2011 CrossFit Games Champions: Rich Froning and Annie Thorisdottir

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 309

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Incidentally, Annie Thorisdottir, current female CF champion was a former gymnast and pole vaulter. And many of the top 100 CF in the world were former Ironmen / tri-athletes.

  • @Ehogan01
    @Ehogan01 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Absolutely amazing! These athletes are such an inspiration.

  • @monroegeo
    @monroegeo 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Crossfit is a sport The competition is who is the most able to defeat physical obstacles.
    The time and the randomness and the difficulty of performing more than one of these physical feats is what makes Crossfit a sport

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'll give you an example of two people in our CF class. One is an over 50 yr old women that is doing CF for general fitness. Another is a 17 yr old high-school kid that just wants to be stronger and gain more endurance. He plays WR in high-school and CF has helped him overall. But put both of those people into boxing or power lifting training for competition purposes and they'd both struggle to make the team, regardless if they gained the physical exercises benefits...

  • @kdawson424
    @kdawson424 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Regardless of our exercise philosophy, each one of these athletes has accompished somthing that is truly inspiring. Why don't we just stick with that?

  • @craig50golf
    @craig50golf 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love all the people who are haters. Get a life. I can tell you from personal experience CrossFit works. I've worked out on and off my adult life and have done a wide variety of different things from Powerlifting, bodybuilding, running, even Spinning. Nothing has kept my interest and has motivated me to work hard like CrossFit. The only real competition is with yourself.

  • @eddysplosion
    @eddysplosion 12 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That lady smiles the whole time she is suffering. She must have an amazing heart and lungs.

  • @fmseguro
    @fmseguro 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree. I went to an open crossfit competition yesterday and what I saw was this, very bulked guys (probably power or weight lifters) who won on the weights very easly but losted to the skinny guys (probably runners) on the swiming and the beach running.

  • @MrKennethfelch
    @MrKennethfelch 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thorisdottir= perfection

  • @Activsoul
    @Activsoul 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Both of them are amazing athletes who turned in some great performances last year, but I would bet that Annie is going to have a Lance Armstrong-esque run at the games. She's getting better every year and works hard at her weaknesses.

  • @swartzen1
    @swartzen1 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm getting into cross fit because all these beautiful women.

  • @MrTrevorln
    @MrTrevorln 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I completely agree with you! However, someone that is extremely fit could suck at Cross Fit because they don't train for those specific exercises. A lot of those exercises take a lot of technique, and if you don't do them a lot, you won't be good at them.

  • @KeithHoranParkour
    @KeithHoranParkour 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn, this looks fun!

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    To all those skills you listed, be my guest. Have fun doing them. But this is not about "them" but rather what can *you* do. Nothing more, nothing less. If your personal goal is to be a marathoner or bodybuilder, then go do it; even though your other skills will be reduced. Take your pick.
    Even if you, personally, decided to specialize in any of those skills you listed, you'd most likely never be as fit as these two. Btw, many former gymnasts and bodybuilders adopted CF; it's more functional.

  • @ricklucero21
    @ricklucero21 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that if a Decathlete or heptathlete is an other than average athlete than these guys are athlete... the best athlete in the world can't be defined because there must be a definition that we can all accept. Anyone who would call any of these guys mediocre, has never had a great workout.
    They may not be the best "athletes" but they are athletic and possibly the most overall fit people around.

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    First: I appreciate the explanation, thank you. Second: Agreed with you, if a Crossfit athlete any of the competitions you mentioned, chances are they would not win. BUT - generally, CFers strive to be the most well-rounded athletes. Let me ask this: What is elite fitness to you? A person who can do the most wide range of activities well, or a person who can strictly specialize and do a single one of them extremely well (like sprinting) but be below average at all the rest?

  • @PsiBrr
    @PsiBrr 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Annie Thorisdottir is a goddess.

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The athletes whom compete in the top levels of CrossFit are tested. Both of the athletes you see in this video would have been tested.

