I don't know Norwegian, but i came across your channel because I want to become fluent in Spanish and French and the tips from your video about how you learned the language intrigued me. I love your Norwegian accent, you sound like Vilde or even Noora from SKAM, it's so lovely. You sound amazing and your progress is awesome.
Jeg begynte å lære norsk for omtrent 2 måneder siden. Norsk blir det sjette språket jeg snakker. Jeg har alltid vært fascinert av Norge som land, og når jeg hører noen snakke norsk, føles det som å komme hjem, det gir meg ro. Jeg skal fullføre studiene mine på universitetet om et år, og planen min er å skaffe relevant arbeidserfaring og samtidig bli flytende i norsk før jeg flytter :) Hilsener fra Belgia!
Flott! Men jeg skjønner ikke hvordan det kan føles som hjemme, 1. når du aldri har vært i Norge, og 2. når du ikke hadde oppveksten din her. Hjemme er et sted du kan relatere til, og et sted hvor du har familie. Så å si at Norge er hjemme er litt av en stretch, synes jeg.
You're awesome. The whole video I was smiling. :) I'm learning swedish because I had a hard time deciding between Sweden and Norway and in the end I chose Sweden because of less humidity (as you can see I couldn't find a very good argument for one over the other :D ). Some words are very simillar but it seems they are written differently. I hope to visit Norway too someday. As for your troubles with wanting to do stuff you enjoy but for some reason you're not doing them. It seems like your body has learned what gives more dopamine and you're used to higher "hits" of it. It is difficult for books to compete with TH-cam and I'm having the exact same problem. :D If you're interested there are good podcasts about how dopamine and other such neuro transmitters affect what we want and such. Hope this comment is not too long, but it was a very heartwarming video.
Hi !! Thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad that my videos can help you even if you're learning Swedish :) Yes, I have read a lot about attention and everything, and like I say in the video, I actually try to not be too much on social media, but yeah, TH-cam got me haha. I still think it's better than TikTok, which I will never get:) Thanks for the recommandations! I read a book too that helped me understand a lot, it's called Stolen Focus, I recommend if you're interested in all of this! I will try to get better at taking a book, I'm thinking of making videos about that too 🌼 Good luck with learning Swedish !!
I had a bit of a rough year in 2023 , but as I've been researching Norway and coming across content from you and others , I've realised that I want to move to Norway , it was like I always had the want but I only just figured it out , so now I have started learning Norwegian and I'm learning more and more about the culture , your video on learning Norwegian was super helpful , at some point in 2024 I would love to visit Norway , and I hope to move to Norway in the next few years , thankyou for another great video , cant wait for more!!
Ohh waw, tusen takk for at du delte historien din! I'm so happy that the thought of coming to Norway helped you, and that my videos can guide you in your learning journey ! Thank you for taking the time to share this, it makes me really happy, I'm sure that you're going to love Norway when you're going to come 💙 Wishing you a nice year this year!
Every time I watch you speaking norwegian so beautifully I wish to become fluent at norwegian and be able to make really nice structure, well done llys👍I have enjoyed the video and wish you a great 2024 with so much joy and fun to come💐
My girlfriend and I really like watching your videos. The double subtitles are so helpful. We have subscribed and hope to be able to comment in Norwegian soon. Ha det bra!
Jeg begynte å lære norsk i Juni og jeg vil gjøre praksis i Norge i oktober 2024. Derfor er nyttårsforsett mitt til å snakke bra Norsk inntil da. Jeg kan bare si takk for din video der du forklarte hvordan du lærte norsk. Det var virkelig det mest hjelpsom videoen om språk i hele TH-cam. Tusen takk og hilsen fra en tysker i USA.
Jeg vil forbedre norsk og spansk i år! Spansk er det vanligste språket i landet mitt foruten engelsk, men mormoren min er norsk og det har vært veldig meningsfylt å lære å snakke norsk og lære mer om kulturen. Videoene dine er veldig hjelpsom! Tussen takk for det flotte arbeidet!
Tusen takk for at du delte, det er så koselig at du har lyst til å lære deg språket til bestemoren din ! Lykke til, jeg håper at videoene mine kommer til å hjelpe deg 🌼
Yes! I used to do that a lot when I didn't understand anything, but now I want to listen to what I listen to carefully and then it doesn't really work when I'm working because my brain get distracted 😌 But I just started using BreakBook (I recommend btw), and I'm listening to audio books right before I sleep. I will definitely do that in the train as well when I will travel! 🌸
I have wanted to learn to speak Norwegian and visit Norway for a long time and started learning Norwegian about two weeks ago , I really enjoy learning Norwegian and find your story inspirational. I hope to become fluent in Norwegian and one day visiting or moving to Norway.
Ton niveau de langage en norvégien me rend jaloux. Je ne sais pas si j’arriverai à ce niveau un jour. Continue tu m’inspire. D’un Québécois rêvant d’avoir la moitié de ton talent ❤
Ohh merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ! Moi aussi je suis jalouse du norvégien de beaucoup de personnes haha, je comprends ce feeling... 😌 C'est bien si ca te motive !! Il faut aussi dire que je vis en Norvège depuis 3 ans, et que mon copain est norvégien, alors j'ai la change de parler norvégien tout le temps, ca aide! J'espère en tous cas que mes videos vont continuer a te motiver 💙
One of my goals for 2024 is to get to understand Nowegian. I just started taking classes so your videos are very helpful, hope you stick to your goal of posting more of them :))) I would like to know abut your experience on meeting people and making friends in Norway and what are your recommendations or do's and don't's.
