"When Karen Goes Skiing" -breakdown of my most controversial short

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • Last year, while snowboarding, I passed a guy on skis who freaked out on me. I made a YT short out of it and have gotten a ton of comments asking for a full video showing the entire run. Here it is.
    There's alot more I want to say but figured I'd keep it short and sweet. The main message is to just, "let it go."
    Life will throw many situations at you where you get riled up and want to seek revenge or get even. Just let it go brahs.
    I'm curious what your take on it is.
    let me know below!
    Thanks for watching!
    #snowboarding #skiing

ความคิดเห็น • 908

  • @bigsamdog1
    @bigsamdog1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +267

    This coming from an old guy who has hung up his skis, it's too crowded and you have to ski so defensively now. I thought you did all right, and best of all you handled the problem perfectly. It's not age and it's not what's on your feet, it's what between your ears. Keep doing what you're doing.

    • @sam3317
      @sam3317 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      skiing in the US is so different to Europe. You still encounter idiots in Europe but in the US nearly everyone thinks that their own individual experience of a days skiing is the only thing that matters. Life is much better when you're considerate to your fellow human beings, it's not all about you.

    • @TeKnoVKNG23
      @TeKnoVKNG23 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The East coast has especially gotten really bad on the weekends with crowd density, plus on some of these smaller hills the beginners and newbies decide to go up top after a couple of runs and then they panic and just stand/sit in the middle of the trails creating more issues. I try to only go midweek now because as you said, you have to ski so defensively and it can be really hard to enjoy it having to keep your head on a swivel looking out for everybody else.

    • @Ghostyfrost9688
      @Ghostyfrost9688 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They were the only two people on the slopes. Come ride opening weekend in PA with two trails open lol

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I’m glad you are off the slopes.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sam3317 I ski more than you do and that’s not my experience at all. Maybe you have a personal problem or ski on the east coast.

  • @igiwigi3713
    @igiwigi3713 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +67

    The pass was fine, he probably just got scared because of the perspective (you were higher than him), but he definitely overreacted. Your reaction was amazing.

    • @joemclaughlin8657
      @joemclaughlin8657 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Boarder was lucky the skier made a tight turn. You should not pass within a few if you have to predict the skier is still moving closer to your lane.

    • @wrench9103
      @wrench9103 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Snowboarders are jerks. Go to your own mountain

  • @ntran2012
    @ntran2012 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +446

    As a skier, I have to say that guy was an a..hole. You were very considerate when passing him and left enough space.

    • @georgeburns8447
      @georgeburns8447 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      Wrong. He passed way too close. Up the hill has to yield to down the hill. No exceptions whatsoever. I've been skiing for over 40 years.

    • @craiglibby1224
      @craiglibby1224 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Respectfully disagree on proximity during the pass. He was too close to the angry skier.

    • @d.johnston
      @d.johnston 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No one cares about your experience man. From day 1 we all learn the rule about yielding. His distance between the skier is all relative. One, this is on video so it's going to be closer than it actually was in real life. Two, I'll admit he could have left MORE room, but he definitely wasn't too close. It's a matter of passing safely and he did just that. The problem between this interaction is that a skier doesn't always look uphill when he traverses. You can see this trail is narrow and the skier takes a relatively large turn radius for the trail. Because he is facing forward, he doesn't care about what is left or right of him and never looks across the hill to see if it's safe to traverse. He doesn't care because he's in his own little world. Then has to go throw a temper tantrum because his "line" and focus were screwed up. When in fact he already started making his turn back to the right before the boarder was barely level with him. Know your facts.@@georgeburns8447

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

      It's interesting reading the different perspectives people have. I personally think the pass could have been timed a little better but at those speeds we're talking .5 seconds different. Had I waited .5 seconds more he'd have already been fully out of his right turn.
      Still though, he wasn't hit or even cut-off. It's one of those things where I knew I wouldn't hit him for multiple reasons. In person you can pick up on things better than from a 360 camera held out on a pole. For example I saw his weight shift to begin his right turn before I ever passed. Another thing is the row of upcoming snow guns. The way that run slopes it was clear he'd go to the right of them while I stayed to the left. You can see that in the video.
      At the end of the day his tantrum was way over the top. Shows a lack of emotional control. That's not the response of someone worried about safety.
      Appreciate your comment! Cheers!

    • @Mr_TacoTuesday
      @Mr_TacoTuesday 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      ⁠@@georgeburns8447Were you the skier? You sound kind of pressed. Did we watch the same video? Dude with the skies buzzed red pants seconds before he got buzzed. Text book hypocrisy

  • @bigintexas07
    @bigintexas07 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +59

    You did nothing wrong and you handled this well without escalating. A great lesson for us all. Thanks for sharing. I hope he sees the video...

  • @zachmillang2903
    @zachmillang2903 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    He just got startled. Good on you to not escalate. You could've gave him a little more room but you timed it ok and we all have seen worse.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I disagree. He should have not backed down to the bully. That just encourages and enables bully behavior in the future with other people. You need to match his bullshit directly. Billy’s only respond to force and power.

    • @marksheehan8026
      @marksheehan8026 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah l agree , a tad close but realisticly no issue , you seemed to be watching what was going on I'm front of you ..
      Iam a skier , the fellow was either having a really bad day or is a total drop kick .. just leave them be , his problem.. move onto the next run ..

    • @Flux11-q6q
      @Flux11-q6q 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I don’t think there was much room to give him, also he was already taking up a lot of the trail

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Flux11-q6q Exactly

    • @pr8840
      @pr8840 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Skier could have given border more room to pass also, rather than wide carves blocking the entire run

  • @Alastair_
    @Alastair_ 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    And for my 2 cents, as someone who was an instructor for both Skiing and Snowboarding for 10 years, you did nothing wrong here. Every so often you just gotta overtake, you were far on the left side of the slope and where aware of him and his movements. It's up to him at that point to be aware of you and react accordingly. So many people get stuck on focussing ahead without ever looking sideways or back up the hill to see what's around you.

    • @jeffreyschultz9200
      @jeffreyschultz9200 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Disagree. I have been struck from behind as I changed turn shape to avoid a large ridge caused by the groomer. The person who hit me from behind blamed me for changing turn shape. If you ski long enough, passes like this will inevitably result in a collision. The downhill skier has the right away.

    • @johnkilty1419
      @johnkilty1419 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You got hit. That is different than this. No one got hit. Not even a close call. both were in control. Yeah the up hill skier yields. I feel that he did so and passed when the downhill skier turned away. Coming up on him like that and snow spraying him then name calling is asking for a confrontation, and was in poor form. I know a few guys who would have made a point to this guy that he would not have liked.@@jeffreyschultz9200 I have seen a lot of entitled skiers who think everyone on the hill, except their buddies, is a newbie or a jerk.

    • @brotherhorus4316
      @brotherhorus4316 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Agreed, it always the skier/rider who is behind, responsibility to not hit or cause an accident. Passing kids on skis is a problem as you never know what they will do, but its still your responsibility.
      However iny opinion the overtake in this video was perfectly safe.