  • @LHD4life
    @LHD4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who are you to say they cant claim the title of fittest on earth?
    They are the best in all areas, not just one. A power lifter is stronger, but lacks speed,endurance,agility etc.... a sprinter or any other athlete who is good at one thing, will be better cause thats ALL they focus on. Crossfit trains you to be a jack of all trades (components of fitness), they may not be as stong as full time oly lifters or power lifters they are much more skilled over a broad range of skills.

  • @boni46
    @boni46 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    she should play as wonder woman or any other female superhero

  • @44Wadeable
    @44Wadeable 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I kind of have a crush on Annie Thorisdottir...

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What you'll find is that the older you get the less quick and sharp you become compared to the younger kids coming up in a particular sport like boxing, fb, lifting. Many former professional players, now retired, in their 30s (due to injury) or 40s (age) have started CF because it offers venue in which they can still compete and measure your progress among their peers. You can just do it for fun and fitness reasons or you can push yourself into the top 10% CFers where the freaks of nature live.

  • @number1goat
    @number1goat 12 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @kinesyne
    @kinesyne 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    someone know the song title at the beginning ?

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    With bad form anything is bad for you. Not to mention crossfit is designed to keep you overall fit and healthy. Look at almost any sports players 20 years after their career: football players and a slew of surgeries they go through, soccer players with torn up knees, hockey players bodies in general are pretty messed up post-career. Just like power lifting and gymnastics, if you go our your first crossfit workout and try and to Murph or Fran, you might get hurt without practicing proper form.

  • @tankshawman3274
    @tankshawman3274 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    well said

  • @king1Malik
    @king1Malik 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay... First question. Where do I sign up? Second question. When are the 2012 games? I will break my back for a quarter million.

  • @wazark
    @wazark 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    depends if you can get it through your diet or not

  • @Freakforphotos
    @Freakforphotos 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That's actually exactly what her name means. Thoris = thor's, dottir = daughter. It's what they do in Iceland. Her dad's name is Thoris Magnusson, so his dad's name was Magnus.

    • @user-ch5zj2uf4v
      @user-ch5zj2uf4v 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's actually really cool 😁

  • @specoppronto7284
    @specoppronto7284 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    they're both awesome.
    no homo

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with your statement since there has to be an element of competition and comparison between your peers to be called an athlete. Most CF's don't compete in the CF games, thus aren't athletes. But I assure you most don't claim to be. It's the elite of the games that are athletes because it requires rules, judging, time trials, and is set in a venue of competition. This is not a "meh, don't care if I win or not" setting.

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Next, the first thing you must do when judging fitness level is to start with the individuals aptitude and natural abilities. Don't start with the training (boxing, football, baseball, power lifting, UFC, CF, Circuit Training, etc...) you start with the person. It's that persons natural abilities that will determine how far they go in any sort of training, whether it be sport specific or overall fitness.

  • @shooglechic
    @shooglechic 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AlexLococo With that mindset, even a man is helpless. When I am stating "helpless" it is in reference of being independent enough to handle tough situations on your own--farm or ranch duties, running long distance (car could break down), groceries, handling rambunctious children, emergency evacuation, natural disasters. I am not using helpless in the mindset of battle/assault. Though, she would make one hell of a viking wife.

  • @shooglechic
    @shooglechic 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @iNsAnUtEe She's not ripped, but she's not skinny. She's full of muscle, but she's not overweight. Besides, working like that isn't going to make anyone look beautiful. If so, you aren't pushing yourself enough. When I read your reply to someone else, I assume her strength, resilience & smiling despite all the crap she's just gone through is disgusting to you. I'm not pleased. However, if you are talking about which is pervert hustler material, you're looking at the wrong video.

  • @EeeScape
    @EeeScape 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    First of all the inventor of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, was a controversial person. He never meant to be politically correct. The phrase, "Fittest men on earth" was part truth and part marketing. It was inflammatory on purpose. That being said, don't group all CF'ers in the same group as Glassman. We all don't have that attitude.

