are learning if your goal is to improve, not switching roles every game, you will learn a lot slower as you won't be taking the lessons from one game into the next game and solidifying that lesson. You dont have to do it for 2-3 months, but i think like a week in each or something
Can we have an episode about ADC, like you did with a top laner. Talk about the role, break some narrative (« my supports are so bad this why I can’t climb ») what is the jobs of an adc ? How different is the role between ranks ? Can we play more champion since the play style is more similar ?
I’d really like this as well. I’ve recently returned to the game after several years and have been maining ADC. I’m enjoying the game a lot and really looking to improve but I struggle to impact the game as it goes to mid and late game. I know I have plenty to work on in lane phase as well but I am often coming out of lane ahead.
@@s00pahfr0g4 hey glad you comment. maybe I have some answers for you because I had the same problem.
1) Do you play for prio mid after Laning phase or do you run around until you catch the wave under your tower ?
2) Do you have a threat list ? Basically « what can kill me ? » (malph R, twitch, Evelyn, vex R etc.)
This two things do correctly should help you mid/late game.
adc is hard to really specifically discuss. Low-mid elo, adc is prettty weak. Self reliant and high damage adcs generally just work best. Like champs like kaisa and xayah are absolute monsters; but if your support/jung are troglodytes and you get rinsed, you are catching farm and not having agency. HOPEFULLY you can scale late enough to make that difference. Then you have stuff like draven, samira, and cait who can bully out laning phase regardless if your support has a pulse... but these champs grossly fall off in efficacy the higher you climb. The dynamics of the gameplay are not the same from one echelon to the other; so its almost impossible to just "discuss ADC" in that manner. You can be gumayusi or viper, but if youre playing a low agency adc with a bad support; youre *always* going to have a bad time. That doesnt mean cry about your support for roaming and you overextend and die.. thats a separate issue. Passive engage supports with something like jinx or vayne early game? youre gonna get rolled and smoked every time. Good luck beating a xayah rakan when youre rockin an alistar that wont press his buttons lol. Have fun playing jhin into a good braum when your leona is too afraid to die. The playstyle is NOT "more similar". You have hyperscaling, low mobility adcs that ARE grossly dependent on positioning and a support with a pulse (jinx, aphelios, vayne, smolder) compared to playmaking agency based adcs; either through range, raw damage, and/or mobility (sivir, caitlyn, draven, kalista) or playmaking ability and outplay potential (nilah, samira, ezreal, zeri). Obviously, you can still position and play properly to win on those low agency champs, but your life is much much easier with a quality support on them. Some champs are just fundamentally improved with the right support (caitlyn is a big one for this, lucian and kogmaw also really like being with a quality support lol).
The most fundamental and basic concept that most adc's suck at is simply not dying and farming effectively. 10cs/m is a bit of a pipe dream in low elo, but aiming for 8 is entirely reasonable.
Did the person at 12:30 actually said, UNIRONICALLY, that Malzahar has no way to punish blatant mistakes the enemies make? My friend, THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON TO PICK MALZAHAR. YOU PRESS R KEY ON THE FIRST ENEMY THAT MISPOSITIONS
I notice at the start of discovering this channel I was super motivated to review and start with the process and take it serious. I quickly discover how bad I am at working to reach my goals. I feel like this is an issue for me in general for my real life. I just resort back to bad habits and get anxious afterwards for trying to focus again and to feel motivated as I feel like I will drift off again into these bad habits and then my brain tricks itself into telling myself:”why even try”. So I kind of give up and just stay stuck in these bad habits. I will keep trying to rewatch the content and soak it all in, but right now I feel like why even try if I’m gonna fail anyway.
