Yamiks has convinced me time and time again that the main problem with Elite Dangerous is that is has so many cool and fun mechanics that are made obsolete by a complete disregard for risk/effort:reward balance. It's sad, really; that the main issue could be solved by literally changing a few numbers but Frontier STILL won't do it.
The devs are what's wrong with this game.. now that the game is up and running they need to have consultants come in and make some much needed tweaks . Real people consultants.. not bottom boy limp Brits that want the universe to adhere to the shit that Brits get down on. Going too fast? Fine.. you're going to bypass the station as punishment... Then we'll allow you to slow down.. Doing it your own way? Fine.. we'll make sure to nerf the results in the next update.. etc etc..
I watch Yamiks to find out what I won't like, and The Pilot to find out what I will like. The two of you are nice bookends and my enjoyment usually sits in the middle.
trading has just been actually worth it recently. as long as it's above 30k per ton your good. I have gotten up to... over 100 mil a hour. once I found a route with over 70k per ton. profit was good.
@@neptune551 try to find a system with refinerys and surely there will be alot of fleet carriers some commander have insane buy rate One guy was buying for 70k while it only cost 48~50k It was good money I think I hauled around 20mil Eventually the owner stopped buying tritium
@@deckardcain9789 From Tau Ceti to Kokary (trading Silver and taking Water Purifiers on the way back) - 11,3mil. in 12-13 minutes using an un-engineered Type-9. :)
@@DarthWall275 I enjoy the third party tools. The community around them gives me something else to consider when playing rather than just the in game things. Remembering to turn on Inara or EDSM and making sure they are accurate is just another thing I need to keep my ship flying.
I think this video maybe misses why people who like trading... like trading. There's just a quiet satisfaction in getting something where it needs to go, or in being that bridge between the people who make things and the people who need them, or in making your favourite faction slowly grow. It's OpenTTD on a personal level. And yes, making a profit is the goal, but the amount of profit matters less than you think. It's not like I particularly *need* the money any more. I have enough. It's just nice to build something rather than always have to be destroying. Though saying that, if ever I need a change of pace, I can always just get in my Chieftain and blap a few pirates. Serves 'em right for all those interdictions knocking me out of supercruise assist...
Trade tip 11: don’t only do mining and trading in such a vast game like elite. sure it’s great for making money but it can get really boring. Especially for newer players who may never come back. This goes for all trades in the game.
I've been saying for years that they need to offer an advanced trade computer that offers better filtering/searching and galaxy wide trade data ... maybe there is a credit subscription cost?
@@PrettyPinkPersephone They aren't always. You just have to catch the right times, which are usually streamers or other communities organizing matches. Even then, they can be pretty hard to "get into" as with any non-matchmade PvP game. And the ranks and levels take quite a bit to get up, I think CTF yielded the most progress.
I use Inara, get to the area- only to find someone with a fleet carrier has already flooded the market and I traveled for nothing. The last 5 trade routes I tried were a total bust...
Reminiscing about the days we could trade buttloads of tritium. Made Elite buying tritium at 3,500 credits and selling at 48,000 credits 15ly away. Went from Type 6 to Python to Type 9 in the first few loads and then raked it in for 5 days straight.
I do standard trading missions, usualy from Sol, because it is like hit 3 birds with 1 stone: - best I fond paid 50 milion. It was for painite and requiered several runs in a Cutter (Type 9 is not suitable for this because of the jump range) - Grade 5 engineering materials are often offered as a reward, I only choose these - It raises my superpower reputation and therefore rank, that is a huge benefit, as it slowly gets me towards Corvette
The most profitable way to trade (outside of the easy route) I've found is looking for missions that require the delivery of weapons. At least 1 station in systems offers theseand they range from 1.7m to 7.1 million each. Carry quantities vary form 2 units to 180 units. Most of the time they are offered by the main faction of the region at max rep.
Well that's max 40k a ton. Are there a lot of these missions? Is there a tool to find these missions online? I'd rather do the nerfed painite mining if there aren't many of these missions available... If there ARE several of them, then it may be worth it. Because you can certainly beat 40k a ton for time spent, right? Not sure
I find this amusing. Back in the beta/early release days, FDev was against the use of 3rd party tools to collect and share trade data. They didn't outright ban anyone, but they continually patched the game in attempt to break these tools. It even reached a point where players were manually entering station data to websites. I honestly don't know how the 3rd party tools evolved from there. I only played for a handful of months before puting the game on the shelf. I do find myself returning for a few more months of play once in a while, but seeing the price data next to the commodities list makes me laugh remembering the history FDev had fighting these tools.
I have one i call the Dr Feel Good... find a station that has basic meds, then open the star map and find a system in outbreak... and thier ya go. Even in games people pay out the noise to get better. Not great money, but good enough. And fun, price gouging sick people, lol. Almost like beating a dead horse, only this one is almost dead!
I think with passenger missions, only certain ones give exploration where VIP missions give trading xp. To be sure you can just check the recommended difficulty as the recommendation is for the rank that will increase
Me and my squadron are on Xbox .were Star wars nerds so we named it ISB, Or main activity is mining, out in hip 68872, Adams station . We have completed 10 Wing missions paying out 50 million.
