አላማህ አልገባኝም። Are you doing business or service ... Shame on you Remember there is one day all of us stand for judgment. ፓስተር እንደሆንክ ከስምህ በፊት ያለው ቅጥያ ይናገራል፤ እና ታዲያ ምነው ቅዱሱን መጽሃፉን ደስ እንዳለው ሲፈታ ዝም ብለህ አየኽው። ታማኝነታችን ለሰው ወይስ ለቃሉ?
This is not only an interview it's also a beautiful discussion. Reverend Tezera Yared full of scripture and wisdom. It is an example of how interviews should be like not mocking or ridiculing your guest but asking specific questions and listining calmly when answers are given. I really enjoyed it God bless you pastor Sofi.
Omg 😲😲these all interviews are full wisdom and packages of major Christianity issues I love it so much !! Dadiye you're are full of wisdom ! powerful message 🤗🤗Thank you Pastor Sofi!!
Thank you Sofi about this educational and blessed show. Please keep it up. Reverend wow I always amazed about your wisdom and knowledge about bible. Eyesus geta new
What amazing discussion, God bless you, Paster Sofonia, Please continue like this, I like the choice/selection of a person to interview. we need to learn and preaching the word of God, not gossip
Riverend ye mimelisew mels it’s so so amazing mizanawi yehone abo geta yibarkik ayimiroya netsa bless you sofi amelekaketa testekakele tebareku betam wedjachualew
WOW!!! This is really really amazing, full of wisdom, and timely message!!!! Thank you so much Daddyee; I am so blessed to have a spiritual father like you !! and thank you sofi powerful interview
This is not only an interview, it is a full sermon. Thank you Jesus for raising your servants for our nation and i again ask you Jesus plz raise more of your workers for this nation. We love you Jesus.
Part 5 alee woyii chawo sateluu new yichirishachuti wowowowow part 5yinoralii beyii tasefa aderigalihun betami libini yimiyareka timiriti new egezabehare yibarekachuuu betami new yimiwodachuuuu Teberekilign
Tikikili new ahun tiridetinali egezabehare chare new yikiri bayii new egezabehare malikam amlaki new bemakira kinii mashishigiya new Coved 19 kaegezabehare ayidelim bemalitiki dasee yilali egezabehare yikirii bayii new
Beloved families part 5 will release soon
Thank you for watching my videos
Thank you Pastor.
አላማህ አልገባኝም። Are you doing business or service ...
Shame on you Remember there is one day all of us stand for judgment.
ፓስተር እንደሆንክ ከስምህ በፊት ያለው ቅጥያ ይናገራል፤ እና ታዲያ ምነው ቅዱሱን መጽሃፉን ደስ እንዳለው ሲፈታ ዝም ብለህ አየኽው። ታማኝነታችን ለሰው ወይስ ለቃሉ?
Thank you so much Sofi
wow keep it up
@@blackpeople7651 What do ypu mean?
good job sir we need like this video more
This is not only an interview it's also a beautiful discussion. Reverend Tezera Yared full of scripture and wisdom. It is an example of how interviews should be like not mocking or ridiculing your guest but asking specific questions and listining calmly when answers are given. I really enjoyed it God bless you pastor Sofi.
My God ምን አይነት ትምህርት ነው ህይወት የሚለውጥ የእግዚአብሔር ፍቃድ ምን እንደለሆነ የወኩበት ነው ዋው እግዚአብሔር ሊይህ የሚወድውና የሚፈልገበት ቦታ አለ the is Amazing
This is really really amazing, eye opening,full of wisdom and timely message!!!! Thank you so much Daddyee ; Rev. Tezera Yared !!!!
You are to much....my dear Father ❤❤❤proud to call you my spirtual father, amazing full of scripture!!! THANK YOU pastor sofi
Scripture Full Interview, Thank you very much Dad.
