My brother, Doctor Yaregal Abegaz, I lived with you in 505 building in 6 kilo university in the same dormitory at least for a year. I know your academic and spiritual lives. I haven't met a knowledgeable and spiritual person like you for 28 years. I and other human beings including bishops cant explain you sufficiently. When I think about you, your spiritual activities are at least similar to the 12 disciples of God. No human beings now are compared to you in spiritual lives.
Ene alkebelim Ye France Enkuwan Betekrstiyan eyalemach eyadesech new belela bekul demo Ethiopia Ortodox tewahido churches Le government Building arglign or adslign asublegn ebakh bla alteyekechim 3 Teyka kehone demo be Erdata new or Credit new Yhm lele tyake new bezhim bezam Yzota Mengistim aykidm Hizbim yawkal ene Yeshetetegn Lela new gin gin hizbun Mergemt bayshekmut lenesu politica blew Ere ere tewu bekuta hizbin atasmetu beka beluachew Egziabher sikota ykebdal benante yetenesa Kutawn Dhawn hizb tasmetu
Ato Bayuh Bezabih (from Gondar) and the chair person for Amhara region Elders (from Bahir Dar, sorry I forgot his name, he is a very wise and true christian person) shall also be included as a member of the national dialogue committee.
Dear all members, what do you think to suggest Dn. Yargale Haile to be a member of national consultation ... Maybe it is used for our religion. Thanks, Dn.Yargale you may be a saver for our country and our religion
The other thing I would try to suggest is that all intellectuals as a members of the Orthodox Church shall have a huge move to enter into the political system get participate in the election like they have done it! Do not afraid of politics, the stigma on politics shall be avoided! We shall involve and hold a place in the political system. If we involve in the election process in all native woredas we can win the majorities! because we are still the majority in the country. The Orthodox covers more than 60% of the population of the country! We shall be all rounded and involve in all activities!
i have followed the interview very well, i agreed in most of the Dn Yargal Abegaz points but what i didn't like is he mentioned the gospel teaching regarding to our reaction for those who are opposed or harm us we should react accordingly his comment on Holy bible teaching Luke 6:29. , “If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also" Dn Yaregal clearly states that "most people confuse by what the Luke 6;29 meant he said this instruction was given for us to respond to believer not for unbeliever because we treat the believer accordingly to the instructions he/she(believer) going to come to his sense and stop doing the bad thing but if we do the same action for non believer he wouldn't learn " so he suggests we must act or defend our self from such kind of people . Well i disagree very must in his suggestions i know following and living according to Christianity teaching very hard specially in such time but even though it is difficult it is very dangerous teaching other out of Christianity point view how to handle violence .The teaching of Christianity the main reason that i am christens it is love teaching and it very spiritual nothing like worldly teaching ,their is no other faith like Christianity teaching that make every one to love and understand each other. In this trouble time we should pray more ask our lord to forgiveness us not avenge for our self cause the Lord says, “‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’” (Romans 12:19 NIV) and We are to love our enemies and pray for them daily(Matthew 5:43-48 ) .With respect Dn Yaregal all Apostles of our Lord and Holy fathers died for this teaching they live by example like our Lord did don't forget they are doing this cause they are not weak but they know better following our Lord teaching most important. For Christians our power and energy is our God Holy Trinity what we have to do is constantly praying, that is enough doing . If we pray and follow God's will we are doing everything this is very much enough we don't need to defend our self.
መምህር እግዚአብሔር የአገልግሎት ዘመንህን ያርዝምልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን እግዚአብሔር አምላክ እረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን
አሜን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን መምህር 🇨🇬🇨🇬🇨🇬
መምህር ቃለ ህይውት ያሰማልን እድሜ ከጤና ይስጥልን፡፡
ቃለሕይወት ያሰማልን በእድሜ በጤና ይጠብቅልን
በጣም ነፍቀውኝ ሰለነበረ ነው በጣም እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ።
በእውነት የህይወትን ቃል ያሠማልን
በጣም አናመሰግናለን መምህር። ትክክለኛው የማንቂያ ደውል ይህ ነው። ቀን ከሌት ለምትድክሙ መምህራን እግዚያብሔር ይርዳችሁ። አሁን የተስፋ ብርሃን እየታየ ነው።
መምህር እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን::
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ እድሜ እና ጤና ይስጥልን በእውነት ግሩም ነው ❤✝️👏😊
መብት ዝም ብሎ አይመጣም በትክክል መምህር
ቃለ ህይወትን ያሰማልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
ለመምህራችን ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን እረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን
መድኃኔዓለም ይጠብቅህ አባታችን መምህራችን እባካችሁ ደግማችሁ ጋብዙልን።
በእውነት ድንቅ ቆይታ ነበር
ግሩም አገላለጽ ነው በቤተክርስቲያን ጉዳይ እኛም ስሜታዊ ጩኸት ብቻ ሳይሆን ዘላቂ መፍትሔ እንድገኝ መትጋት አለብን !!!
