Thank you Pastor for your candor, almost 3 years ago my marriage of 25 years failed. We had Pastored for 23 years, in both large and small churches, city and country, the breakdown of marriage caused the church we had pioneered to close. This left me with four kids and no job to support them. I hear you when you speak of the loneliness, being judged and ostracized, the pain the depression. (I'm from New Zealand but was sent to Australia to Pastor - I have no family in Australia, save my children , yes it has been lonely). Now having said that, our Father has comforted me, He has blessed me in business beyond measure. My children have excelled in thier schooling. We have been wounded but not forsaken. When I sit in church His word burns in me like fire shut up in my bones. Other days I think being in frontline ministry would be madness. You are courageous and resilient. Thank you for not hiding in the shame of failed ministry as I have done. I'm praying for you. May our Lord restore the years the locust have eaten. 🙏🇦🇺
This minister is verbalizing what many, many, MANY people are trying to walk through. He is especially right when he says that some people really don't care what you're going through as long as you can still help them out.
I wish the video would have kept going im having this same trauma. Sleepless nights, drinking to much making wrong decision. Not knowing what to do to live a right life stumbling around like a robot
Wow love the transparency, We need people like this who will be authentic about the things we go through. Although I've never been married, I've been in a dark place. I found myself doing things I never thought I would do again, I was very involved in my ministry and church, but bound. It's crazy, how others came to me seeking advice and prayer and yet when I went home I was dealing with deep depression. I want yall to know that we're not the only ones, it's just that others mask it and are afraid what people may think.
Pastor YPJ I am truly blessed by your testimony I remember losing my husband brother and my mom and I was not okay but as a minister I thought it would be better to cover it up as well because people don't do well with your brokenness but I had to seek counsel that understand where I was at this blessed me continue to tell your truth thank you so much for this
@@bantuerverh607she is a woman of God. ...she should not let this message tickle her ears! YES, for women things may be different we are to be covered under the headship of our husbands but, for men they are called to a different level of holiness as priests, deacons, elders and pastors. The letter to timothy says so! Notice please the title it says truth....there is only one truth HE (Jesus)told you ....I am the truth...heresy is deciding to go against traditional beliefs developing your own...Malachi 2 NIV or NKJV whichever you prefer! A priest or pastor has different rules than the rest of us- they lead the flock! Are we going to dismiss a Jewish prophet speaking directly for God because someone says this is MY truth. Why did the other pastors call him because he admitted he was divorcing his wife for irreconcilable differences the only reason Jesus gave was for pornea(Greek word for sexual immorality which includes adultery.) Anyone look up the definition of heresy....Listen to understand why he was being judged by other pastors read Malachi 2 NIV He is not an ordinary person like all of you commenting here...the rules for pastors differ as so, the rules for men...each man is considered a priest a leader of his household he is supposed to lead protect he is head over his wife and children as Jesus is over him ....different rules apply! He had to fight for the sanctity of marriage not oppose it!
