When I first watched this I remember blaming the wife for the phone situation. She kept calling (I don't remember if she knew he was on a mission but she knew he left the boat).From what I remember he declined but she kept ringing him, knowing he was not on the boat and potentially on main land (which is around zombies). Pus if it is a zombie apocalypses and someone denies my call, I would assume for a good reason because zombies don't deny calls (so he must be alive but need quiet). Also Who decides to have a concert during the apocalypses. They were told they needed to keep quiet by Jerry but they didn't believe zombies could get past their wall.
The “traditional” slow zombies aren’t scary. As you said just briskly walk in the opposite direction. Running zombies are terrifying and I wouldn’t want to be in any situation with running zombies
Find it all scary as this shouldn't be happening. In the word we live with all the tv and movies, must of us should assume what is the correct thing to do, unlike when these monsters first came to mass media and ppl were still and dumbfounded. Fast offers no hope, slow zombies offer little hope IF they grow into uncontrolled numbers . . like a mass flu that turns a lot at once.
If it ever happened in real life, they would probably be fast zombies. If the zombie is spread like an infection, regardless of it keeps the victim alive & infected or if it activates after death, in both cases the victim wouldnt be degraded enough to lose their motor functions. That means they would be able to run as fast as they could before being a zombie. It would make sense that the zombie would use all available ability to infect other humans including full use of the victims physical attributes.
@@derekrulez390527when a organism dies, the cells die, meaning the muscles won't work for long, as they need oxygen and glucose and some salts and other minerals to contract. Zombies with them first dying cannot work. A virus that makes someone mad is possibly, we allready have these, see rabies. It brings aggression, and starts going out in the open. When normally animals would hide if they get sick. But rabies has a much slower incubation time and it doesn't really make the animal faster.
These zombies are the ones i fear the most. I mean theyre super strong, fast, agile, strong sense of smell, quick turning time, and loyal to each other andddd they have teamwork. Like damn imma just take a seat and wait
Not teamwork. None of the zombies work together or coordinate. They all zero in on the nearest target at the same time. Just like with sick people, they ignore each others. They climb whither Each other because they veiw the pile as an obstacle they need to get over.
But this also means they burn more calories, so they should die out faster. Plus if you can distract them with a loud noise then you should be able to escape easier since their running will be louder.
It’s the most realistic ones to. Then the last of us for say last of us zombies wouldn’t even bite in the first place but just stay still. I think y wojld be fine tbh. Couple ac-130s and we’re goof
If you can get out the city your odds increase from there being in the country will buy you enough time to survive while someone like brad pit figures out the weakness of the virus.
I would still enjoy my 3 Minutes of acting the hero. Hot take: Humans dont deserve to rule over this planet anyways (We wage unnecessary wars, exploit each other and destroy the planet)
@@DavidZichonWell duh, we're conscious beings. Even if humans aren't the animals that became intelligent, it'll still likely to end up the same, they'll still make CONSCIOUS decisions, good or bad, its their choice. But hey, we can learn and adapt, one day, qe might find a solution to these problems... or just overwhelm ourselves.
@@What_A_Great_Dude If only we would live in an anime, like Naruto, where there is one hero, that shows everyone the right way and everyone become friends
1:54 What did Pitt's character need to turn around to look in the back for when his wife was doing the exact same thing? He was driving at high speed through congested streets. Only direction he should've been facing is forward. How dumb.
In this situation, I guess the writer needed an excuse for Pitt's character to not see the incoming car so that they get t-boned and are forced to run on foot, that way the audience have a sense of sincerity and worry. Also, it's so the audience can see the brutality of these zombies as they get chased through the city. In my opinion, that's just lazy writing. They could've just had a zombie or random person jump on the hood of the car, which takes the MC's attention off the road for a brief moment, resulting in his family's car getting t-boned.
Looking in various directions in panic is a common action when a person's entire reality gets obliterated and replaced with utter horror worse than a goddamn motherfucking nightmare. Remember this when it happens to you and remain calm and calculated
unfortunately this is the one place meat shields wont work because a person that gets bitten turns in just 12 seconds so unless you are Usain Bolt ad can get out of there before the individual turns than you are just adding another problem to your already dire situation
Not only that, but the zombies also try to infect you, not eat you. So after the first bite, they already ignore the now freshly infected person instead of trying to eat it like quite literally any other zombie would
Don't know what it is, but the writing and presenting in this video is so much better than previous ones. It feels like an actual person talking to us, rather than simply reading off a script. I like it, keep it up!
