Yes, and that's true for any cooker. A Weber kettle lid thermometer is way off. Chef's Temp let's you set the offset to raise or lower the temp on the screen if you know what the difference is. The longer probe on the S1 gets you closer to the grate temperature.
Why does a fan controller have an external air flow vent that I have to manually control? The whole reason I'm paying for the thing is to not have to handle vents.
That makes sense to me! If you are maintaining low temperatures, you have to keep the vents almost closed and the fan can let more air by than is needed without ever running. If they restricted the fan flow, it would have a harder time getting enough air to reach high temperatures. They left it to you and me to adjust if we need it for our application. I'm sure they could have come up with a way, but it wouldn't be $70.
Always like your content!
Thanks! I always like testing things and sharing what I find.
Grill ‘season” in Phoenix AZ: January 1 - December 31. Just sayin….
California too!
I’ve got a pork butt going in the smoker right now.
It’s cold enough that I need to wear a hoodie but I’m also wearing flip flops.
The only thing that stops me is a burn ban on bad air days. It's still nice not to have to check on the grill when it's cold out.
When can we expect some more cooks on the Huntsman grill ?
I use it a lot off camera, but haven't come up with the right content idea to push out another video. What kind of things would you like to see?
So it seems you need to find the difference between the lid temp and grate temp in order to get your "real" desired temperature?
Yes, and that's true for any cooker. A Weber kettle lid thermometer is way off. Chef's Temp let's you set the offset to raise or lower the temp on the screen if you know what the difference is. The longer probe on the S1 gets you closer to the grate temperature.
Why does a fan controller have an external air flow vent that I have to manually control? The whole reason I'm paying for the thing is to not have to handle vents.
That makes sense to me! If you are maintaining low temperatures, you have to keep the vents almost closed and the fan can let more air by than is needed without ever running. If they restricted the fan flow, it would have a harder time getting enough air to reach high temperatures. They left it to you and me to adjust if we need it for our application. I'm sure they could have come up with a way, but it wouldn't be $70.
You overshot the temp in a Komodo style before enabling the fan controller. That should have been a hard stop with a cool down and re-do.
Santa prefers smoked chicken to cookies. Just sayin’.
Yes, and don't bake the cookies on the grill after smoking the chicken.