Another advantage to fitting a solar isolating switch is, should you happen to run your batteries down, isolating your panels will give your batteries the full potential of your MPPT. Renogy prioritises solar over alternator power, so if the solar isn't producing the req'd amps (rainy, overcast day or at night), flick your switch and take the max from your MPPT, whilst your engine is running. Ideal should you be moving between locations.. super job.
Another advantage to fitting a solar isolating switch is, should you happen to run your batteries down, isolating your panels will give your batteries the full potential of your MPPT. Renogy prioritises solar over alternator power, so if the solar isn't producing the req'd amps (rainy, overcast day or at night), flick your switch and take the max from your MPPT, whilst your engine is running. Ideal should you be moving between locations.. super job.
Super useful share, thank you!
Very nize job. Have you had any issues with anything? What manufacturer made the panels?
Renogy....they've been great!