yeah. Remember the sermon by Rev Billy Graham? Before that sermon a beautiful hymn was sung by a couple ig which had this verse. " PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO MEN".. CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THE NAME OF THAT GOSPEL SINGER?
Telling children santa is coming and to be good for santa is lies and idolatry (Revelation 21:8). It is Jesus coming with reward, or vengeance (Revelation 22:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, 1 John 2:4)
@@BO4T3N9 Who ever said the celebration of Christmas WAS salvation? Why are you being critical on this wonderful educational video? It’s a historical video, not theological
@@TrumpetandSword I have yet to meet anyone worshipping Santa, or a Christmas tree. You should be using this video as a launching pad to save souls rather than posting condemning comments which not pushing lies or idolatry at all
Satan's counterfeit Jesus is the one being honored on Christmas. The real Jesus tells us in scripture that He will _not_ accept satanic worship being performed in His name. He didn't accept this logic from apostate Israelites, and He will not accept it from "Christians" either. He tells us twice in Rev. 2 that He _hates_ the deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitans. They can reason that they're celebrating Christ all they want, but _He_ says that they're lying.
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 “Satan’s counterfeit Jesus is the one being honored on Christmas”? I have yet to meet anyone worshipping Santa Claus. Rather than being critical of the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, why don’t you take the opportunity to spread the gospel? Condemning what Christmas has become is counterproductive to what we are called to: using every opportunity to share the gospel as Paul taught us
I think it's about time we re-take our holiday. I'm getting tired of people actively trying to remove Jesus from Christmas. Even going so far as to call it Xmas, removing Christ from the holiday name. Jesus will always be the reason for the reason and I think we start emphasizing on that more
I agree. The Xmas is Christian though. X refers to Christ. X in Greek is pronounced Chi and so is transliterated into the Roman script that way. 'Chi' is an abbreviation for and refers to Christ.
I have always taken Christmas time to say “Happy Birthday, Jesus”, and use it as an opportunity to share the gospel. If you haven’t been doing that, START NOW
@Dmdmksks Christmas was never pagan. There has never been a pagan holiday celebrated on the 25th until after 354 AD which is way after Christianity began. Sol invictus used to be in November until emperor constantine moved it to december 25th to compete with christianity Saturnalia is celebrated on the 17th not the 25th Yule used to be celebrated on the 21st until King Hakon of Norway moved it to december 25th when he became a christian And the winter solstice is just nothing more than a celestial event with no original traditions or festivities. There is absolutely zero evidence that christmas is pagan and anyone who says otherwise are only saying it because they heard some random athiest say it
Lord JESUS I trust you. I need your strength. I’m struggling providing for my children. I’m so discouraged as a single mom Lord Jesus I’m overwhelmed. I have two beautiful boys both are special needs. I’m overwhelmed because they require so much from me. Every month is a struggle to not end up on the streets. Lord grant me strength to provide for my sons. With you by my side Lord I know all is possible.
0:40 he was the most popular GREEK orthodox, 1:52 literally confirms that Turks aren't native to the land they live on. Muslim Turks why are you so obsessed with wanting to claim our christian Bishops?! I can understand why christian Turks want to relate, but... you can just take an ancestry test.
I thought it was something well known that Turks aren't indigenous to the land where today is Turkey. Do they claim the opposite? I am from South America, and as far as I learned in school, Turks are indigenous to Central Asia close to the Altai mountains of western Mongolia.
@@jplei yes the nationalists at least think they're native and that there's something like Turkish DNA. Literally banned ancestry test saying it's racist cuz most people end up having Greek DNA. Also there are some comments here who felt offended by this video calling St. Nicholas a Greek.
@@revinhatol Traditional quarter days and the days in-between 29 September, Michaelmas - Feast of Archangel Michael 25 December, Christmas - Nativity of Christ 25 March, Lady Day - Feast of the Annunciation ( unto the virgin Mary ) 24 June, Midsummer - Feast of John the Baptist - All Saints Day, to remember martyrs- Nov 1 Candlemas - Unto the temple Feb 2 May Day - Triumph over witchcraft May 1 Lammas - Aug 2
@fromsuncity1 well saint Nicholas was bishop of the church and believed all the stuff believed by the orthodox today. Like baptismal regeneration, prayers for the dead, prayers to saints, the real presence in the eucharist. No one in the first 1600 years was anything close to Protestant.
