due to armor changes tagilla became a true pushover, if you know where to hit any weapon can kill him, i got with with a double barrel magnum buckshot to the armpit while he rushed me, you want to get him running through long corridors with a hammer
Tbh I panicked hardcore, I thought the players left in raid would come running after all the gunfire so I just grabbed the first stuff I thought of and booked it lol
due to armor changes tagilla became a true pushover, if you know where to hit any weapon can kill him, i got with with a double barrel magnum buckshot to the armpit while he rushed me, you want to get him running through long corridors with a hammer
I'm 1:0 against tagilla. Noscope 1-tapped him in the head with a mosin while planting my gunpowders at night factory xD
I got green card off tagilla last night
i got red card from tagilla a couple days ago
You left tier 6 armor...
Tbh I panicked hardcore, I thought the players left in raid would come running after all the gunfire so I just grabbed the first stuff I thought of and booked it lol
Hate seeing those empty pockets
it couldn't have been a red card ;-;
You loot too slow bruh
My brain moves too slow 😔