Sibelius faced human pain and suffering and transcended them to the realm of exquisite beauty and power in this seemingly contradiction of a dance in melancholy. As Keats put it: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" even if the fleeting joy, as in Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," will rise momentarily and come crashing down- just like life with its ups and downs in a continuous cycle of beginning, middle, and end. Maestro Jarvi and his players did justice to Sibelius' music in this performance. Pay attention to the subtle tempo and dynamic changes to fully appreciate their great music making.
It's moments like these that make me appreciate that we are brother peoples. Though in the last few centuries the lot of Eesti has been even harder than that of the Finns.
Paavo Järvi is always an exciting conductor (if you have doubts that I'm right, listen to his version of Beethoven's Symphony No. 6). This time, he adds exquisite, dramatic, body motion to the sad tale of the blind woman who's fantasy is to be swept off her feet by a handsome man at a dance hall. Sadly she spends the entire evening on the sidelines. One can feel the rising tempo of her reverie! A Wonderfully performed delightful piece by Sibelius. Thanks.
Face à l’horreur, face à la mort , il n’y a plus de mots, Seule la Musique Seule cette Valse triste Pour nous donner la main Pour nous soutenir Pour nous porter vers l’autre rive Pour nous ressaisir Pour ne jamais oublier Merci pour cette interprétation unique Merci pour eux
"Pour nous soutenir" ...You are SO right /vous avez dit toutes en Francais. Merci beaucoup pour vous s'encontrez dans ce monde. J'espere que vous m'excuse q j'ai oublie beaucoup du langue preciuese Francaise. BENDICIONES - PER ASPERA AD ASTRA and VIVA LA MUSICA
Hearing this . Am convinced Bi polarity. An awereness of our insignifance in the Cosmos. slave to emotion. A gift embracing our mortality. Life is to short to drink cheap wine.
Jean Sibelius. - Valse Trieste Parvo Jarvi. Estonian Festival Orchestra. This is a delightful piece of music beautifully played by Estonian Festival Orchestra Conducted by Parvo Jarvi. I really enjoyed this music from start to finish. I’ll certainly listen to this music again. Excellent performance by musicians and Conductor.
Such a powerful piece and interpretation!! I just read the story/scenery behind it and I could visualise what's happening here so vividly: the dying mother who seems to awaken by hearing from the slit of the door this eery waltz-like music from far away starts to dance in her white night gown, but all the dancers who suddenly appear around, aren't real, are just the shades of what's already in the past. She even realises that, but still tries to re-live these ball memories even more powerfully, but Death knocks on the door, comes and takes her and her little son who was sitting on her bedside and seeing all this, remains alone. I didn't know this piece until now and I am so shocked by its depth and beauty💔 Perfect to explain how I feel as in 2020...
If you have ever seen the animated movie Allegro non Tropo the waltz illustrates a cat walking around a bombed out building sadly; when the music turns hopeful he sees the past and the happy times he shared with the people who lived there. The structure grows around him, the vignettes of family life come faster as the music reflects and then the happy times crumble into the reality of the now. Very moving and unforgettable.
Somptueuse œuvre. Le meme Sibelius nous a laissé des poemes symphoniques et autres symphonies aussi majestueux. Je trouve qu on ne le joue pas assez en France. Dommage
En hommage aux victimes de l'attaque terroriste de Nice, le 14 juillet 2016. 86 morts et des centaines de blessés. Merci pour la minute de silence finale. Hommage à toutes les victimes du terrorisme aveugle.
A common complaint I have found with pieces Maestro Jarvi touches is the tempo is too fast and many corners are too jagged and not approached with more softness than angularity; for me- I LOVE EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES:)! Love, Laughter, Love
Very dramatic ending. Perhaps a bit overdone in the fast section before the end ... but top marks for doing something different with an amazing piece of music.
Sibelius seurusteli mieluummin liikemiesten kuin taiteilijoiden kanssa, koska liikemiehet puhuvat taiteesta, taitelijat rahasta. / Sibelius preferred to converse with businessmen instead of artists, because businessmen talk about art, artists about money.