I believe that Jesus was not born on Christmas nor does it say when He was born. I read this on google about Christmas and about St Nicholas that is nowhere in scripture and also no where in scripture when was Jesus was born and resurrected and God did not say remember this specific day when he was born/resurrected and did not say any instructions about how to celebrate it. Which he never instructed us. I believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday and also read about Saint Nicholas. Idk which to do because it’s now a holiday thing and a religious thing just to celebrate whatever reason they have for celebrating. But watching this video makes me think that Saint Nicholas impacted the tradition to keep it alive to generation to generation. Which is not bad to give presents just for generosity. That’s all I read about him that he gives presents to children because he felt generous to do that. This video goes in depth about Saint Nicholas, and then second other things that came to play later on. On Google it says something different. First it says about the pagan celebrating their god on the 24th or 25th. Then it shows up other religious like believe that Jesus was born on Christmas and also came up the pagans worshiping their god and it isn’t like a holy holiday because we don’t know when Jesus was born/resurrected. About Nicholas I don’t know, but he gift presents to the children on December 4 or something not 24-25th. If people wanted to dedicate a day where we give presents for feeling generous or that could be like any day. We could if you wanted to of memory of Saint Nicholas for his generosity. I still believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday.
Christmas is not a pagan holiday. By believing that it is you're falling prey to the lies of the pagans. It is and has always been a Christian holiday. Do not listen to the pagans.
@ScottHindle No, he was Greek, and Greek Orthodox....this is easily discerned with a simple internet search. Just ask "was St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholic?"
The man brings up great and interesting things throughout this video until he hits Halloween. Halloween is also a Christian holiday, but ill concede its modern iteration has been secularized, but it's originally a Christian holiday. Once called "All Hallows Eve"
Volodymyr the Great was a knyaz` (a lord or a king) of Ruthenia (modern territory of Ukraine, Belarus and some parts of eastern Russia, with Kyiv being the capital), not emperor of Russia. When Volodymyr converted to Christianity in 988 AD in Kyiv, there wasn`t any Russian empire at all, even Moscow wasn`t mentioned at that time. I understand that the author wanted to emphasize specifically the history of the wonderful Christmas holiday, but this is a huge historical missconception to make by him.
Shalom qodeshim!! All esteem to Abba YAHWEH b' YAHUSHUA ha' Mashiah!! HalleluYAH!! Amein!! All manmade holidays. Nothing in scripture to celebrate. YAHSHUA was not born in Dec. Pl go to the sermons of Mark Pulley, very informative. Love u guy's ❤
Interesting how an East Orthodox bishop, becoming a saint and then celebrated by Roman Catholics and then by German Catholics and later by protestant Dutch, Norwegians and English! Whew, Santa you've come along way mister! 😂👍🎅🤶
@ScottMedeiros-k2d yes, I know, it all started with 5 patriarchs who each considered himself the one, true pontiff, there was: Rome, Athens, Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria.
@Lone-Lee Thank You for clearing that up for me. So that would make St. Augustine a Western bishop and thus a contemporary of St. Nicolás? Learning something new every Day.
Even if nick went to heaven,the Bible commands us not to make graven images of anything on earth or in heaven (this includes saints, angels, Mary, Jesus etc..) “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:” Exodus 20:4 KJV
That's disingenuous, the command needs to be read in context, because God actually gave people artistic abilities, even exacting instructions on how to make graven images to decorate the Ark of the Covenant and His sanctuary..... so, when cautioning people, be sure to include the next verse as well: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
@ The command is very plain, don’t make any graven images (chiseled, painted or etched etc). of anything in heaven or on earth and worship it. There’s many large denominations that clearly do that.. Aaron who was a Levite priest made a golden calf from the spoils of Egypt and that angered God greatly, as God gave Moses this command the people worshiped the calf made by Aaron. Don’t confuse God given craftsmanship and idol worship, two very different things.
@@jeaniecurry4512 Really? Have you considered Halloween? The day where satanists kill animals and drink their blood? I have never heard of anyone doing that on Christmas. So I want to ask you this: do you use Christmas as an opportunity to share the gospel, or shame what it’s become, like you are doing here?