@@COGmercy Nope you're wrong because according to 1 Corinthians 11:5 👉But every woman that pray or prophesy with her head uncovered dishonor her head👈 for that is even all one is if she were shaven. Let God will be true but every man a liar
@@bantuerverh607 oh my dear young woman you cannot take one verse in the bible the bible is to be taken as a whole....Miriam was a prophet and so was Deborah.... Miriam (Exod. 15:20), Deborah (Judg. 4:4), Huldah (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chron. 34:22), Noadiah (Neh. 6:14), and “the prophetess” (Isa. 8:3) Luke presents Anna as a “woman prophet” (prophētis), which is the same Greek word the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, uses to translate the Hebrew něbī’āh (Luke 2:36). Like the prophet Simeon who is paired with her (2:25-27), Anna is led by the Holy Spirit to speak about Jesus “to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem” (2:38). The masculine gender of the signifiers describing her intended audience suggests Anna prophesies to both men and women. Elsewhere, Luke uses the feminine signifier to define an audience of women only (15:9). Luke’s depiction of Anna as a prophet anticipates Pentecost, when Mary the mother of Jesus and other women prophesy (Acts 1:14; 2:17). Luke makes another link between Anna and early Christian women prophets when he introduces Philip’s daughters as “virgins who prophesy” (Acts 21:9) (Source CBE) Coverings is it more cultural than spiritual requirement?: Even today orthrodox Jewish women wear scarves on their heads and or wigs because they are not supposed to show their heads as uncovered once married to anyone other than their husbands. So how do we know what things should be compulsory and what should be seen in its historical or cultural context this is hard because even in the early Christian church this was an issue should new converts stop eating pork and shrimp which the Jews saw as unclean should they be required tocircumcise. Should the women wear head coverings. The catholic church which can trace its foundations to early christianity did require full veilsmantilla. This was adopted by other religions which broke away from the RC church. Even some Pentecostal women where small circular pieces of lace on their heads. But head coverings were used by the pagans too Roman and Greek women usually wore it whether it was to ward of the evil eye or to signify they were married or widowed so again cultural, historical or spiritual/religious what is the significance? Bear in mind Paul was a very religious Jewish man he was considered one of the Pharisees his reason for persecution of the early Christian's was to show his zeal for the law. The pharisees separated themselves from gentiles /pagans. like the scribes they were considered well known legal experts on judaic law to him head coverings especially in temple praying teaching would be very important. Although on circumcision he recommended timothy do it then he later does not do so with titus so.....that involved deeper theological study than this comment section allows. So, back to seeing the message beyond the issue of the head covering....women are allowed to prophesy they see visions and anyone who leads a church man or woman (revelation 2 the jezebel allow that woman jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality.....I gave her time to repent of her adultery and she did not.....indeed I will cast her and all who committed adultery with her into a sick bed of suffering) Note well the leader of this church is a woman he does not displease of a woman prophetess or teacher he displeases of what she teaches. She is teaching harlotryis okay before God. And she is causing her followers to think so. Note too that with the woman forgiven of adultery she had to stop and do it no more what is the only way a person can stop adultery and do it no more they have to stop their outside sexual relations and go back to the husband or wife of their youth. Jesus does not say to the woman divorce your husband and go to your lover and your sins are forgiven you.....then note to prior to Jesus saying about this adultress or jezebel prophetess telling people I left my husband now it's okay to do the same and causing people to sin against God because if you should leave for your own reasons such as irreconcilable differs or because of your own adultery as noted in mark 10 you commit adultery! This sentence by Jesus in mark does not give allowances for forgiveness to the offender. It says he commits adultery so the leave with the person it is not a one time sin which occurs at the point of divorce and then they say oh forgive me lord and now are free of the sin nope when they divorce and they are the offender and leave with the other woman they are committing or remaining in adultery if it was so easy for the offender to be forgiven revelation 22 the last and final warning would not read anyone guilty of pornea (sexual immorality, adultery, fornication, sodomy, beastiality)will not inherit the kingdom of heaven! The word of God as one quote says is not trail mix you cannot pick out a verse to suit what you are arguing it must be examined as a whole all parts. As the quote made famous by st Augustine says and is quoted by many the old testament is the new testament concealed and the old testament is the new testament revealed. How can we prove this many instances i will give one John 3:14 Jesus indicated that Moses use of a clearly pagan symbol (a bronze snake to many protestants today it would be a clearly graven image being worshipped) but Jesus says it was a foreshadowing of himself. Now please listen to the video of a very righteous Christian teacher explaining why a man who is the offender and has divorced or committed adultery should not be permitted to preach nor should anyone be made elder or deacon. His teaching is not based on what he sees as his truth and is not titled My truth but it based on sound biblical evidence
"You're not healing, cuz you're not dealing" this is exactly what I needed to hear. I lost my husband 2 yrs ago and I am struggling. I know God is ever present and His will be done. I don't verbalize my feelings with my family and friends because it makes them uncomfortable to see me crying and broken. But I absolutely need to allow myself to deal with my feelings so that I can heal. Thank you for sharing.
