“If you believe anyone can claim a land from 2000 year ago, I pity you, because if that is the case, most of us living in most of the world do not belong where we actually are and could all be kicked out.” - Sue King
That speech was very enlightening, and also very comforting to hear him speak the truth. If you are human and have any Good in your heart, you could never be comfortable when you see injustice and suffering and call it human rights, like what we are seeing today.
My heart is bleeding for Palestinians and Palestine 💔 I can't imagine that millions and millions of people have suffered and continue to suffer because of made up BS and greedy politicians! I'm disgusted with this world to no end
Joe what you need to know IS that THEY evanzionist ARE loving YOU from THE distance 💘 just KIDDING ON that 1.....but SERIOUSLY tho it was a blessing from God that it turned out like that for you , bcuz GOD closed that door to YOU for a reason , DON'T EVER MAKE A MISTAKES of KNOCKING there AGAIN. assalamu'alaikum
And now look what is happening to the people of Gaza, what person that declares themselves to be Christian can think that killing children so that somehow makes a way for them to get to some heaven is disgusting to say the least.
Agree. Sadly also everything being bombed including Historic places such as orthodox Churches, and Mosques. What gives these radical Zionist the right for genocide and to force the end times.
The Israelis make no attempt to kill children. That is Palestinian propaganda. Israel tries to avoid the death of Innocents. Israelis love life. Palestinians confess to loving death more than life. Hamas expressly places children in harms way to protect their military installations.
Goes against everything Christian. Some person decided to make himself a prophet, his people the only ones who mattered.. "God's chosen". Going aĝainst his own Commandments .Free to kill,steal.
Or Gaza, the worlds largest open air prison, where Bibi desires to force visiting foreigners to register with israel, just in case they so desire to marry a palestinian in their open air cage.
Look let’s be real, as long as people think that they are better than others. The the sin of Evil starts creeping into the hearts, and then this happens. Love your neighbor and do good, it’s that simple.❤
I encountered this teachings at a church I was attached to and didn't realize what it was or even that there was a name for it, but I had a very uneasy feeling about the persistent relentless teachings focused on Israel being exclusively "God's people." Although I felt positively about Israel from my Bible readings, there was an air of idolatry that permeated these teachings that made me feel this wasn't right. Now after doing my research after Oct 7th and discovering new disturbing truths about modern day Israel, I realize my unease was a conviction by the Holy Spirit warning me not to indulge in false doctrine.
So,glad you discovered the truth about the lies of dispensationalism. I too am a follower of Jesus and never understood the preoccupation with modern Israel, it’s is found no where in the New Testament. The Gospel of Jesus is a Gospel of peace and love, modern Israel is all about hate and war, it’s disgusting. What you said is encouraging as I hope more and more true followers of Jesus will see that it idolatry to be so pro Zionist.God bless you
I am a fundamental baptist that hates zionism, and dispenationalism. One of maybe 2% of fundamental baptists. This belief comes from not reading the bible, but following scofields notes, instead.
@@Research0digo Of course! All you have to do is read *all* of the Bible, and not just the Zionist prooftexts. Even just reading all of the prophets will leave any one disabused of all Zionist notions.
Bravo! Return the nation of Palestine to the Palestinians and charge all those who perpetrated the crime against Palestinians with genocide a la Nuremburg.
As a follower of Jesus Christ I knew something is wrong when I see the US government determination to support Israel no matter what bc I have never ever seen the US government stand for good and peace. I am glad I never fall for the so called evangelical Christianity.
I was raised a Catholic in a very Catholic city. I am now an atheist who just loves what Jesus had to say. End times cannot be brought about by man, according to the Bible, it must be brought about by God. That is what I was taught.
The end times, as you know, will be the worst. G-D, who is Love and Mercy, cannot bring such harm to us, and He cannot intervene when man's actions bring those times to fulfillment. How can we be rescued from the consequences of our actions? We could never learn or grow.