@@fromsuncity1 My first reply answered that question. But if you have to ask it again, then you’re definition of a saint might be different than everyone else’s, or you don’t understand basic English
@@Nick-f9z2c yeah 👍🏼 that is 19th century Dutch. Seems to be 100+ years after Dutch of New York? If we look for dark we can ALWAYS find it. Similarly if we look for a cup half empty we can't find a cup half full. Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 thank you for dialogue
@@ericcoates10 Mark 2:2-12 The Magi Visit the Messiah 2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: 6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’[b]” 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” 9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. and Christmas happened because Hippolytus believed Jesus was born precisely nine months after March 25th (Passover) aka December 25th.
No one keeps the Passover - the new covenant established by Jesus and the disciples like Paul & Peter commanded to keep, but always follows the laws created by men and tells them that it is a holy day!!! Isaiah 29:13
One depiction of St.Nicholas shows Black Peter in service to St.Nicholas... But that's a whole different storyline. So, let's all just reflect on That.
There was no “Greek orthodox” church back then, there was no true Christianity and differ regions had bishops. You could be Christian but under the bishop of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Rome, etc. It was one holy, catholic (universal) Apostolic church. If somebody went against the scripture and tradition passed on from Jesus and the Disciples, the would be labeled a heretic until they repented and came back to the true faith. It wasn’t until Rome in 1054 started adding stuff to Christianity which went against previous councils. They broke off from the one Holy, catholic, apostolic church, and the rest is history. And by the way, The Roman Catholic Church recognizes st. Nicholas as a saint as well.
He was ethnically Greek, he slapt Arius for heretism and he would slapt the Roman Catholic church for filioque. So yes he was a Greek Orthodox Bishop and he read the New Testament and taught it in Greek.
According to the Apostles Constitution Jesus Christ was born in October 6/4 BC and Jesus Christ was born in a Tent called Sukkot and not in a Barn or a Cave
So Kenny, you’re not using this day to lead others to Christ? Or disciple? I see so many people who would rather talk about the controversy rather than the gift of God in his only son
All this talk about Saints and Patron Saints is all very Catholic, and Catholicism is very pagan and idolatrous. I find it interesting that Christians who readily admit that Catholicism is in error so happily embrace their man-made pagan rituals that Chritmas embodies. All of this was started BY the Catholic church and a patron saint, and so that makes it all OKAY for Christians? Very confusing. Maybe the Puritans wanted nothing to do with Christmas because they saw the truth.
Seriously if humans wrote the Bible it would be like shooting yourself on the head since you tell people including yourself to not act upon lust, greed, pride, gluttony and so on. Humans love to sin, they hate the sinner, but judging people for being sinners is a sin. Tell me why the apostles would die for Jesus if they didn't believe he was real and just faked it?
He was Greek. Turks are non-native to the land they now possess and if you turned back time and talked to him he wouldn't even know what Turks are or understand turkish cuz turkish did not exist back then.
St Nicholas being born in what is now part of the modern nation of Turkey didn't make him any more "Turkish" than St. Paul also being born in what is now part of the modern nation of Turkey made HIM "Turkish". The Turks hadn't invaded Anatolia yet when St Nicholas lived.
@LovedLamb who cares Greeks colonised Anatolia. Then Turks came and appeared on the map. Misreable Greek slaves were our low-class reptilian subjects; they were not allowed to talk about their Turkish masters
“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men.”
Luke 2:14
yeah. Remember the sermon by Rev Billy Graham? Before that sermon a beautiful hymn was sung by a couple ig which had this verse. " PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO MEN".. CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THE NAME OF THAT GOSPEL SINGER?
This is why I call it Christ Mass. Let's bring Christ back into the Feast of St. Nicolas.☦
Finally someone that puts it all together
I'll always celebrate Christmas.
celebration of Christmas isn't salvation
Telling children santa is coming and to be good for santa is lies and idolatry (Revelation 21:8). It is Jesus coming with reward, or vengeance (Revelation 22:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, 1 John 2:4)
We never lied to our daughters. They do know the real St Nicolas story. For us Christmas is all about Jesus 🙌🙏🔥❣️
@@BO4T3N9 Who ever said the celebration of Christmas WAS salvation? Why are you being critical on this wonderful educational video? It’s a historical video, not theological
I have yet to meet anyone worshipping Santa, or a Christmas tree. You should be using this video as a launching pad to save souls rather than posting condemning comments which not pushing lies or idolatry at all
Christ is King ! The Truth the Way and the Life
No matter the origins, Christ is celebrated. That's what's important.
Thankful for the Apostle Paul sent to the Gentiles.