I am so sorry about your loss. Healing is something that doesn't need to be rushed. The most important thing is that you are making progress. The pain of a loss never goes away, we only learn to live with it. I am praying for you
After discovering you on Instagram.. This sermon hits soo hard because I don't usually share a lot about my struggles because I am always expected to keep afloat but hey man it hurts at times
Hmmmmn!!Pretending to function while I'm dysfunctional!!that got me!!church a place of mending but now a place of condemnation!!Doctor going through divorce&you want him to perform surgery!!what a revelation!!Nothing but the truth you have said MOG!!SO MUCH HYPOCRISY IN THE CHURCH!!GOD HELP US
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
Happy this message blessed you. When we always trust in God, he always shows up in ways we never expect. Let's learn to pick up the lessons learnt and trust God's process. He never fails
Its like i dont wanna be criticize and fight for petty stuft life to short i been to war didnt get married to fight my wife. 5 years of marriage been talking since 15. This hurt
Amen. This was me divorced in 2012 talked about and shunned by many who called themselves my friend in the church. It was a hard time no one to talk to But God and he uses me to help others in their relationships. Didn’t understand but I thank God for what a went thru. Sometimes the pain is the blessing. Thank you Pastor for being transparent we need that is the day. God bless you.
Thank you so much for this testimonial! I’m recently divorced and Was so grateful that you said what you said, this is the worst pain I have ever been through. We were married as God-fearing Christians, 25 years, and we’re divorced, much lead up to it, there was adultery. I just wanted to say thank you I don’t know what else to say I’m just grateful I got to listen to you!
Happy this message blessed you. When we have prayed, put in our best and things still do not go as planned, we need to sit back and let God take the lead. God always knows what happens before it ever happens to us, when we learn to put our trust in him, he takes control. Be grateful for the good times and all that came from the marriage and do not beat yourself for things that went wrong. Pick the lessons learnt and be positive. In this current time when the world is in chaos, let's be grateful for life and breath. God's continual strength and blessings.💞💞💞
Thank you so much for sharing your private matter of divorce. I too experienced the same thing in my ministry following divorce. I thank God, for my therapist who encouraged me to begin writing my memoir. Many Christians need to see more Pastors/Prophets/Evangelist being transparent as this message, for that is true worship & reverence to our God.
I just thank God for your Holy Spirit guide use you and I'm so impress your teaching it has helped me to stop being who people want you to be but stand on you God word and just keep praying for a soul mate and he will find me.
I appreciate this pastor's teaching because of everything that he spoke about is a lot that I have endured and I say to God be the glory it's just confirmation for me to know that I'm right where I need to be and just to stay focused and to know that God is in control of all things and just be at peace
I pray that you are able to spend today in a place of peace, thankfulness, and admiration. Prepare yourself for the unknown grace this week will bring. Go into the new week with productivity!!! Amen 🙏
@@user-famypj It was meant deeply as a complement. Through my life of eighty decades I have known many prominent Black ministers. I grew up in Concord Baptist Church as a third generation congregant. As a child I knew Rev. Gardner Taylor as a friend of my parents. There were other ministers who were friends of my parents. I do not idolize or put Black preachers on a pedestal. Most Black pastors are brilliant human beings suffering the trials and tribulations of life and some have an oratory gift.
@@ribuzoze Good afternoon and Hallelujah to the one who set me and you free , for death has lost its grip on me and you . Jesus Christ our Living Hope #Good afternoon and Happy resurrection Sunday
When you are at your lowest, the amazing invisible hand of God is upon you. Life poured all it could on you, but his invisible force cheers you on, that trust pushes you forward. 👏👏👏
Why did it end like that. I missed the answers to releave this pain an suffering. I now realise i havent healed from my moms passing my brothers passing my divorce. Meantally trying to find peace. Functioning in disfunction. I hear this video and realise my truth at this moment broken but ive been putting on the face of im okay when im battling these things not understanding how to let these thing i can be free
I am going thru this struggle. I am sitting in a parking lot listening to you because my spouse will not watch these videos w me. He trusts himself. Not God. I am spiritually and mentally exhausted of my marriage.