24:39 this scene was set up so well. it would have delivered the same message if it panned to him being ignored. but they showed the kid actually prepare for a final fight possibly to give the others a chance to get away knowing he’s on terminal time. Nice little story they didn’t have to add but shoutout to those who caught that!
32:52 Turns out that Peter Capaldi there is credited as "W.H.O. Doctor". Two months later, the BBC announced that he'd be the Twelfth Doctor for Doctor Who, which the filmmakers knew ahead of time. Way to go, Mr. Eyebrows!
dude genuinely if a zombie apocalypse happened, i would find the nearest person with a gun and just ask them to shoot me. i do not have the willpower to survive, nor would i want to
My autistic-ADHD having ass could NOT even ATTEMPT to survive the zombie apocalypse. It'd be FAR too stressful for me. Unless it's those slow shambles you just briskly walk away from. Shaun in Shaun of the Dead sprinted through a whole horde of those things easily, so even a horde isn't too scary.
That's why you have to do something. Plot armor only works for main characters. Main characters must be the main plot of focus/action. If you sit back someone else would become the main character and then no more plot armor.
the zombies have proven to be quite resistant against physical damage, and the chance of not all zombies got sucked out the airplane during the explosion makes me wonder. How big is the plott armor of the dude and the woman that no zombie left in the plane survived or woke up before them.
@@JcoleMc I don’t think the problem is them carrying infections. It’s the mosquitoes themselves turning into Zombies. Imagine the amount of bugs that would be infected. If dogs, cats or other animals are infected then so can these pests.
The zombies in this are particularly tricky because of how fast they are and their horde instinct. The fact they can even climb walls that high and survive the fall is insane!
Everybody should know how viruses work. In the beginning it may take hours maybe days for the infected to succumb to whatever infection or show any signs of an infection, but, after a while the time gets shorter and shorter 12 seconds like Jerry saw. So patient zero and the doctor took longer and then people turned almost instantly.
The first time, after I saw the movie. I had a theory how the virus infects more and more people, the time of infection shortens, plus how it reaches warmer and warmer areas, the rate of infection, aggressiveness and durability increases considerably compared to colder climates.
no..... viruses mutate quickly, sure, but natural selection should cancel that out. (The zombie virus is so dominant it doesn't have much pressure to do that. If anything, taking longer to make people think they are uninfected is scary, which is how rabies works) I think it's mostly random chance (what strain of the virus, where you were bitten, how close is it to your blood stream).
Also just go to blacksmith and get armour, then cover ur body with multiple layers so zombies can't bite u anywhere, then go to the source of the problem which is usually a lab. Throw anything such as potions and everything at a captured zombie. Then connect the antidotes to bombs and blow them up. Congrats🎉🎉🎉 you've survived.
Armour restricts your movement. You will definetely die sooner or later wearing armor. The zombies will find a way to get that shit of or just break your ribs and skull or tear you apart
@@DavidZichon Not with their bare hands they won't. Plate armor is padded with thick cloth. The brightest minds and the fittest men of the medieval age have bashed against them and failed. A bunch of naked and unarmed crazy people isn't going to do shit. The real danger is getting pinned down, but that assumes facing an entire horde.
So you’re covered in armor and a zombie runs at you. Makes noise, others hear it and run at you, probably tackling you down. Now you’re sitting under a pile of zombies pummeling you while you sit in a hot suit of armor. Doubt you’d get very far or even close to the source without getting surrounded and this happening.
The first time, after I saw the movie. I had a theory how the virus infects more and more people, the time of infection shortens, plus how it reaches warmer and warmer areas, the rate of infection, aggressiveness and durability increases considerably compared to colder climates.
Blood moves at 3 feet per second in normal conditions, faster in high stress adrenaline fueled conditions. Chopping off the bitten limb would do nothing, especially for this virus that takes hold in seconds. Literally all he would've done is ensure the woman's zombie form was missing an arm.
