Watch this next: 5 More Destructive PvP Mistakes: (and how to fix them)! -OR- The 5 ESSENTIAL Tips you need for PvP:
@@ShadowDestiny I have a question, can this game be played strictly in pvp? even if you buy add-ons, in the sense I'm not some mega fan of pve and you really like pvp here in this game and i would like to know if you can rely on pvp to get good equipment or even armor while playing pvp only
True that on this one. But I think just about every great PVPer was guilty of this at one point before they figured out they need to stop doing it. LOL
"Once you start sliding, there's no stopping, and this often leads to overextension." me, after sliding too far & accidentally triggering the wall of wishes when my friend was halfway through entering a code 🙃
Great video it's really making me look at my play style from a different perspective. I'd say my biggest problems right now are not paying attention to my mag size and getting caught reloading and peaking while low heal. I know not to peak and I scream at myself in my head not to do it but my fingers just take over thinking hey he's also one shot I think I can make the first shot if I peak back out early and get him. Then I peak and die lmao. I'm so bad about doing this although I know I shouldn't. But I'd say the biggest thing that helped me improve and become at least some what competent in crucible (although I still consider myself just on the scale of the average player who hovers around 1.0k/d) was slowing down my play style and consciously not dying to sprinting. The moment I see red on my radar I immediately stop sprinting and assess my situation positioning and make note of the area that my radar is indicating. That hands down is the main thing that brought me up from that embarrassing .40-.50 k/d to around a less embarrassing 1.0 k/d although it may not perfectly be reflected in my life time k/d because of how long I was absolutely terrible and played the crucible like I was playing a solo halo 2 multiplier match against only bots.
These are great tips and great for those that wonder why they can’t get better. I myself have tried PvP but unfortunately cannot follow or track players that quickly due to head injuries. But great info.
Sometimes I have trouble tracking that quickly too, so I get to a teammate that can or simply disappear if I'm using my hunter (triple jump and practice of finding the small spaces around me to get away when needed) I had a lack of oxygen to my brain when I was born so it's not really bad, but it is noticeable in large battles
I see a lot of things like this, and even though I use this to improve my gameplay, I don't see very many videos on how to pair or appropriately synergize weapons and armor to benefit off of the current meta or even off-meta. I know it's about what a player is comfortable with, but for newer players that don't know much about which weapons, archetypes, armor, or mods can help a players loadout become their own.
Thank you so much for recommending this Shadow! This is my first season starting fresh & watching your content. I will say this. After having my brain surgery in June I have been able to play crucible almost daily my Kd went from1.2kda then after I watched PattyCakes 1.64kda then finding you on PattyCakes 2.2kda. Mt next goal is to go Flawless or try to well first it's finding a team anyway Thank you so much it really helped with my confidence in recovery 💜
Thank you! Improved my KD this season. Biggest thing that helped was knowing when to take cover or just abort the gunfight. Some of my best kill streaks started from avoiding a previous engagement I was losing. My aim got better but I still seem to leave opponents with a sliver of health.
Even the top 1% of PVPers don't finish off their opponents 100% of the time. It happens, don't beat yourself up over it. Instead, think more about the gunfight and what they did to get away and less about that 1 precision shot you missed.
Great points! Number 8 is so so so common and people just don't realize. To add one: I see way often people sleeping on abilities, specially Titan and Warlocks interestingly. People keep their abilities way too much in the pocket, specially in 6v6
those tips about how to deal with supers reminded me of a time I had a full firing squad as this titan glides gently into view and pops his super. I'm thinking, "alright if we stand and fight that's a waisted super". the randos didn't think that. the randos ran. I quickly became a nail.
Nice video! Sometimes these things are kind of obvious but it's nice to have someone point them out and, more importantly, offer advice to fix it. Also, I miss the Mars map you showed in the gameplay
Shadow unfortunately my guardian had surgery after a knee injury and he can't run properly so he has to slide everywhere to ease the strain on his legs.