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
Thanks for your transparency! Because of your testimony, others are going to flock to your church and God is going to reward you greatly. Be blessed Man of God!
I appreciate him keeping it real. Don't forget your pastor is human. Yes their called of God but they are still human and flawed just like you. No such thing as a perfect church. If you looking, might as well stop cause it stop being perfect the moment we walk in.
I pray that you are able to spend today in a place of peace, thankfulness, and admiration. Prepare yourself for the unknown this week will bring.Go into the new week with productivity!!! Amen 🙏
hello beloved, i am so impressed with your commitment in supporting my ministries. beloved you can add me up on email hangout ( )once again thanks for your support and commitment may the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏...
😞man this dude story is me...filing today no cheat...take care of home. Just cant get along refuse to hit a woman. Broke my hand. Yelling 2 much. I hope this is for a reason never wanted divorce but tried everything. I gotta get peace
I’m so impressed with this man and his message. Love his transparency and his willingness to be vulnerable before the people of the world.
This is as REAL as it gets. People are human beings first and no man is immune to pain and disappointments in life. I appreciate this message 💔
Just ran across this and 3 years later this touched my soul. This sermon was right on time for me.
This is real, not many people aren’t prepared to be vulnerable about things like divorce, ridicule, attacks on character, etc..
Thank you Pastor for your candor, almost 3 years ago my marriage of 25 years failed. We had Pastored for 23 years, in both large and small churches, city and country, the breakdown of marriage caused the church we had pioneered to close. This left me with four kids and no job to support them. I hear you when you speak of the loneliness, being judged and ostracized, the pain the depression. (I'm from New Zealand but was sent to Australia to Pastor - I have no family in Australia, save my children , yes it has been lonely). Now having said that, our Father has comforted me, He has blessed me in business beyond measure. My children have excelled in thier schooling. We have been wounded but not forsaken. When I sit in church His word burns in me like fire shut up in my bones. Other days I think being in frontline ministry would be madness. You are courageous and resilient. Thank you for not hiding in the shame of failed ministry as I have done. I'm praying for you. May our Lord restore the years the locust have eaten. 🙏🇦🇺
God bless you Andrew. I’m praying for you and your family also.
This minister is verbalizing what many, many, MANY people are trying to walk through. He is especially right when he says that some people really don't care what you're going through as long as you can still help them out.
I wish the video would have kept going im having this same trauma. Sleepless nights, drinking to much making wrong decision. Not knowing what to do to live a right life stumbling around like a robot
When Jesus said come on to me. All ye that labor and are heavy laddened and i will give you rest ... He was talking about Salvation
This is my Mom's Pastor ( Jonathan Miller) of Faith Apostolic Temple, South Bend, IN. Very dynamic & does fantastic work in the community 🙏🏽💯.
How do I get there from Chicago I wanna visit sooooo bad
This message is SO GOOD!!! LIKE BOMB!!! CAUSE IT'S REAL!!! ❤❤❤
I refused to be defined by religion so help me God in Jesus Christ name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 by Steve Irungu Jermaine
This is the truth! My God! The judgement the trauma and loneliness!
Wow love the transparency, We need people like this who will be authentic about the things we go through. Although I've never been married, I've been in a dark place. I found myself doing things I never thought I would do again, I was very involved in my ministry and church, but bound. It's crazy, how others came to me seeking advice and prayer and yet when I went home I was dealing with deep depression. I want yall to know that we're not the only ones, it's just that others mask it and are afraid what people may think.
My God I can so relate on so many levels. Therapy was the best thing for me after my divorce.
Pastor YPJ I am truly blessed by your testimony I remember losing my husband brother and my mom and I was not okay but as a minister I thought it would be better to cover it up as well because people don't do well with your brokenness but I had to seek counsel that understand where I was at this blessed me continue to tell your truth thank you so much for this
What scripture in the Bible supports devoice in the Bible?
@@bantuerverh607she is a woman of God.