    • @Negentropy369
      @Negentropy369 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Nah mate, if you can see you'll have to alter your turn shape do to some obstacle you perceive then you need to slow down and look over your shoulder. Not doing so is like suddenly changing lanes without checking your mirrors or blindspots while driving. If you want to avoid being hit then you can have a mindset that you just have right of way and can do whatever you want. No one can predict anyone else perfectly, and people are always going to pass other people on the slopes. I see wwaaayyyy too many skiers and snowboarders who never turn their heads at all, they just keep them facing the direction of travel down the entire run, once again imagine driving down a highway with no mirror and your eyes locked straight ahead, a completely insane thing to do. Each turn you should be looking towards your upslope side to get an idea of what's going on around you. As primarily a snowboarder I always look up hill on topside turns, and look back over my front shoulder as a start heel side turns simply because I don't want to get hit and recognize that there are people of wildly different ability and experience levels all over the slope and the concept of downhill right of way doesn't actually matter that much in terms of avoiding collisions. It's a very generalized rule, it doesn't actually protect you all on its own.

    • @Negentropy369
      @Negentropy369 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dang a bunch off my words were butchered by autocorrect, and it won't let me edit on mobile YT site, a "can" is supposed to be a "can't" and "topside is meant to be toeside. There are a couple others but I think they can be understood with their context.

  • @stanggangchannel
    @stanggangchannel 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    As someone who skis and snowboards, I’m pretty neutral when it comes to choosing sides. I have to say I have no issues with what you did. Now like someone else said maybe you startled him a little bit, but that doesn’t give him the right to speak to you like that. There are so many better ways he could have approached you.

  • @melissah187
    @melissah187 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I've had other skiers pass me on a narrow run, approximately 2-3 feet from me, going very fast (think ski race speed) I was startled, but kept my head so as to not go off the run into some trees. The only reason I didn't speed up and chase the person down to tell them that was too close was because the skier also passed so close to my partner who was ahead of me a bit on the same narrow run that they startled him so bad my partner caught an edge and fell. On narrow runs I usually will just slow down to match the person in front of me and wait for a bit more space to safely pass. People should remember these runs are not your own personal race track and sometimes you do just need to slow down for a little while. No doubt you made a strong effort since you were obviously going to pass regardless, and it may be the 360 degree camera, but I I heard another person that close to me out of my field of vision, I would probably get startled too even if I was already initiating a turn away from the sound. Just my personal perspective. As you already said, you could have waited a bit longer for the run to widen. I will say, that guy did not need to tell you to f-off and be so mean. I thought it was very thoughtful of you to go up and ask what you did, not many people would do that. Red jacket guy could have just said you were really close and out of his field of vision and that is really startling since you don't know if you are going to get run into or not.

  • @ttank7241
    @ttank7241 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    From a skiers perspective....The skier sort of caused the situation because of his skiing technique. He is making wide sweeping turns down the middle with the outer most point of the turn about 1/4 of the trail width for the edge of the trail. Essentially he is hogging the entire slope. He could make the same wide turns by sliding the center point of his pass to one side or the other and leaving 1/2 the slope for others that might want to pass. An added benefit is staying on the sides also affords you the best conditions usually.

  • @AllianceBrewing
    @AllianceBrewing 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Killington rider here. That skier’s brain would explode if he tried to ski runs on our hill. We’re used to skiing and riding within inches of each other.

  • @Christian_420
    @Christian_420 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    Hey bro,
    Watched your clip a number of times and here's my (skier) opinion for what it's worth. First off, props for throwing the clip back up and asking for feedback. That right there shows a level of maturity and ownership of your actions. In my opinion I think you scared the shit out of that guy when you went past him. Was it too close? Maybe, maybe not but I think you startled him for sure. Before you started your run you say something about a speed run. Looking back, was that the best time and place for it? Possibly not, but that'/s just my opinion. Maybe you could have checked it up and not passed him. But this is all in hindsight and I wasn't there. I will say that it was a dick move to come up and spray you and then keep going. He could have stopped and said, "Bro, that was a bit close. Next time could you give me more room etc...."
    I will say good on you for not escalating it at the lift line. Just let that shit go, which you did. Again, I think it shows a level of accountability to ask people for their feedback, good and bad and man up and take it on a public forum like this. Well done. Hope to see you down in Mammoth this year. Have a good and safe season.

    • @johndarby4503
      @johndarby4503 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Well said.

    • @bigsamdog1
      @bigsamdog1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Great feed back.

    • @Shawn-yp9ic
      @Shawn-yp9ic 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@johndarby4503 agreed, well said. Its too bad the guy ruined the opportunity to be mature and get that warm & fuzzy feeling for it and instead went negative and Karen-like.

    • @thorremmerde7709
      @thorremmerde7709 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The skier took up like most of the slope, even if you're carving, leave some space for others to pass by. It might've been a little close but the skier was just focused on himself. The snowboarder was already all the way on the outside of the slope where there's always a "passing line", so there's no discussion possible. Skier didn't leave room for anyone, not even a pass strip and was just being a prick and should probably learn a little slope etiquettes.

  • @davidjoaquin141
    @davidjoaquin141 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    He's the dusch for sure. I know you wanted to rip it up, but slow it down a little. I'm a skier and theres been a few times they've got real close to me. So my snow boarder friends tell me its a lot harder to divert on a board compared to ski's. I've never lost temper though, most of the times the boarders apologize. RIde and ski on folks!! Just mind your manners and be respectful.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I think you highlighted an important thing. Not losing your temper. I feel like that spray and, "f you A-hole" put me in defensive mode. I'd have been much more receptive to what he had to say had he just came and talked to me. Had he done that, and I wrote off his concerns, then I'd for sure have been the d-bag.
      Good on you for keeping it together up there. I strive to do the same. We're all human and make mistakes. People are much more willing to adapt and improve when they are treated with a bit of dignity.
      Happy shredding to ya!

    • @michaelrandall9034
      @michaelrandall9034 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He did. The douche did not, so your comment makes zero sense.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should stick to the baby slopes where you belong.

  • @deborahblake801
    @deborahblake801 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    You were totally polite. I get a bit freaked out by fast skiers and boarders whizzing past me, but I am aware of the difference between someone who is fast and in control vs someone totally obnoxious, inconsiderate or out of control. I think you handled it right. Def no need to freak out back at him. You walked away the winner.

    • @johnkilty1419
      @johnkilty1419 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Control is the key word. I agree, the pass was fine. Both were in control and continued down the hill.

  • @elindquist5725
    @elindquist5725 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Someone else mentioned this also, the one thing you could have done differently is called out "on your left, or skier left" to let him know you were coming by. Not only courtesy, but it's a good habit to get into in general.

    • @brentcooke354
      @brentcooke354 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Agreed with calling out but at that speed with wind noise nobody hears it. The skier was obviously a good skier and should be able to competently handle being startled in such a situation

    • @elindquist5725
      @elindquist5725 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@brentcooke354 Unless wind is blowing at you. You can still hear people talking at you on the slopes. Tail wind is even better cuz your voice is carried and heard very easily down the slope.

    • @andrewdinns1746
      @andrewdinns1746 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@elindquist5725 indeed. former Olympic skier told me to do this whenever passing people and i always do. sometimes you get ridic looks from people or comments saying "we werent even close why yell".