Well... :) Wing mission payout is calculated just like single missions in terms of reward. The price per unit doesn't differ from single missions a lot. But what you do get is much more volume that is usually higher than 4x . Other than that, a wing mission, reward wise, is just many solo missions stacked on top that is meant to be split in 4 ways. 5:33 is factually wrong. Once you pass a certain threshold with reputation, the wing missions for that agent will *ALWAYS* be profitable, even solo. *But since you already went the mission way of trading, here are my very successful trade mission tips that rival mining in terms of profit, and naturally other bonuses:* #1) Find an industrial, high-tech or Tourism base that is close to the sun (ideally less 100ls but anything that is below 350 is fine, travel time wise.) Ideally, this is a highsec-system. But it should be medium at least. #2) If you take Industrial, make sure you have a Refinery, Extraction and high-tech station WITHIN a 20 Lightyear jump from the home station. If you take hightech, it's Refinery, extraction, Industrial naturally. If Tourism, it's a bit trickier because you need all 4. Refinery, Extraction, high-tech AND Industrial. In any case, these stations have to be close to the sun as well in order to keep the travel times low. DO NOT substitute a Refinery+Extraction type station for the two individual ones. They will vary in goods and availability. Having one extra within reach is handy, but don't sweat it. In any case, you want the destinations close enough so your ship only needs to make the trip in ONE jump only. Two at worst. #3) If you want to be on the safe side, do only missions until you reach allied status with the contacts before you look into wing missions. You can always check payout vs. buy cost, but in general it goes like this: the better standing you have, the better payout you get. This means your buy cost won't move, but your rewards will scale up to the point where wing missions pay more than they cost, even if you do them solo. #4) Check for mining missions too. Things like Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Rutile, Bauxite, Gallium and Lepidolite can be purchased just fine from the market. Do not fall for Bertrandite or other stuff. They have fantastic price-to-ton ratio when it comes to reward comparison. Plus, as wing missions, they hold up for 7 days. So you can accept them, complete them, and then share with your friends that pop up a few days later. #5) Check the stations that you visit to pickup goods from for trade missions as well which you use for your go-to trip from the home base. That way you'll never fly with an empty belly and make far more money than trying to take a few other units for regular trade. Because you also get the standing up faster that way. #6) Missions that lead you to a destination (apart from sightseeing passengers missions) will always remain within the 20LY range. So if you get a courier mission from your base station TO one of your preferred pickup stations, go for it. Likewise, if you get a courier mission from those pickups to your HOME base, take them. #7) More important than COURIER mission and even more important than forward-trip trade missions though are the CARGO TRANSFER missions. Ideally, you want them from your home base to the station where you pick up goods to return home. #8) Your mission journal can hold 25 missions. Make use of that and grab many of them :) Also, prioritize missions by TIME, not by payout. Those 5000 units cargo transport for quite a good chunk of money does look tempting at first when you think "hmmmmm I don't have to pay for the materials!" but that's just a fallacy. It's trips per payout, thus try to grab the high value good missions that have low volume counts for efficient payout. #9) You will get enemies from time to time, especially when you grab multiple missions. You can deal them in two ways: *a) If you do NOT want to fight* , prioritize to complete missions with those enemies and maybe scale down to a Type 7 or Anaconda to avoid interdiction fast. While you CAN avoid interdiction in a Type-9, you waste a lot of time doing so. That's time you could've spent flying. If you are in a highsec system, then let yourself be interdicted if you are confident of your shields and chaffs. Being highsec, the police almost immediately shows up, and willfully submitting interdiction by throttling to zero you do NOT get the windup-penalty. Since you are not aggressing the enemy, they will be engaged with the police and you can fly away again. *b) If you WANT to fight* then grab your combat ship and go into supercruise mode, then throttle down immediately. Very soon, the enemy spawns and goes for interdiction. They will ONLY spawn in the system you took the mission, except it's a mining mission, then the enemies can spawn anywhere. After defeating the first (with immediate help from the police if you picked a high security system) you go back to supercruise and wait again. It shouldn't take long for the next person to appear. Since you throttle down immediately, it doesn't take long for you to get back to base immensely fast. #10) If you fly with a wing of traders, nothing changes other than you should coordinate a little who buys what and share all the missions accordingly. When everyone has enemies, it's best to clear them out before you start making the runs, and 4 people will be able to pile on the single ship that is sent after either one of you effectively. Navlock is your friend. Let the others roll around the interdiction and communicate until everyone is locked positively so you all drop. Because if you throttle up, you REMAIN at 30km/s . You always remain at the speed where the interdiction starts, no matter your throttle setting. #11) Other useful info: a) The size of the ship you are in determines the size of missions you get, and the size of enemies you get. You will receive deadly Anacondas on Wing Missions when you accept them in a type 9. You get smaller fish with smaller missions and smaller cargovessels than type 9. If your mission selection is crap, like serious crap, rather change the size of your ship class first before reverting to logging out to menu, as often times the missions will remain the same. Changing from Type-9 to a medium or small vessel mixes up the pool more reliably. b) Since you get standing for the particular faction, it makes raising rank for Federation/Empire a lot faster, especially if you have many of those agents in station. There are stations that have 4+ agents. Bribing them regularly also increases your standing and you will get more than enough money to afford doing so. c) It's a great way to get engineer materials hassle free because you essentially buy them, which is otherwise impossible. You give up a bit of the cut, and get materials for that. On expensive and wing missions you get tier 5 material that is easily traded down. d) NEVER accept cargo with the intention to sell it elsewhere for a bit more profit. It's a waste of time. If you want the cargo for RP purposes, then sure go ahead :) e) If you got your reputation up for the Empire first, and are now doing the same with trade for federation, grab the Imperial Cutter and make it a cargo vessel. It carries almost as much as the Type-9 and with turreted weapons + a utility+military only slot shield tank, you can get rid of Deadly Anacondas by yourself as they try to interdict you. And yes, you will end up with so much money with this formula that you could buy several fully fitted Imperial Cutters at that point when you're done with the ranking. 6:48 while it is true that there are some elements that are garbage (when it comes to illegal/ilicit goods where the game tells you "those slaves sell well there!" and you get there and you even makea loss on blackmarket) the starmap and trade filters can be used quite okay if you do not want to rely fully on the 3rd party tools. Especially finding your future home trader base, you can actually sort by scrolling through the starmap, and already make out possible spots before checking those out on the database to see about the distance to the sun. So it is technically 100% possible to get all the information you need from the search parameters I wrote about from the ingame map... you simply have to invest more time by manually flying there and discover the systems in question. If that is your jam, and hate 3rd party websites, then ED isn't worse. And for finding the goods you need for your mission, the principle remains the same, with the caveat that you don't see the amount left that 3rd party tools provide. I used a mix of starmap and websites to find many possible great spots. 7:49 Yes, it's BOOT time, not CHARGE time, for anyone curious what he is referring to. It means that if it's offline, it boots in 2 seconds instead of 10 at max level. This has nothing to do with CHARGE time. 8:23 why anyone would trade in open play is up to them, but in private and solo play, the NPC interdictors CAN be a nuisance if you are in a Type-9 and no police is around. Otherwise, don't bother with open play. Use private group or solo. It's totally fine to search for wing traders in chat, then make a private group with them if you so desire. 9:06 not more profitable than my mission trade formula, but still fun if you want to do something else and still carry things around :) In closing, you can rival high profile mining with a 4-player trading wing. If you follow these instructions above. And on top of that you get standing too. Mission rewards cap out at 50 million. Sadly. I would like them to remove that cap to allow proper scaling of high value goods and wing missions. By my estimations, highest payout for wing trade missions can go up to 75 Million which are completed in a single wing trip. Less, actually. Two and a half Type-9s.
Kokary - fodhas inheritance, silver gold or cobalt to g(something) hub. The hub circles kokary 2 where the first place is. Its about 200 ls. Very quick money.