I definitely find that the pvp map heavily affects what guns I use as certain maps are very close quarters thus favoring close range while others favor long range weaponry
Yep, like for example Vostok is a scout rifle map through and through, pretty much every time that map comes up it's a free ghost in the night medal from how many great lanes exist for scouts and snipers and how many people are mindlessly running around without thinking about that risk
This should be helpful... as I analyze my own habits... 1. The sliding: didn't think to be that intentional. It might be the next improvement to my gameplay I need. I slide, but only when trying to get from location to location and not mid-combat. I tend to crouch when going from corner to corner to avoid radar detection and get the drop on enemies, but maybe I need to incorporate this for more aggressive plays. 2. Bait and Switch: just a presence of mind think I need to be more aware of. Might be worth practicing in 6v6... 3. I think this happens when I'm panicking and don't know how to close the distance in a desperate situation. I've mostly learned to be patient... but as I said, I slip up. 4. I tend to be a Titan main that uses the Code of the Siegebreaker. Favorite weapons are pulse rifles and hand cannons with shotguns. For a while, I ran with grenade launchers, and I can understand why sniping is fun, but sniping is, by far, my worst skill. That said, I've learned how double primary can work; scout + SMG and bow and auto/SMG are excellent combos. As for other classes, I tend to gravitate toward solar classes... maybe I need to change that up... 5. I learned this the hard way, often getting baited into corners, only for the enemy to drop down from above with a shotgun. Now I've learned to use this, but I tend to use it as a defensive measure when near cover. It helps get you out of attack range really quickly and gives you time to regroup. Now, I need to learn to use it as a tool for offense... 6. This can get dicey. Sometimes, there's nowhere to run to. Sometimes, your confidence is overconfidence when challenging a super. I need to learn to bait them more often, but I've gotten good at recognizing supers that you just run from, such as Dawnblade. Attempting to run from Stormtrance is fruitless, since their warping speed easily catches up to you; better to kill them before they get the chance. (Just be careful of Landfall variants.) 7. I feel weaknesses pretty painfully when getting curb-stomped. Autos and SMGs don't have range. Hand cannons and pulses can get dicey when the enemy is fewer than 10 feet away and closing in fast. Shotguns make you rush in to close the distance. That's why it's good to diversify. 8. I learned this lesson even before getting into Destiny. Always reload when you're behind cover and out of combat. That said, the next step I need to take is learning to run when I'm getting low on ammo as opposed to trying to finish the battle and then getting caught reloading. Good lessons, all around. I just need help finishing fights and tracking opponents while firing, since that's where I struggle most... and that's just practice.
You are awesome man. I recently bought series s and this is me playing first time ever on controller. You are a blessing love your hard work you are putting into making these great videos.
Ive played way more fps games that require a more tactical gamesense and like you said in this video that's not exactly helping too much and now that I look back, your one of the main reasons I'm actually good at D2. Keep this up
Well at least I do something right... I KNOW I jump too late when I am already seen. I do change, reload etc my weapons in cover and I do practice various loadouts. I appreciate this video thank you!
I just happened on one of your videos the other day, I think it was the one about top tier controller gameplay, and then I found this video. To be honest I've always felt like I was lacking despite how good my stats may have been, and deploying as often as I do and being out of the crucible hasn't helped either, but this video reminded me of the fundamentals and I am seeing a night and day difference in my gameplay now. Honestly, I'm amazed by your inputs. Thanks a ton.
I’ve been playing d1 since beta and I can say this video is really helpful for new players but for us veterans it’s kinda useless due to the sheer amount of metas that and pvp player who can destroy half of these tips
If I had to pick a top 3 things to focus on for newer people struggling in Crucible, it would be: 1. Take time to load into solo private matches or with friends and wander the maps, learning platforms, doorways, and lanes. Crucible matches and average time per life are so short, and the maps rotate so constantly, that there is no other way to develop map awareness besides grinding pvp every day. Honestly I perform better in Trials sometimes just because it sticks to a single map. 2. Stick to cover. Time to kill in Destiny is very short and if you get caught in the open by a decent Handcannon user or a Dead Man's Tale you could be dead before you even figure out who's shooting you. Use the radar to determine if there are enemies nearby, and play defensively without being overly cautious. Peek around corners in ADS, slide between cover, but don't hide from enemies. 3. While "movement" encompasses way too many things to just say to get better at it, the most important movement to learn first is how to disengage. Get into the habit of dropping back when your shield breaks, retreat to cover, group back with your teammates. If you're being chased, know how your jump works so you can effectively go around corners without losing speed or how to drop behind a wall without landing on top of it. These three things all help you learn the #1 way to get better at Crucible, which is to reduce how often you die and waste time respawning. Time spent respawning is time not spent practicing, and the more you die, the slower you'll improve. You can measure your improvement by seeing how long you can maintain a single life for. Once you figure out how not to die, you can work on getting kills.
