Haiwawoo..hamuende kuchurch imi..hamuna ruregerero..the way you showed ruvengo kuna amai ava mmmm. Actually, i xhallenge the family to go and find records..akatemwa nebadza...zvese hapana kana chinoratidza kunamata kwemhuri yurume akatemwa.....makadii kubvunza mwana.....ruvengo munarwoo henyu ende mese imi denga racho tichaona kana mukasvika padoor
If she didnt do that ndiye aifa guys ...dai ari murume akauraya taiti kudiii....as man we have to stop GBV...and love our Queens ....vakadzi vanongoda rudo
Team another chance please try to find vasungwa vamboti garei mujere kwete zvekuti munhu asati atimboita kana 1/4 of the sentence to go and ask for forgiveness, it's too early for the families to forgive because their memories are still fresh
Vanhu vamwari Kutaura chokwadi nyaya iyi yakaoma ok Saka dai murume akatema mukadzi here tarisai both sides vanhu weee kungoti murume akazofa hake but ndiye akatoiya nedemo achida kutema mukadzi.zvakaoma may his soul rest in peace 😭😭😭😭😭
Pakaoma mudikani, Chenai reports kuti aida kutema rimwe gumbo but demo rakaenda mumusoro, consistency ye sequence yechitiiko ichi - Chenai ka chokwadi chaicho unochiziva, Chen-Tyson uyu needs rubatsiro kana apedza her own soul searching and reflecting on the death of her husband.
Ndinowirana newe Tryphine. Mukadzi aigona kunge ndiye akafa. Mwana anga aripo ngaape pfungwa dzake. However, if she had the chance to run away after taking the axe she should have run away with it or after axing him the leg she should not have wanted to repeat.
It's so sad it was self defence mufunge sad though. Ndabatikana mufunge very sorry chenai . Mhuri yakarasikirwa sorry zvenyu ASI zvaingoenda the other way round futi.
Domestic violence always ends in tears. When one member of a family is violent to their partner, the family should reprimand that person. We will never know the truth. May this be a lesson to the nation.
I think it's too early for Chenai to ask for forgiveness considering time when the incident happens. Their memories are still fresh, dai adzoka at least after 5 years not now, even neni I can't tolerate that
It's never too late or soon to ask 4 forgiveness even though e wound is still fresh coz it's gonna up to e victims if thy wanna frgive her .......but I think this was a self defense.....she was trying to protect herself .......
Its not too early to ask for forgiveness.but chakakosha kt munhu aziva akatadza that's why akada kukumbira ruregereri vangatadze havo kumuregerera but mwari atomuregerera . But ndikada kutarisa kuhama dza murume wake especially vanamaiguru vanoratidza kt vese vanga vakavenga chenai ,so hapana pavangataure part yekunaka kwa chenai it's obviously vanototaura zvakaipa but it's not fair . sorry chenai I know wakaita izvi usingade pane chakakonzeresa. Be strong everything is gonna be ok.may God protect you until you finish your sentence.and come back for your child 🙏🙏
@@tryphinenduru9546 Your words are pure wisdom yes kana zvadai hapana pavangazotaura zvakanaka zvaakamboitawo now that mhosva iri kuna iye Chenai ko dai vanga vari ivowo vana mainini vainge vavingwa ne demo vaiitawo sei ...Sometimes we judge because we have never been in those shoes
Zvakakosha zvikuru kuti Chenai anyatsoburitsa pfungwa neumbowo hwekuzvishora pachiitiko chakaitika. Kataura chokwadi, zvekuti akambotemwa nebadza kana chiri chokwadi, zvakapinzwa panguva isina kufanira zvikaita sekunge aida kuzvi defender rutivi rwake nekusvibisawo mufi. Normally, zvinopa kushushikana kukuru kuzviwona uriwe muchimiro china Chenai sazvino. Kurasikirwa nemurume, mhuri mativi ese ichikushora nemwana akadzurirwa mapango ese panguva imwe chete. Dai vechirongwa Another Chance vaimbotora nguva kudzidzisa vasungwa vawana mukana wakakosha uyu kunyatsotambidza chikumbiro nezvidiso zviri pamoyo yavo. Ngazvinyatobuda kuti dai aiwana mukana wesarudzo pachiitiko chekare haana aimbosarudza sezvaakaita pakutanga. I don't doubt Chenai is sincerely remorseful and I applaud her courage to withstand the shame in pursuit of peace and reconciliation. Peace and love to the human family.