That's so nice that you started learning Norwegian and that you find my videos helpful! 🥰 I will definitely post way more this year, my gaol is to post one every other Sunday:) Haha yes, making friends seems to be many people's concern, and I understand because I hear so many talk about "how hard it is to make friends in Norway". The truth is that it can be challenging to find friends anywhere, and especially when you go live in an other country, where people speak another language and where the culture is different. I honestly don't think that it is harder to make friends in Norway than it is any other places when you're a grown up and have to take initiatives yourself. I lived in Canada, and I found it challenging to get really good friends there, just because making good friends takes time, anywhere. As for Norway, I have never struggled making friends, but again, everyone story is different. My best tip is to be yourself, be nice while taking a bit in consideration the culture in Norway (without thinking that you can't make some "rules" yours). Norwegians are extremely warm and friendly, I have met some of the nicest people I know here !
Hello Ilys, I enjoyed your video very much. I was able to understand a few words. I started learning Norwegian three weeks ago. I wanted to be a beginner again and start a new language journey. I chose this language as a challenge because I couldn't grasp anything when I heard you talking. I use Assimil with a method I created after my degree in neuroscience. It's so much fun!
Thank you for sharing, and welcome in the "Norwegian community"!:) That's really nice that you're already watching long videos and following the subtitles, I'm sure that you're going to get better soon 🌼
Hei! Jeg har begynt å reise med tog for å besøke familien min i Frankrike (fra Trondheim) og har allerede gjort det 2 ganger i 2023, så det er faktisk mulig, hvis du på et eller annet tidspunkt ønsker å ta steget! Men det er flott at du starter med å reise med tog i Norge!
Salut Margaux 🥰 (cest mon deuxième prénom Margaux!:) Takk for kommentaren! Jeg er veldig interessert i å vite mer, jeg har egentlig lyst til å prøve å dra hjem til Frankrike med tog jeg også ! Tror du at du kan sende meg en melding på Instagram sånn at du kan gi meg tips og forklare hvordan du gjorde det? Ca me ferait super plaisir !! 💙
I am American living in norway and just started Norse Korse here in Bryne! wish me luck, love the videos please keep them coming! Also if you are ever in Jaeren we have awesome beaches!
I;ll put this comment here too, you should add to your "How I learned Norwegian" a subtitle and "Use it to Learn Any Language!" As that video is so helpful and with title it only pulls in Nor. speakers UNLESS like me they got recommended to it by the other channel- that "Days of..."
Hej du, godt nytt år til deg :) Eg snakke bare litt Norsk men eg håpe eg blir bedre å snakke :) Eg tenker at det er så fint at du vil reise mer og lære om dialekter. Eg har jobbet i Bergen for 13 å siden. Eg elsker Bergen!
Takk for inspirasjonene i videoen din. Når det gjelder å lese, så bruker jeg gjerne Kindle eller Acrobat reader på smarttelefonen min. Før jeg leser slår jeg komplett hvilemodus og blålysfilter på og slå av varsler. Sånt får jeg det til å lese i ro og mak og med glede.
Ilys jeg elsker denne videoen du har lagt. Jeg kan forstår nesten alt og det gleder meg å lære nye ord. Oppmerksomheten! Du er så flink med språk og du er en kjempe bra lære. Tussen takk!
i subscribe to you today! your video sharing your journey inspired me and led me here. i will continue to keep watching your videos as i love your content and the community here! i want to mark in timer here that i've been learning norwegian for about a week and a half and i want this to look back on as i move forward on my journey...
jeg liker videoene dine.🤍de er veldig enkle (og autentiske) og de er fylt med inspirasjon.💫 takk så mye! 🙏jeg ønsker å uttrykke meg bedre på norsk (uten google😅) og jeg liker å male mer. dette er mine viktigste nyttårsforsett.💥
Jeg skrevet en lang tekst tidligere men jeg vet ikke hva skjedde. Det er veldig inspirerende å lytte til dette. Det ee nyttårsforsettet mitt å klarer til å snakke flyttende i årets slutten
Hi:) Yes, I have many ! It's really hard to explain it in a text message, but I'm planing on making a video about this because I get a lot of questions about the accent ! I will try to make it soon 🌸
Thank you, I hope you are going to give some language agnostic tips aswell since I'm (idk how many are) not learning norwegian but interested in your videos.@@norwegianwithilys
Even though I’m not learning Norwegian (it’s actually German that I’m learning haha 😅) I really love your vibes and energy and your videos so I’m excited for the goals you set yourself and future content you’re going to post! Gonna follow you on insta so that I can get more :) best wishes! 💫
Thank you so much for your comment!🌸 It's awesome that I can help people that don't necessarily learn Norwegian as well! Good luck learning German, I have heard that a lot of grammar rules are similar to Norwegian 🙂
I want to get better at Norwegian, I'm not very good at the moment but this year I really want to improve for my trip to Norway in June! I will conitune to watch your videos to hopefully get better. :)
Det er litt sent i år til å lage ny år måler, men akkurat nå i livet mitt har jeg noen måler, men en mål at er viktigere enn de andre. Jeg ønsker å flytte til Norge til å jobbe for rundt en år mens jeg lære Norsk bedre enn jeg kan nå i USA. Jeg har vært til Bergen og jeg hadde det veldig bra, og nå jeg vil gjerne bor der. - Tusen takk for videoene dine, de er sykt gøy a vise på og «motivating» å høre noen hvem som vår en utenlandske snakker «fluent» norsk. (Not sure if this is right, I meant “to hear someone who was a foreigner speak fluent Norsk”)
You are doing great . I am curious for how long you have lived in norge because you speak very well. Can you suggest us how to improve speaking skills from your experiences. Thanks in advance.