A friend of mine found a pretty good profitable trade route thats under 10lys. Though you more space you have the more profit there is to be had. At 784 cargo space, I'm making about 30mil round trip. And stations are not far from the stars either. Maybe make a video on it? I can get the details if you are interested. Let me know, and keep up the amazing videos
I'm actually that kid of guy who really enjoys travelling through the bubble and stopping in every system, selling wares for profit and buying other stuff for the next system. Sadly, it pays even less than bounty hunting, and half an hour of painite mining gives you about the same as 10 hours trading. The economy is pretty fucked.
Occasionally, the newly rich prospector staggered into town under the weight of his new wealth. The local Teamsters only carried others peoples wealth, and so, never got rich, but made a living.
Not sure if it has changed but last I did them bulk passenger missions counted towards trade, whereas VIP sightseeing ones counted towards exploration.
@@TheYamiks 8:49 "Oh, and technically, did you know, passenger missions are kind of like trade missions? **Except that they count towards exploration, not trade elite rank**". So if nothing has changed since I last did anything other than Robigo, only sightseeing missions will count towards exploration, whereas bulk passenger transport (like from evacuating stations or just ferrying workers or something) (edit: as well as VIP transport, not sightseeing mind you) counts toward trade elite.
@@Senzorei I suppose TheYamiks did a roast here... One can say there are passenger missions (exploration) and trading missions (including goods AND bulk passenger transport). Because bulk passenger transport is basically trading -slaves- ... oh, sorry, -goons- ... excuse me, passengers between stations...
Finding a station that makes and has a lot of the more expensive commodities for a fairly low price might also be worth-while, such as Tritium, Argonimic Treatments, Agri-Medicines, and etc. Also the FC Rank Grind is fucked. You can transfer credits this way, but they get no rank at all.
If Type 9 vs Anaconda you missed a huge point about range. On eddb you will see that having longer range means you can get better deals in one jump. Try put in in different jump ranges there and you can see that sometimes having even 5 extra ly can double your profit per jump
Every once in a while you can find a trade loop on eddb.io that gives 45k/t profit, that's about the only time it is actually worth the time invested to do trading. A cutter can make around 35 million in less than 10 minutes doing one of these. Unfortunately those loops are pretty rare and the normal trade loops with 9k/t and a single loop profit in the cutter of about 6 million its just not worth the time. Its too bad that mining is a massive pile of shit nowdays since you can't find sell locations to get rid of the commodities you collect with the incredibly boring painite laser mining
Bro.. bro.... LOL everytime I see a vid from you I end it with a hard pain in my abs because of the laugh...LOL but cool tips... though... thanks and never loose that unique thing of being funny....
I'm one of the weirdos that doesn't care about trading profit. I just find it relaxing being a space trucker hauling 704 tons of biowaste to my agriculture station home and exporting as much water or coffee to the surrounding systems. Anyone who interdicts me is a poo pirate. Thanks for the tip about wing missions being hot garbage.
Im new to Elite Dangerous, i just finished mining a lot in my Cobra 3 and have a lot of credits, Im thinking of picking up the Anaconda, given a year has gone past since your video recommending ships, do you still think its good to pick up for a huge cargo/mining ship TheYamiks? Or is there something new that would be better? I like the idea of it having huge cargo, and good for mining, AND a fighter hanger. Would you still recommend this or something new? Thanks!
Unless you're running a shieldless cutter the type 9 will haul more tons in total, if you're running a shieldless type 9 a shieldless cutter will give you more profits and slightly quicker
@@mattsmechanicalssi5833 its only 7/8hours for a cutter and you'll earn a decent amount towards it even starting from scratch and you only need to do it once
@@mattsmechanicalssi5833 There is a very efficient way to grind ranks. www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/dn57h8/psa_grind_how_to_get_federation_empire_rank_in_12/
Yep. The whole "ships in storage must have empty cargo holds" mechanic is SUCH a pain in the ass. Turned a basic escape pod retrieval mission into an hours long ordeal for me once (I'm never accepting one of those again).
oh that's a BGS part and generally it's stale and static with minimal changes.... commodity markets are quite static and dictated by the servers NOT the players!
Oh, that's sad. I thought it's like in starsector selling guns and weed on a black market lowers stability eventually leading to outbreak. While selling needed supplies on conventional market do the opposite. Could be cool way to create ideal situations for certain mission spawn/trade routes, while earning a bit of money.
Anyone tried Fleet Carrier Trading? i mean, from INARA i noticed you can buy mining commodity for cheap and sell it having 300 000 cr profit per tone, but they usually are far away ;d unless you are lucky and find someone close
Don’t trust Fleet Carrier Trading from Inara, I went to a system that was 117 Lys away from my system and I travelled there thinking I was going to make 500,000 cr per unit but they weren’t buying the commodity it said :(
@@Kxgxshi Most of them are locked to Squadron or friends only, i wasted alot of time, looking for commodity that i needed for mission, only to find out that his carrier was locked
I'm pulling down 60,000 cr per ton. Just gotta know what, where to get it and where to take it. Netting a touch north of 15 mil cr for a 15 jump route round trip, or about 61 mil cr per hour if I'm flying casually and I'm just in a Type 9. #Spacetruckinglife
The only commodity trade that is worth it is community goals and BGS stuff. Hauling biowaste to a refinery is nonsensical. Fill your ship to the brim with food or meds and sell them to famine or outbreak stations in the system over. Thargoid attacked stations will pay exorbitant amounts for meds as well.
you can absolutely clear 100m trading without missions when it's higher than 35kish/item profit. even faster if you learn how to cheese supercruise by manual throttling to blue at 4-5 seconds and only spending 10 seconds or so decelerating out of supercruise lol
just check inara for trade routes and don't go on any that are farther than 500 or so ls and you can blaze thru back and forth. often times there's a route clearing 45k/good
@@TheYamiks Given I've personally sold around 3 T9 cargo holds full of painite to an FC and my trade rank didn't go up a single percent, something is definitely weird here
Only 7400 profit per ton? At least its fast, but I think I've done better routes in my Type9. EDDB Multi Hop is one hell of a tool, especially when it finds a good loop.
It's such a shame this game is so beautiful, but absolutely horrible core mechanics. I went back to play some x3, but then i thought - why dont i just do some casual trading in elite, no need for all the fancy and best things to do. Just cruising about and making a few profits along the way - hence why i ended up watching this video. And alas, i deceided not to jump into elite anyway, partly because i want to play in vr, and because i dont want to use 3rd party tool.