But chenai l think une anger iwe pachako ,l think you were not ready enough to face these 2 families ,haudzire vanhu zvekuita l feel like hauna kuzvininipisa sei kuudza vanhu vane hama yavo yawakauraya kuti ngatifambei,ruregerero rwacho haruzonyatso kubuda manje zvisinei zvakatoitika hazvo,l feel sorry for both families, vakaurairwa mwana wavo haachadzoke,kumhuriwo kwake wapare ngozi zvorwadza
It was self defence not cold blooded murder. But pane history og GBV. And ndiwo magumo acho..Either the lady was gonna die or the husband. The husband akazongo kurirwa because he was drunk.
This story broke my heart I think kune ngozi kumba uku. My friend was murdered by a Togara guy in 2015 from Chivhu. Kuchekwa musoro sure Martha. May her dear soul rest in eternal peace.
@@miriammafiyamafiya people dont defend themselves by killing. If she was truly defending herself the judge and the assessors and even her lawyers would have believed it. She is a cold blooded killer. Chimhondi chisimbori repentant
I think mwana aifana kuiswa pawitness stand coz ndiye akaona baba vakabata demo....if what she is saying it's true then our justice system it's a circus
This story is very complicated to say the least. I would likrto believe it was self defense nkt haasiye ajatora demo. Chepiri vanhu vemumusha vanenge vanga vakatovenga msi ava maybe nkt anozvishandira or zvimwewo zvkt hazvishamisi vari ivo vaitaura zvemurume anouya pamba dziri nhema ft. Chetatu, achine hasha Chenai uyu nkt arikutadza kunzwisisa kut ko vanhu vaakunditi ndashata sei ini ndirini ndakanga ndourawa. . All is in the past now, face the reality ,kumbira ruregerero chete , there is life after incarceration
Frankly the lady needs to forgive herself frst for this gruesome murder ' we acrually don't know what really transpired but with the look of things I rule a murder on her case .
Xaz nekuti ndiye akazo temwa akafa ko dai aka tema Mai ava varivo vakafa demo Aida Reyi Vanhu vanoda ku Humana pairohwa Mai ava vaisa taura nekuti mwana wavo ndiye ayi rova mwana we vamwe aaarg varume vano jairira vanhuu
Chenai uyu is a drummer queen kutaurisa and it's all about herself wakauraya kungoti sorry chete was much better than setting her own demands and that history could have been avoided. I believe ndiya akatora demo considering that man was so drunk not sure kuti unotema munhu gumbo and how was she trying another leg with such anger no mani anonyepa hake. Kuuraya kuuraya no matter the circumstances. Paakatema gumbo that could be chance to run for life not that tsanangudzo. I didn't see the apologies she telling people what she wants kana abuda uuuum not clever enough.
Kana akatora demo Aisafanira kusimudza demo katatu ,dai akatora demo akarikanda uko or kutotiza naro for help since this man was intoxicated ,she had clearly overpowered him .she shld hv dodged all this
Hanzi vakuwasha vanenge vachitamba pabhawa zvekudenha ,GBV yakaitwa Apa kungoti pakazorasika hupenyu vakadzi tikutambura sure, l feel sorry kumwana akaona movie rese atove traumatized for life Apa Gogo mai vemunhu hanzi vakupenga so sad it shall be well with you Chennai
Hama dzemurume dzirikurwadziwa yes but they have to considerate as well because what would have happen to Chenai dai akatangirwa. Mwana ndiye anehumbowo kuti demo akauya nani
Let the Law do justice. Akauraya ngaakohwe zvaakadyara. Zvekuti self defense rato drama risina basa. Dai ari murume maisamboti I self defense,maitoti ngaasumgwe. Ngatitorei mhosva tichitora vaviri ava se hadzvadzi dzedu. Dai iri hadzvadzi yako yaurayiwa waisamboda kunzwa zvekuti second chance izvi maitongoti mhondi imhondi. GBV doesn't apply to women chete , it applies to all. Zvekuda kuchema chema 14 years nekuti une mwana waifana kuzvifunga usati wabata demo. If the man was abusive to leave the relationship.
Domestic violence leads to disaster. This man got what he wanted. This woman should be a free woman. I feel for the daughter who witnessed this gruesome incident.
Zvakaoma hazvo, inini ndongoti ukaona uine hasha zama kuzvidzora , ukaona kuti hasha dzakanyanyisa walk away, nekuti zuva rengozi harizikanwe apa mhepo yacho hama dzaitoti ndo zvaari kureva zvakabvira kare kurovana ikoko , demon richitokura kusvika kusimudza simbi kutaura kutj nhasi ndomuuraya 😳so sorry to the child , both families, as for u Chenai ask God to forgive u first , then forgive your self, then go to your husband family and say sorry then your family.
