#92 David Gershon on how to empower yourself and the whole world!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 มิ.ย. 2024
  • #92 David Gershon. How does a person grow? What is the process that one can evolve to a higher form of conciousness? What is possible for you, your business, the world and how can we create that? These are the deep questions David asked himself at the beginning of his career and are the fundamentals of his work.
    'Have a clear vision of what you want, don't focus on the past. It will transform itself on the way.'
    David is the co-founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute and has been called “the number one expert on social change" in the world. He has been a global leader for four decades in applying behavior change, community empowerment and transformative social change methodologies to address humanity’s greatest challenges and opportunities.
    'There are 4 major questions to ask in transformation: What do you want? What new kind of behavior do you want to see in yourself and/or your employees? Where are you now and what to you need? Most of all: are you willing to grow and go to the most uncomfortable places of yourself?'
    A major academic research study has described their methodology as “unsurpassed in changing behavior. He has been working with all major companies all over the world like Coca cola, Unilever, American Express and many more. Over the past four decades the initiatives he’s designed have won many awards and achieved much recognition.
    David is author of twelve books, including the award-winning Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World and the best-selling Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life as You Want It. He has lectured at Harvard, MIT, and Johns Hopkins and served as an advisor to the White House and the United Nations on empowerment and second order change.
    David has dedicated his life to empowering humanity to believe we can create the world of our dreams and designing the strategies and tools to help us make this a reality.
    In 1986 he created a worldwide march for peace called the Torch of Peace in which 25 miljoen people and 45 head of states participated over 62 countries. Out of this succesfull event he created his latest project World Peace in 2030. A truly transformitve game that anyone who wants to be part of a better the world can play. More info on peace2030.earth
    Thank you so much David for your remarkable carrier, your deep insights in personal and global transformation.

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