  • @Chris_Jenkins_Wales_Strongest
    @Chris_Jenkins_Wales_Strongest 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would say its very specific to the individual, I can deadlift almost 800pounds, but can also run ten miles without gassing and fight on a judo mat for 5 minutes without burning out, it is very individual, rather than sport specific, you are how you train, if you train to be fit and strong then there is no reason you can't be a powerlifter and be fit.

  • @shooglechic
    @shooglechic 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @BeepimajeepBeep Crossfit is supposed to be training anyway. Athletes, military personnel, and law enforcement personnel tend to use this training to better their skills useful in their career field. This is simply a competition between the competitors' successes in training.

  • @shooglechic
    @shooglechic 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @kswizzy99 I meant that women have the capability of having that much muscle naturally--genetically. Men are supposed to have more muscle than what she currently has. Now, if she were to be like pro-wrestler China or those body building models, then yeah, I can agree with steroid usage.

  • @WatWarrior22
    @WatWarrior22 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    We unfortunately live in a world full of haters and negativity who are so hateful of themselves they can't bare or stomach the sight and reality of someone else who is the exact opposite of them

  • @InfiniteElgintensity
    @InfiniteElgintensity 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The jungle gym was even worse. I was waiting for the see-saw event.

  • @afrosoul4eva
    @afrosoul4eva 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Crossfit is conditioning. Athletes do this every off season to go into the sport for the season. The haters clearly havent done a crossfit class yet so shut your dirty mouths. If it is that easy then why do you haters just win it all? If your arguement is saying that they are not better than athletes who train all their skill into one event then DDDUUUUHHHHH!!!!!!! Put Usain Bolt in the NBA, NFL, MLB, or NHL.... lets see how "good" does!!!

  • @MrSlobTv
    @MrSlobTv 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JohnMarxism I apologize...you know i just realized you do crossfit? so you definitely know what your talking about...o wait no you don't....You can look anywhere on the internet, books, magazines etc. and find that THE MORE YOUR WORKOUT THE MORE CORTISOL YOUR BODY PRODUCES...Fact your body goes after your muscle as the main source for energy consunption...so if your doing double sessions for 2-3 hours a time how do you expect to get stronger....

  • @MrSlobTv
    @MrSlobTv 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @MrSlobTv In Further all of those are things that help you get better AT REAL SPORTS. What they are doing is excersising and working out as a sport. Those sure test your endurance and strength and speed? but to what extent because of time? My point is wqhat they do helps you get better at REAL SPORTS, im not trying to be the b est at excercising. Thanks. You go ahead and Crossfit and lemme know how your surgery works out in 3 years down the road

  • @MrSlobTv
    @MrSlobTv 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JohnMarxism no nascaar isnt a sport neither is chess checkers, cross country table tennis or billiards those are ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HOBBIES. Sports: Football, Basketball, Hockey, Golf, Baseball & others. My point being...What they do is lift weights, essential i mean am i right? They are just timed THATS THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES IT COMPETETIVE! is Time. Powerr Cleans, Push Jerks, Pushups, Sled Pushes, Rope Climbing, Pull-ups ( Which ARE NOT REAL PULLUPS)

  • @MrSlobTv
    @MrSlobTv 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    first off this shit destroys your body...and does anyone REALLY believe rich froning is the fittest man on earth? he competes in a sport that people like him invented its not a sport...their sport is what people do to further improve themselves in their own sport I.E Lifting weights, endurance training, running, ect helps swimmers, football players, bballers, ect So how is an aspect of a sport an ACTUAL SPORT Thumbs up if you understand and agree

  • @ashkeeoh
    @ashkeeoh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I look up to these GOATs whenever I fall behind motivation and not showing up

  • @darkmanddk
    @darkmanddk 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amazing that this girl can smile so much. She's hardcore, that's for sure but my trainer always says if you have time to smile or laugh (or even talk) you're not working out hard enough ^^

  • @srsly101
    @srsly101 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    No you don't see the point. Fitness is a sport specific thing. To say a Premier league footballer is fit is correct. Put them in a sumo ring and they aren't fit because they can't carry out the task put to them. Being fit means being able to meet the demands of your environment. So to be ' truly fit' you have to be able to meet the demands of your sport, which all of the top in the world can do. Go do some reading before you argue back.