My biggest mistake is not making use of the vertical space. In fact, I've known for a while that this is a mistake I'm making, but yet I just... almost don't want to do it. I find it more enjoyable to stay grounded for most of the game. I guess I just find jumping in the air and shooting from up there requires too much extra effort.
You deserve way more exposure my guy. Ever since Nomad sent me this way with your Lane Next to Cover video I've been watching videos since and they're really helpful. I do find it ironic that you mention using a sniper as a primary and get an annihilation with yours in the clip behind it 🤣🤣🤣 great videos 👍
I do apologise, I found you through Godin Gaming who had the lane next to cover video. My comments are still valid though. You're a great YT and it really helps watching your videos.
The best Titan counter super is thunder crash. It’s my main super I run and it’s perfect for shutting down an enemy super at critical moments in a match.
Yeah I get a ton of shotgun kills on players blindly running around corners and them not paying attention to their radar . I also get killed by over sliding out of cover and 2 or more players just melt my face off . But with your tips I am working on correcting my mistakes . Thank you for your tips .
My top 3 mistakes, according to this, are lack of loadout diversity (I stick pretty exclusively to sidearm/scout loadouts), sprinting out of cover, and being inconsistent with how I handle enemy supers.
3:50 idk if this point was exclusively made but you also never know if a loadout that worked miracles for you one game will do the same, as when teams get reshuffled, its possible the people on the receiving end will have differing skillsets that combat your loadout
And on a different map. My least favourite thing is that you have no way of preparing for the map, you either have to get lucky or you are stuck on that one church map on the edz with a sidearm and shottie.
since the nerfs to stasis I've been having fun running top tree striker for the double lightning nades and shoulder charge but I only use it for movement since it's too predictable to use against good players.
I honestly can't wait to get a messenger in trails during season 15 because I'd definitely love to try a couple loadouts with a kinetic 340 pulse (I love those types and are kinda underused in pvp imo) stars in the shadow was my go to pulse when it came out, I was always wishing I had a kinetic pulse
It’s super crisp. Have one with fullbore/high cal./rapid hit/kill clip/stab mw and an adept one with zen/kill clip with max range. One of if not the best pulse in my most humble an unbiased opinion.
Sorta late to this video and it’s a great one. Totally did tip #4 with arc buddy warlock, I typically run hunter or Titan and was complaining about arc buddies being OP. My wife then said “stop complaining and just use it”. So I did. Went on a We Ran the first match 🤣.
I used to be a ultra crayon rusher with shotguns and hand cannons. Now I "bot walk" and crouch around corners, resulting in me surviving a lot more encounters. Rn my best loadout is slow fire suros and a likely suspect. Never had more fun in crucible than this season.
On mistake 4, I can confirm that I had a deep bias against anything that wasn’t a rocket launcher or sub/machine gun. Then I actually tried other weapons & was like: *_O H_*
@@ShadowDestiny unless enemy is extremely careful with how he approaches you and doesnt gave teammates pushing with him, it can easily give you a free shutdown+you womt have to forcibly rotate around the map and thus you have more options of where to go next
@@ShadowDestiny and again, im talking about pc I am quite sure that on console its going to be way harder to land primary shots on approaching spectrals if they dodge left and right with jumps+light attacks
Most goated videos ever! Rlly helped me think about my play style and it’s flaws, too bad Bungie made the air plays that are recommended completely unviable smh
The weirdest thing I have noticed Is that slot of things that you need to be good at End game PvP and pve are same, spacing movement aiming are just a few examples.