I would drive away from the city and drive as far into the rural country where literally nobody lives. I'd try to go on a long road trip to the middle of the u.s to a state like Nebraska or somewhere in the mid west in the country side where there is literally nobody for miles and try to find some building somewhere to be able to crash at and wait it out.
Smart idea, except you and a million other people will have the same damn idea, traffic and clogged roads, govt and military blockades, ya unless ur in a desolate island surrounded by water, ur tickets punched
What you're missing is, people arent more resistant, the visus gets more rapid in transforming people. The earlier in the outbreak you go, the longer it takes to turn.
To be fair, fire and a clean headshot work to kill most things. And as someone who lived in Philadelphia, I can tell you that a cop taking out a side mirror and just plowing on isn't that unusual. Though I would like to know how you'd navigate those side-streets, as they're pretty much all one-way (and a huuuuge pain in the ass even when there isn't a zombie apocalypse).
My survival would depend on me learning of the apocalypse before my friends and family allowing me to leave before they arrive at my house. I own far more guns and ammo than I could ever carry myself and would need to leave behind so it's not like I would be completely abandoning them to their fate.
people never notice the sad reality, the kid from the apartment survived but his mom and dad were the first 2 zombies to come chasing after brad and get offd by the soldiers in the chopper, and they didnt even get a send off. its the reality of the situation
The thing about zombies is everyone forgets what a zombie is! A zombie is a dead person who has risen from their grave! Not a person which a disease, because that just a person with a disease
Now days they’d probably evacuate as many survivors as possible and fight the zombies with drones from a secure location. It’s crazy how much tech has improved even since then.
Tbh, if there was a zombie apocalypse, I would just wait it out, it is hard for zombies of any kind to infect and survive to that level - and, unlike in movies, THE MILLITARY AIN'T TRASH!!!
Watching TH-cam shorts for hours to develop Brain rot then you wouldn't have any brains for the zombies to eat. That’s how I’d beat the zombie apocalypse!.
At 23:00 you suggested using explosives....they wanted to travel quietly not draw the attention of the zombies, explosions defeat that purpose. Many of your points about certain courses of action they could have taken or why what they did was wrong ignored the aim of why they did it, or just ignore things presented in the movie.
@@bizmasterTheSlav, staying quiet without wasting resources would have achieved the same goal in this case, and the explosion would have just woken them up.
My only solution would be to find a boat dock on sea or a huge lake (and if there isn’t one then just leave your neck open and hope it’s over quickly) then either live on the boat if you chose the lake or find an island at sea, although this plan could go wrong in many ways (many ways which I’m too lazy to explain)
You do NOT need permission to chop off an arm of someone that gets bit by a zombie in an attempt to save them, especially when there's only seconds before it loses efficacy.
Hey “How To Beat” I have a suggestion for the future! Do the curse of La LLorona! :) It’s a movie about a lady who had lost her 2 sons by drowning them in a river. She then haunts families that have young children and scares them!
Kinda missed a few things focusing on Jer... Those grunts at the base in SK have been fighting for a while and surviving in that small area so they are probably out of HE and dont know what's going on besides what they have seen so how many people are going to volunteer to go make some noise off in another direction calling all the Zeds down on themselves just to help this shot in the dark mission that they don't know anything about... I have more but this is already a lot...
21:44 I put more blame on the wife, TBH. Knowing her husband was in that kind of a situation, but still calling anyway? Yeah, that was an even dumber move. But, yeah, they were definitely both at fault there.
Have a damn good day! ❤🩹
you too!
@@HowToBeatYT Yo, quick question, present day Chick-Fil-a or Taco Bell in it's prime?
Have a dame good day
@@HowToBeatYT how do you beat yt and what is beating yt?
Peashooters, sunflowers, and cherry bombs. That’s how I’d beat the zombie apocalypse!
But what about the wall-nuts? You need defence not just offence!
