Belarus suffered greatly under German occupation. They lost 1/3 of their civilian population under German rule: Poles, Russians, Belarussians and Jews were mass murdered.
I absolutley love that the commisar said "Everyone listen to him" He was basically saying to the partisans "This is the kind of people we're fighting. So take time to listen to what kind of evil we're up against"
That was literally me a few days after finally watching Come and See. The way Woody kept on looking at me the days following my trauma creeped me out that much that I totally ignored him for days after. I love how my Come and See movie looks out for me now that I’ll only accept Floyra’s advice and not Woodys because Woody is just an excuse of an idiot because he never helped me as I was at the peak of my meltdown and only Floyra jumped in and helped very quickly before I was at my worst. That’s why I love him so much
March 22, 1943, Khatyn Belarus. Germans entered the village and drove the inhabitants from their houses and into a shed, which was then covered with straw and set on fire. The trapped people managed to break down the front doors, but in trying to escape, were killed by machine gun fire. Around 149 people, including 75 children under 16 years of age, were killed due to burning, shooting or smoke inhalation. The village was then looted and burned to the ground.
@@stronkbon5630 "основная"/ не "основная". Окей, просто потому что больше украинцев в абсолютном выражении оказалось в оккупации - то, вероятно, нацистских пособников из советской Украины было больше в абсолютном выражении (чем, например, из советской Беларуси). И да, имеет смысл разжигать национальную вражду между народами, использовать коллаборантов с других территорий - разделяй и властвуй. И вот здесь вопрос тем, кто говорит "основная часть карателей были выходцы с Украины" - вы это зачем говорите, вы на чьей стороне-то в итоге? Мир-дружба-народов или война-эксплуатация-иерархии?
И не одна Хотынь , там ещё были поселения и их постигла та же участь . Увы после этой трагедии эти деревни так и не восстановились , они оказались выжжены навсегда .
l love how this film DOESN’T dehumanize the Nazis. Even though they are responsible for all of the death and horror we see depicted, it reminds us that they aren’t otherworldly monsters or mindless robots. They are human beings, just like you and me. This is what makes Come And See so powerful. It shows what happens when you believe war, violence and prejudice is the best solution. The fact that it was made by people in the Soviet Union, who inflicted their own share of inexcusable brutality during the war, makes it all the more potent.
The nazis weren’t responsible. Jews were, they were behind the communists and the capitalists. In fact, stalin was planning to invade europe and hitler stopped all of Europe from becoming communist.
The first wound inflicted on Flyora in the movie is even from what should be the good guys (When he's left bloodied while being escorted from his village in the beginning) I always respect war movies that show both sides' flaws.
The actor is called Jüri Lumiste and he's a genius. He was actually supposed to say that he's a Ruthenian fighter captured by accident, but in the last moment Lumiste improvised this speech and Elem Klimov loved it so much that he decided to keep it!
Jüri Lumiste. It was a Soviet movie so for anyone playing a nazi they often hired actors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania to play those parts. Often because they spoke decent German with less distinct accent than Russians. Really impressive movie, not many movies show what went on in Eastern Europe during WW2.
Have seen many war movies in my time, but this one is one of the most realistic and scary. Sadly, believe this and similar scenarios were played out many, many times in the occupied part of the USSR.
Before watching this i would never have understood the idea of bigotary, not truly. After this , my blood boil when someone mention something to kill people based on their ethnicity even subtely
It shows the intellect of those in parlament deciding the destiny of its people. Celebrating forces that fought against Soviets during WW2. It looks like it hasn't crossed anyone's mind who were those forces that fought Soviets at that time.
“Your nation doesn’t deserve to exist. Not all nations have a right to a future.” The hate and madness in those lines can’t be understated. Behind all the veneer of professionalism and grandeur. The Nazi regime was just the lowest form of barbarity made manifest.
I think the fact that hes saying this despite being totally powerless and at the mercy of these poor people he and his men mass murdered, just shows how extreme his ideas really are. He would rather accept his death and go out angry and brutal than try to beg for these, in his eyes, "inferior" people.
They were not barbarians, they were methodical, organized, cohesive, and had a clear goal from the beginning. They were true to that idea to the very end. I find it remarkable.
@@lordnandor3274the idea they were true to was the destruction of several other races of people. Not all barbarians run around in animal furs and scream: “Bar! Bar!” They are fascinating. But not in a way that should be admired.
Interestingly, the translator "mistranslated" what the SS officer said and softened it. At 1:08 he says ,,Ihr dürft nicht existieren" which translates into "You [people] aren't allowed to exist." Followed by ,,Nicht jedes Volk hat das Recht auf Zukunft" which mean "Not all people [Volk roughly translates into people of a nation/tribe/group etc.] have a right to a future." And so on, basically any time the translator says "Nation" the german says people.
They kind of mean the same thing. Formally, a nation refers to a people who share a common identity. Not a state with formally recognized borders who can enforce rule and law within those borders. So essentially, people and nation can be used interchangeably. They usually aren't though since most people believe a nation to be a synonym of country.
I noticed that. The translator was trying to help him out and the psychopath fucking doubled down and clarified exactly what he meant. It's darkly funny because you could almost hear the translator going "shut the fuck up you lunatic, I can only make this sound so not batshit insane".
@@miguelgarcia6493eh, yes, they are colloquially used interchangeably, but they do have subtle differences that can make connotation SLIGHTLY less evil. Saying "your nation doesn't deserve to exist" is sinister and hate-filled, yes. "Your people MUST not exist" is evil incarnate.
Is there a reason the SS officer called the one guy "typical German"? Is he supposed to be Austrian or something? Does he have an accent that marks him as different than German? I can't tell German accents apart.
Всем добрый день. Добрый хотя бы потому, что мы живы и находимся на земле наших предков. Что хотелось бы сказать по поводу фильма ''Иди и смотри'', он не о войне, поэтому воспринимается сначала тяжело и странно. Фильм о безумии, которое временами охватывает человечество в желании истреблять друг друга. Элем Климов создал мощное антивоенное полотно. Стиль иногда плакатный, в основном натуралистичный, что вызвало шквал критики в 80-е годы и сейчас. Но задайте себе вопрос, разве война бывает другой? Впервые в советском кино была показана вся жестокость по отношению к мирному населению. Жестокость не знающая границ. Абсолютная. Сразу же после окончания ВОВ начал создаваться миф о том, что зверствами в отношении обычных советских людей занимались исключительно коллаборационисты и части СС. А армия Вермахта была белой и пушистой. При входе в сёла солдаты дарили детям шоколадки, никого не трогали и так далее. Активно эта идея начала продвигаться уже на Нюрнбергском процессе немецкими генералами. Первоисточник, книга белорусского писателя Алеся Адамовича ''Я из огненной деревни'' на мой взгляд имеет опосредованное отношение к фильму. Настолько сильно сам фильм отличается от книги. Жгли дома, насиловали, убивали женщин, детей, стариков именно солдаты действующей на восточном фронте армии Вермахта. В конце фильма озвучена цифра 628 деревень сожжено вместе с жителями. Это было повсеместно на оккупированных территориях Советского Союза, а не только Белоруссии. В чём главный посыл фильма? Насколько быстро из обычного обывателя можно сделать зверя? Как показала история достаточно быстро. Идеи нацизма легли на благодатную почву в Германии 30-х годов с приходом к власти Гитлера. Унижение после первой мировой войны. Реваншизм витали в немецком обществе. Цель Гитлера в отношении восточных славян, то есть всех нас с вами, была проста и понятна. На Востоке от Германии живут дикие народы, унтерменши, не имеющие право на существование и самое главное там огромные природные и людские ресурсы, так необходимые нацисткой Германии. И это ключевой момент фильма. Вам будет трудно убить человека без причины? Просто так? А если это не человек? Он только внешне похож на него. А вам говорят со всех сторон, что это насекомое? Он мешает вам жить и его всего лишь нужно раздавить для благополучия вас и вашей семьи. Уже проще? А ещё проще сказать, грабьте, убивайте и вам за это ничего не будет. Недаром в начале фильма командир партизанского отряда говорит об этом. И в конце, когда партизаны расстреливают карателей, немецкий офицер произносит фразу - ''Вас не должно быть. Не все народы имеют право на будущее. Низшие расы плодят заразу коммунизма. Вас не должно быть. И миссия будет исполнена. Сегодня или завтра. Сегодня или завтра!''. На мой взгляд это квинтэссенция фильма. Всем ныне живущим потомкам тех, кто отдал свои жизни за наше будущее неплохо бы об этом помнить. Именно для этого фильм был снят. Потому, что даже в 80-е годы уже стали забывать что такое война. Да фильм невозможно смотреть больше одного раза. Многие не могут и с первого. Но хотя бы раз в жизни это нужно сделать. Это предостережение всему человечеству от повторения того, к чему приводит война, как мольбу о мире. Поэтому в финале главный герой фильма Флёра не может выстрелить в Гитлера-младенца: милосердие в нём побеждает ненависть. Что-то очень важное, человеческое должно оставаться в человеке. К сожалению история ничему не учит и уроков из неё мало кто извлекает. Как бы ни относились к фильму, на мой взгляд Элем Климов создал шедевр, который не смотря ни на что будет существовать в памяти многих поколений.