So sad ndadzidza kuti. Domestic violence Haina kunanaka kana matadza kugarisana better to separate pane kuzourayana .my heart bleeds kumwana nekuona zvakadai
Domestic abuse and violence destroy people emotionally, mentally, physically, psychologically, and financially. Please, people, let us work on normalising it because all women testified that it happens and it's normal. I believe communication and self-control in relationships are important because anyone can be either in such an environment, depending on the situation. Dai Chenai aitirwa nyasha naMwari baba vamupewo moyo wakaputsika nekuti zvakamumbundira zvinemhasuru. Munhu anogarisana nevanhu zvakanakisisa anooneka kuburikadza nevaanogarisana navo. Haungashayewo kanamumwechete anomirawo newe.
Haiwawoo..hamuende kuchurch imi..hamuna ruregerero..the way you showed ruvengo kuna amai ava mmmm. Actually, i xhallenge the family to go and find records..akatemwa nebadza...zvese hapana kana chinoratidza kunamata kwemhuri yurume akatemwa.....makadii kubvunza mwana.....ruvengo munarwoo henyu ende mese imi denga racho tichaona kana mukasvika padoor
If she didnt do that ndiye aifa guys ...dai ari murume akauraya taiti kudiii....as man we have to stop GBV...and love our Queens ....vakadzi vanongoda rudo
Waita hako hanzvadzi
Exactly 💯.
Mataura chokwadi
I really agree with u Mr ryt man .....thts wt women wants e most ...
Eishy this is sad zvorwadza btr kurambaanaa if marriage is not working than killing each other
Its a very helpful program it will be nice to insert English captions for international audience thank you
ndiwo makuhwa iwayo 😂
You are a Chief indeed! You speak with authority and very wise words!
Exciting show 😢😢, what's exciting about kufa kwemunhu
Uuummm Chenai uyu akangwarisa handifunge kana achigarika naye kunzvimbo yaanogara nevavakidzani vake chaivo, akachenjeresa pakutaura
Thank you ...honai face yake
So munoda kuti ataure sei kuty muone akapusa
Ndamushora pakuudza vanhu zvekuita its a no . Thanks kumabrothers aChenai anotaura zvine hunyoro
Mkadz uyu anonyepa kani inzwa zvataurwa nehama dzcho chte? Ko masimbi aimasimudzirei kooo kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? 2 haagone kana kukumbira ruregerero kwacho ft akuda ktopomera vanhu vaakatadzira ft vnhu vkadai variko in life vsinkabvume kt vari wrong they try to turn nyya kut iite yako No justification pakuponda mnhu mkadz uyu ane nhema akuzama kuzvinatsira nekupomera vnhu vaakatadzira ft
Zvakaoma shuwa, inogona yaive self defence shuwa, mamwe marriages kuita kunge world war shuwa
Musadaro murume munhu
Chief thank you for wise leadership. Tiriko Chiredzi
Team another chance please try to find vasungwa vamboti garei mujere kwete zvekuti munhu asati atimboita kana 1/4 of the sentence to go and ask for forgiveness, it's too early for the families to forgive because their memories are still fresh
Maybe munhu anenge akuda kufa so anenge achida kufa akumbira forgiveness
😢eish ngaze ngakhala mara why mama uze ubulale ubaba wabantwabakho kabuhlungu kungi ungabalekanga noma ngaze upike kodwa lento owayenzayo izakudla uze uyegodini ukubaleka kuhle mani ayii
Asi demo raka uya ne muchakabvu munin'ina wenyu achida kutema mukadzi akazo kundwa saka tinofanira kutarisa mativi ose kwete kuti mungotarisa kufa kwehama yenyu yakatemwa musingatarise kuti ndiye akauya nedemo racho achida kutemw Chenai
Taurai zvenyu.Vakwasha vanofanira kutoripa mhosva yakaitwa nehama yavo yekuda kutema Chenai nedemo uye kuzokonzeresa ngozi mumusha maanatezvara nerufu rwakaunzwa nedemo racho raakauya naro
Mkadz uyu anonyepa kani inzwa zvataurwa nehama dzcho chte? Ko masimbi aimasimudzirei kooo kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? 2 haagone kana kukumbira ruregerero kwacho ft akuda ktopomera vanhu vaakatadzira ft vnhu vkadai variko in life vsinkabvume kt vari wrong they try to turn nyya kut iite yako No justification pakuponda mnhu mkadz uyu ane nhema akuzama kuzvinatsira nekupomera vnhu vaakatadzira ft
Vanhu vamwari Kutaura chokwadi nyaya iyi yakaoma ok Saka dai murume akatema mukadzi here tarisai both sides vanhu weee kungoti murume akazofa hake but ndiye akatoiya nedemo achida kutema mukadzi.zvakaoma may his soul rest in peace 😭😭😭😭😭
Asi Ka ko pakuzotema gumbo nemusoro apa ichiri self defence here nhai Sisi ?