...she should not let this message tickle her ears! YES, for women things may be different we are to be covered under the headship of our husbands but, for men they are called to a different level of holiness as priests, deacons, elders and pastors. The letter to timothy says so! Notice please the title it says truth....there is only one truth HE (Jesus)told you ....I am the truth...heresy is deciding to go against traditional beliefs developing your own...Malachi 2 NIV or NKJV whichever you prefer!
A priest or pastor has different rules than the rest of us- they lead the flock!
Are we going to dismiss a Jewish prophet speaking directly for God because someone says this is MY truth.
Why did the other pastors call him because he admitted he was divorcing his wife for irreconcilable differences the only reason Jesus gave was for pornea(Greek word for sexual immorality which includes adultery.)
Anyone look up the definition of heresy....Listen to understand why he was being judged by other pastors read Malachi 2 NIV
He is not an ordinary person like all of you commenting here...the rules for pastors differ as so, the rules for men...each man is considered a priest a leader of his household he is supposed to lead protect he is head over his wife and children as Jesus is over him ....different rules apply!
He had to fight for the sanctity of marriage not oppose it!
@@COGmercy Nope you're wrong because according to
1 Corinthians 11:5 👉But every woman that pray or prophesy with her head uncovered dishonor her head👈 for that is even all one is if she were shaven.
Let God will be true but every man a liar
@@bantuerverh607 oh my dear young woman you cannot take one verse in the bible the bible is to be taken as a whole....Miriam was a prophet and so was Deborah....
Miriam (Exod. 15:20), Deborah (Judg. 4:4), Huldah (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chron. 34:22), Noadiah (Neh. 6:14), and “the prophetess” (Isa. 8:3)
Luke presents Anna as a “woman prophet” (prophētis), which is the same Greek word the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, uses to translate the Hebrew něbī’āh (Luke 2:36). Like the prophet Simeon who is paired with her (2:25-27), Anna is led by the Holy Spirit to speak about Jesus “to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem” (2:38). The masculine gender of the signifiers describing her intended audience suggests Anna prophesies to both men and women. Elsewhere, Luke uses the feminine signifier to define an audience of women only (15:9).
Luke’s depiction of Anna as a prophet anticipates Pentecost, when Mary the mother of Jesus and other women prophesy (Acts 1:14; 2:17). Luke makes another link between Anna and early Christian women prophets when he introduces Philip’s daughters as “virgins who prophesy” (Acts 21:9)
(Source CBE)
Coverings is it more cultural than spiritual requirement?: Even today orthrodox Jewish women wear scarves on their heads and or wigs because they are not supposed to show their heads as uncovered once married to anyone other than their husbands. So how do we know what things should be compulsory and what should be seen in its historical or cultural context this is hard because even in the early Christian church this was an issue should new converts stop eating pork and shrimp which the Jews saw as unclean should they be required tocircumcise. Should the women wear head coverings. The catholic church which can trace its foundations to early christianity did require full veilsmantilla. This was adopted by other religions which broke away from the RC church. Even some Pentecostal women where small circular pieces of lace on their heads. But head coverings were used by the pagans too Roman and Greek women usually wore it whether it was to ward of the evil eye or to signify they were married or widowed so again cultural, historical or spiritual/religious what is the significance? Bear in mind Paul was a very religious Jewish man he was considered one of the Pharisees his reason for persecution of the early Christian's was to show his zeal for the law. The pharisees separated themselves from gentiles /pagans. like the scribes they were considered well known legal experts on judaic law to him head coverings especially in temple praying teaching would be very important. Although on circumcision he recommended timothy do it then he later does not do so with titus so.....that involved deeper theological study than this comment section allows.