They need to take a note from eve online and the community tools for enhancing their economy simulation. Because really it's sad. At best you have a 50% chance when using the nav filter you'll find that the market you are selling is ACTUALLY there. At worst you have to fly all over the bubble and buy trade data or visit each system. That honestly doesn't make sense for the social environment you are in as a pilot in international space
Yeah, 100% wrong on the mining tip. You spend your time MINING. Not trading. You trade in ED for the same reason you'd play Euro Truck Simulator. What needs changing is the ability to plan routes and arrange cargoes in-game, because the game itself when using the given tools undoes all the chill relaxation of hauling biowaste to the farmers' market so you can come back with golden goose eggs is removed when the tools say that there are plenty of goose eggs and they can be sold for a lot in $THIS system only to find out that it is considered an illegal good in that system and you can't sell it. Oh, and you can't buy those golden eggs, 'cos they're illegal goods in the farmers market too. The advantage all you people should be getting from mining being high paying is NOT "WAAAH! I WANNA HAVE MY THING PAY OUT MOAR!!!!", but "Phew, glad it pays out 10x as much so if I feel I need a cash injection from mining, I only have to do it for a couple of hours rather than all week". If it paid out less, your "argument" goes away, but all you've done is make it harder to make the money you complained about not being able to make. How smart is that?
Important tip: use filters. There are way too many fucking fleet carriers out there, and things like tourist beacons or asteroid belts that are only useful if you're doing a specific task or are a completionist. It's way easier to pick a nearby system if your navigation panel for the current system only shows planets, moons, and stations. If you got interdicted close to the main star you can even just scroll up a few ticks to get to the bottom of the systems list.
Yamiks has convinced me time and time again that the main problem with Elite Dangerous is that is has so many cool and fun mechanics that are made obsolete by a complete disregard for risk/effort:reward balance. It's sad, really; that the main issue could be solved by literally changing a few numbers but Frontier STILL won't do it.
yeah but why not tho? I don't understand that. Why cant they make even a little effort in fitting their balance?
@@dreamyrhodes Frontier are literal retards who have stans constantly blowing smoke up their asses and making the game suck.
The devs are what's wrong with this game.. now that the game is up and running they need to have consultants come in and make some much needed tweaks . Real people consultants.. not bottom boy limp Brits that want the universe to adhere to the shit that Brits get down on. Going too fast? Fine.. you're going to bypass the station as punishment... Then we'll allow you to slow down..
Doing it your own way? Fine.. we'll make sure to nerf the results in the next update.. etc etc..
I watch Yamiks to find out what I won't like, and The Pilot to find out what I will like.
The two of you are nice bookends and my enjoyment usually sits in the middle.
Man, this hits differently now that The Pilot quit. A cynical viewer would say the game doesn't have enough for him to be positive about any more.
trading has just been actually worth it recently. as long as it's above 30k per ton your good. I have gotten up to... over 100 mil a hour. once I found a route with over 70k per ton. profit was good.
does the 70k route still work?
Probably tritium trading I've found some route
@@rocker1613 care to share?
@@neptune551 try to find a system with refinerys and surely there will be alot of fleet carriers some commander have insane buy rate
One guy was buying for 70k while it only cost 48~50k
It was good money I think I hauled around 20mil
Eventually the owner stopped buying tritium
I know I maybe a little bit late but I found a route where you buy for 2k and sell for 50k. Just saying if you’re interested
The horse beating god has graced us with an upload
That's why I'm subbed.
Tip 1: Do missions.
That will be all.
50 Mil for 2051 tons gold. 3 single hops. 40 minutes. 30 Mil profit. Not to shabby, for single-ing a wing job.
Some of us LIKE the trading mechanism :D
@@RocktCityTim I'd be more inclined to like it if there were sufficient in-game tools for finding decent trade routes, but alas.
@@deckardcain9789 From Tau Ceti to Kokary (trading Silver and taking Water Purifiers on the way back) - 11,3mil. in 12-13 minutes using an un-engineered Type-9. :)
@@DarthWall275 I enjoy the third party tools. The community around them gives me something else to consider when playing rather than just the in game things. Remembering to turn on Inara or EDSM and making sure they are accurate is just another thing I need to keep my ship flying.
I think this video maybe misses why people who like trading... like trading.
There's just a quiet satisfaction in getting something where it needs to go, or in being that bridge between the people who make things and the people who need them, or in making your favourite faction slowly grow. It's OpenTTD on a personal level. And yes, making a profit is the goal, but the amount of profit matters less than you think. It's not like I particularly *need* the money any more. I have enough. It's just nice to build something rather than always have to be destroying.
Though saying that, if ever I need a change of pace, I can always just get in my Chieftain and blap a few pirates. Serves 'em right for all those interdictions knocking me out of supercruise assist...
You would probably like Death Stranding it's a great game all about getting things where it needs to go and helping people
Trade tip 11: don’t only do mining and trading in such a vast game like elite. sure it’s great for making money but it can get really boring. Especially for newer players who may never come back. This goes for all trades in the game.
I've been saying for years that they need to offer an advanced trade computer that offers better filtering/searching and galaxy wide trade data ... maybe there is a credit subscription cost?
I want to see a fun stock ticker with green and red arrows scrolling across the bottom of the commodities menu. That would be awesome for immersion.
Maybe a credit percentage whenever your using it as a reference
Just let it take a class 1 slot.
Oi. CQC is actually fun when you get to play it.
Yeah it is, although in the beginning you will be cannon fodder.
Maybe if the lobbies weren’t abandoned I’d have a positive opinion of it. As it stands, it’s a stain on my license b. I can’t level up my rank in it
@@PrettyPinkPersephone They aren't always. You just have to catch the right times, which are usually streamers or other communities organizing matches. Even then, they can be pretty hard to "get into" as with any non-matchmade PvP game. And the ranks and levels take quite a bit to get up, I think CTF yielded the most progress.
@@PrettyPinkPersephone I'd settle for dumb bots I could shoot at for a bit of xp
What is CQC
I use Inara, get to the area- only to find someone with a fleet carrier has already flooded the market and I traveled for nothing. The last 5 trade routes I tried were a total bust...
Reminiscing about the days we could trade buttloads of tritium. Made Elite buying tritium at 3,500 credits and selling at 48,000 credits 15ly away. Went from Type 6 to Python to Type 9 in the first few loads and then raked it in for 5 days straight.