Honestly, I get that. But I think if you feel that way, you just need to be realistic about the situation you're in. I personally go through a cycle of wanting to "take league seriously" but at some point I had to accept that I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate to it. Playing 3 game chunks and then reviewing the games means 1.5-2 hours per session dedicated to STUDYING a game. That's a lot of energy and time just to get better at something you enjoy but that you get no other benefit from. To me, there's nothing wrong with listening in and getting bits of insight without trying to grind up ranks. I personally still play league when I have time, but I'm less concerned with rank and I just enjoy playing. I try to win properly when I do play but in the end, if I forget a step or make a mistake, its not a devastating problem, its just a mistake. Someday when I have the time and mental for it, maybe I can try to take it seriously but you can't give 100% to every single thing in life at once, so you have to just prioritize and accept that's how life is. Being bad or average at league doesn't mean you're bad at life, it just means you probably are putting your focus somewhere else and probably for good reason
@@legendunbound5845 honestly Im master 300lp without having reviewed a single game this whole season. you can just skip reviewing games if you are able to just think about the games you lose hard and be like, okey should not have done this and this. also memorizing champs combos will make your games 120% easier
Well, fuck ranks. Who cares. You should really only care about having fun with the game and not really look at results. Be aware of yourself, of your decisions, and their outcomes. I find that fun to do, after watching the podcast, and I couldnt really care less about my rank as long as I know im playing well, close to the best of my ability. I say close, because i still make mistakes and recognize them as such. Its just fun. Improving is fun. Its not meant to be”useful” or “worth your time”, fun is always worth your time (as long as it isnt detrimental to your health and finances like drugs ig).
Thanks for all the awesome content Guys
Hi coaches! Love your content. Just wanted to say that I don't agree with your take about this podcast not being positive and just showing reality. IMO both things are true. If you manage to change people's mental to the better by showing them what the reality looks like then you ARE having a positive influence on them and bringing them those positive vibes. You guys are great, keep it up!
To the mailer at 55:00 - If you're being driven crazy by how long it takes to get into a game AND you're also queue dodging every time you get autofilled, you need to understand you're part of the problem. You're contributing to the long queue times for 9 other people, and you're creating a culture where those 9 other people have no problem dodging and making your queues take longer when they get filled as well.
I've played on Singapore server back when it was under Garena. My experience is biased by the fact that I would only play with my friend to duo on there, but we always played during the day and the queue times once we got to E4+ are ATROCIOUSLY bad lol.
It's literally not worth the listener's time playing on that server. Either they drop the game or accept a higher ping on a foreign server instead.
almost as if autofill is a bad system
Switching roles? Thats an interesting topic
The restricted champion list is part of the reason why i left the MLS program, i got alot of value out of it but i just couldn't bring myself to play the champions on offer. I went from vex to syndra and went from silver to plat in short order. The fundamentals taught in the program was a massive help and it was definitely worth my money. Im plat 2 right now and might consider trying his program again if i hit e4
I was also thrown onto ADC because none of my friends liked playing it, 8 friends got me into league and not a single one of them mained ADC lol.
Yep, that's super accurate. I have 1 friend who waffles back and forth between ADC and support, but when it comes down to it, his heart belongs to Tahm Kench. Everyone else I play with won't touch a Marksman with a ten-foot pole.
@@wowRichtoad Of my 4 IRL friends that play league, 3 are toplaners, and so am I :)). We usually "play together" by each playing solo and then doing collective vod reviews/flame sessions. It's kinda fun once you get used to it. We even overlap on *champions*, most of us are kayle enjoyers.
i just got back into league this year after 3 years of quitting and role swapped from support to jungle and went from gold 4 to d3 in 150 games one tricking brand jg i wanna thank yall for inspiring me to even try to climb. i just happened to come across agurins gameplay and copied his playstyle and it just worked out lol
before watching i wanna mention how i climbed from bronze 3 to platinum 4 in less than 2 weeks after switching away from adc to toplane. not saying you can't climb on that role or anything, but i was quite shocked.