What seems to ruin my kd is my luck. I have the worse luck with crucible where I’ll be waiting for an enemy to pop a corner. And either get ganked. Third partied, or as soon as I pay attention to something else. Then suddenly they pop and kill me instantly
The one I don’t get is the sliding. I find little utility in sliding (other than proccing slideshot) because it doesn’t go that far. Like, it ends before it starts. I have never slid too far where I end up in a bad position. I HAVE, however, ended up well short and got slaughtered as a result. So I guess in a roundabout way, I do get the sliding one. 🤷♂️
Luckily my reaction time works somewhat most of the time so I can just dodge the sniper shot (barely) and only lose about half my health to a body shot.
Great video going to use all these in my pvp matches. Only thing I'm not going to use is the different class one. I don't have the time to grind two other characters up to the current level. Honestly I don't think I'll ever make another character so yeah. Great video though
Can we include using double primaries? Some combos can work scout/pulse with sidearm. Bow with hand Cannon. But I don't think autorifle / autorifle is winning any tourneys for the Average joe
Great tips in this video, the team shooting and the bait and switch are super important tips for trials especially, I see so many people make the mistake of not laying down cover fire or even switching places with their teammates when they have more health and a better chance to win in the situation which leads to easy kills for the other team
Watch this next: 5 More Destructive PvP Mistakes: (and how to fix them)!
The 5 ESSENTIAL Tips you need for PvP:
Ok so I do all 8 of these ngl.... Thanks for helping SD...
@@LastNameInTown no prob!
@@ShadowDestiny I have a question, can this game be played strictly in pvp? even if you buy add-ons, in the sense I'm not some mega fan of pve and you really like pvp here in this game and i would like to know if you can rely on pvp to get good equipment or even armor while playing pvp only
@@Beverlyhillzzz Yeah man I play PvE when it's new or has good loot but rarely do it otherwise. It's totally possible to main PvP
@@ShadowDestiny So you mainly focus on pvp, pve very rarely?
Excellent video. The least obvious one to me was the sprint around corner tip. Makes sense, I'm totes guilty of doing it.
it's such a huge game-changer!
Definitely a tip I’m gonna try
hard same
Same bro. Im very guilty.
True that on this one. But I think just about every great PVPer was guilty of this at one point before they figured out they need to stop doing it. LOL
Watching Shadow’s live streams is like watching a 3 hour montage of the best pvp clips
Haha thanks man!
(to anyone else reading this) come hang with us sometime ;)
"Once you start sliding, there's no stopping, and this often leads to overextension."
me, after sliding too far & accidentally triggering the wall of wishes when my friend was halfway through entering a code 🙃
you hate to see it
Great video it's really making me look at my play style from a different perspective. I'd say my biggest problems right now are not paying attention to my mag size and getting caught reloading and peaking while low heal. I know not to peak and I scream at myself in my head not to do it but my fingers just take over thinking hey he's also one shot I think I can make the first shot if I peak back out early and get him. Then I peak and die lmao. I'm so bad about doing this although I know I shouldn't.
But I'd say the biggest thing that helped me improve and become at least some what competent in crucible (although I still consider myself just on the scale of the average player who hovers around 1.0k/d) was slowing down my play style and consciously not dying to sprinting. The moment I see red on my radar I immediately stop sprinting and assess my situation positioning and make note of the area that my radar is indicating. That hands down is the main thing that brought me up from that embarrassing .40-.50 k/d to around a less embarrassing 1.0 k/d although it may not perfectly be reflected in my life time k/d because of how long I was absolutely terrible and played the crucible like I was playing a solo halo 2 multiplier match against only bots.
Nice job! Sounds like you used a few of the same tips in this video on your path toward improvement, love to hear it
Yeh I remember a coolguy pvp tips video and one of his main points was stop dying to sprint ,, it’s so obvious but effective
The humbleness in voice tone adds extra immersiveness to already great content brother.
These are great tips and great for those that wonder why they can’t get better. I myself have tried PvP but unfortunately cannot follow or track players that quickly due to head injuries. But great info.
Thanks man, and sorry to hear that
Sometimes I have trouble tracking that quickly too, so I get to a teammate that can or simply disappear if I'm using my hunter (triple jump and practice of finding the small spaces around me to get away when needed) I had a lack of oxygen to my brain when I was born so it's not really bad, but it is noticeable in large battles
Thanks for the vid. You're so good your gameplay is so smooth
I appreciate it
This is a great video it helped me with crucible went from a 0.83 Kd to 1.3 kd just by learning when to engage or back off
As a casual player, I am guilty of many of these mistakes. thanks for the help.