I do standard trading missions, usualy from Sol, because it is like hit 3 birds with 1 stone:
- best I fond paid 50 milion. It was for painite and requiered several runs in a Cutter (Type 9 is not suitable for this because of the jump range)
- Grade 5 engineering materials are often offered as a reward, I only choose these
- It raises my superpower reputation and therefore rank, that is a huge benefit, as it slowly gets me towards Corvette
Robigo has been my home for a bit now. It funds my carrier expeditions, and the chat in Sothis is sometimes entertaining.
Jesus I never leave that place, lol....
It's a steady 25m every 12 min, boring but steady
The most profitable way to trade (outside of the easy route) I've found is looking for missions that require the delivery of weapons. At least 1 station in systems offers theseand they range from 1.7m to 7.1 million each. Carry quantities vary form 2 units to 180 units. Most of the time they are offered by the main faction of the region at max rep.
Well that's max 40k a ton. Are there a lot of these missions? Is there a tool to find these missions online? I'd rather do the nerfed painite mining if there aren't many of these missions available... If there ARE several of them, then it may be worth it. Because you can certainly beat 40k a ton for time spent, right? Not sure
@@Kyro_Gaming_Channel sourcing missions
I find this amusing. Back in the beta/early release days, FDev was against the use of 3rd party tools to collect and share trade data. They didn't outright ban anyone, but they continually patched the game in attempt to break these tools. It even reached a point where players were manually entering station data to websites. I honestly don't know how the 3rd party tools evolved from there. I only played for a handful of months before puting the game on the shelf. I do find myself returning for a few more months of play once in a while, but seeing the price data next to the commodities list makes me laugh remembering the history FDev had fighting these tools.
Me, a new player: I'm just doing courier missions because I'm poor...
Not a bad choice, really. Can even work on imperial or federal rank at the same time.
I do these too, just for relaxing and chilling out. I have a Hauler for this, engineered for extra jump range.
Get yourself a discovery scanner and hit some Earthlike planets for a easy few million
"Park your anaconda between these two asteroids to recieve 20t of rares"
I have one i call the Dr Feel Good... find a station that has basic meds, then open the star map and find a system in outbreak... and thier ya go. Even in games people pay out the noise to get better. Not great money, but good enough. And fun, price gouging sick people, lol. Almost like beating a dead horse, only this one is almost dead!
I think with passenger missions, only certain ones give exploration where VIP missions give trading xp. To be sure you can just check the recommended difficulty as the recommendation is for the rank that will increase
Love the work as always, my new account is doing the space trucking grind so this should help
May I suggest Polymers?
Cargo capacity makes Cutter one of the best traders.
From Tau Ceti to Kokary (trading Silver and taking Water Purifiers on the way back) - 11,3mil. in 12-13 minutes using an un-engineered Type-9. :)
Just saw a 15k ton haulage (wing) mission paying roughly 2 million.
I really wanna know if someone ever finished one of those.
At my squadrons faction I remember doing and completing a mission that was about 1000 units of advanced medicines I think? For 50 million
Me and my squadron are on Xbox .were Star wars nerds so we named it ISB,
Or main activity is mining, out in hip 68872, Adams station .
We have completed 10 Wing missions paying out 50 million.
Well... :) Wing mission payout is calculated just like single missions in terms of reward. The price per unit doesn't differ from single missions a lot. But what you do get is much more volume that is usually higher than 4x . Other than that, a wing mission, reward wise, is just many solo missions stacked on top that is meant to be split in 4 ways. 5:33 is factually wrong. Once you pass a certain threshold with reputation, the wing missions for that agent will *ALWAYS* be profitable, even solo.
*But since you already went the mission way of trading, here are my very successful trade mission tips that rival mining in terms of profit, and naturally other bonuses:*
#1) Find an industrial, high-tech or Tourism base that is close to the sun (ideally less 100ls but anything that is below 350 is fine, travel time wise.) Ideally, this is a highsec-system. But it should be medium at least.
#2) If you take Industrial, make sure you have a Refinery, Extraction and high-tech station WITHIN a 20 Lightyear jump from the home station. If you take hightech, it's Refinery, extraction, Industrial naturally. If Tourism, it's a bit trickier because you need all 4. Refinery, Extraction, high-tech AND Industrial. In any case, these stations have to be close to the sun as well in order to keep the travel times low. DO NOT substitute a Refinery+Extraction type station for the two individual ones. They will vary in goods and availability. Having one extra within reach is handy, but don't sweat it. In any case, you want the destinations close enough so your ship only needs to make the trip in ONE jump only. Two at worst.
#3) If you want to be on the safe side, do only missions until you reach allied status with the contacts before you look into wing missions. You can always check payout vs. buy cost, but in general it goes like this: the better standing you have, the better payout you get. This means your buy cost won't move, but your rewards will scale up to the point where wing missions pay more than they cost, even if you do them solo.
#4) Check for mining missions too. Things like Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Rutile, Bauxite, Gallium and Lepidolite can be purchased just fine from the market. Do not fall for Bertrandite or other stuff. They have fantastic price-to-ton ratio when it comes to reward comparison. Plus, as wing missions, they hold up for 7 days. So you can accept them, complete them, and then share with your friends that pop up a few days later.
#5) Check the stations that you visit to pickup goods from for trade missions as well which you use for your go-to trip from the home base. That way you'll never fly with an empty belly and make far more money than trying to take a few other units for regular trade. Because you also get the standing up faster that way.
#6) Missions that lead you to a destination (apart from sightseeing passengers missions) will always remain within the 20LY range. So if you get a courier mission from your base station TO one of your preferred pickup stations, go for it. Likewise, if you get a courier mission from those pickups to your HOME base, take them.
#7) More important than COURIER mission and even more important than forward-trip trade missions though are the CARGO TRANSFER missions. Ideally, you want them from your home base to the station where you pick up goods to return home.
#8) Your mission journal can hold 25 missions. Make use of that and grab many of them :) Also, prioritize missions by TIME, not by payout. Those 5000 units cargo transport for quite a good chunk of money does look tempting at first when you think "hmmmmm I don't have to pay for the materials!" but that's just a fallacy. It's trips per payout, thus try to grab the high value good missions that have low volume counts for efficient payout.
#9) You will get enemies from time to time, especially when you grab multiple missions. You can deal them in two ways:
*a) If you do NOT want to fight* , prioritize to complete missions with those enemies and maybe scale down to a Type 7 or Anaconda to avoid interdiction fast. While you CAN avoid interdiction in a Type-9, you waste a lot of time doing so. That's time you could've spent flying. If you are in a highsec system, then let yourself be interdicted if you are confident of your shields and chaffs. Being highsec, the police almost immediately shows up, and willfully submitting interdiction by throttling to zero you do NOT get the windup-penalty. Since you are not aggressing the enemy, they will be engaged with the police and you can fly away again.