Nice mate
yeah you can climb with any role but one can't deny that some roles are more team reliant than others
You can climb on every single role. When that role clicks for you and you enjoy the champ. The most important thing I feel is that the role you pick is, in a way, an extension of your personality. I, for one, can't play ADC for the life of me even though playing Ashe/ Senna as supp is a breeze I still can't ADC with them. It just doesn't feel natural.
my goats, rly love ur podcast guys
People talk about MMR being bad but before emerald was introduced LP gains were +16 -19 kinda thing now its pretty stable +20 -20. New system i swear if you play enough games you climb with 50% winrate.
Was waiting for this episode at work, cheers lads.
Playing on the Vietnamese server is probably your best bet if you're from Singapore. Its pop is quite sizable (~800k), and it's relatively close.
Starting a new account is almost useless if the intent is playing against lower skilled players. Riots smurf detection is very good. You might play against bad players for the first few games, then you’ll get matched up with Lee Sins pulling off insecs, Gp’s ghost barreling, Rivens doing fast combo’s. Enemy teams tracking your jungler, warding everywhere, invading, grouping, team fighting for objectives and rotating and roaming. It becomes apparent real quick you’re facing other “smurfs”.
To the third letter, saying “you know you’re much better than those you play with.” Then following that sentence with “I promise I’m never toxic” is so contradicting haha. Blatant lie that he’s never toxic. It’s VERY rare to find anyone who is NEVER toxic and the lower in rank the talk about the lower the chance of finding someone who can honestly say they are never toxic. Also even if you don’t type it you can still be toxic verbally to yourself about your teammates which affects your gameplay just the same. At the end of the day all I’m saying is improvement takes being 100% honest with yourself.
I couldn't agree more with starting a new account. I've always been an ADC player and wanted to swap to mid. My main is Plat 4, and was so attached to it. My new account of playing only mid made it to emerald within a few weeks. Very much worth it
You guys should really do an episode that covers the brazil streamer bootcamp of Yamato, TFBlade and Co. Its a content gold mine.
people just underestimate how helpful it is in the learning process to play simple champions and how far you can still climb with simple champions
I think many just want to play a new champion is cause the think it somehow magically makes them climb while in most cases the problem why you aren't climbing is cause you don't fully understand the game yet and figuring out the game is just way easier if you focus on a few simple champions
playing meta also has it's place but I think if you are gold and think u only stuck in gold cause of your champion choice thats most likely not true
I think what people mean when they say positive vibes they are referring to the approach rather than the actual learning content. I could be wrong but that's my opinion because there are plenty of people trying to help others climb but have a negative approach or sometimes even toxic. I suppose technically speaking positive could also mean that the content is just that: "positive" and is therefore beneficial. You podcasts usually leave me feeling more curious and motivated to learn and get better so I would call them positive too! Being constructive is a positive thing.
Speaking on MMR... I won 9 games in a row and then lost 7 in a row and my LP gains were worse than when I started(from +21-24 and -16-18 to +18 and -20). I don't understand how such a huge difference happens with so little games and it feels weird and bad to have won more, to be at the same rank(because of that new -50 from demotion) and to be in a worse position overall. Completely arbitrary slow down and counterintuitive. Worst part is that I was top 2 OPGG score on the team in every single one of these games... showing some consistency.
The -50 from demotion recent change was intended to counteract unintended LP inflation at the beginning of the season. So you're supposed to be lower ranked after a similarish number of wins and losses if you went through a demotion.
As for opgg score... keep in mind that LP gains and losses are not performance based. They are only based on the difference in MMR between you and the enemy team average.
46:46 This moment was really funny.
Love this pod man, I wanted to know if you guys can talk about Win Rates (I feel people give them too much importance and i've seen coaches that say stuff like "no wonder why you have 52% wr" and stuff like that would also like to know what do you think of Soloq vs Flexq like merit, improving and personal growing as a person and player
Nice stuff, very positive, very wholesome!
This video is talking to me.
Been a Camille main usually onetricking her. And I'm good on 6 ADC that I comfortably play in masters, the Elo I got from Camille and I can adc there aswell.