Another thing is watching as much as those kardashian-like reality TV shows, since then you wouldn't have any brains for the zombies to eat
Probably should pack some of those night ones as well because of the night time. Maybe water plants as well if you plan to go near water
I'd go with wintermelonpults and chillis instead
Dont forget torchwoods :D
When I first watched this I remember blaming the wife for the phone situation. She kept calling (I don't remember if she knew he was on a mission but she knew he left the boat).From what I remember he declined but she kept ringing him, knowing he was not on the boat and potentially on main land (which is around zombies). Pus if it is a zombie apocalypses and someone denies my call, I would assume for a good reason because zombies don't deny calls (so he must be alive but need quiet). Also Who decides to have a concert during the apocalypses. They were told they needed to keep quiet by Jerry but they didn't believe zombies could get past their wall.
True, fair point the Jerusalem one was just annoying
@@NightmareDomeyeah, the poeple in the Walls just died by their own stupid way
I was more on blaming him for not putting his phone on silent
@@gheata_playz874yeah he could've give info or heads up on where he or what's his doing so that the wife will know what to do
@@justanaveragenormalgamer1632 that's also another reason
The “traditional” slow zombies aren’t scary. As you said just briskly walk in the opposite direction.
Running zombies are terrifying and I wouldn’t want to be in any situation with running zombies
Same HELL no 😅
Find it all scary as this shouldn't be happening. In the word we live with all the tv and movies, must of us should assume what is the correct thing to do, unlike when these monsters first came to mass media and ppl were still and dumbfounded. Fast offers no hope, slow zombies offer little hope IF they grow into uncontrolled numbers . . like a mass flu that turns a lot at once.
If you dont know the zombie composition from Dying Light, then look it up, cuz the balancing ans lore is perfect
If it ever happened in real life, they would probably be fast zombies. If the zombie is spread like an infection, regardless of it keeps the victim alive & infected or if it activates after death, in both cases the victim wouldnt be degraded enough to lose their motor functions. That means they would be able to run as fast as they could before being a zombie. It would make sense that the zombie would use all available ability to infect other humans including full use of the victims physical attributes.
@@derekrulez390527when a organism dies, the cells die, meaning the muscles won't work for long, as they need oxygen and glucose and some salts and other minerals to contract.
Zombies with them first dying cannot work.
A virus that makes someone mad is possibly, we allready have these, see rabies.
It brings aggression, and starts going out in the open. When normally animals would hide if they get sick.
But rabies has a much slower incubation time and it doesn't really make the animal faster.
These zombies are the ones i fear the most. I mean theyre super strong, fast, agile, strong sense of smell, quick turning time, and loyal to each other andddd they have teamwork. Like damn imma just take a seat and wait
Not teamwork. None of the zombies work together or coordinate. They all zero in on the nearest target at the same time. Just like with sick people, they ignore each others. They climb whither
Each other because they veiw the pile as an obstacle they need to get over.
But this also means they burn more calories, so they should die out faster. Plus if you can distract them with a loud noise then you should be able to escape easier since their running will be louder.
It’s the most realistic ones to. Then the last of us for say last of us zombies wouldn’t even bite in the first place but just stay still. I think y wojld be fine tbh. Couple ac-130s and we’re goof
Biology doesn't support these type of zombies. Good for you.
To be honest the most scariest zombies should be either evolving or intelligent zombies and even worse than them are evolving intelligent zombies
I dont think we're beating this one boys
No sir 😂 we dead
@@Fallout3131nah this one’s easy to survive if you have aids
If you can get out the city your odds increase from there being in the country will buy you enough time to survive while someone like brad pit figures out the weakness of the virus.
@@socketyellow3 what aids????????
How to survive? Be the main character.
man understands
Director/author: I'm about to do a new move😈
Or have enough connections to him and pray it's not too little or to much. Oh, and bring plot armor.
Or avoid the main character
Or cameraman
"Finally I can escape my boring life and enjoy the apocalypse, killing some stupid zombies"
**zombie sprints through the window at 90mph**
I would still enjoy my 3 Minutes of acting the hero. Hot take: Humans dont deserve to rule over this planet anyways (We wage unnecessary wars, exploit each other and destroy the planet)
Sprint? Nah. Half of the time in this movie the zombies are leaping through the air like flying piranhas.
Sprit and kinds flying? Nah its them flying like they are plane+helicopter
@@DavidZichonWell duh, we're conscious beings. Even if humans aren't the animals that became intelligent, it'll still likely to end up the same, they'll still make CONSCIOUS decisions, good or bad, its their choice. But hey, we can learn and adapt, one day, qe might find a solution to these problems... or just overwhelm ourselves.