So, back to seeing the message beyond the issue of the head covering....women are allowed to prophesy they see visions and anyone who leads a church man or woman (revelation 2 the jezebel allow that woman jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality.....I gave her time to repent of her adultery and she did not.....indeed I will cast her and all who committed adultery with her into a sick bed of suffering)
Note well the leader of this church is a woman he does not displease of a woman prophetess or teacher he displeases of what she teaches. She is teaching harlotryis okay before God. And she is causing her followers to think so. Note too that with the woman forgiven of adultery she had to stop and do it no more what is the only way a person can stop adultery and do it no more they have to stop their outside sexual relations and go back to the husband or wife of their youth. Jesus does not say to the woman divorce your husband and go to your lover and your sins are forgiven you.....then note to prior to Jesus saying about this adultress or jezebel prophetess telling people I left my husband now it's okay to do the same and causing people to sin against God because if you should leave for your own reasons such as irreconcilable differs or because of your own adultery as noted in mark 10 you commit adultery! This sentence by Jesus in mark does not give allowances for forgiveness to the offender. It says he commits adultery so the leave with the person it is not a one time sin which occurs at the point of divorce and then they say oh forgive me lord and now are free of the sin nope when they divorce and they are the offender and leave with the other woman they are committing or remaining in adultery if it was so easy for the offender to be forgiven revelation 22 the last and final warning would not read anyone guilty of pornea (sexual immorality, adultery, fornication, sodomy, beastiality)will not inherit the kingdom of heaven!
The word of God as one quote says is not trail mix you cannot pick out a verse to suit what you are arguing it must be examined as a whole all parts. As the quote made famous by st Augustine says and is quoted by many the old testament is the new testament concealed and the old testament is the new testament revealed. How can we prove this many instances i will give one John 3:14 Jesus indicated that Moses use of a clearly pagan symbol (a bronze snake to many protestants today it would be a clearly graven image being worshipped) but Jesus says it was a foreshadowing of himself. Now please listen to the video of a very righteous Christian teacher explaining why a man who is the offender and has divorced or committed adultery should not be permitted to preach nor should anyone be made elder or deacon. His teaching is not based on what he sees as his truth and is not titled My truth but it based on sound biblical evidence
@@COGmercy man shall not live by bread alone 👉but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God👈 💯
I never wanted to disappoint my parents! Jesus
This hits straight to the soul... 😭😭😭
I'm a proud bachelor without limits period so help me God in Jesus Christ name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 by Steve Irungu Jermaine
"You're not healing, cuz you're not dealing" this is exactly what I needed to hear. I lost my husband 2 yrs ago and I am struggling. I know God is ever present and His will be done. I don't verbalize my feelings with my family and friends because it makes them uncomfortable to see me crying and broken. But I absolutely need to allow myself to deal with my feelings so that I can heal. Thank you for sharing.
I am so sorry about your loss. Healing is something that doesn't need to be rushed. The most important thing is that you are making progress. The pain of a loss never goes away, we only learn to live with it. I am praying for you
Thank you for this powerful, anointed, truthful and much needed Word from God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit!
After discovering you on Instagram.. This sermon hits soo hard because I don't usually share a lot about my struggles because I am always expected to keep afloat but hey man it hurts at times
This is so touching , God bless you for speaking ur heart
Real some people don't respect real. But what come from heart that what god like. No matter what another person say god is on throne.
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Wow, I needed to hear this encouragement. Going through divorce right now.
Hmmmmn!!Pretending to function while I'm dysfunctional!!that got me!!church a place of mending but now a place of condemnation!!Doctor going through divorce&you want him to perform surgery!!what a revelation!!Nothing but the truth you have said MOG!!SO MUCH HYPOCRISY IN THE CHURCH!!GOD HELP US
Would love to hear the entire message. Saw this on FB. I so needed this encouragement. Thank you!
Sattanya Robinson I also just saw this on fb. I also wanted to hear the end of this message.
I saw this on FB as well
Same here, this probably was the realest & most relatable form of ministry I’ve seen this year
I would love to hear complete message as well , if you find it please share 🙏🏾😇
I wish I heard this message in 2004 when I was dealing with rejection
This is a real message.....................
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
This is such a powerful word. I appreciate his transparency and obedience for bringing his experience to light.
Divorce hurt I went thru it
Thanks for sharing your story
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
Happy this message blessed you. When we always trust in God, he always shows up in ways we never expect. Let's learn to pick up the lessons learnt and trust God's process. He never fails
So true!! Its a nightmare when through other's eyes your suppose to be perfect. But doesn't realize no one is perfect but Christ.