Floyra was very traumatised by what he just saw with the village massacre and honestly, I wouldn’t blame him. The actor who protrayed floyra was actually very traumatised during the filming because the director used live ammunition for the film and the actor was put on a starvation diet whilst filming took place
I guess some nazi online start praised johan liebert for being some model but despite im being white with blond hair and blue eyes he's a czech,so a subhuman by nazi standard
You'd better to be more serious. This fragment reveal's PTSD of both russians and jewish. Both nation's stood on verge of eradication. And it still means. Never say russian or jewish that all his folk should die - they are easy to believe in such thing's. It is not past; it is still reality for them.
Нацистские украинцы как раз желали смерти россиянам с 2005 года,после прихода в киевскую власть Ющенко.а дальше с 2014 они начали это реализовывать на населении Донбасса.
@@Martin-R335 His point is about ongoing war in gaza. What israel is doing is horrible. But so is hamaz. and both israeli civilians and gaza civilians are innocent. Yet israeli people get death threats and some radical muslims declare that their nation doesnt deserve to exist. Some jews in israel also has a similar hatred towards muslims
The whole point of this film, and it's not strictly a war movie, is meeting your demons head on. It's essentially a moral tale, a very frightening and harrowing moral tale. Klimov couldn't work for several years after making it, apparently. I don't know how he completed it. I dare anyone who is conscious, to be UNAFFECTED by it. If you say you're not, you're either a psychopath or a bad liar!
Honestly I watched and it is an ok movie, nothing superb tho, good. Yes there is depiction of war crimes and sad events but it didn't affected me or shocked, this doesn't make me a psychopath tho, I have empathy and do feel bad when read or see some bad stories, it just happened that this movie didnt surprised me and I had read about such events b4. Will try watching again in the future, its been some years.
Men who believed this actually existed. They actually took a swing at creating and imposing the world they wanted to see, that’s what’s so mind blowing about this scene. Imagine the world we would live in today if the war concluded differently.
@@dewok2706 Did something like this scene happen as exactly as depicted here? No, probably not. Did the Nazis believe in the ideals this fictional character is expressing? Yes, yes they fucking did. The character is an Obersturmführer in the SS, you didn’t rise that high in the SS by believing in democracy, racial equality, peace, and goodwill to all men. As for propaganda, is it really propaganda? I suppose you could say American media like the Pacific is propaganda, doesn’t mean it’s not based on truth. Almost 20 million Soviet civilians died in that war, do you think they just randomly dropped dead? Get real.
@@TheOfficialThundazz Si esto fuera propaganda real los rusos se mostrarían como héroes, pero esto no es ni propaganda ni una película americana amigo. Como español me avergüenza que lleves la cruz de Borgoña.
These 2 actors portraying SS officers were not actually German in real life. They were from Latvia and Estonia. I am wondering if they really spoke that good of German or if their voices were dubbed? They sure looked the part and were scary AF!
Самый главный немец с лемуром был реальным легионером СС, вступил в 1944 году в 18 лет, попал в плен , прошел лагерь и стал известным советским актером, он так же снимался в светскм фильме "Судьба человека" и там то же играл нациста, офицера СС, одного из начальников лагеря для советских военнопленных.
The amount of Nazi apologists/sympathizers in this comment section is incredibly concerning, the fact that you agree with having entire races and ethnicities exterminated for simply existing or because of some baseless myth or lie is beyond abhorrent
Russians were planning to invade the west anyways, before you say I'm a "Liar." In 1920s to 1930s. Poland, Lithuania, Finland and other eastern places like Ukraine all had wars with the Soviets before WW2. Facts.
notice how everyone is being civilized and talking about the scene in the comments except for the zoomers who are repeating reddit memes because their young brains fried by constant tiktok usage cannot focus or take anything seriously
That SS officer has some serious coconuts 🌴. He’s staring down, the barrel of all those partisan’s guns but He doesn’t beg for his life Like the guy who translated is about to. Instead he tells those Belorussians exactly what he thinks them.
@@seangallagher1947I think you’re underestimating what’s happening here, you see this SS Officer as little more than a drone who has been tricked into subserving his will to that of his political leaders, that’s not what this guy is this guy is a true, believing fanatic. He understands exactly what situation he is in He just doesn’t care because his life doesn’t matter because he has willingly given it to a cause that he believes in, the fact that that cause is satanic doesn’t enter into this equation because he’s such a monster he doesn’t think in those terms, he is the worst kind of monster, He has a brain he can reason he can think he just doesn’t care because he no longer sees his enemies as equal to himself.
That's TH-cam today for ya, every bleeding topic gets compared to the war in Ukraine or Gaza. Even tipsy on increasing your penis has an angle. Fuck me, what have we done?
Lmaooo it's clear that you've never watched the film 😂. The movie was based on both Ales Adamovich (screenwriter) and Elem Klimov (director) experience during the war. Ales was a partisan while Elem was a kid in Stalingrad and both of them used the character of flyora as their POV in order for them to show to the audience the horrors of war. The original title was supposed to be "kill hitler" as they want the audience to kill the Hitler inside of them once they watch the film.
@@Kazakhstan-numba-wan wait, do you actually believe that the Germans were somehow the bad guys during ww2? actually believe the cartoonishly absurd lie, the one you were forced to swallow as a child, without ever questioning it?
Some? About a poll stated 60% Israelis think that the idf wasn't harsh enough or the 100 isrseli doctors partition the idf to bomb gaza. It's just the Israeli society and their Zionist ideology.
@@thelevelbeyondhuman Today I am seeing Russia, and I am seeing Mongolia (with all due respect) the difference are not comparable...So you kind miss a point.
In the USSR, they were silent about this, but Ukrainian volunteers who served in the ranks of the SS took an active part in such operations on the territory of Belarus. One of these "heroes" was recently invited to the Canadian Parliament, where he was given a standing ovation. In modern Ukraine, monuments are erected to such people, considering them "fighters for independence from Russians." This is all you need to know about the Ukrainian government and the Western politicians who support it.
I see nothing wrong with fighting for independence from Russia. Ukrainian nationalists wanted out, and the Germans were the way out at the time. Russia has been just as abusive to the population of Ukraine
@@Belenus3080 LMAOO fighting for independence by siding with nazis is the funniest brain rot I've ever seen in the comment 🤣 you do know that the poles and ukrainians would be the next on the gas chambers had the red army loses.
THIS IS REAL HORROR! Not crazy people with chainsaws, knives, masks, creatures and ghosts from nightmares, NO! THIS! This is a real horror movie, because it shows what a monster a man becomes in war and what he is capable of doing. All war hawks should see this movie to see how evil war is !
Россия - это современные нацисты. Они говорят Украине, что она не заслуживает существования, и убивают людей. Они поступают с Украиной так же, как нацисты поступали с Белоруссией. Это безумие.
this is a show-movie about the dirlewanger aka criminal division they were notorious for being hated and doing stuff I cannot explain they were even hated by their own people aka the ss
Its not a movie about dirlewanger. Its about human suffering in the East. The village burning is only a small portion of the movie and it was not only that brigade that slaughtered villages. The einzatsgruppen where much larger.