*b) If you WANT to fight* then grab your combat ship and go into supercruise mode, then throttle down immediately. Very soon, the enemy spawns and goes for interdiction. They will ONLY spawn in the system you took the mission, except it's a mining mission, then the enemies can spawn anywhere. After defeating the first (with immediate help from the police if you picked a high security system) you go back to supercruise and wait again. It shouldn't take long for the next person to appear. Since you throttle down immediately, it doesn't take long for you to get back to base immensely fast.
#10) If you fly with a wing of traders, nothing changes other than you should coordinate a little who buys what and share all the missions accordingly. When everyone has enemies, it's best to clear them out before you start making the runs, and 4 people will be able to pile on the single ship that is sent after either one of you effectively. Navlock is your friend. Let the others roll around the interdiction and communicate until everyone is locked positively so you all drop. Because if you throttle up, you REMAIN at 30km/s . You always remain at the speed where the interdiction starts, no matter your throttle setting.
#11) Other useful info:
a) The size of the ship you are in determines the size of missions you get, and the size of enemies you get. You will receive deadly Anacondas on Wing Missions when you accept them in a type 9. You get smaller fish with smaller missions and smaller cargovessels than type 9. If your mission selection is crap, like serious crap, rather change the size of your ship class first before reverting to logging out to menu, as often times the missions will remain the same. Changing from Type-9 to a medium or small vessel mixes up the pool more reliably.
b) Since you get standing for the particular faction, it makes raising rank for Federation/Empire a lot faster, especially if you have many of those agents in station. There are stations that have 4+ agents. Bribing them regularly also increases your standing and you will get more than enough money to afford doing so.
c) It's a great way to get engineer materials hassle free because you essentially buy them, which is otherwise impossible. You give up a bit of the cut, and get materials for that. On expensive and wing missions you get tier 5 material that is easily traded down.
d) NEVER accept cargo with the intention to sell it elsewhere for a bit more profit. It's a waste of time. If you want the cargo for RP purposes, then sure go ahead :)
e) If you got your reputation up for the Empire first, and are now doing the same with trade for federation, grab the Imperial Cutter and make it a cargo vessel. It carries almost as much as the Type-9 and with turreted weapons + a utility+military only slot shield tank, you can get rid of Deadly Anacondas by yourself as they try to interdict you. And yes, you will end up with so much money with this formula that you could buy several fully fitted Imperial Cutters at that point when you're done with the ranking.
6:48 while it is true that there are some elements that are garbage (when it comes to illegal/ilicit goods where the game tells you "those slaves sell well there!" and you get there and you even makea loss on blackmarket) the starmap and trade filters can be used quite okay if you do not want to rely fully on the 3rd party tools. Especially finding your future home trader base, you can actually sort by scrolling through the starmap, and already make out possible spots before checking those out on the database to see about the distance to the sun. So it is technically 100% possible to get all the information you need from the search parameters I wrote about from the ingame map... you simply have to invest more time by manually flying there and discover the systems in question. If that is your jam, and hate 3rd party websites, then ED isn't worse. And for finding the goods you need for your mission, the principle remains the same, with the caveat that you don't see the amount left that 3rd party tools provide. I used a mix of starmap and websites to find many possible great spots.
7:49 Yes, it's BOOT time, not CHARGE time, for anyone curious what he is referring to. It means that if it's offline, it boots in 2 seconds instead of 10 at max level. This has nothing to do with CHARGE time.
8:23 why anyone would trade in open play is up to them, but in private and solo play, the NPC interdictors CAN be a nuisance if you are in a Type-9 and no police is around. Otherwise, don't bother with open play. Use private group or solo. It's totally fine to search for wing traders in chat, then make a private group with them if you so desire.
9:06 not more profitable than my mission trade formula, but still fun if you want to do something else and still carry things around :)
In closing, you can rival high profile mining with a 4-player trading wing. If you follow these instructions above. And on top of that you get standing too. Mission rewards cap out at 50 million. Sadly. I would like them to remove that cap to allow proper scaling of high value goods and wing missions. By my estimations, highest payout for wing trade missions can go up to 75 Million which are completed in a single wing trip. Less, actually. Two and a half Type-9s.
I graded your essay and give you an A for effort and an F for verbal fluidity.
@@aussierule English is not my native language :) and if I would write even more wordy for fluid reading, it would be even longer.
Kokary - fodhas inheritance, silver gold or cobalt to g(something) hub. The hub circles kokary 2 where the first place is. Its about 200 ls. Very quick money.
Great tips, as well as the BG music.
A friend of mine found a pretty good profitable trade route thats under 10lys. Though you more space you have the more profit there is to be had. At 784 cargo space, I'm making about 30mil round trip. And stations are not far from the stars either. Maybe make a video on it? I can get the details if you are interested. Let me know, and keep up the amazing videos
I'm actually that kid of guy who really enjoys travelling through the bubble and stopping in every system, selling wares for profit and buying other stuff for the next system. Sadly, it pays even less than bounty hunting, and half an hour of painite mining gives you about the same as 10 hours trading. The economy is pretty fucked.
Occasionally, the newly rich prospector staggered into town under the weight of his new wealth. The local Teamsters only carried others peoples wealth, and so, never got rich, but made a living.
Not sure if it has changed but last I did them bulk passenger missions counted towards trade, whereas VIP sightseeing ones counted towards exploration.
that's exactly what I said in the video .... the trade missions -> trade elite...passenger missions -> exploration elite
@@TheYamiks 8:49 "Oh, and technically, did you know, passenger missions are kind of like trade missions? **Except that they count towards exploration, not trade elite rank**". So if nothing has changed since I last did anything other than Robigo, only sightseeing missions will count towards exploration, whereas bulk passenger transport (like from evacuating stations or just ferrying workers or something) (edit: as well as VIP transport, not sightseeing mind you) counts toward trade elite.
@@Senzorei I suppose TheYamiks did a roast here... One can say there are passenger missions (exploration) and trading missions (including goods AND bulk passenger transport). Because bulk passenger transport is basically trading -slaves- ... oh, sorry, -goons- ... excuse me, passengers between stations...
Ilicid cagro from planets - like Jamesons crash site as you have shown - are perfect for unlocking one of those engineers. :)
Finding a station that makes and has a lot of the more expensive commodities for a fairly low price might also be worth-while, such as Tritium, Argonimic Treatments, Agri-Medicines, and etc.
