Cataphractii Terminators in land raiders, Devastators in drop pods, dual pistol vanguard veterans and of course contemptors. Not worth winning if you don’t look awesome doing it.
Hey quick question, does the strategem work with heavy intercessors or only the old school heavy bolter? I don't have my codex on me and I am at work away from home for 3 days.
@Andras Takacs oh sweet I guess I have a reason to add some heavy intercessors to my army then. I finished painting 2000pts recently and I told myself I would take a break because I was sick of painting, I do like the look of the intercessors though.
Nice list of tips! Noticed a few minor corrections: Servitors are 30 pts (vs 28), Canticle of Hate is +2 to Charges only (no +2 to advance) Keep up the awesome videos!
I think he also left out the +3" to pile in/consolidation moves for Canticle of Hate as well, which can be a huge problem for your opponent, especially if you play Space Wolves.
I know they’re really good in most chapters, but I think Salamander Vanguard Vets deserve a good mention too due to two different strats we can use to beef them up; Crucible of Battle to give them +1 to wound, as well as Strength of the Primarch to give a flat +1 to the model’s strength as well as double damage on a wound roll of 6, both of which cost only 1cp, can be used together for devastating damage, and are extremely efficient
Lots of good stuff! I'm particularly excited about the points drop for eliminators. I just wish they'd get the points right in the app and battlescribe for the spectrus kill team =\
Combat squads is a rule alot of people forget but with Intercessors it's amazing. Take 10 with Auto Bolt rifles. Against hordes Keep them as 10 and double shot them every turn. In other match ups just split them into 2 5 man squads :)
This is a good point. However, as awesome as SM troops are, they are also kind of pricy. I have come to the conclusion that running more then the 15 required for a battalion is sub-optimal.
Intercessors is really the only squad I would try this with and only for the double shot strat. As others mentioned, the extra attack and leadership of a second sgt is powerful and with rites of war, troops are more of a tax on marines than they are for admech or orks. Still, it's only 100 points to go from a squad of 5 intercessors and two squads of phobos to a squad of 10 and two phobos units, so it might be worth it, especially with more shooty builds like Iron Hands or what have you.
I'm positive this video will be helpful to new Space Marine players so 👍. The only other chapter agnostic tip that I might have included is that Land Speeder Storms are an often overlooked unit that are cheap, durable for their points, and super fast. This combination makes them good for screening your backfield and great for secondaries like Engage/Stranglehold/Oath/etc. Lastly it can always zoom forward and use the "Shock and Awe" stratagem if you're planning to charge something with a potentially nasty overwatch like Flamestorm Aggressors or the like.
I've had standard 5-man intercessor squads wipe out entire squads of melee dedicated light infantry with nothing but a chainsword on the Sargent. I think my favorite part of space marines is that even in a primarily shooting army chapter like ultramarines your basic troops can still throw a pretty solid punch.
I love how the opposite applies to chapters like the Blood Angels. Heavy melee focus (especially on the charge), but can still hurt real bad with the right shooting units.
I'd love to see tips for chaos space marines next. They're super slept on and chaos has been shit on by the codex releases, minus specifically death guard and thousand suns
I honestly hope CSM get the SM codex treatment and each sub-faction gets properly fleshed out in the codex. They don't really need supplements or stand-alone codexes, just someone who actually gives some care and thought into their codex. Otherwise, yeah CSM 2.0 was a slap in the face failure.
Just a postive thing about videos like this. You don't try to force people to believe you, you state what it's suppose to do then move on. It's nice to have someone who doesn't get too bogged down in details when the situations are endless
I've found reivers work pretty well as bullh units in melee armies. Kjt them out with combat knives and grapnel guns and you can redeploy behind enemy lines and bully them off objectives. They've put in work for my black templars for damn sure
One interesting combo with 'Allies' is to use a 'successor chapter' along with their 'parent chapter'. You get to pick alternative supporting traits but won't lose any 'Super Doctrine' as they'll share the same 'Chapter' keyword.