Very true saka vanhu maida kut mkadz ndiye aurayiwe here tarisai nyaya kwese
Pakaoma mudikani, Chenai reports kuti aida kutema rimwe gumbo but demo rakaenda mumusoro, consistency ye sequence yechitiiko ichi - Chenai ka chokwadi chaicho unochiziva,
Chen-Tyson uyu needs rubatsiro kana apedza her own soul searching and reflecting on the death of her husband.
Ndinowirana newe Tryphine. Mukadzi aigona kunge ndiye akafa. Mwana anga aripo ngaape pfungwa dzake. However, if she had the chance to run away after taking the axe she should have run away with it or after axing him the leg she should not have wanted to repeat.
@@leontaruvinga1847yes it’s self defended. Zimbabweans support domestic violence from men. It’s sad.
Baba vataura pekupedzisira vekwsmombeshora thumbs up. Hanzi hatidi mablue lies
Thanks presenter you are doing great may God continue to guide you
There was domestic violence from both sides. The other family must also admit their son’s violence
Very true
But when asking for forgiveness you don't shift blame
@@gloriamarvellousmutindivar5349 Let’s just say both parties are still in pain. The process was done too soon.
@@angelakwaramba9752 yeah
Uyo hake avamujeri kkkkkkk domestic violence its a nooo, walk away kana zvaipa
The Kid will forever be traumatized some pain you can never take away 💔
Mom's iyi inemamhepo yakatouraya ichida.
It's so sad it was self defence mufunge sad though. Ndabatikana mufunge very sorry chenai . Mhuri yakarasikirwa sorry zvenyu ASI zvaingoenda the other way round futi.
Self defense yekuswera uchi gymer...ko kunyepa kuti ndakatemwa ne badza zvisingazivikanwe
Domestic violence always ends in tears. When one member of a family is violent to their partner, the family should reprimand that person. We will never know the truth. May this be a lesson to the nation.
I think it's too early for Chenai to ask for forgiveness considering time when the incident happens. Their memories are still fresh, dai adzoka at least after 5 years not now, even neni I can't tolerate that
It's never too late or soon to ask 4 forgiveness even though e wound is still fresh coz it's gonna up to e victims if thy wanna frgive her .......but I think this was a self defense.....she was trying to protect herself .......
Its not too early to ask for forgiveness.but chakakosha kt munhu aziva akatadza that's why akada kukumbira ruregereri vangatadze havo kumuregerera but mwari atomuregerera . But ndikada kutarisa kuhama dza murume wake especially vanamaiguru vanoratidza kt vese vanga vakavenga chenai ,so hapana pavangataure part yekunaka kwa chenai it's obviously vanototaura zvakaipa but it's not fair . sorry chenai I know wakaita izvi usingade pane chakakonzeresa. Be strong everything is gonna be ok.may God protect you until you finish your sentence.and come back for your child 🙏🙏
@@tryphinenduru9546 well said
@@tryphinenduru9546 Your words are pure wisdom yes kana zvadai hapana pavangazotaura zvakanaka zvaakamboitawo now that mhosva iri kuna iye Chenai ko dai vanga vari ivowo vana mainini vainge vavingwa ne demo vaiitawo sei ...Sometimes we judge because we have never been in those shoes
Zvakakosha zvikuru kuti Chenai anyatsoburitsa pfungwa neumbowo hwekuzvishora pachiitiko chakaitika. Kataura chokwadi, zvekuti akambotemwa nebadza kana chiri chokwadi, zvakapinzwa panguva isina kufanira zvikaita sekunge aida kuzvi defender rutivi rwake nekusvibisawo mufi.
Normally, zvinopa kushushikana kukuru kuzviwona uriwe muchimiro china Chenai sazvino. Kurasikirwa nemurume, mhuri mativi ese ichikushora nemwana akadzurirwa mapango ese panguva imwe chete.
Dai vechirongwa Another Chance vaimbotora nguva kudzidzisa vasungwa vawana mukana wakakosha uyu kunyatsotambidza chikumbiro nezvidiso zviri pamoyo yavo. Ngazvinyatobuda kuti dai aiwana mukana wesarudzo pachiitiko chekare haana aimbosarudza sezvaakaita pakutanga.
I don't doubt Chenai is sincerely remorseful and I applaud her courage to withstand the shame in pursuit of peace and reconciliation.
Peace and love to the human family.
Nyaya ndainzwa ndasiririswa zvangu but babie renhau iro uuuuummmmm caught my eye, very pretty 😂
Cc Marve you looking good keep it up.