He’s not a volunteer, he’s the SD Sturbannfuhrer and would definitely be German or Austrian. The Untersturmfuhrer is basically saying he’s acting like a stereotypical post WW1 German defeatist .
@@PlasticSorcererTheOriginal No, he's a German Because the it's a Soviet movie They made the German say "typical German" to tell the audience that the "typical" Germans were cowards which they were not
It's probably creepy to those interested in history because it captures the zeal among the most fanatical of the SS who perpetuated atrocities in the East. In other words, it's a glimpse at real-life horror.
@@claudecarlyle9284 if you're this sheltered and emotional, you can't consider yourself interested in history. Learning history requires an un-bother-able mind, for that true history is cruel and unapologetically so. Stick to Netflix racial bending history if you fancy feel-good not disturbing black female overweight vikings.
For everyone who does the cringy thing of just dismissing this as "soviet propaganda", research the Katyn massacre and read "I am from the fiery village". No matter how much you deny it, this film is horrifyingly accurate to what actually happened there and this film is directly based on eyewitness testimonies of survivors. However if you want to say all the trauma they experienced is fake, go ahead edgelords. And no, this film isn't claiming "all nazis were sadists who laughed whenever somebody was killed", because this is depicting the dirlewanger brigade, which consists of people who weren't just any old nazis. The brigade largely consisted a r*p*sts, ped*s, and criminals. So in showing their sadism, it isn't generalizing all Germans as monsters. It's irritating to see all the people denying well researched, famous war crimes because nazis were "based" or whatever edgy kiddos like to say.
It’s crazy people call it propaganda when the Soviet government literally wouldn’t let Klimov make the film for like 8 years because it didn’t line up with their propaganda, he had to fight tooth and nail to get the film made
@@anatoldenevers237 Exactly! I forgot to mention that, but I'm pretty sure if it were just Soviet propaganda, the government would be WANTING it to be made.
@@richardbecker1884не этот, другой, который играл офицера со зверушкой на плече. Виктор Лоренц, был мобилизован в латышский легион СС, попал в фильтрационный лагерь после войны, но был помилован
@@richardbecker1884командир СС с лемуром (?) на плече на самом деле был мобилизован в СС в Латвии, пробыл в концентрационном лагере после, вернулся на родину и стал актером. К слову он был амнистирован после приказа от 1946 «О возвращении на родину репатриантов - латышей, эстонцев и литовцев», и в этом лагере он провёл совершенно недолго - был помещен после войны, в 1946 амнистирован, а уже в 1947 закончил 1-ю Рижскую среднюю школу.
Actually Comunism doctrine appeared in Eastern Prusia and racism was funded as a scientific discipline by the British to support their attitude towards the locals in the colonies, they had an institute for racial studies...
That’s pretty much right , Eugenics was developed in England as an offshoot of Darwinian philosophy and then took hold across Europe and especially in North America. It’s height was the 1900s to 1920s I think 🤔
@@goodnightvienna8511 I wish people would stop opening this one scene up to over analysis. It's very simple. It's the final scene in an anti-war film where an ardent Nazi makes a speech and the officer in charge makes them listen in order that they realise why they are fighting! That's it, no more. It's supposed to be taking place in 1943 in Byelorussia and is based on the director's own experience so leave it there! It has no bearing on any contemporary conflict or history. It's a movie for duck's sake. Either watch it or don't Oh my god, people think way too much these days. They're always trying to find common threads in everything. Please stop with this analysis paralysis I beg you all🙏
@@Martin-R335 unfortunately it’s the directors choice of a constructive comment on Nazism . This is why made the comment about the book Ordinary Men in another comment , so people can actually learn rather than absorb this scene and move on . Also - apart from the Actions of the SD / SS in the film , this is the only time they speak about their actions. It’s the directors attempt at a critique on Nazi ideology. It’s arguably the most important scene. I agree there is much more to learn hence the book recommendation- to get out of the analysis’s also not a simple scene- there are many conflicting things happening in a ten minute section,summaries of conflicting ideologies,eugenics, foreign volunteers, the insanity of hate for hate’s sake, the attitude of Germany after defeatism set in after the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty. There follows another famous section- the montage of the rise and fall of the third Reich in reverse. This is an important scene and also confusing for some - why is one guy speaking Russian and claims to be ethnically Russian or Ukrainian , I don’t know, people are interested. Klimov would be glad we are picking this scene apart 40 years later . We can’t just watch it and move on unfortunately , the sheer scale of violence in the film is attempted to be explained by one of its exponents- ergo the scene, and the documumented victims, deserve a proper extrapolation.
@@onboardbasil Stalin's Russia murdered millions of their own population because of Bolshevism and were planning to repeat that in all of Europe, in fact Bolshevism wanted to subdue the entire world. They still pursue that goal, but now under a different name: Communism and have various names for their tactics how to achieve it: cultural Marxism, No Borders, No Country, Refugees Welcome, Antifa, No White Supremacy, Climate Change, LGBTQ, and many other idiotic projects with even more idiotic names, all with one purpose, to divide and destroy the current free thinking society.
Дк и по сей день ничего в головах объединенного "цивилизованного" Запада ничего в сторону Русских не поменялось. С той лишь разницей, что раньше им нужны были наши природные ресурсы за дешево, а сейчас им они нужны бесплатно, и без нас.
The west isn't very united, and what RT reports (not to mention the propaganda rags over here) is not reality. Truth of it is, we don't really have any issue with Russians. Some globalists jackwagons and their leftist muppets shout louder, is all. Actually I want oil drilled in my nation, you can keep yours. You'll need it more anyway, Siberia is very cold, very rich, and I can't think of any other people more suited to exploiting it than a Siberian Russian with a shot of the good stuff in him.
Still they're not clean Because they were allied with Germany until 1942 (Molotov Ribbentrop pact), they caused the Katyn massacre, they caused the Holodomor, etc.
@@OperatorMax1993ошибки: 1941, так как в 1942 Немцы дошли до Москвы (1) СССР не был союзником Нацисткой Германии, ни в один исторический момент (2) «Голодомор» (голод 33) являлся следствием революции, оно произошло во время «Великой Депрессии» от которых пошатнулись капиталистические страны, и в которых так же был голод, в это время все страны страдали от такого явления. (3) Всего 3 ошибки в одном тексте, Катынский расстрел правда. Тем не менее стоит учесть, что в то время все страны совершали военную агрессию и геноциды, такое время было и продолжается сейчас, однако уже «пассивно».
Yes , if you are referring to WW2 then there was a Hell Place called Jasenovac Concentration Camp, if you mean in the early 90s there were camps again also places women were held especially for the “use” of men. This was not even an established doctrine of the KL Nazi camp system although there were brothels so no better. All bad. Yugoslavia had a lot of history that exploded , and may do again.
@@goodnightvienna8511they played football. Tho serbs did mass starveCroats and Bosniaks in Trnovo and Omarska concentration camps in 1992. And were sentenced for genocide at the International Tribunal of Justice.
That famous photo of the Red army soldier with a TT pistol in his right hand (known as "kombat" photograph) had to be extensively retouched because the guy had several German watches in each wrist... 😅😅😅
@@clifffff7630Well no , the photo that was retouched was the one taken on the roof of the reichstag and it turns out the caucasian soldier had a watch and a military compass
This last scene essentially destroyed what could have been at least a coherent movie plot. How did the partisans manage to capture these few Einsatzgruppen, if we´ve all seen them driving away from them, a scene before? Where were these partisans when the Einsatzgruppen shot all the vilagers? Why did they came after party was over? I think they made this last scene for pure sensationalism alone, it doesnt make any sense if you think about it.
Putin keep saying Russians and Ukrainians are brothers even despite a bloody war. Russian army have thousands of ethnic Ukrainians, Russian citizens as well as Ukrainian army have ethnic Russians. It's not an ethnic war, but interstate and geopolitical war
Putin spoke about the artificiality of the ethnic group; “Ukrainian” has never been an ethnic marker. This is NOT nationality. “Ukrainian” has always been a territorial affiliation, such as “Sibiryak” from Siberia. The radical authorities of Ukraine after the Maidan accelerated the media creation of “identity”, and in the worst possible way. In essence - the forced Ukrainization of the population. And large-scale Russophobia towards the Russian-speaking population. This is precisely what Donbass rebelled against. From which the hot phase of hostilities began.