I see a lot of things like this, and even though I use this to improve my gameplay, I don't see very many videos on how to pair or appropriately synergize weapons and armor to benefit off of the current meta or even off-meta. I know it's about what a player is comfortable with, but for newer players that don't know much about which weapons, archetypes, armor, or mods can help a players loadout become their own.
Amazing advice, but I also wanted to bring up that awesome transition at 4:23 of you popping your super and it going to a new map
Thanks so much! :)
Thank you so much for recommending this Shadow! This is my first season starting fresh & watching your content. I will say this. After having my brain surgery in June I have been able to play crucible almost daily my Kd went from1.2kda then after I watched PattyCakes 1.64kda then finding you on PattyCakes 2.2kda. Mt next goal is to go Flawless or try to well first it's finding a team anyway Thank you so much it really helped with my confidence in recovery 💜
Thank you! Improved my KD this season. Biggest thing that helped was knowing when to take cover or just abort the gunfight. Some of my best kill streaks started from avoiding a previous engagement I was losing. My aim got better but I still seem to leave opponents with a sliver of health.
Even the top 1% of PVPers don't finish off their opponents 100% of the time. It happens, don't beat yourself up over it. Instead, think more about the gunfight and what they did to get away and less about that 1 precision shot you missed.
The amount of times ive been called a god sniper because i know where to aim when someone half hazardly sprints out of cover is hilarious
Love the virticle space advice. Ive gotten loads of kills with my blinkey boi just because of the blink.
Great points! Number 8 is so so so common and people just don't realize.
To add one: I see way often people sleeping on abilities, specially Titan and Warlocks interestingly. People keep their abilities way too much in the pocket, specially in 6v6
Thanks! I’ve noticed that too, some people also hold onto their supers too long!
those tips about how to deal with supers reminded me of a time I had a full firing squad as this titan glides gently into view and pops his super. I'm thinking, "alright if we stand and fight that's a waisted super".
the randos didn't think that. the randos ran. I quickly became a nail.
I didn’t know these things I appreciate TH-camrs like you helping people like me get better at pvp. Thank you this video is very eye opening.
Nice video! Sometimes these things are kind of obvious but it's nice to have someone point them out and, more importantly, offer advice to fix it. Also, I miss the Mars map you showed in the gameplay
Shadow unfortunately my guardian had surgery after a knee injury and he can't run properly so he has to slide everywhere to ease the strain on his legs.
slide nerf is ableist confirmed
Only 5 seconds into the video and I’m giving giving you a like. Went straight into the points, no bs👍🏽
I aim to do that on every video. Thanks bro!
I definitely find that the pvp map heavily affects what guns I use as certain maps are very close quarters thus favoring close range while others favor long range weaponry
Yep, like for example Vostok is a scout rifle map through and through, pretty much every time that map comes up it's a free ghost in the night medal from how many great lanes exist for scouts and snipers and how many people are mindlessly running around without thinking about that risk
mistake 4 is actualy what drove me to looking here to learn more because while sweet buisnes is still my favorite auto i need to broden my horisons
This should be helpful... as I analyze my own habits...
1. The sliding: didn't think to be that intentional. It might be the next improvement to my gameplay I need. I slide, but only when trying to get from location to location and not mid-combat. I tend to crouch when going from corner to corner to avoid radar detection and get the drop on enemies, but maybe I need to incorporate this for more aggressive plays.
2. Bait and Switch: just a presence of mind think I need to be more aware of. Might be worth practicing in 6v6...
3. I think this happens when I'm panicking and don't know how to close the distance in a desperate situation. I've mostly learned to be patient... but as I said, I slip up.
4. I tend to be a Titan main that uses the Code of the Siegebreaker. Favorite weapons are pulse rifles and hand cannons with shotguns. For a while, I ran with grenade launchers, and I can understand why sniping is fun, but sniping is, by far, my worst skill. That said, I've learned how double primary can work; scout + SMG and bow and auto/SMG are excellent combos. As for other classes, I tend to gravitate toward solar classes... maybe I need to change that up...