    • @Kennoisewater123
      @Kennoisewater123 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      True but only works if they aren’t listening to music or can hear. Nothing else needed imo- he was perfectly fine. I get your point

    • @JamMastaJew
      @JamMastaJew 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm no pro but I do not agree with calling out.
      First, in my experience you can't hear anything once you're in motion even slowly.
      Second, if somehow I was able to hear a voice, a voice is not a sound I'm expecting to hear at high speed. I'm immediately assuming there is something wrong and I need to stop ASAP if I hear a voice shouting at me from so close. Not enough time to process the words being spoken. I will react more unpredictably than if someone just wordlessly overtakes me like that.

  • @AndrewLucic-u4b
    @AndrewLucic-u4b 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Skier here with a snowboarder daughter-I say that dude was in the wrong. You did everything correct, you timed his turn and your pass pretty well for the width of the run. And props to you for slowing down at the slow signs and intersection. That skier was the asshole.

  • @earthroamer9907
    @earthroamer9907 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    Your pass was fine and your response was even better. I have feeling you just frightened him, which I’ve seen before, unfortunately it’s typically old men who are struggling to come to terms with their own limitations. Good job. Leave only tracks!

    • @scrounger-h8i
      @scrounger-h8i 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      what's with the "old men....."??!! Quite possibly the most derogatory post here....

    • @douwe3300
      @douwe3300 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Serious? The pass was fine and all but that guy was not having trouble coming to terms with his own limitations, he is looking extremely composed and is just being a douche.

  • @blangeleven
    @blangeleven 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I enjoyed watching the full video. Interesting commentary and breakdown of what factors you were actively considering during the run. It shows you were being mindful. I also appreciate your admission that if you could go back and do it again, you might have timed the pass a bit better. Good on you. In my opinion, nobody did anything wrong here except for the skier getting bent out of shape. I ski quite fast most of the time and I take great effort to keep maximum distance from other people. And if the run is too crowded, I'll dial things back accordingly. I've been fortunate that in the rare instance I've collided with someone or even just gotten uncomfortably close--regardless of who is at fault--I've been able to have a clam and respectful dialogue. Make apologies, ask if the other person is okay, maybe even comment about what we could have done better. It actually makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

    • @bigsamdog1
      @bigsamdog1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Most of the time that's all it takes, and it sure does make you feel good when you do the right thing, just like you said.

    • @davideades4839
      @davideades4839 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This break down is in hind sight after a million views... If he really were as thoughtful as he makes it sound he wouldnt have passed or he'd have been much further to the left.
      He could have stayed higher on the side hill more to the left using two turn shapes.
      Alonger left turn up the side hill and very short right turn to not get sucked down into the middle of the run and the skier.
      Most riders dont know, dont think or cant alter turns like that to hold a line on a side hill.
      Fun fact, they should because thats always where the best snow is.

  • @robcarr8505
    @robcarr8505 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    He thinks it's his mountain. He's an old entitled punk. You didn't back down from him so you can hold your haad up high. You did absolutely nothing wrong as far as im concerned.

  • @timcline2799
    @timcline2799 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a skier I’ve found this video very eye opening, educational. This angry skier assumes he is right, then goes nuclear; refusing to listen to boarders explanation. Especially considering no collision occured, his attitude is inappropriate for sharing public space. Ride on, Bro 😊 Thank you!

  • @TheCometdefender
    @TheCometdefender 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    I personally think you got a little close there as a skier who likes to occasionally bomb runs. I don’t think you were in the wrong necessarily but it looks like he was still at the top of the arc when you passed and didn’t necessarily start the turn, I would personally wait until he’s already further towards the opposite side of the run. If I were him, would it have startled me? Probably, but I would just mumbled under my breath and moved on with my day.

    • @johannorberg4174
      @johannorberg4174 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah the best is to get about even height as they are furthest away to show you are there. And if you see they dont see you coming you break and try again.
      Obviously he probably got startled but you did wait until he was going the other way but I would also feel you were to close especially at those speeds but in no way close for getting angry lol

    • @angelmarques3124
      @angelmarques3124 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Exactly what I was thinking. Could he have done a better pass? Sure. Is he an ass for passing like that? Hell nah.

    • @buitragobb228
      @buitragobb228 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yeah, I'd say you passed too close. If he had gone more to the left I think you wouldn't have been able to stop, and would have smashed into him. You need to leave enough room so that even if he does something unexpected you'll be able to avoid him. I commend you though for how you handled his reaction.

    • @docomega7862
      @docomega7862 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@buitragobb228except he explained and showed in this video, that he waited until he had engaged his right turn before overtaking. So he wouldn't have gone more to the left like you think is a possibility, as he was already engaging in a right turn. Was it a little close? Maybe, but slopes don't have infinite width, at some point you gotta overtake, which the snowboarder did much more carefully and analytically than the skier has shown capable of

    • @buitragobb228
      @buitragobb228 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@docomega7862 Yeah, I get what you're saying, and I know that's what he thinks he did, but to me it looks pretty clear in the video that it's really likely he would of smashed into the guy if the skier had kept going to the left. By the time the skiier turned to the right, he was already too close.

  • @UraniumTwoThirtyFive
    @UraniumTwoThirtyFive 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As a skier, I think you read it right. I probably would’ve waited for him to completely commit to the right turn, but all in all, he was in the wrong. You read the mountain similar to how I do, analyzing every move.
    Also, hats off for trying to have a friendly conversation with him and not addressing him aggressively. That further proves your case.

  • @ridewithr
    @ridewithr 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Totally agree with you and love your attitude! You have to be always respectful, specially at the mountain. You cannot be insulting other people or being aggresive like that guy was, it doesn't matter how close or far you passed him. The guy was doing turns across the whole slope like he was the only one there, anyway.

    • @Marina-ug7qt
      @Marina-ug7qt 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree with this statement. It looks like he has enough skill to stay on one side so other skiers/snowboarders could pass him…

    • @Marina-ug7qt
      @Marina-ug7qt 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree with this statement. It looks like he has enough skill to stay on one side so other skiers/snowboarders could pass him…

  • @stevedugas8988
    @stevedugas8988 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am a lawyer and a skier. The first two items in the Skier's Code of Conduct are:
    1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
    2. People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
    You would never have been able to stop or avoid the skier who had the right of way if he had not turned out of your way. You do not have the right to assume what the downhill skier is going to do; you are clearly in the wrong. He should not have reacted angrily, but your desire to bomb the hill does not give you the right to violate the Code. Had there been a collision and injuries, you would have been at fault. You could have been successfully sued for damages, just as in the case a few years back involving the actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She was the downhill skier and was run over by a skier coming from behind her and won her case.

    • @andrewdinns1746
      @andrewdinns1746 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lol, some people have significantly faster reaction times than others. At no point were they too close for him to be able to stop to avoid thie skier if he did a wider left turn.
      2:03 not close at all plenty of space to manuever around.
      2:05 he turning.
      No idea what you're going on about. skier was being a clown taking up>75% of the run anyway, you should stick to one half of the trail. You should do the same whenever you're skiing. Taking up the 3/4 a run on a non-super narrow trail is very rude behavior. Defending somebody doing it while quoting the skiers code of conduct, tells me lots about you.
      do better steve.