Hi ! Thank you soooo much for your videos you are the best !! I’m French and I started to learn Norwegian something like two months ago but I feel like I’m not making any progress 😔. So I wanted to know how can I learn Norwegian other than by using Duolingo bc it’s not very helpful lol
Hello:) Je sais comprends que ce soit compliqué au début, surtout de trouver une méthode qui nous convient ! Je sais pas si tu as vu, mais j'ai fait une longue vidéo sur cette chaine où j'explique comment j'ai appris le norvégien toute seule, je pense que ça peut peut-être t'aider:) Moi non plus j'aime pas trop Duoliguo et les application en général, mais je donne plein d'autres conseils dans ma vidéo, j'espère qu'elle pourra t'aider ! 💙
Det var meget interessant at se din TH-cam video. Du taler et vældigt tydeligst norsk som er meget tæt på dansk. Hvilken norsk dialekt mener du at du har? Tak for videoen.
Det er veldig interessant. Tusen takk. Dette året må jeg tren mer og ser mindre på skjerm. 😅 Jeg vil fortsetter å lære Norsk og se på TH-cam videoene dine.
Som forrige gang var det veldig hjelpsom å se og lytte til videoen litt saktere med 0,75x hastighet! Jeg forsto nesten alt jeg leste, men jeg må prøve å bli bedre til å lytte og snakke språket. Og det lover jeg virkelig å gjøre!
I've been living in Norway for 3 years now, but I worked (and still work) a lot on my Norwegian! My boyfriend is also Norwegian, which helps a lot ! I hope that my content can help you get better as well 🌼
Jeg har gitt deg ros tidligere, og den rosen fortjener du fortsatt. Det er helt fantastisk hvordan du mestrer norsk. Dine mål for 2024 høres ut som særdeles oppbyggende mål!
Im Starting a couple of new businesses this year and I just intend to Make them as successful as possible and then I can travel everywhere I want to whilst being able to manage my businesses from my laptop no matter what country I end up in 😁
Lære fransk tror jeg. Starta i november, går fremdeles stert nå. Oppdaga deg pga (på grunn av) den "how I learned norwegian" videon og Days and Words video om deg. Men herregud, norsken din er så bra nå, det gå'kke ann as. Hva er du nå? C1, C2?
Tusen takk🌸 Jeg aner ikke hvilket nivå jeg er på, og jeg er ikke veldig interessert i nivåer egentlig... Jeg vil bare snakke som om jeg hadde blitt født i Norge, jeg tror ikke at det finnes noe nivå for det haha 😌 Masse lykke til med å lære fransk, jeg beundrer alle de som lærer seg fransk!
hilsener fra Romania! jeg klager alltid over at jeg ikke har nok fri tid (skolen tar for mye av min tid), eller nok energi til å jobbe med mine kartografiske projekter, derfor er målet mitt å løse disse problemene... en eller annen måte jeg håper dere oppnår målene deres, alle sammen!
Is it possible to acquire knowledge about economics, international politics and geography entirely in English in Norway libraries, or is it necessary to know Norwegian language for this knowledge?
Hi! I have the same problem with reading. I feel that I lose a lot by "ignoring" reading activities compared to other people who read. Keeping focused and not getting bored is a great challenge for me. I hope you will share your thoughts and experience on improving this skill.
Yes, more and more people have this problem, unfortunately ... I read a really interesting book last year that's called "Stolen Focus", I really recommend ! I'm going to make a video about it I think. I hope that you'll be able to read more, you should start by reading this book, it helped me a lot !
Ja jeg finner videoene dine veldig nyttige. Jeg vil gjerne se strikkevideoer på norsk siden det er to ting jeg elsker. Jeg er midt i USA og ingen snakker norsk. Jeg har studert i fire år på egen hånd og videoene dine er svært nyttige
Waw, gratulerer for at du har blitt så flink av å studere på egen hånd! Jeg skjønner godt at det er vanskelig å øve når man ikke kjenner noen som er norsk! Jaa, jeg kommer til å lage strikkevideoer, jeg gleder meg så mye! Jeg håper at jeg kan poste den første i mars 🌼
Can any Norwegians confirm the grammar/context of this? Some of the stuff that was translated to english was not correct. For example, "I dont want to feel pressure when I want to take a book." I am not sure if that is correct way to say what she meant in Norwegian though.
If you speak English and German, then Norwegian is a simple language to learn...But I don't like that so many embrace Norway... Because The Jante law is stuck in my mind, ( And this is the right way to do it)
Jeg laget en video i går for å feire 19 måneder siden at jeg begynte å lære Norsk. På den andre kanalen min. Det heter "Hvordan jeg lærte meg Norsk". Kanalen heter Robyn Kessler.
Hi Ilys, You have a very useful language channel, I am I think at B1 level, and your videos are perfect for me! Do let me know if you need a basic website for yourself where you can sell your products, clothes, caps etc.. I can do it for free for you! Also, I am planning to come to Norway next year... Lets hope it happens.. Once again Great job and thank you for your videos..