My brother, Doctor Yaregal Abegaz, I lived with you in 505 building in 6 kilo university in the same dormitory at least for a year. I know your academic and spiritual lives. I haven't met a knowledgeable and spiritual person like you for 28 years. I and other human beings including bishops cant explain you sufficiently. When I think about you, your spiritual activities are at least similar to the 12 disciples of God. No human beings now are compared to you in spiritual lives.
በእውነት አፌን ከፍቼ ከተቀመጥኩበት ሳልነሳ ሁለቱን ክፍል ሰማሁ ድንቅ ገለፃ ነው።
ቤተ ክርስትያን ሰው አላት ሀገርም ናት የምንለው በትርኪ ምርኪ ሳይሆን በተግባር ወንድሞቻችንን ይዘን ነው ኑሩልን ውድ የተዋህዶ ልጆች አሁንም እንንቃ
Very thoughtful discussion.
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን።
መምህር እግዚአብሔር የአገልግሎት ዘመንህን ያርዝምልን የቤተክርስቲያን ምእምናን አንዳንዱ የአሳዳጆቿ አገልጋይ ሆድ አደር መሆኑ ገሚሱ የበዓል ቀን ማድመቂያዎች መሆናቸው ሌሎቹ ደግሞ እናት ቤተክርስቲያንን ቀርቦ ያለማወቅ የአሳዳጆቻችንን እንቅስቃሴን ፈፅሞ ያለመረዳት በጣም አሳንሶናል።
Ene alkebelim Ye France Enkuwan Betekrstiyan eyalemach eyadesech new belela bekul demo Ethiopia Ortodox tewahido churches Le government Building arglign or adslign asublegn ebakh bla alteyekechim 3 Teyka kehone demo be Erdata new or Credit new Yhm lele tyake new bezhim bezam Yzota Mengistim aykidm Hizbim yawkal ene Yeshetetegn Lela new gin gin hizbun Mergemt bayshekmut lenesu politica blew Ere ere tewu bekuta hizbin atasmetu beka beluachew Egziabher sikota ykebdal benante yetenesa Kutawn Dhawn hizb tasmetu
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን!
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን!
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን ያገልግሎት ዘመናችሁን ያርዝምልን
ስለ ሁሉም ነገር አምላካችን ቅዱስ እግዚአብሔር የተመሰገነ ይሁን፤ እጅግ በጣም መልካም የሆነ ሃሳብ እና መልዕክት የተላለፈበት ቆይታ ነበር!!!
አምላካችን ቅዱስ እግዚአብሔር ያበርታችሁ፣ በነገር ሁሉ ከፊት ይምራችሁ ከኋላም ይከተላችሁ እና እድሜን ከጤና ጋር ሰጥቶ እስከመጨረሻይቱ ቀን በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ያጽናችሁ!!!
መምህር እግዚአብሔር ያክብርህ እድሜና ጤናን ያድልህ። ዓይንን የሚያበራ ትንታኔና ገለጻ ነው።
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን መምህራችን የአባቶቻችን አምላክ በቸርነቱ ያስበን ምህረቱን ይላክልን
መምህር ቃለሕይወት ያሰማልን
ኦርቶዶክስ ሀገር ናት እያሉ በመሸንገል ኢትዮጵያን ለማፍረስ የሚሠራ ሤራ ነው
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን መምህራችን ለሐገራችን ሰላምን ለሕዝባችን ፍቅርን ያድለን።
እንኳን አደረሳችሁ ለብርሃነ ጥምቀት💗💗💗💗💗
አሜን እንኳን አብሮ አደረሰን
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን መምህር
እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅልን
ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም ሕገ
መንግሥቱ መቀየር አለበት
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን መምህራችን። ለቤተክርስትያን ልዕልና ደንታ ከሌላቸው እና የራሳቸውን ተክለ ሰውነት ለመገንባት ከሚሯሯጡ "ሰባኪያን እና ዘማርያን" ይጠብቀን።
መምህር በእውነት ቃለ ሕይወትን ያሰማልን ለሁላችንም ማስተዋሉን ያድለን
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 በሰማነው ፍሬ እንድናፈራ የአምላክ ፈቃድ ይሁን!!!
Ato Bayuh Bezabih (from Gondar) and the chair person for Amhara region Elders (from Bahir Dar, sorry I forgot his name, he is a very wise and true christian person) shall also be included as a member of the national dialogue committee.
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን መምህር።
እውነት ነው አውዱን ካለመረዳት ብዙ ችግሮች አሳልፈናል አሁን ግን ዝምታው ይሰበር ይበቃናል እንበል እንንቃ ወገኖቼ
መምህር ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ።
እረጅም እድሜ ከሙሉ ጤና ጋ 🥰⛪️❤️🙏🔐
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልኝ…ጥርት ጥንቅቅ ያለ ዝግጅት ነው፡፡…
ለቅዱሳን አንድ ጊዜ ፈጽሞ ስለተሰጠች ሃይማኖታችን ሊኖረን የሚገባውን ፍሬ ሃሳብ አግኝቼበታሁ፡፡
ፍትህና ርትዕ የጎደለው አይደለም ፤ ሃማኖትንም አገርንም ያገናዘበ ሚዛናዊ ውይይት ነው፡፡
‹ልዑል እግዚአብሔር ለሥራው መቅናትን ያድለን›
Dear all members,
what do you think to suggest Dn. Yargale Haile to be a member of national consultation ... Maybe it is used for our religion. Thanks, Dn.Yargale you may be a saver for our country and our religion
Doctor Yaregal is a world class academic and shouldn't deserve to work with cadres who are ignorant and cruel.