    • @elruchal
      @elruchal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      man is a question of how much time he takes to react to stop... please look at the video... impossible to react at that speed. It's physics... @@andrewdinns1746

    • @elruchal
      @elruchal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      FIS RULES:
      Rule 2 fkd -> Not controlling speed. Just a full send in the narrowest part.
      Rule 3 fkd -> Clearly a bad route to pass.
      Rule 4 fkd -> Obvously there is not enough space when passing and also does it "by surprise".
      Rule 5 fkd -> Does not look up when breaking, he does AFTER
      Rule 6 fkd -> He STOPS in a narrow place, in mid slope and with no previous advice or check...
      The rules here:
      For more safety on the slopes
      1. Respect for others
      A skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way that he or she does not endanger or prejudice others.
      2. Control of speed and skiing or snowboarding
      A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt the speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of terrain, snow and weather as well as to the density of traffic.
      3. Choice of route
      A skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way not to endanger skiers or snowboarders ahead.
      4. Overtaking
      A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.
      5. Entering, starting and moving upwards
      A skier or snowboarder entering a marked run, starting again after stopping or moving upwards on the slopes must look up and down the slopes that he can do so without endangering himself or others.
      6. Stopping
      Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the slope in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move and clear of the slope as soon as possible.
      7. Climbing and descending on foot
      A skier or snowboarder either climbing or descending on foot must keep to the side of the slope.
      8. Respect for signs and markings
      A skier or snowboarder must respect all signs and markings.
      9. Assistance
      At accidents, every skier or snowboarder is duty bound to assist.
      10. Identification
      Every skier or snowboarder and witness, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and addresses following an accident.

    • @elruchal
      @elruchal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@andrewdinns1746please, explain me where is that 50% and 75% you are talking about.

  • @Sqwivig
    @Sqwivig 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I've been a skier for over 10 years. Here is my take on the situation. So there are multiple things happening here. Angry man was definitely taking very wide sweeping turns and hogging the run a little bit. Nothing inherently wrong with that, as long as you have a consistent tempo and your movements are predictable. Angry man was doing fine. He could have stayed more to the right but the run is a bit narrow so I can understand why he didn't do that. I can see you were being cautious, looking ahead, and trying to time your pass respectfully. I think a callout like "on your left!" would have been helpful, and it's a good habit to have. You got a little close but nothing too bad. I think he just got spooked and decided to get angry at you. He definitely escalated the situation by spraying you and cursing at you, which was NOT cool. This situation could have been resolved if he respectfully told you "hey you got a little too close to me for my comfort and that scared me." And you could have said "oh I'm sorry about that. I timed my pass poorly." And all would be well. You did the right thing by not escalating the conflict further. Asking the snowboard and skiing community for constructive feedback shows that you are very mature and willing to improve if you were in the wrong. I don't think you did anything wrong, just make sure you call out to the people downhill so they know you want to pass them 😊
    I also want to add that older people who ski have a negative bias toward snowboarders that can be downright bigoted. He probably has an old school mentality that the ski hill is "his" and that he owns it. I'm a 25 year old skier myself and I can't stand this mentality from older folks. The mountain is for EVERYONE. We have to learn how to share it and be respectful to each other. I've encountered my fair share of assholes both on skis and on snowboards. But for some reason there is still a stigma against snowboarders.
    Thank you for the message that violence is never the answer and learning how to let stuff like this go. We are all human and we make mistakes. Like I said, just make a habit of calling out your passes 😁👍

  • @tennisjiujitsu
    @tennisjiujitsu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lashes out, acts aggressive, tells you to stay away. That would defiantly piss me off. You handled it perfectly.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No he didn’t. You should not let bullies bully you. That’s just enabling and encouraging that behavior. You match his bullshit. Stand your ground.

  • @TheGweedMan
    @TheGweedMan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I mostly ski, but occasionally I do snowboard. But coming from a skiers perspective you did nothing wrong. I hope you have better snowboard days in your future!

  • @WhizzRichardThompson
    @WhizzRichardThompson 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    His pride was dented because a snowboarder had the 'audacity' to overtake him and he couldn't handle that fact gracefully.

  • @susansmith2673
    @susansmith2673 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This was so helpful as a person who is always scared when people pass me. Thank you for trying to figure out where his turn was happening. I am so new in my mind still that I often freak when people come close to me. This gave so much perspective. Also, you are right violence is never the answer my guess is he was carrying anger about other things too. Thanks for trying to ask.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should stick to the baby slopes or maybe just play gold for something more mild.

  • @itsei
    @itsei 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I do not know why some people just can’t enjoy the day out on the snow. Maybe he wasn’t expecting anyone on the mountain that day. 😂

    • @georgeburns8447
      @georgeburns8447 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No. The snowboarder passed way too close. Snowboarder was at fault 100%.

  • @mototodd
    @mototodd 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I love that lady. “Is he serious? What an Ass”.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You won't believe this. I serve tables at a restaurant in this town and the other day one of my customers looked and sounded so familiar but I couldn't figure out why. The more I listened to her voice the more I just knew I had ran into her before. Lo and behold, it turns out she's the lady in this video. Dead serious. This video was taken last winter so it was wild to be serving her a year later. She was really kind and extremely generous with the tip. I got really busy and never told her but I'm sure I'll see her again and will ask her if she's seen the video. I have my hair up when working so it's almost like the Clark Kent effect. Anyways, thought you might enjoy that. I certainly got a kick out of it.

    • @mototodd
      @mototodd 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thegoodobserver cool

  • @MoniB888
    @MoniB888 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I saw the short & then came here. I really appreciate how you handled yourself as well as the message in this video. It’s important to acknowledge how we can do better in all situations, as well as addressing the call to violence. I personally learn better from taking a closer look or being taken to task like this vs being hit, which will only make you feel even more justified if you’re in the wrong. Well done. I hope he has better days on the slopes & learns to treat people with the kindness & restraint you’ve shown here. Bravo 👏❤

  • @Aaron-bt6td
    @Aaron-bt6td 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think you handled it perfectly. Staying cool. Because he had no reason to be pissed. It was a clean pass. Like someone suggested though maybe call out what side you’re passing on if it is going to be close or maybe even get a whistle if you know you will be bombing speed runs like that.

  • @jbriggsy
    @jbriggsy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    It's Mid River Run, a pretty narrow spot, and you're both moving pretty fast. He can't see behind him and you surprised him as you passed him at the moment he was furthest to skier's left (even though he had started the turn, as you say). That said, he could have said a simple "you were kinda close, maybe give me a little more space next time" and you could've said "sorry about that" and everyone could've gone on with their lives, but I know that doesn't get clicks and eyeballs online.

    • @Shawn-yp9ic
      @Shawn-yp9ic 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      and there it is , right there. Due should have communicated that he felt it was too close of a pass or whatever, that would have given Boarder the opportunity to say my bad (I dont think it was) or maybe, "hey I was trying to time that pass where we'd be at our farthest apart but it didnt shake out like that but there was nothing reckles or disrespectful. Instead by not communicating and snow plowing him instead he is the one at fault or acted childish. Too bad he had those huge black glasses on. If your gonna be all anti-violence and all, then you shouldn't be provoking physical acts by sliding up and skidding throwin a wall of snow at me boy. Thats not a peaceful reaction, it's one that is aggressive and confrontational if you aren't sure he goes off at the mouth next making it clear. This guy made his bed by acting aggressive and all the "fuck yous" "stay the fuck away from me" (No, CHUMP, you got issues YOU Stay away I'm not doing a thing for you. Small dose of semi-non-ish-violence-like wouldn't hurt to make a point.