Pafeya that man did that to himself,Demo aridii. He was armed to hurt her too.unfortunately he under estimated her capabilities.
Taura dai Chenai asinawo kusimba aitourayiwa. Vanhu vajaira kuona vakadzi vechiurayiwa nevarume. I self defense aidai akaurayiwa.
True , dayi Ari Chennai akawurayiwa
Asi Chenai kuuraya agara aitoda zvekuuraya
@@gracie2world Imhondi iyi. Yaitorova maPress ups nekusimudza masimbi ichiti nhasi panofa munhu
Pane anzwawo here divi remufi???
Murume akarova mukadzi hanzi shinga zvinowanika. Apa zvaipa nekuti murume atangirwa
Ahh saka bhoo urayai but mucha mama nengozi
Zvakaoma mainini Chenai kuparira nzinza💔💔 thank you mkoma Joe nekumira naye kwaMambo
Ihama yako here dear?
@@sandrapanyangara8324 yes kwaTogara kwakaroorwa big sister yamama 💔💔
Chinotanga kukumbira ruregerero zvekufamba it’s a later stage
But chenai l think une anger iwe pachako ,l think you were not ready enough to face these 2 families ,haudzire vanhu zvekuita l feel like hauna kuzvininipisa sei kuudza vanhu vane hama yavo yawakauraya kuti ngatifambei,ruregerero rwacho haruzonyatso kubuda manje zvisinei zvakatoitika hazvo,l feel sorry for both families, vakaurairwa mwana wavo haachadzoke,kumhuriwo kwake wapare ngozi zvorwadza
Taura hako aifanirwa kuwuya akazvininipisa nekuchemera kuregererwa achiti ndakatadza kwete kuyi awedzere ronda pamusoro perimwe
Ipapo aresva
Great job dear pa dressing sis, zvinotendwa 🤝
Nhai nhai
HBV violence, murume uyo Aida kuuraya mukadzi nenyaya yemakuhwa ndokusaka akafa.
Thanks presenter for improving pa dressing
and make -up
@@cmusarurwa6309 kwasara matauriro
Chenai achiri bhanditi ngaambogara mujeri. She has no right to come and lay demands to the aggrieved. Plus kunyeba futi.
It was self defence not cold blooded murder. But pane history og GBV. And ndiwo magumo acho..Either the lady was gonna die or the husband. The husband akazongo kurirwa because he was drunk.
Haaaa self defense yekuswera uchi gymer here
This story broke my heart I think kune ngozi kumba uku. My friend was murdered by a Togara guy in 2015 from Chivhu. Kuchekwa musoro sure Martha. May her dear soul rest in eternal peace.
I know this story of Martha n Togara, ummmmmm it was so painful, May her soul rest in eternal peace.
Chivhu ma 1 ndo futi kumaraini kwa Brian Mupaiki
Taura hako@@moreblessingmuradzikwa8471
Fantastic Mave, thanks for that
Aibo we don't understand the language do subtitles in English plz because some of us we are south Africans
I wish u could have ENGLISH subtitles so that other people can understand too
They don't care about any one who is not Shona
All i can say is," DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES" We will always have one side of the story. Its sad life was lost
Very true ey
This was too soon. Everyone is till angry. That Chenai is a cold hearted murderer
Exactly it's too early, nyaya ichiri fresh iyi, vanhu vachine hasha
Munhu uyu haana kuda kupara mhosva ASI aitozvinunurawo
@@miriammafiyamafiya people dont defend themselves by killing. If she was truly defending herself the judge and the assessors and even her lawyers would have believed it. She is a cold blooded killer. Chimhondi chisimbori repentant
Your shows are good but nyaya dzacho hadzisi clear dzese. make sure that they explain everything from background and how it happens.
Vanonyepa mai ava
This was self defense
Kana zvavari kutaura chiri chokwadi kuti murume akauya nedemo it was self defense
I think mwana aifana kuiswa pawitness stand coz ndiye akaona baba vakabata demo....if what she is saying it's true then our justice system it's a circus
@@christwishkanyemba7047 l thought as much as well ndiye Ani chokwadi chekuti baba ndivo vakauya nedemo ere
Self defense kuti nhasi murume ndiri kumuisa demo? What type of defense is that? Thats 1st degree murder, it was planned before
Asi panzi nema witness akaswera achipopota pamba achiti nhasi ndikasauraya murume uyu haafi akafa futi pakujamba
This story is very complicated to say the least. I would likrto believe it was self defense nkt haasiye ajatora demo. Chepiri vanhu vemumusha vanenge vanga vakatovenga msi ava maybe nkt anozvishandira or zvimwewo zvkt hazvishamisi vari ivo vaitaura zvemurume anouya pamba dziri nhema ft. Chetatu, achine hasha Chenai uyu nkt arikutadza kunzwisisa kut ko vanhu vaakunditi ndashata sei ini ndirini ndakanga ndourawa. . All is in the past now, face the reality ,kumbira ruregerero chete , there is life after incarceration
True, idomestic issue yakarereka till pazoitika D's gruesome event.