5. I learned this the hard way, often getting baited into corners, only for the enemy to drop down from above with a shotgun. Now I've learned to use this, but I tend to use it as a defensive measure when near cover. It helps get you out of attack range really quickly and gives you time to regroup. Now, I need to learn to use it as a tool for offense...
6. This can get dicey. Sometimes, there's nowhere to run to. Sometimes, your confidence is overconfidence when challenging a super. I need to learn to bait them more often, but I've gotten good at recognizing supers that you just run from, such as Dawnblade. Attempting to run from Stormtrance is fruitless, since their warping speed easily catches up to you; better to kill them before they get the chance. (Just be careful of Landfall variants.)
7. I feel weaknesses pretty painfully when getting curb-stomped. Autos and SMGs don't have range. Hand cannons and pulses can get dicey when the enemy is fewer than 10 feet away and closing in fast. Shotguns make you rush in to close the distance. That's why it's good to diversify.
8. I learned this lesson even before getting into Destiny. Always reload when you're behind cover and out of combat. That said, the next step I need to take is learning to run when I'm getting low on ammo as opposed to trying to finish the battle and then getting caught reloading.
Good lessons, all around. I just need help finishing fights and tracking opponents while firing, since that's where I struggle most... and that's just practice.
You are awesome man. I recently bought series s and this is me playing first time ever on controller. You are a blessing love your hard work you are putting into making these great videos.
Excellent advice, but no tactical disadvantage will ever be able to dissuade me from going for a sniper-melee whenever I’m close.
I needed to hear all of these because am guilty of them all lol,
Amazing tips bro keep it going!
great video & tips, but I'm going to level with you....nothing you can say will ever stop me panic shooting when I see a super lol
Ive played way more fps games that require a more tactical gamesense and like you said in this video that's not exactly helping too much and now that I look back, your one of the main reasons I'm actually good at D2. Keep this up
Holy crap! You're Shadow! Youve kicked my butt up and down some control before. Great tips. Ill have to bookmark this
Haha thanks!
we gonna ignore that smooth af transition at 0:35?!
7:00 I sometimes run bottom tree void titan with suppression nades… the amount of supers that i took off like "bonk" is hilarious.
4:23 transition appreciation timestamp
Well at least I do something right... I KNOW I jump too late when I am already seen.
I do change, reload etc my weapons in cover and I do practice various loadouts.
I appreciate this video thank you!
Much love
I just happened on one of your videos the other day, I think it was the one about top tier controller gameplay, and then I found this video. To be honest I've always felt like I was lacking despite how good my stats may have been, and deploying as often as I do and being out of the crucible hasn't helped either, but this video reminded me of the fundamentals and I am seeing a night and day difference in my gameplay now. Honestly, I'm amazed by your inputs. Thanks a ton.
Let’s go!! 📈
I’ve been playing d1 since beta and I can say this video is really helpful for new players but for us veterans it’s kinda useless due to the sheer amount of metas that and pvp player who can destroy half of these tips
If I had to pick a top 3 things to focus on for newer people struggling in Crucible, it would be:
1. Take time to load into solo private matches or with friends and wander the maps, learning platforms, doorways, and lanes. Crucible matches and average time per life are so short, and the maps rotate so constantly, that there is no other way to develop map awareness besides grinding pvp every day. Honestly I perform better in Trials sometimes just because it sticks to a single map.
2. Stick to cover. Time to kill in Destiny is very short and if you get caught in the open by a decent Handcannon user or a Dead Man's Tale you could be dead before you even figure out who's shooting you. Use the radar to determine if there are enemies nearby, and play defensively without being overly cautious. Peek around corners in ADS, slide between cover, but don't hide from enemies.
3. While "movement" encompasses way too many things to just say to get better at it, the most important movement to learn first is how to disengage. Get into the habit of dropping back when your shield breaks, retreat to cover, group back with your teammates. If you're being chased, know how your jump works so you can effectively go around corners without losing speed or how to drop behind a wall without landing on top of it.