@@What_A_Great_Dude If only we would live in an anime, like Naruto, where there is one hero, that shows everyone the right way and everyone become friends
I feel like 99% of people would be dead within the first day 💀
it feels good being in that 1%😁
Wouldn’t even last a few hours bffr 😭😭
@@Chromium_az_egyetlen people who think they would be in the 1% usually are not in the 1%
Doesn’t anyone think how to beats laugh is so calming
I’d die the first seconds
1:54 What did Pitt's character need to turn around to look in the back for when his wife was doing the exact same thing? He was driving at high speed through congested streets. Only direction he should've been facing is forward. How dumb.
In this situation, I guess the writer needed an excuse for Pitt's character to not see the incoming car so that they get t-boned and are forced to run on foot, that way the audience have a sense of sincerity and worry. Also, it's so the audience can see the brutality of these zombies as they get chased through the city.
In my opinion, that's just lazy writing. They could've just had a zombie or random person jump on the hood of the car, which takes the MC's attention off the road for a brief moment, resulting in his family's car getting t-boned.
To further the plot lol
I mean it’s not totally unbelievable, he’s trying to help his daughters and isn’t thinking straight there
Looking in various directions in panic is a common action when a person's entire reality gets obliterated and replaced with utter horror worse than a goddamn motherfucking nightmare. Remember this when it happens to you and remain calm and calculated
its the car crash thing everyone looks
unfortunately this is the one place meat shields wont work because a person that gets bitten turns in just 12 seconds so unless you are Usain Bolt ad can get out of there before the individual turns than you are just adding another problem to your already dire situation
Not only that, but the zombies also try to infect you, not eat you. So after the first bite, they already ignore the now freshly infected person instead of trying to eat it like quite literally any other zombie would
The average athletic person can cover 100 yards 15-20 seconds that is not ideal but it much better odds
Don't know what it is, but the writing and presenting in this video is so much better than previous ones. It feels like an actual person talking to us, rather than simply reading off a script. I like it, keep it up!
probably the ripping into the protagonist😂😂
24:39 this scene was set up so well. it would have delivered the same message if it panned to him being ignored. but they showed the kid actually prepare for a final fight possibly to give the others a chance to get away knowing he’s on terminal time. Nice little story they didn’t have to add but shoutout to those who caught that!
Late as heck, but i thought that he was such a g for trying to fight back
i'd kill myself if i saw zombies start full sprinting while leaping over obstacles
Zombie running at you like it's the hurdles event in track and it doesn't miss a jump. You don't have time to sh!t yourself even
@@malpracticeoffices3622lmao if your good enough maybe you can jump onto a car(s) like subway surfers
@@WhyJustWhy-jo2fx Write that down that sounds like an awesome Subway Surfers clone
@@malpracticeoffices3622Damm. That can be Fire.
32:52 Turns out that Peter Capaldi there is credited as "W.H.O. Doctor". Two months later, the BBC announced that he'd be the Twelfth Doctor for Doctor Who, which the filmmakers knew ahead of time. Way to go, Mr. Eyebrows!
dude genuinely if a zombie apocalypse happened, i would find the nearest person with a gun and just ask them to shoot me. i do not have the willpower to survive, nor would i want to
So real I've always said if a zombie apocalypse happens I'm offing myself immediately
Nah yall come with me I gotchu
@@luiscuaraqui6321 hell nah
Same fr
My autistic-ADHD having ass could NOT even ATTEMPT to survive the zombie apocalypse. It'd be FAR too stressful for me. Unless it's those slow shambles you just briskly walk away from. Shaun in Shaun of the Dead sprinted through a whole horde of those things easily, so even a horde isn't too scary.
if i was a Brad Pitt i wouldnt do nothing because i know i have a plot armor
That's why you have to do something. Plot armor only works for main characters. Main characters must be the main plot of focus/action. If you sit back someone else would become the main character and then no more plot armor.
@@meeckeymouse8637 stop yapping
@@tachedpompano3171 He's right though
@@meeckeymouse8637Actually makes sense.
the zombies have proven to be quite resistant against physical damage, and the chance of not all zombies got sucked out the airplane during the explosion makes me wonder.