Du snakker nesten perfekt norsk som du skulle vært født og oppvokst her, er kun ett par ganger tonefallet ikke stemmer helt men sykt bra for kun å snakke det ett par år :) vet av folk som har vært her 20 år som ikke er i nærheten engang
@@norwegianwithilys Hvilket tonefall? Det er en bråte mange forskjellige måter å snakke Sørøstnorsk på. Oslo er ingen standard. Folk som ønsker å gjemme seg i mengden, de snakker en Oslo-sentrum-dialekt. Folk som ønsker å framstå som noen som innehar en identitet, de snakker dialekt.
Hi! Thank you so much for letting me know, I made a mistake in the spelling, I just corrected it in the description of the video! The code is ILYS_LYSLOYPA15 I tried it just now and it works:) Let me know if it works for you too, and enjoy the book!!:)
Hei Ilys, Jeg har forstått nesten allt av denne videoen. Jeg har lært meg lite norsk i de siste to årene, men jeg har ikke gjort det seriøst som du, så jeg er ikke bra på å snakke. Jeg har aldri vært i Skandinavien, men jeg vill besøke Norge (eller kanskje till og med bo der i noen år) når jeg er ferdig med å studere. I år vil jeg gjøre sport oftere (minst ukentlig) og jeg vill bli bedre på å snakke og forstå norsk. Jeg må bare finne et sett får å kunne snakke med nordmenn. Moi, je suis Suisse, donc j'ai aussi appris le français. J'adore cette langue, mais je trouve que c'est beaucoup plus difficile à apprendre que le Norvégien. Comme ma langue maternelle (suisse-allemand), le Norvégien est aussi une langue alémanique. Mais pas le français. Je pense que c'est à cause de ça que le Norvégien est plus facile. Tusen takk for videoen og ha det bra
i dont use instagram whatsoever , i think I may have one picture of my cat, now it use only to have more vocabulary from you and another one named Norwegian Jo
First time poster here commenting on this video, the second video of yours I have seen, but whose second language passion is Italian, not Norwegian. As such, I won't be a subscriber. Your first video I saw was a referral from another site as having some thoughts on the process of language acquisition. That was extraordinarily well done too. My suspicion is you thought through the way white subtitles completely wash out against light colors, hence, you wisely chose wear a dark top. At what scale of large screens it may be that subtitles do not wash out against lighter colors I don't know. But, on my tablet subtitles that occasionally went wider than your shoulders were not readable. That's easily remedied and if something you desire improve in your videos, given your high level of creativity, you can easily do. Keep in mind subtitles overlaying outdoor shots with snow are of no use. On the occasions you elevated your hands to your front, subtitles are washed out on your skin tone. Were Norwegian understandable to me, I wouldn't at all have interest in subtitles. In conclusion, I observe you've a quality of character that evidences an "aim clear" mentality: Abundance is mine, creating loving experiences and rewards. (AIM CLEAR). In that context my comments aren't criticisms. They are said with gentle effect as potentially of benefit. Carry on.
I don't know Norwegian, but i came across your channel because I want to become fluent in Spanish and French and the tips from your video about how you learned the language intrigued me. I love your Norwegian accent, you sound like Vilde or even Noora from SKAM, it's so lovely. You sound amazing and your progress is awesome.
So nice! I'm happy I can help people learn other languages as well ! Good luck learning Spanish 💙
Jeg begynte å lære norsk for omtrent 2 måneder siden. Norsk blir det sjette språket jeg snakker. Jeg har alltid vært fascinert av Norge som land, og når jeg hører noen snakke norsk, føles det som å komme hjem, det gir meg ro. Jeg skal fullføre studiene mine på universitetet om et år, og planen min er å skaffe relevant arbeidserfaring og samtidig bli flytende i norsk før jeg flytter :) Hilsener fra Belgia!
This is fantastic!
Well done.
Good Luck from England.
Flott! Men jeg skjønner ikke hvordan det kan føles som hjemme, 1. når du aldri har vært i Norge, og 2. når du ikke hadde oppveksten din her. Hjemme er et sted du kan relatere til, og et sted hvor du har familie. Så å si at Norge er hjemme er litt av en stretch, synes jeg.
You're awesome. The whole video I was smiling. :) I'm learning swedish because I had a hard time deciding between Sweden and Norway and in the end I chose Sweden because of less humidity (as you can see I couldn't find a very good argument for one over the other :D ). Some words are very simillar but it seems they are written differently. I hope to visit Norway too someday.
As for your troubles with wanting to do stuff you enjoy but for some reason you're not doing them. It seems like your body has learned what gives more dopamine and you're used to higher "hits" of it. It is difficult for books to compete with TH-cam and I'm having the exact same problem. :D If you're interested there are good podcasts about how dopamine and other such neuro transmitters affect what we want and such.
Hope this comment is not too long, but it was a very heartwarming video.
Hi !! Thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad that my videos can help you even if you're learning Swedish :)
Yes, I have read a lot about attention and everything, and like I say in the video, I actually try to not be too much on social media, but yeah, TH-cam got me haha. I still think it's better than TikTok, which I will never get:) Thanks for the recommandations! I read a book too that helped me understand a lot, it's called Stolen Focus, I recommend if you're interested in all of this! I will try to get better at taking a book, I'm thinking of making videos about that too 🌼 Good luck with learning Swedish !!
