Hyperion Knight's brilliant interpretations of modern popular music, such as this reimagination of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the classical style, are truly extraordinary and creative. His use of novel techniques, such as plucking the piano harp with a guitar pick as he does here (and also in his brilliant arrangement of the Beatles' "Dear Prudence) take his innovative arrangements to a new level, as he literally transcends the usual sound repertoire available from the instrument. In this way, Knight advances our understanding of what is possible with the piano. Knight is an artistic trailblazer in the area of "crossover" music, bringing forth the true beauty in popular compositions when heard through the ear of a classically-trained and disciplined artist.
Hyperion, we really loved your playing on our Holland America cruise, several years ago. But, we also really enjoyed teaming up with you for trivia all cruise. We kicked serious ass. Did you ever achieve your dream of getting on Jeopardy?
Thanks for your support! I had to put my Jeopardy studies on hold while I made the music history films for Hillsdale. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, just look for History of Classical Music. But I’m back in training now, and I hope to see you on board for more Team Trivia…
Hyperion Knight's brilliant interpretations of modern popular music, such as this reimagination of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the classical style, are truly extraordinary and creative. His use of novel techniques, such as plucking the piano harp with a guitar pick as he does here (and also in his brilliant arrangement of the Beatles' "Dear Prudence) take his innovative arrangements to a new level, as he literally transcends the usual sound repertoire available from the instrument. In this way, Knight advances our understanding of what is possible with the piano. Knight is an artistic trailblazer in the area of "crossover" music, bringing forth the true beauty in popular compositions when heard through the ear of a classically-trained and disciplined artist.
Lovely to see a pianist enjoying his skill. Thankyou, HK.
Great stuff.
Hyperion, we really loved your playing on our Holland America cruise, several years ago. But, we also really enjoyed teaming up with you for trivia all cruise. We kicked serious ass. Did you ever achieve your dream of getting on Jeopardy?
Thanks for your support! I had to put my Jeopardy studies on hold while I made the music history films for Hillsdale. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, just look for History of Classical Music. But I’m back in training now, and I hope to see you on board for more Team Trivia…