ፓስተር ሶፊዬ በጣም ደስ የሚል ቃለ ምልሊስ ነው ተባረኩ የእግዚአብሔር ፍቃድ ሁል ጊዜ ለኛ መልካም ነው እንደ ቃሉ ለሚሄዱት ግን ከቃሉ ጋር የማይሄዱት በራሳቸው ስህተት ክፉ ነገር ሲያጋጥማቸው እግዚአብሔር እንደ አመጣባቸው ይቆጥራሉ እግዚአብሔር ግን ሁል ጊዜ ለኔ መልካም ነው ፡ በልጁ በማያምን ግን የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ በርሱ ላይ ይኖራል እንጂ ሕይወትን አያይም ዮሐንስ 3፥36 ፓስተር ሶፊዬ ባወራችሁት ላይ አንድ ያልተቀበልኩት ነገር አለ እሱም እግዚአብሔር "ለጰንጤ "ብቻ አልመጣም ለዓለም ሁሉ ነው ማለት አልተዋጠልኝም ፡ምክንያቱም እግዚአብሔር አንድያ ልጁን ወደ ዓለም የላከው በእርሱ እንድያምኑ እንጂ እንድፈረድባቸው አይደለም ለዓለም ሁሉ መምጣቱን እናውቃለን እናምናለን ግን ጌታን የተቀበሉ ጰንጤ ተብሎ የሚጠሩ ሰዎች ብቻ ብዬ አምናለሁ ስለዚህ በስሙ ላመኑና ለተቀበሉ የእግዚአብሔር ልጆች ተብሎ እንዲጠሩ ሥልጣን የተሰጣቸው ለጰንጤዎች ተብሎ ለተለዩ ይመስለኛል አሁንም በእርሱ ለሚያምኑ ልራራላቸው ይችላል እንድ ፓስተር ተዘራ አሳብ ግን ጌታን ብቀበሉም ባይቀበሉም ሁሉም እኩል እንደ ሆኑ ይመስለኛል አልተቀበልኩም ሌላውን ሁሉ ተቀብየዋለሁ ጌታ አብዝቶ ይባርካችሁ ጸጋ ይብዛላችሁ እወዳችኋለሁ።
Full of truth. Thank you pastor.
Ur To much Reverend Teza my God what a wisdom pastor sofi just wow
What a wisdom እግዚአብሔር በቃሉ እና በቃሉ ላይ የቆሙ ባሪያዎች አሉት Praise God
ዋው ደስ የሚል አባባል"በኛ ዘመን ችግሩን ነው እንጂ የምንፈታው ትዳሩ አይደለም"💯💯💯
Omg 😲😲these all interviews are full wisdom and packages of major Christianity issues I love it so much !! Dadiye you're are full of wisdom ! powerful message 🤗🤗Thank you Pastor Sofi!!
#ድንቅ ኢንተርቪው ነው። ሶፊ በርታልን።👏👏👏
my God! what an amazing interview,
wow daddy and pastor sofi thank you.
This is very amazing. You are BLESSED Rev. Tezera Yared. I fall in love with you.
ዋው በጣም በጣም ድንቅ የሆነ ኢንተርቪው ነበር በእግዚአብሔር ቃል የተደገፈ ምላሽ ስሰማው ምሳዬን ሁሉ እረሳሁት
ዳዲዬ በአንተ ስር ሆኜ በመመገቤ እድለኛ ነኝ እወድሀለሁ
Dear. Rev. Tezera, you are too much and the best preacher. You are absolutely correct.
የሚደንቅ ውይይት ነበር በተለይ የእግዚ/ርን ፈቃድ የመለየቱን ትንታኔ ወድጄዋለሁ ተምርያለሁ ጌታ ይባርካቹ, ፓስተር ሰፎንያስ ጠንክረሕ ስራ, ሰይጣን አነሳሳችንን ሲያይ ደርሰን የምናመጣውን ተፅእኖ ያውቃል ስለዚሕ ብዙ ባለራእዬችን ገና ከመነሻቸው ሲያጨነግፍ እናያለን, እይታሕና ታርጌትሕ መድረሻሕ ወይንም ጓልሕ ላይ ይሁን, በጉዞሕ ላይ የሚገለጡ ጥቃቅን እንቅፋቶች አይጠፉም እነዚያ ሊያቆሙሕ ሊያሰናክሉሕ ሣይሆን እሩጫሕን ሊያፈጥኑ ነው, ሰወች "Criticise" ሲያደርጉ የምትሰራው ሰራ የብዙዎችን ትኩረት ስቧል ማለት ነው የበለጠ ያልተደፈሩ ሰዎችን በማምጣት የሐዝብ ጥያቄ እንዲመለስ መልካሙን ስራሕን ቀጥልበት, በብዙ ተባረኩ!
Ooo GOD what a wisdom GOD bless you pastor
Amazing, powerful, teachable and full of wisdom and scripture interview. Thank you Daddy we love you.