    • @benbbuxton
      @benbbuxton 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This x1000

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He didn’t hit him and it wasn’t that close. On a narrow run you shouldn’t be making huge turns taking up the whole width of the run.

  • @jefftinney3131
    @jefftinney3131 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was making shorter turns following the fall line and could hear a guy behind so I held my line in a predictive way. When he blew by he gave me a big thumbs up! Felt good.

    • @StCreed
      @StCreed 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is the way.

  • @skeel_8923
    @skeel_8923 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I’m a ski instructor and the only reason I would be pissed if someone did that to me is if I were to have a class. That being said you don’t seem like the type of person to do that and the skier is 100% in the wrong and thinks he owns the mountain. He was taking up most of the run so you didn’t really have too many choices of where to pass him.

    • @DJSolistica
      @DJSolistica 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Then you'd slow down and not pass.

  • @krak0n0s
    @krak0n0s 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great breakdown. Empty slopes, great visibility, keep on bom'ing. Karen for sure!

  • @TonyStefanelli
    @TonyStefanelli 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Your timing was off which put you beside him when he was at the apex of his right turn - so widest to his left and the left side of the run. You should have timed it so he was past the apex and already traveling right. As it was, he was still headed towards the left side of the run. To accomplish this timing change, a speed check that slowed you by 2 to 6 seconds was in order.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I agree with the timing aspect and say that at the end of this video. One thing that's easier to see in person is the other person's slight movements. He had shifted his weight to turn before I passed. It's more of a "I knew I wouldn't hit him" as he was beginning his right turn. I was off on how fast I would reach the side of him though.
      I hope one can atleast see my intention was to pass after he has made his right turn. Just should have waited a second or two before pointing the board.
      That being said, his response is over the top. Nothing productive happens when someome acts like that. And to me you lose all rights to complain about a pass being unsafe if you intentionally charge someone then hockey stop to spray them. People loose control doing that all the time. One is intentionally unsafe while the other is bad timing with no ill intentions.
      Anyways, appreciate your feedback.

    • @srwarner3346
      @srwarner3346 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh get over it man . If you are cutting 2 / 6 seconds hairs , skiing is DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @tazman4855
      @tazman4855 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      2-6 secs at that speed will be 20-40ft. It's 1/10 sec to 1/2.

    • @qwerty511511
      @qwerty511511 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thegoodobserver His response was obnoxious as hell. I mean who sprays a random person? That being said, you came way too close to him and at high speeds. Maybe you knew you weren't going to hit him, but from his perspective he had no clue and it was a near miss with some jerk bombing down the mountain. But you handled it well afterwards which is all you can do, and he handled it terribly.

  • @gregjerome1911
    @gregjerome1911 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great message-we don’t have to get violent, that dude’s having a bad day. He did the exact same thing a few minutes prior to another skier. You handled it great.

  • @jerryamo
    @jerryamo 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    When a conflict arises, I often try to find out why, but sometimes you have to realize that some people are just unhappy, and they feel a need to spread that unhappiness. It’s not on you bro.

  • @JD-sr3ym
    @JD-sr3ym 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You did get too close but the skier was on a turning away. He was surprised that he was overtaken as he was overtaking everyone up until that point. Ego was smashed😂

  • @blyslv1
    @blyslv1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When it's the middle of the day and you know there are other skiers on the run, going for a 'speed record' is rather selfish. Also acknowledge that snowboarders and skiers view the slope in a different way. I've been sent to the hospital by both a snowboarder and a skier, so it's not a question of which sport you choose. It's more a question of slowing down when there's other people on the mountain and having more respect. I think you got carried away.

  • @colinmcdonald2499
    @colinmcdonald2499 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I am a skier, with numerous close snowboarder friends and riding buddies.
    Your pass was too damn close brother. If my riding/skiing buddy passes me that way ( talking a friend who skis or boards) passes me that way.. i cuss them out if they are a close friend. A pass that close should never happen among riding buddies and NEVER among strangers. That guy is not wearing a sign on his back saying " I only make 18 meter radius turns and never change my radius"
    For example. I switch lines ( with a blindspot check which only a minority of boarders and skiers alike do) often. If i see some sweet bumps left of where you passed that guys... both of us go to the medical center, and lawsuits etc. Ensue.
    The fact that you announced on your go pro that it was your 2nd attempt at a speed run ... kinda indicts you as being in the wrong.
    You should humble up. You were the douche that day. Maybe he was too. But you were El Douchabagga!

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      One thing you're missing is the line of snowguns that begin right after I pass him. That's how I know his line wasn't going to change. In person it was extremely clear he was going to stay to the right of them while I go to the left of them. It was also clear his weight shifted to begin his right turn when I went for the pass.
      In the video, I stated, "I could have timed the pass better." Definitely should have waited 1 second longer before pointing the board straight. At the end of the day though he wasn't cut off and no one was hurt. His reaction wasn't warranted. We shouldn't live in a "what if" world. Talking about there being lawsuits and what not is illogical as there was nothing to sue over. Could it happen? Absolutely. But one could apply that "what if" mentality to sooooo many situations. Like I could say, "what if he slipped while intentionally spraying me, hurt me, and then I sued him. That sure would be bad since I could show that he had clear intentions to hurt me." See how that works?
      You might disagree since you claim to cuss out your friends over getting passed too closely. That's where I think reality breaks down for the both us and we'd probably not see eye to eye on alot of things.
      A skier ran into me last year and I laughed then made sure he was ok. I wasn't hurt so I didn't fret and even if I was hurt I'd have shown him some grace as we all make mistakes. One can still find restitution without having a tantrum like a 3 year old. I'd even argue it's more likely to come to a faster resolution if you treat the other person with dignity. It's not like he was intentionally trying to hit me.
      At the end of the day you're entitled to your opinion and I do agree with part of it. This is the one and only bad interaction I've had on the mountain. I'll do my best to keep it that way.