I had a bit of a rough year in 2023 , but as I've been researching Norway and coming across content from you and others , I've realised that I want to move to Norway , it was like I always had the want but I only just figured it out , so now I have started learning Norwegian and I'm learning more and more about the culture , your video on learning Norwegian was super helpful , at some point in 2024 I would love to visit Norway , and I hope to move to Norway in the next few years , thankyou for another great video , cant wait for more!!
Ohh waw, tusen takk for at du delte historien din! I'm so happy that the thought of coming to Norway helped you, and that my videos can guide you in your learning journey ! Thank you for taking the time to share this, it makes me really happy, I'm sure that you're going to love Norway when you're going to come 💙 Wishing you a nice year this year!
@@norwegianwithilys thankyou so much , and I hope you reach all of your goals in 2024!!
good job finding that out! 🤗 i hope your dream comes true!
Every time I watch you speaking norwegian so beautifully I wish to become fluent at norwegian and be able to make really nice structure, well done llys👍I have enjoyed the video and wish you a great 2024 with so much joy and fun to come💐
Love your videos so much, thank you! Youre my favorite language learning channel. ❤
Ohh waw, tusen takk ! I'm really happy that my videos help and inspire you!
My girlfriend and I really like watching your videos. The double subtitles are so helpful. We have subscribed and hope to be able to comment in Norwegian soon. Ha det bra!
Oh det er så fint å høre at dere ser på videoene mine sammen !! Da håper jeg å se en kommentar på norsk fra dere snart 🥰
Jeg begynte å lære norsk i Juni og jeg vil gjøre praksis i Norge i oktober 2024. Derfor er nyttårsforsett mitt til å snakke bra Norsk inntil da.
Jeg kan bare si takk for din video der du forklarte hvordan du lærte norsk. Det var virkelig det mest hjelpsom videoen om språk i hele TH-cam.
Tusen takk og hilsen fra en tysker i USA.
Jeg vil forbedre norsk og spansk i år! Spansk er det vanligste språket i landet mitt foruten engelsk, men mormoren min er norsk og det har vært veldig meningsfylt å lære å snakke norsk og lære mer om kulturen. Videoene dine er veldig hjelpsom! Tussen takk for det flotte arbeidet!
Tusen takk for at du delte, det er så koselig at du har lyst til å lære deg språket til bestemoren din ! Lykke til, jeg håper at videoene mine kommer til å hjelpe deg 🌼
You can try listening to an audio book while scrolling on social media, editing, or riding on a train. A good way to multitask 😊
Yes! I used to do that a lot when I didn't understand anything, but now I want to listen to what I listen to carefully and then it doesn't really work when I'm working because my brain get distracted 😌 But I just started using BreakBook (I recommend btw), and I'm listening to audio books right before I sleep. I will definitely do that in the train as well when I will travel! 🌸
I have wanted to learn to speak Norwegian and visit Norway for a long time and started learning Norwegian about two weeks ago , I really enjoy learning Norwegian and find your story inspirational. I hope to become fluent in Norwegian and one day visiting or moving to Norway.
*Hi Ilys! Thank you for sharing. Greetings from Indonesia. Keep up! 🍁🌿*
Ton niveau de langage en norvégien me rend jaloux. Je ne sais pas si j’arriverai à ce niveau un jour. Continue tu m’inspire. D’un Québécois rêvant d’avoir la moitié de ton talent ❤
Ohh merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ! Moi aussi je suis jalouse du norvégien de beaucoup de personnes haha, je comprends ce feeling... 😌 C'est bien si ca te motive !! Il faut aussi dire que je vis en Norvège depuis 3 ans, et que mon copain est norvégien, alors j'ai la change de parler norvégien tout le temps, ca aide! J'espère en tous cas que mes videos vont continuer a te motiver 💙
One of my goals for 2024 is to get to understand Nowegian. I just started taking classes so your videos are very helpful, hope you stick to your goal of posting more of them :))) I would like to know abut your experience on meeting people and making friends in Norway and what are your recommendations or do's and don't's.
That's so nice that you started learning Norwegian and that you find my videos helpful! 🥰 I will definitely post way more this year, my gaol is to post one every other Sunday:)
Haha yes, making friends seems to be many people's concern, and I understand because I hear so many talk about "how hard it is to make friends in Norway". The truth is that it can be challenging to find friends anywhere, and especially when you go live in an other country, where people speak another language and where the culture is different. I honestly don't think that it is harder to make friends in Norway than it is any other places when you're a grown up and have to take initiatives yourself. I lived in Canada, and I found it challenging to get really good friends there, just because making good friends takes time, anywhere. As for Norway, I have never struggled making friends, but again, everyone story is different. My best tip is to be yourself, be nice while taking a bit in consideration the culture in Norway (without thinking that you can't make some "rules" yours). Norwegians are extremely warm and friendly, I have met some of the nicest people I know here !
Hello Ilys,
I enjoyed your video very much. I was able to understand a few words. I started learning Norwegian three weeks ago. I wanted to be a beginner again and start a new language journey. I chose this language as a challenge because I couldn't grasp anything when I heard you talking. I use Assimil with a method I created after my degree in neuroscience. It's so much fun!
Thank you for sharing, and welcome in the "Norwegian community"!:) That's really nice that you're already watching long videos and following the subtitles, I'm sure that you're going to get better soon 🌼
Jeg også elsket å ri hester! Jeg er kjempeglad at du vil kanskje poste mer, videoene dine er fantastiske!