How big is the plott armor of the dude and the woman that no zombie left in the plane survived or woke up before them.
Funny how everyone forgets mosquitoes exist during zombie outbreaks, no one is surviving that shi😂😭
Why would you remind me :(
You know there are few diseases that spread through animals.
Mosquitoes dont spread viruses like that , so you'd be fine
@@JcoleMc Depends on the quantity needed to infect.
@@JcoleMc I don’t think the problem is them carrying infections. It’s the mosquitoes themselves turning into Zombies.
Imagine the amount of bugs that would be infected. If dogs, cats or other animals are infected then so can these pests.
Hella fast
Transforms instantly
Able to break glass
Uses the power of teamwork
Everyone would be toast 💀
SAHTAUE, w acronym for WWZ
Cap, im good
@@makaklappatf you mean
@@WhyJustWhy-jo2fx i would survive easily lol
The zombies in this are particularly tricky because of how fast they are and their horde instinct. The fact they can even climb walls that high and survive the fall is insane!
If I were Brad Pitt?????? I'd be having a damn good day despite the zombie apocalypse lmao
oh id die almost immediately, but i hear that watermelons, sunflowers and walnuts are great at zombie defence
this is the most underrated comment I've seen on TH-cam so far
Oh my gosh! I know these zombies well enough to know that it’s the strongest, fastest, smartest, most dangerous zombie virus I’ve seen.
5:48 that transition was clean asl
Everybody should know how viruses work. In the beginning it may take hours maybe days for the infected to succumb to whatever infection or show any signs of an infection, but, after a while the time gets shorter and shorter 12 seconds like Jerry saw. So patient zero and the doctor took longer and then people turned almost instantly.
That’s not how viruses work
The first time, after I saw the movie. I had a theory how the virus infects more and more people, the time of infection shortens, plus how it reaches warmer and warmer areas, the rate of infection, aggressiveness and durability increases considerably compared to colder climates.
no..... viruses mutate quickly, sure, but natural selection should cancel that out. (The zombie virus is so dominant it doesn't have much pressure to do that. If anything, taking longer to make people think they are uninfected is scary, which is how rabies works) I think it's mostly random chance (what strain of the virus, where you were bitten, how close is it to your blood stream).
Jerry leaving his ringer on his cell phone was one of the dumbest things I’ve seen anyone doing any of these movies.
Time to grow some plants
Like in plants vs zombies?
Also just go to blacksmith and get armour, then cover ur body with multiple layers so zombies can't bite u anywhere, then go to the source of the problem which is usually a lab. Throw anything such as potions and everything at a captured zombie. Then connect the antidotes to bombs and blow them up. Congrats🎉🎉🎉 you've survived.
Armour restricts your movement. You will definetely die sooner or later wearing armor. The zombies will find a way to get that shit of or just break your ribs and skull or tear you apart
You are both wrong what if the blacksmith is a zombie also A WHOLE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IS HAPPENING
Uh huh, and where is this lab? And which one?
Not with their bare hands they won't. Plate armor is padded with thick cloth.
The brightest minds and the fittest men of the medieval age have bashed against them and failed.
A bunch of naked and unarmed crazy people isn't going to do shit.
The real danger is getting pinned down, but that assumes facing an entire horde.
So you’re covered in armor and a zombie runs at you. Makes noise, others hear it and run at you, probably tackling you down. Now you’re sitting under a pile of zombies pummeling you while you sit in a hot suit of armor. Doubt you’d get very far or even close to the source without getting surrounded and this happening.
I’ve been waiting on this video since I started watching you like 2-3 years ago great vid man keep it up
1:30 pretty funny that truck appeared out of nowhere considering the both traffic lanes were stacked full of cars behind them.
when zombies sees a normal person : hmm! tasty. when zombies sees a person with sick conditions : Ew!!
Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard at the revelation that Gerry was the actual threat to society. Guess they should have named this movie World War G.
