I will be really happy i get a economist who understands and forecasts Ethiopian economy in the eye of other worlds. People are just analyzing emotionally. It seems like a creative economy
That's remarkable masha Allah ! but, what's focus for you ? you have already mentioned that you had indulged in various sectors; Realestate, Academics, training and consultancy, Banking and others. isn't it luck of focus ???
I advise Muslim intellectuals to organize and establish strong parties & ready for the next election that is the basic thing other wise you face great problems in the future.
እንደሀገር ማሰብን መቼ ነው የምትማረው አንተ። I am deadly sure that you need such parties to get favour. We are the last generations and the earth is going to perish. So,my point is give due attention to eternal life let the country be fair for all.
Why is there a constant push to compare Ethiopia with the rest of the world, especially when 120 million people are struggling, with over 90% living in extreme poverty? Discussing economics in a context where people can't even afford a single meal a day feels disconnected from the harsh realities on the ground. Instead of comparisons, the focus should be on addressing the immediate needs of the population and finding practical solutions to lift them out of poverty.
What this guy did not explain is the concept of the dollar is dying due to new geopolitical and economics players in the globalized market. That Ethiopia just became the new dumping ground for the dying dollar. He quickly builds his portfolio with Delwett because he is colonizing the audience with western superiority. When the western imperialism collapses which is nearing, Ethiopia will collapse way before they do because we are now pegged by the dollar economy. The dying dollar is despised by the Middle East and by the booming new East economy. DEDOLARIZATION is the new mantra of Russia, China, India, Iran, Saudi, UAE… the global south. Small country like Burkinafaso is doing now doing better than the “never” colonized Ethiopia. European centered hegemony is dying. The bitcoin currency is created by America to revive the dying dollar through artificial demand. The dollar was protected by the American military might which is now surpassed by the Chinese and contempted by the Russian military power. NATO will be in ICU and our leadership chose to make us the victim of the dying imperialism . Ethiopia just became the new victim of the dying western imperialism thanks to the failed leadership of the PP policy which has been shielded from such damage for a long time. IMF will reign on our daily life and its stick not carrot will make us suffer. This damaging decision will slow down the endogenous economy through taxation. On top of the lack of peace and security we will not see the light of day anytime soon as the dying western imperialism sucks our blood alive. The middle class and the working class is and will be wiped out and only the corrupt few will and has controlled the national resource. Not colonialism but new slavery has just begun where you see everything being exported to the western colonizers and citizens are and will never be able to buy and consume anything. As China, Russia, and India free themselves from the western hegemony, we will be the new Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Beruit bearing the burden of their slavery. This leadership has sold the Ethiopian people and their sovereignty for the IMF dollar. What CIA started with ethnic politics during the TPLF will be conclude by the economic destruction Ethiopia during the OLF regime.
ድንቅ ሰው ሙከሚል በድሩ። ኢኮኖሚክስን በቀለለ ሳይንሱን ሳይስት ያቀለለ ጀግና። ሀገራችን ካንተ አይነቱ ድንቅ ወጣት ምሁር ብዙ ይጠብቃል። ፈጣሪ አንተንና ቤተሰቦችህን ይባርክ።
I will be really happy i get a economist who understands and forecasts Ethiopian economy in the eye of other worlds. People are just analyzing emotionally. It seems like a creative economy
Masha alah የገጌ ሰብ ትዋልክ ሰመሆን እለውችል ደስ በለኘን
Bilcor I'm proud of u, so please - እንደዝህ የተደበቁ ብርቅዬዎችን ወደፊት አዉጡልን። Masha Allah!
በጣም ጥሩ የሆነ ትንታኔ ነው ። መጭውን ጊዜ አንድንገምት ያድርግል።እናመሰግናለን !!!
Thank you brother mukemil, you are the top!
እናመሰግናለን ጥሩ መረጃ ነው
ትምህርቱ ጥሩ ልሆን ይችላል ግን አማረኛ በ እንግሊዘኛ ግራ ያገባል
Thank you for explaining the circumstances in a way anyone can understands. Respect
አሳያቸው ራሳቸውን በ ፕሮፌሰር ካባ ጀቡነው ምንም የ ማህበረሰብ ጥቅም ሳያበረክቱ ዝም ብለው የስም ሙሁር ለህዝቡ በሚገባ ቋንቋ ማስረዳት አንዲህ ነው!
ፈጣሪ ይባርክህ!