But after 6 months with this podcast I have wanted to play syndra sooooo badly.
I have for the last 3 months committed to play her everyday, and it feels as natural as onetricking. I don't get tired of syndra no matter how much I suck. I play on my girls Smurf in silver. Been loosing there for 2 months and starting to see results. I hope a year from now I can que midlane on my main and play syndra and another mage at that master level. is there a champion that could compliment a syndra champion pool, Midlane for me has been untouched territory for any champion that isn't Camille, since Camille can play all 5 roles and I have the capabilities for it, but I wanna expand and create a propper midpool.
Another league podcast Yippe
Video idea: 2player team competition, jungle + mid only in arena. Get some of your students working together. Maybe have rules or something idk your the pros
Same experience i was forced to play adc but in instead i fell in love with the role instead love jinx kaisa samira ezreal smolder now aswell love my champs
I had an account that i had made years ago that i never got to level 30 but i wanted to learn jungle so i ised that account to learn and i made it way beyond my previos best rank of silver 1 all the way to plat 2. Since then, i decided if im going to learn another role, im going to create a new account for that
In my case I'm thinking of switching from top to mid. The thing is I enjoy playing toplane and im good, if I play only 3-4 champs which is nothing wrong. But, I also wanted to try mid lane for the last few years because there are some champs in mid that I really enjoy to play and in top there are some champions I really hate to play against. The thing is, I don't know what to do. I would like to play mid lane but I am bad at it. But I also like to play top lane and im good at it. There are champions in top lane that can go mid as well, that is my plan too. But I would also like to climb higher than my peak on top lane (diamond 4). Im afraid if I swap to mid, I will need to learn top again and all the matchups... and that will take a lot of time. I have an account made for my mid lane games but I still get anxiety when I think of playing ranked (the account placed emerald 3 previous season when I was playing top lane so I will probably need to lose and int some games to start winning as mid laner). I know its worth learning two roles of course good in the long term, but is it worth it? My goal is to reach diamond 4 while playing mid too, I don't know how much time it will take and how much will I lose of not playing my main role.
Doesn’t matter how long it will take. If that’s your goal, it will always take even longer the more you put it off. Could you maybe get an account that is already placed in a lower rank so you can guarantee to start climbing mid from the bottom for practice? I’ve never bought an account so idk if that’s possible but it seems like that might help with some of the “save elo” pressure you’re putting on yourself
I otp Malz and the one guy that wrote in is wrong… Malz punishes mistakes very easily, they just aren’t flashy (well Malz flash ult inherently is flashy lol). It seems the guy has a narrow vision of how league has to be played but rather there are multiple ways to win the game.
Could you guys consider having a guest ADC expert on the show give people some guidance and clarity on survivingl/thriving as a solo queue player the way you guys do?
Hype hype hype
Nathan's water bottle is a little sus after 30:00
If you really want to have a better understanding as player in lol, you should have a understanding in every role. I started off as a support main then I went to top, Played a little bit of adc&mid. Then played a lot of jungle, right now I am top support that can if needed go to jungle. I play champions that you need to have really good map awareness like Shen/Leona.
If you want to get a better feel for jungle, but not play jungle play support it is literally jungle without smite and has a lane phase. I would say, and this is my opinion that top lane gives to you a better understanding of pressuring different sides of the map; as well as understanding where you need to be when certain objectives are up.
same thing happened with me being forced into adc.... but i like the role
i was always bronze 5 since season 3 when i started now that iron is out im solid iron 4 when i play solo when i play with friends i can get to bronze or gold i think im possibly the worst league player top ever exist but im so addicted i cant stop cos i have nothing better to do wit my life ( i also feel bad if i activly try to deny people minions cos i hate when it happenes to me
I am playing Neeko and loving her, from B2 though I'm wondering if I should take up a MLS champ, wondering which would be similar, I was thinking Vex but am not sure, any suggestions?