  • @srsly101
    @srsly101 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    noone can claim the title of fittest on earth. Fit is a relative term, i run, i can run a marathon, fairly quickly, therefore i am fit, i do pursuit cycling, i can do it at quite a high level, i am fit, im a crossfitter, i can do each exercise to the best of my ability, with good form, and quickly, i am fit. Fitness is the ability to cope with the demands of your environment, so every world champion is 'the fittest on earth' now enough of this talk.

  • @natalie021983
    @natalie021983 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    A sprinter would get their arse handed to them if they tried to run a marathon competatively. The top athlete in any sport has to train sport specific.
    However, track IS one of the three sections of crossfit: Track, gymnastics & weights. In track, they run, row, cycle and swim. Crossfitters do train for endurance.
    A top crossfitter might get their arse handed to them if compared with someone who has trained sport specific, but a crossfitter will still be fitter overall. It's whole body.

  • @natalie021983
    @natalie021983 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The same thing could be said for triathalons. People that train for triathalons are never the master of any individual aspect of athleticism.
    There are 3 main sections of crossfit: Gymnastics, Track & Weight Lifting. It is comparable to triathalons, however, more skills are required. It's not just swim or cycling. There are literally hundreds of gymnastic, weight & track moves. In a competition they could get any combination of the hundreds of potential workouts. Fittest overall person wins

  • @MURDR63
    @MURDR63 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who says that a powerlifter or sprinter can't be both very strong AND have elite athleticism? That is ridiculously inaccurate and very closed-minded. Crossfit helps make you decent in all areas, but not good or great in any of them.
    Anyways, I'd like you to try and tell me that football players, for example, who powerlift all the time, aren't tremendous athletes. I'd laugh in your face and walk away, because obviously I'd be talking to a mentally disabled person...

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I see your point. Certainly is a difference of opinion on fitness I guess, as un-educated and far from the literal definition of the word as some of those opinions might be. I must be clear though that just because Rich Froning was named champion, it does not mean he personally puffs his chest and boasts about being the fittest in the world. I think it is more just the tagline that CrossFit uses that bothers some, because it is a very bold and risque statement that is sure to ruffle feathers.

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Quite honestly BeepimajeepBeep, I personally have heard athletes from many different sports bashing other sports or programs. I think that act is universal. The whole idea behind CrossFit claiming they are the fittest is that there simply are very few programs out there that cover such a broad range of movements, motions and activities at the elite high performance level that CrossFit does. It is similar to USA Major League Baseball in that they claim the title of the "World Series" every year.

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where did you get the idea that most CFers are rich? And since Brazil holds the most World Cup championships I don't think Europe can put a claim on them having the best soccer players. For sure the Europe league attracts the better players though. Anyway. your right, definitions of fitness are varied, however why do people bash us CFers for defining fitness our way? Never have I heard any CFer say that crossfit is the only way to become fit, so whats the problem here?

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    To continue, I am simply saying why can't those of us who have chosen crossfit as our workout routine be treated with as much respect as other workout routines. Crossfit isn't for everybody, and I would encourage everyone to find what they feel fits them. I apologize for the claim "Fittest on Earth", i don't think they meant to piss off everyone who choses other workout methods, just like people who play in the CFL don't get too hurt when we crown the top NFL team as World Champ.

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    if you use that argument, I also expect you to call into question the NFL and MLB when they claim the winner of the Superbowl or World Series as "World Champion". I'm not trying to discredit either league, but I'll agree that the title of "Fittest on Earth" is a stretch because with no doubt there are many other paths to better fitness other that crossfit, but you can't use that argument without calling other sports titles into question.