@@АлександрАлександров-ж8б Siberian is the same identity. You're behaving like a Russian Nazi. Who are Chaldons? These are the descendants of northern colonists.
Bruh, the whole movie is a "creepy scene" 💀
But this particular scene perfectly shows those who were brainwashed by the nazi propaganda...
Это то,что делают сегодня ' шизобесы/ глобалисты'во всём мире, а все безмолвствуют...
whats the name?
Only but, any war is creepy scene😢
@@IrisWasTaken1"Иди и смотри" фильм.
I see they caught them a Canadian parliament honorary guest speaker
😂😂😂 priceless my friend. 👏👏👏
Trudeu and zelenskey watching this scene: that's my Boy!
too bad you don't understand russian and can't watch their lovely TV
This scene is chilling. The actor who played the SS commander is incredible. The vitriol and pride is terrifyingly believable in his performance.
jüri lumiste
@@Lenn869I love the fact that you have him as your pfp
@@Lenn869 He looked good back in the day!
He's very sexy as well!
he´s like Ryan Gosling in Drive, but for actually cool people. I wanna be him so bad.
Belarus suffered greatly under German occupation. They lost 1/3 of their civilian population under German rule: Poles, Russians, Belarussians and Jews were mass murdered.
only jews
@@ivanprokopenko6195 not many compared to other
False, only jews and partisans were hunted down, quit falling for propaganda.
Belaruss never recovered from this exterminion. Country has a poulation of 8 millions only.
@@ivanprokopenko6195 Why are you lying that only jews were killed? Are you insane?
Some of this , especially the horror of the church burning was based on acts committed by the Dirlewanger Brigade. They were sickening even by the SS
it is exactly what happens in Gaza right now.
So? Just boys havin fun man
@@andresfelipeod6819 Lol who cares about a people who haven't achieved anything of importance?
@@oatdilemma6395 youre joking about it until it happens to youre family
@@oatdilemma6395 bad mouth man....
I absolutley love that the commisar said "Everyone listen to him"
He was basically saying to the partisans "This is the kind of people we're fighting. So take time to listen to what kind of evil we're up against"
Finally someone said it, the SS man thinks he's making some defiant or brave stand, but really he's just fueling those partisans spirits.
Yep, the dude was switched on enough. Let him roll, now you know what you're up against!
@@fuxihutterer8088What are you trying to say here lil bro
@@rizzo9748 I'd leave it personally, YT is literally crawling with low intelligence. This post especially.
Poor Flyora couldn’t even move his lips as he spoke
Could've been in Milli Vanilli
It's like he is not responsible for what he is saying
@@mrmoralman1he's at the peak of his mental breakdown.... Then at the end he just says fuck it and keeps going.
That was literally me a few days after finally watching Come and See. The way Woody kept on looking at me the days following my trauma creeped me out that much that I totally ignored him for days after. I love how my Come and See movie looks out for me now that I’ll only accept Floyra’s advice and not Woodys because Woody is just an excuse of an idiot because he never helped me as I was at the peak of my meltdown and only Floyra jumped in and helped very quickly before I was at my worst. That’s why I love him so much
@@nicolelawless9942Least insane come and see fan
March 22, 1943, Khatyn Belarus. Germans entered the village and drove the inhabitants from their houses and into a shed, which was then covered with straw and set on fire. The trapped people managed to break down the front doors, but in trying to escape, were killed by machine gun fire. Around 149 people, including 75 children under 16 years of age, were killed due to burning, shooting or smoke inhalation. The village was then looted and burned to the ground.
Основная часть карателей были выходцы с Украины. Многие из них были бывшие военнопленные. Факт этот во времена СССР скрывался от народа
@@АлександрСтарыйметаллург Не основная. Но да, в качестве карателей часто использовали народы с захваченных территорий
@@stronkbon5630 "основная"/ не "основная". Окей, просто потому что больше украинцев в абсолютном выражении оказалось в оккупации - то, вероятно, нацистских пособников из советской Украины было больше в абсолютном выражении (чем, например, из советской Беларуси). И да, имеет смысл разжигать национальную вражду между народами, использовать коллаборантов с других территорий - разделяй и властвуй. И вот здесь вопрос тем, кто говорит "основная часть карателей были выходцы с Украины" - вы это зачем говорите, вы на чьей стороне-то в итоге? Мир-дружба-народов или война-эксплуатация-иерархии?
@@АлександрСтарыйметаллург К слову дальше в сцене есть диалог:
- Мы не немцы, не немцы мы!
- Немцы-не-немцы! Вы что, забыли что (они) сделали!?
И не одна Хотынь , там ещё были поселения и их постигла та же участь . Увы после этой трагедии эти деревни так и не восстановились , они оказались выжжены навсегда .
l love how this film DOESN’T dehumanize the Nazis. Even though they are responsible for all of the death and horror we see depicted, it reminds us that they aren’t otherworldly monsters or mindless robots. They are human beings, just like you and me.
This is what makes Come And See so powerful. It shows what happens when you believe war, violence and prejudice is the best solution. The fact that it was made by people in the Soviet Union, who inflicted their own share of inexcusable brutality during the war, makes it all the more potent.
I am of the same opinion.
The nazis weren’t responsible. Jews were, they were behind the communists and the capitalists. In fact, stalin was planning to invade europe and hitler stopped all of Europe from becoming communist.
The first wound inflicted on Flyora in the movie is even from what should be the good guys (When he's left bloodied while being escorted from his village in the beginning) I always respect war movies that show both sides' flaws.
the best scene, that not even Spielberg would dare to film
@cheshirehat93 I agree while Spielberg did make some iconic films, they were always safe and corporate,
Commie propaganda is daring?
Spielberg is a vanilla hack. He makes very agreeable films
Russian war movies have no heroic endings, they show war the way their ancestors saw it!
Spielberg used some of the techniques from this film in his own films.
The actor is called Jüri Lumiste and he's a genius. He was actually supposed to say that he's a Ruthenian fighter captured by accident, but in the last moment Lumiste improvised this speech and Elem Klimov loved it so much that he decided to keep it!
that's august von meyer, actually
Jüri Lumiste. It was a Soviet movie so for anyone playing a nazi they often hired actors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania to play those parts. Often because they spoke decent German with less distinct accent than Russians. Really impressive movie, not many movies show what went on in Eastern Europe during WW2.
Ruthenian. Interesting. Is that why he calls the other guy a "typical German"? So he considers himself Aryan but not German.
This movie is nuts. The montage after this scene, shocked me, the first time I watched this movie
Have seen many war movies in my time, but this one is one of the most realistic and scary. Sadly, believe this and similar scenarios were played out many, many times in the occupied part of the USSR.
То что сейчас и происходит. Завтра уже наступило...
if u arent hexa vaxed u are not allowed to comment because u did not do your part to help pound the curve
Before watching this i would never have understood the idea of bigotary, not truly. After this , my blood boil when someone mention something to kill people based on their ethnicity even subtely
1:32 i love the way he looked right then left and realized he's going to die either way and decided to drop the hardest genocidal speech ever
A true chad indeed
@@aled845 🗿
LVF speech
@@aled845this is why deporting the Germans after the war was based.
Yes he was angry about it, that they captured him so he decided to not gaf since he's going to die anyways. 🤷🏻♂️
Hey it's those guys the Canadian parliament gave a round of applause to and honored as guest speakers!
@@franslisztа ты хочешь сказать, что это не правда?
@@fransliszt fucking fascist
About what? applauding nazi war criminals?@@fransliszt
It shows the intellect of those in parlament deciding the destiny of its people.
Celebrating forces that fought against Soviets during WW2.
It looks like it hasn't crossed anyone's mind who were those forces that fought Soviets at that time.
“Your nation doesn’t deserve to exist. Not all nations have a right to a future.”