We need to stop allowing 🟡🟤⚫ claim our culture
Satan's counterfeit Jesus is the one being honored on Christmas. The real Jesus tells us in scripture that He will _not_ accept satanic worship being performed in His name. He didn't accept this logic from apostate Israelites, and He will not accept it from "Christians" either. He tells us twice in Rev. 2 that He _hates_ the deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitans. They can reason that they're celebrating Christ all they want, but _He_ says that they're lying.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 you said it better. People have become hypocrites and now correct lifestyle to bring others to christ is not common
“Satan’s counterfeit Jesus is the one being honored on Christmas”? I have yet to meet anyone worshipping Santa Claus. Rather than being critical of the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, why don’t you take the opportunity to spread the gospel? Condemning what Christmas has become is counterproductive to what we are called to: using every opportunity to share the gospel as Paul taught us
Saint Nicholas of Myra's biggest gift to Christianity was slapping Arius' face. Well done, Santa. 🎅🏽
I think it's about time we re-take our holiday. I'm getting tired of people actively trying to remove Jesus from Christmas. Even going so far as to call it Xmas, removing Christ from the holiday name. Jesus will always be the reason for the reason and I think we start emphasizing on that more
Yes and I’m tired of people abusing it - thinking it’s about presents and trying to invade The day of thanksgiving onto Christ Our Lord
I agree. The Xmas is Christian though. X refers to Christ. X in Greek is pronounced Chi and so is transliterated into the Roman script that way. 'Chi' is an abbreviation for and refers to Christ.
I have always taken Christmas time to say “Happy Birthday, Jesus”, and use it as an opportunity to share the gospel. If you haven’t been doing that, START NOW
Tbh christmas was originally a pagan holyday so
@Dmdmksks Christmas was never pagan. There has never been a pagan holiday celebrated on the 25th until after 354 AD which is way after Christianity began.
Sol invictus used to be in November until emperor constantine moved it to december 25th to compete with christianity
Saturnalia is celebrated on the 17th not the 25th
Yule used to be celebrated on the 21st until King Hakon of Norway moved it to december 25th when he became a christian
And the winter solstice is just nothing more than a celestial event with no original traditions or festivities.
There is absolutely zero evidence that christmas is pagan and anyone who says otherwise are only saying it because they heard some random athiest say it
0:40 He was not Orthodox. The Great schism hadn't yet happened when he lived.
He is all Christians' hero!
Lord JESUS I trust you. I need your strength. I’m struggling providing for my children. I’m so discouraged as a single mom Lord Jesus I’m overwhelmed. I have two beautiful boys both are special needs. I’m overwhelmed because they require so much from me. Every month is a struggle to not end up on the streets. Lord grant me strength to provide for my sons. With you by my side Lord I know all is possible.
Praying for the Father to bless you this Christmas. In Jesus' name
if christ doesnt help, you can try and pray to Ganesha and ask the hindu community for help.
0:40 he was the most popular GREEK orthodox, 1:52 literally confirms that Turks aren't native to the land they live on.
Muslim Turks why are you so obsessed with wanting to claim our christian Bishops?! I can understand why christian Turks want to relate, but... you can just take an ancestry test.
I thought it was something well known that Turks aren't indigenous to the land where today is Turkey. Do they claim the opposite? I am from South America, and as far as I learned in school, Turks are indigenous to Central Asia close to the Altai mountains of western Mongolia.
turks lived in persia and central asia when saint nicholas was alive.
Don’t bother, you can’t explain the truth to Americans, the vast majority of whom are pro-Turkish.
Kazakh or Kyrgyz?
@@jplei yes the nationalists at least think they're native and that there's something like Turkish DNA. Literally banned ancestry test saying it's racist cuz most people end up having Greek DNA. Also there are some comments here who felt offended by this video calling St. Nicholas a Greek.
Thank you for letting us know about Santa Claus 🧑🎄 and the amazing grace of God that moved through Saint Nicolas.
Merry Christmas to all
This was the most information I’ve ever heard. It was beautiful.
this is so informative im going to read it.
Saint Nicholas of Myra, pray for us!
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, maranatha!
Merry Christmas 🎁
I am going to purchase that book! Very interesting!
The origins of All Hallows' Eve of the 8th century said "saints, hold my rum cocktail drink" x) at the end
I'm Orthodox too. ❤☦️
The shade towards Halloween 😂
Cool perspective I hadn't heard before. Very interesting.
Interesting there are no Kindle versions of this book available on Amazon UK.