Also the FC Rank Grind is fucked. You can transfer credits this way, but they get no rank at all.
Gracias por compartir tan buena información y de manera tan cómica... Exitos!
The FSD boot speed would be handy for short 15ls hops to and from my carrier
Great video as always yamiks 😁😁
MINE the toaster rack on your way out. Oops, is that the wrong content provider?
Useful tips, cool video. Thanks!
“They may be illicit”
Meanwhile, the rest of my cargo hold is filled with narcotics
Still waiting for "Hope of success" video for Star Sitizen from ya.
oh wait you are serious...let me laugh even harder
@@TheYamiks I will ask again and again until u surrender and do a research video with info about good side of CZ development! >:o
Ppl need hope!
10 years later and we still don't have anywhere close to a game lol
This aged interestingly.
dude tritium used to be pretty decent to trade. got 1.5B super quick but now its literal shit. keep up the good shit Yamiks!
If Type 9 vs Anaconda you missed a huge point about range. On eddb you will see that having longer range means you can get better deals in one jump. Try put in in different jump ranges there and you can see that sometimes having even 5 extra ly can double your profit per jump
Every once in a while you can find a trade loop on eddb.io that gives 45k/t profit, that's about the only time it is actually worth the time invested to do trading. A cutter can make around 35 million in less than 10 minutes doing one of these.
Unfortunately those loops are pretty rare and the normal trade loops with 9k/t and a single loop profit in the cutter of about 6 million its just not worth the time. Its too bad that mining is a massive pile of shit nowdays since you can't find sell locations to get rid of the commodities you collect with the incredibly boring painite laser mining
You said it Brotha
Bro.. bro.... LOL everytime I see a vid from you I end it with a hard pain in my abs because of the laugh...LOL but cool tips... though... thanks
and never loose that unique thing of being funny....
Your videos are amazing but has anybody ever told you that you sound like Nute Gunray from The trade federation in Star wars 😂😂😂
this comparison is the 1st i got ... ive been called different thou before!
@@TheYamiks You're amazing man keep up the good work. I'm going to stop trading and start mining in my type 10 now instead of trading thanks to you.
Getting trader elite after just a few mining runs, i am the boss yo.
basically yeah.. but that takes HOURS
@@TheYamiks beats the weeks of in game time it used to take.
love the background music in the video
I'm one of the weirdos that doesn't care about trading profit. I just find it relaxing being a space trucker hauling 704 tons of biowaste to my agriculture station home and exporting as much water or coffee to the surrounding systems. Anyone who interdicts me is a poo pirate.
Thanks for the tip about wing missions being hot garbage.
You have a great personal narrative! ;-)
"Avoid this headache, please."
*Genshin Impact ad plays*
But I don't wanna...
Im new to Elite Dangerous, i just finished mining a lot in my Cobra 3 and have a lot of credits, Im thinking of picking up the Anaconda, given a year has gone past since your video recommending ships, do you still think its good to pick up for a huge cargo/mining ship TheYamiks? Or is there something new that would be better?
I like the idea of it having huge cargo, and good for mining, AND a fighter hanger. Would you still recommend this or something new?
Any videos about E:D won't get old because the game stands still almost all the lifetime.
@@nikelsad So what would you recommend for a huge mining ship, Anaconda? Type 9? Type 10?
@@wolfenwolf T9
The video was very good. My favourite bit was the music 😌
PS. What track is it? Thanks 😊
audio is always listed near or at the end of the video (in the video)
@@TheYamiks Oh God, sorry. So it is. Cheers!
Yamik looks like the Late Phil Spector !!
good info bra
While I agree that the anaconda and type 9 are great at trading, what about the cutter?
Unless you're running a shieldless cutter the type 9 will haul more tons in total, if you're running a shieldless type 9 a shieldless cutter will give you more profits and slightly quicker
cutter is THE BEST. it has more jumprange than T9 & more cargospace than T9... soo yeah
The Cutter is King, but also requires a rank unlock. Much easier for a new player to get in to a T-9 or a 'Conda
@@mattsmechanicalssi5833 its only 7/8hours for a cutter and you'll earn a decent amount towards it even starting from scratch and you only need to do it once
@@mattsmechanicalssi5833 There is a very efficient way to grind ranks.
I have lost millions in those wing missions. One time my ship go destroyed and lost about 15 million plus fines.
1800 hours as an explorer - I think that I'll give trade the focus next. Dude, Where's my Type 9???
10 tips for trading in Elite:
1. Don't.
2. Don't.
3. Don't.
4. Why would you?
5-10. Coming early 2022.
Do we know what Signal Source: Mission: Trading beacon is? looks interesting
I got my trade elite with mining...
Anyhow... why is Fdev not able to fix their dam game?
forum stans. They wont listen to anyone else.
I was going to try and buy a fleet of lakon type 9s and have them deliver my cargo only to find out i cant even buy a ship while its loaded :(
Yep. The whole "ships in storage must have empty cargo holds" mechanic is SUCH a pain in the ass. Turned a basic escape pod retrieval mission into an hours long ordeal for me once (I'm never accepting one of those again).
I thought everyone hated mining. Everyone always told me it's not worth messing with because profits are so low.
Maybe I'll check it out.
huh? Mining is the one and only valid way to make cr fast for like years
Yet, no-one on TH-cam explains exactly how all gazillion mechanics that affect trade work. For example states boom/outbreak etc.
You don't need to learn those mechanics if you just use inara or eddb.io to find trade loops
oh that's a BGS part and generally it's stale and static with minimal changes.... commodity markets are quite static and dictated by the servers NOT the players!
Oh, that's sad.
I thought it's like in starsector selling guns and weed on a black market lowers stability eventually leading to outbreak. While selling needed supplies on conventional market do the opposite.
Could be cool way to create ideal situations for certain mission spawn/trade routes, while earning a bit of money.
This should follow the same advice as the cqc video
Anyone tried Fleet Carrier Trading? i mean, from INARA i noticed you can buy mining commodity for cheap and sell it having 300 000 cr profit per tone, but they usually are far away ;d unless you are lucky and find someone close
Don’t trust Fleet Carrier Trading from Inara, I went to a system that was 117 Lys away from my system and I travelled there thinking I was going to make 500,000 cr per unit but they weren’t buying the commodity it said :(
@@Kxgxshi Most of them are locked to Squadron or friends only, i wasted alot of time, looking for commodity that i needed for mission, only to find out that his carrier was locked
@@Morfik45 Same, sucks we both had to find out the hard way but I’m resorting to loop trading via eddb
I do not have friends...