chapter ancient with the warlord trait gives obsec, or doubles up on it, which can be useful. I like using it with non obsec units like devastators or eliminators on backline objectives that i know are going to be attacked. you get obsec and the banner benefits
1:03 they are also good with 4 plasma piston and 4 thunder hammers. For sergeant shield+hammer/relicblade. Not so durablity but i use them like a guard to the jump pack chaplain. (Just take relic: benedicton of fury jump pack plasma pistol ant warlord trait the imperium sword... this is si powerffull and nbest HQ if you give him crusade relics) ;)
I always found Stalkers to be brilliant as part of my Imperial Fists army. The 6 autocannon shots on a T8 vehicle is great, especially since our superdoctrine got nerfed Oo
im surprised you didnt mention the new primaris gamebreakors. i think currently theyre very powerful, definitely a must-run for any space marine player
I think you seriously underestimate how powerful a Chapter Champion with Armor Indomitus and The Imperium's Sword (or a trait that fits your list better) for ONLY 70 pts. He also does not take a Elite or HQ slot if you bring company veterans (which are excellent due to their Bodyguard rule). If you run a smash captain on bike he has better stuff to do than babysit units in the middle where most threats to him will be, a 70pts character with a 6" heroic intervention and special rules that make him both better vs characters and harder to kill in melee fits that role perfectly + you dont have to put Rite of Battle on your smash captain or Chaplain. If a Company Champion could take a jump pack he'd arguably be the best unit in the codex for melee focues chapters like BA, SW and WS. Also you overestimate how good teeth of terra is on a Apothecary. Yes he gets lots of nice attacks but he is still onle a WS3+, 4W, 3+6+++ character that needs to be protected. If you kit him for melee you are missing the point of the character. If you run a Primaris Apothecary it is much better to take Vox relic to make his FNP actually do anything mid/late game. If you run a first born Apothecary then don't waste relic slots on him, use them on characters that don't die from a single las/melta shot and that needs to be protected by other units. I'd much rather take Teeth of Terra on a bike captain with a SS and The Imperium's Sword trait. Also spending 35 pts to make him Chief, then a CP to take selfless healer (plus the fact that you miss out on another trait) simply is not worth it. Just spend the CP to revive instead as many tournament players are starting to do. If you castle/hide correctly he won't res anything first or second turn in some cases and if your opponent knows what he's doing he'll simply focus fire units down so you wont have any models to revive for free. Sure you are bound to get SOME value out of him but for the points cost you might as well take one more Blade Guard or almost another Eradicator
Tip 1: play Ad Mech Tip 2: play Sororitas Tip 3: play Dark Eldar Tip 4: play 1000k Sons Tip 5: play Death Guard Tip 6: use that one Ork on the big squig Edit: just to clarify, this comment of mine is at least partly a joke.
Death Guard, Please! 30 Filthy Dirty Tricks for DG would make me smile As a new player ( played 3 games ) any tips are invaluable especially from ol' Auspex Cheers!
Really hoping they fix the bodyguard rule on the next round of FAQs. I hate stuff like that that but because of "rules as written" people are going to exploit it.
I tend to run Armor Indomitus on a Captain with Relic Shield; the +1 to Armor Save sort of stacks with the shield to effectively mean that up to AP-2 the Captain can effectively save without problem, anything else gets taken on the invuln which you can blow out to 3+ in a pinch. Also, where does one even get servitors anymore, as they are now out of production?
Chapter Champ with his relic sword and Imperium's Sword/Chogorian Storm is going to be seen everywhere soon for White Scars. 8-10A hitting on 2's with S8 AP-3 D3 and can Heroic 6", in Assault Doctrine goes to AP-4 and D4, potentially with +1 to wound from Khan. Not bad for 70pts and 2CP. Ravenwing can do a similar thing, only 7A and no extra dmg in assault doct but he's on a bike so can move up to 17" and charge, has a 4++ or 5++ vs shooting and he can take a grenade launcher with a 2CP strat to stop an enemy unit falling back next turn. With bodgyuard shenanigans he can stand on an objective to heroic like a mini Celestine, or missile out like a mini Succubus.
Some of the highest ranking SW lists have been successor chapters. Swapping our chapter tactic to whirlwind of rage and born heroes is a massive buff and losing named characters is absolutely worth it with how good many of the primaris units really are. The only real staple in SW lists you're seeing is Bjorn for doubling up on wisdom of the ancients. I'd rather have exploding 6's from turn one because I can reliably get units to my opponent's deployment zone turn 1.
Some things I'll add: MultiMelta landspeeder can be comparable to Attack Bikes when you need FLY and are also good at charging enemy vehicles for protection. Salamanders and Space Wolves both have character dreadnoughts for bodyguard shenanigans. The Damocles Command Rhino is a rather cheap way to get the benefit of a 2nd Captain, which also due to its size is bigger than a captain/lt even with their +3" radius trait.
To prevent illogical rule abuse tricks, I expect the character, targeting and sniping rules to be reworked into something elegant one day. One could replace the strange "cannot be targeted" rule with a clear set of penalties regardless whether any involved models are characters. Default targeting is the closest model, this could be allowed to be based on a 60, 90 or 120 degree arc. This lets you can pick where on the frontline you aim. even if it's not closest, they are closer than other models behind them. If not aiming, you shoot the best target in a 2" bubble around this model which the defender can pick. Combined with a rule models can pick up any weapon they can use, this translates into the defender picking which model is actually targeted and possibly removed. If aiming, you take a -1 penalty to hit AND to wound to remove this choice. In addition you can take a -1 penalty to snipe a model further away if that has a different toughness than the closer targets or a -2 penalty if the model has the same toughness. Note you don't need to take the aim penalties if your target has no models within 2". If it has you either give the defender the choice or the penalties stack. The aim to hit penalty is mitigated by having a weapon with a snipe quality or not moving. The sniping penalties and the aim wound roll penalty can be offset by either a newly introduced strategem or an ability like the Raven Guard superdoctrine, which can be translated to a +1 to hit and wound roll when sniping. The actual penalties and bubble radius needs to be tweaked based on play and how available sniping is for various factions. Bodyguards then have a simple mechanic, they just stay within 2" and between their character and enemies! Similarly you need to position less valuable models well if you want to use them as ablative wounds for the models with better weapons. You could even go back to including characters into units without having the problems of 7th edition. You'd have "the smash sergeant" as a more balanced version of smash captain in each unit plus another specialist in ten model units. HQ's, basically custom upgraded veterans, can then be part of veteran units.