I was waiting for this video for so long ❤, such a great one! Thank you so much
good vibes ! ( bra vibes ! ) travelling in norway is a must
Hei! Jeg har begynt å reise med tog for å besøke familien min i Frankrike (fra Trondheim) og har allerede gjort det 2 ganger i 2023, så det er faktisk mulig, hvis du på et eller annet tidspunkt ønsker å ta steget! Men det er flott at du starter med å reise med tog i Norge!
Salut Margaux 🥰 (cest mon deuxième prénom Margaux!:) Takk for kommentaren! Jeg er veldig interessert i å vite mer, jeg har egentlig lyst til å prøve å dra hjem til Frankrike med tog jeg også ! Tror du at du kan sende meg en melding på Instagram sånn at du kan gi meg tips og forklare hvordan du gjorde det? Ca me ferait super plaisir !! 💙
Selfølgelig, jeg skal gjøre det ! @@norwegianwithilys
I am American living in norway and just started Norse Korse here in Bryne! wish me luck, love the videos please keep them coming! Also if you are ever in Jaeren we have awesome beaches!
I;ll put this comment here too, you should add to your "How I learned Norwegian" a subtitle and "Use it to Learn Any Language!" As that video is so helpful and with title it only pulls in Nor. speakers UNLESS like me they got recommended to it by the other channel- that "Days of..."
Amazing level!!! COngratulations!!! ;)
Hej du, godt nytt år til deg :) Eg snakke bare litt Norsk men eg håpe eg blir bedre å snakke :) Eg tenker at det er så fint at du vil reise mer og lære om dialekter. Eg har jobbet i Bergen for 13 å siden. Eg elsker Bergen!
Takk for inspirasjonene i videoen din.
Når det gjelder å lese, så bruker jeg gjerne Kindle eller Acrobat reader på smarttelefonen min. Før jeg leser slår jeg komplett hvilemodus og blålysfilter på og slå av varsler. Sånt får jeg det til å lese i ro og mak og med glede.
Jeg elsker videoene dine❤❤ tusen takk for deler de med oss
Ilys jeg elsker denne videoen du har lagt. Jeg kan forstår nesten alt og det gleder meg å lære nye ord. Oppmerksomheten! Du er så flink med språk og du er en kjempe bra lære. Tussen takk!
🥰 Jeg er glad for at du lærte nye ord! Takk for kommentaren 💙
i subscribe to you today! your video sharing your journey inspired me and led me here. i will continue to keep watching your videos as i love your content and the community here! i want to mark in timer here that i've been learning norwegian for about a week and a half and i want this to look back on as i move forward on my journey...
jeg liker videoene dine.🤍de er veldig enkle (og autentiske) og de er fylt med inspirasjon.💫 takk så mye! 🙏jeg ønsker å uttrykke meg bedre på norsk (uten google😅) og jeg liker å male mer. dette er mine viktigste nyttårsforsett.💥
Jeg skrevet en lang tekst tidligere men jeg vet ikke hva skjedde. Det er veldig inspirerende å lytte til dette. Det ee nyttårsforsettet mitt å klarer til å snakke flyttende i årets slutten
Takk for at du delte ! Jeg håper at du kommer til å nå målene dine, og at videoene mine kommer til å hjelpe deg 💙
Hey Ilys, do you do any specific techniques to work on your accent? was it gradual and words specifi or you folow certain rules?
Hi:) Yes, I have many ! It's really hard to explain it in a text message, but I'm planing on making a video about this because I get a lot of questions about the accent ! I will try to make it soon 🌸
Thank you, I hope you are going to give some language agnostic tips aswell since I'm (idk how many are) not learning norwegian but interested in your videos.@@norwegianwithilys
Even though I’m not learning Norwegian (it’s actually German that I’m learning haha 😅) I really love your vibes and energy and your videos so I’m excited for the goals you set yourself and future content you’re going to post! Gonna follow you on insta so that I can get more :) best wishes! 💫
Thank you so much for your comment!🌸 It's awesome that I can help people that don't necessarily learn Norwegian as well! Good luck learning German, I have heard that a lot of grammar rules are similar to Norwegian 🙂
I want to get better at Norwegian, I'm not very good at the moment but this year I really want to improve for my trip to Norway in June! I will conitune to watch your videos to hopefully get better. :)
So nice that you're coming to Norway! I hope you can get better and that you will get to use what you learnt when you come 🌼
Hi, great videos to learn Norsk :)
Det er litt sent i år til å lage ny år måler, men akkurat nå i livet mitt har jeg noen måler, men en mål at er viktigere enn de andre. Jeg ønsker å flytte til Norge til å jobbe for rundt en år mens jeg lære Norsk bedre enn jeg kan nå i USA. Jeg har vært til Bergen og jeg hadde det veldig bra, og nå jeg vil gjerne bor der. - Tusen takk for videoene dine, de er sykt gøy a vise på og «motivating» å høre noen hvem som vår en utenlandske snakker «fluent» norsk. (Not sure if this is right, I meant “to hear someone who was a foreigner speak fluent Norsk”)
hello Ilys, can i ask what work do you doin Norway and how was the process of moving to Norway like? I would appreciate your answer, thanks!
You are doing great . I am curious for how long you have lived in norge because you speak very well. Can you suggest us how to improve speaking skills from your experiences. Thanks in advance.