Who play Elite Dangerous.
Right here brother 👍🏽💪🏾
💪🏾💪🏾Let's go
Is mining still king?
I'm pulling down 60,000 cr per ton. Just gotta know what, where to get it and where to take it. Netting a touch north of 15 mil cr for a 15 jump route round trip, or about 61 mil cr per hour if I'm flying casually and I'm just in a Type 9.
The only commodity trade that is worth it is community goals and BGS stuff. Hauling biowaste to a refinery is nonsensical. Fill your ship to the brim with food or meds and sell them to famine or outbreak stations in the system over. Thargoid attacked stations will pay exorbitant amounts for meds as well.
I want to do mining but just don't know where to start with my cobra
I purposefully trade drugs and slaves in an asp explorer with 20% paint and 75% hull. Because RP hahaha
How good is 4M profit each trip and it's just one jump?
Thumbs up for a fellow OG TF2 trader :D
Trade tip one, the one with the most cargo space wins...
The end...
Yamiks, I have 1,000,200,200 credits from trading but I am not ranked as Elite. How many more trades do I need to do? :(
Wait, are Wing-Trade mission really a scam? Because I’ve been making 10 mil in less than an hour transport 5K weapon 2 systems over!
Remember kids don't do drugs , and best choice to trade in is the Imperial Cutter.
Trading is running back and forth. If I can't break 100m/hour I may as well go do robito runs. Same game play.
11:17 does this still work?
Yamiks why are there so many hotshots and none of them are any good,got to be double and hardly any about,is this another game glitch
What station did you mention at the end of the video?
Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra
Mining is tedious, even for commercial work.
I was doing it the other day and i was just in a trance. Its like highway hypnosis
@@johnm3907 Yup.... glowies
So you can get elite rank in trade for the same amount of time that you need to complate one trip in the type 9
2 trips...
The yamiks how to destroy elite dangerous
Trade tip # 1 - Trade ED for a better game.
I dont have friends and dont want any. I wish I could just buy ships and add them as NPC's to my wing
that would be pretty awesome
Wow! I got here early, lol.
Me too!
That's why you should sub AND hit the bell!
@@PaulaBean awe yes....
you can absolutely clear 100m trading without missions when it's higher than 35kish/item profit. even faster if you learn how to cheese supercruise by manual throttling to blue at 4-5 seconds and only spending 10 seconds or so decelerating out of supercruise lol
just check inara for trade routes and don't go on any that are farther than 500 or so ls and you can blaze thru back and forth. often times there's a route clearing 45k/good
Buy low.
Sell high.
What's the point of trading when you can mine the credits much more and more....
You can't earn trade rank selling to carriers.
how sure are you about that statement !? th-cam.com/video/vtWLvDK44Ng/w-d-xo.html
@@TheYamiks Given I've personally sold around 3 T9 cargo holds full of painite to an FC and my trade rank didn't go up a single percent, something is definitely weird here
@@TheYamiks Same for my squadron mates. I was trying to bust they trading rank up, but it didn't worked. It seems fdev nerfed this thing.
@@TheYamiks yes
Polymer Trading, that's where it's at nowadays (this comment made without having seen the vid yet ;-)
Buy for 80/tonne, sell for 7500/tonne. No risk. One jump. Return empty, hauling shit on the way back doesn't bring in the cash.
6M profit per round trip of approx. 8 minutes = approx 45M/hr (this has to be verified in a Scientific Manner!)
Ah, okay thanks. I'll look into this.
Only 7400 profit per ton? At least its fast, but I think I've done better routes in my Type9.
EDDB Multi Hop is one hell of a tool, especially when it finds a good loop.
@@reinbeers5322 This was almost half a year ago. Nowadays there are better trades (approx. 20.000CR/tonne, or even better).
friends? whats that?
Btw eddb kinda sucks for trading inara is very good 👍
They nerfed fc trading trick.
It's such a shame this game is so beautiful, but absolutely horrible core mechanics. I went back to play some x3, but then i thought - why dont i just do some casual trading in elite, no need for all the fancy and best things to do. Just cruising about and making a few profits along the way - hence why i ended up watching this video. And alas, i deceided not to jump into elite anyway, partly because i want to play in vr, and because i dont want to use 3rd party tool.
They need to take a note from eve online and the community tools for enhancing their economy simulation. Because really it's sad. At best you have a 50% chance when using the nav filter you'll find that the market you are selling is ACTUALLY there. At worst you have to fly all over the bubble and buy trade data or visit each system.
That honestly doesn't make sense for the social environment you are in as a pilot in international space
#DISCORD #Dead Horse Emporium
Yeah, 100% wrong on the mining tip. You spend your time MINING. Not trading. You trade in ED for the same reason you'd play Euro Truck Simulator. What needs changing is the ability to plan routes and arrange cargoes in-game, because the game itself when using the given tools undoes all the chill relaxation of hauling biowaste to the farmers' market so you can come back with golden goose eggs is removed when the tools say that there are plenty of goose eggs and they can be sold for a lot in $THIS system only to find out that it is considered an illegal good in that system and you can't sell it. Oh, and you can't buy those golden eggs, 'cos they're illegal goods in the farmers market too.
The advantage all you people should be getting from mining being high paying is NOT "WAAAH! I WANNA HAVE MY THING PAY OUT MOAR!!!!", but "Phew, glad it pays out 10x as much so if I feel I need a cash injection from mining, I only have to do it for a couple of hours rather than all week". If it paid out less, your "argument" goes away, but all you've done is make it harder to make the money you complained about not being able to make.
How smart is that?
Yamiks 20-40mil/h? literally take t9, head to inara and make 20mil per sale
ahaa.. and what is the actual time/credit rate...
@@TheYamiks 28 800 000 in t9 692 t 18ly loaded. two jumps. 40k each (today it was gold)
Add subtitles please.
feel free to do that yourself!
@@TheYamiks how bro it's your video
I think people could add "community" subtitles to videos... i dont remember but smth like that was a thing a while back i think!
@@TheYamiks I'll look into it cya next video
"Just High Wake!" Yeah, and be dead before you can even select a system to jump to in the god awful interface.
Important tip: use filters. There are way too many fucking fleet carriers out there, and things like tourist beacons or asteroid belts that are only useful if you're doing a specific task or are a completionist. It's way easier to pick a nearby system if your navigation panel for the current system only shows planets, moons, and stations. If you got interdicted close to the main star you can even just scroll up a few ticks to get to the bottom of the systems list.
Lemmie guess. Python?