I was born and raised as a Christian. I did not know to much of anything about religion, but I always prayed to God for everything. And I found much comfort in doing so. But the very first time I heard anything about Islam I was on a train in NYC, when I was approached and was introduced to Islam and it entered my heart instantly. And I begged God to guide me to what’s right, and he did. And until today I feel very happy about my decision. But to say I hate Christian’s and Christianity will be stupid and a lie. And that I should kill them were very they are sound ludicrous to me. I don’t believe in turning the other cheek either. But just plain Common Sense will let us know that you can’t go around just killing people because you don’t like them and because you think that you are better than them because of how they look or ethnicity. To me that’s just like the Devil saying to his Creator that he’s better than Adam, and the Evil that he’s going to course among his offspring. How could you be spitting on Christian people in the holy land and killing Muslims in the holy land and even think for a second that you are the chosen ones and that God give you that right. Who are you? And were did you come from? Are you even the real Jews ? Please go back to The prophet Moses and see what part of the world did he come from. I don’t even want to go there. But I think that the real Christian’s and the real Jews and the real Muslims should really get together and stop all of this nonsense and madness that going on in the world. The the politicians at all about money they don’t know anything about God look at their lives style and it’s right in your face, money, money, money, power, power power no care for the human none at all so until the people who believe in a higher power sincerely seek that higher power to do something and stop these demons that’s run in the world we are going to be in the powers of the demons forever. God is all power so never stop seeking that help. Peace alway’s love always ❤
I'd much prefer that the title was 'some Evangelicals' than just straight Evangelicals. This gives the idea that all Evangelicals are in fact Zionists, which definitely isn't the case, and which thankfully the speaker makes clear in his presentation. I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian evangelical Christian brethren, and as you can imagine, NONE of them are Zionist. I, like they, find the Zionism espoused by some Evangelicals deeply troubling and I do my best to lovingly show the Zionists I meet the other side of the story, i.e. the extent of Palestinian suffering, which many are simply not aware of.
This is a very timely piece of instruction and historical context in 2023, given the seige of Gaza and its total destruction. To speak of the origins of Zionism is a historical exercise.
Since NO geographical locations in the Bible are physical - but inner/spiritual alegory, all this heresy about physical Israel ought to motivate people to get spiritual in their 'religious views'.
"The 200 year progression of this history is at once instructive and frightening. We can see the consequences of rationalizing colonialization and partisan politics influenced by religion to exclude the rights of one group over another." "Their primary goal was to advance British imperialist interests with utilitarian politics"
I too am sad about Franklin Graham. His father was amazing. I was blessed to hear him in person in a Chicago in 1967. Mom and I both left feeling excited about getting saved. I miss hearing him Franklin was preaching before Billy died and I wondered why his message was different.
To those who have been deceived by so called Christian Zionism God says this - Supporting antichrists will not end well. James 2:8-9 King James Version (KJV) 8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: 9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
You should read his first book Demonology. If you can digest any of the insane rhetoric. Then you will understand what he did to the bible. Of course maybe I should refer him to she.
Superb ❤ When we have Christ in our hearts, what is going on in Gaza ( the cleaning of blood by killing by Jews) It is not from Christ neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit 🕊️🙌🏻🙏 Thank you to speak out the Truth 🕊️
Israel always owned the Evangelicals. That is why there was a huge build up of Evangelicals in the 1970's in the U.S. It was started by Jerry Farwell and Ronald Reagan.
Anyone who claims to possess even a shred of morality, ethics and compassion about innocent people who are suffering unbelievably and being savagely decimated by IDF with the full backing of the U.S. government in every sense of the word, should keep this in mind: Don't say that you are for the protection and recognition of innocent, civilian Palestinians just because you think that it means safety and security for the (state) of Israel. Such noble values should be urged and implemented immediately because it is the RIGHT thing to do, morally. Period. Full-stop. It stems from the Biblical 'Golden Rule' which is not just taught in the New Testament. Any professing Christian should support and adhere to (a real travesty that 'Christian'-Zionists who have ‘drunk the kool-aid’ do NOT give a whit about it however when it comes to the innocent Palestinians in Gaza including lots of Palestinians Christians!) and btw, the Golden Rule is also clearly taught in the Hebrew (Torah) scriptures. There's unequivocally a real disconnect with this whole ordeal. But we should not care about treating others like you would want to be treated only when you see it might advantage you or your agenda. Do it because genuine righteousness (right-doing) calls for, in fact it screams out for it. State of Israel leaders in their attempt to justify their mass annihilation of innocent Palestinian Civilians including women, children, the ill, handicapped and the elderly (as revenge for October 7 attack on SOI by Hamas invaders) are heard citing Old Testament (First) Testament verses such as: 1 Samuel 15:2-4, "This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘I witnessed what the Amalekites did to the Israelites when they ambushed them on their way up from Egypt. Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys. So Saul summoned the troops and numbered them at Telaim-200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men of Judah.…" True, during the existence of a ‘Theocracy’ in the Old (First) Testament, YHWH did instruct (ancient) Israel to carry out that wholesale slaughter of their enemy. But pray tell who told the modern (state) of Israel to unleash their relentless campaign of carnage upon the helpless, defenseless and poor Palestinians? Hmmm?