Hi ! Thank you soooo much for your videos you are the best !!
I’m French and I started to learn Norwegian something like two months ago but I feel like I’m not making any progress 😔. So I wanted to know how can I learn Norwegian other than by using Duolingo bc it’s not very helpful lol
I recommend you read "The Mystery of Nils" and "Ny i Norge." They are good books for beginners. 😄
@@StrawberryMilk-kq1sc thank you so much !! I’ll look to buy them ☺️
Hello:) Je sais comprends que ce soit compliqué au début, surtout de trouver une méthode qui nous convient ! Je sais pas si tu as vu, mais j'ai fait une longue vidéo sur cette chaine où j'explique comment j'ai appris le norvégien toute seule, je pense que ça peut peut-être t'aider:) Moi non plus j'aime pas trop Duoliguo et les application en général, mais je donne plein d'autres conseils dans ma vidéo, j'espère qu'elle pourra t'aider ! 💙
Det var meget interessant at se din TH-cam video. Du taler et vældigt tydeligst norsk som er meget tæt på dansk. Hvilken norsk dialekt mener du at du har? Tak for videoen.
Det er veldig interessant. Tusen takk.
Dette året må jeg tren mer og ser mindre på skjerm. 😅
Jeg vil fortsetter å lære Norsk og se på TH-cam videoene dine.
Som forrige gang var det veldig hjelpsom å se og lytte til videoen litt saktere med 0,75x hastighet! Jeg forsto nesten alt jeg leste, men jeg må prøve å bli bedre til å lytte og snakke språket. Og det lover jeg virkelig å gjøre!
Takk. det hjelper meg å høre noen med undertekster. Jeg snakker litte med kunder, men bare "vær sø god", "ha det", og så videre...
I've been living in Norway for 3 years now, but I worked (and still work) a lot on my Norwegian! My boyfriend is also Norwegian, which helps a lot ! I hope that my content can help you get better as well 🌼
Jeg har gitt deg ros tidligere, og den rosen fortjener du fortsatt. Det er helt fantastisk hvordan du mestrer norsk. Dine mål for 2024 høres ut som særdeles oppbyggende mål!
Tusen takk!!
Det var veldig interessant ! Jeg venter ! ... ; ) ...
Amazing video. Thank you so much. Can Norwegian natives tell you're not a native by your accent or not really? Merci pour la vidéo.
Im Starting a couple of new businesses this year and I just intend to Make them as successful as possible and then I can travel everywhere I want to whilst being able to manage my businesses from my laptop no matter what country I end up in 😁
That's a really nice goal !! I really hope that it's going to work out for you 🌸
@@norwegianwithilys thanks I hope so to My main aims for travel are Sweden and Norway As My grand parents were Swedish and Norwegian lol
Hilsener fra Minnesota!
jeg begynner å lære norsk. Jeg liker kanalen din veldig godt!
Lære fransk tror jeg. Starta i november, går fremdeles stert nå. Oppdaga deg pga (på grunn av) den "how I learned norwegian" videon og Days and Words video om deg. Men herregud, norsken din er så bra nå, det gå'kke ann as. Hva er du nå? C1, C2?
Tusen takk🌸 Jeg aner ikke hvilket nivå jeg er på, og jeg er ikke veldig interessert i nivåer egentlig... Jeg vil bare snakke som om jeg hadde blitt født i Norge, jeg tror ikke at det finnes noe nivå for det haha 😌 Masse lykke til med å lære fransk, jeg beundrer alle de som lærer seg fransk!
hilsener fra Romania!
jeg klager alltid over at jeg ikke har nok fri tid (skolen tar for mye av min tid), eller nok energi til å jobbe med mine kartografiske projekter, derfor er målet mitt å løse disse problemene... en eller annen måte
jeg håper dere oppnår målene deres, alle sammen!
Is it possible to acquire knowledge about economics, international politics and geography entirely in English in Norway libraries, or is it necessary to know Norwegian language for this knowledge?
Hi! I have the same problem with reading. I feel that I lose a lot by "ignoring" reading activities compared to other people who read. Keeping focused and not getting bored is a great challenge for me. I hope you will share your thoughts and experience on improving this skill.
Yes, more and more people have this problem, unfortunately ... I read a really interesting book last year that's called "Stolen Focus", I really recommend ! I'm going to make a video about it I think. I hope that you'll be able to read more, you should start by reading this book, it helped me a lot !
@@norwegianwithilys Thank you for recommendation. I'll definitely take a look
Ja jeg finner videoene dine veldig nyttige. Jeg vil gjerne se strikkevideoer på norsk siden det er to ting jeg elsker. Jeg er midt i USA og ingen snakker norsk. Jeg har studert i fire år på egen hånd og videoene dine er svært nyttige
Waw, gratulerer for at du har blitt så flink av å studere på egen hånd! Jeg skjønner godt at det er vanskelig å øve når man ikke kjenner noen som er norsk! Jaa, jeg kommer til å lage strikkevideoer, jeg gleder meg så mye! Jeg håper at jeg kan poste den første i mars 🌼
merci pour les sous-titres dans les 2 langues c'est hyper pratique👌
Pas de problème, merci pour ton commentaire ! Je suis contente que ca aide :)
wow du prater så veldig bra norsk! imponerende !
Can any Norwegians confirm the grammar/context of this? Some of the stuff that was translated to english was not correct. For example, "I dont want to feel pressure when I want to take a book." I am not sure if that is correct way to say what she meant in Norwegian though.
