Halfway through the new B2. It's very well designed and thought out. I think the early camo/white underside version shown here is the best of the many colour schemes. I'm doing some mods so that the fitted blue steel can be removed easily to show the brilliant detail in the bomb bay with a scratch built yellow sun and extra fuel tank. It's a shame to waste that space. Great work from Airfix and this channel.
Halfway through the new B2. It's very well designed and thought out. I think the early camo/white underside version shown here is the best of the many colour schemes. I'm doing some mods so that the fitted blue steel can be removed easily to show the brilliant detail in the bomb bay with a scratch built yellow sun and extra fuel tank. It's a shame to waste that space. Great work from Airfix and this channel.
Nice job.
Very well done my friend! Cheers from Argentina...
Thank you for watching!
Incredible build , really enjoyed watching this - will keep an eye out for your next one.
Thank you for watching!
It’s look so big👍
Thank you for watching🤘
アヴロ バルカンですか...。私も製作した経験があります。ただ、私の場合は、他の戦略爆撃機を作ったときの経験と、先輩モデラーさんの助言から、大体鉛を半分くらいにして、それでも尻餅をつくようなら、透明プラ棒で支柱をつけます。ちなみに今、ハンドレページ ビクターを制作中です。
Perfect work 👍👍👍
Thank you for watching!
Best finish ÿet ì flew them °
Thank you for watching!
アブロ・バルカン カッチョ良い(*`・ω・)ゞ でもやっぱり「蛇の目」兵器!何でそうなった?(エアブレーキとか)突っ込みどころ満載w
how big is tat airplain O_o