Hmm! As a Christian I’m commanded to love all of mankind and I do. I’ve been to Israel several times and not with a Christian pastor nor Christian group. Studying scripture I know as will as the Evangelical church members (that I know) that nothing we can do will speed up nor change the return of Christ timing. Unlike the followers of Islam who believe that they can hasten the return of the Madi. It seems Getman has chosen an area of debate that although tragic and horrific even if the death of one innocent person occurs and yet not the thousands of humans murdered by groups and governments each year. The Jewish people have been persecuted and murder by rulers, governments, Roman Catholic Church, Muslims, European nations…for thousands of years. Does Getman not get who propagates such hate in the hearts and minds of people. Not judging, yet I wonder if he knows our Lord and Savior. Israel is surrounded by people groups and religion that, well I don’t need to spell it out…that wants them totally wiped off the face of the earth. There is no excuse for innocence deaths by anyone so I do not make excuses for the nation of Israel. A common comment by the Arabs I talk to in Israel “we would like the trouble making terrorist to stop, so that I can make a living for my family and live in peace”!
If religion becomes an instrument of political ambitions and desires, the five senses of those people will never be able to perceive the truth. Their destination is only cruelty and disasters, abstracted from all human principles and values.
Please read and spread. The first key in dismantling zionism is in Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. The Hebrew word in the original biblical text for nation is "Goy". Goy is a non jew or "Gentile". So the scripture actually is a prophesy of the coming of Jesus Christ and the Christian nation, and cannot be a Jewish nation. Jesus arrived who was the promised seed Galatians 3:16. He then separated the tribes of Israel (Jacob) who were the Nazerene's 10 tribes north Galilee aka Jesus of Nazereth, and the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the south who were antichrists , rejected Jesus/the prophets, and had them all killed Matthew 21:38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance . Jeremiah 31 31-34 prophesy fullfilled, just like Jesus fulfilled any other old testament prophesy .
Thomas Getman us a whistle blower fir God. Just think? If we would have heed the call what is happening today would not come as a surprise; and just maybe , wouldn't have happened. GOD BLESS YOU GETMAN🙌🏾
It's Biblical prophecy alright but in a very bad way! Woe to those who support their evil ways. They are denying our Lord Jesus Christ and the only Lord God. Who ever denies the Son does not have God the Father. (1 John 2:22-23). They have no idea the high cost they will pay for betraying the Lord that bought them. Jude 4 King James Version (KJV) 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 2:1 King James Version (KJV) 2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
False prophets are being ecposed thst is bias, when Jesus died for the salvation of all mankind, the unhealty. " Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Matthew 7:15 -
All of the scriptures referring to the end-time, the end of time, the last days, melting elements and the passing away of heaven and earth do not refer to the end of the world but the end of Old Covenant Israel. The future destruction of the world simply is not represented in scripture. The "end times" seems to hold a particular fascination for American Evangelicals who are wrapped up in rapture theology. They curiously find hope in an expected destruction of the world and most of the population and its replacement with a utopia in which even carnivorous animals will take up vegetarianism. To understand Bible prophecy and the "end times", one must first grasp what happened in the year AD 70. This year marked the culmination of the Jewish-Roman War in which the Roman army decimated Jerusalem and the Jewish temple. Over a million Jews were killed, and the rest were sold into slavery. Israel ceased to exist as a nation, and Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed. This is theologically significant because this is when the age-old system of sacrifices for sin ended forever. While Jesus’ First Advent marked the beginning of the New Covenant Age, the Old Covenant Age (the age of the law) was swept away in finality in AD 70. There was a period of about 40 years from 30 - 70 AD in which the two systems existed side-by-side. www.scripturerevealed.com/prophecy/world-without-end-amen/
Thats why i left the church … having been brought up a catholic… eventually it dawned on me how many crimes were committed in the name of the Christian god
Swinging from one extreme to another. Lumping all monotheists together as some sort of divinely preferred spiritual group of whom the Church is only a subset is an ecclesiology that is at least as heretical as dispensationalism. If the "two peoples of God" doctrine is erroneous, changing it to "three peoples" is not a step in the right direction!
By 3 peoples' you mean the 3 Abrahamic faiths who believe in ONE G-D, with Christians believing in the triune G-D. Take it a step further, Buddhists believe in the ONE reality, while Hindus embrace the many faces, or characteristics of the Divine, with a trinity. Buddha is quoted, " Do not do to others, what you would not have them do unto you." Jesus: "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." Hindu swami: " Bless those who treat you harshly." Jesus" Bless those who persecute you." Not easy to understand!, but common threads in the major religions..