Probably for the best. Anything digital can be messed with. Hard copies they can't change.
Interesting! ❤
St Nicholas intercede for us unto Christ our God!
Interesting history. Thank you.
YESHUA's original birthday is September 😊😊❤❤❤
29th September = Michaelmas
Traditional quarter days and the days in-between
29 September, Michaelmas - Feast of Archangel Michael
25 December, Christmas - Nativity of Christ
25 March, Lady Day - Feast of the Annunciation ( unto the virgin Mary )
24 June, Midsummer - Feast of John the Baptist
All Saints Day, to remember martyrs- Nov 1
Candlemas - Unto the temple Feb 2
May Day - Triumph over witchcraft May 1
Lammas - Aug 2
@@AnaAnnart according to who? 😂
Eastern Orthodoxy Is The One True Holy Apostolic Catholic Church..☦️💙📿
There was one Church and one true faith at the time of Saint Nicholas. And this faith is what is today Orthodox Christianity.
@fromsuncity1 well saint Nicholas was bishop of the church and believed all the stuff believed by the orthodox today. Like baptismal regeneration, prayers for the dead, prayers to saints, the real presence in the eucharist. No one in the first 1600 years was anything close to Protestant.
It's true that there was only one Church during his time. But whether it was Orthodox is debatable, and imo wrong.
@@pelagonianlion8276😂 during his time the schism didn't happened yet so how can he become an orthodox?
I believe that Jesus was not born on Christmas nor does it say when He was born. I read this on google about Christmas and about St Nicholas that is nowhere in scripture and also no where in scripture when was Jesus was born and resurrected and God did not say remember this specific day when he was born/resurrected and did not say any instructions about how to celebrate it. Which he never instructed us. I believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday and also read about Saint Nicholas. Idk which to do because it’s now a holiday thing and a religious thing just to celebrate whatever reason they have for celebrating. But watching this video makes me think that Saint Nicholas impacted the tradition to keep it alive to generation to generation. Which is not bad to give presents just for generosity. That’s all I read about him that he gives presents to children because he felt generous to do that. This video goes in depth about Saint Nicholas, and then second other things that came to play later on. On Google it says something different. First it says about the pagan celebrating their god on the 24th or 25th. Then it shows up other religious like believe that Jesus was born on Christmas and also came up the pagans worshiping their god and it isn’t like a holy holiday because we don’t know when Jesus was born/resurrected. About Nicholas I don’t know, but he gift presents to the children on December 4 or something not 24-25th. If people wanted to dedicate a day where we give presents for feeling generous or that could be like any day. We could if you wanted to of memory of Saint Nicholas for his generosity. I still believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday.
Christmas is not a pagan holiday. By believing that it is you're falling prey to the lies of the pagans. It is and has always been a Christian holiday. Do not listen to the pagans.
Was saint Nicholas roman Catholic ?
Yeah he's
And he was pagan worshiper too
@LORDOfLordsMYJESUSCHRIST757 so was I, a pagan worshipper, until Jesus saved me....
@ScottHindle No, he was Greek, and Greek Orthodox....this is easily discerned with a simple internet search.
Just ask "was St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholic?"
@@BeeBlotwe don't worship saints. we do obey Jesus christ and His teachings alone
@@BeeBlotGreek Orthodox broke away from the Catholic Church before the split there was only one Church
December 25 was celebrated of Light because Jesus says he is the Light of the World
The man brings up great and interesting things throughout this video until he hits Halloween. Halloween is also a Christian holiday, but ill concede its modern iteration has been secularized, but it's originally a Christian holiday. Once called "All Hallows Eve"
Christmas was/is/will always be about Christ!
Volodymyr the Great was a knyaz` (a lord or a king) of Ruthenia (modern territory of Ukraine, Belarus and some parts of eastern Russia, with Kyiv being the capital), not emperor of Russia. When Volodymyr converted to Christianity in 988 AD in Kyiv, there wasn`t any Russian empire at all, even Moscow wasn`t mentioned at that time. I understand that the author wanted to emphasize specifically the history of the wonderful Christmas holiday, but this is a huge historical missconception to make by him.
Santa Claus is from the Dutch “Sinterklaas or Sint-Nicolaas”.
Shalom qodeshim!! All esteem to Abba YAHWEH b' YAHUSHUA ha' Mashiah!! HalleluYAH!! Amein!! All manmade holidays. Nothing in scripture to celebrate. YAHSHUA was not born in Dec. Pl go to the sermons of Mark Pulley, very informative. Love u guy's ❤
Interesting how an East Orthodox bishop, becoming a saint and then celebrated by Roman Catholics and then by German Catholics and later by protestant Dutch, Norwegians and English! Whew, Santa you've come along way mister! 😂👍🎅🤶
The Eastern Orthodox Church broke away from the Roman Catholic Church
@ScottMedeiros-k2d yes, I know, it all started with 5 patriarchs who each considered himself the one, true pontiff, there was: Rome, Athens, Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria.
St. Nicholas was an Eastern Bishop not an Eastern "Orthodox" Bishop. The great schism hadn't yet happened during the time he was alive.
@Lone-Lee Thank You for clearing that up for me. So that would make St. Augustine a Western bishop and thus a contemporary of St. Nicolás? Learning something new every Day.
St. Nicholas is my Patron Saint!
Jeremiah 10:1-15...
Even if nick went to heaven,the Bible commands us not to make graven images of anything on earth or in heaven (this includes saints, angels, Mary, Jesus etc..)
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:”
Exodus 20:4 KJV
That's disingenuous, the command needs to be read in context, because God actually gave people artistic abilities, even exacting instructions on how to make graven images to decorate the Ark of the Covenant and His sanctuary..... so, when cautioning people, be sure to include the next verse as well: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
@ The command is very plain, don’t make any graven images (chiseled, painted or etched etc). of anything in heaven or on earth and worship it. There’s many large denominations that clearly do that..
Aaron who was a Levite priest made a golden calf from the spoils of Egypt and that angered God greatly, as God gave Moses this command the people worshiped the calf made by Aaron. Don’t confuse God given craftsmanship and idol worship, two very different things.
Better not have a nativity scene this Christmas, or even a mini Santa
Christmas is as Pagan As It Gets
@@jeaniecurry4512 Really? Have you considered Halloween? The day where satanists kill animals and drink their blood? I have never heard of anyone doing that on Christmas. So I want to ask you this: do you use Christmas as an opportunity to share the gospel, or shame what it’s become, like you are doing here?
The Bible calls all people who are in the faith SAINTS. So if this applies to you, then you could say that you are “Saint …….”
@@theherald3117 does your lifestyle reflect a saint
@ I have been born again, justified by the shed blood of Jesus, and striving to glorify him
@@theherald3117 have you helped others to see the light
@@theherald3117 BUT does your lifestyle reflect a saint!
@@fromsuncity1 My first reply answered that question. But if you have to ask it again, then you’re definition of a saint might be different than everyone else’s, or you don’t understand basic English
because it near that region .
Hes wrong about the history of st. Nickolaus. He was the bishop of Myra.
@@leeS04 💀 Myra was a Greek city
🏴☠️🌙🤺Mr GRINCH is real trying to mess everyone else Happiness.
What happened to the darker side that I've read about him
What darker side?
Black Peter and his part in this
@@Nick-f9z2c yeah 👍🏼 that is 19th century Dutch. Seems to be 100+ years after Dutch of New York? If we look for dark we can ALWAYS find it. Similarly if we look for a cup half empty we can't find a cup half full.
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 thank you for dialogue
@timeless4495 o.k. :)
That's the devil's work.
Move Christmas to December 6
this santa looks like andrew tate
That's neat and cool ngl this was so cool.
Tuhan Yesus memberkati dan mengasihi umatnya Israel dan mengasihi semua umat Yang percaya kepadaNya Haleluyah Amin
Revelation 2:6. Who is this talking about?
Holy Bible,Revelations 2 : 6,13-15, Revelations 12:9, Genesis 3 :1-7,13,20
Myra/ Türkiye now, ❤is the original place Santa Nicolas
Türkiye 🇹🇷 ❤
yes which used to be Greek during his time cuz turks did not live there yet.
He was Greek, most of Anatolia was Greece or Armenia back then. Fool.
@LovedLamb Not only, Rome Empire was there too
I wonder if they celebrate Christmas in God's kingdom?
They gave Jesus birthday gifts when he was born, who's to say the same does not happen in heaven?
@LovedLamb whose they ? And your absolutely twisted because the whole holi-day was created from an idea .
Mark 2:2-12
The Magi Visit the Messiah
2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a] from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:
6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’[b]”
7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
and Christmas happened because Hippolytus believed Jesus was born precisely nine months after March 25th (Passover) aka December 25th.
😂😂😂 reading the emerald tablets again, are you? @@ericcoates10
No one keeps the Passover - the new covenant established by Jesus and the disciples like Paul & Peter commanded to keep, but always follows the laws created by men and tells them that it is a holy day!!! Isaiah 29:13
One depiction of St.Nicholas shows Black Peter in service to St.Nicholas...
But that's a whole different
So, let's all just reflect on That.
Why would you want to go there? There’s better things to do, like use this celebration to tell others how they can be born again?
Better than unemployment 😅
There was no “Greek orthodox” church back then, there was no true Christianity and differ regions had bishops. You could be Christian but under the bishop of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Rome, etc. It was one holy, catholic (universal) Apostolic church. If somebody went against the scripture and tradition passed on from Jesus and the Disciples, the would be labeled a heretic until they repented and came back to the true faith. It wasn’t until Rome in 1054 started adding stuff to Christianity which went against previous councils. They broke off from the one Holy, catholic, apostolic church, and the rest is history. And by the way, The Roman Catholic Church recognizes st. Nicholas as a saint as well.
The Jewish Messiah was not born in
When was he born then?
This means we can't celebrate his birth why exactly?
He's not a greek Orthodox bishop he's a Catholic Bishop...the greek Orthodox church came about in the year 1054 A.D.
Untrue. He was Greek himself. Very easy to clear up with a simple internet search
Actually, at the time of Saint Nicholas there was only one church,but Saint Nicholas was definitely Greek.
He was ethnically Greek, he slapt Arius for heretism and he would slapt the Roman Catholic church for filioque. So yes he was a Greek Orthodox Bishop and he read the New Testament and taught it in Greek.
According to the Apostles Constitution Jesus Christ was born in October 6/4 BC and Jesus Christ was born in a Tent called Sukkot and not in a Barn or a Cave
I’m sorry y’all but this don’t give any excuse to celebrate this pagan holiday and think it’s about Jesus Christ and His birthday. It’s not.
how it's celebrated reveals the dark side of it.
It is not a pagan holiday. Please read your history. Why would they choose a holiday celebrated by their persecutors?
So Kenny, you’re not using this day to lead others to Christ? Or disciple? I see so many people who would rather talk about the controversy rather than the gift of God in his only son
@theherald3117 is Christmas the only way to win souls in darkness for Jesus christ. even our lifestyle can make others love Jesus christ.
@@BO4T3N9 The apostle Paul used any opportunity at his disposal to reach the lost. I try to follow that example
All this talk about Saints and Patron Saints is all very Catholic, and Catholicism is very pagan and idolatrous. I find it interesting that Christians who readily admit that Catholicism is in error so happily embrace their man-made pagan rituals that Chritmas embodies. All of this was started BY the Catholic church and a patron saint, and so that makes it all OKAY for Christians? Very confusing.
Maybe the Puritans wanted nothing to do with Christmas because they saw the truth.
The Scriptures calls those in the faith Saints - 51 times in the NEW TESTAMENT alone!
The Catholic church is not idolatrous we don't worship statues play venerate them we honor the person's depicted in them not the statue
The real title of this should be how do we let an idle like Saint Nicholas take the place of Jesus our Lord and Savior
Your language deceive you from truth
All man made stories.
Name a single story not made by mankind?
Bruh sounds mad 🤣
@@BeeBlot The stories that aren't man made come from aliens.
Seriously if humans wrote the Bible it would be like shooting yourself on the head since you tell people including yourself to not act upon lust, greed, pride, gluttony and so on. Humans love to sin, they hate the sinner, but judging people for being sinners is a sin. Tell me why the apostles would die for Jesus if they didn't believe he was real and just faked it?
Someone's mad
The most famous Turkish guy
He was Greek. Turks are non-native to the land they now possess and if you turned back time and talked to him he wouldn't even know what Turks are or understand turkish cuz turkish did not exist back then.
St Nicholas being born in what is now part of the modern nation of Turkey didn't make him any more "Turkish" than St. Paul also being born in what is now part of the modern nation of Turkey made HIM "Turkish". The Turks hadn't invaded Anatolia yet when St Nicholas lived.
@LovedLamb who cares Greeks colonised Anatolia. Then Turks came and appeared on the map. Misreable Greek slaves were our low-class reptilian subjects; they were not allowed to talk about their Turkish masters