I am kinda wondering about Bolt Rifles at the moment with my Chapter, and the Auto Bolt Rifle pattern in particular. My Chapter is an all Primaris Chapter and have the standard Bolt Rifles. So when Tactical Doctrine kicks in. They have -2AP on their weapons. And a little bit of extra range. Most of the opponent's I'm facing are Space Marine like opponent's so that extra Armour Piercing does help. But I'm wondering if just more volleys of fire would yield better results on the tabletop. As I'm a very shooty sort of player. And a cautious one as well.
It depends whether you want your intercessors to be mobile as well; if not, I’d recommend the Stalker Bolt Rifle pattern. It’s useful for taking down other space marines, but it’s classified as a heavy weapon. If you need to be mobile, I would recommend the standard design.
Yeah the extra shot on the Auto make it better even against Space Marines. Also because you have to stand still or be within half range to get the full amount of shots from a bolt rifle the Auto has a better range at full effect. You can move or even advance and still get 3 shots were as if you move with the bolt rifle you only get one shot unless you're within half range.
I know about the Stalker Bolt Rifles. Tried them when I first started playing Tabletop in 8th. Evening standing still. Of 5 shots, 2 might hit the target, and then of wounds. 1 wound probably, and 2 if lucky. And that is them standing still, with Cap nearby and sometimes an LT. Looking at the Autos. They assault looks nice for the whole shooting thing of mine. But the loss of AP and loss of extra range does put me a bit off to be honest. But I think that's me niggling at the stats.
@@calumdeighton The range is cancelled out by being able to move and shoot, and they make better use of the shoot twice strategem. I'd say Autos win for nearly anyone except Ultras
Does smokescreen stratagem affect every unit in that shooting phase? Let's say one enemy unit targets three units that all have smokescreen keyword and I pay the cp for the stratagem, are all units targeted -1 to hit?
veterans work so well. I personally run a shield primaris captain with a 7 man veteran intecessor squad, 5 man hammer terminators and some other first company things. ultramarine adept of the codex comes in handy.
agree on general choice ancients, but as ultramarine successor i can get the +1 attack banner, giving obsec to all around him or doubling obsec on troops can be my reason to chuck him into a droppod with devastators and melee company veterans.
@@frostedbutts4340 I'd actually think the opposite to be true. After all, the +1 damage from your super doctrine is only active on Turn 1 (where there's a good chance that most of your opponent's army will be obscured) whilst the Chapter Tactic for exploding 6's to hit with bolter weapons lasts all game long. As for your question Von Plackus, I'd guess that Heavy Bolter Attacks bikes would probably be better than Heavy Bolter Devastators because of their T5 and being able to move and shoot without penalty.
4 heavy bolters, with bolter drill, tank hunter (or chanticle of fire), chapter master is a shit ton of damage, even in melee with close range bolter fire, and we have so few good stratagems that you wont miss that much al those cp
@@linkofvev I mean literally the latter has won games, I've heard people in r/warhammercompetitive actually do well in tournaments cause no one knows how the fuck to counter gsc since no one in their right mind would actually run them, which of course leads to somehow good scoring GSC
Yes, I think if it had core so I could benefit from rerolls I might be worth it. Also the role of a transport and gun platform don't mix very well. Transports want to advance unload and then tag things in combat or move block. If you advance or tag stiff with a razorback your giving up on shooting it's main weapon.
I'd highly recommend hellblasters Normal weapons killed a flyer with 13wounds in 1 turn with 6 extra damage Good strategy is only good for 1250+ Captain Aincent 5 hellblasters 5 troops 500 point blob but it's deadly and the aincent puts some players off shooting the hellblasters with more valuable units The captain's re-roll 1's gives overcharge without risk and the troops will protect the characters
Really? To me they just have so much more firepower per point that it's a no brainer. Make sure they have captain / lieutenant buffs to make the most of Core, and Psychic Fortress bubble helps.
What about the fact that the flamers are 12 inch range now? Also I have seen a lot of value from impulsors with the shield dome to be hard to get rid of and harassment / sit on objectives after they drop their troops
I think that's not just the impulsor. Very few players want to target empty transports, and SM transports are relatively cheap - except the most iconic ones... :(
Can you do a deathwatch video? there are so many combinations with the veteran killteam and warlordtraits, i would really appreciate your thoughts on that
Why dont you like Ancients? I like them near Multi-Melta Eradicator. 4 Multi-Melta shots on death. Also good enough relic caddy for Iron Hands (Tempered Helm)
Best Intercessor gun for Dark Angels? Let's say I'm fielding 30 intercessors into a GT... because I want to... I struggle to see which gun loadouts they should be, they are all good.
Hey hopefully someone sees this. I main spacewolves and have been struggling to learn how to use my troops effectively. Is there any place with advice or guides on most effective tactics or troop choices? I have a veteran friend whos been playing with me for a few months and i can tell he goes easy on me. Im trying to learn how to analyze his strategy and counteract it but i suspect that just comes from experience, any advice would be apreciated.
Well be fair, most of the Imperium is morally wrong. I mean Space Marines themselves are basically brainwashed zealots plucked from worlds kept hellishly harsh for the sole purpose of producing soldiers.
