I wish somebody would actually speak the truth to the students investing many lacs to keep coming to a country which is failing and not needing white collar workers. Really sad!
bro now days job market has become too tough now it is hard to get internship on top of that limited part time jobs for students i think right now if some one is planning to come to germany should do deep research with seniors and then decide to come
Please do not come to Europe expecting to get jobs without learning the language to a high level. You need to start at B1 while you come to Germany and work your way upto C1 before you try to get jobs. Do as many internships as you can. Competition for white collar jobs is at an all time high and you are competing with local talent who don't need sponsorship and also have native level language skills. It is extremely tough to get a job right now in Europe.
I wish somebody would actually speak the truth to the students investing many lacs to keep coming to a country which is failing and not needing white collar workers. Really sad!
dont come to Germany for finance courses now , its very hard even with german c1 and atleast 60 - 70 percent going back because of no job
Hey nikhileshhh please make a video on bachelors after commerce and the job scenarios after completing bachelors
please make a video regarding students doing masters in finance or marketing related courses , specially finance
thank you
Please make a video on studienkolleg vs 1 year bachelors in india
Hey Nik! Are these guys from software background, also please link the profiles of the people you bring in videos because it becomes easier for us.
Bro should I apply in RPTU ? Is it a good university ? And if yes then RPTU kaiserslauten or RPTU Landau ?
bro now days job market has become too tough now it is hard to get internship on top of that limited part time jobs for students i think right now if some one is planning to come to germany should do deep research with seniors and then decide to come
Please do not come to Europe expecting to get jobs without learning the language to a high level. You need to start at B1 while you come to Germany and work your way upto C1 before you try to get jobs. Do as many internships as you can. Competition for white collar jobs is at an all time high and you are competing with local talent who don't need sponsorship and also have native level language skills. It is extremely tough to get a job right now in Europe.
Sir study and work ke liye best city kon si h
Good Vidio
Why can’t you make the video in English if you make the title in English? Not everyone understands Hindi.
Been watching previous posts , could the indian guys improve on English ,its not clear enough
First comment! 😁