Its like i dont wanna be criticize and fight for petty stuft life to short i been to war didnt get married to fight my wife. 5 years of marriage been talking since 15. This hurt
Amen. This was me divorced in 2012 talked about and shunned by many who called themselves my friend in the church. It was a hard time no one to talk to But God and he uses me to help others in their relationships. Didn’t understand but I thank God for what a went thru. Sometimes the pain is the blessing. Thank you Pastor for being transparent we need that is the day. God bless you.
Wow he was so vulnerable not a lot of preachers do this wow.
Thank you so much for this testimonial! I’m recently divorced and Was so grateful that you said what you said, this is the worst pain I have ever been through. We were married as God-fearing Christians, 25 years, and we’re divorced, much lead up to it, there was adultery. I just wanted to say thank you I don’t know what else to say I’m just grateful I got to listen to you!
Happy this message blessed you. When we have prayed, put in our best and things still do not go as planned, we need to sit back and let God take the lead. God always knows what happens before it ever happens to us, when we learn to put our trust in him, he takes control. Be grateful for the good times and all that came from the marriage and do not beat yourself for things that went wrong. Pick the lessons learnt and be positive. In this current time when the world is in chaos, let's be grateful for life and breath. God's continual strength and blessings.💞💞💞
Amen! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your private matter of divorce. I too experienced the same thing in my ministry following divorce. I thank God, for my therapist who encouraged me to begin writing my memoir. Many Christians need to see more Pastors/Prophets/Evangelist being transparent as this message, for that is true worship & reverence to our God.
God bless you shana , I'm praying for you and your family
So transparent and loaded with truth! Good counsel!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
Wow, awesome! Need more preachers to be honest like this.
I just thank God for your Holy Spirit guide use you and I'm so impress your teaching it has helped me to stop being who people want you to be but stand on you God word and just keep praying for a soul mate and he will find me.
I appreciate this pastor's teaching because of everything that he spoke about is a lot that I have endured and I say to God be the glory it's just confirmation for me to know that I'm right where I need to be and just to stay focused and to know that God is in control of all things and just be at peace
I pray that you are able to spend today in a place of peace, thankfulness, and admiration. Prepare yourself for the unknown grace this week will bring. Go into the new week with productivity!!! Amen 🙏
I wish I could hear the entire sermon....I'm there right now
Please keep teaching the word of God your doing excellent job.😊
I appreciate Rev. YPJ's level of honesty.
God bless you Camilla, I'm praying for you and your family.....and ill take that as a complement
@@user-famypj It was meant deeply as a complement. Through my life of eighty decades I have known many prominent Black ministers. I grew up in Concord Baptist Church as a third generation congregant. As a child I knew Rev. Gardner Taylor as a friend of my parents. There were other ministers who were friends of my parents. I do not idolize or put Black preachers on a pedestal. Most Black pastors are brilliant human beings suffering the trials and tribulations of life and some have an oratory gift.
When we put our trust in God, he gives us strength that we never thought we would have.
God's continual strength upon you
@@ribuzoze Good afternoon and Hallelujah to the one who set me and you free , for death has lost its grip on me and you . Jesus Christ our Living Hope #Good afternoon and Happy resurrection Sunday
I am in tears
How many believe it was TD JAKES that called him.
Andrea Williams I thought the same.
@@vanessadotluis lol I know A father's voice when he speaks
Im thinking i v Hilliard
I believe that! I know in my spirit it was him.
I believe it was Bishop Noel Jones. But whoever did, I thank them.
Thanks for being Real
When you are at your lowest, the amazing invisible hand of God is upon you. Life poured all it could on you, but his invisible force cheers you on, that trust pushes you forward. 👏👏👏
Very true. God never fails, he always comes through when we have done and we are at our lowest end.