ጥሩ ትንታነኔ ነው፡፡ ሆኖም ሃገራችን የፖለቲካ አለመረጋጋት እና ብጥብጥ ስላለ ከፍተኛ የሆነ የ Capital Flight and Lack of FDI ይኖራል፡፡ ይህም የዶላሩን ምንዛሬ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ያንረዋል፡፡ ሆኖም መንግስት ለዚህ ፖሊሲ መሳካት ግዴት ፖለቲካውን ማረጋጋት አለበት፡፡ ዲሞክራሲ መሆን አለብን፡፡ የእነ ኬኒያ እና ደቡብ አፍሪካ የተቋቋሙት ፖለቲካቸው የተረጋጋ እና ዲሞክራሲ ስላለ ነው፡፡ የሃገራችንን ኢኮኖሚም ይህ ፖለቲካ ይወስነዋል፡፡ መንግስት እኮ ለመከላከያ የያዘው በጀት ጦርነት እንደማይቀር ማሳያ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ነገር ብታወራ ጥሩ ይመስለኛል፡፡ ሌላው እዳው ገብስ ነው፡፡
The sound quality is low please fix it for the next video
Real professional 👏👏
thank you so much👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
እናመሰግናለን ይቀጥል
Muke Keep it up it is a nice explanation.
This guy is brilliant.
ሙኬ ያገሬ ልጅ ኮራውብህ በርታልን ታስፈልገናለህ።
ሰው ጥያቄ ሲጠይቅ ማስጨረስ ልምድ አዳብር ጥያቄውን ሳትረዳ ጭፍልቅልቅ ያለ መልስ ነው የሰጠሀው እንደ ባለሞያ ሶስቱን የአፍሪካ አገራት መሳሌ አድርጎ የተጠየከውን ጥያቄ አልመለከም ።
It is wonderful discussion, but is that for Muslim communities only?
ETV, FANA,WALTA ,EBS,,,etc.. You need to broadcast these programs
Betegbar yadriglin enji benante enkan wedkenal yeteredachihut menget betegbar tayalachu
ሃዋ ለጥያቄሽ እኔም የበኩሌን መልስ ልስጥሽ። የሪል እስቴት ዋጋ እጂግ ይቀንሳል። ምክንያቱም ቤት ለሁላችንም አስፈላጊያችን ሥለሆነ
That's remarkable masha Allah ! but, what's focus for you ? you have already mentioned that you had indulged in various sectors; Realestate, Academics, training and consultancy, Banking and others. isn't it luck of focus ???
Where are you location
እጅግ በጣም የሚገርም ፕሮግራም ነው እናመሰግናለን። ካሜራ ማን ግን ተቀምጠህ ስልክህን ከምትነካካ ምናለበት የቀረፃውን ድምፅ እየተከታተል ማይኩን በውጭ በኩል ብታስርለት። በማይክ አቀማመጥ ችግር የፕሮግራሙን ውበት ሰርቆብን ረበሸንኮ። እረ ካሜራማን ተው ተው
Thank you! Dear mukemil
Real estate price is not reasonable. Real estate business will definitely suffer ...
ይህ ምሁራዊ ውይይት አይን ገላጭ ነው። ታንኪው
@@mewokeltube975 Thankyou
mukemil bro jezakelah allalh youbarik
Mukamil wondime thank you
Thank you! Join us for any business and Entrepreneurship contents. እናመሰኛለን ለማንኛውም የንግድና ስራ ፈጠራ ዝግጅቶች ተቀላቀሉን!
Yet newu yemitgegnut?
Thank You sir!
Muke enwedehaln thank u
ሁሉ ሰው አፉን የፈታው በእንግልዘኛ ይመስለኛል ለዛ ነው ሳያውቁ በመሃል በመሃል እንግልዘኛ የምያስቸግራቸው
መሰለኝ .
...የተጠየቀውን ጥያቄ በትክከል አልመለሠምምም
Knowledgeable person. Very nice show
Nice thought
I advise Muslim intellectuals to organize and establish strong parties & ready for the next election that is the basic thing other wise you face great problems in the future.
እንደሀገር ማሰብን መቼ ነው የምትማረው አንተ። I am deadly sure that you need such parties to get favour. We are the last generations and the earth is going to perish. So,my point is give due attention to eternal life let the country be fair for all.
ቀሺም ፀረሀገር ነህ ይህ አይነት አመለካከት አክራሪነትና አግላይነት ነዉ።አንተ በእምነት ስትደራጂ ሌላው እጁን አጣጥፎ ተቀምጦ የሚያይህ ይመስልሃል?በክርስትናም ይሁን በእልምና እምነትን Base ያደረገ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲም ይሁን የንግድ ተቋም መጨረሻው ኪሳራና ውድቀት ነው አገር የሚያድገውና ለሁሉም ዜጎች ምቹ የሚሆነው በእምነትም ሆነ በእዘር እየተደራጁ አግላይነትንና አክራሪነት ከማስፋፋት ይልቅ ሁሉም ዜጎች በእኩልነትና ብእንድነት አብሮ ሲሰሩ ብቻ ነው የመለያየቱ ፖለቲካማ ይሄው አየነውኮ ሊያፈርሰን ጫፍ ደርሶ የብሔሩ ፖለቲካ ያሰቀየን አነሰና ደግሞ የእምነት ፖለቲካ ትጭኑብን?
Interesting discussion
@ETV, @FANA,@WALTA ,@EBS,,,etc.. You need to broadcast these programs
Ewunet bel eski min ayenet chogogitam
Muke tichilaleh
ሂጅራ ባንክን ከምን አደረሰከው አሁን ሳስበው ከአንተ ብዙ ብዙ ይጠብቃል ባንኩ
Why are there all Muslim 😂
Just kidding love u all❤❤
What a wonderful explanation!!
ምንኛ ነው አለቃዬ።
Am not sure ethiopia is different from Kenya or Nigeria
Good but in other cases, we will be come independent people.
"Twin" sitil min maletih newu? twist?
I think its Twine vs twist look the definitions they seems synoyoms
please Bilcor, invite Ermiase amelga on this issue
የ ኢትዮጵያ FDI is questionable one example is Chiana’s are flowing out of Ethiopia.
It looks more of theoretical which it does not equate the actual situation.
Why is there a constant push to compare Ethiopia with the rest of the world, especially when 120 million people are struggling, with over 90% living in extreme poverty? Discussing economics in a context where people can't even afford a single meal a day feels disconnected from the harsh realities on the ground. Instead of comparisons, the focus should be on addressing the immediate needs of the population and finding practical solutions to lift them out of poverty.
Ribaa yelawum
Wendemè Setawera rega beleh awra. Everybody is not like you. Don't confuse us with difficult word.
እንደ ድሃ ሀገር ከሌሎች ሀብታም ጋር ማወዳደር አይችሉም
God bless you all.
ደበኛ ካድሬ
የኔ ጌታ ሰው መቼስ እንደ ጦጦ ዛፍ ላይ አይኖርም ። የቤት ወጋ መቼም አይቀንስም !
ተበደሩ እረ ተው
ከቧንቧው ውጭ ማሰብ ብንችልስ ከተቻለ ብየ ነው። እንደ ይች ቧንቧ!
I swear to God I dont understand a word he is speaking
What this guy did not explain is the concept of the dollar is dying due to new geopolitical and economics players in the globalized market. That Ethiopia just became the new dumping ground for the dying dollar. He quickly builds his portfolio with Delwett because he is colonizing the audience with western superiority. When the western imperialism collapses which is nearing, Ethiopia will collapse way before they do because we are now pegged by the dollar economy. The dying dollar is despised by the Middle East and by the booming new East economy. DEDOLARIZATION is the new mantra of Russia, China, India, Iran, Saudi, UAE… the global south. Small country like Burkinafaso is doing now doing better than the “never” colonized Ethiopia. European centered hegemony is dying. The bitcoin currency is created by America to revive the dying dollar through artificial demand. The dollar was protected by the American military might which is now surpassed by the Chinese and contempted by the Russian military power. NATO will be in ICU and our leadership chose to make us the victim of the dying imperialism . Ethiopia just became the new victim of the dying western imperialism thanks to the failed leadership of the PP policy which has been shielded from such damage for a long time. IMF will reign on our daily life and its stick not carrot will make us suffer. This damaging decision will slow down the endogenous economy through taxation. On top of the lack of peace and security we will not see the light of day anytime soon as the dying western imperialism sucks our blood alive. The middle class and the working class is and will be wiped out and only the corrupt few will and has controlled the national resource. Not colonialism but new slavery has just begun where you see everything being exported to the western colonizers and citizens are and will never be able to buy and consume anything. As China, Russia, and India free themselves from the western hegemony, we will be the new Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Beruit bearing the burden of their slavery. This leadership has sold the Ethiopian people and their sovereignty for the IMF dollar. What CIA started with ethnic politics during the TPLF will be conclude by the economic destruction Ethiopia during the OLF regime.
May Allah free is from this gambling and evil monetary system.... Ameeen. May Allah open the eyes of our leaders.
በተሳተ ሀሳብ ስንቱ አንተን ተከትሎ ገደል ይገባል
ke huala fitun be tab yemishefnew lij gin erasun ende wenjelegna miyayew
got it he is recording video
ለመሣተፍ መስፈርቱን ባገኝ
በነፃ ነው ወደ ቢልኪር ከፕሮግራሙ በፊት መገኘት ብቻ
Yet new Adress
Bisrategebrel Adot building,4'th floor .Lebelete mereja Bilcor Tube'n teketatel.
@alemayehumamo6962 thank you kenena seatus
የተማረ ሰው መሆን አለብህ
አንተ በጣም ዘረኛ ሰዉ ነህ የሆነ ዉድድር ላይ ዳኛ ሁነህ አይተንሀል
ዘረኛ ማለት ምን ማለት ነው ወንድሜ ልታስረዳኝ ትችላለህ? ማለቴ ከዚህ ፕሮግራም ጋር ምን ያገናኘዋል ዘርኝነቱ ወይስ የሙስሊም ጥላቻ አንጎልህን አዘሮታል ልበል።
ዘረኝነት ጥንብ ናት
ሙኬ ❤ኑርልን
Mukamil wondime thank you
Thank you! Join us for any business and Entrepreneurship contents. እናመሰኛለን ለማንኛውም የንግድና ስራ ፈጠራ ዝግጅቶች ተቀላቀሉን!
Where are you