ቃለህወት ቃለ በረከትን ያሠማልን በእድሜ በጸጋ ይጠብቅልን
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን መምህራችን እናመሠግናለን 💚💕
egzieabher yemasgen enda eriso ayenetan abate yestan
besagw eyetabkilen egzieabher
egzieabher betakirstanachn yetabkilen
አይ እመ አምላክ እኔ ብመርቅ ስለ ማያምር ኑርልን ዲያቆን ያረጋል
ማኅበራችን ያስፋልን እግዚአብሔር በሚያውቀው ለማኅበሩ የሚያስፈልገውን እናደርጋለን ።
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን
ተአምር ምንድነው? አባቶች ካህናት ሀብተ ፈውስ የተሰጣቸው በእግዚአብሔር ስም መናፍስትን ከሰዎች ስላስወጡ ተአምር ይባላል? ሰዎች ከህመማቸው ሲፈወሱ ተአምር ይባላል? ሰዎች ከህመማቸው ለመፈወስ ወደ እነዚህ ካህናት መሄዳቸው ምልክት ፈላጊ፣ የሰዎች ተከታዮች ያስብላል? ለእግዚአብሔር የምናቀርበው ስግደት በሰንበት ይሰገዳል? ምን እየተባለ ይሰግዳል? መቁጠሪያ ማንኛውም ክርስቲያን ስጋውን ለመጎሰም መጠቀም ይችላል?
ቃለ ህይወት ያአሰማልን ረጅም የአገልግሎት አድሜ ይስጥልን!!!
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን !!!!
Wunet nawu
Kalhiwot yasmaln
ቃለ ህይወትን ያሠማልን
Edime ena tena ystilin memihr dink ye Kidus Yohanis Afework lij mehonhin enawkalen ena yeersun bereket ystih !!!
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን♥
ፍትህ ለኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ በመንግሥት ትእዛዝ ምእመኗ እየተገደሉ አብያተ ቤተክርስቲያን እየተቃጠሉ ነው።
The other thing I would try to suggest is that all intellectuals as a members of the Orthodox Church shall have a huge move to enter into the political system get participate in the election like they have done it! Do not afraid of politics, the stigma on politics shall be avoided! We shall involve and hold a place in the political system. If we involve in the election process in all native woredas we can win the majorities! because we are still the majority in the country. The Orthodox covers more than 60% of the population of the country! We shall be all rounded and involve in all activities!
i have followed the interview very well, i agreed in most of the Dn Yargal Abegaz points but what i didn't like is he mentioned the gospel teaching regarding to our reaction for those who are opposed or harm us we should react accordingly his comment on Holy bible teaching Luke 6:29. , “If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also" Dn Yaregal clearly states that "most people confuse by what the Luke 6;29 meant he said this instruction was given for us to respond to believer not for unbeliever because we treat the believer accordingly to the instructions he/she(believer) going to come to his sense and stop doing the bad thing but if we do the same action for non believer he wouldn't learn " so he suggests we must act or defend our self from such kind of people . Well i disagree very must in his suggestions i know following and living according to Christianity teaching very hard specially in such time but even though it is difficult it is very dangerous teaching other out of Christianity point view how to handle violence .The teaching of Christianity the main reason that i am christens it is love teaching and it very spiritual nothing like worldly teaching ,their is no other faith like Christianity teaching that make every one to love and understand each other. In this trouble time we should pray more ask our lord to forgiveness us not avenge for our self cause the Lord says, “‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’” (Romans 12:19 NIV) and We are to love our enemies and pray for them daily(Matthew 5:43-48 ) .With respect Dn Yaregal all Apostles of our Lord and Holy fathers died for this teaching they live by example like our Lord did don't forget they are doing this cause they are not weak but they know better following our Lord teaching most important. For Christians our power and energy is our God Holy Trinity what we have to do is constantly praying, that is enough doing . If we pray and follow God's will we are doing everything this is very much enough we don't need to defend our self.
ፍትህ ለኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክሳውያን
አንተን መስማት ሱስ ይሆንብኛል ....አንተ ግን ብዙ አታወራም.... አንተን አለም መስማት ነበረበት። ግን ምን ዋጋ አለው !!!
እስኪ ምትጠብቁ ሰዎች comment ላይ
ኧረ ሳይጀምር በጉጉት ልሞት ነው
mn Ale enanten yemesele lijochin lebetekrstian abzto abzto abzto bisetilin ena endih libachin yemotewun zinguwech hywet bizerabin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን ያገልግሎት ዘመናችሁን ያርዝምልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሠማልን
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን