"What about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose... All we're sayin' is... GIVE WAR A CHANCE!" -Belka, probably
Belka in ACZ: "Ok, we tried invading everyone, but that didn't work, so we'll try again" Belka in AC4-7 and X: "Ok, we tried invading everyone, but that didn't work, so we'll just make them fight each other from the shadows" Belka in AC3: "Ok, we tried making everyone fight each other from the shadows, but that didn't work, so now we'll do the same but with corporations"
We also have Jaeger, the first character in Ace Combat to talk about seeing his family after the war and end up not having him or them tragically dying.
Ikr for the past 24 years later, they still haven't change yet _same old_ *Belka.* Since the "Belkan War" to the "Lighthouse War/Second Usean Continental War". _Belkan Extremism_ still goes on, through the *World of Strangereal.* Orchestrating this "whole pointless, war" between *United Sta- i mean Osean Federation* then _France and Ital- i mean Kingdom of Erusea._ 🤔
*Deafening sound of a supersonic jet with full afterburners* Guard 1: "What was that?" Guard 2: "I dunno, probably nothing." *Jet flies into searchlight* Guard 1: "AH WHERE TF DID HE COME FROM"
The logic they used to justify that was that for some reason, Erusean planes flew through the canyon too whenever they returned from a mission, so they needed guys in the canyon to visually identify the aircraft with markings and craft type to make sure they're friendly. Imma list a few flaws I see with this, just for fun 1: why do they even fly through the narrow, dangerous canyon in the first place, they don't have to avoid friendly radar, they can just pick a route that does not involve having about 2 nanometers of space on either side of your plane 2: wouldn't the guards be informed that a squadron should be returning from a mission before they return, so they know the deafening jet engines are friendly? If they're not told a friendly squadron is coming back and they hear jet engines, they can ask command if a friendly squadron is returning because they hear jet engines, and then command says wtf no it's the middle of the night 3: if the guards knew that a squadron was supposed to return between now and say 30 minutes from now, it would still seem odd for them if they couldn't see any of those returning aircraft in their spotlights when they can clearly hear them. Especially with how many spotlights there are near the end, you would have to go out of your way to avoid them, which is of course what the LRSSG did, but it wouldn't make sense for friendlies to do that, after all, what does it matter if a friendly spotlight sees you?
Banddog killed Fullband because Fullband came across the intel that they were going to use Stonehenge to down the arsenal bird. If you listen at the conversation during the snowy radar mission (where Fullband says he's come across some information, how people conveniently leave their passwords next to their terminals), Banddog gives Fullband 3 chances to realize what he's saying before he ultimately has to mark him as an enemy. This is because Fullband was broadcasting on an open net and the enemy could have easily intercepted the comms. Fullband wasn't exactly known to keep secrets... The more you know
@@roycezaro1998 I mean, all of there names representes there annoying character traits/history. Once you see him take down 9 trillion drones on his own you can see why he's called trigger
I'm going to paraphrase a comment I saw on another AC7 video. Whenever a war starts, every country should just assume it's Belka's fault and dogpile them.
24 years on, they still haven't changed a goddamn bit of it. _(Inhales in Sam Jackson's voice)_ *I have had it with this motha&₩¥king Belkans! In all of this every goddamn motha¥£€king wars started by them!*
Thank you for mentioning the searchlight operators in the canyon mission: "damn, good thing these guys can't hear an entire squadron of fighter jets ripping through the canyon. Just don't let them catch you with their flashlights!"
Allie-Marie Blosser Speaking of Doom, I can’t help but think of the music from the Russian Overkill Mod while using the SU-57 with Pulse Lasers in the missions Pipeline and Fleet Destruction.
To quote your AC5 review: “It’s so stupid, and I love it so much.” That sums up my attitude with Ace Combat’s story; It’s ridiculous, don’t change a thing.
not sure. I loved the mainline ace combat entries ive played (AC3, 4, 0, 5, 6) but this one made me consider skipping the cutscenes during my first playthrough and i started ignoring the banter bc everything felt so boring and pointless. The campaign must be the weakest in any mainline entry so far too.
That part about Labarth was freaking GOLD! To me it was the single most important part of that mission or story portion up until that point...and I’m like, “DUDE CAN THIS WAIT?! IM TRYING TO MAINTAIN 200KMH JUST TO KEEP UP YOU SAFE!!!!” So annoying, thanks for pointing that out.
I find the worse part to be that even when he explains the truth about Harling's death, there is no mention of Trigger truly being cleared of his charges.
To be fair you had already received a full pardon and your case was reopened by the general chiefs of staff, who don’t think you actually did it. At that point it’s just confirming what everyone already assumed.
Nagase coming back from a mission everyone forgot was taking place, which was also the reason the space elevator was built in the first place. Peak Ace Combat writing. Also, Belkans.
Well at this point in the series Belka is basically Strangereal's own Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa. There, more *A N I M E*-tier script for the fans.
Almost everyone* Gargoyle squadron and IUN HQ seem to remember, the latter just doesn't care, and former doesn't care enough to not just follow orders anyway. Gargoyle Squadron: "But without the lighthouse...I mean the harbor, they won't be able to get home." IUN-PKF-HQ: "That ship isn't one of ours"
My attempt to explain Ace Combat plots to a friend: "Ok, imagine political fiction as written by a twelve-year-old girl who wants to grow up to work on an oil rig, but would prefer if it had a flower garden."
@WingBreaker. I have only played ace combat cross rumble and ace combat 7, did not understand the burger reference but i see it was mentioned quite a few times. Would you mind explaining it?
@@Jester8492 actually some belkans were responsible for the construction of aigaion. And also one member of the Gault team from ace combat zero was among those who helped contruct aigaion, and is one of the aces you can shot down on the mission u destroy aigaion, he is "Feniks" if i m not wrong so yes in the end, it's all about those poor belkans #Belkadidnothingwrong
AC8 is just gonna be Mobius One against Grunder run by the Gray Men plus AWWNB and Pixy who finally get rid of borders but all this does is lead to wars between corporations and you finally have a connection to AC3.
Honestly if they gonna make something like in MGS2, that the grey man were controlling all (and they were all belkans avenging past), and you have to kill them, shit takes over the world and you have to save it. Again. And than one tiny corporation starts talking about pure capitalism and takes over a nice chunk of the world. Oh and nanobots will be the superweapon. And there will be nightraven prototype plane or something. Done.
HANZ well you got the meat of the joke, now you just need the buns to touch it up. But seriously, why were all of Long Caster’s lines sandwich related? XD
@@SkinnyBlackout good ms design and great bgm. The scene where heero rips up releenas bday invite is still hilarious. Honestly my biggest gripe is the absurd amount of reused footage. Even og seed wasnt on THAT level of stock footage.
@@YouJustAmazeMe My beef with it is that it's too damn long for this type of story and the characters open up only by the end of the plot. It took me 3 watchthroughs to really enjoy it. I enjoyed most other Gundam series from the first try and enjoy rewatching them to this day. The only oddballs are Victory, Wing and maybe 00 for being too damn convoluted. Victory however has one saving grace - it has a character you TRULY hate and probably the most depressing ending I've seen in any piece of media so far. Wing to me is just kind of "meh" for the most of the story. The only characters that are interesting to follow are Zechs and Treize. But that's my personal taste anyway. I fricking love Seed and it's the one that's hated by a big chunk of the community for some weird reason.
@@UltimaDoombotMK1 perhaps understandably he couldn't care much about mentioning.....*inhale... Mihaly Dimitru Margreta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Carol Aeon....*Inhale.... Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas Archange Shilage
@@divecolosio4988 imagine being schroeder's VA. "Hey uh, this script right? This is the name. I need to pronounce it? In one breath? Can i have a raise please?" Honestly i cannot believe you only need 2 inhales for that ._.
To the town of Chopinburg rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say, No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip The stranger there among them had a big drone on his sky Big drone on his sky
Full Song: "To the town of Chopinburg Rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him Didn't have too much to say, No one dared to ask his business No one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them Had a big drone in his sky Big drone in his sky. It was early in the morning When rode into the town He came riding from the South Sensors looking all around 'He's an Outlaw loose and running,' Came the whisper from each lip 'And he's here to kill some aces, And the big drone in his sky' Big drone in his sky. In this town there flew an Ace By the name of Mister X Many an ace had tried to take him And those many aces were dead He was vicious and a killer though a gramps at seventy And the kill marks on his Flanker Numbered a hundred and nineteen more A hundred and nineteen more. Now the stranger started talking Made it plain to folks around He was an Osean Outlaw Wouldn't be too long in town He came here to shoot down an Ace Slay the King and take his crown He was after Mister X After Mister X. Wasn't long before the story Was relayed to Mister X But Mister X didn't worry - Aces that tried before were dead Hundred and nineteen had tried to take him Hundred and nineteen had made a slip Hundred and twenty would be the Outlaw With the big drone in his sky Big drone in his sky. The campaign passed so quickly; It was time for them to meet It was Mission Seven When they entered visual range Folks were watching through the replays Everybody held their breath They knew this faceless soldier Was about to meet his death About to meet his death. There was forty feet between them When they stopped to make their play And the swiftness of the Outlaw Is still talked about today Mister X had not leveled out 'Fore a QAAM fairly ripped And the Outlaw's aim was true No thanks to the big drone in his sky Big drone in his sky. It was over in a moment And the folks had gathered round There before them lay the wreck of the Flanker in the ground Oh, he might have on living But he made one fatal slip When he tried to match the Outlaw With the big drone in his sky Big drone in his sky. Big drone, Big drone When he tried to match the Outlaw With the big drone in his sky Big drone in his sky."
Definitely not the place for it, but I just noticed that Avril has three grease stains on her cheek, just like Trigger's sin lines. One true pairing confirmed.
@@TheCyclicGamer a subfaction in a government tricks country into a war because of border tensions, economic and enviromental concerns due to development of a huge project that could possibly be used for military purposes that might break a peace treaty which was masterminded by a company building AI fighters to make profit and also exact revenge for a fallen homeland. The war escelates outside of anyone's control and you play a pilot who is put through the ringer and makes it out on top in the end of it all. This is all explain in the game and I understood this much in my first time through. Meanwhile in final fantasy you are the chosen one/prince who is followed by an asshole, a clone/android thing idk the game never properly explains prompto in the main game, and ignis the only actual competent character of the group who has zero backstory. Your job is to fight demons that are born from darkness which are bad because something about a meteor held up by a god. Your citystate lost a war with a huge empire because the emperor wanted a large crystal that is important because it cleans the world of demons for some reason. Everything is masterminded by some immortal guy who shares your last name that the main game again never really explains who wants to either die by your hand or to win and kill the gods depending on his mood at the moment. In order to get a basic grasp of the plot of FFXV you need you buy 4 DLC which actually makes the plot more confusing and watch a cg movie and an animated short to understand the basics of the plot that when all put together actually contradict eachother if you put some thought into it. AC7 doesn't have the most straight foward plot but it is miles above FFXV. Please don't misunderstand this wall of text as a defence of the quality of writing of AC7. Just saying you holding up FFXV's writing above AC7 is disingenuous at worst and hyperbolic at best.
Skies Unknown was my first time playing an Ace Combat game. So all the story was just a lot of unknown names and places being dropped left and right. Didn't even know what side I was on. All I knew was that there were jets to shoot out of the sky. So that's what I did. And some how I became a hero.
Ace Combat 7 Plot Emotions in a Nutshell: Mage Arc: Exposition, nothing special Spare Arc: Oh, well, that started off rough, but OHH BOOY ITS GETTING REAL GOOD ANNNNDDD ... ... And it's just gonna end like that? With a simple escort mission? And what about Tabloid? And Bandog? We just got some groundwork, some real character development down and you just put it all aside with an escort mission? Strider Arc Part 1: Well, I'm really feeling the difference in professionalism and helpfulness, I'm feeling godly, we're gonna beat these Eruseans so hard! And... Erusean Civil War: Well we got Farbanti, everything's going to shit, there's a civil war going on, this shit has real moral storytelling potential but instead... Endgame: ...the writer just gave up, threw up their arms, and face rolled Belka all over the place. Congratulations, you have just written the singularly most potential-filled and consequentially most disappointing video game plot ever. Honestly, it makes me sad-the project aces writing team feels like it laid the groundwork for half a dozen skyscrapers and failed to build any of them. But in the end, the only message Project Aces sent was that all ethnic Belkans should be cleansed from Strangereal. Tabloid got taken out by falling debris (which, btw, is the lamest way to kill off a character they dedicated so much screen time to), Bandog disappeared the mission right after a potentially character-defining moment (killing Full Band), the princess appeared for a single scene, disappeared, then came out of nowhere to flip a switch to kill the Arsenal Bird...
Let’s be honest here. If they keep painting your entire nation to be the bad guys all the damn time, then sooner or later, you’re just gonna convince a good lot of them to drive you all down to hell for stereotyping them. I want a Belkan-centric AC game next or I’m just gonna get sick and tired of all this “BELKA IS EVIL. OSEA GUD” narrative they kept pushing at us since AC5. No wonder Grabacr 1 was soooooo angry at the Oseans lol.
@@Stupefied66 It's because Project Aces only likes to star supposedly "democratic" nations, so the lore gets biased towards them. I just hope for them to create a game where we can play as Yuktobania being attacked by neighbors or similar.
The Final Ace Combat game involving strangereal should have all of the player characters as one squadron and have the option to make it a co-op campaign.
I'm pretty sure something like "oh shit the guy who wrote the first half of the story just killed and the one who took his place want to rewrite it but we already finishing most canping mission what should we do" happen in between AC7's 3 year development span.
I still have to applaud the voice actor for evil belkan science man for his ability to read Mihaly's ten names in a row without losing composure. But we all know that his real name is Snake and war has definitely changed
Princess Cossette's plot armor is even stronger than MisterX/Mihaly (she takes a missile to the face while jumping, but still talking on comms in later missions). I think the general consensus is that Count saw her in his way so he took the missile to save her, but they edited it to make it look like she got blown to bits, only to have her come back totally fine with zero explanation.
Yeah, the story is definitely muttered and confused, and the saddest part is, it could've been pretty good if they just changed a few things. For example: First, instead of Trigger going to jail because he killed the President (A moment which is so absurd that I couldn't stop laughing), have it be instead that he was part of a secret Black Ops Unit designed to do the dirty work for Osea; and to both spy and sabotage Erusea due to Osea's growing paranoid, believing Erusea to be plotting something . Now naturally, this means Trigger and his squadron do some really terrible things which eventually culminate into them bombing a city filled with civilians, mainly thanks to Erusea finding out about the Unit and pulling a lot of strings to create a war between the two with massive public support on Erusea's side. Of course, Osea would try to save face by throwing the entire Unit in jail and saying that the Unit went rogue, but this works just as well as you'd expect. Trigger himself would also be different to reflect this: he almost always tries to find any excuse he can find to cause more war crimes and casualties, he is described as always carrying a smile on his face no matter what, casually laughs while in the middle of bombing civilians, and all of this while not ever uttering a single word. Even his own squadron filled with similarly horrible people become terrified of him, and this gets so bad that eventually they try to find any reason possible to get away from him. Mihaly would also be expanded upon, he's a part of a secret squadron of mercenaries that are hired to eliminate squadrons or pilots that show potential, specifically those who seem like they are going to be the next Demons of Razgriz or Mobius; and especially if they share traits like silence and inhuman piloting abilities (termed the "Cipher Phenomenon", named after Cipher, a phenomenon where after a few years, a mute pilot of unknown origin will appear and destroy everything in his path before disappearing in thin air). Mihaly would be pretty much the same as he was in the game, except a greater focus on his addiction to flying, and having to constantly choose between being in the skies and being with his daughters. This addiction is exploited by Erusea who gives him two choices: either live the rest of his days on the ground with his addiction eating away at him, or work for Erusea and act as a test pilot for advancing their drone AI. He reluctantly agrees, and Erusea proceeded to exploit everything that he was worth, overworking him beyond belief, forcing him to do horrendous things throughout the war, and putting the blame all on him to keep their image clean. Princess Rosa, instead of being the preachy anti-war and anti-technology annoyance, she would instead be a magnificent bastard who had been trying to start the war right from the get-go. She puts on a facade to appear as a overly optimistic and naive Princess who loves her citizens and would never let harm come to them, but behind it, she is highly pessimistic and manipulative. Sure, she may care about her citizens somewhat, but seeing an opportunity to "Make Erusea Great Again", the ends justified the means. Setting her sights on Osea, she used any chance she could to go on a propaganda parade against them, and when she learned about the Space Elevator and Arsenal Birds, oh boy, did she have a field day about that. Finally seeing her opportunity when Trigger's Unit was discovered, she puts out all the stops, and while some Erusean politicians try to stop her; it is only a slight inconvenience, and her plan goes off smoothly with Osea taking all the heat. Avril wouldn't be in it because the cutscenes would mainly focus on Trigger's Squadron, Mihaly, and Princess Rosa; Avril would just be a waste of space. And for the first time in Ace Combat history, Belka wouldn't be the ones who manipulated the war and instead be the ones trying everything to end it as a way to redeem themselves. Sadly, thanks to all the times Belka was Belka and almost the entirety of Erusea being firmly in Rosa's pocket, they are mostly ignore or are believed to be doing what Belka is best known for. Eventually, when the war starts to get out of hand with nation after nation wanting to get in on the action, creating a full-on bloodbath; Belka starts to get desperate to end it, and decides to plugin an advanced AI whose sole goal is to stop the war, but has been extremely limited in what it can do. This AI quickly uses a small number of drones supplied by Belka to wreck absolute havoc and starts offing aces left, right, and center. Though, Belka underestimated how advanced the AI actually was and it is soon shown to be fully sentient by hacking a large quantity of drones, and even secretly contacting a number of aces including Mihaly (who has been so overworked by this point that anything is better than working with Erusea) to join forces. Their plan being that since humans have largely been unsuccessful at ruling themselves, letting greed guide them instead of working towards a better, peaceful world; they would be much better off having a AI maintain order and peace instead. They plan to do this by creating an even more advanced AI, one with the combined skills of all the aces in their arsenal to ensure no one could go against it. Of course, pretty much every nation was opposed to this, and joined forces in order to quickly put a stop to their parade and destroy the place where the AI is plugged into. This small little group, however, proves to be more resilient than expected, and time is running out. They decide to give on last push with everything they have, with Trigger, "The Devil's Advocate", leading the charge. Mihaly's Squadron intercepts him, trying to buy some time for Mihaly, but are no match for Trigger; and are eventually wiped out. Though they bought just enough time as Mihaly appears using a prototype X-02S with modifications to allow the pilot to absorb even more G-Force than ever before. The battle is grueling as while Mihaly is clearly in the best position, he's severely outnumbered 100 to 1, and eventually, Trigger is finally able to hit the finishing blow. As Mihaly's going down, he expresses his regret to Trigger, believing himself to be responsible for the entire war; and that no matter how hard he tried to stop himself, every fiber of his body wouldn't allow him to stay back on the ground. Before his radio cuts out, he is heard saying he's sorry and he failed his old Yellow friend. Finally, as the AI sees the tides are turning fast, has one last ace up its sleeve. Its been secretly analyzing Trigger while he was busy fighting Mihaly and his Squadron, and has been preparing a last stand against him. Using a ADF-11F Raven (looking like a combination between the X-02 and ADF-01, along with ECM instead of a TLS to buy itself some time), and proceeds to hold off Trigger and tons of other Squadrons for as long as possible. Even after getting hit by four missiles, it still stays in the air, and still manages to down ace after ace until Trigger finally manages to shoot a missile directly at one of its wings; destroying it. No longer having enough stability to stay in the air, the ADF-11F Raven starts losing altitude. While the AI's aircraft purges to the ground, the AI thanks Trigger, saying that while it wasn't the best possible outcome, peace has been achieved once again. Before being destroyed, the AI proposes a question for Trigger, asking which one of them was right, and telling him that he has the right and responsibility to find that out. As the conflict finally ends, most of the countries looking for a scapegoat for their actions, blame Belka for the entire war; stating that their AI proved that they were looking for revenge again and manipulated all of it. Belka tried to defend itself, but no one came to its aid; and so, Belka was yet again given unfavorable terms, and this time, for the war they tried to end. All while Osea and Erusea got away mostly scot-free, sure there were some riots, but asides from that, nothing at all. Trigger managed to escape during the confusion after the battle against the ADF-11F Raven, and rumors go that he is now a mercenary. His former Squadron swears they see him from time to time. And that's, that. A little idea in my head that I thought would be a bit more interesting than what we actually got. Why spend probably hours writing all of this down? Mostly boredom.
@@TheVergile Fully agree with you there, if we are going to jail for killing the president, don't just make it that instead it was a ungodly absurd conspiracy that killed him and that we were just being framed.
Honestly, the story should have stayed with Spare Squadron. Going from the absolute dregs of the Osean military to literal death on wings would have been pretty cool to see and be a part of.
That Labarth part was so on point, i've had to watch it on youtube because i guess everybody was too focused on the actual mission to pay attention to his monologue
1:22 well to be fair Porsche, Toyota and Mercedes made a lot of things that weren't exactly cars in WW2 but the Allies let them all exist after it was over, so Gründer still existing after the war isn't that far fetched
Mihaly felt justified in lecturing his own countrymen about the supposed meaninglessness of nations and yet he himself clung to an escapist fantasy "kingdom" just so he could be free from the burdens and responsibilities of the real world. Honestly, Mihaly was an interesting character, I just wish he had more time to grow as a character. In fact I wish the entire AC7 story had more time to grow.
This is so perfect. I just beat the game last weekend. I think most reviews have been pretty fair to the game. It's good but not fantastic and just a bit dated in design. But it's definitely not 7/10 like IGN says. I would give it more like an 8 Anyway keep up these super hilarious videos :)
Why doesn't IGN use a bunch of employees to do their reviews instead of one? Pretty damn stupid one person is responsible for a whole game's review and only used novice controls. Has he even played the previous games?
I don't know who you are my friend, but your sarcasm is pure gold. If you don't stop making videos like this.... I will find you, and I will thank you. Edit: I'm cracking up every 10 seconds, thank you
Thanks for the recap. To me the story is confusing because the cutscenes all focus on the girl while almost all the missions are with Trigger. That and as you pointed out, it takes 15 missions for anything to really start moving.
I’m new to the series, and I gotta say I love the story. I finally found some time to play beyond level 2 because of the quarantine and I loved all of it. The planes, the views. Honestly I think it’s one of the best games ever made.
Strangereal: Has peace for 5 minutes.
Underrated comment lmfao.
"What about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose... All we're sayin' is... GIVE WAR A CHANCE!"
-Belka, probably
Belka in ACZ: "Ok, we tried invading everyone, but that didn't work, so we'll try again"
Belka in AC4-7 and X: "Ok, we tried invading everyone, but that didn't work, so we'll just make them fight each other from the shadows"
Belka in AC3: "Ok, we tried making everyone fight each other from the shadows, but that didn't work, so now we'll do the same but with corporations"
Everyone, stop fighting.
(Soldiers unload and safe their weapons.)
(Partially full magazine hits floor)
Soldier: Grenade!
(Weapons reloaded)
(Firing breaks out)
We also have Jaeger, the first character in Ace Combat to talk about seeing his family after the war and end up not having him or them tragically dying.
That's a great story to tell to my son
Grimm (Archer) from AC5 talks about his brother and doesn't die.
His brother probably did though so I guess it half counts.
Its because he only talks about his son and his son did appears in AC3.
So yeah, no Time Paradox allowed.
Falco 1: *AM I A JOKE TO YOU???*
though, maybe its because (Falco 1 and) Jaegar has a son instead of a daughter?
@SpiceBird seems no one cares about Garuda Team
I think the moral of the story is that
Belka did it.
Ikr for the past 24 years later, they still haven't change yet _same old_ *Belka.* Since the "Belkan War" to the "Lighthouse War/Second Usean Continental War". _Belkan Extremism_ still goes on, through the *World of Strangereal.* Orchestrating this "whole pointless, war" between *United Sta- i mean Osean Federation* then _France and Ital- i mean Kingdom of Erusea._ 🤔
Belka: the Dinkelburg of Strangereal.
AC8 is still gonna be Belka doing something stupid again isn't it?
@@xjamesx7047 They also did the thing is Ace Combat X, yes they were never directly mentioned, *BUT THEY STILL DID IT*
>apparently Belka did it
How many times we gotta do this old man.jpg
Belka did nothing wrong
The fact that I understand makes me feel little older now :(
@@Notmuhrealname Bella Doesn't exist
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
"But since it wasn't inside the stadium, it only gets 2 upvotes on Reddit."
The most accurate thing about this video.
3 Years ago
0 Replies
*H O W*
@@EpicTH-camHandle The algorithm works in mysterious ways.
*Deafening sound of a supersonic jet with full afterburners*
Guard 1: "What was that?"
Guard 2: "I dunno, probably nothing."
*Jet flies into searchlight*
That's what I was thinking during that part.
"Must have been the wind"
The logic they used to justify that was that for some reason, Erusean planes flew through the canyon too whenever they returned from a mission, so they needed guys in the canyon to visually identify the aircraft with markings and craft type to make sure they're friendly. Imma list a few flaws I see with this, just for fun
1: why do they even fly through the narrow, dangerous canyon in the first place, they don't have to avoid friendly radar, they can just pick a route that does not involve having about 2 nanometers of space on either side of your plane
2: wouldn't the guards be informed that a squadron should be returning from a mission before they return, so they know the deafening jet engines are friendly? If they're not told a friendly squadron is coming back and they hear jet engines, they can ask command if a friendly squadron is returning because they hear jet engines, and then command says wtf no it's the middle of the night
3: if the guards knew that a squadron was supposed to return between now and say 30 minutes from now, it would still seem odd for them if they couldn't see any of those returning aircraft in their spotlights when they can clearly hear them. Especially with how many spotlights there are near the end, you would have to go out of your way to avoid them, which is of course what the LRSSG did, but it wouldn't make sense for friendlies to do that, after all, what does it matter if a friendly spotlight sees you?
@@n1thecaptain965 to answer all of your questions, welcome to strangereal, a universe where every1 is a dumbass.
Me: cosplays as the Erusans with my paint scheme.
Search light crews: enemy spotted
Me: visible confusion
Banddog killed Fullband because Fullband came across the intel that they were going to use Stonehenge to down the arsenal bird. If you listen at the conversation during the snowy radar mission (where Fullband says he's come across some information, how people conveniently leave their passwords next to their terminals), Banddog gives Fullband 3 chances to realize what he's saying before he ultimately has to mark him as an enemy. This is because Fullband was broadcasting on an open net and the enemy could have easily intercepted the comms. Fullband wasn't exactly known to keep secrets...
The more you know
It was an accident, don't make me throw you into solitary.
That explains his call sign, “Fullband” aka broadcasting on a wide spread
@@roycezaro1998 I mean, all of there names representes there annoying character traits/history. Once you see him take down 9 trillion drones on his own you can see why he's called trigger
@@wanderin_stud499 It was an accident, so shut up.
"Noob Strat of Spamming QAAMs".
I feel attacked.
you almost have to use QAAM's or SASM's to win since everyone else is, don't feel bad
I'd rather use 4/6/8AAM if the homing was reliable in multiplayer. F-15J (or F/A-18F) w/ QAAM it is.
Would you say you feel...triggered? Lolololol
Please RTB.
@@TacticsTechniquesandProcedures is that a joke... *SOLITARY!!!*
No wonder IGN gave it a low score, they weren't using Expert controls
because expert controls fixed the broken campaign?
Because playing the game on expert controls was the only way to properly play an Ace Combat game?
I miss the days where they were called "Novice" and "Normal" controls, instead of "Expert"
@@dennishallada890 Didn't you hear? Making a video game remotely challenging is now discrimination. Or so say game journalists.
@@Ravengagepvl oof. True
I'm going to paraphrase a comment I saw on another AC7 video. Whenever a war starts, every country should just assume it's Belka's fault and dogpile them.
24 years on, they still haven't changed a goddamn bit of it. _(Inhales in Sam Jackson's voice)_
*I have had it with this motha&₩¥king Belkans! In all of this every goddamn motha¥£€king wars started by them!*
Well osea usually instigated the wars. They fucked belka over so hard.
Belka did nothing wrong.
I'd say Belka needs to get nuked again, but I think they might like it.
@@MuscleDad420 lol
Technology is bad, but it can be good. Unless it's used for bad. But it can still be good.
Belka is always bad.
War is bad. But airplanes are so cooool. But war is so bad! BUT AIRPLANES ARE SO COOL!
@@TheVergile"war is bad but planes are rad"
Belka did Nothing wrong
Thank you for mentioning the searchlight operators in the canyon mission: "damn, good thing these guys can't hear an entire squadron of fighter jets ripping through the canyon. Just don't let them catch you with their flashlights!"
They've got their AirPods in.
Eursea's 53rd air defence battalion. Where all the deaf men in the armed forces are transfered to.
Protocol Nine “Erusean Guards the planes coming! Oh god he has air pods he can’t hear us!”
They also can't see on a night with a full moon, Erusea needs to put hire better guards lol
I literally flying above 1000 km/h all the time and they could not saw any nozzle flash
Ace Combat 7's music is godlike.
Yeah, Daredevil and Archange are like fucking magic
Not as godlike as AC4's and AC5's.
Allie-Marie Blosser Speaking of Doom, I can’t help but think of the music from the Russian Overkill Mod while using the SU-57 with Pulse Lasers in the missions Pipeline and Fleet Destruction.
Victor Silva and nothing will ever be as godlike as ZERO
@@theprincipalityofbelka4646 Zero has some excellent tracks but I find 4 and 5 to have a better soundtrack overall.
Count can't be Logan Paul, there's actually something redeeming about Count.
Count is The Nickelback vocalist
@@m4rionettealastor702 yes
@@m4rionettealastor702 I can imagine Count saying "look at this graph"
@@MaliciousGrim05 "Look at this graph. Everytime I exaggerate my kills, it makes me sad."
@@m4rionettealastor702 agreed count is the nickleback vocalist
To quote your AC5 review: “It’s so stupid, and I love it so much.”
That sums up my attitude with Ace Combat’s story; It’s ridiculous, don’t change a thing.
not sure. I loved the mainline ace combat entries ive played (AC3, 4, 0, 5, 6) but this one made me consider skipping the cutscenes during my first playthrough and i started ignoring the banter bc everything felt so boring and pointless. The campaign must be the weakest in any mainline entry so far too.
@@TheVergile That's Ace Combat 6. I don't think there's a console Ace Combat worse than that game
Rulco 005 maybe. But at least 6's cutscenes only made me want to shoot my foot, not my head.
@@TheGamingKiller242 In fact Ace Combat 6 isn't a bad game. But everything is better than "MATILDAAAAH"
Rulco 005 but Matilda is an enthralling creature!
That part about Labarth was freaking GOLD! To me it was the single most important part of that mission or story portion up until that point...and I’m like, “DUDE CAN THIS WAIT?! IM TRYING TO MAINTAIN 200KMH JUST TO KEEP UP YOU SAFE!!!!” So annoying, thanks for pointing that out.
I'll literally have to rewatch it on TH-cam - I just can't focus or listening to him and not getting shot down -_-
My second playthrough was on easy, so I could catch most of it that time around.
Yeah, this mission is like when we finally get to the main storyline
I find the worse part to be that even when he explains the truth about Harling's death, there is no mention of Trigger truly being cleared of his charges.
To be fair you had already received a full pardon and your case was reopened by the general chiefs of staff, who don’t think you actually did it. At that point it’s just confirming what everyone already assumed.
Nagase coming back from a mission everyone forgot was taking place, which was also the reason the space elevator was built in the first place. Peak Ace Combat writing. Also, Belkans.
I found that hilarious. Like she shows up to land and its like "yeah we had to blow up the Elevator to stop Belka sorry about that"
Well at this point in the series Belka is basically Strangereal's own Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa.
There, more *A N I M E*-tier script for the fans.
Almost everyone* Gargoyle squadron and IUN HQ seem to remember, the latter just doesn't care, and former doesn't care enough to not just follow orders anyway.
Gargoyle Squadron: "But without the lighthouse...I mean the harbor, they won't be able to get home."
IUN-PKF-HQ: "That ship isn't one of ours"
I mean... IT WAS only covered in a novel and comic
I lost it at “Patented droideka technology”
Hell, the drones sound like Vulture Droids, too.
I lost it at "Collects Solid Snake's data" and the crab rave "HARLING IS GONE"
I lost it starting at: "Hello, I'm Labarth and I will try to explain the plot to you. *incomprehensible gibberish* "
1:35 Anyone feel like calling the FBI when Dr. Schroeder is around Mihily's grandkids?
seriouly. Every single scene he is in he is either creeping the princes or the granddaughters. Gotta love the "also i took the girls with me" scene
First time I saw that cut scene... gross
Every time I see the "I wonder what Mihaly thought" I imagine the engines of the plane behind him turning on.
Call Erusea’s federal police on that guy
@@TheVergile lol yeah when I first saw that scene I thought "Holy shit he kidnapped them?"
"Then Trigger kills McKinsey."
I love your version of the canon already.
I agree with this
My attempt to explain Ace Combat plots to a friend:
"Ok, imagine political fiction as written by a twelve-year-old girl who wants to grow up to work on an oil rig, but would prefer if it had a flower garden."
That hamburger on the AWACS is brilliant, now you only need a sandwich
WingBreaker thanks for noticing that lol
@WingBreaker. I have only played ace combat cross rumble and ace combat 7, did not understand the burger reference but i see it was mentioned quite a few times. Would you mind explaining it?
lagowe yeo one of your AWACS operators is overtly obsessed with food and he has to eat on the job so he doesn’t screw up
lagowe yeo basically what Joshua said, an AWACS operator is obsessed with food ^^
I swear, why the hell Longcaster is so hungry?
Let's be honest, who didn't think Belka was behind all of this? Belka is part of Ace Combat, like fights in tunnels and superweapons.
But they weren't there with Emmeria or Estovakia I think
Thats what they want us to think
Jester aigaion
@@Jester8492 Belka helped build Agaion for Estovakia
@@Jester8492 actually some belkans were responsible for the construction of aigaion. And also one member of the Gault team from ace combat zero was among those who helped contruct aigaion, and is one of the aces you can shot down on the mission u destroy aigaion, he is "Feniks" if i m not wrong so yes in the end, it's all about those poor belkans
You forgot to mention that AC5 Waifu shows up at the end.
yeah, I'm waiting for the mention but it never come.
It was just a voice.
@@antmandj1760 She has a radio transmission image as well.
Was that Nagase of AC5 or the Kei Nagase that is like fan service or manga version?
@Julian Jackson 👌😘
AC8 is just gonna be Mobius One against Grunder run by the Gray Men plus AWWNB and Pixy who finally get rid of borders but all this does is lead to wars between corporations and you finally have a connection to AC3.
Pixy kinda renounced AWWNB tho, and he was fighting for ISAF in 2005, so he’d be on the same side as Mobius 1 if anything
I actually 1000% would want that.
Nick Fury They gonna yeet them borders together
And Trigger is a bad guy because f*ck the plot
Honestly if they gonna make something like in MGS2, that the grey man were controlling all (and they were all belkans avenging past), and you have to kill them, shit takes over the world and you have to save it. Again. And than one tiny corporation starts talking about pure capitalism and takes over a nice chunk of the world.
Oh and nanobots will be the superweapon.
And there will be nightraven prototype plane or something.
“Could you imagine having to ID your target” I love this piece of foreshadowing
I lost it at "Exposition News Network". Great stuff as usual man. Every video is better than the last!
Awacs frisbee replaced by burger. Sounds like long caster.
HANZ well you got the meat of the joke, now you just need the buns to touch it up.
But seriously, why were all of Long Caster’s lines sandwich related? XD
@@ZetaMAGES because he likes food, likely because AWACS crews are in-flight for a large portion of their time, likely resulting on being very hungry
Tactical Baguette some men are sandwich lovers...
*_hides in corner with sandwich_*
All I wanna know is how did the princess survive a missile to the face?
Took advice from Garrus Vakarian
Stole Harling's plot armor, obvi. That's why Harling dies with one missile and she doesn't.
She was naked in that space suit. That give you infinite armor if you are a chick in anime.
Gets blamed for killing Harling. With Missile. Shot down drone that triggers event with guns only
She has life set to Easy difficulty.
Story wasn’t confusing, but man I wish there were more big air battles, seems like every mission involves destroying to many ground forces.
The biggest air missions we get are like… mission 19 and mission 3-
DLC 1 definitely satisfied in that regard.
Finally someone says it.
Air to Air > Air to Ground
This will make a great story for my son.
*A Hideo Kojima flight simulator*
Needs more nanomachines and/or magic parasites.
needs more: "A game by hideo kojima" credits at the beginning and end of every mission
Belkan witchcraft.
@Exile we already got nanomachines and rouge AIs in AC3
3:55 is beyond way too accurate
Mihaly was Big Boss, and the two drones were Solid and Liquid.
The Les Enfant Terribles
Moebius and Yellow 13 are Solid and Liquid Snake 🤪
The drones are Metal Gear
Not sure what the problem is. Seems like the typical anime plot.
Especially due to Relena Peacecraft and the Snake cameo that goes nowhere. Is his script part of the DLC?
@@residentgrigo4701 Relena at least was somewhat of a fighter, although I will not argue that Wing is one of the weakest Gundam entries.
@@SkinnyBlackout good ms design and great bgm. The scene where heero rips up releenas bday invite is still hilarious. Honestly my biggest gripe is the absurd amount of reused footage. Even og seed wasnt on THAT level of stock footage.
@@YouJustAmazeMe My beef with it is that it's too damn long for this type of story and the characters open up only by the end of the plot. It took me 3 watchthroughs to really enjoy it. I enjoyed most other Gundam series from the first try and enjoy rewatching them to this day. The only oddballs are Victory, Wing and maybe 00 for being too damn convoluted. Victory however has one saving grace - it has a character you TRULY hate and probably the most depressing ending I've seen in any piece of media so far. Wing to me is just kind of "meh" for the most of the story. The only characters that are interesting to follow are Zechs and Treize. But that's my personal taste anyway. I fricking love Seed and it's the one that's hated by a big chunk of the community for some weird reason.
Bacon Lord all it needed was “it was all demons” plot twist and an abrupt ending
Honestly im dissapointed that you didn'tmention Mihaly's name.
But who's mihaly there's only solid Snake here
@@UltimaDoombotMK1 perhaps understandably he couldn't care much about mentioning.....*inhale...
Mihaly Dimitru Margreta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Carol Aeon....*Inhale.... Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas Archange Shilage
@@divecolosio4988 imagine being schroeder's VA.
"Hey uh, this script right?
This is the name.
I need to pronounce it?
In one breath?
Can i have a raise please?"
Honestly i cannot believe you only need 2 inhales for that ._.
@@fjhatsu simply the va directors be like, "Boy, you werr lucky that it isn't as long as that Jugemu Jugemu.... Err... Uhh.. Whatever Chosuke thing"
HE IS BIG BOSS!!! Who can't get enough of war!! War!!! That 2 drone at the end? It's Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.
Wow, I sure do hate those radar missions. Hold on, I'm gonna go on and do the world a MASSIVE favor. *C R A B R A V E I N T E N S I F I E S*
I'm actually ok with this one. It's not a slow escort section, doesn't last that long, and the wind adds a nice challenge to the shortcuts.
“Imagine if we had to Id our own targets, that would be not fun.” Yeah, about that...
If Belka didn't exist, so would AC7.
Belka did nothing wrong.
It's #BelkaDidnuNuffin
*Obliterates small country for fun*
I think trigger went sicko mode
To the town of Chopinburg rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say,
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had a big drone on his sky
Big drone on his sky
combat air patrols on USEA makes you wish for another continental war
Full Song:
"To the town of Chopinburg
Rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him
Didn't have too much to say,
No one dared to ask his business
No one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them
Had a big drone in his sky
Big drone in his sky.
It was early in the morning
When rode into the town
He came riding from the South
Sensors looking all around
'He's an Outlaw loose and running,'
Came the whisper from each lip
'And he's here to kill some aces,
And the big drone in his sky'
Big drone in his sky.
In this town there flew an Ace
By the name of Mister X
Many an ace had tried to take him
And those many aces were dead
He was vicious and a killer
though a gramps at seventy
And the kill marks on his Flanker
Numbered a hundred and nineteen more
A hundred and nineteen more.
Now the stranger started talking
Made it plain to folks around
He was an Osean Outlaw
Wouldn't be too long in town
He came here to shoot down an Ace
Slay the King and take his crown
He was after Mister X
After Mister X.
Wasn't long before the story
Was relayed to Mister X
But Mister X didn't worry -
Aces that tried before were dead
Hundred and nineteen had tried to take him
Hundred and nineteen had made a slip
Hundred and twenty would be the Outlaw
With the big drone in his sky
Big drone in his sky.
The campaign passed so quickly;
It was time for them to meet
It was Mission Seven
When they entered visual range
Folks were watching through the replays
Everybody held their breath
They knew this faceless soldier
Was about to meet his death
About to meet his death.
There was forty feet between them
When they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the Outlaw
Is still talked about today
Mister X had not leveled out
'Fore a QAAM fairly ripped
And the Outlaw's aim was true
No thanks to the big drone in his sky
Big drone in his sky.
It was over in a moment
And the folks had gathered round
There before them lay the wreck
of the Flanker in the ground
Oh, he might have on living
But he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the Outlaw
With the big drone in his sky
Big drone in his sky.
Big drone, Big drone
When he tried to match the Outlaw
With the big drone in his sky
Big drone in his sky."
You just reminded me that I need to finish my NV playthrough :^(
@@ongjunhong thank you for this masterpiece. Why isnt this comment pinned?!
@@ongjunhong Change "big drone in his sky" to "big QAAM on his hardpoint" and it'd be perfect
*B E L K A*
*D I D*
*I T*
Yo dont do my boy count dirty like that. He's at least nickelback cool
Agreed he's at least at long blonde Chad Kroeger level
He was one of the few tolerable characters in the game.
*kurt cobain: **cries**
This guy max0r made the connection 😄
10/10 very accurate, now into solitary!
One word to _summarize_ the whole story, of AC7 and yes they did it again it's freaking *Belka* alright. 😥
No mention of AWACS Long Caster and his hunger for...well anything? 7/10 Review -IGN
I bet he send Mr. Plinkett his address to receive some pizza rolls via mail.
Belka started the war? Imagine my shock.
Grunder Industries needs parental supervision
Definitely not the place for it, but I just noticed that Avril has three grease stains on her cheek, just like Trigger's sin lines.
One true pairing confirmed.
Remember Hoffnung...
Pixy Remembers Hoffnung
PJ doesn't
Lmao, shots fired!
I actually DID remember Hoffnung... while bombing the crap out of culturally significant Shilage Castle.
Yeah, hearing the screams of agony from innocent civilians as they burn to death from napalm... Good times :)
"The flames are spreading...Belkans city is going to burn to the ground".
Buddy, you forgot about jpeg Dog, how could you!
I laughed, and will forever be unable to get to that part without laughing.
The story is not confusing it's very easy to understand thanks for making this for the people who don't understand. Now I can show this to my friend.
Yeah but he explained the story and made it fun.
The story is not confusing? I found this more confusing than Final Fantasy XV's story, and that's saying something.
@@TheCyclicGamer a subfaction in a government tricks country into a war because of border tensions, economic and enviromental concerns due to development of a huge project that could possibly be used for military purposes that might break a peace treaty which was masterminded by a company building AI fighters to make profit and also exact revenge for a fallen homeland. The war escelates outside of anyone's control and you play a pilot who is put through the ringer and makes it out on top in the end of it all. This is all explain in the game and I understood this much in my first time through.
Meanwhile in final fantasy you are the chosen one/prince who is followed by an asshole, a clone/android thing idk the game never properly explains prompto in the main game, and ignis the only actual competent character of the group who has zero backstory. Your job is to fight demons that are born from darkness which are bad because something about a meteor held up by a god. Your citystate lost a war with a huge empire because the emperor wanted a large crystal that is important because it cleans the world of demons for some reason. Everything is masterminded by some immortal guy who shares your last name that the main game again never really explains who wants to either die by your hand or to win and kill the gods depending on his mood at the moment. In order to get a basic grasp of the plot of FFXV you need you buy 4 DLC which actually makes the plot more confusing and watch a cg movie and an animated short to understand the basics of the plot that when all put together actually contradict eachother if you put some thought into it. AC7 doesn't have the most straight foward plot but it is miles above FFXV. Please don't misunderstand this wall of text as a defence of the quality of writing of AC7. Just saying you holding up FFXV's writing above AC7 is disingenuous at worst and hyperbolic at best.
I completely lost it with the AWACS hamburger equiped plane in the preview. xD
I lost it at "HARLING IS GONE"
And hello again, Lizard 1.
+Ultima DoombotMK1 Hahah with the background song. xD Hi Infinity 1!
Skies Unknown was my first time playing an Ace Combat game. So all the story was just a lot of unknown names and places being dropped left and right. Didn't even know what side I was on. All I knew was that there were jets to shoot out of the sky. So that's what I did. And some how I became a hero.
9 years of continuous peace.
This was hilarious
Belka not only has a plan B but also a plan C through Z
suprise twist: every plan is the same as plan A anyways. suprise suprise twist: somehow they still get away with it
**Dutch Van der Linde wants to know your location**
Oh and pass me that Sandwich
This is so sad can we go dance with the angels?
This is so sad, Alexa, drop 7 nukes on our own soil to avoid surrendering
*《Roger that.》*
Ace Combat 7 Plot Emotions in a Nutshell:
Mage Arc: Exposition, nothing special
Spare Arc: Oh, well, that started off rough, but OHH BOOY ITS GETTING REAL GOOD ANNNNDDD
And it's just gonna end like that? With a simple escort mission? And what about Tabloid? And Bandog? We just got some groundwork, some real character development down and you just put it all aside with an escort mission?
Strider Arc Part 1: Well, I'm really feeling the difference in professionalism and helpfulness, I'm feeling godly, we're gonna beat these Eruseans so hard! And...
Erusean Civil War: Well we got Farbanti, everything's going to shit, there's a civil war going on, this shit has real moral storytelling potential but instead...
Endgame: ...the writer just gave up, threw up their arms, and face rolled Belka all over the place. Congratulations, you have just written the singularly most potential-filled and consequentially most disappointing video game plot ever. Honestly, it makes me sad-the project aces writing team feels like it laid the groundwork for half a dozen skyscrapers and failed to build any of them. But in the end, the only message Project Aces sent was that all ethnic Belkans should be cleansed from Strangereal.
Tabloid got taken out by falling debris (which, btw, is the lamest way to kill off a character they dedicated so much screen time to), Bandog disappeared the mission right after a potentially character-defining moment (killing Full Band), the princess appeared for a single scene, disappeared, then came out of nowhere to flip a switch to kill the Arsenal Bird...
Let’s be honest here. If they keep painting your entire nation to be the bad guys all the damn time, then sooner or later, you’re just gonna convince a good lot of them to drive you all down to hell for stereotyping them.
I want a Belkan-centric AC game next or I’m just gonna get sick and tired of all this “BELKA IS EVIL. OSEA GUD” narrative they kept pushing at us since AC5. No wonder Grabacr 1 was soooooo angry at the Oseans lol.
@@Stupefied66 It's because Project Aces only likes to star supposedly "democratic" nations, so the lore gets biased towards them.
I just hope for them to create a game where we can play as Yuktobania being attacked by neighbors or similar.
@@Stupefied66 It's time to give a break to Osean-related stuff.
The Final Ace Combat game involving strangereal should have all of the player characters as one squadron and have the option to make it a co-op campaign.
So Avengers but Ace Combat? And what's the endgame, erasing Belka from Strangereal, not just the country but the entire land?
Didn't most of the demon lord's squadron die?
I am disappointed you didn’t talk about jaeger mentioning his son 20 times
I'm pretty sure something like "oh shit the guy who wrote the first half of the story just killed and the one who took his place want to rewrite it but we already finishing most canping mission what should we do" happen in between AC7's 3 year development span.
Ace Combat 7: the last jedi
When I see Arsenal Bird I was like "A weapon to surpass metal gear!"
The best part of the game? That “Italian bistro” which Long Caster wouldn’t shut up about.
So canonicaly Italy existed
"If it's just human Pilots, than war is...good?"
Pretty much what i was thinking when i got to the end
I still have to applaud the voice actor for evil belkan science man for his ability to read Mihaly's ten names in a row without losing composure. But we all know that his real name is Snake and war has definitely changed
Princess Cossette's plot armor is even stronger than MisterX/Mihaly (she takes a missile to the face while jumping, but still talking on comms in later missions).
I think the general consensus is that Count saw her in his way so he took the missile to save her, but they edited it to make it look like she got blown to bits, only to have her come back totally fine with zero explanation.
Belka and Erusia: NEVER
There was so much potential with the story but of course..... they had to make belka the bad guys and not mention mobius 1.
Yeah, the story is definitely muttered and confused, and the saddest part is, it could've been pretty good if they just changed a few things. For example:
First, instead of Trigger going to jail because he killed the President (A moment which is so absurd that I couldn't stop laughing), have it be instead that he was part of a secret Black Ops Unit designed to do the dirty work for Osea; and to both spy and sabotage Erusea due to Osea's growing paranoid, believing Erusea to be plotting something . Now naturally, this means Trigger and his squadron do some really terrible things which eventually culminate into them bombing a city filled with civilians, mainly thanks to Erusea finding out about the Unit and pulling a lot of strings to create a war between the two with massive public support on Erusea's side. Of course, Osea would try to save face by throwing the entire Unit in jail and saying that the Unit went rogue, but this works just as well as you'd expect.
Trigger himself would also be different to reflect this: he almost always tries to find any excuse he can find to cause more war crimes and casualties, he is described as always carrying a smile on his face no matter what, casually laughs while in the middle of bombing civilians, and all of this while not ever uttering a single word. Even his own squadron filled with similarly horrible people become terrified of him, and this gets so bad that eventually they try to find any reason possible to get away from him.
Mihaly would also be expanded upon, he's a part of a secret squadron of mercenaries that are hired to eliminate squadrons or pilots that show potential, specifically those who seem like they are going to be the next Demons of Razgriz or Mobius; and especially if they share traits like silence and inhuman piloting abilities (termed the "Cipher Phenomenon", named after Cipher, a phenomenon where after a few years, a mute pilot of unknown origin will appear and destroy everything in his path before disappearing in thin air).
Mihaly would be pretty much the same as he was in the game, except a greater focus on his addiction to flying, and having to constantly choose between being in the skies and being with his daughters. This addiction is exploited by Erusea who gives him two choices: either live the rest of his days on the ground with his addiction eating away at him, or work for Erusea and act as a test pilot for advancing their drone AI. He reluctantly agrees, and Erusea proceeded to exploit everything that he was worth, overworking him beyond belief, forcing him to do horrendous things throughout the war, and putting the blame all on him to keep their image clean.
Princess Rosa, instead of being the preachy anti-war and anti-technology annoyance, she would instead be a magnificent bastard who had been trying to start the war right from the get-go. She puts on a facade to appear as a overly optimistic and naive Princess who loves her citizens and would never let harm come to them, but behind it, she is highly pessimistic and manipulative. Sure, she may care about her citizens somewhat, but seeing an opportunity to "Make Erusea Great Again", the ends justified the means. Setting her sights on Osea, she used any chance she could to go on a propaganda parade against them, and when she learned about the Space Elevator and Arsenal Birds, oh boy, did she have a field day about that. Finally seeing her opportunity when Trigger's Unit was discovered, she puts out all the stops, and while some Erusean politicians try to stop her; it is only a slight inconvenience, and her plan goes off smoothly with Osea taking all the heat.
Avril wouldn't be in it because the cutscenes would mainly focus on Trigger's Squadron, Mihaly, and Princess Rosa; Avril would just be a waste of space.
And for the first time in Ace Combat history, Belka wouldn't be the ones who manipulated the war and instead be the ones trying everything to end it as a way to redeem themselves. Sadly, thanks to all the times Belka was Belka and almost the entirety of Erusea being firmly in Rosa's pocket, they are mostly ignore or are believed to be doing what Belka is best known for. Eventually, when the war starts to get out of hand with nation after nation wanting to get in on the action, creating a full-on bloodbath; Belka starts to get desperate to end it, and decides to plugin an advanced AI whose sole goal is to stop the war, but has been extremely limited in what it can do.
This AI quickly uses a small number of drones supplied by Belka to wreck absolute havoc and starts offing aces left, right, and center. Though, Belka underestimated how advanced the AI actually was and it is soon shown to be fully sentient by hacking a large quantity of drones, and even secretly contacting a number of aces including Mihaly (who has been so overworked by this point that anything is better than working with Erusea) to join forces. Their plan being that since humans have largely been unsuccessful at ruling themselves, letting greed guide them instead of working towards a better, peaceful world; they would be much better off having a AI maintain order and peace instead. They plan to do this by creating an even more advanced AI, one with the combined skills of all the aces in their arsenal to ensure no one could go against it.
Of course, pretty much every nation was opposed to this, and joined forces in order to quickly put a stop to their parade and destroy the place where the AI is plugged into. This small little group, however, proves to be more resilient than expected, and time is running out. They decide to give on last push with everything they have, with Trigger, "The Devil's Advocate", leading the charge.
Mihaly's Squadron intercepts him, trying to buy some time for Mihaly, but are no match for Trigger; and are eventually wiped out. Though they bought just enough time as Mihaly appears using a prototype X-02S with modifications to allow the pilot to absorb even more G-Force than ever before. The battle is grueling as while Mihaly is clearly in the best position, he's severely outnumbered 100 to 1, and eventually, Trigger is finally able to hit the finishing blow.
As Mihaly's going down, he expresses his regret to Trigger, believing himself to be responsible for the entire war; and that no matter how hard he tried to stop himself, every fiber of his body wouldn't allow him to stay back on the ground. Before his radio cuts out, he is heard saying he's sorry and he failed his old Yellow friend.
Finally, as the AI sees the tides are turning fast, has one last ace up its sleeve. Its been secretly analyzing Trigger while he was busy fighting Mihaly and his Squadron, and has been preparing a last stand against him. Using a ADF-11F Raven (looking like a combination between the X-02 and ADF-01, along with ECM instead of a TLS to buy itself some time), and proceeds to hold off Trigger and tons of other Squadrons for as long as possible.
Even after getting hit by four missiles, it still stays in the air, and still manages to down ace after ace until Trigger finally manages to shoot a missile directly at one of its wings; destroying it. No longer having enough stability to stay in the air, the ADF-11F Raven starts losing altitude. While the AI's aircraft purges to the ground, the AI thanks Trigger, saying that while it wasn't the best possible outcome, peace has been achieved once again. Before being destroyed, the AI proposes a question for Trigger, asking which one of them was right, and telling him that he has the right and responsibility to find that out.
As the conflict finally ends, most of the countries looking for a scapegoat for their actions, blame Belka for the entire war; stating that their AI proved that they were looking for revenge again and manipulated all of it. Belka tried to defend itself, but no one came to its aid; and so, Belka was yet again given unfavorable terms, and this time, for the war they tried to end. All while Osea and Erusea got away mostly scot-free, sure there were some riots, but asides from that, nothing at all.
Trigger managed to escape during the confusion after the battle against the ADF-11F Raven, and rumors go that he is now a mercenary. His former Squadron swears they see him from time to time.
And that's, that.
A little idea in my head that I thought would be a bit more interesting than what we actually got.
Why spend probably hours writing all of this down? Mostly boredom.
Wew good story anyway
@@maizen1403 Thank you, it was a fun time writing it all down.
actually i was really hoping for the "trigger actually DID kill him. Turns out you are the evil guy" twist
@@TheVergile Fully agree with you there, if we are going to jail for killing the president, don't just make it that instead it was a ungodly absurd conspiracy that killed him and that we were just being framed.
This is Ace Combat.
Not Suicide Squad x Terminator x Gundam x Code Geass.
Honestly, the story should have stayed with Spare Squadron. Going from the absolute dregs of the Osean military to literal death on wings would have been pretty cool to see and be a part of.
That Labarth part was so on point, i've had to watch it on youtube because i guess everybody was too focused on the actual mission to pay attention to his monologue
It's not an AC game if the plot wasn't a result of the Belkan war.
AC7 was fun
Belka is Germany of Strangereal
*That explains why in every major war, it's always Belka's fault*
Thank you so much for this. I've been playing since 2000 and I can't believe I've never stumbled upon your channel. Hoping you blow up.
I just finished AC7 for he first time and the line “it’s finally staring to get interesting and it only took oh.... 15 missions to get here” nails it.
Trigger : Take off
Bandog : Solditary
The highly accurate explanation genuinely made more sense than the game's actual story.
''She smashed her head with the canopy and dies''
*True* *story* to tell my son about
Belka: we did it again, BOIS XD
For those who want to know what song is at 2:04, it's called Crab Rave by Noisestorm.
Thank you!
You were right about predicting to fly through the space elevator
Finally, a series to surpass maxors incorrect summaries
Yeah avie just likes not washing her hands and staring at the sun because that makes sense
1:22 well to be fair Porsche, Toyota and Mercedes made a lot of things that weren't exactly cars in WW2 but the Allies let them all exist after it was over, so Gründer still existing after the war isn't that far fetched
Mihaly felt justified in lecturing his own countrymen about the supposed meaninglessness of nations and yet he himself clung to an escapist fantasy "kingdom" just so he could be free from the burdens and responsibilities of the real world.
Honestly, Mihaly was an interesting character, I just wish he had more time to grow as a character. In fact I wish the entire AC7 story had more time to grow.
Your video is a 100/10. I laughed so much. You sure got talent Blaze. Keep it up!
This is so perfect. I just beat the game last weekend.
I think most reviews have been pretty fair to the game. It's good but not fantastic and just a bit dated in design. But it's definitely not 7/10 like IGN says. I would give it more like an 8
Anyway keep up these super hilarious videos :)
Adam Davis IGN gave it a 7/10 because the moron who played it to do the review used novice controls.
The whole review was a joke
SavagePavich Yep IGN is the CNN of videogame news.
Why doesn't IGN use a bunch of employees to do their reviews instead of one? Pretty damn stupid one person is responsible for a whole game's review and only used novice controls. Has he even played the previous games?
John D. Hlad they probably do have multiple people do the reviews and since they don’t play the games they don’t know how to play.
Just found your channel from visiting the subreddit for the first time. Good work dude instant subscription
Oh Belka...still can't get over the prank and failed, for the third time.
I don't know who you are my friend, but your sarcasm is pure gold. If you don't stop making videos like this.... I will find you, and I will thank you.
Edit: I'm cracking up every 10 seconds, thank you
The harling is gone thing killed me
I've been waiting a very long time for this video
Thanks for the recap. To me the story is confusing because the cutscenes all focus on the girl while almost all the missions are with Trigger. That and as you pointed out, it takes 15 missions for anything to really start moving.
i like the part when u attack the base at night blow up eveything and they be like WAKE UP THE BASE COMMANDER
I’m new to the series, and I gotta say I love the story. I finally found some time to play beyond level 2 because of the quarantine and I loved all of it. The planes, the views. Honestly I think it’s one of the best games ever made.
Ur wrong lol
I love it how you play Snake Eater everytime Mihaly shows up