  • @andrewdreiling11
    @andrewdreiling11 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man, a lot of haters hatin' down below... The cool thing about Crossfit is that it does appeal to the "average Joe." The average Joe (or Jane) can get seriously inspired by this, because most of the ppl in these vids aren't "pro" athletes. I give props to these crossfitters. Plus, everyone knows every sport/activity emphasizes a unique athletic skill set. Stop comparing apples to oranges people! Just enjoy the unique taste of each :)

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Everyone saying powerlifters are stronger and gymnists are better in the fitness part, thats great, but we don't care. I started crossfit to track MY results, to improve MY body and fitness. Even though we have the games to see how we match up, CFers measure success my personal achievements in the gym, not trying to outperform other athletes. The times and reps we count are not to compare with others, but to show our progress over time and let ourselves know we are improving.

  • @PowerStrengthHate
    @PowerStrengthHate 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Crossfitters: Get Put to shame in the strength category by powerlifters. Put to shame in the explosiveness category by olympic lifters. Get to put to shame in the functionality aspect by strongmen, and get put to shame in the aesthetic category by bodybuilders. Crossfit is for people who want to have the illusion that they're still physically valuable. It must take a special type of person to not want to be the best at anything, just mediocre at everything.

  • @mmajits4life
    @mmajits4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Forgot to mention: The best X-fitters don't even really train X-fit most of the time. Look at what Fronig, Bailey, Thorisdottir, Clever, etc. do in training, it's mostly OL technical and max-effort work, and their conditioning work is isolated for ATP-PC & glycolytic or straight aerobic. They also do skill work like gymnastic fundamentals. Not until the last few weeks leading up to the games do they really put it together in X-fit style workouts. The best X-fitters aren't really X-fitters.

  • @mmajits4life
    @mmajits4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Too much silliness involved in the culture of X-fit.
    1. Ridiculous claims about how it's highly transferable to other sports. The truth is, doing X-fit just makes you better at X-fit.
    2. The assertion that Crossfit athletes are the "fittest" on earth when there's no real applicable definition. X-fit isn't 1-variable quantifiable, they don't test max strength, VO2max, etc., true numbers, it's just timed cross-modal workouts. Doesn't mean anything.
    3. Most WOD programming doesn't make sense.

  • @mmajits4life
    @mmajits4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Some of you have a distorted view on what's abnormally muscular for a woman. Annie is athletic and carries extra lbm, but she's not that muscular. What does she weigh, about 145-150 lbs.? GTFO with that too muscular nonsense. Just because some of you guys are 160 lbs. with 24% bodyfat and can't deal with a fit woman, that's not her problem, it's yours. She's still feminine, healthy, and attractive.
    Crossfit is stupid beyond belief, but Annie is inspirational, she should take up a real sport.

  • @dokkiri94
    @dokkiri94 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shooglechic, chill woman. Most of us watching this and doing this for fun I think prefer fit girls and usually go out with fit girls....a lifestyle. People like us will continue these strong genes and lifestyle into the future and humanity will thus benefit. Who cares what others think. Dunno about you, but I want a strong human race that is fit, sane, good temperament, fun loving, hilarious and most importantly well educated.

  • @Cocaine8711
    @Cocaine8711 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheRightjustice You need to wake up. Anyone that's not physically disabled in some way can be in the shape they are. The word "genetics" is just an excuse, and you know nothing about steroids, they would be much bigger if they were on the juice. As for the "skinny people frame", we're all the same, the only difference we can have is bone structure. Anyone can become fat and anyone can become fit. It depends on how hard you're willing to work.

  • @radavil
    @radavil 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheRightjustice You have to remember, no one starts at these levels they're showing you. This is TOP competition form, sort of like decathlons, and they've probably been doing this for years. I'm sure there are supplements being used like whey protein, amino acids, creatine, but I hardly think 'roids would be used without being checked first. Either way, this is top form, not 'hey, I've never done a push up in my life and in three days I'm the Gooo-venor of California!'