The hate and madness in those lines can’t be understated. Behind all the veneer of professionalism and grandeur. The Nazi regime was just the lowest form of barbarity made manifest.
I think the fact that hes saying this despite being totally powerless and at the mercy of these poor people he and his men mass murdered, just shows how extreme his ideas really are.
He would rather accept his death and go out angry and brutal than try to beg for these, in his eyes, "inferior" people.
@RifleEyez nazi spotted
They were not barbarians, they were methodical, organized, cohesive, and had a clear goal from the beginning. They were true to that idea to the very end. I find it remarkable.
@@lordnandor3274the idea they were true to was the destruction of several other races of people. Not all barbarians run around in animal furs and scream: “Bar! Bar!”
They are fascinating. But not in a way that should be admired.
@@ms.megalodon3704 I invite you to tell me in which way you consider them fascinating, cause they sure are.
Interestingly, the translator "mistranslated" what the SS officer said and softened it. At 1:08 he says ,,Ihr dürft nicht existieren" which translates into "You [people] aren't allowed to exist." Followed by ,,Nicht jedes Volk hat das Recht auf Zukunft" which mean "Not all people [Volk roughly translates into people of a nation/tribe/group etc.] have a right to a future." And so on, basically any time the translator says "Nation" the german says people.
They kind of mean the same thing. Formally, a nation refers to a people who share a common identity. Not a state with formally recognized borders who can enforce rule and law within those borders.
So essentially, people and nation can be used interchangeably. They usually aren't though since most people believe a nation to be a synonym of country.
I noticed that. The translator was trying to help him out and the psychopath fucking doubled down and clarified exactly what he meant. It's darkly funny because you could almost hear the translator going "shut the fuck up you lunatic, I can only make this sound so not batshit insane".
@@miguelgarcia6493eh, yes, they are colloquially used interchangeably, but they do have subtle differences that can make connotation SLIGHTLY less evil. Saying "your nation doesn't deserve to exist" is sinister and hate-filled, yes. "Your people MUST not exist" is evil incarnate.
Is there a reason the SS officer called the one guy "typical German"? Is he supposed to be Austrian or something? Does he have an accent that marks him as different than German? I can't tell German accents apart.
@janmegas4700 okay, so there's a good chance the character is Norwegian or Swedish. Maybe Danish?
Всем добрый день. Добрый хотя бы потому, что мы живы и находимся на земле наших предков. Что хотелось бы сказать по поводу фильма ''Иди и смотри'', он не о войне, поэтому воспринимается сначала тяжело и странно. Фильм о безумии, которое временами охватывает человечество в желании истреблять друг друга. Элем Климов создал мощное антивоенное полотно. Стиль иногда плакатный, в основном натуралистичный, что вызвало шквал критики в 80-е годы и сейчас. Но задайте себе вопрос, разве война бывает другой? Впервые в советском кино была показана вся жестокость по отношению к мирному населению. Жестокость не знающая границ. Абсолютная. Сразу же после окончания ВОВ начал создаваться миф о том, что зверствами в отношении обычных советских людей занимались исключительно коллаборационисты и части СС. А армия Вермахта была белой и пушистой. При входе в сёла солдаты дарили детям шоколадки, никого не трогали и так далее. Активно эта идея начала продвигаться уже на Нюрнбергском процессе немецкими генералами. Первоисточник, книга белорусского писателя Алеся Адамовича ''Я из огненной деревни'' на мой взгляд имеет опосредованное отношение к фильму. Настолько сильно сам фильм отличается от книги. Жгли дома, насиловали, убивали женщин, детей, стариков именно солдаты действующей на восточном фронте армии Вермахта. В конце фильма озвучена цифра 628 деревень сожжено вместе с жителями. Это было повсеместно на оккупированных территориях Советского Союза, а не только Белоруссии. В чём главный посыл фильма? Насколько быстро из обычного обывателя можно сделать зверя? Как показала история достаточно быстро. Идеи нацизма легли на благодатную почву в Германии 30-х годов с приходом к власти Гитлера. Унижение после первой мировой войны. Реваншизм витали в немецком обществе. Цель Гитлера в отношении восточных славян, то есть всех нас с вами, была проста и понятна. На Востоке от Германии живут дикие народы, унтерменши, не имеющие право на существование и самое главное там огромные природные и людские ресурсы, так необходимые нацисткой Германии. И это ключевой момент фильма. Вам будет трудно убить человека без причины? Просто так? А если это не человек? Он только внешне похож на него. А вам говорят со всех сторон, что это насекомое? Он мешает вам жить и его всего лишь нужно раздавить для благополучия вас и вашей семьи. Уже проще? А ещё проще сказать, грабьте, убивайте и вам за это ничего не будет. Недаром в начале фильма командир партизанского отряда говорит об этом. И в конце, когда партизаны расстреливают карателей, немецкий офицер произносит фразу - ''Вас не должно быть. Не все народы имеют право на будущее. Низшие расы плодят заразу коммунизма. Вас не должно быть. И миссия будет исполнена. Сегодня или завтра. Сегодня или завтра!''. На мой взгляд это квинтэссенция фильма. Всем ныне живущим потомкам тех, кто отдал свои жизни за наше будущее неплохо бы об этом помнить. Именно для этого фильм был снят. Потому, что даже в 80-е годы уже стали забывать что такое война. Да фильм невозможно смотреть больше одного раза. Многие не могут и с первого. Но хотя бы раз в жизни это нужно сделать. Это предостережение всему человечеству от повторения того, к чему приводит война, как мольбу о мире. Поэтому в финале главный герой фильма Флёра не может выстрелить в Гитлера-младенца: милосердие в нём побеждает ненависть. Что-то очень важное, человеческое должно оставаться в человеке. К сожалению история ничему не учит и уроков из неё мало кто извлекает. Как бы ни относились к фильму, на мой взгляд Элем Климов создал шедевр, который не смотря ни на что будет существовать в памяти многих поколений.
Thank you. Very well written.
Thank you
Excelente reflexión, totalmente de acuerdo.
The kids voice is scary to hear
Floyra was very traumatised by what he just saw with the village massacre and honestly, I wouldn’t blame him. The actor who protrayed floyra was actually very traumatised during the filming because the director used live ammunition for the film and the actor was put on a starvation diet whilst filming took place
I find interesting the way he looked at Flyora 0:40, not a look of disgust or hate, maybe intrigued I think
I think he was intrigued
I'd be intrigued too if i saw someone speaking without moving their lips
Florya had pale skin blonde hair and blue eyes like an Nordic man I guess that is why he was intrigued.
it what saved him from burning in that church@@Nova67827
Think it's because Florya was one of the few who were allowed to leave the church before it got fragged, shot up and burnt down.
For anyone saying the Austrian Artist won't attack johan liebert for having blonde hair or blue eyes should watch this movie
I don’t get it, What does this have to do with Johan liebert?
Austrian Artist unironically killed more blonde people than any person in history
I guess some nazi online start praised johan liebert for being some model but despite im being white with blond hair and blue eyes he's a czech,so a subhuman by nazi standard
Wait what does Johan have to do with this?
who is johan leibert
You'd better to be more serious. This fragment reveal's PTSD of both russians and jewish. Both nation's stood on verge of eradication. And it still means. Never say russian or jewish that all his folk should die - they are easy to believe in such thing's. It is not past; it is still reality for them.
Doesn't even mention Jews. Watch it properly. This player is playing an Austrian, who thinks that Germans aren't true Nazis
Нацистские украинцы как раз желали смерти россиянам с 2005 года,после прихода в киевскую власть Ющенко.а дальше с 2014 они начали это реализовывать на населении Донбасса.
Shut up.
@@Martin-R335 His point is about ongoing war in gaza. What israel is doing is horrible. But so is hamaz. and both israeli civilians and gaza civilians are innocent. Yet israeli people get death threats and some radical muslims declare that their nation doesnt deserve to exist. Some jews in israel also has a similar hatred towards muslims
womp womp
The whole point of this film, and it's not strictly a war movie, is meeting your demons head on. It's essentially a moral tale, a very frightening and harrowing moral tale. Klimov couldn't work for several years after making it, apparently. I don't know how he completed it.