Very important to read the Bible continually, hoping and praying Jesus gives you understanding of verses like these, Luke 12:51 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:” Luke 12:52 “For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.” Matthew 24:6 “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” Romans 3:4 “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” 2 Thessalonians 3:6 “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.”
according to Leviticus 26:18 God will punish Je-ws with fury & render them slaves whom no one wants according to Deut 28:68, for their sins : bombing hospitals, schools& churches
Well Israel is surely on God's timeline. It's the battle between the physical and the spiritual. God's church as well as God's kingdom are not visible to the naked eyes and the heavenly Jerusalem above is free. Hope you all can see that. Thank you and God Bless..!! 🙏💐🙌
That’s why I left Christianity many years ago, I can be more human without being religious, but the future is hopeful for all religions because there is a group of youth who are coming up who don’t care much about religion,
You left Christianity because a group misinterpret Christian teaching? Hope you have matured over these 4 yrs and have a deeper understanding of Christ's Gospel.
The problem is, its difficult to find reliable and verifiable sources on Palestine and Israel in the 20th century with important details. I see claims everywhere, and while I remember much of them, I don't know which is true. I am certain Israelis change their narrative, when their last one doesn't work. One which doesnt make sense, is they say, no one used to live there, when obviously, there are Palestinians living there, who are being kicked out of their homes. That's a contradictory claim. To state it more clearly, Palestinians had to live in a place to be kicked out by Israelis, yet the Israelis claim they didn't live there? Thousands of Palestinians magically appeared in houses everywhere, the exact day before Isralies came to steal their homes. I will say, no matter of the diplomacy or history of the founding of Israel, that it doesn't give Israelis the right to take Palestinian homes. Now, that last one was also under the asumption that Israeli supporters were telling the truth about Palestine, and regardless of who started it. Now, it appears that Israelis kicked Palestinains out of their homes then. I saw the claim before that Truman said, he didn't have Arab constituents, and he had Jewish and pro Israel constituents, so he'll support Israel. I couldnt verify that. Now, he says a claim which supports that. So, that with history, leads me to give what he said more credibility about US presidents way of supporting Israel at the expense of Palestine.
Every war is a rich man’s gain and a poor man’s loss of life
These people use religion to JUSTIFY despicable, ungodly acts!!!
“If you believe anyone can claim a land from 2000 year ago, I pity you, because if that is the case, most of us living in most of the world do not belong where we actually are and could all be kicked out.” - Sue King
Americans cant think that deep.Unaware of the irony.
@terryparenteau1200 it must be wonderful to be capable of knowing the thoughts and feelings of everyone in a large population
That speech was very enlightening, and also very comforting to hear him speak the truth. If you are human and have any Good in your heart, you could never be comfortable when you see injustice and suffering and call it human rights, like what we are seeing today.
Thank you very much . God bless you for speaking Truth to the warmongers !
My heart is bleeding for Palestinians and Palestine 💔 I can't imagine that millions and millions of people have suffered and continue to suffer because of made up BS and greedy politicians! I'm disgusted with this world to no end
The made up BS is calling invading Arabs “Palestinians” !
I thought that many people in America careless about the issue of the Palestinians but now I see many people do care thank God for that
I as a Christian Palestinian from Bethlehem was not accepted by the Dutch evangelical churches when they knew that I am not a jew.
Joseph Koleh I’m so sorry.
I’m a Christian And I pray for you all . Total deception! They are lead astray.
Joe what you need to know IS that THEY evanzionist ARE loving YOU from THE distance 💘 just KIDDING ON that 1.....but SERIOUSLY tho it was a blessing from God that it turned out like that for you , bcuz GOD closed that door to YOU for a reason , DON'T EVER MAKE A MISTAKES of KNOCKING there AGAIN. assalamu'alaikum
@Lats Niebling no good ones
I am so shocked!
Just kidding.
Kromwell really loved Kissing Kosher ass didn't he now?
And now look what is happening to the people of Gaza, what person that declares themselves to be Christian can think that killing children so that somehow makes a way for them to get to some heaven is disgusting to say the least.
Agree. Sadly also everything being bombed including Historic places such as orthodox Churches, and Mosques. What gives these radical Zionist the right for genocide and to force the end times.
Great comment
Only a 'Church of Satan' could justify that!
The Israelis make no attempt to kill children. That is Palestinian propaganda. Israel tries to avoid the death of Innocents. Israelis love life. Palestinians confess to loving death more than life. Hamas expressly places children in harms way to protect their military installations.
Goes against everything Christian. Some person decided to make himself a prophet, his people the only ones who mattered.. "God's chosen". Going aĝainst his own Commandments .Free to kill,steal.
It is the last apartheid state in the colonial experiment...
Or Gaza, the worlds largest open air prison, where Bibi desires to force visiting foreigners to register with israel, just in case they so desire to marry a palestinian in their open air cage.