Hi:) I try to make the subtitles as accurate as possible, but maybe I made mistakes? What were the sentences that were not correct?
Yat ravina kolip pîsso trave jar dayv min sato rin dralmin ❤
If you speak English and German, then Norwegian is a simple language to learn...But I don't like that so many embrace Norway... Because The Jante law is stuck in my mind, ( And this is the right way to do it)
Jeg laget en video i går for å feire 19 måneder siden at jeg begynte å lære Norsk. På den andre kanalen min. Det heter "Hvordan jeg lærte meg Norsk". Kanalen heter Robyn Kessler.
Jeg vil bli flytende til å snakke norsk. Jeg også nettopp begynnte å lære fransk! Ønsk meg lykke til!!
Hvor kjøpte du det flagget? I Norge kanskje ? Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe et når jeg er i Norge !
Hi Ilys, You have a very useful language channel, I am I think at B1 level, and your videos are perfect for me! Do let me know if you need a basic website for yourself where you can sell your products, clothes, caps etc.. I can do it for free for you! Also, I am planning to come to Norway next year... Lets hope it happens.. Once again Great job and thank you for your videos..
Hei! Hvis du vil lese en morsom bok om den vestlandske mentaliteten så anbefaler jeg romanen som heter rett og slett "Vestlandet" av Erlend Nødtvedt.
Tusen takk for tipset !
Carry on, please❤
Du snakker nesten perfekt norsk som du skulle vært født og oppvokst her, er kun ett par ganger tonefallet ikke stemmer helt men sykt bra for kun å snakke det ett par år :) vet av folk som har vært her 20 år som ikke er i nærheten engang
Tusen takk for kommentaren ! Jeg skal fortsette å jobbe med tonefallet!!:)
@@norwegianwithilys Hvilket tonefall? Det er en bråte mange forskjellige måter å snakke Sørøstnorsk på. Oslo er ingen standard. Folk som ønsker å gjemme seg i mengden, de snakker en Oslo-sentrum-dialekt. Folk som ønsker å framstå som noen som innehar en identitet, de snakker dialekt.
My goal = snakke Norsk
Takk Ilys
Jeg synes du er veldig flink til å snakke norsk.
H Asme
Dra til Lofoten! 🤩
Ja!! Jeg skal dra dit 🥰
@@norwegianwithilys Drit i det. Er bare et nedtråkka og neddrita turisthelvete.
Hi! :) I tried your code but unfortunately it didn't work :( "Angi en gyldig rabattkode"
Hi! Thank you so much for letting me know, I made a mistake in the spelling, I just corrected it in the description of the video! The code is ILYS_LYSLOYPA15
I tried it just now and it works:) Let me know if it works for you too, and enjoy the book!!:)
it worked! :) @@norwegianwithilys
Hei Ilys,
Jeg har forstått nesten allt av denne videoen. Jeg har lært meg lite norsk i de siste to årene, men jeg har ikke gjort det seriøst som du, så jeg er ikke bra på å snakke. Jeg har aldri vært i Skandinavien, men jeg vill besøke Norge (eller kanskje till og med bo der i noen år) når jeg er ferdig med å studere.
I år vil jeg gjøre sport oftere (minst ukentlig) og jeg vill bli bedre på å snakke og forstå norsk. Jeg må bare finne et sett får å kunne snakke med nordmenn.
Moi, je suis Suisse, donc j'ai aussi appris le français. J'adore cette langue, mais je trouve que c'est beaucoup plus difficile à apprendre que le Norvégien. Comme ma langue maternelle (suisse-allemand), le Norvégien est aussi une langue alémanique. Mais pas le français. Je pense que c'est à cause de ça que le Norvégien est plus facile.
Tusen takk for videoen og ha det bra
You Reminds me Bjork...coincidence??
Read more and be more active are 2 of my main goals this year as well. Good luck!
Eyy! It's kind of as if we were doing it together then, good luck, I hope you'll reach these two goals:)
i dont use instagram whatsoever , i think I may have one picture of my cat, now it use only to have more vocabulary from you and another one named Norwegian Jo
Great videos, but maybe speak a little slower, so us beginners can follow along.
But I much prefer your YT videos
how about my 2024 resolutions : beef
First time poster here commenting on this video, the second video of yours I have seen, but whose second language passion is Italian, not Norwegian. As such, I won't be a subscriber. Your first video I saw was a referral from another site as having some thoughts on the process of language acquisition. That was extraordinarily well done too.
My suspicion is you thought through the way white subtitles completely wash out against light colors, hence, you wisely chose wear a dark top. At what scale of large screens it may be that subtitles do not wash out against lighter colors I don't know. But, on my tablet subtitles that occasionally went wider than your shoulders were not readable. That's easily remedied and if something you desire improve in your videos, given your high level of creativity, you can easily do. Keep in mind subtitles overlaying outdoor shots with snow are of no use. On the occasions you elevated your hands to your front, subtitles are washed out on your skin tone. Were Norwegian understandable to me, I wouldn't at all have interest in subtitles.
In conclusion, I observe you've a quality of character that evidences an "aim clear" mentality: Abundance is mine, creating loving experiences and rewards. (AIM CLEAR). In that context my comments aren't criticisms. They are said with gentle effect as potentially of benefit. Carry on.
English ??????
Read subtitles ? This is a channel 100% about Norway and the Norwegian language, mate 😂