@@angusmuir6180 Honestly I'd much rather live on one of those hell worlds than a civilized Hive. At least you have the love of your clan and the thrill of survival, versus working 18 hours a day in a factory, eating gruel made from dead humans and being indoctrinated all the time.
@@frostedbutts4340 Oh yeah, if it's a choice between a Hive and a Feral World or what have you I'll take the Feral World any day. My point was just that as far as morality goes there's worse in the Imperium than servitors. Not that I'd ever want to be one, of course.
Personally, I think the Space Wolves chapter tactic is one of the strongest (although I may be biased). Army-wide heroic intervention can be handy, especially for large, crowded melee battles in the mid-board. +1 to hit in almost all melee scenarios is far more useful, especially for power fists and thunder hammers. When combined with a re-roll 1s aura and the keen senses stratagem, a unit can have a flawless hit roll record.
@@frostedbutts4340 1d3 MWs are good but not great, the 2d3 combo can be done only once per squad so you need a good target (like custodes) for it to be great.
Surprising the heavy bolter isn't good still, being upgraded from 1 to 2 damage in 9th... Maybe if they'd allowed Inceptors and Aggressors to wield two instead of their current weapons you'd really be able to get them in the right spot easily.
Cataphractii Terminators in land raiders, Devastators in drop pods, dual pistol vanguard veterans and of course contemptors.
Not worth winning if you don’t look awesome doing it.
Hahahahaha love your profile pic and name
I'd go Tartaros, but otherwise that's a big ball of awesome.
@@mikemarcotte5962 cataphractii > egg
As a double Land Raider player, yes, agreed.
Do Cataphractii even exist anymore? I thought they and Tartaros got lumped into "relic terminators"
Appreciate the image reference to the Necrons and Blood Angels teaming up against Tyranids!
Tbh with space marines I always say if something looks cool use it
Exactly my opinion.
100%. Nothing in the Codex STINKS. Might as well as use what you dig.
But you can't field the entire codex lol
@@Expendabrah1000 well… there isn’t actually any limit to how big you can make a battle.
I do like to throw in a heavy bolter just to get access to the helffire rounds strategem, mortal wound output is always nice
Pocket HB is the tech. Always.
Hey quick question, does the strategem work with heavy intercessors or only the old school heavy bolter? I don't have my codex on me and I am at work away from home for 3 days.
@Andras Takacs oh sweet I guess I have a reason to add some heavy intercessors to my army then.
I finished painting 2000pts recently and I told myself I would take a break because I was sick of painting, I do like the look of the intercessors though.
I love that stratagem
Would certainly recommend this to a new player considering Space Marines, and even veterans will benefit from your insights. Nice pace as well.
Nice list of tips!
Noticed a few minor corrections: Servitors are 30 pts (vs 28), Canticle of Hate is +2 to Charges only (no +2 to advance)
Keep up the awesome videos!
I think he also left out the +3" to pile in/consolidation moves for Canticle of Hate as well, which can be a huge problem for your opponent, especially if you play Space Wolves.
Can't seem to get vanguard vets in space wolfs
I know they’re really good in most chapters, but I think Salamander Vanguard Vets deserve a good mention too due to two different strats we can use to beef them up; Crucible of Battle to give them +1 to wound, as well as Strength of the Primarch to give a flat +1 to the model’s strength as well as double damage on a wound roll of 6, both of which cost only 1cp, can be used together for devastating damage, and are extremely efficient
Thank you for this - always love the insights. As someone who only owns firstborn, it’s good to see that we still have some strong units!
Lots of good stuff! I'm particularly excited about the points drop for eliminators. I just wish they'd get the points right in the app and battlescribe for the spectrus kill team =\
Combat squads is a rule alot of people forget but with Intercessors it's amazing. Take 10 with Auto Bolt rifles. Against hordes Keep them as 10 and double shot them every turn. In other match ups just split them into 2 5 man squads :)
But then you miss out on the second sergeant and power weapon
This is a good point. However, as awesome as SM troops are, they are also kind of pricy. I have come to the conclusion that running more then the 15 required for a battalion is sub-optimal.
Intercessors is really the only squad I would try this with and only for the double shot strat. As others mentioned, the extra attack and leadership of a second sgt is powerful and with rites of war, troops are more of a tax on marines than they are for admech or orks. Still, it's only 100 points to go from a squad of 5 intercessors and two squads of phobos to a squad of 10 and two phobos units, so it might be worth it, especially with more shooty builds like Iron Hands or what have you.
I'm positive this video will be helpful to new Space Marine players so 👍.
The only other chapter agnostic tip that I might have included is that Land Speeder Storms are an often overlooked unit that are cheap, durable for their points, and super fast. This combination makes them good for screening your backfield and great for secondaries like Engage/Stranglehold/Oath/etc. Lastly it can always zoom forward and use the "Shock and Awe" stratagem if you're planning to charge something with a potentially nasty overwatch like Flamestorm Aggressors or the like.
I've had standard 5-man intercessor squads wipe out entire squads of melee dedicated light infantry with nothing but a chainsword on the Sargent. I think my favorite part of space marines is that even in a primarily shooting army chapter like ultramarines your basic troops can still throw a pretty solid punch.