Very powerful teaching.Thank you Pastor
What a wisdom Thank u Reverend Tezera Yared..
ለአለም ሁሉ ማለት በሄድንበት ሁሉ በገባንበት ሁሉ እየሱስ አዳኝ መሆኑን መናገር ነው የህይወት ቃል መናገር
ኤልሳ የእግዚአብር ሰዉ ነው ለምን በሚሞትበት በሽታ ታመመ ጌታ ይታደጋል ያድናል ሐዋሪያዎች በመጥፎ አሟሟት ነው የሞቱት ጌታ ማዳን ይችላል ጌታ ሳያቅ ምድር ላይ ውሃ ጠብ አይለም ጌታን መጠየቅ ከየት እንደመጣ አሁን ቤት ነህ ተባረኩ
በተጨባጭ ሁኔታ እንዲሁም በየእግዚአብሔር ቃል በተደገፈ መልኩ ትክክለኛውን የእግዚአብሔርን ሃሳብ እና ፈቃድ እንድንረዳ እና እራሳችንንም እንድናይ ስላደረከን ሬቨረንድ ተዘራ ያሬድ እናመሰግንሃለን
Reverend as usual be blessed an amazing. Hamble wise man of God thank u Sofi big respect be blessed
Wow Tebareku pastor Always preaching GOD WORD 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Sofi about this educational and blessed show. Please keep it up.
Reverend wow I always amazed about your wisdom and knowledge about bible.
Eyesus geta new
,,We love you reverend full of wisdom and knowledge . Thanks 😊 sofi & please invite apostle Japi and apostle dani (winners way)also.
Especially, I wanna see Apostle Dani with pas Sofi.
ቅጣት እና ማስጠንቀቂያ እንዴት አንድ ይሆናሉ ? Warning and discipline አንድ ናቸው ?
Now is the time to devoted to study the word of GOD and listen bible teacher like Reverend and you also Sofi. thanks Sofoniyas about your show.
pastor Sofonias I really loved the way you asked..so sincere and wise...dady degmo as always you are spectacular...so proud of you
I am speechless!! What I see praise God and God bless you!
Wowo wowo hallelujah qari zamanachu yebaraki
What a lesson! Thank you dad!!
My humble spiritual father you are a blessing to us all!!!
I have learnt a great lesson. Thank you for inviting this man of God, he is amazing.
ጌታ ይባርክህ ወንድሜ ተዘራ። የሚደንቅ መረዳት
ጌታ ይባረክ ስለ አንተ አባትነት
What amazing discussion, God bless you, Paster Sofonia, Please continue like this, I like the choice/selection of a person to interview. we need to learn and preaching the word of God, not gossip
Riverend ye mimelisew mels it’s so so amazing mizanawi yehone abo geta yibarkik ayimiroya netsa bless you sofi amelekaketa testekakele tebareku betam wedjachualew
Pastor Sofiy you are Blessed
Wow thank you Pastor
It's an amazing lesson
ሶፊ አጠያየቅክ ሚገርም ነው ተዘራ ሚገርም ድንቅ ነገር ነው ያካፈልከን ቢቀጥልል ደስ ይለኛል ጸጋ ይብዛላችሁ ።
Thank you so much poster Sofiynias, you are brave person
የበግ ፀብ ድሰ አይልም በግ ሲዋድደ እጅግ ያምራል እውነት ነው የህ ነው የእኝ ህይወት
WOW!!! This is really really amazing, full of wisdom, and timely message!!!! Thank you so much Daddyee; I am so blessed to have a spiritual father like you !! and thank you sofi powerful interview
Pastor SOFA egziabher abzto yibrke denke sran eyesrake new!
የሪቨረንድ አገልግሎት ጥሩ ምሳሌ ነዉ ሌላ ቦታ አላየሁም😍
This is not only an interview, it is a full sermon. Thank you Jesus for raising your servants for our nation and i again ask you Jesus plz raise more of your workers for this nation. We love you Jesus.