    • @colinmcdonald2499
      @colinmcdonald2499 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @thegoodobserver long response.
      I won't try to reply to all of it.
      I am not talking "what ifs."
      I am talking about something called "safe passing distance" All of your justifications seem kind of stubborn headed.
      You failed to pass a comfortable and safe distance. Especially at those speeds.
      Many of us have been taken out at least once by a skier or boarder ( I am not focusing on boarders being soley at fault... Because the 40%plus gradient racing pistes I frequent... There are skiers even worse at this than boarders).
      But you need to empathize some here bro. You keep saying "analyze the video" but that might be the issue. You are living in your video too much.
      That guy couldn't analyze anything.
      Maybe he got broken by someone 10 years ago... And your lack of * safe passing distance* triggered his fight or flight.
      I was doing completely predictable skidding short turns ( straight down the fall line) on a moderate grade on an empty and wide piste. A snow boarder absolutely clobbered me.. To the point it seemed intentional. I was lucky.. He hit both my skis under the binding and they both released clean before he smashed into my torso. A dozen cms back... I may have had double ACL ruptures.
      I was 110kg lean that year. And I got up on boots. I was ready to permanently disable him and ( almost) rightfully so for his blindside assault/battery.
      Thankfully a nice 3rd party prevented any escalation. Stated clearly in English and Korean that he witnessed what had happened and if there was any injury to me... He would 100% testify that the blindsider was at fault... He took his goggles up and looked at me and told me to take a few deep breaths. Gave me his business card and rode off. The dumb blindsider apologized.
      Legally I would have been stupid to beat him down in ROK. But in the US... Self defence is trickier.
      I've seen people carted off the mountain in back and neck braces. Once I heard a ski buddy wailing because his friend carted off in an ambulance was presumed to be quadrapeligic ( best case) or not gonna make it ( worst case). Reportedly it was the worst case scenario.
      It is a dangerous sport ( alpine stuff in general)... People like you make it more dangerous. No a mount of your narcicism will change that.
      Dude you talk so much... But bottom line... I am not going to analyze your footage further.
      You needed to add several more board ski/board lengths to your clearance minimum.
      What you did was an act of vehicular aggression.
      The first act of violence that day was committed by you.
      I stand by that.
      You. Committed. The first act of violence.
      You need to understand that passing at that distance is no different than cutting off another driver ( I presume you drive). No contact made etc. But still cutting off someone. The state of the US Nation.
      The purpose of " safe passing distance" is to set a kind of radius around each person/vehicle.
      The thing he got right?
      Mockingly calling you " a hero".
      Are you justifying this kind of bullshit pass and encouraging intermediate viewers of your channel that it is cool/okay to pass this way?
      When they fuck up and end up on a back board... And so does the 5 year old they take out... Because they weren't as good as you. Are you happy with those potential results?
      These are not whatiffs... This is probability. You have a significant number of viewers they should pass better than you.
      You need to be responsible.
      On a separate matter. Yes... Splashing someone can be fun.. Or funny. It can also be a bit like throwing water in someone's face with a bit different cultural context. But if it goes wrong, there are some serious issues at stake. It used to be an old-school right of passage. I have toned it down for the reason you mentioned. I don't splash my snowboard buddies unless the snow conditions are perfect and they are doing something teachibly stupid like sitting on the snow under a drop ( one close friend keeps doing that... Drives me nuts).

    • @doghut
      @doghut 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ⁠​⁠@@thegoodobserverUnlike Colin McDonald, I’m on your side here. As a skier, I’d feel perfectly safe with you passing me in the way you did here in the video. As you stated, the skier was clearly turning towards the right. Additionally, you were going at a controlled speed, leaving enough time to react by immediately turning away if anything were to go terribly wrong. Keep on shreddin!

    • @sharkladyindisguise
      @sharkladyindisguise 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@colinmcdonald2499 agreed! I may not know too much about this sport, but the responses I’m seeing from the OP make it pretty clear he’s looking for validation rather than an actual analysis.

    • @sharkladyindisguise
      @sharkladyindisguise 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      First off, major negative points for the slang insult at the end there, classy.
      Secondly, you passed CLOSE dude. Was a narrow path, it happens. Maybe yell on your left next time. You scared the hell out of the poor guy! Yes, he was a bit childish with the splash, but you also made zero effort to wave or acknowledge him in any way. He may well have thought you were trying to scare him! His adrenaline was up big time, and when you came up to him at the end, he was nervous and defensive, and understandably so. He wanted the conversation done and over with, and you kept pressing after the fact. Let him be mad! No reason to stoop to his level regardless of the guilty party.

  • @SkiingIsBelieving859
    @SkiingIsBelieving859 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    that was a safe pass! i do that all the time and always make sure i have enough space on my other side to bale if the person does something unpredictable. lots of videos like this result in a crash and people mistakenly blame the downhill skier for taking too much space on the run but this is proof that someone can take up the whole run and you can still safely pass.

  • @MikeMurdy
    @MikeMurdy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Obviously cranky old man with issues 🤷‍♂️ unfortunately, you can’t fix that 😂
    Keep sending it, dude

  • @stefanb18
    @stefanb18 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Solid message at the end. It's always good to yell out your position when on the slopes to the downhill person. Shred on brother!

    • @JamMastaJew
      @JamMastaJew 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The end? When he calls him a retard? 🤔

  • @Holeysocks464
    @Holeysocks464 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    A fairly common situation, I don’t think you did anything wrong. But we often may be assuming that person in front of us is going to continue their pattern. That’s usually the time they change things, maybe continuing further to stop or just go much wider. I’d like to wait until they actually completed the turn and have obviously gone right. But this all happened in real time and it’s rarely perfect. But if it goes wrong remember that person in front of you has right of way. I think mainly you just surprised him and startled him, us old guys are terrified of getting hit. Please respect us old guys your time is coming. I’ve laughed at way closer calls, shit happens. More snow please God 😊✌️.

    • @bigsamdog1
      @bigsamdog1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I know, now a days, on these crowded slopes, close is when you actually touch. I thought "The Kid"(no disrespect) handled the situation after, perfectly. I'm one of those old guys.

    • @saturatedodin476
      @saturatedodin476 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you leave enough space for people to pass you on each side of the run you will not have this issue.

  • @shannononeal7375
    @shannononeal7375 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Love your attitude and the takeaway, increase the peace. Working in myself ever day. ✌️

  • @gronygroovy
    @gronygroovy 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As a Skier myself, the "Angry Skier Guy" was 1000% just an @sshat! He is probably really unhappy with his miserable life and wanted to vent, you were an absolute gentleman about what he did, WAY more than I would have been, kudos! You just carry on doing what you do, bud! Respect for not just smacking him on his butt after his aggressive attitude! Subscribed and look forward to more content! 😎

  • @dustinrogers3257
    @dustinrogers3257 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dude was being a jerk. You handled it graciously, much respect for the over positive message man ,violence is deff not the answer, peace and kindness, the goal is always to ride or ski another day, trying to look out for everyone's well being on the mountain ❤

  • @flipsmc8647
    @flipsmc8647 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You were in the right bruv. 🤟

  • @jamil1418
    @jamil1418 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    absolutely ! never give in to anger and violence

  • @kyledean2378
    @kyledean2378 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You were wrong on this one homie. Most likely not what you want to hear but its all good.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't necessarily mind hearing it. I can admit the timing of the pass was off. That's it though. I knew I wouldn't hit him when I went for it. I just pointed the board straight a little too soon. At the end of the day he wasn't cut off and there was space between us. I've been passed like that countless times and don't think a thing of it. My thinking is, "no harm, no foul."
      My contention is with the few people saying his response was justified.

    • @elruchal
      @elruchal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thegoodobserver"no harm no foul"? OK!!! I'll move a knife close to your face, so no harm no foul? XDDDD man.. plz, think twize, I also like snow as I think you do.

  • @beauknowss
    @beauknowss 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dude you handled that sooo well.. much respect 🫡

  • @frankm2588
    @frankm2588 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I don't think Angry Man was that close to Red Pants, RP was already making pretty wide turns and the fact he went farther to the left when AM passed does not mean it was that close, RP may have just got a little skittish. At 1:55 when you pass AM, you are pretty close, since he is at the farthest left of his left turn and has not begun going right. I think you should have timed it a little better and passed when he was a little more into his right turn. BUT I don't think it was that bad.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a fair assessment. At the end of the video, I say, "I could have timed it better."
      I still think he greatly overreacted though. His line wasn't interrupted and no harm was done to him.
      Last year someone ran into me up there and the first thing I did was make sure they were OK. Didn't throw any shade on them or anything. We're all human and make mistakes. I try to show grace when I can because lord knows I've been shown alot of grace throughout my life.
      I suppose we all see things a bit differently though.
      Cheers frank!