I love how the opposite applies to chapters like the Blood Angels. Heavy melee focus (especially on the charge), but can still hurt real bad with the right shooting units.
White Scars player here, can confirm.
@@jw7500 “WE, DEFY, THE DAAARK!!!
Had a 5-man lascannon devastator beat up a Troupe master in melee in my last match. Guess that 4+ invul. saves works in my favor.
I find it kind of ironic as a Space Wolves player that we have one of the best strats for shooting in the game. (Keen Senses)
I love how no matter what question I’m currently thinking about for my new armies, you’ve got a video for me.
Thanks so much!
I'd love to see tips for chaos space marines next. They're super slept on and chaos has been shit on by the codex releases, minus specifically death guard and thousand suns
While still kinda playing on hard mode, Emperor's Children and espescially Iron Warriors can still bring VERY mean lists.
I honestly hope CSM get the SM codex treatment and each sub-faction gets properly fleshed out in the codex. They don't really need supplements or stand-alone codexes, just someone who actually gives some care and thought into their codex. Otherwise, yeah CSM 2.0 was a slap in the face failure.
Just a postive thing about videos like this. You don't try to force people to believe you, you state what it's suppose to do then move on. It's nice to have someone who doesn't get too bogged down in details when the situations are endless
I'd love to see you do a video for the craftworld Eldar they always do get slept on specially since we haven't gotten our New Codex
As an avid CWE fan and (terrible)player I agree
I've found reivers work pretty well as bullh units in melee armies. Kjt them out with combat knives and grapnel guns and you can redeploy behind enemy lines and bully them off objectives. They've put in work for my black templars for damn sure
Use the duellists chapter tactic with combat knives, drop them in and charge something in the backfield to take off a surprising number of wounds
Would love to see a craftworld's tips, and the rapid fire was great.
One interesting combo with 'Allies' is to use a 'successor chapter' along with their 'parent chapter'.
You get to pick alternative supporting traits but won't lose any 'Super Doctrine' as they'll share the same 'Chapter' keyword.
Not bad, and you can put the special characters in the Daddy detachment. Not even unfluffy since they'd often fight together.
chapter ancient with the warlord trait gives obsec, or doubles up on it, which can be useful. I like using it with non obsec units like devastators or eliminators on backline objectives that i know are going to be attacked. you get obsec and the banner benefits
I like Eradicators around anicent. That multi-melta one keep dying and ressurecting)
1:03 they are also good with 4 plasma piston and 4 thunder hammers. For sergeant shield+hammer/relicblade. Not so durablity but i use them like a guard to the jump pack chaplain. (Just take relic: benedicton of fury jump pack plasma pistol ant warlord trait the imperium sword... this is si powerffull and nbest HQ if you give him crusade relics) ;)
I was literary thinking what you thought of ATV’s when you uploaded this video. Great timing.
There is a tyranid model called haruspex.
Take away the H and R and you get auspex.
Auspex Tactics Tyranid infiltrator confirmed?!?!
Great video, I love the fast format! Would love to see something similar for Tau, Death Guard or Nids.
Love this video concept and would be thrilled to see this for other factions as well!
This was very helpful. Maybe a video about underrated units - units you think are overlooked by meta picks but you think could be useful?
Please do Death Guard!
I would love to see one for deathwatch just as like a small thing
I always found Stalkers to be brilliant as part of my Imperial Fists army. The 6 autocannon shots on a T8 vehicle is great, especially since our superdoctrine got nerfed Oo
im surprised you didnt mention the new primaris gamebreakors. i think currently theyre very powerful, definitely a must-run for any space marine player
I know its Chapter specific, but speaking of lieutenants, the Deathwing Strikemaster is awesome! A termie lt.!
I think you seriously underestimate how powerful a Chapter Champion with Armor Indomitus and The Imperium's Sword (or a trait that fits your list better) for ONLY 70 pts. He also does not take a Elite or HQ slot if you bring company veterans (which are excellent due to their Bodyguard rule). If you run a smash captain on bike he has better stuff to do than babysit units in the middle where most threats to him will be, a 70pts character with a 6" heroic intervention and special rules that make him both better vs characters and harder to kill in melee fits that role perfectly + you dont have to put Rite of Battle on your smash captain or Chaplain. If a Company Champion could take a jump pack he'd arguably be the best unit in the codex for melee focues chapters like BA, SW and WS.
Also you overestimate how good teeth of terra is on a Apothecary. Yes he gets lots of nice attacks but he is still onle a WS3+, 4W, 3+6+++ character that needs to be protected. If you kit him for melee you are missing the point of the character. If you run a Primaris Apothecary it is much better to take Vox relic to make his FNP actually do anything mid/late game. If you run a first born Apothecary then don't waste relic slots on him, use them on characters that don't die from a single las/melta shot and that needs to be protected by other units. I'd much rather take Teeth of Terra on a bike captain with a SS and The Imperium's Sword trait. Also spending 35 pts to make him Chief, then a CP to take selfless healer (plus the fact that you miss out on another trait) simply is not worth it. Just spend the CP to revive instead as many tournament players are starting to do. If you castle/hide correctly he won't res anything first or second turn in some cases and if your opponent knows what he's doing he'll simply focus fire units down so you wont have any models to revive for free. Sure you are bound to get SOME value out of him but for the points cost you might as well take one more Blade Guard or almost another Eradicator
Now thirty tips for playing AGAINST the space marines!