Well, for a long time I had this question, now I got the answer. Thanks to you caring, honest, brave, beautiful people. Thanks
I thought everyone in America were already blind. Thank god some of them can see again.
Puleeze… Anerica is a racist country with its plentiful Atheists and POC… so how can you label the whole of America anything?
@@twittertwiceExactly what I came to say.
One cannot label the whole of anything one way.
There are a few of us.
"Christian Zionism," in of ITSELF is an oxymoronic term.
Look let’s be real, as long as people think that they are better than others. The the sin of Evil starts creeping into the hearts, and then this happens. Love your neighbor and do good, it’s that simple.❤
If the Truth isn't told we will all Die from their Lies 🇵🇸❤🕊
I encountered this teachings at a church I was attached to and didn't realize what it was or even that there was a name for it, but I had a very uneasy feeling about the persistent relentless teachings focused on Israel being exclusively "God's people." Although I felt positively about Israel from my Bible readings, there was an air of idolatry that permeated these teachings that made me feel this wasn't right. Now after doing my research after Oct 7th and discovering new disturbing truths about modern day Israel, I realize my unease was a conviction by the Holy Spirit warning me not to indulge in false doctrine.
I've heard it referred to as "Israel based prophecy " (Zionism), versus "Jesus based prophecy" (non Zionist).
So,glad you discovered the truth about the lies of dispensationalism. I too am a follower of Jesus and never understood the preoccupation with modern Israel, it’s is found no where in the New Testament. The Gospel of Jesus is a Gospel of peace and love, modern Israel is all about hate and war, it’s disgusting. What you said is encouraging as I hope more and more true followers of Jesus will see that it idolatry to be so pro Zionist.God bless you
@@poewitxexactly 💯 that's my point too.
God bless the believing people who fight for justice against the oppressed..
What an eye opener..
I wish justice to Palestine children and women 😢
Trump moved embassy not because of evangelicals but because of a 30 million dollar special contribution from Sheldon Adelson specific request
I am a fundamental baptist that hates zionism, and dispenationalism. One of maybe 2% of fundamental baptists. This belief comes from not reading the bible, but following scofields notes, instead.
Hang in there!
Hi Brian, this information is in your Bible, hon. G-d Himself put the 'Israelites' out of Jerusalem (Palestine). Message me if you like,
Zionism is a political movement.
@@Research0digo Of course! All you have to do is read *all* of the Bible, and not just the Zionist prooftexts. Even just reading all of the prophets will leave any one disabused of all Zionist notions.
Yeah, my experience too. I drank the cool-aid too until I read the bible for myself. Modern Israelis no where near the Israel of bible prophecy.
If the Kingdom of God could be made to appear as an earthly political entity, it would undercut our Lord’s teachings about its’ spiritual nature. ✔️
You make sense 😊
Bravo! Return the nation of Palestine to the Palestinians and charge all those who perpetrated the crime against Palestinians with genocide a la Nuremburg.
Thanks so much - this has given me some theological perspective on what has been so troubling to me regarding Christian Zionism.
Is zionism is same as nazism ?
To see the real history of the state of Israel, read a book by Jewish author Ilan Pappe, called:The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."
No. Just don't.
@@jon123xyzwhy not?
@@jullietmburu9672 ignore the zio bot
We so need this brought to the public discussion.
As a follower of Jesus Christ I knew something is wrong when I see the US government determination to support Israel no matter what bc I have never ever seen the US government stand for good and peace. I am glad I never fall for the so called evangelical Christianity.
I was raised a Catholic in a very Catholic city. I am now an atheist who just loves what Jesus had to say. End times cannot be brought about by man, according to the Bible, it must be brought about by God. That is what I was taught.
The end times, as you know, will be the worst. G-D, who is Love and Mercy, cannot bring such harm to us, and He cannot intervene when man's actions bring those times to fulfillment. How can we be rescued from the consequences of our actions? We could never learn or grow.
That's what I read. God has already chosen that date. No one can know it or change it.
My, this was 5 yrs ago!
People who don't know God, and say they speak for Him are called false prophets.