I heard this played at my university by one of the student bands in 2016 and I still can’t get over this beautiful piece
It is hard to make the best version of the popular Valse triste, but this one is definitely qualified for the Short List!
Paavo jarvi +estonia orquest = MUSICA 😅😍💎👏💕🎶gracies
Performed this my first year in college. One of my favorite orchestra experiences.
Beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤
Sibelius faced human pain and suffering and transcended them to the realm of exquisite beauty and power in this seemingly contradiction of a dance in melancholy. As Keats put it: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" even if the fleeting joy, as in Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," will rise momentarily and come crashing down- just like life with its ups and downs in a continuous cycle of beginning, middle, and end. Maestro Jarvi and his players did justice to Sibelius' music in this performance. Pay attention to the subtle tempo and dynamic changes to fully appreciate their great music making.
So beautiful ,so sad, but what a masterpiece from the master!
Paavo is damn good conductor
My favorite version of this wonderful music. Every thing is just perfect.
It's moments like these that make me appreciate that we are brother peoples. Though in the last few centuries the lot of Eesti has been even harder than that of the Finns.
Paavo Järvi is always an exciting conductor (if you have doubts that I'm right, listen to his version of Beethoven's Symphony No. 6). This time, he adds exquisite, dramatic, body motion to the sad tale of the blind woman who's fantasy is to be swept off her feet by a handsome man at a dance hall. Sadly she spends the entire evening on the sidelines. One can feel the rising tempo of her reverie! A Wonderfully performed delightful piece by Sibelius. Thanks.
I totally agree with you!!, esp. Sibelius Symphony no.2 my favorite
Face à l’horreur, face à la mort , il n’y a plus de mots,
Seule la Musique
Seule cette Valse triste
Pour nous donner la main
Pour nous soutenir
Pour nous porter vers l’autre rive
Pour nous ressaisir
Pour ne jamais oublier
Merci pour cette interprétation unique
Merci pour eux
"Pour nous soutenir" ...You are SO right /vous avez dit toutes en Francais. Merci beaucoup pour vous s'encontrez dans ce monde. J'espere que vous m'excuse q j'ai oublie beaucoup du langue preciuese Francaise. BENDICIONES - PER ASPERA AD ASTRA and VIVA LA MUSICA
Niekiedy życie boli ,na chwilę lub na całe Cirpienie duszy ma to do siebie, że istnieje iskierka nadziei . Taniec życia.🌜🌜♥️🦋
Es absolutamente la verdad. Música es Dios♥️
Hearing this . Am convinced Bi polarity. An awereness of our insignifance in the Cosmos. slave to emotion. A gift embracing our mortality. Life is to short to drink cheap wine.
2:43 this part is so beautiful
Makes me cry
Jean Sibelius. - Valse Trieste Parvo Jarvi. Estonian Festival Orchestra.
This is a delightful piece of music beautifully played by Estonian Festival Orchestra Conducted by Parvo Jarvi. I really enjoyed this music from start to finish. I’ll certainly listen to this music again.
Excellent performance by musicians and Conductor.
Fantastic soft dynamics! Bravo
Sehr bewegend, gefühlvoll und meisterhaft interpretiert, ausdrucksvolle Dynamik. Der Applaus bestätigt es.
Such a powerful piece and interpretation!! I just read the story/scenery behind it and I could visualise what's happening here so vividly: the dying mother who seems to awaken by hearing from the slit of the door this eery waltz-like music from far away starts to dance in her white night gown, but all the dancers who suddenly appear around, aren't real, are just the shades of what's already in the past. She even realises that, but still tries to re-live these ball memories even more powerfully, but Death knocks on the door, comes and takes her and her little son who was sitting on her bedside and seeing all this, remains alone.
I didn't know this piece until now and I am so shocked by its depth and beauty💔 Perfect to explain how I feel as in 2020...