Might need 15 general tips and a few question addressing specific chapters.
Tip 1: play Ad Mech
Tip 2: play Sororitas
Tip 3: play Dark Eldar
Tip 4: play 1000k Sons
Tip 5: play Death Guard
Tip 6: use that one Ork on the big squig
Edit: just to clarify, this comment of mine is at least partly a joke.
But also, that Ork on the big Squig.
Very handy & I like the format.
Death Guard, Please! 30 Filthy Dirty Tricks for DG would make me smile
As a new player ( played 3 games ) any tips are invaluable especially from ol' Auspex Cheers!
Really hoping they fix the bodyguard rule on the next round of FAQs. I hate stuff like that that but because of "rules as written" people are going to exploit it.
Hi Auspex, could we get a 10th ed update on this please 🙏
Idea - make "Army building stereotypes and how to counter them"
Hey auspex, I'd love a full video on the company/chapter champion! I'd love to know if I was utilising him correctly!
I would like some tips on admech or sister's, With their codices being released and not having to worry with it being out of date... Hopefully.
Nice video format - really interesting.
I tend to run Armor Indomitus on a Captain with Relic Shield; the +1 to Armor Save sort of stacks with the shield to effectively mean that up to AP-2 the Captain can effectively save without problem, anything else gets taken on the invuln which you can blow out to 3+ in a pinch.
Also, where does one even get servitors anymore, as they are now out of production?
Chapter Champ with his relic sword and Imperium's Sword/Chogorian Storm is going to be seen everywhere soon for White Scars. 8-10A hitting on 2's with S8 AP-3 D3 and can Heroic 6", in Assault Doctrine goes to AP-4 and D4, potentially with +1 to wound from Khan. Not bad for 70pts and 2CP. Ravenwing can do a similar thing, only 7A and no extra dmg in assault doct but he's on a bike so can move up to 17" and charge, has a 4++ or 5++ vs shooting and he can take a grenade launcher with a 2CP strat to stop an enemy unit falling back next turn. With bodgyuard shenanigans he can stand on an objective to heroic like a mini Celestine, or missile out like a mini Succubus.
Tips for sisters of battle would be very helpful
Successor chapter for SW means also no named characters like Bjorn, Arjack, Ragnar which can be a big negative
Some of the highest ranking SW lists have been successor chapters. Swapping our chapter tactic to whirlwind of rage and born heroes is a massive buff and losing named characters is absolutely worth it with how good many of the primaris units really are. The only real staple in SW lists you're seeing is Bjorn for doubling up on wisdom of the ancients. I'd rather have exploding 6's from turn one because I can reliably get units to my opponent's deployment zone turn 1.
I would kill for such video for Necrons!
Some things I'll add: MultiMelta landspeeder can be comparable to Attack Bikes when you need FLY and are also good at charging enemy vehicles for protection. Salamanders and Space Wolves both have character dreadnoughts for bodyguard shenanigans. The Damocles Command Rhino is a rather cheap way to get the benefit of a 2nd Captain, which also due to its size is bigger than a captain/lt even with their +3" radius trait.
I'm not really feeling the Damocles tbh. For 90 points I'd rather buy a cheap Librarian / Chaplain to give some diverse buffs + fighting power
@@frostedbutts4340 The damocles is used specifically to give both captain and lt into a side zone by being cheaper than the combination of both
To prevent illogical rule abuse tricks, I expect the character, targeting and sniping rules to be reworked into something elegant one day.
One could replace the strange "cannot be targeted" rule with a clear set of penalties regardless whether any involved models are characters.
Default targeting is the closest model, this could be allowed to be based on a 60, 90 or 120 degree arc. This lets you can pick where on the frontline you aim. even if it's not closest, they are closer than other models behind them.
If not aiming, you shoot the best target in a 2" bubble around this model which the defender can pick. Combined with a rule models can pick up any weapon they can use, this translates into the defender picking which model is actually targeted and possibly removed.
If aiming, you take a -1 penalty to hit AND to wound to remove this choice.
In addition you can take a -1 penalty to snipe a model further away if that has a different toughness than the closer targets or a -2 penalty if the model has the same toughness.
Note you don't need to take the aim penalties if your target has no models within 2". If it has you either give the defender the choice or the penalties stack.
The aim to hit penalty is mitigated by having a weapon with a snipe quality or not moving.
The sniping penalties and the aim wound roll penalty can be offset by either a newly introduced strategem or an ability like the Raven Guard superdoctrine, which can be translated to a +1 to hit and wound roll when sniping.
The actual penalties and bubble radius needs to be tweaked based on play and how available sniping is for various factions.
Bodyguards then have a simple mechanic, they just stay within 2" and between their character and enemies! Similarly you need to position less valuable models well if you want to use them as ablative wounds for the models with better weapons.
You could even go back to including characters into units without having the problems of 7th edition. You'd have "the smash sergeant" as a more balanced version of smash captain in each unit plus another specialist in ten model units. HQ's, basically custom upgraded veterans, can then be part of veteran units.
love all these videos great for a new starter thank you
I am kinda wondering about Bolt Rifles at the moment with my Chapter, and the Auto Bolt Rifle pattern in particular.