Very humble and very wise man of God Tebareku
Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance............God bless you my precious Papa
ምንም ጠይቀው ከ bible ጋር የኖረ ሰው ስለሆነ በ scripture ያስረዳካል this man is full of wisdom
I love ur show. Be blessed all
ሶፎንያ ታናሽነትህ ህይወት ነው ተባረክ
amne amne amne amne amne amneamne amne amne amne amne amneamne amne amne amne amne amneamne amne amne amne amne amnetebareku
ፓስቴሬ ለሰው ብፀልይ ጌታን ጠይቆ ነው በአን ድ ቀን 2 ዶክቶሮች ከተለያየ state እከለን ፓስተር አገባ ብሎ ጌታ ተናገረኝ አሉት እሱ ደግሞ ጌታ አጋባት ካለ እንዴት2ሰዎች አጋባ ይላል ጌታ ደግሞ ለእኔ አልተናገረኝም ብሎ ዘጋ ፈታናው አለፈ ሁሉን ነገር ጌታን መጠየቅ
Sofiye we love you berta ewnetegnanetikik atibikeh yaz Ewnetin be fitsum atishitat eswa kibirik mogesik natina tebarek
What a great interview 👏👏
ይሄስ ድንቅ ነው #ተባረኩልን
👏👏👏👏👏waw Gbu Paster tezera.
Ye egezabehare sawe sofiyee geta eyesus yibarekiki Teberekilign babezuuu
What an amazing interview..... that's my pastor rev. tezera yared (daddy)!!!!
Dadyyy dadiko daddii kkkkkkkkk
Egezabehare yibarekiki ye egezabehare sawe ervirend zemaniki hulu yibareki tsaga yibizaliki Teberekilign bebezuuu
Part 5 alee woyii chawo sateluu new yichirishachuti wowowowow part 5yinoralii beyii tasefa aderigalihun betami libini yimiyareka timiriti new egezabehare yibarekachuuu betami new yimiwodachuuuu Teberekilign
Wow new betyakia ena mles leka Nefsem tereseresalch nfesm alkrelgenm Geta yemsgen edzhem ayentwoch wegnoch Alun 🙏
Its beyond interview for me you are too much sir bless you
Wow i love the interview may God give you more grace!!!
ሱፋዬ ተባረኩ አሜንንን ቅድስን እኔ ስቤሱክራ አደርጉኝ ተባረኩ
Begeta Sim tebareku 4tunim teketatiyaleu bizu neger temiriyale
Zemenachu yilemukem🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇📖👈❤️❤️❤️❤️
ሰላም እንደገና ወንድም ተዘራ ሙሉ ቪድዮውን ይስሙት ብሏል ቪድዮው ግን የለም ተነስቷል ከየት እናግኘው? ታማኝነትስ...? pls share the link
wow you are amazing reverend tezera
Cosmo አንተ ተፅእኖ የምትፈጥረበት አከባቢ ማለት ነው ውውውውው ዳዲ Amazing
Well come well come ye abate berukan Teberekililgn
Ye hiweta tiyaka bewnet yetefetabet interview new i don’t know yehin yesema hulu yiterfal wowwwwww
Full of word of God ,
Geta yibarkachihu
God teaches us by His Word not by disease or poverty
sofi kemjemerya jemero yanten show eyeteketatelku neber ...beregitem betam asaselkale teru lewete new ke israel dansa gar ke yididya gar yarekewn ayeche neber.....ye hailu yohnese enaye tezera yarede betam teru be egzabhier kal ewekete yetemola selhone wedefitm endezih ayenete sewochen betgabze divine shon tasadegalhe
Wowow geta eyesusi abisito yibarchu
My God full of wisdom
Part 5 be gugut entebkalne... Tebareku...
I am so blessed
GOD bless u for the Q&A but one question that "i hate u" he didn't answered why ??? u are using as a title for advertising .......
thank you daddy
እዛም ብንሸሽ ያገኘናል ሃሃሃሃሃሃሃ ሶፊ ተመቸኝ
Wow 👏👏👏🙏😇❤💕
ሁላችም ተባረኩ 🙏
God bless you more ❤️❤️
Fff min libel God bless you more and more
በጣም ጥሩ ግዜ ነው እግዛብሄር ይባርካችሁ ተባረኩ
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Tebrkuln bebzu
ፓሥተር ሦፊ ዛሬየምጠይቀዉ ጥያቄም ሖነ መልሡ ለሚሠማሕም ለሚያያቺሑ እር ማሕላቺሁ ቁጭ ብሎ ይታያል
I love u my brother
We love you revernd
Tikikili new ahun tiridetinali egezabehare chare new yikiri bayii new egezabehare malikam amlaki new bemakira kinii mashishigiya new Coved 19 kaegezabehare ayidelim bemalitiki dasee yilali egezabehare yikirii bayii new