  • @lanceoa
    @lanceoa 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    How many ring muacle ups do they have to complete?

  • @AscendantCorn
    @AscendantCorn 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I never said anything about giving into the "thats just the way it is" mentality. I work to try and outperform myself every day, and I never said I was satisfied with someone being better than me. No its not as hyper-competitive as when I played football or any other sport, but the mentality of constantly trying to improve is still there.

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fitness is extremely broad, I totally agreed. Crossfit strives to be as broad as possible, more than almost anything else, and that is why they use the title "fittest alive". Is it a fair title? Where there certainly is no scientific proof to date that would prove it (that I know of) - but I think its a fair challenge and balsy to throw that suggestion out there.

  • @2011hwalker
    @2011hwalker 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Totally agree that is the single worst thing about most crossfit gyms, no sense of periodization or training programs whatsoever. Oh yeah lets keep the body confused....yes and it wont get good at anything. I attended a very famous v crossfit gym and I left even though I was the best performing guy in the class because there was no clear route of progression.

  • @2011hwalker
    @2011hwalker 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @Cocaine8711 You are being pretty naive here. There are people who can just look at weights and get huge and some people can train hard for years and remain small and weak. Some african americans have awful diet and haphazard training and they are physically impressive yet those people of indian or pakistani descent can train for years and can barely bench 205lbs.

  • @82Bdog
    @82Bdog 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ephedradiet really?? I'm not into crossfit but don't compare your average bodybuilder who isn't athletic at all and gets winded going up a flight of stairs to these people who are training to be athletic and not just training for size so they can get in a speedo and dance in front of a bunch of mostly male fans lol

  • @TrackForField
    @TrackForField 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    ok they are "in-shape"...in shape for what though. Doesnt mean they can go out and run a sub 3 hour marathon, or take a team to the superbowl, followed by winning the Tour De France. This"SPORT" is just a bunch of training exercise for other things thrown together.

  • @paulza00
    @paulza00 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @shooglechic Well said, couldnt agree more, there is something wrong with society when amazing people like Annie carry on relatively unknown whilst society idolises idiots living a disgusting life like Lyndsey lown, paris hilton, amy whinehouse, whitney houston the list goes on

  • @nmmi10
    @nmmi10 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    im a swimmer and a crossfitter...where do you get off saying that swimmers are more fit then crossfitters? swimmers are great with cardio but in the scheme of what fitness is, crossfitters are more athletic...and the fittest on earth thing is just a marketing tool...no need to get worked up about it

  • @Erdos2n
    @Erdos2n 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @saisayasith um...steroids don't make you bulky...diet makes you bulky. I bet they take steroids; however, it doesn't mean that they don't work hard. Most professional atheletes use steroids but they aren't bulky. Maybe YOU should read a book and do some research.

  • @candidcomment
    @candidcomment 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ps - ANything that gets people working out is a fucking great thing ! I run 100kl a week and also do 100s push ups and light weights and I think CRossfit looks great ! Even GAY Zumba is great cause it gets people moving and of their Asses!

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What proof do you have that "nobody cares if you can lift a mediocre weight a hundred times"? Please explain instead of just making blind random insult judgements without facts to back them up - hence making yourself look utterly foolish.

  • @MegaCannavaro05
    @MegaCannavaro05 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Technique is not skill. Also there is no personality, creativity. Everyone does everything the EXACT same in cross fit/working out. A monkey will lift a weight the same exact way a man will life that same weight. Everything is robotic.