My Chapter is an all Primaris Chapter and have the standard Bolt Rifles. So when Tactical Doctrine kicks in. They have -2AP on their weapons. And a little bit of extra range. Most of the opponent's I'm facing are Space Marine like opponent's so that extra Armour Piercing does help. But I'm wondering if just more volleys of fire would yield better results on the tabletop. As I'm a very shooty sort of player. And a cautious one as well.
It depends whether you want your intercessors to be mobile as well; if not, I’d recommend the Stalker Bolt Rifle pattern. It’s useful for taking down other space marines, but it’s classified as a heavy weapon. If you need to be mobile, I would recommend the standard design.
Yeah the extra shot on the Auto make it better even against Space Marines. Also because you have to stand still or be within half range to get the full amount of shots from a bolt rifle the Auto has a better range at full effect. You can move or even advance and still get 3 shots were as if you move with the bolt rifle you only get one shot unless you're within half range.
I know about the Stalker Bolt Rifles. Tried them when I first started playing Tabletop in 8th. Evening standing still. Of 5 shots, 2 might hit the target, and then of wounds. 1 wound probably, and 2 if lucky. And that is them standing still, with Cap nearby and sometimes an LT.
Looking at the Autos. They assault looks nice for the whole shooting thing of mine. But the loss of AP and loss of extra range does put me a bit off to be honest. But I think that's me niggling at the stats.
@@calumdeighton The range is cancelled out by being able to move and shoot, and they make better use of the shoot twice strategem. I'd say Autos win for nearly anyone except Ultras
Tips for adeptus mechanicus would be cool.
Bonus kudos for the Necron/Blood Angel tag team on the Tyranids.
Would love a "tips for playing against Space Marines" :D Blood Ravens to be exact :P
But one for Necrons would be awesome :)
Does smokescreen stratagem affect every unit in that shooting phase? Let's say one enemy unit targets three units that all have smokescreen keyword and I pay the cp for the stratagem, are all units targeted -1 to hit?
veterans work so well. I personally run a shield primaris captain with a 7 man veteran intecessor squad, 5 man hammer terminators and some other first company things. ultramarine adept of the codex comes in handy.
agree on general choice ancients, but as ultramarine successor i can get the +1 attack banner, giving obsec to all around him or doubling obsec on troops can be my reason to chuck him into a droppod with devastators and melee company veterans.
what is the 2 cp stratagem called to change a unit to a different doctrine?
Adaptive Strategy?
Successor chapters have the option of using their parent chapter's chapter tactic by choosing "Inheritors of the Primarch" successor tactic.
I still rate Tactical Squads with a Heavy weapon in each over Devastator Squads.
Would takin h.bolter devastators in simp fists work? Over other options
Lmao simp fists. I figure they want Strength 7 hits for Dev bonuses more than extra small arms
@@frostedbutts4340 I'd actually think the opposite to be true. After all, the +1 damage from your super doctrine is only active on Turn 1 (where there's a good chance that most of your opponent's army will be obscured) whilst the Chapter Tactic for exploding 6's to hit with bolter weapons lasts all game long.
As for your question Von Plackus, I'd guess that Heavy Bolter Attacks bikes would probably be better than Heavy Bolter Devastators because of their T5 and being able to move and shoot without penalty.
4 heavy bolters, with bolter drill, tank hunter (or chanticle of fire), chapter master is a shit ton of damage, even in melee with close range bolter fire, and we have so few good stratagems that you wont miss that much al those cp
Robootay Gillyman has to be the best pronunciation out there
Genestealer Cult please
Pray to the dice gods, or that your opponent has no knowledge of your army.
They are too gimmick reliant at the moment.
I disagree..... The cult is great in 9th even w/o a book
@@linkofvev I mean literally the latter has won games, I've heard people in r/warhammercompetitive actually do well in tournaments cause no one knows how the fuck to counter gsc since no one in their right mind would actually run them, which of course leads to somehow good scoring GSC
Damn, why I found it so late! Such good video
What is wrong with the Razorback in this edition? Is it just too expensive for what it does?
Yes, I think if it had core so I could benefit from rerolls I might be worth it. Also the role of a transport and gun platform don't mix very well. Transports want to advance unload and then tag things in combat or move block. If you advance or tag stiff with a razorback your giving up on shooting it's main weapon.
Transports (other than Raiders lol) are just out of fashion this edition. Too many restrictions on getting out and moving / shooting
I use Razorbacks as barracades & battletaxis for my devastator squads. They also round out my Anti-tank fire for my Space Marines
I'd highly recommend hellblasters
Normal weapons killed a flyer with 13wounds in 1 turn with 6 extra damage
Good strategy is only good for 1250+
5 hellblasters
5 troops
500 point blob but it's deadly and the aincent puts some players off shooting the hellblasters with more valuable units
The captain's re-roll 1's gives overcharge without risk and the troops will protect the characters
I just can't get Redemptors to work - I don't know if it's my 7th edition mindset, but I think I'd always prefer 3 venerables over 2 redemptors
Really? To me they just have so much more firepower per point that it's a no brainer. Make sure they have captain / lieutenant buffs to make the most of Core, and Psychic Fortress bubble helps.