I dare anyone who is conscious, to be UNAFFECTED by it.
If you say you're not, you're either a psychopath or a bad liar!
It's mid and boring. People are praising it just because it was made by the Soviets.
Or a countryside German
I hate YT Was just going to scare the N..I out of you and they got in the way so here we go again- Liszt has Jewish ancestry
or a hardened Nazi.
Honestly I watched and it is an ok movie, nothing superb tho, good.
Yes there is depiction of war crimes and sad events but it didn't affected me or shocked, this doesn't make me a psychopath tho, I have empathy and do feel bad when read or see some bad stories, it just happened that this movie didnt surprised me and I had read about such events b4.
Will try watching again in the future, its been some years.
Men who believed this actually existed. They actually took a swing at creating and imposing the world they wanted to see, that’s what’s so mind blowing about this scene. Imagine the world we would live in today if the war concluded differently.
Imagine watching a literal soviet propaganda film and saying shit like this.
@@dewok2706 Did something like this scene happen as exactly as depicted here? No, probably not. Did the Nazis believe in the ideals this fictional character is expressing? Yes, yes they fucking did. The character is an Obersturmführer in the SS, you didn’t rise that high in the SS by believing in democracy, racial equality, peace, and goodwill to all men. As for propaganda, is it really propaganda? I suppose you could say American media like the Pacific is propaganda, doesn’t mean it’s not based on truth. Almost 20 million Soviet civilians died in that war, do you think they just randomly dropped dead? Get real.
@@TheOfficialThundazz Si esto fuera propaganda real los rusos se mostrarían como héroes, pero esto no es ni propaganda ni una película americana amigo. Como español me avergüenza que lleves la cruz de Borgoña.
@@dewok2706 what about this is propaganda dude
@@TheOfficialThundazz idk if I'd say the pacific is propaganda, it shows both side doing some pretty crazy stuff
I cant believe meyer is so famous they made him into a character
These 2 actors portraying SS officers were not actually German in real life. They were from Latvia and Estonia. I am wondering if they really spoke that good of German or if their voices were dubbed? They sure looked the part and were scary AF!
Самый главный немец с лемуром был реальным легионером СС, вступил в 1944 году в 18 лет, попал в плен , прошел лагерь и стал известным советским актером, он так же снимался в светскм фильме "Судьба человека" и там то же играл нациста, офицера СС, одного из начальников лагеря для советских военнопленных.
The blonde one also spits on the other one and calls him a "typical german". I wonder if the blonde one is supposed to be Austrian.
@@samuelbrown3405 I’d say Austrian, Baltic-German or just Baltic
@@GGGboi is that what his accent sounds like? The actor himself i think is finnish or Estonian.
@@samuelbrown3405 not sure about accent, but either of those would make sense.
Отличный фильм, один раз его смотрел и на всю жизнь хватило. Западу, особенно Америке не понять что перенесли простые жители СССР.
Да никому в полной мере не понять, кто сам лично не прошёл ту войну.
Так же, как современные россияне не могут понять, что переживают укранцы. Русские поступают с Украиной так же, как нацисты поступали с СССР.
@@AK-jm1sc те которые сжигали людей и убивали детей? куда нам понять.
@@AK-jm1scФашистов понимать отказываемся.
@@AK-jm1scнапомню - войну начал Турчинов в апреле 2014, назвав ее АТО
me when the russian baddie breaks up with me:
What is the most scary is the fanaticism of the german man.
Not any different from the historical Catholics
i got an ad for froot loops before this
Finally! A rapper that doesn't mumble. Well versed, Meyer!
This film is required viewing in the Canadian Parliament..💯
Yeah, people should know what ruSSians doing in Ukraine
@@gavgavlycsuka. Fighting Nazis.
just like this guy.
@@estebanslavidastic4382 your life is meaningless, leave it forever plz
@@estebanslavidastic4382 youlifeismeaningless
Im from Iran and I hope my country can be In peace
cheers men. I now how psycopaths in washington D.C. wants War.
Sorry, but the world has another plan for you. Trump's gonna attack you on the second or third year of his presidency.
So do the rest of the world my friend
Same here bud. good luck to you.
Well, you country have pretty funny role in WW 2.
I swear i won't get political..
Me after a few drinks:
The amount of Nazi apologists/sympathizers in this comment section is incredibly concerning, the fact that you agree with having entire races and ethnicities exterminated for simply existing or because of some baseless myth or lie is beyond abhorrent
I totally agree.
Russians were planning to invade the west anyways, before you say I'm a "Liar." In 1920s to 1930s. Poland, Lithuania, Finland and other eastern places like Ukraine all had wars with the Soviets before WW2. Facts.
Ok snowflake.
Including anti semites as well, it's really concerning indeed
"Baseless myth"
Full germanic skull is not a "baseless myth"
i worry about what could happen in Europe with NATO vs. Russia. I hope nobody has to relive the horrors of WW2
"your nation doesn't deserve to exist" is already being portrayed by a government.
won't happen. they know it would end with nuclear usage. they're not THAT insane
notice how everyone is being civilized and talking about the scene in the comments except for the zoomers who are repeating reddit memes because their young brains fried by constant tiktok usage cannot focus or take anything seriously
The older comments analyze the scene the zoomers meme
TLDR, Zoomies are beck broken by E booneeks
The kids face is brilliant ..
That SS officer has some serious coconuts 🌴. He’s staring down, the barrel of all those partisan’s guns but He doesn’t beg for his life Like the guy who translated is about to. Instead he tells those Belorussians exactly what he thinks them.
it's not the best hill to die on imo
Because he’s deluded and hasn’t the courage to think for himself. He just spewed the same nonsense he was fed growing up.
@@seangallagher1947I think you’re underestimating what’s happening here, you see this SS Officer as little more than a drone who has been tricked into subserving his will to that of his political leaders, that’s not what this guy is this guy is a true, believing fanatic. He understands exactly what situation he is in He just doesn’t care because his life doesn’t matter because he has willingly given it to a cause that he believes in, the fact that that cause is satanic doesn’t enter into this equation because he’s such a monster he doesn’t think in those terms, he is the worst kind of monster, He has a brain he can reason he can think he just doesn’t care because he no longer sees his enemies as equal to himself.
@@seangallagher1947 Who doesn't?
He is a piece of shit , but he is honest with himself
This scene alone is scarier than any modern day Hollywood horror movie.
>find post about literally any war
>"the people of gaza are going through this and more!!!"
>find next post
That's TH-cam today for ya, every bleeding topic gets compared to the war in Ukraine or Gaza. Even tipsy on increasing your penis has an angle. Fuck me, what have we done?
Brown people must take priority, xir!💅💅
>greentexting on youtube
>retarded opinion
Checks out
My favourite scene from this movie
1986, man.
Truth or not... that movie was meant as "anti fascist/western" propaganda.
Oh yes Solomon, make another one with the Nazis being the bad guys, yesssss *rubbing hands*
Always the ✡️
Lmaooo it's clear that you've never watched the film 😂. The movie was based on both Ales Adamovich (screenwriter) and Elem Klimov (director) experience during the war. Ales was a partisan while Elem was a kid in Stalingrad and both of them used the character of flyora as their POV in order for them to show to the audience the horrors of war.
The original title was supposed to be "kill hitler" as they want the audience to kill the Hitler inside of them once they watch the film.
@@damianoasteriti8530as it should be 🙄
@@Kazakhstan-numba-wan wait, do you actually believe that the Germans were somehow the bad guys during ww2? actually believe the cartoonishly absurd lie, the one you were forced to swallow as a child, without ever questioning it?
Oh my Xeyer
Twitter mouth breather
Some Isreali politicians sound like that nazi guy too sadly.
Some? About a poll stated 60% Israelis think that the idf wasn't harsh enough or the 100 isrseli doctors partition the idf to bomb gaza. It's just the Israeli society and their Zionist ideology.
yes men, this S.S. officer speaks just like Smootrich, or Netanyahu.