Being deaf in one ear, I'd be so useless as a zombie. Loud bang and I'd just be circling wondering where it came from 😂
My phone was dead today so i literally just watched this film while it was charging. Spooky as hell
love these videos literally be making my day that i got something to watch while i can relax and wind down keep it going love it
The first time, after I saw the movie. I had a theory how the virus infects more and more people, the time of infection shortens, plus how it reaches warmer and warmer areas, the rate of infection, aggressiveness and durability increases considerably compared to colder climates.
The ending rant was priceless 😂😂😂❤
@14:13 I like how he said “clean water” as he’s handed a beer! 😂
"Will you survive"
*Zombie start sprinting*
Me: "Nah I'd just give up and become one of them"
38:57 - This right here, is how i would feel if my family start saying im the first to go.
“I will remember that fondly…”
How to survive a zombie apocalypse
Step 1: *Grow a garden*
That machete would NOT slice that cleanly 😅😂 but good idea regardless
Blood moves at 3 feet per second in normal conditions, faster in high stress adrenaline fueled conditions. Chopping off the bitten limb would do nothing, especially for this virus that takes hold in seconds. Literally all he would've done is ensure the woman's zombie form was missing an arm.
After reading the book, i hated the movie direction and understand why brad pit hated it too.
I would drive away from the city and drive as far into the rural country where literally nobody lives. I'd try to go on a long road trip to the middle of the u.s to a state like Nebraska or somewhere in the mid west in the country side where there is literally nobody for miles and try to find some building somewhere to be able to crash at and wait it out.
It will be full of cars,zombies and people etc
Smart idea, except you and a million other people will have the same damn idea, traffic and clogged roads, govt and military blockades, ya unless ur in a desolate island surrounded by water, ur tickets punched
This movie was hands down my favorite zombie movie 🔥🔥🔥
Have you checked out Train to Busan? If not I recommend it.
@@paigeknight5844 oh yeah, multiple times, seen the sequel to it as well, Koreans do know how to make zombie movies, but World War Z I think is better
@@ShaquilleOnigg WWZ is shity as fuck... Read the book instead. That was good shit.
@@jeannedeaux540 bro, it’s my opinion, I can care less about yours 🤡
I can’t be the only one who got goosebumps at 18:11
The eye momevent literally scared and almost made me puke. That’s how good this movie is 😅
Most of the people will be safe today. With all those diseases they carry. Diabetes, cholesterol, etc
thats my excuse for being unhealthy
What you're missing is, people arent more resistant, the visus gets more rapid in transforming people. The earlier in the outbreak you go, the longer it takes to turn.
Bro I don’t know how he doesn’t have nightmares after he reviews these types of movies
To be fair, fire and a clean headshot work to kill most things. And as someone who lived in Philadelphia, I can tell you that a cop taking out a side mirror and just plowing on isn't that unusual. Though I would like to know how you'd navigate those side-streets, as they're pretty much all one-way (and a huuuuge pain in the ass even when there isn't a zombie apocalypse).
My survival would depend on me learning of the apocalypse before my friends and family allowing me to leave before they arrive at my house. I own far more guns and ammo than I could ever carry myself and would need to leave behind so it's not like I would be completely abandoning them to their fate.
I still can’t believe the scientist slipped and died
How to beat Cujo
How to beat Chucky in Child's Play and Child's Play 2
How to beat Night of the Living Dead 1990 remake
Infecting yourself with a different disease to avoid zombies is so bada$$
15:03 That "quite as possible'' gives me shivers for some reason
38:40 best part of the video
I could stay alive for a little while, I could know my way around a zombie outbreak
Am I tripping or did you already make an amazing video like this?
I believe so, yeah.
Or maybe it was just another channel with the exact same thumb actually.
I think you talking about why you wouldn’t survive “movie name”
@@socketyellow3 Exactly.
3:10 “a little zombie apocawipse” 😂
people never notice the sad reality, the kid from the apartment survived but his mom and dad were the first 2 zombies to come chasing after brad and get offd by the soldiers in the chopper, and they didnt even get a send off. its the reality of the situation
Don't worry for the kid, he probably died in the next 5 minutes. Not even enough time to cry about his dead parents.
@@jeannedeaux540 did you not watch the movie😭 he was adopted
The best thing about these Zombies is they won’t eat you alive, once you’re bit you’re infected. I call that mercy
What if I grabbed an RPG, brought Deadpool, made friends with Godzilla, and then proceeded to live in an underground bunker
Thanks for the advice, I will keep that in mind.