@@frostedbutts4340 ya, I get that it SHOULD work - I just can't seem to make it work
What about the fact that the flamers are 12 inch range now? Also I have seen a lot of value from impulsors with the shield dome to be hard to get rid of and harassment / sit on objectives after they drop their troops
I think that's not just the impulsor. Very few players want to target empty transports, and SM transports are relatively cheap - except the most iconic ones... :(
3:19 what would you choose between the storm bolters and grenade launchers for the red dread?
Storm bolters can fire in melee, blast weapons can't. But really either is fine
the fragstorms are nice, but the 18" range will sometimes prevent them from firing at all (with the rest of the non-plasma being 24")
I like the bolters because you can fire them in melee.
Can you do a deathwatch video? there are so many combinations with the veteran killteam and warlordtraits, i would really appreciate your thoughts on that
13:40 shenanigan rule, not as intended.
Can you do a Orks version?
Why dont you like Ancients? I like them near Multi-Melta Eradicator. 4 Multi-Melta shots on death. Also good enough relic caddy for Iron Hands (Tempered Helm)
Any advice to a newish player ( I've watched mini war gaming) I want to play Black Templars
ever used the chapter champion? he demands death. also he gets a 6" heroic intervention and always fights first.
Best Intercessor gun for Dark Angels? Let's say I'm fielding 30 intercessors into a GT... because I want to... I struggle to see which gun loadouts they should be, they are all good.
Could you do one on necrons
I must not start a 3rd army. I must not start a third army I must not start a 3rd army
Be strong! You can resist! Indeed once you've started your third army the temptation just turns into 4th!
You started a 3rd army by now, didn't ya?
@@fredbrochu8322 and those Sisters of Battle look so look tempting..... I can just get the combat box right...?
@@JoeHero40k Go golden banana boys supported by sisters of silence. Apparently they're among the cheapest armies to buy.
Please do Chaos Space Marines and Craftworlds, thank yoooouuuuu. :}
Is there a reason vanguard vets arent listet in battlescribe at dark angels? I would like to play some, but im bot sure if im allowed :/
Dark Angels don't get Sternguard or Vanguard Vets no.
@@frostedbutts4340 why tho?
@@phandaal well... Yeah... Why would you use jump packs, when u can just depp strike with teleports ^^
can we get a thirty tips on on each of the space marine chapter's?
New balance dataslate reworked that bodyguard point just now ;)
Could you do t’au?
The only thing I use drop pod is to deep strike Gabriel Seth with his bodyguards
Would love to see one for CSM. we need the help
Id be up for a nice necrons video!
Hey hopefully someone sees this. I main spacewolves and have been struggling to learn how to use my troops effectively. Is there any place with advice or guides on most effective tactics or troop choices? I have a veteran friend whos been playing with me for a few months and i can tell he goes easy on me. Im trying to learn how to analyze his strategy and counteract it but i suspect that just comes from experience, any advice would be apreciated.
Can't you just choose the same chapter tactic for your successor?
'Inheritors' or whatever uses up both slots, so you gain nothing VS running the real thing
@@frostedbutts4340 you get style points?
I can’t bring myself to run servitors because they’re morally wrong.
Well be fair, most of the Imperium is morally wrong. I mean Space Marines themselves are basically brainwashed zealots plucked from worlds kept hellishly harsh for the sole purpose of producing soldiers.
@@angusmuir6180 Honestly I'd much rather live on one of those hell worlds than a civilized Hive. At least you have the love of your clan and the thrill of survival, versus working 18 hours a day in a factory, eating gruel made from dead humans and being indoctrinated all the time.
@@frostedbutts4340 Oh yeah, if it's a choice between a Hive and a Feral World or what have you I'll take the Feral World any day. My point was just that as far as morality goes there's worse in the Imperium than servitors. Not that I'd ever want to be one, of course.
Personally, I think the Space Wolves chapter tactic is one of the strongest (although I may be biased). Army-wide heroic intervention can be handy, especially for large, crowded melee battles in the mid-board. +1 to hit in almost all melee scenarios is far more useful, especially for power fists and thunder hammers. When combined with a re-roll 1s aura and the keen senses stratagem, a unit can have a flawless hit roll record.
hi thank you for this video again great job! May be if you have the time to do a similar content on ork or tyranid
Great video!
The best tip hands down is to just buy the new Space Marine Show stoppers 😏
Dreadnought in the teleporter, deathwatch.
I feel one Heavy Bolter is worth in a squad of Devs: with 1 cp and the cherub it can do 2d3 mortal wounds, is cheap and good anti-heavy infantry
Huh, surprisingly shooting Strategems twice like that is FAQ'd and legit
@@frostedbutts4340 1d3 MWs are good but not great, the 2d3 combo can be done only once per squad so you need a good target (like custodes) for it to be great.
Surprising the heavy bolter isn't good still, being upgraded from 1 to 2 damage in 9th...
Maybe if they'd allowed Inceptors and Aggressors to wield two instead of their current weapons you'd really be able to get them in the right spot easily.
Do death guard and sisters!
Totally thought this said "Thirsty Tips"
Not quilte sure what I was expecting
Oh, can we get a "thirty tips for playing CODEX ONLY Chaos Space Marines "?
do one on winning with dark angels green wing
please do necrons