So Churchill and FDR sounded like Nazis too? What about
Israelis are definitely 1000x more genocidal than this guy. They called palestinians amalek
@@andresfelipeod6819Alot of 'libreal' Western politicians and migrants to Europe act and say the same
I guess I’m going to have to watch the whole thing to understand the context. What better time to watch it than on Memorial Day. ❤
Was it as horrifying and rattling as you expected?
Everyone have tried, and all of them failed, guess someone never learn.
Even today once more the idiots trying for a third time and when they inevitable get btfo theyll cry and run away. Truly the masterrace
Mongolia succeeded Lol
@@thelevelbeyondhuman Today I am seeing Russia, and I am seeing Mongolia (with all due respect) the difference are not comparable...So you kind miss a point.
@@ivanjeremic3987But Russia does have many Asians with Mongol roots, so, Mongolia kinda succeeded in preserving its people inside Russia? 😅
At 1:59 that's the look of "fuck me this is gonna be a long war"
the stare of a demon
The stare of someone who truly believes what they're saying.
The scene is past, present and future of western civilzation in a nutshell
Thank you Meyer we love you
Hi Wrexham
aryan welsh bvll
They went easy on them, even fire was too good for them.
Ooh free speech, the gift of enlightenment. Your village still around? Been there recently?
@@Martin-R335 I'm not from a village, not that the Germans cared about the difference.
What do you mean ? You support this ?
In the USSR, they were silent about this, but Ukrainian volunteers who served in the ranks of the SS took an active part in such operations on the territory of Belarus. One of these "heroes" was recently invited to the Canadian Parliament, where he was given a standing ovation. In modern Ukraine, monuments are erected to such people, considering them "fighters for independence from Russians." This is all you need to know about the Ukrainian government and the Western politicians who support it.
Keep playing the victim🤣
Yes but many of the ignorant herd in the west just don't get it sad to say many don't want to.
@@franslisztlmaooo keep getting triggered you lost dummy t
Rape of Berlin amrite??? 🤣
I see nothing wrong with fighting for independence from Russia. Ukrainian nationalists wanted out, and the Germans were the way out at the time. Russia has been just as abusive to the population of Ukraine
@@Belenus3080 LMAOO fighting for independence by siding with
nazis is the funniest brain rot I've ever seen in the comment 🤣
you do know that the poles and ukrainians would be the next on the gas chambers had the red army loses.
THIS IS REAL HORROR! Not crazy people with chainsaws, knives, masks, creatures and ghosts from nightmares, NO! THIS! This is a real horror movie, because it shows what a monster a man becomes in war and what he is capable of doing. All war hawks should see this movie to see how evil war is !
А сейчас в Канадском парламенте хлопают этим нацистам
This is no place for your BS propaganda
@@Cinemaphile7783 but its true
Россия - это современные нацисты. Они говорят Украине, что она не заслуживает существования, и убивают людей. Они поступают с Украиной так же, как нацисты поступали с Белоруссией. Это безумие.
...а сейчас украинцам кое-кто говорит, что они низшая, выдуманная нация и их не должно существовать.
Поплач з цього приводу
august von meyer
this S.S. officer speaks just like Smootrich, or Netanyahu.
this is a show-movie about the dirlewanger aka criminal division they were notorious for being hated and doing stuff I cannot explain they were even hated by their own people aka the ss
this S.S. officer speaks just like Smootrich, or Netanyahu.
@@andresfelipeod6819 Netanyahu thinks Jews are subhuman and that communism is degenerate trash? Wow, I'm starting to like this Yahu
Kampfgrenadier....grenadier battalion, you call yourself. Well I'm afraid it's too late for you little wanna be Einsatzkommando
Its not a movie about dirlewanger. Its about human suffering in the East. The village burning is only a small portion of the movie and it was not only that brigade that slaughtered villages. The einzatsgruppen where much larger.
not only dirlewanger, things like that were happening both with any SS or Wehrmaht unit
some of the russian translations are wrong
0:17 why does he say "Typical German!"? Isn't he a proud German too?
I believe he is meant to be Estonian SS, some kind of foreign volunteer
@@PlasticSorcererTheOriginalwhy does he speak perfect German then? This movie makes no sense
He’s not a volunteer, he’s the SD Sturbannfuhrer and would definitely be German or Austrian. The Untersturmfuhrer is basically saying he’s acting like a stereotypical post WW1 German defeatist .
@@waffelmeister9477 He'd only be saying that if he was just not German, I doubt they'd make that line without some background knowledge
@@PlasticSorcererTheOriginal No, he's a German
Because the it's a Soviet movie
They made the German say "typical German" to tell the audience that the "typical" Germans were cowards which they were not
i feel like the whole movie could be considered a creepy scene
How sheltered does one have to be to consider this "creepy"?
It's probably creepy to those interested in history because it captures the zeal among the most fanatical of the SS who perpetuated atrocities in the East. In other words, it's a glimpse at real-life horror.
@@claudecarlyle9284 if you're this sheltered and emotional, you can't consider yourself interested in history. Learning history requires an un-bother-able mind, for that true history is cruel and unapologetically so. Stick to Netflix racial bending history if you fancy feel-good not disturbing black female overweight vikings.
In the translation I watched he says races instead of nations.
Why is he saying typical German to that guy? Is he not German himself?
If at first you don't succeed, fail and fail again.
For everyone who does the cringy thing of just dismissing this as "soviet propaganda", research the Katyn massacre and read "I am from the fiery village". No matter how much you deny it, this film is horrifyingly accurate to what actually happened there and this film is directly based on eyewitness testimonies of survivors. However if you want to say all the trauma they experienced is fake, go ahead edgelords. And no, this film isn't claiming "all nazis were sadists who laughed whenever somebody was killed", because this is depicting the dirlewanger brigade, which consists of people who weren't just any old nazis. The brigade largely consisted a r*p*sts, ped*s, and criminals. So in showing their sadism, it isn't generalizing all Germans as monsters. It's irritating to see all the people denying well researched, famous war crimes because nazis were "based" or whatever edgy kiddos like to say.
It’s crazy people call it propaganda when the Soviet government literally wouldn’t let Klimov make the film for like 8 years because it didn’t line up with their propaganda, he had to fight tooth and nail to get the film made
@@anatoldenevers237 Exactly! I forgot to mention that, but I'm pretty sure if it were just Soviet propaganda, the government would be WANTING it to be made.
The Stork and the always present aeroplane are creepy.
Typical Meyer W
In this scene(general in movie) was few ex-ss members or just ex-wermacht soldiers.
Интересный факт. Актёр действительно служил в литовских сс
Чё бля) он родился через 12 лет после окончания войны
@@richardbecker1884не этот, другой, который играл офицера со зверушкой на плече. Виктор Лоренц, был мобилизован в латышский легион СС, попал в фильтрационный лагерь после войны, но был помилован
@@richardbecker1884командир СС с лемуром (?) на плече на самом деле был мобилизован в СС в Латвии, пробыл в концентрационном лагере после, вернулся на родину и стал актером. К слову он был амнистирован после приказа от 1946 «О возвращении на родину репатриантов - латышей, эстонцев и литовцев», и в этом лагере он провёл совершенно недолго - был помещен после войны, в 1946 амнистирован, а уже в 1947 закончил 1-ю Рижскую среднюю школу.
What movie is this
Come and see.
@@WEMBLEYNE thank you
Come and see by Elem Klimov.
Погодите, это Алексей Шевцов?
Видимо сьемку вели через микроскоп.
Dude knew he was going to die and went hard as he could go with the evil genocide speech. Only one who went down with any ‘dignity’ in all fairness
Captured IDF solider explaining why he bombed that hospital with wounded children inside (2024, colourized)
Antisemite with the hyperborean pfp? Checks out
@@WizardofGargalondese they will call you an antisemite but never a liar...
@@dinarichyperborean1455 liar
@@WizardofGargalondeseSabra Shatila massacre proves otherwise
Can someone give me the context?
Captured SS soldier trash talking a bunch of soviet soldiers
Actually Comunism doctrine appeared in Eastern Prusia and racism was funded as a scientific discipline by the British to support their attitude towards the locals in the colonies, they had an institute for racial studies...