Roses are red, cactus are prickly, holy sh*t that escalated quickly
The thing about zombies is everyone forgets what a zombie is! A zombie is a dead person who has risen from their grave! Not a person which a disease, because that just a person with a disease
😂😂the ending bro is so me like just wait…imma be in fight & flight mode while everyone in my family tryna hide and tell others what to do
Now days they’d probably evacuate as many survivors as possible and fight the zombies with drones from a secure location. It’s crazy how much tech has improved even since then.
fr, drones would do wonders in these situations
My brother and I both have heart problems, so we'll just watch the rest of you run!
Tbh, if there was a zombie apocalypse, I would just wait it out, it is hard for zombies of any kind to infect and survive to that level - and, unlike in movies, THE MILLITARY AIN'T TRASH!!!
a lot of things changed since the last time I watched cinema summary
Love your videos!!!
Watching TH-cam shorts for hours to develop Brain rot then you wouldn't have any brains for the zombies to eat. That’s how I’d beat the zombie apocalypse!.
At 23:00 you suggested using explosives....they wanted to travel quietly not draw the attention of the zombies, explosions defeat that purpose. Many of your points about certain courses of action they could have taken or why what they did was wrong ignored the aim of why they did it, or just ignore things presented in the movie.
explosions can divert their attention from humans
@@bizmasterTheSlav, staying quiet without wasting resources would have achieved the same goal in this case, and the explosion would have just woken them up.
I could watch this movie a million times that’s how good it is 👏🏾👏🏾😌Nice work directors and actors
It's not that serious chill out bro
@@Boss_lord do you have a problem with me being excited
FINALY!!! A WORLD WAR Z VEDEO FROM THIS CHANNEL!!! I thought wwz don't exist in this channel..
4:51 Senator Armstrong comin' at ya! to make chick-fil-a GREAT AGAIN!!
no utensils only bare hands!!!
can't fret over every chicken!
I get nightmares and I get scared at night anytime I watch this channel but I still do it because it's so cool how he's so smart
How to survive: Be the Cameraman!
My only solution would be to find a boat dock on sea or a huge lake (and if there isn’t one then just leave your neck open and hope it’s over quickly) then either live on the boat if you chose the lake or find an island at sea, although this plan could go wrong in many ways (many ways which I’m too lazy to explain)
You do NOT need permission to chop off an arm of someone that gets bit by a zombie in an attempt to save them, especially when there's only seconds before it loses efficacy.
Hey “How To Beat” I have a suggestion for the future! Do the curse of La LLorona! :) It’s a movie about a lady who had lost her 2 sons by drowning them in a river. She then haunts families that have young children and scares them!
20:07 captain plot armor💀
27:30 Don't use gas, use diesel. Gasoline will evaporate at any temperature abobe -45 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Have a damn good day
I remember watching this in the cinema and there was such a burst of laughter during the scene with Chompy the Zombie.
Keep up the great work
Kinda missed a few things focusing on Jer... Those grunts at the base in SK have been fighting for a while and surviving in that small area so they are probably out of HE and dont know what's going on besides what they have seen so how many people are going to volunteer to go make some noise off in another direction calling all the Zeds down on themselves just to help this shot in the dark mission that they don't know anything about... I have more but this is already a lot...
Finally you did world war z 😊 thanks to you
seriously the "I've gotta hand it to ya Gerry" was a slick one. @ 25:12
21:44 I put more blame on the wife, TBH. Knowing her husband was in that kind of a situation, but still calling anyway? Yeah, that was an even dumber move. But, yeah, they were definitely both at fault there.
No like and 1 comment lemme fix that
If we ever get the world war z zombies in real life, humanity is toast.
5 minute trophy 🏆
37:24 "Hopefully he didn't inject himself with the Bubonic Plague." 💀
Can you make a video on how to beat i am a hero?
It's another zombie film
Bro i love this channel. U make videos so interesting and fun to watch
Glad you enjoy it!
Day 10 of asking how to beat to do the anthology horror movie Hollidays
Lol dude had a personal vendetta against zombies at the end of this video. The headlock 😂