  • @markgaddini9538
    @markgaddini9538 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've done so much worse. I've jumped off a lift, simultaneously, with a friend and almost caused the cable to bounce off, sending half the people riding on the bounce-a-thon of their lives. Also, I've wiped out about 8 people, at once, coming in hot, into a ski lift line, after bombing a hill and thinking it would be hilarious to spray everyone - then catching an edge. I've launched over jumps not knowing people were down on the other side. I full sent off a cliff that had a trace amount of snow, thanks to a buddy giving me 'the knowledge' "it was safe and would be radical" (destroying brand new skiis in the process. The list goes on... as I'm sure it does for many reading this, too. The point is, when we're out there, we're usually going for it. Mistakes will happen. Sometimes we're to blame, other times, others. It's all in good fun though. To me, the argument at the bottom of the run was understandable. The retaliatory spray was kind of funny. And the skiers reaction was pretty hilarious too, "I know you're awesome and all...." You've got to admit that's a funny line. I've had lifts stopped and operators clipping my ticket as a warnings and been blown off the mountain. I think there's one place I'm banned for life, although I doubt they'd remember me. Bottom-line, we all know better but still, some crazy shit's always going to happen. So, why get butt hurt? Sure, he was hogging the slope, you burned by pretty close, he sprayed, you called him out and he got pouty. Who cares? In the end, everyone had a good time.

  • @mathewmccabe2658
    @mathewmccabe2658 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Good attitude on your part. But imo there’s no reason to make a pass like that right before a slow skiing zone. He was linking nice turns; it appeared you were looking for somewhere to show off your “straight line” speed. Kudos for rising above though. For that, you are a winner.

    • @JK-vc7ie
      @JK-vc7ie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe you should stick to the baby slopes or choose a different sport.

  • @TearsThe
    @TearsThe 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    It's actually a close call. You were fast and a bit close to the skiers. It's a split second moment on the mountain. He couldn't review the video on the slope like you do sitting at home. You really scared him with such a close pass. With ur skill level, you could have done better. I'm not trying to justify his reaction, he definitely overreacted.

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      You have a balanced take. I agree. I definitely could have timed it better. In person there's more we see. Like the upcoming row of snow guns that he was clearly staying to the right of and his weight shift to begin the right hand turn. I knew I wouldn't hit him but I gained speed faster than planned and passed a second too early.
      I think had he not come up and sprayed me I'd have been like, "yeah man, that's my bad. Sorry to scare you." I was just in defensive mode after getting sprayed. Years ago I would have fought someone over that in a heartbeat. I've done alot of work and changed for the better but there's still some of that fighting spirit in me. Luckily it just came out as being defensive when were were talking in line.
      This is the one and only heated experience I've had on the mountain. Definitely going to try my best to keep it that way.

    • @michaelroggeman174
      @michaelroggeman174 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lol. A close call lol😂

    • @skiingrooster9808
      @skiingrooster9808 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It is very unfortunate that instead of calmly trying to explain why he thought it was close, he decided to just belittle you. That is not called for at all. Totally unacceptable.
      So there's no way you can reason / communicate with him at all.
      However, please do know that you are both converging at the same point and a pass like this is also not acceptable. If one of you blew a tire, it could be devastating.
      The only person I will allow to converge with me at a point is my dad, because we're in tune.
      Professional skiers / riders (NCAA / Olympic / etc.) will not converge to pass, because quite frankly they are skilled enough to not be in that position. When I pass someone, the other party barely sees me, like a ghost.
      But you definitely are in the right by not fighting him (and just noticed, you even politely asked him what was up). You're just having a good time!!

  • @terdog3463
    @terdog3463 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh god, you're not the douchebag for making that pass. It was a perfectly clean pass and 100% safe. I've seen passes way tighter than that, and well, those I have gotten mad at. Buy you're was 100% safe, clean, and totally valid when you slowed down and stopped. The angry skier was being a total douchebag the way he sprayed you, told you off, and well, his demeanour at the bottom of the hill at the lift. As a former ski instructor, I would have pulled that skier aside and had a talk if I had seen all of that. Possibly taking him to a supervisor and well maybe a ban for few days.

  • @ddfefeffef
    @ddfefeffef 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Your pass could have been timed better. As your passing him you were straight lining down the run instead of veering away from him, as he turned towards you.

    • @Dluiogbre
      @Dluiogbre 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Disagree. He was decisively passing. He timed the skiers turns and passed as he was turning. And he scrubbed a lot of speed to time it JUST before straightening. Nobody got hit and the skier was cleanly and clearly avoided without even needing to alter his line. No foul. Skier is just mad he got passed up.

    • @colinmcdonald2499
      @colinmcdonald2499 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Nope.. too close for comfort. 99 out of 100 times it goes well. But if one or the other bobbles... blood is spilled. Tendons rupture and brain trama happens ( neither bonehead has a helmet) Both guys probably have razor sharp edges. At least 5 meters 15 feet spacing.

    • @bigsquidmeyer
      @bigsquidmeyer 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This guy on board is a total fool.

    • @bigsquidmeyer
      @bigsquidmeyer 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ronn lemaster for killed by a fool like the guy who made video for capitalism 😅

  • @TruthDragon.
    @TruthDragon. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You handled that perfectly. Truth is that you can't make everyone happy in life so let those situations roll off your back and move on with your awesome day! Great job dealing with the angry old man!
    Why, back in my day, we didn't have ski resorts, we hiked up the mountain for 8 hours and skied down in 2 minutes and we liked it! What an angry old koot!

  • @Chakirisan
    @Chakirisan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He’s just an older cranky ass skier who thinks snowboarders don’t have the same rights on a hill. I was skiing a ton when snowboarding first started showing up at resorts in the early to mid 80’s, and snowboarders were always good natured and the most fun individuals on the hill. (In general) I applaud your restraint and your mature response, getting physical would just feed the anger that festers in that individual. Bravo sir.

  • @lozdeegan5774
    @lozdeegan5774 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    'Let them be angry' wise words

  • @nynomadfjc3907
    @nynomadfjc3907 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think my reaction would have been the same, caught off guard with "wtf did i do? Aww well"

  • @gregoryf9299
    @gregoryf9299 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Some folks are just jerks, there's not much you can do. You seemed to keep it legit and calm. 100% agree you did right.

  • @pete6705
    @pete6705 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I dunno, I’ve passed about a million people like that, and I’ve never heard anyone get mad about it

  • @edrundle3551
    @edrundle3551 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1. As the overtaking party you are responsible in a collision. That’s the code and in most places, the law. I would add that it’s ALSO your responsibility to avoid scaring him.
    2. In this kind of situation, I have always found it possible to get a bit closer to him and pass after he is fully moving away, (It will actually be plenty of time and he will be looking right at you as he comes back across.) often including a verbal “on your left!”. Sometimes I choose to just stay back and follow his turns, why should I always get to do things my way?
    3. Any time I’m doing what he is doing (hogging the run) I keep glancing back to look for faster descenders. If someone is coming, I’ll choose the opposite side and throw in a few fall line turns. (Why should I always get to do things my way?). For his own safety, to avoid being scared, to avoid getting pissed, to avoid confrontation……he, AND WE ALL should learn to do this!
    4. As the slope gets more crowded, both parties need to scale it back appropriately.
    5. You did fine both there and here online. Hopefully you both learned to do better next time.
    6. Return to #1. above!

