Law of Morality

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 พ.ย. 2023
  • It is better to be an Atheist than to claim oneself as Torah keeper with cheating, lying and indulging in immorality
    The Creator does not bother those who do not know him. But it bothers him those who touched his laws with scams & lies.
    Ysraelites were given the tradition of keeping the laws by Moshe. Yahushua built morality.
    A Torah keeper is one who keeps the laws in the heart to practice moral living taught by Yahushua.
    Anyone who claims to be a law keeper without morality is a law breaker with curses
    Sabbath, 7 Feasts, sacred name & Torah diet built practical life to receive holy spirit for moral life.
    If one cannot be a moral being, the laws of the Creator should not be touched at all.
    If a person is a law keeper, it is binding on that person to be moral being.
    Prophet Moshe gave the laws. Rabbi Yahushua taught the laws - to become moral beings.
    The law tells a person how to behave and live. Morality tells a person to do the right thing.
    The final chapter of Hebrew sacred text says: sing the song of Moshe & the Lamb ie Yahushua
    The greatest commandment is LOVE and all the LAWS hang on LOVE, says Yahushua
    If a person cannot love his mother/father, brothers & sisters, he cannot follow the 10 commandments
    Yahushua said' who is my mother, father, brother & sister? Anyone who obeys laws of the father is my family.
    Love, morality & laws of YHWH are interconnected to built relationship with the Creator and with one another as family.
    Christians do not follow the laws. So they cannot become moral beings despite 24 hrs prayers
    Messianics are gospel law keeper. What if the Messianic is a drunkard, liar with no regard & love? The curse is mighty.
    Jews keep the laws but reject moral teaching of Yahushua. They are the synagogue of Satan according to Revelation

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