That’s pretty much right , Eugenics was developed in England as an offshoot of Darwinian philosophy and then took hold across Europe and especially in North America. It’s height was the 1900s to 1920s I think 🤔
@@goodnightvienna8511 I wish people would stop opening this one scene up to over analysis. It's very simple.
It's the final scene in an anti-war film where an ardent Nazi makes a speech and the officer in charge makes them listen in order that they realise why they are fighting! That's it, no more. It's supposed to be taking place in 1943 in Byelorussia and is based on the director's own experience so leave it there!
It has no bearing on any contemporary conflict or history.
It's a movie for duck's sake. Either watch it or don't
Oh my god, people think way too much these days. They're always trying to find common threads in everything.
Please stop with this analysis paralysis I beg you all🙏
@@Martin-R335 unfortunately it’s the directors choice of a constructive comment on Nazism . This is why made the comment about the book Ordinary Men in another comment , so people can actually learn rather than absorb this scene and move on . Also - apart from the Actions of the SD / SS in the film , this is the only time they speak about their actions. It’s the directors attempt at a critique on Nazi ideology. It’s arguably the most important scene. I agree there is much more to learn hence the book recommendation- to get out of the analysis’s also not a simple scene- there are many conflicting things happening in a ten minute section,summaries of conflicting ideologies,eugenics, foreign volunteers, the insanity of hate for hate’s sake, the attitude of Germany after defeatism set in after the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty. There follows another famous section- the montage of the rise and fall of the third Reich in reverse. This is an important scene and also confusing for some - why is one guy speaking Russian and claims to be ethnically Russian or Ukrainian , I don’t know, people are interested. Klimov would be glad we are picking this scene apart 40 years later . We can’t just watch it and move on unfortunately , the sheer scale of violence in the film is attempted to be explained by one of its exponents- ergo the scene, and the documumented victims, deserve a proper extrapolation.
Inspirational speech from meyer❤
all of the scene unless in the beginning is brutal and creepy,
Yeah I wouldn't have given him a quick death like the old man did
Jewish propaganda is shtronk in you.
@@onboardbasil Stalin's Russia murdered millions of their own population because of Bolshevism and were planning to repeat that in all of Europe, in fact Bolshevism wanted to subdue the entire world. They still pursue that goal, but now under a different name: Communism and have various names for their tactics how to achieve it: cultural Marxism, No Borders, No Country, Refugees Welcome, Antifa, No White Supremacy, Climate Change, LGBTQ, and many other idiotic projects with even more idiotic names, all with one purpose, to divide and destroy the current free thinking society.
Bro 💀
Who is Meyer? lmao
a proponent of very sensible policies@@Osterodes9336
@Osterodes9336 no enemy bomber can pass the ruhr. If one passes the ruhr you may call me Meyer.
@@Osterodes9336Oscar Meyer
Дк и по сей день ничего в головах объединенного "цивилизованного" Запада ничего в сторону Русских не поменялось. С той лишь разницей, что раньше им нужны были наши природные ресурсы за дешево, а сейчас им они нужны бесплатно, и без нас.
And now russians are nazis, and doing genocide in ukraine
Maybe Russia should stop acting today like Nazi Germany did in the past.
А Соловьев с его "генетическим кодом победителей" как то сильно отличается?
The west isn't very united, and what RT reports (not to mention the propaganda rags over here) is not reality. Truth of it is, we don't really have any issue with Russians. Some globalists jackwagons and their leftist muppets shout louder, is all. Actually I want oil drilled in my nation, you can keep yours. You'll need it more anyway, Siberia is very cold, very rich, and I can't think of any other people more suited to exploiting it than a Siberian Russian with a shot of the good stuff in him.
Комменты "из цивилизованного мира" под этим видео подтверждают твои слова.
Respect to the Soviet Union.
They have defeated the wolf that came to kill them.
Stalin was the savior of the nation and revolution.
Still they're not clean
Because they were allied with Germany until 1942 (Molotov Ribbentrop pact), they caused the Katyn massacre, they caused the Holodomor, etc.
1941, так как в 1942 Немцы дошли до Москвы (1)
СССР не был союзником Нацисткой Германии, ни в один исторический момент (2)
«Голодомор» (голод 33) являлся следствием революции, оно произошло во время «Великой Депрессии» от которых пошатнулись капиталистические страны, и в которых так же был голод, в это время все страны страдали от такого явления. (3)
Всего 3 ошибки в одном тексте, Катынский расстрел правда. Тем не менее стоит учесть, что в то время все страны совершали военную агрессию и геноциды, такое время было и продолжается сейчас, однако уже «пассивно».
Respect to the wolf for enduring several years fighting endless hordes of armed rapists.
I think this is the best scene
At least he is honest about how he thinks and feels
yoo is that officer shadder?
Creepy scene? The whole movie is creepy
Honour full officer German
This is what propaganda does to a person!! Pay attention and learn from this example
The Gigachad was right, look at what happened today
There ain't no way your defending this guy lmao 💀
ok edgelord
It's not about being edgy. It's being realistic. the Germanic race is literally better. @@jameshall401
@@ShortContent853 Balls You Said You Were The Killer Of The Fake Messah
When You Were Talking To That ESL
@@ShortContent853 better at what? destroying civilization?
Honestly if i were that evil id own it too
Same and sometimes even worse happened in Yugoslavia.
Yes , if you are referring to WW2 then there was a Hell Place called Jasenovac Concentration Camp, if you mean in the early 90s there were camps again also places women were held especially for the “use” of men. This was not even an established doctrine of the KL Nazi camp system although there were brothels so no better. All bad. Yugoslavia had a lot of history that exploded , and may do again.
@@goodnightvienna8511they played football. Tho serbs did mass starveCroats and Bosniaks in Trnovo and Omarska concentration camps in 1992. And were sentenced for genocide at the International Tribunal of Justice.
There is no creepy scene in Come and See. The film itself already is creepy
The german still has his watch, the russians would steal that in a heartbeat.
@@onboardbasilnothing to do with fair they already starving under their own government. Victims of both sides.
this S.S. officer speaks just like Smootrich, or Netanyahu.
That famous photo of the Red army soldier with a TT pistol in his right hand (known as "kombat" photograph) had to be extensively retouched because the guy had several German watches in each wrist... 😅😅😅
@@clifffff7630 perhaps taken from the dead hands of some german soldiers
@@clifffff7630Well no , the photo that was retouched was the one taken on the roof of the reichstag and it turns out the caucasian soldier had a watch and a military compass
This is what is happening right now in Gaza today
War is le bad?
He's talking sense.
This last scene essentially destroyed what could have been at least a coherent movie plot.
How did the partisans manage to capture these few Einsatzgruppen, if we´ve all seen them driving away from them, a scene before? Where were these partisans when the Einsatzgruppen shot all the vilagers? Why did they came after party was over?
I think they made this last scene for pure sensationalism alone, it doesnt make any sense if you think about it.
Makes no sense.
Adults can make more kids. Why would you allow them to live?
He seems like a fun guy, I'd like to have champagne with him.
But Putin said the same thing about Ukraine, right?
When did he say that? CNN heads
Putin keep saying Russians and Ukrainians are brothers even despite a bloody war.
Russian army have thousands of ethnic Ukrainians, Russian citizens as well as Ukrainian army have ethnic Russians.
It's not an ethnic war, but interstate and geopolitical war
Putin spoke about the artificiality of the ethnic group; “Ukrainian” has never been an ethnic marker. This is NOT nationality. “Ukrainian” has always been a territorial affiliation, such as “Sibiryak” from Siberia.
The radical authorities of Ukraine after the Maidan accelerated the media creation of “identity”, and in the worst possible way. In essence - the forced Ukrainization of the population. And large-scale Russophobia towards the Russian-speaking population. This is precisely what Donbass rebelled against. From which the hot phase of hostilities began.
@@АлександрАлександров-ж8б Siberian is the same identity. You're behaving like a Russian Nazi. Who are Chaldons? These are the descendants of northern colonists.
Since when? I may not like him but I don’t remember him saying that at all, it’s more like “something somehting, de-nazification” or whatever
Big planes go woompity boom vroom shpaaaaagh vsyoom pop........ .
Lay off the ketamine