  • @lildrummercoop2007
    @lildrummercoop2007 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    My friend has been hyping me to do CrossFit I think I'm going to give it a go. With me being a avid Rock Climber this will surely benefit along with the Paleo Diet and Supplements can't wait to get started

  • @powerevolve
    @powerevolve 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The top of crossfit is elite...those athletes can do things that nobody else in the world can do...do the crossfit open next year and see where you rank- if it's only for the "mediocre" you should do pretty well

  • @439okey
    @439okey 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    to be honest yes women are more sexy when they arent like that to me, that type of women with all that muscle is nasty, there nothing wrong with women being fit but them putting on mass is nasty (my opinon)

  • @bryanpdavis
    @bryanpdavis 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    TheRightjustice..... Read a book, they are lifting heavy weight at max volume.... Strength comes from lifting heavy.... Size comes from volume... and Crossfit provides a ton of volume.... Promise you there is no "juice."

  • @TheRightjustice
    @TheRightjustice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    that guys on the juice, cause there no way u can get big muscles and do crossfit... either that or he gots great genetics... crossfit if for skinny people frame and so it appeals to alot of girls intrest more then guys..

  • @HellPunisher00
    @HellPunisher00 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The shot put and javelin take a lot of strength both upper and lower, not to mention sprinters often have incredibly powerful builds since they need fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment in their events.

  • @LHD4life
    @LHD4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    still dont see the point im not saying marathon runners or cyclists arent fit is that they arent fit across a broad range of skills. To be truely fit you have to be able to be good at everything

  • @LHD4life
    @LHD4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    i dont know about that, you could sport is a test of skill in a competitive environment. Fittness is pretty much the main component of sport which requires skill and determination like other sports do.

  • @MURDR63
    @MURDR63 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you're satisfied with someone else being better than you, and you're okay with just being you and giving in to the "that's just the way it is" mentality, you cannot call yourself an athlete.

  • @MrCarloArellano
    @MrCarloArellano 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Which is why military personnel, mma fighters who have to exhibit these "mediocre" qualities do it. Stop hating and please help. If you are a powerlifter, help coach crossfit to do it right.

  • @emilyjune87
    @emilyjune87 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Different strokes for different folks. Some women want to be that muscular, some dont. Some men are attracted to muscular women, some ar'nt. Cant people just be who they want without judement. Jeese.

  • @atious
    @atious 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    i would like to see how well both of them would do in mma given about 3 months training in wrestling jiu-jitsu and kickboxing each.
    if it ever happened it could be pretty inspiring.

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    When practiced the way society demands, so is football, rugby, soccer, baseball, hockey, gymnastics, bobsleigh, skiing, tennis, olympic weightlifting, basketball....I could go on.

  • @fmseguro
    @fmseguro 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Being the fittest man on earth is, or it should be, about fitness BALANCE (strenght, agility, endurance, speed), not a specific fitness condition, being you a crossfitter or not.

  • @LHD4life
    @LHD4life 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah but you jerk in olympic lifting...
    I see your point but doing lots of push presses and some particular exercises can cause injuries of done with really bad form

  • @MURDR63
    @MURDR63 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is Vernon Gholston not an athlete?
    Is Laron Landry not an athlete?
    Is Taylor Mays not an athlete?
    Is Ray Lewis not an athlete?
    Is Adrian Peterson not an athlete?

  • @Powertrip1
    @Powertrip1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sounds good to me. I'd rather go through life being able to hold my own and almost anything then sit there and wait for 1 specialized activity to show my mad skills at.

  • @bubbabobroy
    @bubbabobroy 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you ever done crossfit? Mental toughness, composure, responsibility, and technique are all involved. Please don't open your mouth unless you have something good to say

  • @rakokako
    @rakokako 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    On Rich Froning Athlete Profile @ games.crossfit.com it stands that he take 75 Pull-ups, will this means that he is taking 75 real pull ups or 75 butterfly pull ups?

  • @Activsoul
    @Activsoul 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @lamdannyBee Relax. He was quoting a character that Danny McBride portrays. Watch a few of the videos and you'll understand the quote.
    Take care,

  • @WimpyWhip
    @WimpyWhip 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    They are just rounded, there are athletes who may have more power, or better cardio but these athletes are the right mix