must watch lecture, thank you sir thomas
I was born and raised as a Christian. I did not know to much of anything about religion, but I always prayed to God for everything. And I found much comfort in doing so. But the very first time I heard anything about Islam I was on a train in NYC, when I was approached and was introduced to Islam and it entered my heart instantly. And I begged God to guide me to what’s right, and he did. And until today I feel very happy about my decision. But to say I hate Christian’s and Christianity will be stupid and a lie. And that I should kill them were very they are sound ludicrous to me. I don’t believe in turning the other cheek either. But just plain Common Sense will let us know that you can’t go around just killing people because you don’t like them and because you think that you are better than them because of how they look or ethnicity. To me that’s just like the Devil saying to his Creator that he’s better than Adam, and the Evil that he’s going to course among his offspring. How could you be spitting on Christian people in the holy land and killing Muslims in the holy land and even think for a second that you are the chosen ones and that God give you that right. Who are you? And were did you come from? Are you even the real Jews ? Please go back to The prophet Moses and see what part of the world did he come from. I don’t even want to go there. But I think that the real Christian’s and the real Jews and the real Muslims should really get together and stop all of this nonsense and madness that going on in the world. The the politicians at all about money they don’t know anything about God look at their lives style and it’s right in your face, money, money, money, power, power power no care for the human none at all so until the people who believe in a higher power sincerely seek that higher power to do something and stop these demons that’s run in the world we are going to be in the powers of the demons forever. God is all power so never stop seeking that help. Peace alway’s love always ❤
I'd much prefer that the title was 'some Evangelicals' than just straight Evangelicals. This gives the idea that all Evangelicals are in fact Zionists, which definitely isn't the case, and which thankfully the speaker makes clear in his presentation. I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian evangelical Christian brethren, and as you can imagine, NONE of them are Zionist. I, like they, find the Zionism espoused by some Evangelicals deeply troubling and I do my best to lovingly show the Zionists I meet the other side of the story, i.e. the extent of Palestinian suffering, which many are simply not aware of.
They are all Zionist because Christian Zionism comes from Protestantism.
This is a very timely piece of instruction and historical context in 2023, given the seige of Gaza and its total destruction.
To speak of the origins of Zionism is a historical exercise.
Victims don't need privileges, they need therapy.
"Hold my Scofield Study Bible..."
Wow that was remarkable, later it's so current and pertinent, anybody else watching 5 years later
Me here
25:05 A statement I'd love to hear any religious person in the world embrace. But I will not hold my breath...
Since NO geographical locations in the Bible are physical - but inner/spiritual alegory, all this heresy about physical Israel ought to motivate people to get spiritual in their 'religious views'.
It should read "When did Jews become Evangelical [Zionists] "
"The 200 year progression of this history is at once instructive and frightening. We can see the consequences of rationalizing colonialization and partisan politics influenced by religion to exclude the rights of one group over another."
"Their primary goal was to advance British imperialist interests with utilitarian politics"
From the false interpretations of Darby and Scofield. Scofield was financed by the Rockefellers.
Refreshing truths.
Religións are man made and give power to shysters.
I too am sad about Franklin Graham. His father was amazing. I was blessed to hear him in person in a Chicago in 1967. Mom and I both left feeling excited about getting saved. I miss hearing him
Franklin was preaching before Billy died and I wondered why his message was different.
They became fascists in the 70's and 80's. I watched it happen all around me.
Thank you
To those who have been deceived by so called Christian Zionism
God says this -
Supporting antichrists will not end well.
James 2:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
You should read his first book Demonology. If you can digest any of the insane rhetoric. Then you will understand what he did to the bible. Of course maybe I should refer him to she.
Thank you for this insight
Superb ❤
When we have Christ in our hearts, what is going on in Gaza ( the cleaning of blood by killing by Jews)
It is not from Christ neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit 🕊️🙌🏻🙏
Thank you to speak out the Truth 🕊️
Truth indeed and thanks for Speaking it.
Easy. When Israel started paying them!
Why do Christian Zionists ignore Prophet Moses' Ten Commandments?
True believers bend the knee and worship the people who killed their savior...
Not the people, the Mystery of abomination spirit of deception, that is who these misguided sheep worship.
12:00 min. Likud courted the relationship with fundamentalist churches! That’s Netanyahu’s political party.
Israel always owned the Evangelicals. That is why there was a huge build up of Evangelicals in the 1970's in the U.S. It was started by Jerry Farwell and Ronald Reagan.