These three things all help you learn the #1 way to get better at Crucible, which is to reduce how often you die and waste time respawning. Time spent respawning is time not spent practicing, and the more you die, the slower you'll improve. You can measure your improvement by seeing how long you can maintain a single life for. Once you figure out how not to die, you can work on getting kills.
My biggest mistake is not making use of the vertical space. In fact, I've known for a while that this is a mistake I'm making, but yet I just... almost don't want to do it. I find it more enjoyable to stay grounded for most of the game. I guess I just find jumping in the air and shooting from up there requires too much extra effort.
You deserve way more exposure my guy. Ever since Nomad sent me this way with your Lane Next to Cover video I've been watching videos since and they're really helpful. I do find it ironic that you mention using a sniper as a primary and get an annihilation with yours in the clip behind it 🤣🤣🤣 great videos 👍
I do apologise, I found you through Godin Gaming who had the lane next to cover video. My comments are still valid though. You're a great YT and it really helps watching your videos.
The best Titan counter super is thunder crash. It’s my main super I run and it’s perfect for shutting down an enemy super at critical moments in a match.
Thanks a lot, these tips are pretty new to me.
you took me down memory lane with the chaos reach comment. I am hoping it comes back with arc 3.0
youll have to wait until season 18, solar 3.0 is next season
Shadow: Your first mistake is constantly sliding
The Background Gameplay: *Getting a 'Shaxx Made This For You' by sliding 485783 times*
Great videos. I started watching your content recently...great advice and I have been trying to put it to good use.
Great video, what shotgun were you using in the vid?
I love how straight to the point you are in the intro AND THEN you get to the normal gamer intro. Waaaay better hook in a video imo.
;) Trying something new
Yeah I get a ton of shotgun kills on players blindly running around corners and them not paying attention to their radar . I also get killed by over sliding out of cover and 2 or more players just melt my face off . But with your tips I am working on correcting my mistakes . Thank you for your tips .
This video helped me thanks man
Great and helpful video Shadow!
Thanks Shadow! ☺️
Thanks for the tips. 👍
Great video very useful tips even for players that have been playing for a while! Keep it up!
My top 3 mistakes, according to this, are lack of loadout diversity (I stick pretty exclusively to sidearm/scout loadouts), sprinting out of cover, and being inconsistent with how I handle enemy supers.
Great video, to be fair myself I’ve not played PVP since Destiny 1 , and as for trials ( I steer well clear of that )
3:50 idk if this point was exclusively made but you also never know if a loadout that worked miracles for you one game will do the same, as when teams get reshuffled, its possible the people on the receiving end will have differing skillsets that combat your loadout
And on a different map. My least favourite thing is that you have no way of preparing for the map, you either have to get lucky or you are stuck on that one church map on the edz with a sidearm and shottie.
I remember I challenged an arcstrider with my quickfang and I won, I had no fear.
Running threw the map with survivors epitaph and Lorentz driver is potent
since the nerfs to stasis I've been having fun running top tree striker for the double lightning nades and shoulder charge but I only use it for movement since it's too predictable to use against good players.
Wow this video helps me improve a lot
I honestly can't wait to get a messenger in trails during season 15 because I'd definitely love to try a couple loadouts with a kinetic 340 pulse (I love those types and are kinda underused in pvp imo) stars in the shadow was my go to pulse when it came out, I was always wishing I had a kinetic pulse
It’s super crisp. Have one with fullbore/high cal./rapid hit/kill clip/stab mw and an adept one with zen/kill clip with max range. One of if not the best pulse in my most humble an unbiased opinion.
I am new destiny player and i wanted to ask you what is that ultimate that you are using on 3:50
That super is spectral blades it’s on the hunter void subclass
Shadow: makes a new video
Me excited because I’m about to see all my pvp strats
Grt play man crispy af hats off to u
Nice 😎 excellent tips !!!
At about 5mins, “I’ve already won I have the high ground” lol
Sorta late to this video and it’s a great one. Totally did tip #4 with arc buddy warlock, I typically run hunter or Titan and was complaining about arc buddies being OP. My wife then said “stop complaining and just use it”. So I did. Went on a We Ran the first match 🤣.