Vex is a semi-assassin so that works
In other fields it is not that different. Good programmers are usually terrible at teaching it, same for other proffesionals. There is always exeptions, but teaching is just a skill in itself.
My account has been on negative LP gains since the start of this season. I climbed to emerald with a 64% winrate only to get +17 / -28. I have climbed back to emerald about 20 times just this season because of just how bad my LP gains are. Even going 50/50 Im losing rank rapidly. I am sticking with this account despite my 63% winrate diana having lost me LP over the course of the season. I've fixed my main account before and I can do it again
ive been using my lolstate less but winning more.. whys that? think maybe just fluke? or better patch for me?
if i gain +27 and -22 does that mean my elo is lower than my mmr?
If you want an adc that wants to engage tanky Nilah is your champion.
6:00 seems counter-intuitive to the advice you and other pros often give so would love to hear further thoughts on this. If your long term goal is to be a multi-champion challenger player, the advice of "start cracking down now and play multiple champions" seems counter-intuitive to the advice of OTP to high ELO so you understand the game THEN add on other champions now that you truly understand the game. Both could lead to the same long term outcome but drastically different short term approaches
The advice of playing every champ and role is only for very new players, it's good for new players to just mess around and play everything so they can learn what all champions do and how they interact and get a basic idea of how the game works.
The advice of a small champion pool or even OTP is very good for people who understand the basics of the game and what all champions do and are really looking to really start their ranked climb. It's very good to have a small champion pool because this allows you to play you champion with mostly intuition / muscle memory which makes it so you can focus on the game a whole.
You guys encouraging Smurfing?
Haha. Please adc mains... please randomly swap to top lane. Pick a main like fiora or renekton. Maybe a mordekaiser 😂. Pick a tank! Please swap. Your lane sucks because it doesnt matter. No ones denying adc is weak in solo queue lol. But i think the culture shock of going adc to top is hilarious to entertain lol. Top lane is its own universe of suck haha. 1 mistake in lane ruins the entire game in a shocking amount of scenarios lol. One bad half shove by a jungler "taxing" ruins your game. One bad return gank tp? Ruins your game. Didnt get priority and failed to ward at 2:40? Enjoy your gank. Mid roams and you think its a back timer? Your games over lol.
The joy of top lane is when you win... its your fault. 😊
i wouldnt make a new acc if im switching roles anyway bc the new acc doesnt have skins
Whatever you plan on doing, just get off of Adc. That’s how you climb.
The thing about roles and champs when you are low elo, is that it doesn't matter.
Literally. "Ohh if I am adc main and if I play top I will be bad" , but you already are bad ? Thats why you are low elo. You already don't know how to play your role/the game. If you did you wouldn't be low elo in the first place.
So changing won't do absolutely nothing. You just need 10 games max or so to adapt a little bit and thats it.
Please stop telling people to mute pings just because they aren't master+. Nothing worse than losing a game that you were in a good spot in because your teammates just won't listen to retreat pings and stop trying to 1v3.
Never had this
Even in master+ ppl will ignore your pings and run it. It's not the reason you're "stuck" in an elo.
i was 10/5 kogmaw in 10 minutes last night, this muted ziggs didnt let me have mid, i was forced to split all game and watch him lose teamfights, its a miserable situation
Pings can certainly help, but they can also be very distracting. You are also spending some of your mental stack worrying about that other player and pinging them. Anyway Curtis and Nathan do play with pings on, they aren't telling everyone to mute pings all the time. That's just one strategy you can use to improve your mental state.
Following pings is low% below Master. We play for high%
might aswell post opgg's here cuz its a small knit community and engagement is good. yorick adc/swain apc journey on euw. main gold1, smurf emerald 3... :D marrymemaryjane#420 and ivernmectin#609 14 year veteran, and i realized the best way to get high elo is to have fun. my first yorick game since rework was played less than one month ago.. :D
i am iron 3 and i am better than you all :) :D