Anyone who claims to possess even a shred of morality, ethics and compassion about innocent people who are suffering unbelievably and being savagely decimated by IDF with the full backing of the U.S. government in every sense of the word, should keep this in mind: Don't say that you are for the protection and recognition of innocent, civilian Palestinians just because you think that it means safety and security for the (state) of Israel. Such noble values should be urged and implemented immediately because it is the RIGHT thing to do, morally. Period. Full-stop. It stems from the Biblical 'Golden Rule' which is not just taught in the New Testament. Any professing Christian should support and adhere to (a real travesty that 'Christian'-Zionists who have ‘drunk the kool-aid’ do NOT give a whit about it however when it comes to the innocent Palestinians in Gaza including lots of Palestinians Christians!) and btw, the Golden Rule is also clearly taught in the Hebrew (Torah) scriptures. There's unequivocally a real disconnect with this whole ordeal. But we should not care about treating others like you would want to be treated only when you see it might advantage you or your agenda. Do it because genuine righteousness (right-doing) calls for, in fact it screams out for it. State of Israel leaders in their attempt to justify their mass annihilation of innocent Palestinian Civilians including women, children, the ill, handicapped and the elderly (as revenge for October 7 attack on SOI by Hamas invaders) are heard citing Old Testament (First) Testament verses such as: 1 Samuel 15:2-4, "This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘I witnessed what the Amalekites did to the Israelites when they ambushed them on their way up from Egypt. Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys. So Saul summoned the troops and numbered them at Telaim-200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men of Judah.…" True, during the existence of a ‘Theocracy’ in the Old (First) Testament, YHWH did instruct (ancient) Israel to carry out that wholesale slaughter of their enemy. But pray tell who told the modern (state) of Israel to unleash their relentless campaign of carnage upon the helpless, defenseless and poor Palestinians? Hmmm?
Excellent 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Very articulated
Reading John in 2 John 7-11 tells Christians NOT to support it.
The real question is "When will they become Christians?" "When will they read the Beatitudes?"
Great information, thank you.
Hmm! As a Christian I’m commanded to love all of mankind and I do. I’ve been to Israel several times and not with a Christian pastor nor Christian group. Studying scripture I know as will as the Evangelical church members (that I know) that nothing we can do will speed up nor change the return of Christ timing. Unlike the followers of Islam who believe that they can hasten the return of the Madi. It seems Getman has chosen an area of debate that although tragic and horrific even if the death of one innocent person occurs and yet not the thousands of humans murdered by groups and governments each year. The Jewish people have been persecuted and murder by rulers, governments, Roman Catholic Church, Muslims, European nations…for thousands of years. Does Getman not get who propagates such hate in the hearts and minds of people. Not judging, yet I wonder if he knows our Lord and Savior. Israel is surrounded by people groups and religion that, well I don’t need to spell it out…that wants them totally wiped off the face of the earth. There is no excuse for innocence deaths by anyone so I do not make excuses for the nation of Israel. A common comment by the Arabs I talk to in Israel “we would like the trouble making terrorist to stop, so that I can make a living for my family and live in peace”!
Well spoken and true as the following examples support!
Thank you.
Has Thomas Getman published any books? If he has would you advise please?
If religion becomes an instrument of political ambitions and desires, the five senses of those people will never be able to perceive the truth. Their destination is only cruelty and disasters, abstracted from all human principles and values.
Please read and spread. The first key in dismantling zionism is in Genesis 12:2
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
The Hebrew word in the original biblical text for nation is "Goy". Goy is a non jew or "Gentile". So the scripture actually is a prophesy of the coming of Jesus Christ and the Christian nation, and cannot be a Jewish nation. Jesus arrived who was the promised seed Galatians 3:16. He then separated the tribes of Israel (Jacob) who were the Nazerene's 10 tribes north Galilee aka Jesus of Nazereth, and the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the south who were antichrists , rejected Jesus/the prophets, and had them all killed
Matthew 21:38
But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance . Jeremiah 31 31-34 prophesy fullfilled, just like Jesus fulfilled any other old testament prophesy .
Thomas Getman us a whistle blower fir God. Just think? If we would have heed the call what is happening today would not come as a surprise; and just maybe , wouldn't have happened. GOD BLESS YOU GETMAN🙌🏾
It started with the KKK 1920s and was made socially popular with Reagan and the Christian right
It's Biblical prophecy alright but in a very bad way! Woe to those who support their evil ways.
They are denying our Lord Jesus Christ and the only Lord God.
Who ever denies the Son does not have God the Father. (1 John 2:22-23).
They have no idea the high cost they will pay for betraying the Lord that bought them.
Jude 4 King James Version (KJV)
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 2:1 King James Version (KJV)
2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Great video
If it's a real prophecy, it just doesn't need to be supported !
I used to evangelical and I promise these people are worse than most people realize
False prophets are being ecposed thst is bias, when Jesus died for the salvation of all mankind, the unhealty.
" Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Matthew 7:15 -
All of the scriptures referring to the end-time, the end of time, the last days, melting elements and the passing away of heaven and earth do not refer to the end of the world but the end of Old Covenant Israel. The future destruction of the world simply is not represented in scripture. The "end times" seems to hold a particular fascination for American Evangelicals who are wrapped up in rapture theology. They curiously find hope in an expected destruction of the world and most of the population and its replacement with a utopia in which even carnivorous animals will take up vegetarianism. To understand Bible prophecy and the "end times", one must first grasp what happened in the year AD 70. This year marked the culmination of the Jewish-Roman War in which the Roman army decimated Jerusalem and the Jewish temple.