GG! Love to see it
I can confirm mistake 2 advice an actual thing that happen when a more skilled player is out gunning you
I used to be a ultra crayon rusher with shotguns and hand cannons. Now I "bot walk" and crouch around corners, resulting in me surviving a lot more encounters. Rn my best loadout is slow fire suros and a likely suspect. Never had more fun in crucible than this season.
On mistake 4, I can confirm that I had a deep bias against anything that wasn’t a rocket launcher or sub/machine gun. Then I actually tried other weapons & was like: *_O H_*
Melee supers on pc can be 1v1d quite consistently if you can get to a somewhat open space, especially with slug/shotgun
Sure, you can try. But why take a super difficult 1v1 fight if you can just avoid it altogether?
@@ShadowDestiny unless enemy is extremely careful with how he approaches you and doesnt gave teammates pushing with him, it can easily give you a free shutdown+you womt have to forcibly rotate around the map and thus you have more options of where to go next
@@ShadowDestiny and again, im talking about pc
I am quite sure that on console its going to be way harder to land primary shots on approaching spectrals if they dodge left and right with jumps+light attacks
Most goated videos ever! Rlly helped me think about my play style and it’s flaws, too bad Bungie made the air plays that are recommended completely unviable smh
The weirdest thing I have noticed Is that slot of things that you need to be good at End game PvP and pve are same, spacing movement aiming are just a few examples.
Totally guilty of Sprinting.. When I get killed - to some cheesy shit I get pissed and sprint back into the fight- Just to get domed.
What do you think about the rat king ? It’s by far my favorite weapon of choice
What seems to ruin my kd is my luck. I have the worse luck with crucible where I’ll be waiting for an enemy to pop a corner. And either get ganked. Third partied, or as soon as I pay attention to something else. Then suddenly they pop and kill me instantly
Number 4 is actually a shout 👍
These are really great tips
2:06 nice snipe
9:00 especially in close range i even see some people noscope
(Him noscoping 2 people)
@7:04 Conscious Clueless Rise
never saw it comin
dude i completely quit pvp, but i still watch your videos just because how good they are. keep up the great work my man!!
The one I don’t get is the sliding. I find little utility in sliding (other than proccing slideshot) because it doesn’t go that far. Like, it ends before it starts. I have never slid too far where I end up in a bad position. I HAVE, however, ended up well short and got slaughtered as a result. So I guess in a roundabout way, I do get the sliding one. 🤷♂️
Great tips
Luckily my reaction time works somewhat most of the time so I can just dodge the sniper shot (barely) and only lose about half my health to a body shot.
After this video I remembered that annoying player who was using bows. After I tried it, I realised that it was amazing, at least for me
Great video going to use all these in my pvp matches. Only thing I'm not going to use is the different class one. I don't have the time to grind two other characters up to the current level. Honestly I don't think I'll ever make another character so yeah. Great video though
Thanks! My other characters aren’t max power either. Fortunately for people like us, power doesn’t matter in PvP :)
Other than IB and trails ofc
This true. Still probably not going to make other characters. I'll just stick with my Hunter. Keep up the amazing work Shadow 👍
Great Video
Ur gameplay is so amazing
For half of this video, shadow is using the most “balanced” special weapon in destiny.
When shadow or pattycakes upload you already know it’s gonna be a good day
Okay goin all mtashed with the thumbnail and title lmao
5:10 This is only for hunter's who can get vertical quickly in just 1 second with the click of just 1 button
Can we include using double primaries? Some combos can work scout/pulse with sidearm. Bow with hand Cannon.
But I don't think autorifle / autorifle is winning any tourneys for the Average joe
I really like your gameplay ! 🤩😂
Great tips in this video, the team shooting and the bait and switch are super important tips for trials especially, I see so many people make the mistake of not laying down cover fire or even switching places with their teammates when they have more health and a better chance to win in the situation which leads to easy kills for the other team
Hey shadow, how do you produce so much elemental orbs?
Do you have solution for CrossPlay ? When us controller users are being put against PC players ?
More plz love these vids
I have 2 other videos like this on my channel if you haven't seen them already :)
If I have enough distance against supers (except golden gun) I just use my Vorpal Weapon DMT, It can kill just about any roaming super in 3 headshots