Vanhu vose vovenga munhu 1 chete anyanya kushanda zvakadii zvatisingaitewo isu vamwe Chenai ngaape vanhu nguva kweye kuda kutiza jere
This wisdom you have is not of tour own but God given
Frankly the lady needs to forgive herself frst for this gruesome murder ' we acrually don't know what really transpired but with the look of things I rule a murder on her case .
Dai pasina kuty mai ava vakazvidzivirira ndivo vaifa coz munhu kutobata demo kuda kutouraya saka vakatoita zvavanogona...tese totadza zvinongoda kuregererana nekuty even zvaitika mumba mavo ndivo vanoziva .Kungoti pakaitika nyaya vanhu vanotarisa atadza chte vasinga tarisi kwatangira nyaya.
At least she is apologetic🤝🤝🤝....i know its hard to forgive pane situation yakadai.....ini hangu i cant judge iye ndiye anoziva chokwadi chezvakaitika
Being quick to ask for forgiveness kutsvaga kudropperwa mhosva chete uku 😂😂😂 aiwa ngaambogara mujere acheneswe hake!
Madii masiira mwari vatonga vari ivo
@@pokellokingz enda unoudza nema judge kuti asiye mbavha nemhondi vaite free vachatongwa naMwari 😎😎😎
Rwizi runosvika parwunopunzira nyaya dzemumusha dzinozosvika pakaipa saizvozvi asi kunenge kwabviwa kure asi kazhinji people we end up judging the end result. Zvinorwadza kuti pazorasika hupenyu hwemunhu asi ipapa dai kurikunzi mkadzi ndiye akaurawa tainzwa imwe nyaya futi. Ipapa takada kuzvitsvaga munhu anenge akavengerwa kushanda kwake otsvagirwa nyaya vanhu vosimudza mhepo dzavo kuti zvidirwe jecha... Sechimwe chimai chataura chakapfeka African attire hanzi munhu akaswera achisimudza simbi achiti ndoda kuuraya munhu zvichireva kuti vaitova vawokeri vezvaiitika pamusha
Taura hako ufunge haaa chimai icho chakaoma moyo wena. Mangwana zvirikwavovo ufunge
Chimai icho kuita kukomerera munhu chakaoma hacho,murume anenge aive natwoo zvino mhepo dzikasangana pakashaya anodzoreka hapabudi chakanaka zvakaoma hazvo
Yeah ndasvora matauriro achowo mmm kuita semunhu rume kudaro
Well said vamwe vanotaura kna zvisati zvaitika kwavari
Nyaya iyi yaisafanira kunetsa because sekutaura kwa Mai ava zvinoratidza kuti mwana wavo anga akura zvokuti anokwanisa kutaura zvose zvakaitika
It's a good program but next time put subtitles because it is being watched by many across the globe
She doesn't know how to ask for forgiveness, instead she is inflicting pain on healing wounds
Xaz nekuti ndiye akazo temwa akafa ko dai aka tema Mai ava varivo vakafa demo Aida Reyi
Vanhu vanoda ku Humana pairohwa Mai ava vaisa taura nekuti mwana wavo ndiye ayi rova mwana we vamwe aaarg varume vano jairira vanhuu
Mudakuti adii
@@primrosesalika398 varume vekuZim vaneutsinye
Yes she is justifying what she did
Mmmmm its painful story indeed, domestic issues always end in tears, she was defending herself and she is regretting all this. God help her
It's so sad but it was self defence ndiye mkadzi uyu angadai akafa. But it's very unfortunate it ended this way
Chenai dzikama. Dzora speed. Rurimi rwake haruna comma.
This Chenai must learn to be calm not yet repented uyu.. Akatotsamwa Chenai Chenai Chenai unenge une humbimbindoga
Chenai kumbira zvakanaka kwete kudemander .and hausati wareformer iwe
Mkadz uyu anonyepa kani inzwa zvataurwa nehama dzcho chte? Ko masimbi aimasimudzirei kooo kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? 2 haagone kana kukumbira ruregerero kwacho ft akuda ktopomera vanhu vaakatadzira ft vnhu vkadai variko in life vsinkabvume kt vari wrong they try to turn nyya kut iite yako No justification pakuponda mnhu mkadz uyu ane nhema akuzama kuzvinatsira nekupomera vnhu vaakatadzira ft
Honestly speaking mupari wemhosva akukumbira ruregerero achiti but ndakambotemwa nebadza she is not sorry haasi kuzvininipisa
I thought Chenai was going to apologise
kkkkk you have a friend anonzi Chenai hantie.