Why did it end like that. I missed the answers to releave this pain an suffering. I now realise i havent healed from my moms passing my brothers passing my divorce. Meantally trying to find peace. Functioning in disfunction. I hear this video and realise my truth at this moment broken but ive been putting on the face of im okay when im battling these things not understanding how to let these thing i can be free
He seems very down to Earth and genuine...not always begging and “sew a a seed”.
Pastor this is good🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾#healing word
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Wow! Thank you for your transparency.
I am going thru this struggle. I am sitting in a parking lot listening to you because my spouse will not watch these videos w me.
He trusts himself. Not God.
I am spiritually and mentally exhausted of my marriage.
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Dang right when I started dealing it shut off! Love your message
Awesome sooooooo real! Thank you Jesus!!!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
I can relate to him..he's talking truth.
This is the truth pastors are not held to the same standards as ordinary folk just as men are not as the priests and pastors of their households held to the same standards as their wives. This pastor explains in biblical context why pastor ypj is wrong and also he admits he divorced for irreconcilable differences his wife did not cheat nor is she an unbeliever who wanted to leave..
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
Thanks for your transparency! Because of your testimony, others are going to flock to your church and God is going to reward you greatly. Be blessed Man of God!
God bless you Caramel, I'm praying for you and your family
Oh my Lord! This is so real 😭😭😭😭 Absolutely real 😢
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
Thank you, I needed this word. I’m going through a divorce right now😢🙏🏼
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
Very perfect well said message brother it’s good that you have to chance to express what you went through in your life
This right here! God bless you!!!!!!
I am so glad you did not resign. I am glad you hung in there. You are helping us soooo much.
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
I'm so proud of you for fighting back and standing up ❤️🙏 I never been married but only God could have heal you.
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Praise God ❤
Where is the whole sermon???? This snippet truly helped me bc I experienced the same thing.
What a word!!!
Thank you for sharing! God bless you 🙏🏾
Happy you were blessed by this message. May God continually bless you.
I appreciate him keeping it real. Don't forget your pastor is human. Yes their called of God but they are still human and flawed just like you. No such thing as a perfect church. If you looking, might as well stop cause it stop being perfect the moment we walk in.
Ooooooooohweeeee! I identify with aaaaaaaawlllodis!!! 💯
Whew! Thank God for your transparency!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
This was the best sermon you ever preached
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family
This spoke to me. Thanks for sharing.
Amen, no group!!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Me either, I feel you Pastor YPJ 🙌🏼🙌🏼
I pray that you are able to spend today in a place of peace, thankfulness, and admiration. Prepare yourself for the unknown this week will bring.Go into the new week with productivity!!! Amen 🙏
Jesus Knows!!!!!!!!
I am so blessed. Just listened, what a vessel.
Your preaching right
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
You are not alone by Steve Irungu Jermaine
The transparency 🙏🏾
Here from just seeing this on Facebook does anyone know the actual name of this message will like to listen to whole thing
This message was good.
this hit home 😔😔😔
Say that Pastor YPJ
I do understand been in a situation and had nobody to talk to. Ministers goes through some wrong times.
I meant rough times along.
I was in the Same situation as an minister of music.
I didn’t divorce but somehow I knew to take a break!!!!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
Is there a whole sermon for this?
Does anyone have the link to the entire sermon?
Yes, you did sir!!
God bless you, I'm praying for you and your family also
I wish I could see the entire message
hello beloved, i am so impressed with your commitment in supporting my ministries. beloved you can add me up on email hangout ( )once again thanks for your support and commitment may the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏...
WoW, Pastor I feel you. I was a pastors wife and we divorced in 2013 and Lord... But God
When we put our trust in God, he gives us strength that we never thought we would have. God's continual strength upon you. 💞💞💞
@@adaezeadanna1617 Amen and Thank You!
Over 5 years later i no i should have taken some time off from church
I made a mistake! It's Catch My Praises Network.
😞man this dude story is me...filing today no cheat...take care of home. Just cant get along refuse to hit a woman. Broke my hand. Yelling 2 much. I hope this is for a reason never wanted divorce but tried everything. I gotta get peace
Is there a way to get whole sermon. ??
I know what you are talking about “body in trauma” so many times