If you have ever seen the animated movie Allegro non Tropo the waltz illustrates a cat walking around a bombed out building sadly; when the music turns hopeful he sees the past and the happy times he shared with the people who lived there. The structure grows around him, the vignettes of family life come faster as the music reflects and then the happy times crumble into the reality of the now. Very moving and unforgettable.
I love this waltz💘💝💖💘
Such a beautiful interpretation.
💘Adore this waltz💘So sad,so beauty💘
magnifique interprétation ! merci 💗
This sould be the piece for this days.
I’ve seeN you and you’re make de best of this masterpiece! Anything other than that is a pale comparison witch other chiefs try replicate! Bravo!
Simplemente hermoso momento de arte y belleza musical!!!
Es el sentir de tantos hoy...
Mis bendiciones para toda la humanidad
Desde stgo. CHILE
Hermoso vals, me encanta, gracias por subirlo
so beautiful
Simplesmente fantástico, não tem palavras que descreve as emoções que esse concerto traz aos nossos ouvidos.
Pure Music !!! only that .. the real class !!! Thancks for that !!!
Esta música es de dioses
Fantastik fabtastik. not. words ......coment
La grandeur de cette musique face à la bêtise ambiante.Réfléchissons ensemble
Somptueuse œuvre. Le meme Sibelius nous a laissé des poemes symphoniques et autres symphonies aussi majestueux. Je trouve qu on ne le joue pas assez en France. Dommage
What a nice audience, they dont clap until Paavo turns around!
It's due to a minute of silence (minute de silence), in memory of the 86 victims of the attacks of Nice (south of France) on the 14th of July 2016.
Sublime ❤️
Musica muy agradable de esos músicos ya no hay
arranjo fantásticamente raivoso. Linda homenagem!
En hommage aux victimes de l'attaque terroriste de Nice, le 14 juillet 2016. 86 morts et des centaines de blessés. Merci pour la minute de silence finale. Hommage à toutes les victimes du terrorisme aveugle.
Maravilha ❤️❤️
better than the Leonard Berstein interpretation (I do LOVE Bernstein but... what is fair is fair!).
You have to listen to this with your eyes closed.
So sad that I didn´t meet Janne. (17 years before I even was born he died)
A common complaint I have found with pieces Maestro Jarvi touches is the tempo is too fast and many corners are too jagged and not approached with more softness than angularity; for me- I LOVE EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES:)!
Love, Laughter, Love
That's a style, but, whether one likes it or not, he is a master of transitions so much so that they feel totally incorporated to the flow of piece
❤🎉 2:42
I find it sad that people who has mastered their skills for years have never got any great Pozdravljaju!
Very dramatic ending. Perhaps a bit overdone in the fast section before the end ... but top marks for doing something different with an amazing piece of music.
Beste Fassung!
Qui peut traduire ce qu'il dit ?
Mesdames et Messieurs, nous voudrions dédier ceci aux victimes de l’attaque barbare et inhumaine de Nice.
죽음을 눈앞에 둔 부인이 비몽사몽에 이 왈츠를 듣고 일어나 자기도 모르게 환상의 왈츠를 추다가 꿈에 깨어남과 동시에 죽음의 그림자만 남아 있게 되었다는 내용
Very. dramatic the. a'pice !
Maailman kaunein, mutta surullisin valssi. Mielivalssini kautta aikain.
Sibelius seurusteli mieluummin liikemiesten kuin taiteilijoiden kanssa, koska liikemiehet puhuvat taiteesta, taitelijat rahasta. /
Sibelius preferred to converse with businessmen instead of artists, because businessmen talk about art, artists about money.
instead of > rather than (devoir oblige)
Эстонцы, похоже, впервые в жизни услышали Сибелиуса. Даже не знают, где произведение заканчивается.
Troppo veloce
I don't really like this interpretation. The slow parts are beautiful, but the fast parts are too fast and too harsh.
I hate Greenpeace!!
Paavo Järvi = Vladimir Putin
With the voice of Netanyahu.