Even me bt she talking nonsense
Nhai weduwe aifanira kukumbira ruregerero at first kwete zvaakutaura izvo
Let’s be honest the husband gave into rumours , set out to kill her
Chenai uyu is a drummer queen kutaurisa and it's all about herself wakauraya kungoti sorry chete was much better than setting her own demands and that history could have been avoided. I believe ndiya akatora demo considering that man was so drunk not sure kuti unotema munhu gumbo and how was she trying another leg with such anger no mani anonyepa hake. Kuuraya kuuraya no matter the circumstances. Paakatema gumbo that could be chance to run for life not that tsanangudzo. I didn't see the apologies she telling people what she wants kana abuda uuuum not clever enough.
It was self defense…:it was not her intention to kill. Her husband actually is the one that wanted to kill her.
Nhai dai akangotiza paakatema gumbo
Ko haana kutaura here ruregerero pliz watch video yonke nkokeli
She is a liar...this has nothing to do with sslf defense, i think she has some mental issues
Kana akatora demo Aisafanira kusimudza demo katatu ,dai akatora demo akarikanda uko or kutotiza naro for help since this man was intoxicated ,she had clearly overpowered him .she shld hv dodged all this
Hanzi vakuwasha vanenge vachitamba pabhawa zvekudenha ,GBV yakaitwa Apa kungoti pakazorasika hupenyu vakadzi tikutambura sure, l feel sorry kumwana akaona movie rese atove traumatized for life Apa Gogo mai vemunhu hanzi vakupenga so sad it shall be well with you Chennai
Mkadz uyu anonyepa kani inzwa zvataurwa nehama dzcho chte? Ko masimbi aimasimudzirei kooo kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? No justification pakuponda mnhu mkadz uyu ane nhema akuzama kuzvinatsira nekupomera vnhu vaakatadzira ft
@@matheboythegreatphilosophertotonzwa newe waivepo...
Yes..vakadzi tanzwa isu panyika pano..hama idzo vanotooneka kuti vaneruvengo naChenai. Chenai aizvishandira ndoo chete zvaanovengerwa nevanhu avo..vanoda kupiwa mahara madomadi nema veges ivo kutadza kuzviitira....kutamba vachi provoka utsinye..vanozvitu vanonamata chii..
Haagone kukumbira ruregerero uyu 😢
True that, hautaure nyaya yekufamba pakukumbira ruregerero! Anogona kunge ari munhu aida kuurawa nemurume asi mhosva yakatoparwa, Saka ngaangokumbira ruregerero
Hama dzemurume dzirikurwadziwa yes but they have to considerate as well because what would have happen to Chenai dai akatangirwa. Mwana ndiye anehumbowo kuti demo akauya nani
This woman has no comma or fullstop she is a non stop talking woman try to change my sister reform tsvagai mwari uchauraya nevana vako
Taura hako
This is not the way pple ask for forgiveness .
Listen to the witnesses, what were the exercise for??? Kusimudza simbi imi,,,teererai nyaya vakadzi vane simba rekuuraya mufunge
Let the Law do justice. Akauraya ngaakohwe zvaakadyara. Zvekuti self defense rato drama risina basa. Dai ari murume maisamboti I self defense,maitoti ngaasumgwe. Ngatitorei mhosva tichitora vaviri ava se hadzvadzi dzedu. Dai iri hadzvadzi yako yaurayiwa waisamboda kunzwa zvekuti second chance izvi maitongoti mhondi imhondi. GBV doesn't apply to women chete , it applies to all. Zvekuda kuchema chema 14 years nekuti une mwana waifana kuzvifunga usati wabata demo. If the man was abusive to leave the relationship.
Mkadz uyu anonyepa kani inzwa zvataurwa nehama dzcho chte? Ko masimbi aimasimudzirei kooo kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? No justification pakuponda mnhu mkadz uyu ane nhema akuzama kuzvinatsira nekupomera vnhu vaakatadzira ft
Let's shun away from these habits of of domestic violence. Both parties are wrong because dai iye asina kufa dai akauraya.
You are doing good job
Uuuuuum kurambana kurinani zvako...panekusvika pakuurayana very sad
Good programe
It's sad we only have 1 side to this story,Chenai anekakutaurisa so anogona asikunyatsotaura chokwadi chaicho
pre-meditated ....I initially thought this was self defense.