Over a million Jews were killed, and the rest were sold into slavery. Israel ceased to exist as a nation, and Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed.
This is theologically significant because this is when the age-old system of sacrifices for sin ended forever. While Jesus’ First Advent marked the beginning of the New Covenant Age, the Old Covenant Age (the age of the law) was swept away in finality in AD 70. There was a period of about 40 years from 30 - 70 AD in which the two systems existed side-by-side. www.scripturerevealed.com/prophecy/world-without-end-amen/
Any one has the list of films he mentioned at the end?
10:52 whoa! where did the Reformers say anything dispensational or Zionist?? and where does the King James Version promote Zionism???? please tell me.
KJV does not. It is CI Scofield's annotated bible's notes that do so.
Thats why i left the church … having been brought up a catholic… eventually it dawned on me how many crimes were committed in the name of the Christian god
Swinging from one extreme to another. Lumping all monotheists together as some sort of divinely preferred spiritual group of whom the Church is only a subset is an ecclesiology that is at least as heretical as dispensationalism. If the "two peoples of God" doctrine is erroneous, changing it to "three peoples" is not a step in the right direction!
At least it does espouse occupation and brutal military oppression.
By 3 peoples' you mean the 3 Abrahamic faiths who believe in ONE G-D, with Christians believing in the triune G-D. Take it a step further, Buddhists believe in the ONE reality, while Hindus embrace the many faces, or characteristics of the Divine, with a trinity. Buddha is quoted, " Do not do to others, what you would not have them do unto you." Jesus: "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." Hindu swami: " Bless those who treat you harshly." Jesus" Bless those who persecute you." Not easy to understand!, but common threads in the major religions..
Helping the enlightenment , some people are drawn to the bridge of war , little do they know it’s the leading way that their cheering
A good teaching on Christian zionism.😊
In the eighteen hundreds end timers had dates picked for ending creation not so specific today that frenzy is still there
Wait, Hagee is related to Ehud Barak??
Excellent !
Very important to read the Bible continually, hoping and praying Jesus gives you understanding of verses like these,
Luke 12:51
“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:”
Luke 12:52
“For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.”
Matthew 24:6
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
1 John 2:27
“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”
Romans 3:4
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
2 Thessalonians 3:6
“Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.”
The Word of G-D is the division, when Jesus' teachings are integrated.
according to Leviticus 26:18 God will punish Je-ws with fury & render them slaves whom no one wants according to Deut 28:68, for their sins : bombing hospitals, schools& churches
Free palastinians free palastin
Well Israel is surely on God's timeline. It's the battle between the physical and the spiritual. God's church as well as God's kingdom are not visible to the naked eyes and the heavenly Jerusalem above is free. Hope you all can see that. Thank you and God Bless..!! 🙏💐🙌
God let this land to take place but it is not His plan.
What video was he talking about?
That’s why I left Christianity many years ago, I can be more human without being religious, but the future is hopeful for all religions because there is a group of youth who are coming up who don’t care much about religion,
Buzz Moor Tell the Christian Zionist that
Me too
You left Christianity because a group misinterpret Christian teaching? Hope you have matured over these 4 yrs and have a deeper understanding of Christ's Gospel.
You say you want to be in this decaying world after the rapture?😢
# Free, Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Thanks, gd talk!
In everyone there is an evil instinct that will bring disasters to the world unless evilness is controlled by everyone.
The problem is, its difficult to find reliable and verifiable sources on Palestine and Israel in the 20th century with important details. I see claims everywhere, and while I remember much of them, I don't know which is true. I am certain Israelis change their narrative, when their last one doesn't work. One which doesnt make sense, is they say, no one used to live there, when obviously, there are Palestinians living there, who are being kicked out of their homes. That's a contradictory claim. To state it more clearly, Palestinians had to live in a place to be kicked out by Israelis, yet the Israelis claim they didn't live there? Thousands of Palestinians magically appeared in houses everywhere, the exact day before Isralies came to steal their homes.
I will say, no matter of the diplomacy or history of the founding of Israel, that it doesn't give Israelis the right to take Palestinian homes. Now, that last one was also under the asumption that Israeli supporters were telling the truth about Palestine, and regardless of who started it. Now, it appears that Israelis kicked Palestinains out of their homes then.
I saw the claim before that Truman said, he didn't have Arab constituents, and he had Jewish and pro Israel constituents, so he'll support Israel. I couldnt verify that. Now, he says a claim which supports that. So, that with history, leads me to give what he said more credibility about US presidents way of supporting Israel at the expense of Palestine.
Easy .... When they read Scripture. Amazing the kind "difficult" questions you find online. 🤔