  • @GoTTi0374
    @GoTTi0374 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Agreed, the was room for a better timing but even more, just enjoy being out there and not letting others ruin your day. Getting into a fight or even get physical would turn meh moments to bad ones… You handled the situation as best as possible!

    @THISISSAIGON 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Don't know why people don't call out if you're going left or right! So simple!

  • @barazimg
    @barazimg 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "He's a local asshole." Looks like he has a reputation.

  • @patgottshalk8808
    @patgottshalk8808 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I appreciate your outlook. He skidded an earlier turn to look for you, you left space and he was instigating an argument. I am a senior skier and he made us look bad.

  • @J.J.J.J.J.J.J
    @J.J.J.J.J.J.J 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He called you a "hero" because he was intimidated that you are better on the hill, thus it turned to embarrassment and anger. And even though he tried to call you a hero with a negative tone, his true thoughts were revealed.

  • @FeatSkateboards
    @FeatSkateboards 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lol! Sun Valley too, no surprise. Love it, keep shredding. You were in the right.

  • @MoonFoxSassy
    @MoonFoxSassy 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    He's mad because you passed him 😂

  • @WWJD.
    @WWJD. 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You did nothing wrong man! There will always be those Jerks out there.✌️✌️

  • @tedd7028
    @tedd7028 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Guy was just unhappy.
    Good for you being gracious and forgiving.

  • @donh3590
    @donh3590 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    some guys just can't handle getting old.

  • @GarrettCrosgrove
    @GarrettCrosgrove 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If that skier spent as much time rearranging his bedroom as he does on the slopes, maybe he wouldn't be waking up on the wrong side of the bed every day.

  • @connortillott7625
    @connortillott7625 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That guy would hate the French slopes 😂

  • @absher2241
    @absher2241 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You did everything right. He has other issues clearly. Keep shredding and have a great season!

  • @boardingurban
    @boardingurban 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The red skier didn't sound so bad. Had someone try to fight me on the hill. You handled it well!

  • @zatoichi101
    @zatoichi101 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That guy was a douche - plain and simple. You handled everything perfectly -- even keeping your cool in the face of a total schmuck.

  • @philipking4794
    @philipking4794 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't think either person behaved properly here. The boarder passed far too close. Downhill has the right of way and it's on the uphill skier to slow down or make adjustments to avoid a close pass like this. I wouldn't have liked it if I was minding my own business looking downhill and someone passed me that close. The boarder should have waited until the skier was on the other side of his turn. Having said that, the skier was totally wrong to snow the boarder. That is unnecessarily aggressive and confrontational and could have easily provoked real violence. The proper approach would have been to approach in a civilized and respectful manner and tell the boarder about the problem. It is true, however, that on our local hills many boarders have become little shits and, when they are approached in a respectful manner about something like this, they turn around and act like total jerks. But the initial reaction must always be to give the benefit of the doubt, assume it was an inadvertent accident, and speak politely and respectfully. If that doesn't work, then ski patrol is the next step, not yelling and swearing.

  • @thomasedwards5431
    @thomasedwards5431 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Increasingly it seems that people think they should have the entire run when they are there. I've been skiing 58 years and I've never had that attitude. In the past there was a lot more crowding on slopes and nobody was getting pissed off.
    Lighten up peeps

  • @babbalena2326
    @babbalena2326 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A clean overtake to me. And a clean stop too!!

  • @fireworks1997
    @fireworks1997 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He didn't get startled.. it's just his ego. he just WANTED to argue. some folks are born like that.

  • @karolmaciejewski340
    @karolmaciejewski340 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been snowboarding in Europe for over 10 years and never had single problem with any angry skier, here is no such thing as ski patrols also ...

  • @patrickhobbs2915
    @patrickhobbs2915 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I just happened to watch the original video yesterday. Your assessment is right on the money the skier is a male Karen 100%.

  • @poupard1963
    @poupard1963 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    at the lift line after the argument "Does that mean we will not be sharing the ride up? "

  • @MrPiPony
    @MrPiPony 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "He's a local ass" says it all.

  • @jeodude
    @jeodude 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dude was having a bad day and just wanted to ruin someone else’s day

  • @jewelrymaker1607
    @jewelrymaker1607 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You startled him and he couldn't deal with it. Its happened to me too!

  • @davskol
    @davskol 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been skiing for 45 years in Scandinavia and all over Europe and I've never had a conflict with another skier/snowboarder. Don't understand all the anger, whether in the slopes or around the neighborhoods in the US.

  • @pearldiver7
    @pearldiver7 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You handled it well and have the right attitude now. Kudos to you. Whether the pass was too close or not is probably debatable, but the way both of you handled the aftermath clearly makes it apparent, you've taken the superior line. 👍

    • @leopard5810
      @leopard5810 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      sometimes I even think the better way to teach such idiotic karen a lesson is to be like this gentleman who seemed to be too nice... It helped that Karen felt he could play such stupid upper hand again in the future and people would yield to his feminine cursing..:) and that's when he will be taught real lesson..:)

  • @adammitchell1290
    @adammitchell1290 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The girl gave the most context at the end "hes a local asshole"
    Nobody deserves more space than what was given and he definitely crossed the line with spraying
    People shouldnt be acting like that on the slopes, its good you are non violent, but someone telling him whats up, and a good shove, would correct his behavior

  • @michaelroggeman174
    @michaelroggeman174 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The giant swooping turns make it hard to pass. It’s a douchy way to ski. Hard to predict what someone is going to do when they ski like that. You passed with plenty of room, and even had room to move to your left had he kept coming. No one’s fault , dudes just entitled and wanted to act on it.

  • @anthonywarren4207
    @anthonywarren4207 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You were the downhill slider and thus had the right of way. I have had snowboarders do all sorts of stupid crap around me and generally they piss me off, but the skier is out of line on this call. You were correct in that you should have left him a bit more room on the turn when you came together but you were still OK.

  • @darinsmith2458
    @darinsmith2458 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am a skier but I did also board.. It is hard to say what to do.. Early season there are tons of people and not much open.. I will go and do a few runs to warm up but it isn't worth it.. Once more of the hill opens up and I can get away from people, that is what it is all about..
    There are a couple areas that get really congested especially later on in the day that I will just snowplow..

  • @scottsgreatadventure9738
    @scottsgreatadventure9738 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "He's a local ass." LOL!

  • @Degenskier
    @Degenskier 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I ski 130 days a year and you are totally fine in your line, there was plenty of room on your right. There was nothing unsafe about your pass. He is just lucky you are a nice guy

    • @thegoodobserver
      @thegoodobserver  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks man! I feel I could have timed it slightly better but It's one of those things where I knew for a fact he had started his turn and that I was far enough over to not hit him. Appreciate your comment!
      BTW, 130 days is bad ass! Where is your home mountain?

  • @NilezII
    @NilezII 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have been skiing in Ridiculous Crowded Conditions in the Northeast, and that was NOTHING.