Vanhu musasvora chenai murume ndiye akauya nedemo ko kna angaari chenai akafa maitaura nepapi vanhu tarisai maboth side nhasi pashata nekty murume ndeye wafa nyaya iyi onesai zvakanaka
When are we expecting another chance episode please.?. I keep checking 😅
Was this not self defense though. It was either her or the husband. I feel sorry for Chenai
Yes . Either the kids go without their mother which will be a hard life.
I stand with you Norma
Tru I can relate
It could be only if she would have hurt the thigh but continuing to the head 😮
Self defense should have been the 1st strike.. The 2nd strike was intentional.. That alone points to murder
Inonzi self defense ndooipi gara zviya
Domestic violence leads to disaster. This man got what he wanted. This woman should be a free woman. I feel for the daughter who witnessed this gruesome incident.
Honestly her lyf was in danger she deserves freedom even 2 yrs was enough
Akambotemwa nebadza akaramba aripo now akazouraya murume saka violence yakagara iripo and its unfortunate mufi akazotangirwa ,and ataura kuti ane proof Chenai vakaurairwa obvious blame Chenai nokuti wavo hachisipo but anoziva chokwadi ndiChenai ne mufi nemwana aka witness chiitiko ichi mwana iyeye ane trauma 😢😢😢
Hamutadze kuurayana kana muchipa vana mazita ekuti ana tsungai
Self defence
14 years ishoma that is first degree murder
Its unfortunate but we can't cry over split milk, its very painful especially to the child
Zvakaoma hazvo, inini ndongoti ukaona uine hasha zama kuzvidzora , ukaona kuti hasha dzakanyanyisa walk away, nekuti zuva rengozi harizikanwe apa mhepo yacho hama dzaitoti ndo zvaari kureva zvakabvira kare kurovana ikoko , demon richitokura kusvika kusimudza simbi kutaura kutj nhasi ndomuuraya 😳so sorry to the child , both families, as for u Chenai ask God to forgive u first , then forgive your self, then go to your husband family and say sorry then your family.
So touching
Pawakamutema pekutanga dai wakaregera kumurema futi sezvo aive atokuvara
Be strong sis
Vakadzi tiri pama1 chokwadi we end up taa behind bars but varume ndoovanot konzeresa
So sad ndadzidza kuti. Domestic violence Haina kunanaka kana matadza kugarisana better to separate pane kuzourayana .my heart bleeds kumwana nekuona zvakadai
When tables turn 😮💨
Uuu hama dzoku sungirira. Chokwadi ndechekuti Pakaipa
Wakachena Marve❤
This is self defense iye murume ndiye aka tanga kubata dembo ,
Mukadzi haana kana mhosva uyo
Mucourt judge akaudzwa kuti vakanga vamboti masikati acho nhasi murume ndiri kumuisa demo, haisi self defense but a planned murder
@@hipposave2573 saka murume anga ati rega ndimutangire? Aiva makwikwi here?
Aiwa akange abatirei demo
Kurambana kwakangonaka futi. If something is not worth dying for it is not worth fighting for.
Uyu mnhu wmku reverera anonzi chenai hndic kna kumuchenesa mambonzwa hre zvataurwa nehama dzse ana maiguru chaivo vkadz vevanin'ina vmurume 2 haagone kna kukumbira ruregerero kwacho, 3 masimbi aimasimudzirei kna ariye aida kuuraiwa? No justification pakuponda mnhu
Domestic abuse and violence destroy people emotionally, mentally, physically, psychologically, and financially. Please, people, let us work on normalising it because all women testified that it happens and it's normal.
I believe communication and self-control in relationships are important because anyone can be either in such an environment, depending on the situation. Dai Chenai aitirwa nyasha naMwari baba vamupewo moyo wakaputsika nekuti zvakamumbundira zvinemhasuru. Munhu anogarisana nevanhu zvakanakisisa anooneka kuburikadza nevaanogarisana navo. Haungashayewo kanamumwechete anomirawo newe.
My dear famba munzira dzake uone hako
Yah apa pari trick so painful even ku mwana ma1
I mhondi iyi. Aitoita hake ma press ups ready for violence. Paakakwanisa kubvuta demo akadini kutiza naro panze? Takungonzwa side rake chete kuti anzwirwe tsitsi chete. 14 years ishoma chaizvo.
Dzimwe nguva dai Chenai pamwe dai akafawo aroiye munoziwa hr apa iye atoedzawo kuzvidzovirira mhosva ngairipwe ingozi
Eish so sad shame 😢
Who brought the demo panzvimbo by the way? She was smart enough to grab the axe from the husband's hand.
Vamwe vanhu vanenge vachifanira kurambana but society inoti shingirira. Its sad. Dai Mwari vatibatsira kudzora hasha dzedu
Iweee Chenai enda unobara futi kwawakauraya